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It is believed that 70-95% of a person’s height is determined by his heredity, and above all by the height of his parents. Therefore, to calculate child's final height specialists use formulas that take into account only the height data of his father and mother. Quite a lot of such formulas have been derived today. Let's give five of them and try to test their performance using the example of famous families.

Authorship of one of the most popular at the moment formulas are attributed to a certain Dr. J. Hawker from the Mayo Clinic. To calculate the final height of a child, he suggests adding the height of the father and the height of the mother and dividing the resulting amount by two. Add 6.4 cm to the result if the height of a boy is calculated, or subtract 6.4 cm if the height of a girl is calculated.

Boy's PR = (RO+RM): 2+6.4;
Girls PR = (RO+RM): 2-6.4,

Where RO is the father's height in centimeters, RM is the mother's height in centimeters, and PR is the estimated height.

The second well-known formula, based on experimental data, was derived by a researcher from Czechoslovakia (when such a country still existed) V. Karkus. To calculate the height of boys, you need to multiply the mother's height by 1.08, add the father's height to this result and divide the resulting amount by 2. To calculate the girl's height, you need to multiply the father's height by 0.923, add the mother's height to the result and divide the sum by 2.

Boy's PR = (RO + PM * 1.08): 2;
Girl's PR = (RO*0.923 +RM):2.

The authorship of the third formula is unknown, which does not detract from the prevalence of its use. To calculate the final height of a boy, the height of the father and the height of the mother are added, the resulting sum is multiplied by 0.54, and 4.5 cm is subtracted from the result of the multiplication. To calculate the height of a girl, the sum of the heights of the father and mother is multiplied by 0.51, and then from the result 7.5 cm is subtracted.

Boy's PR = (RO + PM)*0.54 -4.5;
Girl's PR = (RO + PM)*0.51 - 7.5.

The authors of the article “Short stature in childhood“Professor Vladimir Smirnov and endocrinologist Gleb Gorbunov provide a formula that is very similar to Dr. Hawker’s calculation method (the first formula), but assumes a calculation accuracy of plus or minus 8 cm:

Boy's PR = (RO + PM + 12.5): 2 ± 8;
Girls PR = (RO + PM-12.5): 2 ±8.

Essentially, it can be rewritten like this:

Boy's PR = (RO+RM): 2+6.25±8;
Girls PR = (RO+RM): 2-6.25±8.

This formula predicts not so much the final height as the maximum and minimum possible height of the child given the current height of his parents.

You can also give a formula obtained based on the results of a survey of 30 families by Moscow students. Its source is the article “How Much Will Your Child Grow,” published in the sixth issue of the journal “Science and Life” for 1998. The author of the article, B. Gorobets, promises that the accuracy of the calculations is plus or minus 4-5 cm.

Boy's PR = (RO + PM)*0.57 - 14.5;
Girl's PR = (RO + PM)*0.505 - 5.

But what happens in practice?

Let's analyze data on the height of members of four famous families (we'll take data from open sources) and see which formula is more efficient.

1. It is known that the height of Prince Charles is 180 cm, his first wife Princess Diana is 178 cm. If they decided to start calculating the final height of their sons when they were still small, they would get the following results:

Formula No. 1: 185.4 cm;
. Formula No. 2: 186.12 cm;
. Formula No. 3: 188.82 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 185.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula No. 5: 189.56 cm.

Now their son William is 191 cm tall, and Prince Harry is 189 cm tall.

2. Bruce Willis (183 cm) and Demi Moore (165 cm) have three daughters. Since two of them have not yet reached the age of cessation of growth, the “workability” of the formulas can be checked only with the help of data on the growth of the eldest - Rumer. According to calculations, it should have been like this:

Formula No. 1: 167.6 cm;
. Formula No. 2: 166.95 cm;
. Formula No. 3: 169.98 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 167.75 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula No. 5: 170.74 cm.

In fact, Rumer Willis is 168 cm tall.

3. The son of actors Donald Sutherland (193 cm) and Shirley Douglas (159 cm), Kiefer Sutherland should have grown quite tall:

Formula No. 1: 182.2 cm;
. Formula No. 2: 182.36 cm;
. Formula No. 3: 185.58 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 182.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula No. 5: 186.14 cm.

But the height of the adult actor turned out to be very average - 175 cm, which is 7 cm less than the smallest result.

4. In the notorious musical Osborne family, both parents and two youngest children, Kelly and Jack, are famous. According to calculations, the daughter of Ozzy (178 cm) and Sharon (157 cm) Osbourne should have been of this height:

Formula No. 1: 161.1 cm;
. Formula No. 2: 160.65 cm;
. Formula No. 3: 163.35 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 161.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula No. 5: 164.18 cm.

Kelly's adult height is 160 cm.

The calculations for their son Jack are:
. Formula No. 1: 173.9 cm;
. Formula No. 2: 173.78 cm;
. Formula No. 3: 176.4 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 173.75 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula No. 5: 176.45 cm.

Jack's height is 177 cm.

Despite the fact that in different cases different formulas became more “workable”, all the results turned out to be approximately the same and all turned out to be close to the truth. This means that all formulas can be successfully used to calculate the final growth of a child. The only exception (the example of actor Kiefer Sutherland) rather confirms the rule than refutes it. It is worth noting that all real data “fit” into the framework outlined by formula 4.

What to do with the calculations you made for your child?

If you are not satisfied with the result, do not be upset. As long as the growth zones are not closed, the situation can be corrected. Will help increase height physical exercise stimulating metabolism and bone tissue growth (swimming, jumping, hanging), proper nutrition, positive psychological attitude and, as a last resort, hormonal therapy.

On the other hand, it is worth taking into account the following information: the obtained figures indicate the final growth of the child at optimal conditions its development. Chronic diseases, deficiency or, conversely, excess nutrition, lack of certain substances in the body (for example, iodine), poor emotional state of the child, lack of sleep and inadequate physical activity(low physical activity or, for example, weightlifting) can lead to the fact that the child’s height will be less than “programmed” by 5-15 centimeters.

Young parents, of course, want to know how tall their child will be as an adult. In the anthropometric office they usually ask: what is the height of the father (P), mother (M), what height they were at birth and how old they are now. This data is immediately processed by a computer and gives a forecast: when the children grow up, the most likely height of the daughter (D) or son (S) will be such and such. You can estimate the expected growth yourself using a calculator, without turning to doctors.

The main factor influencing the growth of children is the genetically determined height of their parents. Statistical studies show that about half of a child's growth depends on it. And the remaining fifty percent is much more difficult or completely impossible to take into account. These are difficult-to-control or completely uncontrollable lifestyles, good and bad habits, quality of nutrition, environmental conditions, mutagenic changes.

However, mathematical statistics can offer a simple linear relationship for approximate estimates of children's height based only on the height of the father and mother, and also indicate the accuracy of such an estimate. A survey of three dozen families made it possible to construct a statistical relationship - a “cloud of points” inside an ellipse elongated to the right and upward: indeed, the greater the height of the parents, the greater the growth of their children. But using the “point cloud” is inconvenient. Mathematicians are looking for a straight line or curve passing through it so that, having given a value on the abscissa axis, they can obtain the corresponding value on the ordinate axis with the smallest possible error. This is usually achieved using the so-called least squares method, looking for the linear function y = Kx + b, where K is the slope coefficient of the line (the tangent of its angle with the x-axis), b is the segment cut off on the ordinate axis.

The optimal value of K is especially easy to calculate if, by the nature of the problem, the straight line passes through the origin. In our problem, naturally, it will not go like this (the growth cannot be zero) and the formulas for calculating K and b turn out to be more cumbersome, although not beyond the scope of school algebra.

Their conclusion can be found in the book: Ya. B. Zeldovich, A. D. Myshkis. "Elements of applied mathematics". M.: Nauka, 1965 and later editions.

In our problem, x = P + M, y = D or y = S. By surveying Muscovites, several dozen height values ​​for parents (P and M) and children (D and S) were obtained. Calculations gave for the daughter K = 0.505, b = 5 cm; for my son K = 0.57, b = 14.5 cm.

As a result, to calculate the expected height of the daughter, the following formula was obtained: D = 0.505(P + +M) - 5 cm. For example, the father’s height is 180 cm, the mother’s height is 161 cm, for a total of 341 cm. Multiplying the last value by 0.505 and subtracting 5 cm, we get the expected height of an adult daughter 167.2 cm. In the formula for estimating the height of an adult son, instead of 0.505, you need to take 0.57, and subtract, instead of 5 cm, 14.5 cm: C = 0.57(P + M) - 14, 5. For example, for the same parents, the height of an adult son will most likely be 179.9 cm.

In probability theory, both calculated (children's height) and initial values ​​(parents' height) are called random variables. Here we found only the most probable height of an adult son and daughter. Deviations, of course, are possible; they are easy to observe in brothers or sisters in full accordance with the law of normal distribution of random variables - the most common in nature. On the graph, this law has the form of a bell-shaped curve: in the center there is the most probable value of a random variable, on both sides there are deviations, the probability of which quickly tends to zero as they increase (it is also called a Gaussian curve after the great German mathematician Carl Gauss, who derived the analytical form normal distribution law - see "Science and Life" No. 2, 1995). Mathematical statistics can also estimate the most probable deviations from the predicted value, as they often say: the value is plus or minus so much. To do this, you first need to set the confidence level of the estimate - usually 90, 95 or 99%. In the case under consideration, there is a fairly strong scatter of random variables, it is reasonable to set the confidence level to 90%. Quite complex calculations make it possible to obtain the so-called hyperbolic regression confidence zones (they are shaded in the figure), or simply the values ​​of probable deviations from the straight line.

The final answer should sound something like this: if the father’s height is 180 cm, and the mother’s is 161 cm, then the most likely height of their adult daughter will be 167.5 cm, and the deviation from this value will not exceed plus or minus 4 cm with a probability of 90%.

The size of the statistical sample collected by students is small - only thirty points. Therefore, the accuracy of the calculations is also not so great - plus or minus 4-5 cm. In serious scientific work, data processing for people is carried out on representative samples (this term is now often used when publishing data from public opinion polls and means that they can be generalized to a very large population group) of about a thousand people. At the same time, it seems to us that the accuracy of solving this problem will not increase much even for large samples; Apparently, it will not be higher than plus or minus 3-4 cm due to physiological, genetic and environmental reasons affecting human development. We wanted, firstly, to give a simple opportunity to anyone who wanted to satisfy his natural personal interest. And, secondly, offer students studying probability theory and mathematical statistics (which are currently being studied in the widest range specialties), and their teachers an interesting and close topic for solving a statistical problem. It is quite possible that they will receive more representative samples and find more accurate and reliable formulas for predicting the growth of our children.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences B. Gorobets
“Science and Life”, No. 6, 1998

However, the issue remains controversial. In general, the final height of each person depends on the following factors: the height of the parents and the speed of their development, which includes whether family members developed early or late in growth; age of puberty; chronic diseases and nutrition.
What to expect and how will your growth be? Here are examples of the most frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to calculate your future height?

The best way to look into the future is to review your growth chart with your pediatrician. As a rule, a personal physician constantly monitors the growth of a small patient, recording height and age data in his chart. Therefore, he has a clear idea of ​​what is typical for the health of a particular child. Healthy children tend to grow proportionately, which is largely determined by genes.
Another way to determine future height is mathematically, but this will require data on the height of the parents. So, using the formula below, you can predict height with an accuracy of plus or minus 5 cm.
For girls it is:
[(father's height - 13 cm) + mother's height] / 2
For boys:
[(mother's height + 13 cm) + father's height] / 2

If my parents are too tall or short, will I be the same?

Maybe. Genes received from parents play a critical role in the developmental pattern and eventual growth of an adolescent. But this is not the only factor. Then what causes growth to begin or end? How much can I grow and what are the differences in the growth process between boys and girls?
The growth spurt usually lasts about two years and begins at different times for boys and girls. Girls are typically aged 9-10 years, boys begin to grow at the age of 11-13 years.
During this period, boys gain about 10 cm in height annually, girls - about 7.5 cm. This explains the reason that the average height of a man is 13 - 15 cm higher than the average height of a woman. The growth process stops at the end of puberty.

Are there ways to increase height - such as posture exercises, food or supplements?

The best way to grow as tall as you can is to stay healthy, eat right, exercise regularly and sleep well. And, despite the fact that food is important factor growth, many teenagers do not need specialized supplements.
Be careful with products that claim to stimulate growth. These include pills labeled “growth hormones” or, in other words, stimulants, which are sold in stores healthy eating. A person should not take growth hormones in pill form. These products are not as tested as you might think, so you should be careful with them.
In fact, growth hormones are prescribed by a doctor in small doses and strictly according to the reasons for short stature. But daily use of such hormones is strictly not recommended, as it can cause diabetes or an increase in the amount of fluid in the brain.

I am taller or shorter than my classmates, and this confuses me. What should I do?

This question worries many teenagers, whose height is far from the average, but there is nothing to worry about. It is recommended to start working on increasing your own self-esteem, the best way what is concentration on one's strengths.
Stop and think about what you are good at and what activity gives you pleasure? If sports or dance, art or science come easy to you, focus on them. You will gain confidence. Remember, the importance of physical attributes will change over time.
If you are short, shoes will help you - no matter what gender you are. Another way is to have an updo. But know that the reason for your small height may also be that the rate of your development is somewhat slower, and an X-ray bone age test can show whether your growth period will last longer than that of your friends.

Should I be worried if I am much shorter or taller than my family members?

In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. He will decide whether you need a referral to an endocrinologist. In addition, an annual increase in height of less than 5 cm is also considered abnormal. You should consult your doctor on all these issues.

A child's height and weight calculator from birth to 12 years will help determine the height and weight range of a child according to his age.

In the calculator there is additional function– prognosis of the child’s height and weight. Based on the entered parameters, you can predict height and weight for future years, but for this you need to fill in the corresponding fields with the child’s data as of today.

Please note that the response result is given in two versions:

  1. according to centile tables;
  2. according to the child’s weight and height.

Example: boy 8 years old - height 141 cm and weight 30 kg.

According to centile tables, the ratio of weight and height to age:

  • Child’s height: tall (normal – 122-131 cm)
  • Child's weight: overweight (normal 23-28 kg)

The child's weight according to his height:

The child weighs above average and is even taller (tall child), i.e. weight does not catch up with height parameters. Therefore, according to the centile tables, the weight will be excessive for the norm, but insufficient for growth.

Calculate the child's weight and height

You can calculate the weight and height of a child according to his age independently by comparing the indicators using centile tables (Tables 1 and 2), as well as comparing the ratio of the child’s height and weight (Table 3). Remember that every child is different, so your child's growth and weight gain may differ from the values ​​​​indicated in the table.

Boys height and weight chart

Girls height and weight chart

Child's height and weight chart

Height and weight of a child up to one year old

To calculate the height and weight of a baby up to one year old, there is a table that will show how much weight a newborn should gain.

Newborn height and weight gain table

To quickly calculate the ratio of height and weight, as well as forecast indicators, use our height and weight calculator for a child from birth to 12 years.

Many parents, while still holding their baby in their arms, begin to think about what his life will be like, what he will become when he grows up. If it is unrealistic to predict the baby’s character and his fate in advance, then it is quite possible to try to calculate his height. And children, starting to grow up, wonder how to find out their height in the future? Let's try to figure this out.

Everything is predetermined...

First, you need to understand that every baby, snoring peacefully in the crib, or even not yet born, already stores within itself the information that its parents are so interested in. It is from them that each child receives a certain growth limit and will develop according to the plan that nature has outlined.

How to find out your future height or the height of your baby? Scientists have found that the height of each person depends on several factors: genetics, nutrition, hormonal levels, lifestyle and even geographic environment.

The most significant factor in this regard is the factor of heredity. Ninety percent of growth depends on it. Therefore, to the frequently asked question, how to find out the future height of a teenager or small child, formulas will help you find the answer. It should be clarified that the result obtained during the calculation should be considered approximate with a difference of five centimeters in one direction or another.

For girls, the formula will be: (dad's height multiplied by 0.923 add mom's height) divided by two.

For boys: (add mother’s height to father’s height, multiplied by 1.08) divide by two.

"Folk" method No. 1

How to find out your height in the future without resorting to complex calculations? You can use a formula whose author has been lost for centuries (in fact, that’s why this method has such a name). Based on the fact that this formula is not without popularity, we can conclude that it works.

To calculate the final height of a girl, you need to add up her parents, multiply the result by 0.51, and then subtract seven and a half centimeters from what you get.

To calculate the final height of the boy, you need to add the height of the mother with the height of the father (take height in centimeters, for example, 170), multiply the resulting amount by 0.54, and subtract four and a half from the resulting number.

"Folk" method No. 2

How to find out your height in the future using another “folk” formula, taking into account the height that a child has reached in one year.

The girl's estimated height (in centimeters) is equal to her height at one year plus one hundred centimeters and minus five.

The boy's estimated height (also in centimeters) is equal to his height at one year old plus 100 centimeters.

Professional formula

How to find out how tall a child will be in the future worries many parents. You can use the work of Professor Smirnov and endocrinologist Gorbunov. The accuracy of the calculations here is plus or minus 8 centimeters.

The girl's expected height (in centimeters) will be equal to (mom's height plus dad's height for about twelve and a half minutes): 2 ± 8.

The boy's expected height (in centimeters) will be equal to (mom's height plus dad's height plus twelve and a half): 2 ± 8.

It should be taken into account that such a simple formula is intended not so much to understand how to find out your height in the future (or the height of your baby), but to suggest the minimum and maximum height of the child, taking into account the current height of his parents.

When calculating a child’s height, it should be taken into account that the above formulas assume the “ideal” growth of a child, which he can achieve if all the necessary circumstances are favorable. If the baby has a lack or excess of vital vitamins or substances, or has chronic diseases, then his development will proceed at a slightly different pace. And these formulas may not help to find the answer to the question posed.