How long is the marathon distance at the Olympic Games? What is the marathon distance? Preparing for the race

Marathon running is one of the most popular athletics disciplines. The first person to run the marathon was Pheidippides, a Greek messenger who, after defeating the Persians, was sent with a message to Athens to tell about what had happened. Legend has it that when he got there, he shouted “We won!” and fell dead.

The length of the marathon distance is 42 kilometers 195 meters - officially adopted in 1921 by the IAAF federation.

Marathon and Olympic Games

Marathon running has been included in the program of the modern Summer Olympic Games since 1896 and was first held in Athens. Initially, only men participated in the competition, and only in 1984 women were allowed to participate in this difficult discipline.

The most fast marathon runner Kenyan Dennis Kimetto was recognized, who showed a phenomenal result at the Berlin Marathon on September 28, 2014, covering the distance in just 2 hours 2 minutes and 57 seconds.

Among women, the best result of 2 hours 15 minutes and 25 seconds was shown by Great Britain's Paula Radcliffe on April 13, 2003 at the London Marathon.

Features of the marathon and preparation

Running on long distances requires the athlete’s body to be highly prepared not only physically, but also morally and volitionally. The main feature and problem of ultra-long distances is mental fatigue due to monotonous and constantly repeated actions.

In this discipline, temperature is an important component. So, if the air temperature is above 28 degrees, the start may be cancelled. The ideal temperature is 14-18 degrees, which allows the marathon runner’s body to function most favorably in terms of results.

Heaviest load marathon running has an impact on cardiovascular system. Therefore, marathon runners have increased heart volumes relative to an untrained person. This also suggests that runners have a lower heart rate. Some athletes' heart rates drop below 45 beats, which is normal for a runner.

During the distance, the body wastes large number water (approximately 4-6 liters) and energy substances. During the distance, body temperature rises. Therefore, along the route there are food points approximately every 5 kilometers. Products located at such points are artificially saturated with various substances that are actively wasted when running. The same applies even to water.

An important substance for marathon runners is glycogen, which accumulates in the muscles and serves as the best fuel. Also important element– hemoglobin, which is the oxygen reserves in the blood. If the content of these substances in an athlete’s body is too high, he may not be allowed to participate in the race or be disqualified.

The number of calories burned every hour is 600-800 kcal/hour.

Preparation for a marathon usually takes six months. During this time, the athlete performs loads of varying degrees of severity and direction. For example, in one training session he can run the entire marathon distance, in another - 12 km at a fairly high pace.

Besides physical activity the preparation process includes psychological preparation. The main goal is to develop the athlete’s strong-willed qualities at the subconscious level.

If we talk about preparing for long-distance running specifically, the program should include the following points:

  • Long and short training within a week
  • Rest
  • Interval training
  • Strength training

The preparation process is not limited to running alone, but includes training in gym and even massage.

It follows from this that preparing for a marathon requires a high level of training. Moreover, not only physical, but mental and regulatory.

Best result in the marathon

The fastest marathon was achieved by the Kenyan athlete Eliud Kipchoge, who completed the classic marathon distance in 2 hours and 24 seconds. The race was held as part of a promotion from the major sports equipment manufacturer Nike.

The goal of the race was for the athlete to be able to show a result of 42,195 meters in less than 2 hours, which no one had ever managed to do. But, alas, Eliud Kipchoge failed to show a historic result. Only 24 seconds separated him from history, which on the scale of a marathon seems like an insignificant trifle. But in this case, even 1 second or a hundredth of it would ensure failure.

However, the result was better than the world record set by Dennis Kimetto - 2 hours 2 minutes and 57 seconds. But it will not be counted, since the race was held in special conditions created by a team of Nike specialists.

Firstly, the race took place on the Formula 1 track, although according to the regulations, marathon running takes place only on a highway.

Secondly, and more importantly, Eliuda Kipchoge, Zersenai Tadese and Lelisa Desisa were preceded by pace cars, which significantly reduced air resistance and made the job easier for the runners.

Thirdly, a car was driving nearby, on the roof of which a special stopwatch was installed, which showed the required pace to cover the distance in less than two hours.

The result shown in such conditions cannot be recognized as a world record, but, nevertheless, the attempt was worthy, and it was not enough.

An interesting fact is that Adidas is ready to improve the result, but according to the company’s representative, the race will take place in natural marathon conditions. And of course, Adidas has its own team of athletes who are preparing for the race.

Time will tell who will be the first marathon runner to break 2 hours. But for now we have the following:

World record in marathon

As everyone knows, running distances are logically divided into short, medium and long. The discipline of ultra-long distance running stands a little apart.

Sprint races for short distances do not exceed 400 meters. In medium distance running up to 3,000 meters, may include a variety of disciplines, including steeplechase. Engaging exclusively in short-distance sprinting is the lot of Olympic professionals due to its specificity.

Long distance running

We are interested in long-distance running, which, according to generally accepted opinion, begins after 3 km, or rather, 2 miles = 3,218 meters. However, we all love marathons to category long distance running are not officially included, because they are held not at the stadium, but at outdoors. Therefore classical marathon distance 42 km 195 m It's simply called a "marathon".

Popular long-distance running disciplines included in the programs of the Olympic Games and World Athletics Championships are 5 000 And 10,000 meters. Please note that running distances for which competitions are held inside the stadium are usually measured in meters. At the same time, such outdoor races are measured in kilometers.

When the conversation turns to starting running, what we mean is distance running. Up to participation in amateur marathons. It is thanks to him that we radically change our lifestyle and with our feet we create excellent conditions for the healing of the whole body. Long distance running is of interest to anyone who struggles with... overweight, stress or strengthens your cardiovascular system and immunity. Sometimes it is simply called - long run.

Marathon. History, distance and rules

The meaning of the word “marathon” comes from the name of the Greek city of Marathon in Attica and is associated with the legend of a Greek warrior who ran to Athens with news of victory. However, according to historians who dug up documentary sources, this was not entirely true and not quite there.

But this did not prevent the marathon from being included as a discipline in the Olympic Games and the first official race being held along the Marathon-Athens route in 1896. True, this distance fits into 34.5 km. In general, the distance of the first marathons varied quite a lot, both downward and upward. And only in the 1920s did it settle down and was officially accepted as 42.195 km.

Modern rules dictate that the marathon is held on asphalt roads. But there are a huge variety of cross-country races, sometimes with quite difficult terrain and in extreme conditions, also called marathons. Even though the distance may differ greatly from the generally accepted one.

Half marathon

There is another one of the most popular distances - half marathon. Accordingly, this 21 km 97.5 m. The half marathon is one of the significant points in the training of amateur runners, who just a few months ago could not run even a kilometer.

At almost any running competition, half marathons are also held in parallel with the marathon for those who find it too difficult to run the full distance. Among runners, a half marathon is simply called half.

Ironman triathlon running

The marathon is an integral third element of extreme triathlon competitions Ironman. Accordingly, after a 3.8-kilometer swim (sometimes in icy water) and after a 180-kilometer road cycling race, to bear the title “ iron man", you still need to run 42 kilometers. A good result will be if you do it within 12 hours. But for starters, it would be great to even get to the finish line.


Special running discipline - ultramarathon. There are no clear restrictions: anything over 42.195 km is an ultramarathon. And although the most frequent competitions are held at distances 50 And 100 km, often ultramarathons are first laid out on the map, and then they look at how many it turned out to be. The duration of such titanic tests can last more than one day, and in the most unsuitable conditions for this.

Almost all ultramarathons are closely related to such a discipline as trailrunning, because most of the routes run over rough terrain.

After the first purposeful and conscious run in your life, it’s hard to resist setting sports goals. And if at least one of them is achieved, then the person can no longer be stopped. And that's great. But if running has an exclusively health-improving purpose, then you shouldn’t once again cross the line of your capabilities and throw yourself headlong into extreme loads.

The marathon, a discipline of athletics, is a race over a distance of 42 km 195 meters (26 miles 385 yards). The largest and most respected competitions are held on the road, but marathon starts on rough terrain and in extreme conditions are also known.
The road marathon has been an Olympic track and field discipline for men since 1896 and for women since 1984.
Half marathon distance, half marathon - 21 km 97.5 m is also a popular distance in road running, where individual races are held and world records are recorded.


The length of the run was not initially fixed, since all that mattered was that all athletes ran along the same route. The exact length of the Olympic marathon depended on the route chosen at the respective Games.
The length was chosen quite arbitrarily. At the first Olympic Games it was equal to 40 km. The starting point for the 1908 London Olympics was moved from 25 miles to royal family could comfortably watch the run from the windows of Windsor Castle to the mark of 26 miles 385 yards (42 km 195 meters). At the next Olympics in 1912, the length was changed to 40.2 km, in 1920 a new change to 42.75 km. In total, at the first seven Olympics there were 6 different marathon distances from 40 to 42.75 km (40 km was used twice).
The final length of 42.195 km was established in 1921 by the International Athletics Federation (IAAF) as the official length of the marathon.
Since the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, the men's marathon has been the final event of the athletics program, finishing at the main Olympic Stadium, often several hours before closing or even as part of the Closing program. Fidelity to this tradition was emphasized in 2004, when the marathon from Marathon to Athens ended at the Panathinaiko stadium, where the very first olympic marathon in 1896.

Nowadays it is very popular to run marathons, we recommend that you buy a hoodie - this universal piece of clothing will help out in any weather. Comfortable sweaters will help you feel as comfortable as possible in any situation.

Competition rules

The rules for holding marathons are subject to general rules IAAF for road running. World records and others highest achievements recorded down to the second. The recommended elevation difference on a distance certified by the IAAF should not exceed 1/1000, that is, one meter per kilometer. The distance must be measured with an accuracy of 0.1% (42 meters).
Marathon races in commercial marathons are usually run using a mass simultaneous start system. However, in fact, it is impossible for all participants to cross the starting line at the same time. Therefore, at AIMS-certified races, the organizers supply participants with special electronic chips that record the time they crossed the start line. For each finisher, not only the fact of finishing is taken into account, but also intermediate results, etc. “gross” and “net” time: from the moment of start and from the moment of crossing the starting line, respectively. The official time is “gross”.

World records

World records were not officially recognized by the IAAF until January 1, 2004; before that, statistics were kept on the “best marathon results.” The marathon distance must meet IAAF standards for the best performance to be recognized as a world record. However, marathon routes still differ greatly in profile, altitude and quality of surface, which makes the comparison insufficiently objective. As a rule, marathons that take place on flat terrain, low above sea level, in comfortable weather and with the participation of pacemakers (runners who set the pace of movement) are the fastest.
The world record for men - 2 hours 3 minutes 59 seconds - was set during the Berlin Marathon by Ethiopian runner Haile Gebrselassie on September 28, 2008.
The world's best result among women was shown by Paula Radcliffe from Great Britain at the London Marathon on April 13, 2003 - 2 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds; this time is shown with the help of male pacemakers. The world's fastest time among women without men - 2 hours 17 minutes 42 seconds - was also achieved by Paula Radcliffe at the London Marathon on April 17, 2005.
The marathon places serious demands on the physical condition of participants. In order to achieve high results, the organizers choose best time start and distance profile.
It is believed that optimal temperature for a marathon about +12°. Temperatures above +18° are already considered dangerous for some categories of runners, and at temperatures above +28° it is recommended to cancel the start. However, some competitions (for example, the Omsk Christmas Half Marathon) are held at significantly lower air temperatures (down to -39° in 2001).
Most of the world's prestigious marathons are held within major cities who suffer from air pollution problem. It is not advisable to start early in the morning, since it is in the morning that the concentration of smog at the surface of the earth is high and only with an increase in temperature it gradually rises with air currents during the day. The usual start time for commercial marathons in the morning is approximately 8:30-11:00 am.
When conducting marathons in the program of non-commercial competitions, the start time is tied to the general competition grid and the opening and closing ceremonies. In this case, the start can be given in the afternoon.
Famous marathon races
About 800 marathon races are held annually in many countries around the world.
The most popular and prestigious Boston Marathon, New York Marathon, Chicago, London and Berlin are part of the World Marathon Majors series; they host World Cup stages for professional marathon runners. The number of participants at the start reaches 30 thousand or more people. Other famous marathons take place in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Washington, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Rome and Paris.
The world's largest marathon races pay high, by athletics standards, prize money to the winners. So, for example, the general prize fund The Boston Marathon totaled $796,000 in 2008, with $150,000 paid to the winner.
Commercial marathons are open to almost everyone and all you need to do is go through a simple registration procedure. For amateurs, it is considered an honor to simply take part in such a prestigious start, together with leading athletes, joining the world athletics movement.

Both professional athletes and ordinary long-distance running enthusiasts can conquer the marathon distance; the main thing is to know the main features of this sports discipline. The 42 km marathon is the most popular among runners. Here you can show all your skills and abilities. Many professional athletes overcome this distance every day

Now similar marathons are periodically held on various continents. Anyone can take part, the main thing is to submit an application on time and submit all the necessary documents to the organizers. Many people sign up as participants in such marathons in advance and then purposefully begin to prepare for this event several months before the start.

Long distances are considered prestigious in sporting circles, which is part of the reason why the 42km marathon is so popular among runners. Over the long years of the existence of this discipline, several records have been set, including by age, by time and related to the physical characteristics of the body.

In 490 BC, one of the largest military confrontations between the Greeks and the Persians took place in the struggle for the independence of ancient Greek civilization. The battle took place near the small town of Marathon, located approximately 42 km from the capital of Greece - Athens. When the battle was over, one of the soldiers was sent to the main headquarters in Athens to report the Greek victory. Pheidippides ran the whole way without stopping, exhausted from thirst and exhaustion. Having come running, he only managed to shout about victory, after which he fell dead.

The general public learned about this story only more than 500 years later. The legend was described by the famous ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch in one of his works “The Glory of Athens”. In fact, this story is considered a fairy tale or simply an embellished chronicle of real events.

Plutarch retold in his own words the events that were once described in the works of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. He was practically a contemporary of those years and had the opportunity to make notes based on the stories of direct participants in those military events. According to him, Pheidippides served as a messenger and during the battle he was sent for help from Athens to Sparta, that is, he had to cover a distance of about 230 km without long stops. According to stories, the messenger managed to run in two days, after which he died.

From the point of view of the veracity of history, Herodotus' version sounds more preferable. However, now, speaking about the origins of the marathon distance, everyone remembers exactly the version described by Plutarch. This explains why the marathon is 42 km, and not the same 230 km. In addition, stayers run such distances with great optimism.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. The famous French figure Michel Breal made a proposal that the marathon distance be included in the upcoming competitions. This idea was happily supported by the first founder of the new Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin.

The race did not take place in the stadium, but along the famous route between Athens and the city of Marathon. Then Spiridon Louis won, who was subsequently perceived as a national hero in his homeland in Greece. At that time, the marathon distance was 40 km, Louis showed a result of 2:58.50 hours. Having correctly distributed his forces along the distance, he was able to come first due to the fact that the athletes who were in the lead could not maintain the fast pace and left the race.

Women were able to take part in the marathon for the first time in 1984, when the 23rd Olympic Games took place in Los Angeles, USA.

Since the first Olympic Games, it has been customary to put marathon running at the end of the entire competitive program. Sometimes the race is held a few hours before the end of the Olympics, but it also happens that the marathon ends right during the closing ceremony of the Games. Required condition is that the finish must be on the territory of the stadium, where all competitions were held athletics. It is noteworthy that this tradition is still followed. For example, during the 2004 Olympics, the distance and, accordingly, the finish line exactly corresponded to the first marathon in modern history in 1896.

Video motivation for a 42 km marathon:

Features of the marathon

Initially, at the first Olympic Games the distance was 40 km, but then in 1924 it was decided to make the marathon 42 km 195 m. This distance length is official, certified by the International Association of Athletics Federations, and cannot be less than or exceeded by more than one tenth of a percent .

Officially established world records were not taken into account by the world organization IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federation) until the end of 2003. The International Association of Marathons and Endurances has insisted that IAAF representatives pay attention to long-distance races and begin to keep statistics on victories and established records, otherwise they would keep their own list. Thus, the marathon became generally accepted sports discipline, whose records began to be recognized by the world organization in athletics.

For a new world record to be recognized, the course must fully comply with the rules and regulations established by the IAAF. Despite this, currently marathon distances differ quite greatly from each other depending on the place where the races are held. Elevation changes, road surfaces, weather conditions - all this does not make it possible to objectively evaluate the athletes’ results. As a rule, there are a number of components that make a marathon the most effective.

A significant role in long-distance running is played by the so-called pacemakers - athletes who set a certain running pace. For example, in 2003, Paula Radcliffe became the best among women at the London Marathon. Then she ran the distance, accompanied by male pacemakers, in 2:15.25 hours. Without their participation, she covered this distance in 2:17.42 hours. The difference is quite significant for marathon races, but both results became world records among women.

Among men, athletes from Ethiopia and Kenya are considered the best marathon runners. 10 most fast runners from these countries. Best results Here was shown by Kenyan Dennis Kimetto, who was able to run the Berlin Marathon in 2:02.57 hours. Basically, athletes show all the most significant results in Berlin or London. Marathons in Dubai, Rotterdam and Chicago are also popular among women.

Despite the difficulty of the distance, the 42-kilometer marathon has gained its popularity among both professional athletes, and among amateur runners. Many outstanding marathon runners undertake such races not only with the goal of setting another world record, but also in order to take part in various charity events.