If you want to eat, drink water. “If you want to eat, drink water, if you really want to eat, go to bed.”

- The downside of losing weight for me is that I started to feel cold. When my family and I went to the sea, I couldn’t stand being in the water for longer than 5 minutes. At night, everyone sleeps naked, and I cover myself with two blankets. Once I went to the beach in socks because it was cold. My husband says I scare people away, he laughs. 40-year-old Oksana Naumchuk from Ternopil.

The year before last she weighed 130 kg. I lost weight to 62.

- Friends won't know. I sell toys at the market, regular customers come up and take a closer look: there was such a woman selling here. At first I explained that it was me. Showed the photo. And now I don’t say anything - I’m tired of it. But I carry an old photograph with me. Once at the clinic they didn’t want to give me a certificate for my daughter. They say: let mom come, - he takes out his passport from his bag and shows the first page. There's a full-cheeked blonde in the photo. - Really, it doesn’t look like it? This is a completely different person.

Oksana Mikhailovna meets you at the entrance of her house - a new building in the Solnechny microdistrict. We don’t call the elevator; we go up the stairs to the apartment on the sixth floor. In the living room, on the table by the sofa, there is a bottle of liquor and an open box of candy. There are three pieces missing.

- The day before yesterday I celebrated my 40th birthday. The candies just sit there. I don't want them. They did this to me. For the guests, she prepared everything as it should be - almost all salads with mayonnaise, stuffed potatoes, cabbage rolls, pancakes with meat, broth, meat. I can taste it when I cook it and then spit it out. I know that I can't do this.

The hostess lays out old family photographs on the table. In them she is in the body, wearing loose-fitting clothes. The son, daughter and husband are also overweight.

- For the sake of my daughter, I started losing weight. Alina’s kidneys were treated with hormones at the age of 6, and since then she began to gain weight. At school they called her a stove, she didn’t want to go there. I would return home from classes and go to bed, never going out. She wore robes like grandmothers. At first I was blind. My husband and mother said that something needs to be done with her. But for me she was normal. At the age of 12, she lost her period. An ultrasound showed that there were four or five cysts on the ovaries. We went with her to the endocrinologist, there she undressed, stood on the scales, and I saw the light - my child weighed 126 kilograms.

The doctors told me to go on a diet.

- Before this, my daughter had already tried to lose weight. I ate buckwheat with kefir, but lost it. I sat on the water for 21 days, lost 6 kilograms, and then ate 16. I remembered that I read in the newspaper about the system of nutritionist Vladimir Mirkin. I contacted his representatives in Kyiv, then called him in Moscow. He dictated what to eat. We started the diet on March 28 - a week before Easter.

Every other day they drank only a liter of kefir and a liter of water per day. On another day, you could eat 300 grams of meat, 130 grams of salad for lunch, 250 grams of the first salad without potatoes, 200-300 grams of fruit, 50 grams of bread. All side dishes and sweets, mayonnaise, and raw smoked sausage are prohibited.

- Before that, I went to bed at 11 o’clock to watch the series, took a bag of sweets and ate half the bag in one episode. During the night I drank a bottle of cherry or cola. Cream cakes were my weakness. All this is prohibited. The rule was this: if you want to eat, drink water, if you really want to eat, go to bed.

In the first month, the mother lost 16 kg, the daughter - 11.

- She said that Alina was eating up something because she had lost less. At first I ran after her around the house. As soon as the refrigerator opened, I was in a rush to make sure I didn’t grab something. We came to the supermarket, my daughter pulled me into the meat department. He says: “Look, mom, this is what 4 kilograms of fat look like. And I’ve already lost 11.” After that, I realized that she would not break the diet.

Oksana is dressed in skinny jeans and a dark cherry blouse. Throws on an old jacket.

- This is terrible,” he wraps the outfit around himself twice. - My stomach was down to my knees. Now I am glad that there is no hanging skin left anywhere.

Several dozen people copied Naumchuk’s diet regimen.

- I recently asked one neighbor if she had sat down yet. He answers that he’s waiting for now, because it’s her husband’s birthday soon. I know for sure - she won’t sit down anymore. My son and husband are also not ready for this diet, but I can’t convince you.

The daughter and mother continue to lose weight.

- My daughter’s periods returned and the cyst disappeared. She is not visible at home, she is meeting with a guy. He is 173 centimeters tall and weighs 65 kilograms. Wants to drop to 55.

Cities and regions July 4, 2019

This is not an accident, but a planned repair

Residents of the city and those who enter it from the bridge over the river. Zeya noticed an impressive pile of soil located on the roadway. There are ways around it, but this creates certain problems for drivers.

The head of the city of Zeya, Sergei Gibadullin, explained that Zeya Heating Networks are carrying out scheduled pipeline repair work in this section. The work schedule is being maintained, and after completion the passage will be open.

Russian Post is changing phone numbers

According to the chief specialist for corporate communications of the Office of the Federal Postal Service (UFPS) of the Amur Region, from July 5 in the Amur region, Russian Post will switch from fixed-line communications to IP telephony.

Thus, from the specified date, the enterprise will operate a single city number 8 (416-2) 49-43-72, followed by dialing the number of specialists or connecting to the Customer Support Center. The recruitment procedure will change not only in the Federal Post Office, but also in the Blagoveshchensky, Belogorsk, Svobodnensky, Raichikhinsky, Zeysky and Tyndinsky post offices.

Summer smile

Residents of Zeya and the Zeya district are invited to the flower exhibition "Summer Smile". The exhibition hall, together with artists and craftsmen of our city, prepared an exhibition. It will feature bouquets of fresh and dried flowers, floral still lifes and compositions. You can also admire the floral works of masters of decorative and applied arts, made in techniques such as bead embroidery, satin stitch, paper wicker weaving, suite design, beadwork, straw applique, crocheting, flowers made of nylon, foamiran, cold porcelain.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on July 6 in the exhibition hall at the Energetik House of Culture. Starts at 14:00. Admission on opening day is free.

(According to the correspondent “ZVS”).

Cities and regions July 2, 2019

Entry to the crash area is closed

Three days before the launch of the launch vehicle from the Vostochny cosmodrome, an examination of the area where the first stages fell is ongoing. The purpose of the action is to remove people who may be there from the dangerous zone.

The Zeya District Emergency Situations Commission is introducing restrictions on citizens visiting the area where rocket fragments fell.

Let us remind you that the launch of the Soyuz-2.1b rocket is scheduled for July 5 at 14 hours 41 minutes 46 seconds local time.

On special vehicles

As part of the regional project "Older Generation", the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Amur Region held two auctions for the purchase of 10 units of vehicles to create 10 "Mobile Brigade" services. The vehicles are intended to deliver people over 65 years of age living in rural areas to medical organizations for medical treatment. additional screenings to identify certain socially significant non-communicable diseases.

Cars are equipped with an electric lift with a control panel for lifting wheelchair with a passenger and equipped space for transporting wheelchair users, there are eight passenger seats equipped with special seat belts.

Five cars will be distributed to the southern regions of the Amur region, five to the northern ones.

No cards

Russians no longer need to have a bank card in order to receive a salary on it. And money, according to Central Bank employees, can be transferred to an employee by phone number. A person can receive cash from any bank he chooses. The innovation will work on the basis of the Central Bank’s fast payment system.

At the same time, some experts are inclined to believe that this method of receiving wages may not be convenient for everyone. After all, many citizens pay for purchases in stores with cards. In addition, problems may arise for those who indicate work phones as numbers for enrollment, or want to change the SIM card, or re-register.

Natural versus substitutes

Yesterday new rules for the sale of dairy products in Russia came into force. Now, as the Kommersant newspaper reports, it is much easier to distinguish high-quality dairy products from products with a milk fat substitute.

From now on, stores are required to place dairy products made with vegetable fats separately from those made without them. Moreover, products with substitutes must be placed on the display case so that it is clear that they do not belong to the category of dairy products. Dairy, dairy products and milk-containing products will be displayed in display cases with the accompanying inscription “without milk fat substitute.”

(According to the correspondent “ZVS”).

News of the Amur region

    Account opened for victims in the Irkutsk region

    An account has been opened in the Government of the Amur Region for the transfer of funds to provide assistance to flood victims in the Irkutsk Region . The recipient of the funds is the Ministry of Forestry and Fire Safety.

    Governor of the Amur region Vasily Orlov asked to help the flood-affected Irkutsk region.

    The government of the Amur region is negotiating with the government of the Irkutsk region about the region’s need for construction materials and other types of assistance to residents affected by the disaster. As First Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Polovaikina explained, these needs have not yet been calculated. In addition, there are difficulties in delivering aid in this form to the affected areas. “Therefore, we decided to collect funds, accumulate them in one account and transfer them to the affected region,” said Tatyana Polovaikina.

    Information about the need of the affected region for other material assistance will be provided additionally.

    Details for transferring funds from legal entities and individuals to provide assistance to citizens affected by the emergency situation in the Irkutsk region in June 2019.

    Recipient:Ministry of Finance JSC (GKU “Amur Center for Civil Protection and Industrial Safety”, l/s 05928238861)

    INN 2801102671

    Gearbox 280101001

    BIC 041012001

    Bank Branch Blagoveshchensk

    account 40302810600004000001

    Purpose of payment: Voluntary donations to provide assistance to citizens affected by a natural and man-made emergency in the Irkutsk region in 2019.

    OKTMO 10701000

    KBK 000 0000 0000000 000 000

    In the Irkutsk region, the flood began due to heavy rains. A state of emergency was introduced. According to the latest data, 20 people died. About 3.5 thousand residential buildings in 31 settlements were flooded. In total, almost 2.6 thousand people were evacuated from dangerous zones, including almost 600 children.

    For the benefit of man: how the Far East is developing today

    Igor Semyonov, Amurskaya Pravda dated March 29, 2019

    The average salary in the Far East was about 50,000 rubles. The average resident of the Far East earns almost 6 thousand rubles more compared to the average Russian.

    According to the Ministry of Eastern Development, the average salary in the Far East was 49,797 rubles (an increase of 10.8%), while in Russia it was 43,400 rubles (an increase of 9.9%). This gap is not accidental. In the Far Eastern federal district, where special measures of state support for investors have already been taken and special conditions have been created for the development of the economy, the model of large-scale development of the social sphere continues to develop. At the end of last year, industrial production growth in Russia amounted to 2.9% (2.1% in 2017) from 2.1%. The regions of the Far Eastern Federal District also contributed to these indicators.

    The development strategy of the Far East, which previously lagged behind other regions of the country in some indicators, is gradually beginning to bear fruit. There has been a noticeable increase in industry. In 2018, this figure was one and a half times higher than the Russian average - the industrial production index at the end of the year was 104.4%.

    The program of the two-day Mediforum includes a discussion of issues of interaction between the media, society, government, master classes, and a press conference by the regional governor Vasily Orlov is also planned. The event will include the Inforum forum of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

    On April 17, forum participants will go on press tours to the Vostochny cosmodrome and the construction site of the Amur gas processing plant.

    Guests of the forum will be the chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vladimir Solovyov, the secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vladimir Kasyutin, the manager of the Union of Journalists Denis Tokarsky, the head of the Inforum project Yulia Zagitova, as well as editors of federal media.

    At a specially organized platform, media representatives will be able to talk about the work of their media.

    As part of the First Amur Med Forum PROMEDIA, a presentation of media projects is planned.

    As part of the Media Forum, a competition will be held for journalists and media editorial staff in the following categories: best journalistic work, best project of the year, Amur Region - development territory, best social project, debut of the year.

    The forum was organized by the Government of the Amur Region and the Union of Journalists of Russia, the partner of the event was Ogodzhinskaya Coal Company LLC.

    The regional program for relocating citizens from dilapidated housing stock in 2019–2025 will be approved by April 1

    Deputy Chairman of the Government Pavel Matyukhin reported this to the head of the region, Vasily Orlov, at a meeting on the issues of relocating citizens from emergency housing stock.

    “The project included residential premises recognized as unsafe before January 1, 2017, their total area was more than 116.7 thousand square meters. m. The regional project “Ensuring a sustainable reduction of unsuitable housing stock in the Amur Region” for 2019–2024 included 22 municipalities of the Amur region. According to plans for 2019-2020, it is necessary to resettle more than 12.2 thousand square meters. m of emergency housing, it is planned to allocate more than 557.9 million rubles for these purposes,” said Pavel Matyukhin.

    The deputy chairman also noted that the financing was calculated from the cost of one square meter of housing approved by the Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in the amount of 45.4 thousand rubles. for the first quarter of 2019.

    “According to the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the limits for the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District will be recalculated based on the cost of housing on the primary market, according to Rosstat data,” the deputy chairman said.

    Today, the priority task facing the regional Ministry of Housing and Communal Services is the development and approval by April 1 of a regional program for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock in 2019 - 2025.

    The head of the region asked the deputy chairman what the requirements are for purchasing housing for relocating citizens.

    In addition, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services is currently planning to develop regional requirements for the purchase of housing on the housing market for the resettlement of citizens from the emergency fund, which will determine the maximum “age” of the house and utilities.

    Currently, when purchasing housing for relocation of citizens, only the methodology of the Russian Ministry of Construction is used, which recommends purchasing apartments in houses built no earlier than 1991.

    Two Amur nature reserves are preparing to receive federal status

    This will provide additional opportunities for the development of tourism and scientific activities in unique natural areas.

    “Russian President Vladimir Putin recalled the need to create new national parks in Russia in his Address to the Federal Assembly. In the Amur region, at the moment, within the framework of the national project “Ecology”, two reserves of regional significance are preparing to change their status to a higher, federal one. In the Tokinsky reserve - the future national park, this work is already coming to an end, in Ganukansky, one might say, it is just beginning. However, by the end of 2020, both specially protected areas should already receive federal status,” commented Ivan Bolotsky, deputy head of the department for the protection of wildlife of the Amur region.

How to distinguish hunger from thirst and save your figure from excess weight? Together with a renowned naturalist, you will choose a drink that will benefit your health. Tea, coffee, milk or juice consist of 95% ordinary water, but can be harmful and contain extra calories. From this book you will learn simple ways water purification and healing of the body with water. Clean drinking water will save you from dehydration and become a real healing source of success and health. Give yourself youth and longevity!

Water against excess weight

According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, about 55% of Russians over 30 years of age have overweight, including 60% women and 50% men. Statistics show that obese people live 10-20 years less than people of normal weight. Obesity leads to the development of type 2 diabetes, which affects 90% of obese people.

Obesity is a disease. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. Many people who are obese and overweight naively believe that these are only external defects that can be accepted. However, excess weight negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems. human body– starting from basic inconveniences experienced when moving, and ending with severe chronic diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, joints, and circulatory system.

It is difficult for a person to recognize the body's need for water. Complete and sufficient saturation with water depends on the severity of the sensation of thirst. Unfortunately, over the years, a person gradually loses his natural ability to recognize dehydration, and the cells of his body practically stop sending thirst signals to the brain. Older people can develop chronic dehydration even if there is plenty of drinking water around because they are not thirsty and do not want to drink the water. The more the body is dehydrated, the more actively the chemicals that regulate the water regime of the brain - histamine and its local subordinates - perform their duties of rationing water and pumping it, which negatively affects health, headaches become more frequent, and excess weight appears.

Thirst signals

Leading doctors and psychologists consider the following sensory sensations to be signs of dehydration in the human body:

1. Feeling tired for no apparent reason. Water is the main source of energy for the human body. Even food that is commonly considered good source energy has no value for the body until will pass the stage hydrolysis and will not receive a charge of energy from the water during this process. Moreover, the energy source for neurotransmission and operational commands to perform certain actions is hydroelectricity generated in the nerve pathways and their connections with the muscles and joints of the body.

2. Rush of blood to the face.When the body is dehydrated and the brain cannot get out circulatory system the amount of water sufficient for its needs, it gives a command for the proportional expansion of the blood vessels that feed it. Moreover, a person’s face is not just two eyes, a mouth, a nose and two ears. This is a kind of locator receiving dish, equipped with many nerve endings that continuously monitor the environment and transmit the received information to the brain. In other words, the face is an extension of the brain that performs extremely important functions. Its nerve endings also need to be saturated with water. Therefore, increased blood flow to the brain is usually accompanied by a rush of blood to the face. If a person has a red face (which is common in alcoholics because alcohol dehydrates the brain, causing hangover headaches), then the person is dehydrated and needs plenty of water.

3. Irritability, anger and causeless temper. Irritability is a ploy, an attempt by the brain to avoid doing activities that require a lot of energy. Offer an irritated person a couple of glasses of water - and you will see that he will calm down and change his anger to mercy.

4. Unreasonable feeling of anxiety. This is a signal through which the frontal lobes of the brain can convey their concern about the lack of water in their area of ​​activity. It's a way for the thinking brain to express concern about dehydration.

5. Feeling depressed and despondent. The main treasure of any organism is its reserves of vital amino acids. Amino acids are essential for many different functions, so a deficiency can cause the brain to function less efficiently. Dehydration continuously depletes a number of amino acids, causing feelings of depression and sadness.

6. Depression. This condition is associated with a more severe phase of dehydration. Depression of the body due to lack of drinking water forces the brain to make emergency use of some of its vital resources as antioxidants to cope with the neutralization of toxic metabolic wastes that cannot be eliminated due to insufficient urine production. These resources include the amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine, which the liver must sacrifice to neutralize toxic waste. At the same time, tryptophan is necessary for the brain to produce serotonin, melatonin, tryptamine and indoleamine. All of these elements are vital neurotransmitters and are used to balance and integrate the body's functions. When they are lacking, a person becomes depressed. Tyrosine is another amino acid that the brain uses to produce adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine, which act as neurotransmitters. Their lack of activity plunges a person into inaction and melancholy.

7. Lethargy. This is a sign that increased blood circulation is needed to improve brain function. This sensation may be a harbinger of a headache, which occurs when increased blood flow to the brain does not sufficiently saturate its cells with water. Brain cells, in the course of their continuous activity, produce toxic waste products from the metabolic process that must be removed regularly. Brain cells cannot tolerate the accumulation of acidic materials in their immediate environment. A sign of this phase of brain physiology can be a feeling of heaviness in the head.

8. Restless sleep, especially in older people. If your body doesn't have enough water, you can't dream of a restful night's sleep. A full 8 hours of sleep will cause even more dehydration because a lot of water is lost through sweat, especially if a person sleeps under a warm blanket. If the body receives water and a little sea salt, the sleep rhythm can be immediately restored.

9. Unreasonable impatience. To work calmly, the brain must spend large number energy. If he does not have a sufficient reserve of accumulated energy, then he tries to finish any work as quickly as possible. This desire to quickly avoid action is called “impatience.” Do not forget that in the human body, water produces hydroelectric energy at a rate sufficient to replenish used reserves. Energy obtained from food must undergo many steps of molecular conversion before it can be stored in the energy stores of cells. But this process requires a sufficient amount of water to hydrolyze the food components so that they can then be used as a source of energy.

10. Inattention. This is another attempt by the brain to avoid work that requires energy to concentrate on something specific. The more hydrated the brain is, the more energy it can produce to accommodate new information in its memory banks. Similarly, dehydration causes attention deficits in children who prefer carbonated drinks.

11. Shortness of breath in an otherwise healthy person, not associated with lung disease or infection. People who want to engage physical exercise and not suffer from shortness of breath, should drink enough water before undertaking any kind of physical activity.

12. Cravings for artificial drinks such as coffee, tea, sparkling water and alcohol. Thus, the brain tells you to saturate it with water. Such uncontrollable desires are based on a conditioned reflex that associates satiety with water with the intake of these drinks, which actually dehydrate the body even more. The process of constant dehydration causes stress and causes the brain to produce stress hormones, including endorphins - natural opiates (drugs) that help the body cope with disturbances in its environmental regime. One of the reasons for continued consumption of these drinks is the increased craving for the level of their own endorphin production. This is why caffeine and alcohol cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms. The next stage of such addiction may be the use of hard drugs, which cause a constant desire to produce endorphins. Therefore, if you want to keep your children drug-free, you should start by gradually eliminating regular caffeine consumption (strong tea and coffee) from their diets.

13. Dreams about oceans, rivers or other bodies of water- this is a form of subconsciously born desires of the brain to get to a source of water and quench thirst. The brain evokes such images to force a person’s consciousness to perform the action necessary for the brain, even during deep sleep.

Are you hungry? Drink!

In this famous aphorism “Are you hungry? Drink!”, oddly enough, contains a very important idea. Excess physical body weight can be easily eliminated by normalizing the consumption of clean drinking water (and not its substitutes) and regular intake throughout the day optimal quantity table sea salt. Although our body is able to quickly adapt to many difficulties, including lack of water. During such adaptation, the feeling of thirst is often confused by our consciousness with the feeling of hunger, because both of them manifest themselves almost identically at the level of physical sensations. The body requires water, but this requirement is interpreted incorrectly by our consciousness, and the person begins to eat intensely. After he is “full”, obvious thirst manifests itself in the form of dry mouth, which we traditionally consider the only symptom of lack of water in the body. Although in reality this signal is an “emergency”. We drink a small amount of water or tea after eating, which satisfies only the body’s minimal need for water, which it immediately spends on primary needs, leaving most of the body’s cells on dry rations. With this routine, water deficiency becomes a chronic condition of the human physical body, but solid food is consumed in excess, which is one of the main causes of obesity.

The easiest way to distinguish hunger from thirst is to drink 1-2 glasses of clean drinking water before meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). This approach is inherent in the animal world, which intuitively senses this. But most people (due to convenience, but not health benefits) have developed a different routine: first eat, and then drink. However, by drinking water before every meal, you can prevent pathological weight gain in your physical body.

You should know that the sugar contained in water is no less important a supplier of energy for brain cells than food. At the same time, daily sugar consumption (not only in its pure form, but also in other products), as a rule, is significantly higher than the brain needs. It turns out that most of it is sent with the blood not to the brain, but to other parts of the body (stomach, thighs, buttocks), where it settles in the form of solid fat deposits. How more people takes food, the more sugar goes “past the target - the human brain” and settles in the form of fat on various parts of the body. Meanwhile, another, clean and harmless source of human vital energy - water - is simply ignored.

About other “wonderful” ways quick loss weight (diets, pills, exhausting fitness classes, etc.) many readers have heard and experienced from their own experience of their ineffectiveness.

The mechanism of natural weight loss itself is extremely simple and not expensive. Half an hour before a meal, you should drink 1–2 glasses of clean water, and the same amount two hours after it. This will help your mind distinguish hunger from thirst and avoid absorbing food that is unnecessary, from the point of view of the physiology of the body. Along with a decrease in the amount of food consumed, its quality composition will also change, since with a normal water supply to the body, you will want to take proteins more than carbohydrates (over time, you will become indifferent to sweets, a significant source of excess weight).

Having stopped the recruitment process that had previously seemed irreversible extra pounds, you may also want to think about getting rid of the fat reserves already on your body. The recipe is the same. We gradually increase the intake of clean water. However, you cannot sharply increase your water intake without taking in enough salt. Without salt, water simply will not stay in your body. If you care about your health, under no circumstances switch to a salt-free diet! Don't forget that, in addition to clean water, your body constantly requires a certain amount of edible sea salt. The general daily intake of edible sea salt is 3 – 4 g (1/2 teaspoon) per day.

After drinking ¾ of the next glass of water, put a few grains of sea salt on the tip of your tongue (4-5 times a day) and, slowly drinking ¼ of the remaining water in the glass, allow the salt to dissolve. This allows you to more actively reduce excess weight, remove painful sensations in the body, fall asleep faster and just relax. Know that during meals you can drink clean water without restrictions (as needed).

The average amount of water you drink per day is determined by multiplying your weight by 30. For example, your weight is 70 kg. In this case, the average daily water consumption is 70 x 30 = 2.1 liters.

An excellent addition to the measures already described would be additional physical activity, for example ordinary walking. Physical body movement, like water, increases hormone production physical activity, in particular adrenaline, which means it promotes the production of lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat already formed in your body.

Research shows that hormone-sensitive fat-burning enzymes are activated after the first hour of walking and remain active for 12 hours. Therefore, by walking twice a day, you regularly activate the fat-burning enzyme and achieve the cumulative effect of its activity. Drink clean water regularly, take sea salt, walk and lose weight to your health!

Learning to drink correctly

Before talking about the water intake regimen, you should adhere to the main rule: in order to drink water, you should never wait until your mouth feels dry. This sign cannot be considered the only manifestation of the body’s need for water. This signal in fact, it is “emergency” and reports that the water available in the body is already distributed in accordance with the “hierarchy” of organs and systems, that is, some cells of the body are no longer receiving enough of it. If your throat is “dry,” it means that instead of replenishing reserves from external sources, the body begins to use internal reserves. And this can only be done by “infringing on the interests” of certain tissues and organs.

To maintain all physiological processes, the body requires a huge amount of water. At the same time, it loses a significant amount of moisture in the process of exchange with the external environment. To make up for these losses, depending on the level of physical activity, ambient temperature, amount of solid food consumed and other conditions, you need to drink 6-10 glasses of water (namely water, not just any liquid) per day. In this case, you must follow some rules.

1. The optimal single serving of water is from 250 to 500 ml, that is, from 1 to 2 glasses.

2. Water should be drunk before meals, preferably half an hour before meals. This way you will save your digestive system from the need to find additional reserves of water to digest food, while depriving other organs of life-giving moisture. The more solid food you plan to eat, the more water you will need. The standard dose is 2 glasses. This is especially true for those who suffer from various digestive disorders - gastritis, duodenitis, heartburn, colitis, peptic ulcer. This regimen of drinking water will help your mind distinguish between feelings of hunger and thirst and avoid overeating.

End of introductory fragment.

1 September 4, 2011 20-year-old Margarita Aslanyan died The administrator of the popular group on the social network VKontakte “40 kg” fainted and suffocated because his tongue stuck in his throat and blocked his breathing, the group reported.

The “40 kg” group consists of over 25 thousand girls who strive to see the number 40 when they step on the scale. Now the "40 kg" group is closed. She actively promoted anorexia: “So that the ribs protrude wherever possible. If you press on the chest, the ribs can be felt in the same way as under it. You could knock on the ribs through the thin skin. And on the back sharp tubercles of the spine appeared. And the femoral the bones almost tore the skin with their sharpness.”

“I believe that such groups on VKontakte and other social networks are more evil than good. Yes, I, a 25-year-old girl who wants to lose weight, having read the admins’ advice on diets, will take note, and that’s it How do I already have brains? And what kind of brains do 16-17 year old girls have??? on the water, and, oh, God, they support each other in these endeavors. For any sensible comments from people who are not losing weight: they are connoisseurs of anorexic thinness. Teenagers are going crazy and, forgive the cynicism, I’m still surprised. that this is the first such case..." - one losing weight girl told a Sibnovosti.ru correspondent.

Under the post about the girl’s death there is a comment telling how she lost weight. From 66 kilograms, Margarita lost weight to 39. But then she came to her senses and gained weight, optimizing her weight to 49 kilos.

A month after the girl’s death, under the news about the girl’s terrible death on the website Sibnovosti.ru, a woman who introduced herself as the mother of the deceased Margarita left a comment in which she spoke about her daughter’s illness and death:

"Hello! I am the mother of Margarita Aslanyan. This is a letter to those who are still in the 40 kg group. My daughter died of anorexia on September 14, 2011 at 8 am. If I can reach at least one person, I will be very glad... We received a forensic expert’s report on October 18, 2011. Almost all of my daughter’s organs at the age of 20 were in the condition of a 70-80 year old person, only the lungs were not damaged. Disorders due to malnutrition turned out to be incompatible with life. The body ate itself - a lack of necessary substances. Dystrophy of all organs, failure, hormonal imbalance... A lot of bad and terrible things... A hematoma (ulcer) was discovered in the throat from constant vomiting... How did she manage to hide this from me? We had disagreements, to put it mildly, about her diet... Then everything began to improve a little. Lately she’s been eating very well, I didn’t notice that everything was going to waste, down the toilet... She went in for sports, ran, pumped up her abs... BUT! Sport is useful if it is combined with a normal lifestyle, including nutrition! Thinness, and therefore beauty, in her understanding, was put at the forefront by Margosha. Girls! Come to your senses! After all, harmony in the soul is more important than extra centimeter on the butt, develop inner world, communicate, enjoy life, it is given only once! By supporting each other in starvation, you are not only killing yourself! Take care of your parents! After all, for a mother to lose her child is equal to death. Everything that is written about Margot’s death is complete nonsense. She died at home, early in the morning (I heard moans from her room), I tried to save her by doing artificial respiration, my father called an ambulance, then the intensive care unit arrived, all in vain... Margot is no more, it’s terrible! Don't repeat other people's mistakes! I ASK YOU! NO NEED! The Most Unhappy Mother on Earth" , wrote Anna.

This simple and cheap diet is gaining more and more popularity. There are no costs, but the results are stunning! Scientists have found that most often we confuse the feeling of hunger with elementary thirst. A dehydrated body sends similar signals to the brain and we start eating when we need to drink!

Researchers have found a new formula for staying slim: saturate your cells with water and become younger. This activates the metabolic process and increases vigor.

How does this happen?

The kidneys cannot function properly without enough water. And when the kidneys do not work, some of the products intended for processing by them are thrown into the liver. One of the most important functions of the liver is the processing of accumulated fat into the energy the body needs.

  1. Drink two full glasses with each meal, one before and one after. You should also drink a glass of water before each snack so you won't eat too much.
  2. Carry a small bottle of water with you everywhere to drink during periods of forced inactivity: in line at the bank, on the subway. This will help cope with hunger pangs.
  3. It's good to drink with a straw - you'll take bigger sips as you drink more.
  4. Freeze small pieces of peeled lemons and oranges and use them instead of ice cubes - very refreshing and full of vitamins.
  5. After each trip to the restroom, drink a glass of water to refill your body.
  6. Bring a two-liter bottle of water to work and try to drink it all in a day. If it doesn’t work out, finish it on the way home. It's like a race.
  7. Have a large glass of water at every point you are during the day: near your bed, in the hallway, at your workplace...
  8. When drinking juice, fill the glass halfway and add water to the remaining half glass.
  9. If you want to eat “bad” food, immediately empty the glass of water. You will feel full and avoid unnecessary calories, and after some time, the hunger will go away.
  10. Drink two glasses of water immediately after waking up. Make it beautiful: fill your favorite glass with water.
  11. “Pay” for every gram of fat you eat with two sips of water.

So, if it's a long time before lunch and you're drawn to the refrigerator, drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. Hunger will disappear.

It is preferable if the water consumed is cold, as it is absorbed faster than warm water. Drink cold water Helps the body burn more calories.


Without enough water, the human body will not function properly and will not burn excess fat effectively. Paradoxically, in order to get rid of edema, you need to drink more water. Swelling can be caused by excess salt in your body, reduce its consumption, and the excess will again be washed out with water.