For lovely ladies: intimate gymnastics. Exercises for the pelvic muscles

I continue the series of articles on intimate gymnastics. You already know that intimate gymnastics is an ideal tool for improving women’s health and normalizing hormonal balance, feminine energy, and getting rid of troubles such as organ prolapse and incontinence.

Today I will talk about basic exercises x and about what mistakes those who begin to engage in intimate gymnastics usually make.

What is intimate gymnastics and why is it needed?

Gymnastics intimate muscles is a system of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles and ligaments pelvic floor, whole body. To improve blood supply and function internal organs small pelvis.

There are various practices in yoga, tai chi, qi gong, tantra aimed at working the muscles of the perineum. In ancient eastern traditions, this was a way to prolong youth and sexual activity.

But doctors really began to pay attention to intimate gymnastics in the 20th century. Doctor-gynecologist from the USA Arnold Kegel noticed that more and more women were turning to him with atypical (at that time) problems - prolapse of organs, stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

Later, research results showed that people simply sat on soft car seats and cozy sofas at home, and physical activity fell. As you can imagine, the situation is only getting worse, given that our lifestyle is becoming sedentary.

Arnold Kegel developed and patented a simulator and exercises for training the muscles of the perineum. This is how gymnastics of the intimate muscles became recognized by official medicine.

Intimate gymnastics is important

The fact is that the ovaries in women and the prostate in men are hormonal centers responsible for reproduction, vital energy, the condition of the skin and hair.

Hormones produced in these centers are responsible for youth and femininity in women and masculinity and activity in men. If there is no normal production of hormones, there is no health, no full and vibrant life.

You need to do intimate gymnastics if you:

  • lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • gave birth to a child;
  • have problems with uterine prolapse;
  • suffer from hemorrhoids;
  • have cases of involuntary urination;
  • you cannot conceive a child or become pregnant;
  • dissatisfied with sex life;
  • think you have frigidity;
  • you can't relax in sex.

But gymnastics, like any medicine, can bring not only benefits but also harm.

Our organs are a delicate system in which everything is interconnected. Intimate muscles should be flexible, strong and toned, but are in no way tuned to bench press with a 10 kg kettlebell.

Therefore, you need to tone the muscles very carefully, otherwise the sensitivity will gradually disappear, and you, like a bodybuilder, will get lost in pursuit of a strong grip on your vagina.

To get rid of prolapses, you should think not only about strengthening the muscles of the perineum, but also about other muscles. You cannot get rid of prolapse if your abs, legs and hips do not work as a frame for ligaments and internal organs.

A woman must learn not only to tense, but also to relax, otherwise the circulation of energy will be disrupted. In my trainings, I teach breathing, energy filling, meditation for rejuvenation and restoration of the whole body and genital organs.

In the exercises that I will describe below, everything is chosen in balance: work on intimate muscles, pelvic floor ligaments and general body tone, a way to fill with energy. I would like you to start studying already.

Five basic exercises for every day from the course "Intimate Gymnastics. First stage"

1. We develop and warm up the ligaments.

We bring the pelvis to an even position (tuck in the “tail”), then smoothly move the pelvis forward and return to the starting position evenly. We begin to do the exercise slowly in order to stretch the ligaments. Then from the straight position we move the pelvis back and return to the straight position again. We increase the number of times gradually. We start with 8-10 repetitions. Gradually the pelvis will move easily in any direction.

2. Circular rotations (for ease of movement and increased mobility of the lower spine).

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees soft, half-bent, back straight.

The upper body, shoulders, waist are static, only the pelvis works. Circular rotations pelvis. First one way, then the other. Start slowly and gradually increase the pace and number of repetitions. To start, do 7-10 repetitions.

3. Exercise for basic training of intimate muscles.

Starting position: as in previous exercises.

As you inhale, we squeeze, and as you exhale, we gradually relax the muscles of the vagina and anus. First, the vagina was squeezed, held, counted to three, and released. Then also the muscles of the anus: squeezed, held, released. How long do we hold the tension and relax it? The main thing in this exercise is not to rush, to feel what is happening inside. Start with 8 reps. If you feel comfortable, increase their number to 16, only gradually, the main thing is your feelings. This exercise can be done on the way to work or at work.

4. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and hips.

We stand in the same position, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight.

We move the pelvis forward so that the tailbone looks straight at the floor, and pay attention to the posture. As you inhale, strain your legs, hips, buttocks and perineum as much as possible. Hold for 16 counts and gradually relax. Repeat 3-5 times.

5. Technique for increasing feminine energy.

Choose a comfortable position, standing or lying on your back. Rub your palms until you feel warm or hot, feel a ball of golden energy between your hands. Now place your palms on the ovarian area on the lower abdomen. Feel how your internal organs are filled with warmth, light and health. Breathe through your hands for 3-5 minutes to consolidate the feeling of warmth inside.

This little complex can be done at any time. The task is to warm up, tone and relax and fill our female organs with energy and activity.

Four common mistakes in intimate gymnastics

The first, most common mistake: believing that a couple of months of intimate gymnastics will help you for life and will return fireworks to sex.

No matter how much this upsets me, the fact is: most popular classes and courses on intimate gymnastics promise amazing results, most often in the form of improved intimate life, and quickly. They are right, but there is one subtlety here.

Gymnastics, including this one, is a set of exercises aimed at overall strengthening the body. And it works if you do it regularly, at least several times a week.

There will be no results in the form of delight from your partner a week after the start of classes. And if you stop doing gymnastics for more than a year, the muscles will relax again and return to their original state. And such a “swing” will not benefit either you or your muscles.

The second most popular mistake: pumping up intimate muscles through strength exercises.

You may have seen videos or photos of girls lifting heavy objects and even weights using their intimate muscles.

This is impressive, but there is one danger - pumping intimate muscles can lead to loss of sensitivity. Do the whole complex one by one - first warming up and classic exercise, and only then power, but without extreme, very carefully. And not from the first lesson, but after several months of regular training.

Third mistake: start exercising immediately after childbirth or abdominal surgery.

Do you remember in my last letter I talked about the practice of recovery after childbirth in France? So: there, restoration of female organs and muscles is allowed at least 2-3 weeks after childbirth.

It’s not worth it before, since the body has already experienced a lot of stress and is in the process of self-healing and hormonal changes. But if you do start exercising, you can get a lot of problems, from broken stitches to pain.

The fourth mistake: waiting for the “best time.”

For several months I have been writing articles and letters about intimate gymnastics. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in the description of problems or desires. But you are doing one of the most typical mistakes- you put it off until later.

You can’t push your health into the background. Don't wait until you have time for yourself and for yourself. Take a few minutes a day right now and start doing at least basic complex exercises.

And if you want to know more or are in doubt whether you need intimate gymnastics or not, watch the webinar “ Intimate gymnastics for beginners: a guide to action":

Nowadays it has become fashionable to be healthy and maintain your figure. Girls buy gym memberships, sign up for cosmetology treatments in beauty salons, and perform complex procedures at home. However, girls often forget or don’t even suspect that it is extremely important to do gymnastics and train the pelvic floor muscles. Exercises for intimate muscles are the basis of women’s health, disease prevention, and also a guarantee of high-quality sex life.

Anatomy of intimate muscles

Why do you need pelvic floor muscle exercises? Firstly, these are measures that warn against various diseases. Thanks to these simple exercises you will be able to facilitate the birth process and also reduce the risk of ruptures.

As preventive measures Ordinary sports are also good, such as cycling or horseback riding. Choose what you like. Also use special devices that are aimed at training and pumping intimate muscles.

An excellent exercise option would be a complex. This training was developed in the 40s of the twentieth century, but is still used to this day. There are two basic exercises from this complex:

  1. We contract the pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds and hold in this position. You need to do this simple exercise while standing, duration – 5 minutes a day;
  2. The next option is to contract the muscles for 5 seconds and then relax them.


Such exercises and all the complexes given below should be firmly established in your life, because women’s health and your sex life depend on the condition of the pelvic floor muscles.

Exercise equipment and devices

There are several types of devices that can be purchased at any specialty store. So:

  1. Dynamometer. The operating principle of this device is similar to that of a tonometer. There is an end and a dial, you need to insert the end of the dynamometer into the vagina and squeeze the muscles, the arrow will show on the scale the level of pumping of your muscles. Thus, you get both training and can immediately observe the progress and new results;
  2. Gymnastic ball or fitball. This sports equipment will allow you to train your core muscles, but it is better if you already have physical training. We sit in the middle of the ball, knees facing different sides, place your palms on your knees. As you exhale, lean back a little, and as you inhale, roll forward;
  3. Vaginal balls or weights. We insert the ball into the vagina, squeeze the muscles to hold and fix the position of the ball, which will lower under the influence of the load. A type of balls are eggs. Such simulators must be inserted into the vagina and held. It is advisable to train while standing or walking;
  4. Laser simulator. We insert the end of the simulator inside, squeeze the muscles, and the laser beam will show the work of the intimate muscles.

Set of 5 exercises

This complex will improve the quality and also avoid unpleasant diseases associated with the female reproductive system. Since these exercises need to be accompanied by active breathing, you should perform a special yoga breathing practice between them. This is Kapalaphati breathing: you need to push out the lower abdomen along with a sharp exhalation. This should be done vigorously and often, approximately 1 exhalation per second. Then take a deep breath, exhale and continue. So, let's move on to the exercises:

  • The first exercise is called the press. We lift all the muscles of the perineum up, intensity - 1 movement per second, perform the lift while exhaling. You need to do 3 sets of 100 repetitions each. A few words about the anatomy of the female reproductive system: a woman has only 8 intertwined muscles that form a “hammock”. Their main function is to maintain internal organs. However, they can provide reliable support only if they are in good shape. In turn, this has a beneficial effect on sexual health, as well as hormone production. After finishing the exercise, do breathing exercises and move on to the next one;
  • The name of the next exercise is hold. Tighten your pelvic muscles and hold them in this position for a minute. Do 3 repetitions, holding this position for 1 minute each time. Don't forget about the breathing break;
  • The next exercise is SOS. Its name is directly related to the signal for help, which consists of three dots, three dashes and three repeating dots. First, we make three quick contractions of the intimate muscles, then three times slowly, and finish again with fast and energetic contractions. You need to do 7 repetitions in each of 3 approaches;
  • Did you remember to breathe? Then we move on to the pulse-flashing exercise. Its essence lies in two contractions per second. You need to do this exercise 32 times. Breathe well, if you start to feel dizzy, then the blood has begun to fill with oxygen. Don't worry, even out your breathing rhythm and continue training;
  • The last exercise is called piano. It is necessary to mentally divide the distance between the navel and the entrance to the vagina into 5 points, which correspond to 5 fingers. The distance between the points is approximately 2 centimeters. Position your fingers so that the large finger corresponds to the navel, and the little finger corresponds to the entrance to the vagina. As you exhale, we shorten the point corresponding to thumb, then move on to the next ones, perform this exercise for 10 seconds on each finger. Next, press with your thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers, hold everything together and release. Let's start big again.

Strengthening the pelvic and pelvic floor muscles

  1. We sit down, rounding our lower back, and stretch back. Omit right leg, we take the left one and pull it towards ourselves, with the heel we strive for the navel. Then we repeat this exercise on the other leg;
  2. We lie on our backs, bring our feet together, turn our knees and at the same time squeeze the pelvic floor muscles;
  3. Place your legs parallel and lift your pelvis up. We do a shoulder bridge, pause at the top point and lower ourselves. After several repetitions, we make it more difficult, placing our feet on the heels, thereby increasing the tension on the intimate muscles;
  4. From a lying position, pull the straight leg towards you, hold for a few seconds, and then change the leg;
  5. We rise up, move our arms back, lift our pelvis up, and strain our bikini area. Then we lower ourselves to the starting position. We perform several repetitions;
  6. We take a position on all fours, twist the pelvis and round the lower back, then return to the starting position.
  7. You can check the condition of your genitals yourself. To do this, you need to insert two fingers into the vagina, and then try to squeeze the intimate muscles. If you can’t, then you should seek help from a specialist.

Video materials

Gymnastics helps to tone up the entire female body. Particular attention should be paid to strengthening intimate areas. There are specially designed workouts that help you feel femininity and increase libido. Exercises for intimate muscles.

Difficulty levels

There is a special set of exercises aimed at recovery after childbirth or gynecological diseases. Ancient geishas perfectly mastered the power of their perineum, giving pleasure to a man. Only trained muscles are able to contract at a woman’s request.

Before you start training, you should decide on the difficulty level. Often, having overestimated her preparation, a woman experiences discomfort after gymnastics. Experts distinguish three main stages:

  1. Entry level designed for women who have weakened perineal muscles. This condition is typical for pregnant women, for women after childbirth or after a long-term disease of the female genital tract. To strengthen, you will need two months of regular training, which will be carried out at least twice a week.
  2. Intermediate level designed for women who have tightened their vaginal muscles physical level. Now the training will be aimed at increasing libido and obtaining new sensations during sexual intercourse with a partner. The set of exercises is repeated for two months, 2-3 days per week are allocated for classes.
  3. Advanced level - this is when they are applied strength training crotch. To receive maximum effect special ones are used.

If a woman hears about such gymnastics for the first time, then training begins from the initial stage. This level is also suitable for pregnant women.

Preparatory stage

The pelvic floor muscles are found in every woman. different condition. It is difficult to determine which exercises to start with. To correctly determine the level of neglect, it is worth conducting a simple test.

You need to sit on the very edge of the chair. The legs are slightly spread, and two fingers are inserted into the vagina - the middle and index. They should be spread apart, in the form of a checkmark or the English letter V. After this, you should try to make a contractile movement; the fingers will involuntarily connect. At the same time, they should not shrink gluteal muscles and press. In this way, the tone of the perineum can be assessed. After the training set has been completed, this test must be repeated. The result will be obvious.

It's best to practice when no one is home. Even your spouse doesn’t have to watch this picture. Otherwise, the training regime will be disrupted. All exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles are performed in a horizontal position. The floor is ideal for these purposes. If your back is uncomfortable, you can put a rug or blanket on it.

The very first classes are carried out until you feel tired, as a rule, this is no more than 25 minutes. Once the body gets used to the regime, about 45 minutes are allocated for training. The same rules also apply to pregnant women. Those who cannot restrain the process of urination should especially think about gymnastics of the intimate muscles.

Entry level exercises

To initially strengthen the female muscles of the intimate area, the following set of exercises has been developed.

  1. Warm-up actions. In a horizontal position, bend your knees and spread them slightly. Hands are placed on the lower abdomen. For pregnant women, all exercises should be done more carefully, listening to your body and the fetus. After the position is taken, you need to squeeze the vaginal sphincter and force it to pull up. One pull-up should take no more than two seconds. One hundred repetitions are performed in two sets. If it is difficult to make a hundred, the number is reduced to fifty, but not less. Rest between sets lasts thirty seconds.
  2. Exercise Lift done after the main warm-up. It is worth performing a set of these workouts regularly in order to get the first result after 60. The body position remains the same as during the warm-up. The vaginal sphincter contracts for five seconds. Further, the load is increased by pulling the sphincter up. This stage also lasts five seconds. Thus, the load increases each time in seven stages. Last stage wait at least ten seconds. The vaginal muscle is also released gradually in seven stages. The Lift complex is repeated five times. There are no stops. This exercise is especially good for pregnant women.
  3. Exercise SOS - it can be performed not only in a horizontal position, but also sitting or lying down. Professionals recommend doing it even in a public place, since outwardly no one will notice these efforts. It is based on performing three quick contractions of the vaginal sphincter, then the emphasis is on strength - three times. Training using this method is repeated ten times.
  4. Pulsating exercise. You need to take a lying position, legs bent at the knees and slightly extended. The hand is placed on the pulse, now it is necessary to contract the vaginal muscle according to the rhythm of the heartbeat. Sixty contractions are done, then you need to rest for thirty seconds. The second approach includes one hundred contractions, and the third 120.
  5. Ladder complex. This exercise is performed similarly to the Lift program. Only there is no five-second delay between steps. Ten repetitions are done, first the sphincter tenses and stretches upward in stages, then relaxes.
  6. Exercise Lighthouse has a contraindication. It is forbidden to do it to women who have prolapsed pelvic organs; it is also better not to strain pregnant women in this way. Standard body position - lying down with bent knees. To simplify the execution scheme, it is better to consider:
  • 1 - the muscle is strongly compressed and pulled upward.
  • 2-6 - the vaginal muscle relaxes smoothly.
  • 7-10 - you need to push out the muscle.

This exercise is repeated ten times, without taking a break.

Second level of training

To determine the level of strengthening after the initial level, you need to repeat the test exercise. Another effective way to understand which muscles need to be trained is the process of urination. You simply retain urine using muscles that are worth exercising. For pregnant women, such a procedure can be difficult and this is an alarming signal.

The second level complex is very similar to the first. The only thing is that the training time is not 25 minutes, but 45. The number of approaches increases by two to three times. You can also conduct training in public places or at the workplace.

It is best to choose the SOS and Ladder exercises for these purposes. It is especially difficult to train while walking, but the results from such techniques will only be positive. A breathing exercise is also added to the main classes. It has a beneficial effect on the supply of oxygen to the pelvic organs. To do this, stand on your knees and palms. Inhale deeply through the mouth and exhale through the nose. The back is extended, and the stomach is pressed against the ribs. The sphincter is pulled up with force, this position is held for ten seconds. The perineal exercise is thus performed five times.

Advanced level

Professionals train the muscles of the perineum with the help of special accessories. Kegel balls are especially popular among women. This gymnastics complex is performed in stages.

  1. First you need to feel the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, insert a finger into the vagina no deeper than two centimeters. The walls tense up as if urination stops.
  2. The balls are lubricated with a water-based gel, inserted into the vagina, and the thread remains outside.
  3. Beginners perform the exercise in a horizontal position. Women with experience handle balls while standing. The tension is proportional to the rest period. Ideally, you should hold the balls for 10 seconds, but in the early stages it may be 2-4 seconds.

It is best to exercise three times a week. The diameter of the balls varies. The smaller they are, the more difficult it is to contract the muscle. Such exercises are not contraindicated for pregnant women.


My greetings to all women! How difficult it is modern woman manage everything: work, have children, be attractive to men, and at the same time be strong and healthy. In order to fulfill all its purposes, intimate gymnastics has been specially developed for women.

Vumbuilding or gymnastics for intimate areas

Ekaterina Smirnova presented the method of unusual gymnastics to women by writing a useful book. All the women who read it liked the book, there on in simple language descriptions of internal organs and the effect of exercises on them are given. The book is available online and can be downloaded or purchased.

Vumbuilding not only prevents, but also heals women from many gynecological diseases, increases the severity of sensations during sex, leads to increased desire, and is useful for urinary incontinence.

To increase sexual sensitivity, as well as give elasticity to the mammary glands, you first need to massage the breasts immediately after water procedures. For self-massage, lubricate the gland with cream, then use soft stroking, rubbing and spanking. The massage should last at least 20 minutes.

  • For the prevention of many women's ailments.
  • Proper use of them during intimacy.
  • Prevent prolapse of the pelvic organs and uterus.
  • Prevent congestion in the pelvis.
  • Relieve women from urine leakage.
  • Enjoy sex.
  • Restore muscle tone after childbirth.

Many women have uterine prolapse, even prolapse, which threatens surgical intervention.

Grateful reviews from the fair half indicate that many women did not even realize that exercises would help improve their intimate life.

Muscles can be restored

The famous gynecologist A. Kegel, back in 1950, proved that muscle fibers The pelvic floor can also be restored, which means they can be trained. He developed a special type of exercise for the pelvic floor muscles so that women after childbirth would not feel discomfort, and would also be able to control the “love muscles.” In addition, gymnastics is useful for childbirth, that is, for reducing the pain of this process.

The Kegel method is designed for those women who want to be attractive to men and have youthful health.

  • Exercises are performed on an empty stomach;
  • First, you need to learn to tense the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor, without including the abs and buttocks in the process, without holding your breath;
  • To find necessary muscles, you should place your finger in the vagina and squeeze it. These are the muscles you need;
  • You also need to check the sufficient elasticity of the vagina: lie down in a bath with water, if after 10 minutes it fills with water, then you definitely need sex exercises.

For beginners:

  • Squeeze your anus muscles several times.
  • Then try to pull it tightly into yourself and pull it up.
  • Do a few of these pull-ups to get a feel for which muscles are being used.
  • Then retract the anus along with the vagina.

Having become familiar with the necessary places for training, you can begin to perform the complex. You can complete the training by watching the video.

Kegel complex for all women

How to do Kegel exercises:

Preparatory movements.

Standing, sitting on a chair or on the floor in a Turkish style, concentrate your attention on the muscles of the perineum: imagine that you yourself are interrupting urination. This Tao practice is very useful activity, which will save you from urinating when coughing or sneezing, which very often happens to women. Strengthening your intimate area will save you from this scourge.

Next, shorten them again, holding for up to 3 seconds. It is important not to strain your buttocks and stomach, and not to hold your breath. Repeat 10 times, then repeat up to 3 times throughout the day. As you master the practice, hold for 15-20 seconds.

Deep blinking exercise

Performed in any position. Squeeze the muscles of the perineum tightly, pull in, hold for 10 seconds. Then relax. After 10 seconds, do it again and do this for 5 minutes. The norm is 500 blinks per day, 3 sets of 5 minutes each.

This technique is very useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids and in men the prostate. The technique accelerates blood in the pelvic organs and irrigates them with blood flows.

"Quick Winks"

Quickly squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles for 3 minutes at 1-2 second intervals, not including your stomach and buttocks.

"Lower Castle"

Squeeze the vaginal opening and hold for 5 seconds. Then close it even tighter, hold for 5 seconds, then tighten your muscles even more, hold for 3-5 seconds. Then execute in reverse order, then relaxing the intimate area, then squeezing. Do 20 times.

Exercise "Tower"

Pull your pelvic floor muscles upward while simultaneously pulling your lower abdomen up and inward to create the impression that your anus and abs are fused together and moving upward.


By performing a massage of the internal organs, you will get rid of stagnation of venous blood, learn to control the diaphragm: take a half-squat position, take a deep breath, put your hands on your hips, hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Tuck your tailbone under you, lower your chin. At correct execution the stomach should tuck under the ribs. Repeat 2 times.

In order not to forget the Wumbuilding lessons, do them before brushing your teeth in the morning, then you will never miss a unique lesson.

Exercises by the famous gynecologist Kegel are an excellent prevention of aging, as they put the hormonal levels in order, stimulate the production of the most important female sex hormones, and treat the intimate area.

Exercises for expectant mothers

Kegel developed exercise therapy for women who are preparing for the birth of a child. In order for the baby to come out of the uterus safely, it is necessary to strengthen all the pelvic muscles.

Pregnancy workout:

  1. Slow compressions of the vagina while lying on your side followed by relaxation - 2 sets of 5 compressions.
  2. The same goes for lying on your back.
  3. Simulate urinary retention in a lying position – 8 approaches.
  4. Squeeze the vaginal muscles tightly, relax, then immediately tense the anus muscles, relax - 5 times.

Before doing any exercises, check with your doctor to see if you can push. But after giving birth, take care of your women's health. Especially useful for prolapsed uterus.

If the birth went well, then the following therapeutic exercise will help to quickly restore the elasticity of the vagina:

  • Lying on your back, place your hands on your stomach, draw in air through your nose, filling your stomach with air. As you exhale, simulate an interruption in the flow of urine, followed by relaxation.
  • Place your hands under your chest and inhale slowly through your nose to raise your sternum. As you exhale slowly through your mouth, draw in your navel to strengthen your abs.
  • Perform slow and fast compressions, breathing slowly into your stomach.
  • To strengthen your abs, pelvic and gluteal muscles, bend your knees:
    Inhale through your nose, inflate your stomach.
    Exhale through the mouth, drawing in the abdominal muscles, tensing the abs and buttocks.
    After tension comes relaxation.

Incredible effective techniques Kegels are very useful for women after 50 years, when many functions of the female body fade away. Extend your youth, you can do it!

Exercise from Tatyana Kozhevnikova

Tatyana Kozhevnikova is the only woman from all over the planet who holds 14 kg of weight with her intimate muscles.

Tatyana is confident that women will also be able to greatly strengthen their intimate area.

The world celebrity provides training to everyone. Find a video of Kozhevnikova’s technique to discover incredible possibilities in yourself. And get a great figure.

Exercises for men

Many men lose theirs early male strength, but if they are not lazy, they can find exercises to improve male potency. Sex therapists assure men that it is always possible to regain their former strength.

The following exercise is considered the most useful:

  • Sit on a stool, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows.
  • First tense and then relax the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Breathe through your nose, accompanying your inhalations and exhalations with light noise - 6 sets of 10 compressions and relaxations.

After removal of the prostate, perform the following exercises, preferably in the nude:

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on the waist.
  • Make jerky movements with your pelvis, first forward, then back, swinging your genitals.
  • Do 5 sets of 3 minutes. Then rest for 3 minutes, then you can repeat.

A useful exercise is a bridge from a lying position on the floor. This practice will help increase potency, increase sexual possibilities, improve blood flow in the pelvic area, strengthen the buttocks.

Raise your buttocks above the floor, resting on your feet and shoulders 10-12 times.

How to improve the quality of sex

It is necessary to apply Taoist practices. How to do it? By tapping the most important channels and points. Accept i.p. standing, relax:

  1. Using the bottom of your palm or the phalanges of your fingers, tap the area under the navel, performing 120 blows per minute.
  2. Tap the places where the legs connect to the body, at the level of the pubic bone in the groin.

Intimate gymnastics for women – protection against genitourinary diseases, guarantee of a vibrant sex life, mutual pleasure for both partners, ease of pregnancy and childbirth. There is nothing difficult in the exercises; they can be performed at home, gradually increasing the pace and complexity.

The benefits of exercise for intimate muscles

Training the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles is necessary for any woman. They help:

  • avoid gynecological diseases;
  • prepare for pregnancy;
  • give birth naturally without injuries or ruptures;
  • restore the condition of the pelvic muscles after pregnancy;
  • significantly improve the quality of sex;
  • delay the onset of menopause and all the unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause.

Intimate gymnastics allows a woman to reach certain heights in her sexual life, to create not only for a man, but also for herself ideal conditions for intimacy, get an orgasm every time.

In addition, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles improves blood circulation in the pelvis and prevents the development stagnation, leading to inflammation of the appendages, the development of neoplasms and tumors of the pelvic organs. For women whose periods are accompanied by severe pain and cramps, regular exercise will be a real salvation.

Kegel method

The idea of ​​the need to train the muscles of the perineum for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, including in men, belongs to the American gynecologist, professor at the University of South Carolina, Arnold Kegel.

He lived a long life, being born at the end of the 19th century and just a short time before the new millennium.

Kegel studied the relationship between muscle tone pelvis and women's health (we are talking not only about the genital area, but also about other pelvic organs - the excretory system, hemorrhoids). With the help of training, it is possible to cure urinary incontinence and prostatitis in men.

Under the leadership of Kegel, a special device was developed that can be used to measure the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, and a method for training them was also patented - a set of Kegel exercises.

How to do Kegel exercises

With age, the intensity of sexual activity decreases, hormonal levels change, and overall physical activity decreases. It happens that the pelvic floor muscles receive minimal load or are left without it at all.

The pelvic organs are displaced, the muscles lose their elasticity and ability to perform their functions. To avoid such troubles, girls and women should take care of their health themselves.

A set of Kegel exercises is simple, but effective both for preventive purposes and for prolapse of the uterus, congestive processes in the pelvis, decreased libido and sexual coldness. A course of exercises is recommended for men after removal of the prostate, as well as to improve male potency.

Kegel exercises are useful during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth to avoid ruptures and ensure a quick and painless birth of the baby. Trained muscles will quickly take shape and restore tone.

To understand what exactly goes to the muscles speech, you need:

  1. While sitting on the toilet while urinating, try to stop the flow only with your muscles, without squeezing your legs.
  2. Insert your index and middle fingers into the vagina, spreading them in a V shape, and then try to connect them with muscle force.

Those muscles that will be used are the ones to be trained.

But it should be noted that individual exercises, especially at the initial stage, can be done in the car, at work, while watching TV or at the computer. From the outside, the effort is not noticeable, but the benefits will be quite noticeable. The result will become noticeable within two weeks.

A full set of exercises takes about 15-20 minutes. Gradually, the training time should be increased, bringing it to 45 minutes. This time period should not be exceeded.

Entry level

For girls and women who have no experience in training intimate muscles, a special course for beginners has been developed. It includes several basic exercises (warm-up):

  • Exercise "Press". Starting position - lying on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees and spread apart. The palms lie below the navel on the stomach. You need to squeeze the vaginal muscles and lift the sphincter (obturator muscle) upward. After a second, relax and repeat the exercise again. For an effective result, the press is performed 100 times, after a rest of 30 seconds - another approach. At the initial stage, difficulties may arise, so it is worth starting with a smaller number of contractions, gradually bringing them to normal. Breathing is even and measured.
  • Exercise “Press press with tightening”. It is performed as the first exercise with the difference that you need to try to keep the vaginal muscles in a compressed state for a minute, and then relax. Repeat after 30 seconds. The muscles of the abdomen, back, and buttocks should not tense. If you cannot maintain tension for a minute, you need to reduce the time, gradually increasing it.
  • “Alternating” involves rapid contraction and relaxation of the vaginal muscles. The exercise can be done lying down, sitting, and repeated several times a day.
  • “Elevator” is a gradual contraction of the vaginal muscles from bottom to top. You need to try to gradually reduce sections of the vagina from bottom to top and vice versa, fixing each “floor” for a few seconds.
  • The exercise involves holding the contracted vaginal muscles for a long time with such force, as if you need to hold something inside. You need to start with 5-10 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
  • In contrast to the previous exercise, you need to imitate pushing an object out of the vagina without affecting the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and intestines.
  • “Trembling” is the fastest contraction and relaxation of a muscle. This exercise may seem difficult at first, but gradually it will become part of your daily exercise routine.

Study, study, study...

In many fitness centers experienced trainers They give exercise therapy lessons for the perineal muscles. Training includes individual work, groups are being recruited for pregnant women and women getting back in shape after childbirth. Under the guidance of a specialist, it is easier and easier to understand how to perform the exercises in order to get the desired result.

If it is not possible to study with a trainer, you can undergo training using videos.

Tatyana is sure that the basis of classes is the connection between energy, Tao, and physiology. Only by restoring balance can a woman be healthy, beautiful, and desirable. Physical and spiritual orgasm are inextricably linked, and a man’s happiness is a sensitive woman.