How much is the strongest blow? The hardest punch in boxing

In this case, it would be a little incorrect to talk about specific numbers, because in boxing no one ever measures the force of a blow, since in most cases it does not matter for the final result of the fight. In addition, impacts are divided into two categories - jolting and sharp. And although both of them may have exactly the same indicators, their essence is too different from each other.

However, we will still present a few interesting numbers and let's name the most strong boxers in history. Let's start with Mike Tyson.

Mike is known as one of the best boxers of all times and peoples. He has animal aggression, incredible speed and the destructive power of his strike. During his professional career, he fought 58 fights, won 50, of which 44 ended in knockout.

Mike's most powerful weapon is considered to be his right side kick, thanks to which he managed to knock out his opponents almost in droves. Experts say that the force of its impact fluctuates between 700 and 1800 psi (or up to 800 kg!). Without calculating his strength, Mike can easily kill an unprepared person. By the way, Tyson himself states that he dealt the strongest blow in his life to his wife Robin - she flew eight meters and hit the wall hard. By the way, he has three convictions.

But Ernie Shavers has the most powerful blow in the world - his right hand reaches a force of 1900 psi! It’s not for nothing that this black athlete was called the “Black Destroyer.” Oh, not in vain...

During his career, he was able to collect 68 knockouts. His opponents have repeatedly spoken of him as being damn strong boxer. Thus, the legendary Ali once admitted that no one had ever hit him so hard, and Larry Holmes compared him with Tyson: if after the latter’s blow a car crashes into you, then after performing in the ring with Shavers it seems to you that a truck drove into you .

Alas, Ernie was extremely predictable. He was aggressive only during the first few rounds, and then he sagged and even got a little tired. This is probably why he never became world champion.

By the way, Shavers was invited as a consultant to the filming of the film "Rocky 3", in which main role played by Sylvester Stallone. Sylvester later said that the boxer almost killed him - it turns out that Stallone asked Ernie not to feel sorry for him...

George Foreman has an equally heavy blow - the same 1900 psi as the previous athlete. During his professional career he fought 81 fights, 68 of which ended in knockouts for other boxers. At the same time, he was famous for constantly breaking ribs and knocking out the teeth of his opponents - this was his fighting technique.

Foreman's style is very simple - he will attack the enemy like a bulldozer and begin to deliver crushing blows to him, which has brought him numerous victories in the past. True, he hardly thought about defense. And then Mohammed Ali himself put him in the ring.


The punching force of absolutely any person, and even a boxer, can be measured using a special device - the Boxing Dynamometer. It looks like a pillow mounted on a board. At the top of the board there is a measuring scale with an arrow. Having struck the board, it bends and presses on the needle, which is supported by two brakes. The needle itself is used as a relay and, by transmitting pressure, presses on the measuring rod of the mechanism. The arrow indicates on the scale, expressed in kilograms, the result you scored.

This device measures the weight of all possible boxing punches. According to measurements, the boxer's weight punch was:
- Boxer weight (light) - up to 65 kg
- Impact weight - 100-150 kg
- Boxer weight (average) - 65-90 kg
- Impact weight - 150-300 kg
- Boxer weight (heavy) - over 90 kg
- Impact weight - from 300 kg (about 450 kg)

Data on some of the best boxers and MMA fighters:

Muhammad Ali - 500 kg right cross

Tyson -300-800 kg

One of the best punchers in the history of world boxing, a black fusion of animal aggression, lightning speed and destructive power, Mike Tyson was a true knockout specialist. At the beginning of his career, Tyson committed real genocide in the ring - often opponents took a horizontal position in the first two rounds. It’s not for nothing that ESPN sports columnist Graham Houston ranked Mike first in the ranking of the best knockout fighters of all time. This title is confirmed by the athlete’s personal statistics - out of 50 fights won, Tyson ended 44 by knockout.

Tyson's most terrible weapon was considered the right side - this impeccable balance between speed, body work and impact force allowed him to lay opponents on the floor in batches and provide work for more than one personal dentist. There is no clear opinion regarding the absolute power of Tyson's blow - the power component of the boxer's blow ranges from 300 to 800 kg, depending on the blow he chooses. In any case, with a clean hit, such a blow can, if not kill, then lower the enemy’s IQ by several tens of points.

Ernie Shavers 850 kg

Earnie Shavers' right hand is considered the most powerful in boxing history. Shavers hit so hard that he earned himself the tenth place in the ranking of the 100 best punchers in boxing history according to Ring magazine, as well as the nickname Black Destroyer.
Ernie Shavers is supported by the truly deadly statistics of knockouts (68 in his career) and the eloquent statements of his opponents - Ali admitted that no one had ever beaten him so hard, and another famous heavyweight Larry Holmes, comparing Tyson and Shavers, said that if after Iron Mike's impact makes you feel like you've been hit by a fast Ferrari, while Ernie feels like you've been hit by a truck.

For all his striking power, Shavers was an extremely predictable boxer. Slowness and poor endurance made him dangerous only in the first few rounds, then he sagged and was no longer so aggressive. As a result, Shavers never became a world champion; the only title he won was the Nevada heavyweight champion.

During the filming of Rocky III, where Ernie Shavers was invited as a consultant, the boxer almost killed Sylvester Stallone in response to his request not to feel sorry for him and to hit him harder. Stallone later admitted that he felt sick for a very long time after Ernie's right jab.

George Foreman Right uppercut 850 kg

Another contender for the title of the heaviest puncher in history, George Foreman, is still the oldest heavyweight champion and, according to the World Boxing Council, the most devastating heavyweight of all time.
On professional level Foreman fought 81 single fights, 68 of which ended by knockout, breaking the ribs and jaws of his opponents countless times. Fans even joked that Foreman could knock bad breath out of his mouth along with his teeth with his uppercut. His fight with another great heavyweight Joe Frazier in 1973 is quite indicative - Foreman destroyed his opponent in two rounds, knocking him down six times.

At the same time, Foreman’s boxing style was primitive to the extreme - he climbed on his opponent like a bulldozer, raining down a hail of crushing blows on him, more reminiscent of carpet bombing, without caring at all about defense. This style of fighting for the time being brought victories to Foreman and made him absolutely invincible in the ring.
The end of the hegemony of Big George and his strong, straightforward boxing was put by Mohammed Ali in the famous “Meat Grinder in the Jungle,” which FURFUR wrote about in the first issue of the column.

After finishing his boxing career, Foreman became a priest, apparently deciding to use all his unspent power in the ring to fight the devil.

Max Bare 680 kg

In the thirties of the last century, Max Baer had no equal in punching power - there was even a legend about him, according to which he once knocked out a bull. But Baer has knocked out more than just artiodactyls - he is a member of the unofficial "Club 50" - boxers who have won more than fifty fights by knockout.
Baer fought his first fight at the age of seventeen, knocking down a huge worker who suspected Max of stealing a bottle of wine from him. Even then it became clear what destructive force was hidden in right hand future champion. Baer's right hand was deadly in the literal sense of the word - in 1930, his rival Frankie Campbell died from a head injury received in a meeting with Baer.
And Baer’s next opponent, Ernie Schaaf, was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state after the fight. Five months later, Schaaf died in the ring from a stroke and many associated this death with the injuries received in the fight with Max Baer.

But Baer was not a brutal killer boxer - he took the injuries of his opponents very hard, and the death of Frankie Campbell truly traumatized him. After her, the boxer even intended to leave the sport and for a long time helped the family of the deceased, financing the education of his children. Having won the championship title, Baer lost interest in boxing - he began to lead a free life, act in Hollywood films and spend more and more time not in training halls, but in the arms of beauty pageant winners. The light, cheerful character of a boxer superimposed on tragic circumstances sports career, forever earned him the nickname Sad Clown.

During the famous fight with Max Schleming, an iconic dialogue took place between Baer and his assistant Jack Dempsey, which became a true boxing conversational classic. Baer, ​​shocked by the German’s blow in the first round, complained: “What should I do, I see three Schlemings at once!” The coach advised him to hit the one exactly in the middle.


Joe Fraser 800kg

Joe Frazier had one of the most powerful left knockout punches among heavyweights - if he turned on his left side, his opponent could safely be booked into a hospital room. It was largely thanks to this weapon that Frazier managed to send the then unbeaten heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali to the floor for the first time.
In one of his interviews, Joe admitted that he had to thank a pig for his crazy left kick. According to Fraser, as a child, a huge hog chased him on a farm and knocked him to the ground, breaking him. left hand— the arm was not fused correctly, and he could only straighten it at an angle, but this angle was ideal for a hook.
To others best friend In his childhood, the future boxer became a bag filled with corn, on which he practiced his blows, sometimes adding a couple of bricks. This cornbrick cocktail turned Joe's left hook into dynamite. Over time, crazy performance, love for animals and incorrect hand geometry came together to create a legendary boxer, who was called nothing less than Smoking Joe - for the crushing blows that darkened the eyes of even the most experienced opponents.
In addition to a poorly straightened left arm, Fraser had another significant physical disability - a cataract in his left eye. With this disease, the boxer managed to knock out his opponents until he earned money for a good operation.

Zab Judah -350 kg.

Wladimir Klitschko left hook - 400 kg

Vitali Klitschko right straight - 600 kg

Corrie Spinks left straight - 275 kg

Bas Ruten - right side, bare hand 370 kg with glove 295 kg cross with glove 432 kg

Randy Coutur - right straight 277 kg in glove and 900 kg in a sitting position on top of the opponent

UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre is considered by many to be best fighter MMA.

Georges St. Pierre's punching force is 2,859 pounds (1,300 kg).
- Georges St. Pierre's leg kick force 3,477 lbs (1,577)
-St. Pierre's superman punch is twice as fast as his normal punch

Dzambolat Tsoriev (MSMK in Armwrestling) winner of the open cup in punch strength Puncher - 1083kg

All the advantages of a boxer are lost without proper hardening of the striking surface of the fist.

Many martial arts practitioners do not (or rarely use) punches, replacing them with heel palm strikes. This is very efficient technique. However, it should be noted that a strike with an open palm (comparable in result to a strike with a fist) usually requires more short distance. In addition, it is much more convenient to strike with a fist below the belt and in the ribs. “The fist is the essence of martial arts,” the ancients said. This technique, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries, should be abandoned only if there are serious reasons.

Before using gloves, boxers pounded their fists on sandbags; to strengthen the skin, they dipped their hands in a special solution of acetic acid and vodka (they chewed tree resin to strengthen the jaw)

In an old Soviet movie, the hero stuffed his fist, adapting the Chinese method: having fixed a year's worth of newspapers on the wall, he applied powerful blows along it, breaking one every day. At the end of the year, the hero could just as powerfully hit a bare wall (better, of course, a wooden one) and eventually break through the wall of a freight car (and this is quite possible).

In the vast expanses of the USSR, where thieves' romance is traditionally strong among criminal punks and gapotas, an original method of preparing a fist for a fight was used - “pumping with Vaseline”. They drove heated paraffin or Vaseline with a syringe between the knuckles (10-30 cubes). The fist becomes ugly - something like brass knuckles and as heavy as a hammer (if you are “lucky” and rotting from infection does not begin). The method was especially popular in fraternal Belarus. In personal files opened by the police for such elements, even a special term appeared - "armed hand".

So how can you strengthen your fist?

Fist hardening is a gradual and non-traumatic training of the knuckles, ribs and back of the hand. And also the fingertips, for targeted blows and painful pressure. It is not done with strong, but with numerous blows (without pain!) on hard surfaces. It is better to use wooden ones, perhaps upholstered with felt at the initial stage. It is only important to remember that padding does not depend on the force of the blows, but on their number. After exercise, it is recommended to massage the surfaces being trained.
The formation of a correct fist is achieved through racks and push-ups on the fists. The angle between the back of the hand and the first phalanges of the fingers in the correct fist should be approximately 88-90 degrees. You should do push-ups and stand on your fists in two versions - “on kendos” - the index and middle knuckles and on the “circle” - the middle, ring and little finger. All knuckles must be strengthened.

When strengthening your fist, do not forget that calluses on the surface of the skin appear within a few weeks, and the strengthening of the structure of bones and cartilage occurs much more slowly. Thick calluses do not yet guarantee a strong fist, so be careful at first. Try not to strike objects that are obviously stronger than your hand (for example, walls) unless absolutely necessary. Hardening a fist, even to a first approximation, takes 5-7 years. Haste can lead to very sad results, such as deformation of the cartilage in the joints of the fingers. On the contrary, gradually and carefully working on strengthening your fist will protect you from injury when hitting hard surfaces

To summarize:

Methods: padding - soft (on bags of varying densities) and hard (on makiwara)

standing on the striking surface in a prone position (push-ups)

The vast majority of people, even with higher technical education, have a vague idea of ​​what impact force is and what it can depend on. Some believe that the force of a blow is determined by impulse or energy, while others believe that it is pressure. Some people confuse strong impacts with impacts that cause injury, while others believe that the force of an impact should be measured in units of pressure. Let's try to clarify this topic.

Impact force, like any other force, is measured in Newtons (N) and kilogram-force (kgf). One Newton is the force due to which a body weighing 1 kg receives an acceleration of 1 m/s 2 . One kgf is the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 g = 9.81 m/s 2 to a body weighing 1 kg (g is the acceleration of gravity). Therefore, 1 kgf = 9.81 N. The weight of a body of mass m is determined by the force of attraction P with which it presses on the support: P = mg. If your body mass is 80 kg, then your weight, determined by gravity or attraction, P = 80 kgf. But in common parlance they say “my weight is 80 kg,” and everyone understands everything. Therefore, they often say about the force of an impact that it amounts to some kg, but what is meant is kgf.

The impact force, unlike the force of gravity, is quite short-lived. The shape of the shock pulse (in simple collisions) is bell-shaped and symmetrical. When a person hits a target, the shape of the pulse is not symmetrical - it increases sharply and falls relatively slowly and wave-like. The total duration of the impulse is determined by the mass embedded in the blow, and the rise time of the impulse is determined by the mass of the striking limb. When we talk about impact force, we always mean not the average, but its maximum value during the collision.

Let's throw the glass not too hard at the wall so that it breaks. If it hits the carpet, it may not break. In order for it to break for sure, you need to increase the force of the throw in order to increase the speed of the glass. In the case of the wall, the blow was stronger, since the wall was harder, and therefore the glass broke. As we can see, the force acting on the glass turned out to depend not only on the force of your throw, but also on the rigidity of the place where the glass hit.

So is the blow of a person. We just throw our hand and the part of the body involved in the strike at the target. As studies have shown (see “Physical and mathematical model of impact”), the part of the body involved in the impact has little effect on the force of the impact produced, since its speed is very low, although this mass is significant (reaches half the body weight). But the force of the impact turned out to be proportional to this mass. The conclusion is simple: the force of the impact depends on the mass involved in the impact, only indirectly, since with the help of precisely this mass our striking limb (arm or leg) is accelerated to maximum speeds. Also, do not forget that the impulse and energy imparted to the target upon impact is mainly (50–70%) determined by precisely this mass.

Let's return to the force of impact. The impact force (F) ultimately depends on the mass (m), size (S) and speed (v) of the striking limb, as well as on the mass (M) and stiffness (K) of the target. The basic formula for impact force on an elastic target:

From the formula it is clear that the lighter the target (bag), the less force of impact. For a bag weighing 20 kg compared to a bag of 100 kg, the impact force is reduced by only 10%. But for bags of 6–8 kg, the impact force already drops by 25–30%. It is clear that, having hit balloon, we will not get any significant value at all.

You will have to basically take the following information on faith.

1. A direct blow is not the most powerful of blows, although it requires good execution technique and especially a sense of distance. Although there are athletes who do not know how to hit with a side kick, as a rule, their direct blow is very strong.

2. The elbow strike is just a little harder. direct blow. And despite its apparent simplicity, it requires its own technique and skill (otherwise it will be weaker than the direct one). Its destructiveness lies in the rigidity of the entire impact structure and surface. By striking a soft bag with an elbow or knee, we will not get significant strength readings, but in battle the same blows on a hard target will be significant in force (and especially in the pressure developed), which can lead to significant injuries.

3. The force of a side blow due to the speed of the striking limb is always higher than that of a direct blow. Moreover, with a delivered blow, this difference reaches 30–50%. Therefore, side punches tend to be the most knockout.

4. A backhand strike (such as a backfist with a turn) is the easiest in terms of execution technique and does not require good physical training, practically the strongest among punches, especially if the striker is in good physical shape. You just need to understand that its strength is determined by the large contact surface, which is easily achievable on a soft bag, but in real combat for the same reason, when striking on a hard, complex surface, the contact area is greatly reduced, the force of the blow drops sharply, and it turns out to be ineffective. Therefore, in battle it still requires high precision, which is not at all easy to implement.

5. A kick is slightly slower than a side kick, but is still stronger due to the mass and especially the area of ​​the striking limb.

Let us emphasize once again that the blows were considered from a position of strength, and against a soft and large bag, and not in terms of the amount of damage caused.

Projectile gloves reduce impacts by 3–7%.

Gloves used for competition reduce impacts by 15–25%.

As a guide, the results of measuring the force of the delivered blows should be as follows:

Savelyev V.N., 01/15/09, 04/02/09, 12/25/15


"Most swipe in the world" - "Three heavyweights" How to determine the power of a blow? at the moment, the issue of objective assessment of the force with which a blow is delivered has been resolved only in professional boxing, for this purpose, a variety of measurement estimates of speed, efficiency and power are used. In professional leagues, a computer scoring system called "CompuBox" is used to determine the hardest shot. If we consider non-professional boxing, then the most terrible blow is considered to be “Cross”, which means cross. If we consider the issue of impact force in general, then there is no talk about specific numbers, i.e. kilograms or newtons. In fact, the strength is not so important as the knockout component. In addition, all blows can be divided into sharp and jolting. Despite the fact that both types have approximately the same strength indicator, their essence can be completely different. However, it is, of course, worth introducing some specifics: the standard impact force of a man ranges from 200-1000 kg. At the same time, 200 kg is already enough good result, but the strongest blows are 1000 kg - this is the limit of a heavyweight. This way you can easily knock your opponent unconscious. Unofficial record holder When discussing who has the strongest punch in the world, I would like to start with Mike Tyson. He is rightfully considered one of the best of all time. Special qualities are: animal aggression, a destructive blow of powerful force and incredible speed . Just think, during his professional career he won 50 fights out of 58, 44 of which ended in knockout. As already mentioned, there is no absolute dynamometer for boxers, but it is believed that Mike Tyson’s punch force is about 800 kg, which can not only knock out an opponent, but also kill him. If you are ever asked who has the strongest punch, you can safely answer that it is Mike Tyson. By the way, he himself once stated that he dealt the strongest blow in his life to his wife Robin, then she flew eight meters and hit a wall. Probably, due to the peculiarity of his character, he has three criminal records. Mike Tyson Tyson isn't the only boxer to land the biggest punch in boxing history; there's also Earnie Shavers. His strength earned him a place on the list of the 100 best punchers in boxing history, ranking him at number ten. The fighter is also known by the nickname Black Destroyer. His danger is evidenced by his deadly statistics - 68 knockouts throughout his career. Opponents compare Mike Tyson and Earnie Shavers, saying that Tyson's punch feels like being hit by a fast Ferrari, while Ernie's punch is compared to the force of a truck. The strongest fighter, for all his power, was quite predictable, and his main disadvantages were slowness and poor endurance. For these reasons, he never managed to become world champion. It is known that once, during the filming of the famous action movie “Rocky 3”, he was invited as a consultant. So then, having heeded Sylvester Stallone’s request not to feel sorry for him and to hit him harder, Ernie almost killed him. Stallone admitted that he was still moving away from the boxer's right jab for a long time. No less famous strongmen George Foreman also claims the title of “the strongest blow in boxing”; to this day he remains a crushing heavyweight of all time. During his career, he broke his opponents' ribs and jaws countless times. Of his 81 fights, he finished 68 by knockout. Another indicator of Foreman's strength was the fight with the no less famous heavyweight Joe Frazier, whom he destroyed in two rounds, knocking him down 6 times. By the way, his boxing style was quite primitive. He acted as follows: he climbed onto his opponent like a bulldozer and “poured” a hail of crushing blows on him, while absolutely not caring about his own defense. Until a certain time, such tactics brought many victories, but Mohammed Ali put an end to the hegemony of the Great George. When the boxing career itself strong fighter ended, he decided to direct all his unspent power to fight the devil and became a priest. A rather strange turn of events, but still, it took place. George Foreman In the history of boxing, there was another man who could throw the most powerful punch, his name was Joe Frazier. He was known for his powerful knockout left blow, which was equal to 1800 psi. It was believed that if Joe lets his left side enter, then his opponent can already order a separate ward in the hospital. Despite the fact that he was once defeated by George Foreman, thanks to his “weapon” he managed to put the famous heavyweight Muhammad Ali, who at that time was still undefeated, on the shoulder blades. Joe Frazier Frazier was helped to develop the strength of his blow by his childhood friend - a bag of corn, and sometimes with the addition of bricks. It was this cocktail of corn and brick that made his left hook look like dynamite. The legendary man who had the most powerful punch was also called Smoking Joe, because his crushing blows darkened the eyes of even those who had extensive experience in boxing. By the way, Joe managed to achieve incredible results, despite the fact that the geometry of his left hand was incorrect and there was a cataract on his left eye. But thanks to his victorious fights, the boxer managed to earn himself a good operation.

People are always interested in fame, popularity and recognition. Some people manage to achieve fame through acting, while others simply have the talent to make money. But there are also those who have incredible physical abilities. Sometimes their achievements are difficult or completely impossible to repeat. They set records that make them famous all over the world, glorifying sportsmanship.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records achievements around the globe, often capturing the imagination of its readers. But some achievements are so absurd or insane that no one even tries to repeat them. Also, the book of records is not concerned with recording the striking force in a particular sport. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to instantly determine such an indicator, because for this you will have to use large number sensors that can cause harm to the athlete during performance.

But there is no need to be upset, because you can find out what the hardest blow in boxing history was.

It's hard to reason

As mentioned above , impact force - magnitude, which is not easy to measure. For example, on the football field you cannot constantly run after the attackers to detect the speed of the ball, and in boxing it is impossible to be in the ring and record how powerfully this or that fighter hit.

But sports fans, as well as experts and critics, are compiling ratings that highlight the strength achievements of athletes.

When answering the question of who has the strongest striking power in the world, it is virtually impossible to give an unambiguous answer, because the strength parameter depends on many factors. Very important point- with what limb the blow was struck and what the circumstances were.

You should also definitely pay attention to fighter's weight to strength ratio. Of course, the resulting force will be affected by the ejected mass and the speed of movement. But there are often cases when an athlete weighs less, but is almost equal in strength to heavyweights weighing 120 kg.

Who owns the strongest punch?

There are a large number of martial arts that teach how to perform powerful strikes. But measuring the force of blows during fights requires special equipment. In this matter, progress has been achieved only in boxing and kickboxing.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can deliver powerful attacks with their hands. One of the most famous representatives of the boxing world - Mike Tyson, which everyone probably knows about, although it professional career has long since ended.

  • It is generally accepted that it is the powerful Mike who has the strongest punch in boxing. On numerous attractions where a special punching bag is hit to determine the impact force, photographs of Mike are posted. They indicate that Mike Tyson's punch force is 800 kg. This indicator is truly outstanding, and we can safely say that it has virtually no equal. If you take into account the fact that in order to knock out another person, an uppercut with a force of 15 kg is enough, but you have to hit it squarely in the jaw, sharply throwing your hand in a circular path, this is truly extraordinary power.
  • When answering a question, many experts remember the name famous boxer from Western Samoa David Tua. They note that the most powerful hand snatch he performed reached 1024 kg. One can only sympathize with his rivals. If only to this day he could preserve the same beautiful physical fitness, he would have been an excellent opponent for Vladimir Klitschko, who had to fight weak opponents.

The most powerful kicks

No less exciting was the question of whether which fighters have strong kicks. Previously, it was generally accepted that the most trained lower limbs among athletes who practice only karate and taekwondo.

But in recent years, numerous tournaments have been held mixed martial arts, in which they kick hard, martial arts and Muay Thai have been added.

From time to time, popular fighters take part in various television shows where strength is compared. But the results of demonstration competitions, as a rule, are subjective, because everyone’s technique is individual, and the output power depends on it.

For example, the most powerful kick was performed by heavy league fighter Mirko Crocop, his power reached 2703 kg! This is the strongest breakthrough in the history of MMA. Another athlete, Greek Mike Zambidis, defeated his opponent with a weight of 70 kilograms right foot with a force of 1870 kilograms. As you can see, it’s better not to joke with such serious guys.

Strikes using elbows and knees

Real masters - Muay Thai fighters. During performances, they can literally cut an opponent’s skin in just a few blows. Because of this, many fights resemble a bloody mess, and not sports competition, causing shock and misunderstanding among those watching the competition from the outside. But the power of such jerks is truly enormous.

Impact strength is a relative indicator, and much depends on efficiency. Masters Thai boxing managed to prove that an athlete weighing 50 kg can deliver just one blow with his fist, capable of knocking out an opponent.

What distinguished football stars

Football is the game of millions. Football matches attract millions of spectators in front of television screens, thousands of fans in stadiums. In order to send the ball into the goal, you must hit the ball very accurately and strongly. Football critics often point out players who hit the goal with incredible force.

  • To date, Brazilian midfielder Givanildo Vieira de Souza, nicknamed the Hulk, remains the absolute record holder. Playing against the Shakhtar Donetsk team, he hit the ball into the goal of the Ukrainian team in September 2011 at a speed of 214 km/h. The goalkeeper was powerless.
  • Roberto Carlos, who played for the Brazilian national team for a long time, could hit the ball at a speed of 198 km/h, becoming a record holder for a long time, until his record was surpassed by the legendary Hulk.