Yoga on the head: what are the benefits? How to learn to stand on your head

Shirshasana is the queen of asanas. The asana is named so for a reason. There is an opinion that performing an asana combines the effect of performing all other asanas that exist in yoga. The headstand in yoga is considered one of the most difficult and traumatic asanas, however, with consistent mastery and correct execution it will only bring benefits. However, there are still contraindications for performing the asana. It is not recommended to perform a headstand for people suffering from hypertension, problems with the heart and cardiovascular system, severe forms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, since such ailments can worsen during the performance of the asana and lead to dire consequences, including stroke and brain disorders brain. However, don't despair. The health problems described above can be solved with the help of other, less complex asanas, after which you can begin to perform a headstand. Everything has its time.

It is also worth noting that a headstand in yoga requires developed muscles of certain parts of the body and you should take into account your physical capabilities. In case of insufficient development of the muscles of the neck, arms and shoulder girdle, holding the asana for a long time and correctly will be impossible. Before you begin performing a headstand, you should strengthen your muscles with the help of other asanas, and over time, begin to master the headstand.

Headstand: benefits

Just as the miraculous elixir of the alchemists grants initiates eternal life, performing a headstand can reverse the aging process. This is stated in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika: “The body ages because the Sun consumes and destroys all the divine nectar - amrita produced by the Moon.” The Moon, which is discussed in this text, is located in the area of ​​the sky or, according to other sources, in the forehead area, and the fire chakra, responsible for the fire of digestion, is called the Sun. It is in this fire that the so-called “lunar nectar” - amrita produced by the Moon - burns.

It is the combustion process of amrita that causes aging. And in order to reverse the aging process, you should take an inverted position, and then, driven by the force of gravity, the “lunar nectar” will move back - towards the head, where it will accumulate. From the point of view modern science, when the body takes an inverted position, blood flows out of the legs and internal organs and under the influence of gravity moves towards the head and heart. This makes the heart work easier and cardiovascular system. The brain receives abundant blood circulation, which improves the metabolism in the brain cells, and this in turn improves brain activity and also balances the production of hormones. In particular, the inverted position of the body stimulates the pineal gland, which is responsible for the most important functions of the body.

First of all, for the rejuvenation and restoration of both the physical body and our psyche. The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which is involved in a number of important processes in the body. Melatonin production decreases significantly as we age, so doing a headstand that can stimulate the pineal gland and increase melatonin production can work wonders. The pineal gland is also responsible for a person’s intellectual and creative abilities, and they directly depend on its activity.

Thus, headstand can improve mental performance and even awaken creativity. The development and functionality of the pineal gland directly affects the ability to perform higher forms of meditation and the ability to deeply concentrate. So if you have difficulties with meditation practices, headstand is the best remedy. From our point of view energy body, headstand promotes the movement of energy from bottom to top, which has an incredibly positive effect on our spiritual development and promotes rapid spiritual growth. Headstand stimulates the Ajna Chakra and Sahasrara Chakra, which are the most important for spiritual development.

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The practice of yoga has long been part of people's lives and has become commonplace. One of the basic and difficult exercises is the headstand. This yoga technique requires special preparation. For example, in yoga you can perform such an exercise after a year and a half of training. So, what are the benefits of headstand?

Benefits of exercise

Yogis highlight the main positive factors for the benefits of headstand:

  • Increasing internal energy and improving concentration. As a result of the exercise, energy goes down to the head and blood flows to the brain.
  • Hormone levels are normalized.
  • The activity of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus is stimulated. They have a beneficial effect on internal organs.
  • Improvement of the heart muscle. Blood circulation reduces the load on the heart muscle and coronary artery disease can be prevented.
  • The activity of the adrenal glands improves, which promotes good mood and eliminating depression.
  • Helps get rid of toxic substances.
  • When standing on the head, blood circulation in the limbs decreases and pressure on the vessels of the veins decreases, the legs rest.
  • The activity of the food system is normalized. Blood flows into the intestinal and gastric areas and digestion is activated.
  • Does a headstand help against gray hair and how. This is additional nutrition for the hair follicle. Blood rushes to the scalp. Practicing the exercise increases hair growth and health, and protects against early greying.
  • Strengthening muscle tissue, shoulders and arms become strong.
  • Being 50 years old and having vision helps.
  • Helps strengthen the spine and improves posture.

In addition, you can brag to your friends about mastering complex technology assans. Only persistent and patient people can perform this element.

Damage from headstand

  • menstrual cycle, bleeding may occur;
  • high blood pressure and traumatic brain injury; during exercise, blood quickly circulates to the head and pressure rises, a hypertensive crisis may occur;
  • retinal detachment; increased blood circulation can aggravate the disease;
  • deformed spine or its pathology;
  • diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

Execution technique

Of course, it may seem difficult to stand on your head. But gradual training will give a positive experience. You must be very careful while performing the exercise.

Technique for performing a headstand and how many minutes to do it:

  1. You should start the exercise in a corner of the room, this way you can prevent falling. First you need to stand firmly on your hands, then alternately try to lift one limb and then the other. Only after you are confident in the strength of your arms and back muscles can you try the stand.
  2. The main thing is to take a foothold. You can't rest on the fontanel. How to determine the fulcrum? It is necessary to put your palms together, bring your thumbs to your nostrils at an angle of 90 degrees, the ends of your index fingers will be higher than your eyebrows. This will be the fulcrum. Conventionally, hair growth is 4 cm higher.
  3. To begin, kneel down, rest your forearms on the surface, and clasp your head with your hands.
  4. The hands are clasped and the elbows are spread 90 degrees.
  5. They pull the limbs towards the body and gradually straighten them, bend the knees and bring the heels closer to the pelvis. This state will help to take stable position. But it is advisable to carry out such actions with outside help.
  6. You can't fall backwards or become an arc.
  7. If there is no way to group, it is better to somersault.
  8. The exercise can be done once a day, making sure your back is straight.
  9. An experienced yogi can stand for 15-20 minutes. The total duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes.

The question arises, why is such an exercise necessary? It's simple - the activity of the brain and respiratory organs improves. The reverse flow of blood eliminates congestion in the blood vessels, and swelling of the legs disappears.

Headstand benefits or harm after 60 years

This exercise can be started at any age and even after 60 years, if there are no health restrictions. For men it helps to avoid baldness, and for women to get rid of wrinkles, insomnia, and gives a surge of new strength. This exercise will help you stay in good physical fitness, tighten your abdominal muscles.

Very often, older people after 60 years of age suffer from hypertension, so such exercises will be harmful. Persons suffering from mental illness are also not recommended to perform this exercise.

Violating the law of gravity helps rejuvenate the body. In the yoga technique, the headstand is considered the most effective and useful, and yoga practitioners rightly call it “royal”, which helps to find harmony of body and spirit.

Doing yoga is not only interesting, but also useful. Some of its elements - asanas - significantly affect the functioning of internal organs. It is no coincidence that those people who have attended hatha yoga or kundalini yoga classes at least once strive to go there again. And it’s not just about the desire to stretch every cell of your body, you just feel the result of the procedure immediately. And I want to feel this euphoric state again and again. The headstand is an element that in this wonderful gymnastics for harmony of body and spirit is called “shirsasana”. Many do not strive to master all asanas, paying attention to those that cause the greatest satisfaction after the procedures. After shirshasana, your mood rises and your well-being improves. All this is wonderful, the question is different - is it useful to stand on your head?

For the mood

We are convinced that people who are devoted to yoga feel better. It's time to figure out how a headstand affects a person's condition. According to trainers and doctors, such a procedure has a positive effect on a person’s condition, in particular, on his well-being. It's time to find out exactly how.

  • The mood lifts. When a person smoothly moves into the “Shirshasana” asana, all his muscles are activated - from head to toe. Blood flow activates brain function and has a positive effect on the production of happiness hormones. It is not surprising that after such a procedure a person feels cheerful, active and cheerful. To cheer up for the whole day, start your morning with gymnastics, unless there are specific contraindications. Then life will seem more interesting;
  • Headstand is recommended for those who are depressed. It's not just a matter of physiological effects asanas on a person’s well-being. According to yoga practitioners and gurus, this exercise allows you to see your situation from the outside. This statement is important because a person who is in a difficult situation is fixated on the situation. To find a way out, it is important to look at what is happening from a different angle. Regular training will allow you to get an answer to what prevents you from living and enjoying.

This is how a headstand affects the emotional sphere. But this is not its only advantage. Besides this, there are a number of other positive influences.

For visual acuity

The fact that myopia has become a companion for young and old is no secret. The ophthalmologist's patients purchase expensive medications, modern glasses, and wait in line for surgery. But in the end it turns out that such measures do not always help get rid of the problem. Gurus who rave about the benefits of headstands have concluded that such training helps restore lost vision. Let's figure out how this happens.

  • During the stance, blood flows to the organs of vision, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the retina. As a result, visual acuity improves;
  • At the same time, you should not prescribe a similar procedure for yourself without consulting an ophthalmologist. In some cases, this approach will do more harm than good. Our goal is to improve our health, but not the other way around.

As we have seen, myopia can also be avoided if you use this method borrowed from yoga. Just do not allow any amateur activities during classes. Everything is fine, but in the absence of contraindications. To find out, it is important to undergo an examination that will show the state of your health.

For digestion

Food, which often does not have a natural composition, snacks on the run, negatively affect the digestion of food. Chewable tablets, herbal decoctions, syrups that help quickly digest what you eat and remove it from the body are good, but only in emergency cases. If the problem has become chronic, then it is better to solve the issue using more humane methods. Gurus who value yoga will give their advice here too - try standing on your head.

  1. This element is capable of shaking the entire body. And we are becoming more and more convinced of this. When you take a head-supported position, the blood flows smoothly from the very bottom to the higher centers. In this position, it passes through all vital organs, stimulating the intestines;
  2. Peristalsis improves, the production of gastric juice is activated, which has a positive effect on food processing. As a result, metabolism increases and food is absorbed better. As a result - great mood, beautiful shapes and a feeling of unceasing joy.

To solve problems associated with digesting food, you can simply change your lifestyle - replace relaxation in front of the TV with gymnastics, and replace junk food with healthy food. And the result will not take long to arrive. Just remember to coordinate all actions with your doctor.

Removes excess liquid

Edema is a phenomenon familiar to almost every person. This is associated with several reasons - kidney disease, a sedentary lifestyle, problems with blood vessels. Whatever it turns out to be, in any case, the doctor will make the diagnosis. If the problem is much more serious, then it must be solved with the help integrated approach. In the case where the reason is explained in terms of reluctance to move a lot, then everything can be corrected.

Who shouldn't do a handstand?

Is it useful to stand on your head? The answer to this question is obvious. The benefits of gymnastics are clear, so those who can perform such “tricks” appreciate them positive impact on the body. In addition, it is worth paying attention to who should not stand on their head.

  1. For the first time, it is better to perform this asana under the supervision of an instructor. It carries a significant burden on the body, so it is important for a specialist to assess all the risks;
  2. Those who suffer from high blood pressure should not do such exercises. This is a strong load that can cause a stroke;
  3. Pregnant women should also not perform such elements of gymnastics, even at early stages. There is a high risk of receiving an unexpected interruption.

In any case, it is better for even the healthiest person to ask a doctor whether such procedures can be performed or not. It is best to undergo a full examination and make sure everything is fine. And only after that you can train.

Video about the benefits of sirsasana

In this video you will learn how to do a headstand correctly:

Headstand is a complex asana that requires serious preliminary preparation. Without fulfilling this condition, standing on your head is unlikely to be useful; rather, on the contrary, it is harmful and dangerous to health.

Is standing on your head beneficial or harmful?

If we consider only physiological aspects, Standing on your head is beneficial for improving blood supply to the upper body. With regular practice of this, the condition of the skin of the face and neck, hair, improves, because... significantly more nutrients enter these organs during asana. Moreover, yoga fans note that the appearance of gray hair is delayed, and, consequently, the youthful appearance is preserved.

The habit of standing on your head brings more significant benefits to the brain. Due to the influx of blood, the pituitary gland and hypothalamus perform their functions much more successfully - regulating the functioning of the glands (thyroid, reproductive, adrenal glands, pineal gland).

Headstand also helps to eliminate bad thoughts and depression. This occurs due to the cleansing of the adrenal glands from toxic substances, which occurs during the asana.

Standing on your head is also good for your heart – during the asana it rests and recovers. As a result, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic stroke, is reduced.

Headstand helps those suffering from varicose veins relieve the legs, eliminate heaviness and swelling.

Thanks to standing on your head, stagnation in the intestines is eliminated, and it begins to cleanse itself in time. And this has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

In addition to all of the above, headstand strengthens the muscles of the shoulders and back, improves posture and even promotes weight loss.

But in order for a headstand to bring only benefits, it is necessary to perform it correctly. And this is only possible under supervision experienced trainer or mentor. It is forbidden to perform a headstand in case of spinal injuries, hypertension, eye diseases, gastritis with high stomach acidity.

I don’t practice yoga regularly, to my great regret, but I use some poses for stretching or warming up before strength exercises. And I do headstands quite often - to be honest, because I just like doing it and because it’s not at all difficult, as it seemed to me before from the outside))) Especially if you do the headstand near a wall.

And regularly performing headstands has a whole list of health benefits, for example:

  1. Relieves stress

Headstand is known as a cooling pose, which means it helps you turn your attention inward. This pose is extremely useful if you are worried about neuroses, stress, fears or other conditions associated with increased anxiety. Perform a headstand with long, slow inhalations and exhalations. good recipe from stress.

  1. Increases concentration

Turning upside down increases blood flow to the brain. This makes it possible to improve mental function and increase concentration. Helping in the fight against fears and anxiety, this pose allows you to maintain clarity of consciousness and mental acuity.

  1. Improves blood circulation in the eye area

When you roll over, blood rushes to your head, bringing in extra oxygen. This means your eyes also receive more oxygen. This helps prevent macular degeneration and other eye diseases.

  1. Increases blood flow to the head and scalp

Headstand is an amazingly beneficial pose for optimizing the flow of nutrients and oxygen to your scalp and hair follicles. Perhaps with constant practice your hair will become much thicker!

  1. Improves digestion

With the reverse effect of gravity on the digestive organs, the body begins to free itself from stagnant masses; excess gases are released, blood flow to all important digestive organs improves. Thus, headstand improves the absorption of nutrients and their delivery to cells. If you add to it correct breathing stomach, you will get double the effect.

  1. Reduces fluid accumulation in legs, ankles, feet

Swelling in the feet is quite unpleasant and often occurs when you spend a lot of time on your feet. By reversing the direction of gravity on the fluids in the body, you get rid of excess liquid, due to which the swelling goes away.

  1. Strengthens core muscles

Headstand is one of the most difficult physical exercise. You need to engage your core muscles to support your legs and balance. By performing a headstand, you work the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and back to minimize pressure on your head and tension in your neck.

  1. Stimulates lymphatic system

The lymphatic system rids the body of waste and helps remove unnecessary products from the blood. When you stand on your head, you directly stimulate the lymphatic system and thereby help remove toxins from the body.

Risks and Precautions

Headstand is good for mental and physical condition, but many people are wary of the possible risks and therefore do not practice this pose.

I recommend learning headstand only from a qualified trainer. And consult your doctor before you start rolling over: there are a number of contraindications (injuries to the neck, head, shoulders, arms, wrists or back, high blood pressure, hearing or vision problems, pregnancy).

It is important to perform the stand correctly, first warmed up, and in a good mood. Many people have a negative attitude towards turning over, mainly due to the fear of falling. Therefore, at first, protect yourself by performing a rollover near the wall.