L Slutsk CSKA coach biography. Where will Leonid Slutsky work after CSKA?

Ukrainian politician, statesman. In 2014-2016 - Prime Minister of Ukraine.


Arseniy Yatsenyuk was born in Chernivtsi in Western Ukraine on May 22, 1974. Childhood passed in hometown.
Married to Teresia Viktorovna Yatsenyuk (b. 1970). He has two daughters - Christina (1999) and Sofia (2004).


He graduated from secondary school with English as the language of instruction No. 9 with a silver medal. He spoke English very well, so well that even while studying at a university, he wanted to write his thesis and defend himself in English. True, he was not allowed to do this due to the insufficient level of knowledge of the teachers themselves.
In 1996 he graduated from Chernivtsi State University with a degree in Law. By the way, his father Pyotr Ivanovich taught at the same university as deputy dean of the history department, and his mother Maria Grigorievna worked as a French teacher in one of the local schools.
In 2006 he graduated from the Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute of the Kyiv Trade and Economic University (specialty - accounting and audit).

Entrepreneurial and political activities

Arseny grabbed knowledge, as they say, on the fly - easily and quickly. Moreover, from the second year on, he practically did not appear at lectures at the university - he was actively involved in business.
In December 1992 (and he was only 18!) Arseniy, together with the son of the then governor of the Chernivtsi region, Valentin Gnatyshin, participated in the creation of the law firm YurEk Ltd. in Chernivtsi, which was involved in privatization. He was at the helm of the company until 1997.
From 1998 to 2001, he worked as a consultant to the credit department at the Joint Stock Postal and Pension Bank "Aval", and later as deputy chairman of the bank's board.

Soon he was appointed acting Minister of Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and in November of this year he became minister and held this post until January 2003. His career is skyrocketing.

In 2003-2005 - First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine.
For a little less than six months, in 2004, he served as acting head of the NBU.
For a year - from 2005 to 2006 - he was Minister of Economy in the government of Yuri Yekhanurov.
In 2006, the President of Ukraine, at that time Viktor Yushchenko, appointed Yatsenyuk as the first deputy head of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine - the representative of the President of Ukraine in the Cabinet of Ministers.

On March 21, 2007, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was confirmed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and ceased his activities in the Secretariat. On the day of his appointment as minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was included in the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Despite the lack of professional diplomatic experience and education, he manages to stay afloat.

From December 2007 to November 2008 - Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada.
At the end of December 2008, he created a political party based on the public initiative “Front of Change”.
In 2009, Yatsenyuk actively began his presidential campaign and, according to the voting results, took fourth place.
Since 2012 - People's Deputy of the 7th convocation from the Batkivshchyna party (No. 2 on the list of the united opposition). In parliament he headed the faction of the All-Ukrainian Association “Batkivshchyna”. Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on the Affairs of Pensioners, Veterans and Disabled Persons.

In 2013, together with other opposition leaders Vitali Klitschko and Oleg Tyagnibok, he coordinated protests in the center of Kyiv.

On February 26, 2014, Yatsenyuk was appointed Prime Minister of Ukraine, and six months later, in November, he was elected people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation.
On November 27, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada again supported the candidacy of Arseniy Yatsenyuk for the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine. 341 people's deputies voted for this decision.

The program of the Yatsenyuk government was approved in December 2014 - its key directions are reform in various areas and changes in the social security system in the country. Of course, in the post-revolutionary and war conditions, the Yatsenyuk government had no chance of becoming successful. Many experts believe that Yatsenyuk did not implement a single point from the approved program due to the unprofessional staff of the Cabinet of Ministers.

On February 16, 2016, on the initiative of President P. Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk was forced to resign. Poroshenko believes that Arseniy Petrovich and the Cabinet of Ministers headed by him made too many mistakes. On April 10, 2016, Arseniy Yatsenyuk resigned from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine.


Arseniy Yatsenyuk himself states that his main hobby is driving a car. He likes to lift weights and works out on the treadmill. He goes to the gym twice a week. Loves to shoot. He has personal weapons - several pistols and shotguns. Collects coins. Previously (before well-known events) I preferred to vacation in Crimea.

Loud scandals

In politics, the name of Arseniy Yatsenyuk is associated with several quite high-profile scandals.
. People's Deputy Sergei Kaplin from the "Petro Poroshenko Bloc" in November 2014 set out to deal with corruption schemes in the budget sector. Suspecting the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk of pulling off a major scam, S. Kaplin submitted a parliamentary request to the Prosecutor General's Office and the SBU in order to find out : Where did the three billion hryvnias allocated by the government to finance the mines of the occupied Donbass go?
“The thread stretched” to Makeyevka, also controlled by terrorists. Here, as it turned out, several million budget hryvnias, supposedly aimed at research projects and some kind of design work, disappeared. In addition, half of the total VAT was refunded to Renat Akhmetov.
. On December 14, 2015, People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Sergei Leshchenko drew the attention of his colleagues to the hostility between the Chairman of the Odessa Regional State Administration Mikho Saakashvili and the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, between whom an unpleasant verbal altercation arose during a meeting of the National Reform Council. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk allowed himself to call Miho a “tourist”, strongly suggesting that he “get out of Ukraine” altogether. To this, Mikheil Saakashvili replied that he was the same citizen, but, unlike Yatsenyuk, he did not rob Ukraine.

The topic of Yatsenyuk’s Jewish roots has already set teeth on edge. However, given the fact that recently it has become popular again, we could not ignore the latest publications on this topic in the Ukrainian media. DailyUa


The topic of Yatsenyuk’s Jewish roots has already set teeth on edge. However, given the fact that recently it has become popular again, we could not ignore the latest publications on this topic in the Ukrainian media.

“How the hell does people’s deputy from the OU-NS Arseniy Yatsenyuk react to the topic of his nationality. As funny as it may be, looking at the face of Arseny Petrovich, who is panickingly denying his Jewishness, you remember the joke about “they hit you in the face, not the passport.” This begs the question: why does the obvious (you can see it) Jew Yatsenyuk so absurdly and so emotionally deny something that does not need proof?” - this is the question asked by the publication DailyUa . Attempts to answer this question are devoted to a publication entitled “Why does the Jew Yatsenyuk hide that he is a descendant of the most famous interpreter of the Talmud?”

Here’s what the newspaper writes, in particular: “Why does the Jew Yatsenyuk simply desperately insist that he is a third-generation Ukrainian, if the parental tribe closest to him is clearly of Jewish nationality. Moreover, Yatsenyuk’s mother, whose maiden name Bakai belongs to an ancient Jewish family, which is known to the world thanks to the most authoritative interpreter of the Talmud - Rabbi Bakai.

Maria Grigorievna with her husband Peter Ivanovich

As you know, the nationality of Jews is determined by their mother. Why? It's all about what determines this Halacha - traditional Jewish law, in the form of a set of laws and regulations of Judaism regulating religious, family and social life believing (!) Jews. In a narrower sense, Halacha is the body of laws contained in the Talmud.

As we see, it is necessary to distinguish between Jews “by blood” and Jews “by spirit.” Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk is afraid not so much to recognize his Jewishness in ethnic terms as to carefully hide his Jewish worldview and the moral guidelines associated with it, which were so clearly and so easily understood even by non-Jews by his ancestor, the famous Rabbi Bakai.

Below are quotes from Yatsenyuk’s progenitor (with links to sources), who openly explains to the Jews how they should live, how to act towards the “goyim” (non-Jews) and what to be guided by. We deliberately present Bakai's mentoring excerpts without comment. Just read Yatsenyuk’s spiritual heritage, which is the same for him as the Bible is for any Christian:

“Hypocrisy is acceptable in the sense that a Jew should appear polite towards the wicked, let him show them respect and say: “I love you. This is permissible only if the Jew has a need for the wicked, or has reason to fear him; otherwise it is a sin." (Sepher Cadha-Kemach, folio 30, a)

“To better deceive the goyim, a Jew can even visit their sick, bury their dead, do good to their poor, but all this must be done in order to have peace, and so that the wicked do not do evil to the Jews.” (Traite gittin, folio 61, a)

“Just as one can kill a wild animal and take possession of its forest with a clear conscience, one can also kill or expel a goy and take possession of his property. The property of a non-Jew is like an abandoned thing, its real owner is the Jew who will be the first to seize it.” (Baba Bathra, folio 54, b; Choschen Michpot, 156, 1)

“So, if a goy steals even less than half a ruble, then he is liable to death for that too.” (Traite Jebammot, folio 47, b)

“A Jew is allowed to seize, at will, the property of a goy, for where it is written: “Do not harm your neighbor,” it does not say: “Do not harm a goy.” (Traite Sanhedrin, folio 57, a)

“If an ox belonging to a Jew hits a goyim’s bull, the Jew is not responsible for it, but if a goyim’s bull harms a Jew’s ox, the goyim must pay the Jew the entire loss, for God divided the land and gave the goyim to Israel.” (Traite Baba Kamma, folio 37, b)

“God ordered the goyim to lend money, but to give it only for interest; therefore, instead of helping them, we should harm them, even if this person can be useful to us, whereas with regard to a Jew we should not act in this way.” (Maimonide, Sepher Mizv., folio 73, 4)

"Their<гоев>life, O Jew, is in your hands, especially their money.” (Explic. du Pentat., folio 213, 4)

It gives me chills that “with a clear conscience you can kill a goy.”

In this regard, as noted Vlasti.net , Ratushnyak’s fears for the life of the “victim” Yatsenyuk apologist from Uzhgorod turn out to be quite reasonable.

Further in the text: “Well, attacks on their own agitators throughout the country, organized by Arseny Petrovich, are a complete nonsense. After all, at the same time, Yatsenyuk does not harm his neighbor, but uses the goyim as slaughtered animals “in order to have peace, and so that the wicked do not harm the Jews.”

And in order not to get dirty from the “wicked,” real Jews should marry exclusively real daughters of Israel. And in this regard, Yatsenyuk’s choice is simply impeccable. As the press dubbed Arseniy Petrovich’s wife, Teresia Gur, a “Hasidic princess,” since she is also a match for her husband. ancient Jewish family."

Arseniy Yatsenyuk with his wife Teresia Viktorovna

Now, as the publication notes, it becomes clear why the Jew Yatsenyuk so persistently proves his “Ukrainianness.” The problem is not that Yatsenyuk is Jewish by blood. There is and cannot be anything shameful in this. It would be ignorant in the 21st century to even raise this topic.

“But what is truly dangerous is what Arseny Petrovich believes in and is guided by, shamelessly hiding behind his supposed Greek Catholicism. True, it looks “shameless” to us non-Jews or goyim. But for Yatsenyuk, as we have seen, hypocrisy is quite acceptable and even obligatory. After all, in order to better deceive us goyim, he can even visit our sick, bury our dead, do good to our poor...” the publication sums up.

P.S. "fr Az A" is ready to provide the opportunity to express their own point of view to all persons mentioned in this publication.

Jews: Yatsenyuk is our President!

An ambiguous statement appeared online.

Edition "Phrase" reports that the publication "4post" published an Appeal from the Jewish community to the leader of the “Front for Change”, people’s deputy Arseny Yatsenyuk.

Appeal from the Jewish community to Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk

All Jews are ready to support you, Arseniy Petrovich, as a future candidate for President of Ukraine, as a pillar of our faith in a calm Ukraine. You should not shy away from Jewishness and, finally, officially declare that you are a Jew and proud of it.

We, representatives of the Jewish community of Ukraine, sincerely support the initiative of Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk to run in the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine.

Our nation has gone through difficult trials, we are proud of many of our fellow tribesmen, whose names the whole world knows.

As we know, you belong to the famous Jewish family of Bakai, which is officially recognized by Israel. After all, according to pedigree, in the case of mixed marriages, only the one whose mother is Jewish is considered a Jew. Your mother, Maria Grigorievna Bakai (nee), belongs to the oldest Jewish family of Bakai. Your deeply respected ancestor among all Jews, Rabbi Bakai, is the most famous writer of the Talmud, a multi-volume set of legal, religious and ethical provisions of Judaism.

In addition, your wife Theresia also belongs to our nation and comes from the most ancient Jewish family of Gur.

It is common knowledge that Jews were repeatedly persecuted and humiliated. Cruel confirmation - millions of victims and tragedies. That time left a deep, unhealed wound in our memory. However, today is a different time, and we can openly, without fear, say: “Yes, we are Jews.” Therefore, we urge you to move away from negative stereotypes and look at the historical values ​​of our nation. For many years, propaganda tried to discredit the Jewish nation. You, Arseny Petrovich, are a politician of a new time, a new generation. You should not be ashamed or hide your nationality. Today the Jewish people have national independence.

Ukraine has one of the largest Jewish communities. We support each other. We are grateful to you for expressing words of support and promises of protection to us, and we hope that in the future we will see that any prerequisites for the emergence of anti-Semitic manifestations and Judeophobia will be eliminated in Ukraine.

All Jews are ready to support you, Arseniy Petrovich, as a future candidate for President of Ukraine, as a pillar of our faith in a calm Ukraine. You should not shy away from Jewishness and, finally, officially declare that you are a Jew and proud of it.

From the publication “Our Century”: we look forward to the commentary of Arseniy Yatsenyuk himself.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk is a well-known Ukrainian politician who held key positions in the country's government at various times. Since 2014, after active participation in the so-called “Euromaidan”, he became the Prime Minister of Ukraine. Until recently, Yatsenyuk was considered one of the most influential figures in Ukrainian politics.

Yatsenyuk Arseniy Petrovich was born on May 22, 1974 in the beautiful Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi in a family of teachers. Mother Maria Grigorievna worked as a French teacher in one of the local schools, and father Peter Ivanovich served as deputy dean of the history department at Chernivtsi National University. The head of the Ukrainian government also has an older sister, Alina, who has lived in California since 1999 with her third husband and two children.

Yatsenyuk spent his childhood in his hometown, where he graduated from a specialized school with in-depth study with a silver medal. English language No. 9, and then became a student at Chernivtsi National University. Future career Arseny associated with jurisprudence, so he entered the Faculty of Law, which he graduated in 1996. Parents strongly supported their son’s desire to study. Teachers speak of the future politician as a diligent, careful and intelligent student who was easily given all the sciences both at school and at university.

Having received a law degree, the future prime minister decided to continue his studies and entered the Kiev National Trade and Economic University at the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, which he successfully graduated in 2001.

In 1992, while still a student, Yatsenyuk became a businessman, founding with the son of the governor of the Chernivtsi region, Valentin Gnatyshin, a law firm dealing with privatization issues of individuals and legal entities. During his time at the head of the law firm, Arseniy Petrovich met many representatives of Ukrainian politics and big business, which became a turning point in his biography.


Arseniy Yatsenyuk's political career started in 2001, when he was offered to head the Ministry of Economy in Crimea. But literally two years later, the politician’s career progressed rapidly, and he moved to Kyiv, becoming the first deputy head National Bank Ukraine Sergei Tigipko, who is an ally of the ex-president of Ukraine.

In 2005, having resigned, Yatsenyuk was invited to the post of vice-governor of the Odessa region, where he worked in Vasily Tsushko’s team for about six months, after which he was appointed to the post of Minister of Economy of Ukraine. A year later, the entire Ukrainian government, together with the Minister of Economy, was dismissed, but already in September 2006, Arseniy Petrovich received the position of deputy head of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine.

This period of Yatsenyuk’s career was very difficult, since the country was experiencing an acute political crisis, and all the ministers representing the interests of the then current Ukrainian leader Viktor Yushchenko were removed from their positions by the Verkhovna Rada. Nevertheless, the politician managed to stay afloat, and in 2007 he became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, despite the lack of professional diplomatic experience and education. At the same time, having become the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yatsenyuk receives membership in the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

And this period of his political career again coincided with instability in the Ukrainian government, so Arseniy Petrovich managed to hold on to his position for only 11 months, after which he was dismissed. After this, Yatsenyuk created his own political bloc, the “Front of Change,” whose activities brought the politician fame and popularity among the population.

In society, the politician was perceived as a promising leader, who was predicted to be the president of the country. In 2009, the former head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry began an election campaign in the presidential race, but failed, taking only fourth place in the elections.

In 2010, Yatsenyuk was nominated by the then-current president of the country, Viktor Yanukovych, for the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine. But Arseny Petrovich rejected this proposal, since being prime minister in a coalition with the communists was unacceptable for him. After this, Yatsenyuk began to call on parliament for early elections, believing that illegal attempts by parliamentarians to form a coalition would lead to a state and political crisis in Ukraine.

Against the backdrop of his opposition activities in 2012, the leader of the “Front for Change” united with the head of “Batkivshchyna”, with whom he formed a common list for participation in the presidential elections and created a council of the “United Opposition”.

In 2013, Yatsenyuk, together with Oleg Tyagnibok, led the coordination protest movement on the Maidan, opposing the current authorities who suspended the process of preparing the signing of an association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. A month later, ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, in order to get out of the protracted crisis, offered Arseniy Petrovich the position of prime minister of the country, but he did not agree. Only a month after putting forward a similar proposal at Euromaidan, Yatsenyuk became prime minister within 24 hours.

While heading the government of Ukraine, the opposition politician was faced with the Crimean crisis and armed conflict in the east of the country. His achievement in his position was the signing of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. Many Ukrainian deputies considered Yatsenyuk’s rise to power illegal, which is why they appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine, where it was decided to open proceedings on this claim.

Yatsenyuk did not wait for the court’s decision and voluntarily resigned. But after the Verkhovna Rada reviewed some bills providing for the easing of certain conditions, in particular in the gas sector, which was in the interests of many of the country’s oligarchs, such as, the government did not accept the resignation of Arseniy Petrovich. After early elections, he was confirmed as head of the government of Ukraine.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

The second government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the history of Ukraine became a record for the number of members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - out of 20 ministers, 8 are among the richest people in the country who previously had nothing to do with bureaucratic work.

The new government of Arseniy Petrovich included 4 foreigners, including the Minister of Economy, US citizen Natalya Yaresko, the Minister of Health, Georgian citizen Alexander Kvitashvili, and the Minister of Trade, Lithuanian Aivaras Abromavicius, who, after taking office, were granted Ukrainian citizenship by the President of Ukraine.

The program of the Yatsenyuk government was approved in December 2014 - its key directions are reform in various areas and changes in the social security system in the country. Of course, in the post-revolutionary and war conditions, the Yatsenyuk government had no chance of becoming successful. Many experts believe that Yatsenyuk did not implement a single point from the approved program due to the unprofessional staff of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Despite his rather thorny path as Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yatsenyuk does not demonstrate his discomfort, adhering to categorical and tough positions. He builds his policy as a business project, the goal of which is to effectively fight for the economy of Ukraine, the resources of which are simply “melting” against the backdrop of the war.

Due to the fact that the main character trait of a politician is the desire to get the most profitable result in any undertaking, reform in Ukraine did not begin during the year of his work. Political scientists believe that this is due to the politician’s fear of making mistakes and disappointing the electorate.

Arseny Petrovich's efforts do not bring results, and soon society demands his resignation. The years of Yatsenyuk’s rule are considered extremely unsuccessful, the people are literally groaning under the burden of his “reform initiatives,” and total poverty is setting in in the country. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko took advantage of a similar situation, removing a political competitor who was dragging his rating to the bottom, he actually formed a new leadership of the executive branch, subject only to him alone.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk now

People in Ukraine react extremely negatively to the person of Arseniy Petrovich after his premiership. Any media report about Yatsenyuk’s possible appointment to a high government position is perceived by the public without much enthusiasm.

People asked in all corners of Ukraine about where Arseniy Yatsenyuk is now, because after serving as head of the Ukrainian government, Yatsenyuk suddenly disappeared from TV screens. There was less and less news about the politician, many voters began to make their own assumptions regarding the fate of the official.

The Ukrainian press, amid “silence,” reported that statesman Yatsenyuk was killed and his body was discovered country house near Kyiv. Such rumors turned out to be fiction. In addition, even during his premiership, information appeared in the media about Yatsenyuk’s preparation to flee abroad, that the politician allegedly received Canadian citizenship. Arseniy Petrovich himself called such data untrue.

In 2017, the Ukrainian media reported that Yatsenyuk could replace Valeria Gontareva as head of the NBU, but the former prime minister himself refused to comment on such reports.


Arseniy Petrovich’s activities soon even became the reason for the creation of various memes, which became very popular on the Internet, and the famous Ukrainian presenter Alexei Durnev gave the politician a carrot at one of the rallies. According to Durnev, such a vegetable is “a symbol of presidential power” for Yatsenyuk.

In December 2015, the incident involving Oleg Barna, a deputy from the Solidarity party, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk was remembered not only in Ukraine. Many foreign media They called the delicate situation “an intimate attack by Barna on the Prime Minister.”

The ex-president of Georgia also takes his place in the biography of Arseniy Yatsenyuk. At the Reform Council, the Georgian reformer had a row not only with the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also with the Prime Minister. Saakashvili called the actions of the head of the Ukrainian government provocative and demanded that the press service of the Presidential Administration publish the full video of the conflict.

Yatsenyuk always spoke quite harshly about Russia, accusing the neighboring state of inciting war in Donbass, and called the President of the Russian Federation the main culprit of the conflict. According to the Ukrainian politician, it is necessary to strengthen sanctions measures against the Russian side, as well as to react more harshly to Russia’s “behavior.” He often visits Western countries with similar offers. In particular, his last interview with the BBC television and radio company was especially significant, in which the former Ukrainian official spoke about Putin in his usual manner.

“Russia is a challenge for the West. We need to formulate a new, strong policy that will protect our values, freedoms and democracies. Putin wants to get a new geopolitical structure of the world, this is the whole reason. Who is Vladimir Putin in the context of NATO and Ukrainian independence?! We still have a country, we still have a nation, and I don’t care what President Putin wants,” Yatsenyuk said in an interview with the BBC’s Hard Talk program during a visit to the British capital.

Personal life

Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s personal life, in contrast to his eventful political career, is calm, stable and transparent. In 1999, Teresia Viktorovna Gur, who is four years older than the politician, became his wife.

The Yatsenyuk couple are raising two daughters – Christina and Sofia. It is known that Arseny Petrovich’s wife runs a business, runs a household, and takes an active part in her husband’s political activities.

Since 2003, the Yatsenyuk family has lived near Kiev; their two-story mansion with a plot of land of 30 acres is located in the village of Novye Petrivtsi, Vyshgorod district, next to the residence of the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

Being a wealthy and adult man, the Prime Minister of Ukraine decided to become a Greek Catholic, which he is very proud of. At the same time, Yatsenyuk has repeatedly become involved in scandals regarding his nationality. Many politicians believe that Arseny Petrovich is a Jew by nationality. Despite the fact that such information was not officially confirmed, at the end of 2009, Yatsenyuk was included in the collection “50 Famous Jews of Ukraine.”


Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s income, according to the 2015 declaration, amounted to about 1 million 150 thousand hryvnia, which is equivalent to 49 thousand dollars. This amount included the salary of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and interest on bank deposits.

The declaration also states that Yatsenyuk is the owner of a land plot (3 thousand sq.m.), a residential building (300 sq.m.), two apartments in Kyiv (225 and 83 sq.m.) and a 2010 Mercedes S car.

In 2016, the press reported that Yatsenyuk purchased 24 villas in Miami, but the politician himself soon denied such information.

A football team is a complex system consisting of many interacting elements. The main parts of this system are the players and the coach. Teams, like armies, go into battle led by their commander-trainer. And the success of the team directly depends on the actions of the governor. Russian football has its own hero-coaches, and one of the representatives is Leonid Viktorovich Slutsky.

Childhood and the beginning of a football career

Slutsky Leonid Viktorovich was born in Volgograd on May 4, 1971. The parents were very happy about the birth of their son. But, unfortunately, the happiness of the Slutsky family was cut short by a serious tragedy: the family loses their father. At that time Lena was only 6 years old. Slutsky’s further upbringing was carried out by his mother.

Leonid Slutsky, like all children, after kindergarten went to school. In the 3rd grade, Lenya begins to study in football section. After receiving a school certificate, Leonid Viktorovich Slutsky enters a pedagogical university in his hometown. During his student years, Leonid played as a goalkeeper in the Zvezda football club from the suburban working-class village of Gorodishche. Slutsky’s goalkeeper career took off well, and they began to predict a great future for him, but suddenly the footballer’s career was cut short.

Leonid Viktorovich Slutsky received a domestic injury: he climbed up a tree to save a kitten and fell from high altitude. The fall occurred on one of the most important joints for a football player - the knee. After a long time spent in the hospital, Leonid Slutsky recovered for a long time, but was unable to stand in goal again. The injuries received were incompatible with football.

Beginning of a coaching career

Ending a career for a retiring football player is difficult. More than once we have seen players cry at their farewell matches. When a career is cut short due to injury, and even at a young age, it is a severe blow for an athlete. But Leonid Slutsky was not the person who could be broken. The biography of this wonderful athlete, despite all the obstacles, did not miss football.

In 1993, twenty-two-year-old Slutsky began working as a coach in his hometown with a team of children aged 12 at the Olimpia football club. Few people know that Leonid Slutsky is a coach who was already involved in the education of several Euro 2008 bronze medalists. In 1999, Olympia took first place in amateur league in the "South" zone and wins the Russian Cup among amateur teams. Thus, Olimpia won the right to compete in the second division.

"Uralan" Elista

In 2001, the young coach received an offer to lead the double team of the Elista Uralan team. In 2002, Leonid Slutsky is the coach who leads the second team of Uralan to the silver medals of the championship among reserve teams. In 2003, Uralan lost the right to play in the Premier League, and (then coach) was dismissed. Leonid Viktorovich Slutsky is offered to head Uralan. The following year, due to financial problems, FC Uralan was disbanded.

FC Moscow

After the collapse of the Elista team in 2004, Leonid Slutsky received an invitation to FC Moscow as a coach of the second team. Leonid Viktorovich coached the reserve team for a short time. The following year he was appointed coach of the first team. In the 2006-2007 season, FC Moscow, led by Leonid Slutsky, won silver medals in the Russian Cup and took 4th place in the championship. But Slutsky’s achievements did not suit the club’s management, and they decided to terminate the contract with the current coach.

Samara wings

In 2007, the Samara club “Wings of the Soviets” changed its owner and management. The new management of the club wanted to see a new coach at the helm of the team. On December 21, a contract was signed between the Samara club and Leonid Slutsky. The replacement coach worked, and in Slutsky’s debut season, “Wings of the Soviets” took 6th place and received the right to play in European competition.

The 2008-2009 season started well for the Samara team. “Wings of the Soviets” was among the leaders for a long time and was in the lead for some time. But after the defeat from Grozny “Terek” 3-2 in the 12th round of the RFPL, a split in the team began. The hardest part of that season was the Europa League qualifying defeat to St. Patrick's. After which Slutsky resigns as head coach at will.


Two weeks after Slutsky left Wings of the Soviets, grand Russian football CSKA announces that it appoints Leonid Viktorovich as the team's head coach. The debut in the new club for Slutsky was quite bright. On October 30, 2009, Terek Grozny was beaten at home with a score of 1-0. Next up was a Champions League game with Manchester United at Old Traford. The match was very tense, CSKA missed the victory last minutes meetings. Result: draw 3:3.

Later in the championship, the army team lost to the future champion Rubin. After a lost match, the team needed to win at any cost in the next game. And CSKA succeeds, winning the Moscow derby over Spartak 3:2. At the end of the season, the team, led by its new coach, wins victories over Ramensky's Saturn in the Russian Championship and Istanbul's Besiktas in the Champions League.

At the end of the season, FC CSKA took 5th place in the Russian championship and received a ticket to the next stage of the Champions League. In the 1/8 finals of the Champions League, CSKA faced the Spanish Sevilla. At Luzhniki the teams played 1:1. In Spain, CSKA wins 1:2 and advances to next stage tournament. In the quarter-finals the team faced the Italian giants Inter. The “CSKA” team fought with dignity, but lost both games with a score of 1:0 and at this stage ended their performance in Europe. How coach Leonid Slutsky gave CSKA what had been missing for a long time Russian clubs: self-confidence on the European stage.

The 2010-2011 season is over for CSKA silver medals in the Premier League and winning the 6th Russian Cup in the club's history. This is how Leonid Slutsky receives his first trophy. His biography began to be replenished with great victories.

The 2011-2012 season started quite successfully for CSKA, and after the first round the Moscow club was in the lead. A number of key victories were won over the main rivals: Rubin, Zenit, Lokomotiv. The first round was only marred by the defeat from Spartak. At the same time, CSKA is successfully playing in the Champions League. The CSKA team competed in the group against the French Lille, the Turkish Trabzonspor and their old Champions League rival, the Italian Inter. In the last group round, a 1:2 victory in Milan over Inter gave the Moscow club the opportunity to advance to the knockout stage.

In the 1/8 finals, FC CSKA met with royal club from Madrid "Real". Based on the sum of the two meetings, Los Blancos reached the quarter-finals of the tournament, and CSKA ended its appearances in Europe. Relegation from the Champions League crippled the team, and in the spring period of the 11-12 season, the army team won only 3 victories out of 11 matches played. Having lost their starting advantage, CSKA took 3rd place at the end of the season and lost the right to play in the Champions League next season. Slutsky decides to leave the team, but the management does not allow him to do this, and Leonid Viktorovich remains.

CSKA starts the 2012-2013 season very poorly. Flies out of qualifying matches Europa League, losing to the modest Swedish team AIK, but despite this, the club extends the contract with Slutsky. The lack of workload on the team in Europe made it possible for CSKA to concentrate on the national arena, and at the end of the season the team won the treble: the Russian Championship, the cup and Leonid Slutsky, the coach who became the 5th in a row to win all 3 national trophies.

The 2013-2014 season was a carbon copy with previous season. A sluggish start, unsuccessful performances in the Champions League and a victorious breakthrough in the spring stage of the championship. The result of the season was the championship in the Premier League and the Russian Super Cup.

The 2014-2015 season was less successful for the team. In the group stage of the Champions League, she was an outsider. The Russian Cup was also lost, CSKA lost to Kuban in the semi-finals, and was content with second place in the Premier League.

The 2015-2016 season was remembered for the team by its poor performance in the Champions League and defeat in the Russian Cup final by Zenit St. Petersburg. However, she won gold in the championship. The team is pulled out by Leonid Slutsky, CSKA is not left without prizes.

Career in the Russian national team

On August 7, 2015, Leonid Slutsky began combining work at CSKA with the national team. The coach was faced with the task of leading the team to Euro 2016. Thanks to three victories in a row (over Sweden, Moldova and Montenegro), the team, taking 2nd place in the group, received a ticket to the Euro. The Russian national team failed miserably at the championship, losing two out of three matches and playing one match in a draw.

Family and hobbies

More than 10 years ago, Leonid Viktorovich Slutsky started his family; his wife Irina is far from football, but she always follows her husband’s successes. In 2005, the couple announced the birth of a boy.

In his youth, Leonid Slutsky performed in the KVN team. Also at various times he helped KVN teams from the Premier League and Major League as a guest. In 2016, in the 1/8 finals of the KVN Major League, he was a member of the jury.

Leonid Slutsky played football from the third grade in football school stadium "Spartak". After graduating from school, he entered the Volgograd State Institute physical culture and at the same time began playing as a goalkeeper in the newly created Zvezda team from Gorodishche, but after playing only 13 matches, he received a domestic injury, after which he was unable to return to big-time football.

Coaching career

After graduating from the institute with honors, Slutsky entered graduate school. At the same time, in 1993, he began coaching career, training with a group of 12-year-old football players at the Volgograd Olympia. In this team he raised such famous football players, like Roman Adamov, Denis Kolodin, Andrey Bochkov and Maxim Burchenko. In 2001, then head coach Elista "Uralan" Sergei Pavlov invited him to lead the team's backup team. In 2003, after the departure of Uralan from Top division, replaced Igor Shalimov as head coach of the club. After the disbandment of Uralan, Slutsky was offered the position of coach of the Moscow reserve team.

In July 2005, he replaced Valery Petrakov as coach of the main team of FC Moscow. In the 2007 season, the club, until the last round, claimed the first championship medals in its history and reached the final of the National Cup, but at the end of the championship, the club management terminated the contract until 2010, which was decided a few days before, regardless of final result. In November 2007, after a change of ownership and entire management in the Krylya Sovetov club from Samara, it became known that Slutsky would be the new head coach of the Samara team, replacing Alexander Tarkhanov in this post. On December 21, Leonid Slutsky signed a three-year contract with Krylia. Having assembled in Samara almost from scratch new team, Leonid Slutsky achieved 6th place in the Russian Championship with her in the first season. On October 9, 2009, Leonid Viktorovich wrote a letter of resignation from Wings of his own free will. It was accepted by the club president Igor Zavyalov.

On October 26, 2009, he was appointed head coach of CSKA, the contract was signed under a 3+2 year scheme.

He made his debut as the head coach of CSKA four days after his appointment - on October 30, as part of the 27th round of the 2009 Russian Football Championship, the army club hosted Terek Grozny and won with a score of 1:0. Then in the Champions League, CSKA played Manchester United at Old Trafford, the game ended in an epic 3:3 draw. In the championship, CSKA lost 0:2 to Rubin, which soon won the championship; then the army team beat Spartak in the derby (3:2). Then in the Champions League at Luzhniki, the army team defeated Wolfsburg with a score of 2:1. Under Slutsky, CSKA won the final matches of both tournaments - in the Russian Championship they beat Saturn with a score of 3:0, and in the most important match of the 6th round of the Champions League in Istanbul they beat Besiktas with a score of 1:2, this is a loss “ Wolfsburg "Manchester United" allowed the army team to reach the playoffs of the tournament for the first time in their history.

By the time Slutsky was appointed as CSKA head coach, the army team had seven final matches of the season left to play - four in the Championship and three in the Champions League. There were three victories in the championship (including a derby over Spartak) and one defeat (against Rubin), which allowed CSKA to take 5th place and get a place in the Europa League for the next season.

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