Lena State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping. Lena Basin: Waterway of North-East Russia Administration of the Lena Basin of Inland Waterways

In 2013, the Federal Budgetary Institution “Administration of the Lena Basin” celebrated its 75th anniversary. Lena is one of largest rivers Russia. And it is impossible to imagine it without railway workers, who, despite the difficulties and difficulties, successfully cope with the tasks of maintaining internal waterways and ensuring the safety of navigation in the Lena basin.

Non-standard navigation

Day and night, ships sail along the Lena and its tributaries, where every meter has been trawled by the railway crews, and the navigable coastal and floating conditions are exposed, illuminated in the dark. They protect difficult sections of the river - shallows, rifts, rapids. Wayfarers... People, without whose work shipping would be complicated and sometimes impossible.

About what worries the basin's railway workers today, how navigation on the most complex northern rivers began and is going on, how the northern deliveries are going, without which the life of dozens of towns and cities in the largest region of Russia is unthinkable, what the hydrology has developed on the rivers of the basin this year, how the tasks of Rosmorrechflot are being carried out , - in an interview Head of the Federal Budgetary Institution "Administration of the Lena Basin of Inland Waterways" Pavel Snytko.

Pavel Vladimirovich, what targets for this year were set for the Administration and what navigation features would you like to note?

2013 is an anniversary year for us. The Lena Basin Administration operates on an area of ​​more than 4 million square meters. km, in six independent river basins located in the territories of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Irkutsk and Magadan regions, Khabarovsk Territory, which occupy one fourth of the territory of the Russian Federation. The total length of exploited waterways is 21,724 km, which is almost 1/5 of the length of all waterways in Russia.

The 2013 navigation included 10,989 km of waterways, of which 3,700 km were illuminated, 2,931 km were reflective, and 2,556 km were unlit. In addition, 1,802 km of waterways without guaranteed dimensions are served. The planned volume of dredging work is 3,700 thousand m3 of soil.

The Lena Basin and the Lena River are practically the main waterway for the entire northeast of the Russian Federation. It is of particular importance for the life of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). And the work of river transport and the fulfillment of tasks for the northern delivery of goods directly depend on the quality work of Lena railway workers. In preparation for navigation in 2013, we prepared the required number of track, technical and auxiliary fleet, which is more than 2010 units.

If we talk about the progress of navigation in 2013, then in general we can say that there are no identical navigations. The Yana River has always been distinguished by a unique combination of different and often non-repeating hydrological and physical indicators. Navigation in 2013 began at low water levels, ice drift was difficult, with delays, and in the mouth area it was delayed for up to 10 days.

Navigable depths established themselves in the second five-day period of June and lasted, with short breaks, until the end of the month. In July, almost the entire month, the depths, with short breaks, were navigable. But after August 27, an intensive decrease in levels began, and by August 10, the levels reached the design values, and the depth in the Nizhneyansk - Ust-Kuiga section approached the minimum guaranteed, 160 cm. Due to the continuing decline in water levels, the Administration of the Lena Basin decided to introduce a restriction on draft for the transport fleet operating on the Yana River, which operated from August 17: on the section of the mouth of the Adycha River to the village of Ust-Kuiga - until August 22, and from Ust-Kuiga to the village of Nizhneyansk - until August 26.

Navigation conditions on the Yana are currently acceptable, but how long they will continue depends largely on weather conditions. Frosts have already begun on the soil and, as a result, a decrease in water flow.

This year, timely dredging work on the bar of the Yana River made it possible, by the beginning of Arctic navigation on July 20, to ensure depths in the slot not lower than guaranteed and from August 15, with the exception of 2-3 days, after storms and strong driving winds, the depth in the bar slot is maintained more than 300 cm.

Navigation on Indigirka also developed very difficultly. The river was cleared of ice 12 days earlier than the long-term average values. On the most difficult section for navigation from Krest-Major to the village of Khonuu, high levels water and, of course, very high, up to 17 km/h, current speeds, at which it is extremely difficult for the transport fleet to operate.

The setting at the Indigirka bar is open on July 20. To develop the bar slot, we left the Indigirka dredger here in 2012. The planned volume of dredging work is determined to be about 700 thousand m3, but the abnormally long, more than 60% of the time, action of strong eastern winds does not allow dredging work to be carried out.

This is repeated year after year with slight differences. In order to reduce risks and dependence on the weather, we are already moving the Lensky-1021 dredger to the Indigirka bar, and this is a shallow dredger with a mechanical ripper, and we hope that its work will be successful.

Since the spring, due to increased water content, high water levels and favorable navigation conditions have been established on the Kolyma River, and only in September in the area above the village of Zyryanka, low-water conditions and navigation depths close to the design depths began.

Ice drift on the Lena this year also took place in more early dates, for 1-5 days. But the hydrological conditions of the “upper” (Upper) Lena developed according to an unpredictable scenario. Immediately after the spring flood, which occurred at average water levels, shallow water set in. And by the second half of July, water levels approached the design values. We carried out the required amount of dredging work, but low water availability during this period led to the fact that already from August 4, the depths were at the maximum guaranteed, and from August 7 we were forced to announce a draft limit to the transport fleet. Today, extremely unsatisfactory navigation conditions remain, the depth in the area from Ust-Kut to the mouth of the Vitim River is 15-40 cm lower than guaranteed. A similar situation was observed in this area in 2003.

This year, as always, navigation on the Vilyui River developed unconventionally. Already in July, the depths on this river were less than 150 cm, and currently they are only 80-100 cm. Timely organizational decisions, well-coordinated work of railway workers, hydrologists and the transport fleet made it possible to introduce almost the entire planned volume of general life-sustaining cargo, making full use of minimal natural resource.

Favorable navigation conditions remain on the remaining navigable rivers of the Lena basin - Vitime, Olekma, Aldan.

- What work has been done by the institution’s specialists as a foundation for future periods?

During the navigation period of 2013, channel studies of the Lena, Markha and Yana rivers were carried out, monitoring of the state of depths along ship passages on the bars of the Yana and Indigirka rivers was carried out. On a section of the Lena River with a length of 1633 km from the city of Olekminsk to the village. Jarjan electronic navigation maps have been updated. Working materials have been prepared for the creation of electronic navigation maps of the Yana River on a section of 124 km from the city of Verkhoyansk to the village of Batagai and the Markhi River on a section of 160 km from the village. Malykai to the mouth of the Markhi River.

The problem of monitoring water levels at river mouths has been partially solved:

During the second navigation, an automatic water gauging post (AWP) operates at the bar of the Yana River. In this navigation, the WUA is moved closer to the offshore section, which makes it possible to monitor sea level, which has a large influence on the depth of the slot.

An automatic water metering station was installed at the bar of the Indigirka River. Using this water gauge, one can judge the depths on the bar, which significantly improves the information content.

An automatic water metering post is needed at the bar of the Lena River. The downstream water station. The column reflects the river regime, and the marine regime of the river mouth is not controlled.

The processes occurring in the estuary area of ​​rivers are very complex and depend on variable combinations of many different natural factors, the main of which are: river flow, river sediments, surge phenomena, wind waves, ice processes, water salinity, permafrost and seasonal freezing .

The level regime of the water areas of the mouth bars of the Lena, Yana, and Indigirka rivers is determined mainly by marine factors: the influence of fluctuations in the river's water content is less significant due to their smoothing towards the bar crest. Thus, the level regime of the mouth bar is determined primarily by surge fluctuations in sea level.

The need for on-line information about water levels and depths for the functioning of electronic maps is great, and automatic water gauges are necessary to obtain such information.

- How do the institutions resolve issues related to renewal, modernization and repair of the fleet?

Tightening requirements for the technical condition of the fleet, as well as the current operation of obsolete ships exceeding their standard service life, necessitate modernization and renewal of the fleet.

The average age of the vessels of the Federal Budgetary Institution “Administration of the Lena Basin” is more than 25 years, and therefore the issue of updating the vessels of the technical fleet (situation, dredging, environmental) is urgent.

The Federal Budgetary Institution "Administration of the Lena Basin" has the ability to build tankers, tugs, environmental and environmental vessels on the basis of its branch - the Verkhne-Lensky district of waterways and shipping, located directly on the Lena River.

The institution plans to carry out work within three years to comply with the requirements of the technical regulations regarding the installation of a double bottom and sides of 9 units of the tanker fleet, since oil transport vessels that do not meet this requirement will not be able to operate after December 31, 2014. In addition, it is planned to carry out overhaul and modernization of 4 units of the environmental fleet. The long-term plans of the institution until 2020 include the modernization (overhaul) of 7 units of the dredging and construction fleet. The implementation of these activities will require significant financial resources.

In 2014, it is planned to carry out a major overhaul of a towing vessel of the M-PR class of the Russian River Register, built in 1968 for work on the bar sections of northern rivers. In addition, there is an urgent need to carry out full-scale renovation and modernization on this vessel, the cost of which, according to preliminary estimates, could be about 30 million rubles.

Based on the current technical condition of the fleet, to bring it into serviceable condition, it is necessary to carry out major overhauls of hulls on 5-10 ships annually, and replace auxiliary and main engines that have exhausted their service life on 10-15 ships. For these purposes, an annual allocation of funds of at least 150 million rubles is required.

It should be noted that in order to carry out high-quality repairs of ship hulls, major repairs of diesel engines, ship mechanisms and electrical equipment, it is necessary to modernize the repair bases (points) of the institution by updating the machine park and equipment.

At the same time, carrying out major repairs of ships cannot replace the need to build new ships. Currently, there are positive changes in fleet renewal, for example:

During navigation in 2013, according to the target program of the Federal Agency of Maritime and River Fleet, 3 motor ships of class P1.2 of the Russian River Register were built. By the end of this year, another furnishing vessel is planned to be commissioned. In total, 6 fleet units are planned under the target program (5 units with class P1.2 and 1 unit with class O-PR2.0);

The Federal Agency for Maritime and River Fleet signed a contract for the development of a technical design for a new marine dredger of the M-PR2.5 class of the Russian River Register, intended for operation on the bars of Arctic rivers serviced by the Federal Budgetary Institution "Administration of the Lena Basin".

- How are personnel issues resolved, since currently the personnel problem is one of the most pressing for all basin departments?

We literally attract workers from all over the country to the Lena Railway Fleet. And during the 2013 navigation year, almost all of our ships were completed. The level of average monthly wages for sailing crews increases every year in accordance with regulatory documents approved by government decree. I would like to note that over 100 cadets from various educational institutions of water transport in the country undergo practical training annually on the ships of our institution.

Each employee plays a role in the stable operation of the institution. Not forgetting this, the Federal Budgetary Institution “Administration of the Lena Basin” is constantly working to increase social guarantees for employees as the financial situation of the organization improves. Thus, over the past three years, employees of the institution have had the opportunity to receive compensation for the cost of sanatorium-resort treatment (up to 70% of the cost of the voucher), including for children, reimbursement of interest on mortgages, real estate loans, interest-free loans of up to 500 thousand. rubles for the purchase and construction of housing, financial assistance in difficult life situations, as well as purchase products of own production for personal use at a price of 50% of the cost. In addition, funds are allocated quarterly for cultural events (River Day, closure of navigation, New Year, Spartakiad).

- Thank you.

Security is system control

Sergey Kiselev, first deputy head, captain of the Lena basin of the GDP

Time flies quickly. We have just managed to talk on the pages of the newspaper “Morskie Vesti Rossii” about the changes that have taken place in inland water transport in connection with the creation of the institute of river basin captains of the GDP and the state port control system, and we are already noting that we have a year of life and work behind us, and we can see what happened during this time in our professional lives.

So, in order. The region that covers the Lena basin of the GDP is very vast and has a peculiar feature - a long winter and a very short navigation period - from May to October, with both the beginning and the end being incomplete months. The more severe is the burden on each participant in the transport process on the GDP - both railway workers, shipowners, and everyone associated with the operation of vessels, including experts of the Russian River Register, and inspectors of the Civil Procedure Code of the basin administrations of the GDP and Rosmorrechnadzor and other structures related to this process . Therefore, after the completion of navigation in 2012, an analysis of the work of the IGPC was carried out, and comments and suggestions that emerged during the implementation of orders of the Ministry of Transport were taken into account. An analysis and systematic nature of the violations was carried out, which clarified the picture of the attitude and reaction of shipowners to changes in the water and technical equipment, and the competence of company personnel, both shipboard and shore.

During the preparation for navigation in 2013, this information was brought to the attention of shipowners, and it must be said that the work was not useless - shipowners and their personnel showed their attitude towards the operation of ships. And it became clear: in matters of safety, there is no criterion based on the size of the company - there are responsible shipowners and there are those whose fleet requires increased attention from regulatory and supervisory authorities, i.e. There must be a systematic approach to complying with legal requirements before the management personnel of such companies meaningfully understand this.

In March 2013, the Federal State Institution “Lenskoye GBUVPiS”, due to the provisions of the Internal Water Transport Institution of the Russian Federation, was renamed the Federal Budgetary Institution “Administration of the Lena Basin of Inland Waterways”, and the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport agreed on an amended version of the institution’s charter and a structural diagram, which practically does not has undergone changes, in which the captain of the Lena Basin, being an official and heading the state port control inspection, organizes and controls the activities of the following structures of the Lena Basin Administration:

State Port Control Service;

Ship Registration Department;

Department of seaman's passport, certification and certification;

Vessel traffic control service in the basin.

The structural diagram of the Civil Procedure Code of the Lena Basin Administration has not changed and includes territorial inspections in the port of Osetrovo (branch in Kirensk), the port of Vitim (branch in Peleduy), the port of Yakutsk (from Olekminsk to the village of Bykov Mys, with the organization of on-site inspections on the Vilyuy rivers , Aldan, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma during the navigation period).

The Civil Prosecution Service, which carries out the general management of the inspection, has organized operational interaction with the service dispatch control ship traffic, ship registration department, seaman's passport department, certification and certification, communications, radio navigation and information service. The 2013 navigation began with 11 inspectors (although the staffing level of the entire service should be 27 people). This is due to the shortage of qualified personnel in the region, primarily in the navy, and high requirements for applicants for the position of inspectors. The task of receiving them is a very serious one, because the result - the level of safety in the pool - depends on the knowledge, experience and professional skills of the inspectors.

As of August 30, 2013 (exactly one year of operation of the inspection), the inspection of the State Inspectorate of the Lena Basin of the GDP carried out 749 inspections of ships and other floating objects, identified 1,919 comments, and temporarily detained 125 ships. As before, the main reasons for detentions are: lack of ship documents on board (Article 14 of the KVVT), emergency rescue equipment and supplies, fire-fighting equipment and supplies, crew manning according to minimum strength certificates, condition and maintenance of ship machinery. On-site inspections on the Aldan, Vilyuy, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma rivers showed that this approach to work has every right to life, given limited quantity fleet on these rivers and the rotation of inspectors in areas.

First of all, inspections were carried out on passenger ships, on ships carrying dangerous goods, and on ferry crossings.

The mechanism for conducting inspections is determined by the governing documents of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and is tested by life. I think this will be assessed by inspections of the heads and specialists of the structural divisions of Rosmorrechflot, which are carried out in river basins.

It is noted that shipowners and ship captains treat the inspections with understanding and do everything in their power to eliminate the identified comments and violations of mandatory requirements that ensure the safety of crews and river fleet vessels.

Because of this, shipowners began to pay more attention to the safe operation of ships, the requirements of Art. 34 paragraph 2 and art. 34.1 KVVT.

In anticipation of the end of the 2013 navigation, it is planned to hold events aimed at discussing the activities of the SGPC based on the results of work during the 2013 navigation period, as well as holding seminars with shipowners of the Lena Basin, aimed at improving their activities in ensuring the safe operation of the fleet.

I will express my personal opinion that the early implementation of a safety management system (SMS) will serve as the next logical step to improve the level of safety of navigation on inland waterways. The above reasons for the detention of ships will appear as a violation of operational procedures, and an overdue date for the survey of the vessel will be a non-compliance with the SMS. Now there is a positive tendency of the river community to keep the bar of navigation safety requirements at a good level, and this good impulse must be maintained.

Marine News of Russia, No. 14, 2013.

website– The tangled story of the mysterious disappearance of federal millions seems to have finally come to its logical end. Back in 2012, the East Siberian Investigation Department for Transport opened a criminal case into the theft of budget funds allocated to the administration of the Lena basin of inland waterways, the newspaper writes “ Yakutsk Evening“.

The amount of stolen goods was stated to be as much as 300 million! The investigation dragged on for almost four years, and only at the end of the day it became known that it had ended. Today there are already four defendants in the case (initially there were only two) - three businessmen and one director of a government agency. But for some reason the amount stolen decreased noticeably. From 300 million to 100...

This story began with a statement former director LBVU Yuri Dolzhenko. True, then everything turned against him.

So, in 2009, the head of the Lena Basin Department of Waterways and Shipping, Dolzhenko, ordered the Anabar dredger to be sent to build an underwater pipeline in Sakhalin. Despite repeated bans from the authorities, equipment belonging to the republic was rented out. It later turned out that the government’s fears were not in vain: during a storm, the dredger received a hole and sank. But that’s not all: it turned out that after the crash, part of the equipment on the ship was stolen. In the end, it was no longer possible to restore the looted and broken Anabar. Responsibility for the destroyed property of the republic was placed entirely on Dolzhenko, who was soon fired.

Outraged by this turn of events, the director tried to be reinstated in the service through the court, but lost the lawsuit. Then Dolzhenko wrote a statement to the investigative authorities against the new director. He was accepted for consideration, but in addition, the work of the now former manager was also checked. Dolzhenko did not live to see the investigation officially charge him. He died in 2012 at the age of 67.


The investigation into this case lasted 50 months. All this time it wandered from department to department. At first, the investigation was carried out by transport police officers, then it was transferred to the East Siberian Investigation Department. The last to take on it were employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

Charges brought against:

- Pavel Snytko, the current head of the administration of the Lena basin of inland waterways” under Part 4 of Art. 160 (“Embezzlement”), Part 2, Art. 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Legalization of funds or other property acquired by a person as a result of committing a crime”);

- Vitaly Zabelin, General Director of Yakutmotorservis LLC under Part 5 of Art. 33 (complicity in a crime), according to Part 4 of Art. 160 (“Embezzlement”), Part 2, Art. 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Legalization of funds or other property acquired by a person as a result of committing a crime”);

- Marat Karapetyan, General Director of PSF Orbita+ LLC under Part 5 of Art. 33 (complicity in a crime), according to Part 4 of Art. 160 (“Embezzlement”);

- Evgeniy Dzhirov, director of VostokSibStroy LLC under Part 5 of Art. 33 (complicity in a crime), part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Embezzlement”).

So what did all these people do? In 2009–2010, under the federal subprogram “Inland Waterways,” 329 million 999 thousand rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the reconstruction of correctional facilities in the Lena Basin. The amount is colossal. And, apparently, the management of the waterways administration did not want to spend them for their intended purpose. How to write it off? I had to use my imagination. Current repairs of the Lena basin structures are carried out annually and are part of the main activity of the enterprise.

According to the conclusions of the investigation, the conditions of the government contract auction were created for a specific participant. The first agreement was concluded by Yuri Dolzhenko with businessman Karapetyan. After his dismissal, this scheme was repeated by the new director Pavel Snytko with entrepreneur Dzhirov. As a result, the entire allocated amount for the papers was disbursed and divided. The administration reported to the supervisory authorities that the work had been done. But in fact, they were replaced by construction and installation work of similar scope and content, carried out by a branch of the institution - the Kirensky District of Waterways and Shipping. Moreover, these works were paid for from current budget funding.

The only difference is that the late Dolzhenko did not take much for himself, but directed most of the money to the development of the enterprise - he built houses, hospitals, and helped the team. But Pavel Snytko, in this regard, I think the operatives, was greedy. The money received under the federal program was transferred to the accounts of two companies: PSF Orbita+ LLC and VostokSibStroy LLC, as well as to the accounts of LBVU as extra-budgetary funds. Investigators were able to establish that part of the money out of 300 million - 113 million - was soon stolen.

Straightening structures are hydraulic structures designed to regulate river beds (flow regulation).


As part of the inspection, employees of institutions that accepted work from the contractor VostokSibStroy LLC were interviewed. People testified that they did not go to the sites and signed documents in the offices at the request of Chief Snytko. The one-day companies with whom subcontracting agreements were concluded were located in Yaroslav. Comrade Zabelin was looking for them. Their representatives did not even come to Yakutsk. But the leadership of the administration of the Lena basin of inland waterways stubbornly believes that they did not do anything seditious.

During the investigation, both participants in the criminal case, Snytko and Jirov, were actively sued Arbitration Court. They filed lawsuits against each other in order to receive court decisions recording the absence of claims and financial demands against each other. At first, it was about the unjust enrichment of the administration of the Lena basin of inland waterways. Then the additional agreement to the government contract was declared invalid, but in the end both parties entered into a settlement agreement that mutual claims were settled.


Now the criminal case is in the Prosecutor General's Office. The final decision on it will be made by Deputy Prosecutor General for the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Gulyagin. It can be noted here that if the supervisory agency sends the case for additional investigation, then it can be safely buried. In principle, this is apparently what the accused are hoping for. As of today, the unsinkable Snytko has not even been fired from his post of director - he is officially on vacation until February. The Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport, which was the manager of the stolen funds, refused to make claims at the investigation stage. They stated that they would think about it only when the court verdict came into force. Pavel Snytko flatly refused to comment.

We did not find Evgeniy Dzhirov in Yakutsk. But I managed to talk with his defense attorney, who is also confident in his client’s innocence.

Pavel STATSENKO , lawyer Evgeniy Dzhirov:

Jirov was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. In general, this is a disease of the investigative authorities in that they do not distinguish legitimate business activities from crime. They continue to live in Soviet times, when speculation was illegal. In this regard, there are a number of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, which indicate that the alleged acts relate to legitimate business activities. The indictment has not yet been filed. The case has been sent to the prosecutor's office, and it still needs to be approved. Personally, when I got acquainted with the materials of the criminal case, I did not see any evidence of guilt at all, not only of my client, but of all the defendants in the criminal case.


As part of the criminal case, all property and accounts of the suspects were arrested. The total amount arrested was about 80 million rubles. It is clear that entrepreneur Jirov had a lot of good things. The total value of the property was as much as 50 million. These are apartments in Yakutsk, Moscow and the Stavropol Territory. A plot of land in Yakutsk and several parking spaces in Moscow. But there is only one car - a 2010 Kruzak.

The second entrepreneur, Zabelin, did not have any apartments in Yakutsk. All his property in the form of land plots and apartments is located in the Yaroslavl region. Here he only has a plot of land on the Khatyng-Yuryakh highway.

But it turns out that the director of the administration of the Lena Basin of Inland Waterways, Pavel Snytko, has no registered property. He rents an apartment. But he was surprised by his bank accounts. The director of a government agency keeps all money in foreign currency - euros and dollars. About 50 thousand dollars and almost the same amount in euros. Not bad for a budget employee.

A funny story happened with the arrest of a Lexus owned by businessman Karapetyan. He didn’t want to part with the car so much that he decided to “urgently” sell it before the bailiffs arrived. He sold a car worth four million for only 300 thousand rubles to his friend.

Nadezhda SIVTSEVA.

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10 comments to “Millions of the Lena basin of inland waterways floated away”

    Sent Sergey (26.12.2016)

    Why is the investigation going so slowly? To the newspaper “Yakutsk Evening” - thank you, Obedin was a big fan. It’s all true. However, in the LGBU teams they know about everything from the very first gestures of the fraudulent bosses, but neither the authorities of Yakutia nor the prosecutor’s office of Yakutia , nor the River Transport Agency in Moscow see anything special. Snytko and his first deputy Lavrukhin, by order, install navigation devices from the company of IP Snytko, i.e., their personal company, on the ships of the LGBU (budget money for themselves and the company in Krasnodar region Abinsk - being liquidated) they are opening a semi-legal workshop for the construction of high-speed boats on the basis of the state enterprise YARVP and S, for this you need money, where can you get it. And it’s very simple - to cut the wages of workers, arbitrarily, without explanation, without orders. At the same time, workers are forced to buy tools with their own money because nothing arrives at the workshops (keys, taps, tools, drills, cutters and a whole lot of everything, and much more. It seems to us that the managers sent from Moscow are implementing financial theft schemes on instructions from above. So how long?

    Sent (12/26/2016)

    Current repairs of correctional structures on the inland waterways of the Russian Federation have always been carried out on their own (by the waterway districts). The dredger carries out dredging of the ship's passage, the scow transports the soil removed from the water to the floating crane, which fills the structure. Then the structure can be leveled with a bulldozer, the slopes, head and roots can be strengthened with something. The technology is very simple. Control over the filling (repair) of straightening structures was always carried out under the supervision of track superintendents and workers of survey parties. The volume of work performed can be checked using the log books of dredgers, scows and cranes. Finally: the scope of work can be confirmed instrumentally (geodetic measurement). VV In Soviet times, correction work was carried out this way. When I worked at FBU ALB, I never heard of any fraud. They just worked hard and nothing more.

    Sent Valentin. Naberezhnye Chelny. Former employee of the Federal Budgetary Institution “Adm. Lena Basin. Worked for GDP for about 30 years. (26.12.2016)

    About the allegedly large accounts of P.V. Snytko: 50 thousand dollars and approximately the same amount in Euros is approximately 6.5 million rubles. Agree that for the head of a huge enterprise (about 3,000 employees), the amount is not that big. In addition, we must take into account that P.V. Snytko is already well over 50 years old, his many years of work (for several years he sailed on tankers abroad, worked as a manager (deputy) at other enterprises...).

    Sent Sergey (26.12.2016)

    Valentin, don’t mislead people. You couldn’t know where, by whom and when Snytko worked, since he was on the Lena for only 7 years, and you were 30, you were in the North (if you really were), and he was on the Black Sea in the DZAO .Where did you intersect with him so closely, and then from the Novorossiysk media you can see what he (Snytko) did there. Personal enrichment at someone else’s expense is his credo.

    Sent Vladimir (26.12.2016)

    Salaries do not grow, but decrease. Salaries are increased, (legislation obliges) everything else is cut. This is the total amount that will decrease. The colpit also stands still. Food prices have almost doubled, and the colpit is 20 rubles higher. It's a long way from Moscow. According to the established procedure in Russia, complaints from higher-ranking bodies are returned to the person they complained about with the resolution “sort it out.” The circle has come full circle. Good specialists quit. There is a demand for them in other places as well. Everything is slowly falling apart.

    Sent Vladimir (26.12.2016)

    IT’S 2018, but the website keeps putting the date at 2016. People come from other regions to work and when they see the “graveyard of dead ships,” half of them immediately go back or after completing one navigation.

    Sent Sergey (26.12.2016)

    Valentin, perhaps I was not restrained, sorry, but I have been at the Leningrad State Budgetary Institution since 2017. suddenly, unexpectedly, without explanations or orders, the wages of workers decreased by as much as 20 thousand, i.e. the command staff of the courts from 70 thousand to 50 thousand, I repeat, without explanation, limits have been established (illegally) according to which no matter how much the employee overworks, and this happens during navigation, accruals are not made to the employee according to the time sheet, only within the limits of the invention limit. The salary that you mentioned was 100,000 rubles for the commanders of the ammunition, now everything has changed for the worse in all respects.

    Sent Valentin. Naberezhnye Chelny. Former employee of the Federal Budgetary Institution “Adm. Lena Basin. Worked for GDP for about 30 years. (26.12.2016)

    Good afternoon, Sergey. There is no need to apologize. Each of us should have our own opinion. 50 thousand rubles. for command personnel in Yakutia this is not a salary. Now in the West they earn 50. Work in the navy in post-Soviet times has become less prestigious, and in recent years I would call it (the work) an experiment in survival, and the workers participating in this production process as experimental subjects. And as we know, the main task of the experimental subjects is to survive!