We lose weight with Shumak reviews. Review: Arina Shumakova negative reviews

- Terrible pulmonologist

Advantages: no

Disadvantages: in the review

Low qualified doctor

Good afternoon, dear visitors of my review. Before introducing you to pulmonologist Arina Shumakova, I want to tell you a little about my unpleasant story that happened to me back in 2014. Then, on my birthday, we gathered with close friends at my home.

There were no signs of trouble, but the lights were suddenly turned off, then when I turned them on, the lights in the hall stopped burning and I decided to change them, but when I suddenly stretched, I noticed a very strong pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, and fell to the floor from terrible pain. At first my friends thought I was joking, but when they noticed something was wrong, they started calling an ambulance, which took a very long time to arrive. Upon arrival, doctors examined me, my temperature went through the roof to 40 degrees, my blood pressure also jumped sharply and I was given chills. The nurse made a preliminary diagnosis without hesitation, they revealed pneumonia, and of an unusual course, and told me to stock up on warm clothes, since I would have to stay in the hospital for at least a week. We went to the hospital and on the way from our bumps I was shaking very much and this was reflected in pain on the left side. Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctor Arina Shumakova immediately saw me, started asking a lot of unnecessary questions and, instead of immediately sending me to undergo an x-ray, she made me fill out a questionnaire and some incomprehensible questions, but I did not stand on ceremony with her, then on the x-ray I was diagnosed with pleurisy of the left lung and diagnosed with spontaneous hydropneumothorax; a huge amount of fluid and air had accumulated in the left lung, and it was the size of a chicken egg. And then she asks me a stupid question: are you going to get treatment today or will you come tomorrow, because it was already late. Of course, it would be very difficult for me to withstand such pain until tomorrow, so I asked for the operation to be performed today, to which she looked at me so unpleasantly, saying that you need to smoke less - and there will be fewer problems, but I didn’t come to the Ministry of Health so that I the brain was cleared with this information. And they took me on a gurney to the surgical department to puncture the diseased lung. At the operation itself, Arina was present only with a notebook and a pen, watched how they performed it on me and wrote everything down. Apparently she doesn’t have any practice in pulmonology, she can only give out advice. And instead of cleaning me every day, she only did her manicure; in the end, I complained to the head doctor, for which she received a good reprimand.

The operation itself was successful, thanks to the surgeons who helped pump out all the fluid from my lungs. Despite this, I still have a good feeling about the qualifications of pulmonologist Arina. First of all, you can’t talk to patients like that, first you need to master your profession not only in theory, but also in practice, and you work in a regional clinic and work with people from all over the region. Then they took me to the ward where the patients were lying, and at night I felt thirsty, and they brought me a bottle into which fluid drained from my lungs, and she did not even warn me that before getting out of bed, I needed to turn off the hose. That's how I got up, didn't even walk a couple of meters when I fell and broke this can. It’s good that a nurse not far away helped me figure out this problem, otherwise the consequences could have been terrifying.

Does it ever happen to you that one short meeting changes your existing opinion?

This happened to me. In the evening we sat in the hotel lobby and waited for departure to the airport. I saw a picture of two beautiful sports men They were cheerfully telling something to a boy in a wheelchair. He was about 11 years old. He didn’t look like he had cerebral palsy at all, but he couldn’t walk and one hand lay motionless on his knees. In all other respects, he looked like an ordinary child. No problems with speech.

The men look to be about 40 and are real handsome men in amazing shape. It was obvious that the men were not experiencing financial difficulties, because all three were dressed coolly. They spoke English.

And suddenly the boy had an epileptic attack.

It is difficult to overestimate how skillfully both men “worked” in this situation.

The attack was quite long and very strong.

People wanted to help, but while one man held the boy close to him, the second created space by stretching his arms forward, saying, “Everything is under control. Our son is very sick, but he is in the hands of a doctor and is in no danger.”

But here's what I realized.

I have always realized how important it is for seriously ill children to be in good hands. But at the same time, I did not share the position of adoption of children by same-sex families.

Yesterday I realized a lot.

If such a child ended up in an orphanage, and most likely this child was taken from the orphanage, how terrible would his life be?

Arina Shumakova

LGBT people adopt more often than other children with disabilities or HIV-infected children, because normal children are taken away by normal families.

So here's the question: we oppose gay adoption of children. We believe that we are responsible for these children and their psyche. But we’ll just talk and forget, and the children will remain to suffer in boarding schools.

So why not give these children a chance to be loved and to love?

Do we have the right to take this opportunity away from them?

Shumakova Arina is a popular blogger, successful businesswoman, loving mother, founder of a charity project and simply beautiful woman, who, at 41, went through difficult life trials with her head held high. And yes, by the way, Arina lost 40 kilograms in one year, continues to “build” her body and inspires with her example many women who want to see their dream figure in the mirror.

The story of a strong woman

Arina is not one of those who overeat all her life, she scored 40 extra pounds and suddenly decided that it was time to lose weight. This amazing woman always took care of herself - she ate right, went to the pool, and ran in the morning. But fate decreed that at the age of 34, Shumakova Arina heard from the doctors a disappointing diagnosis - a tumor of the pelvic organs. And all that remained was either to fight for life and take hormonal drugs, which mercilessly raise the scales upward day after day, or to give up and say goodbye to all dreams and plans for a long, happy life... Arina chose the first option.

As a result, constant procedures, abdominal surgeries and taking hormones, coupled with incredible willpower, did their job - the doctors said that the disease had receded. But in the future they asked to monitor their condition and take care so that there would be no relapses.

The story of Arina Shumakova is history strong woman. She decided not only to take care of herself, but her goal was to return to her previous shape, to see herself young, healthy and beautiful again. The disease added 40 extra pounds to her and “gave” her a dull look and an exhausted and aged face. A new stage has begun - the path to a new healthy body.

If you really want...

Everything needs to be approached wisely and comprehensively - that’s what Arina Shumakova decided for herself. Proper nutrition, physical activity, all kinds of procedures to restore skin tone - this is where she decided to start new life, and first study the set useful information to lose weight correctly and without harm to your health.

Arina compiled a table for herself indicating the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that should be received every day. She also wrote a list of foods that were gone from her diet forever. And she began to act, as a result of which in 6 months she lost weight from 91 kilograms to 64. This is the first significant victory over my body!

It was decided to celebrate the victory with a trip, where Arina went with her daughter. Now a woman no longer needed to hide her figure under baggy clothes: her shape acquired beautiful feminine contours.

Lost weight. What to do with the skin?

The most problematic area for Arina was her skin. After all, first when gaining, and then when losing so many kilograms, the epidermis simply does not have time to stretch and contract, as a result of which the body becomes flabby and loose. And even intense physical activity can't get by here.

But could she give up because of such an obstacle on the way to beautiful body Arina Shumakova? The biography of this woman characterizes her as a real fighter who is not used to being afraid of difficulties. As a result - 3 courses of 12 sessions of LPG massage, mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite wraps, Charcot's shower... A colossal amount of time, effort and money was spent on all procedures.

But the main thing is that Arina achieved what she strived for: now, when she is 41 years old, she does not have an ounce of cellulite! Her skin is in perfect condition, and her figure is the envy of any 20-year-old girl. Shumakova Arina is not going to stop there - now she is working to ensure that her body remains like this for many years to come. What secret did this amazing woman learn?

Arina willingly shares her secret with others

By building a dream figure, she helps thousands of girls become beautiful. Arina Shumakova's diet is simple: the main thing is to eat regularly, do not go hungry and do not lose your temper. harmful products. If you follow her recommendations, the result will not be long in coming, and within two weeks you will see the first significant changes in the mirror.

"Judge" diet

Arina advises starting with a “jump” diet - it lasts three days and is designed to start metabolic processes in the body. These days you should eat buckwheat steamed with boiling water in any quantity, without salt, it is advisable to take breaks between meals for no more than 2-3 hours. You are also allowed to drink 1% or low-fat kefir, but not more than 1 liter per day.

Due to the fact that you do not feel hungry and are always full, surviving for 3 days on such a diet is not difficult. Of course, we must not forget that you should drink a lot of clean water - at least 2 liters per day. Arina believes that the role of fluid consumption when losing weight should not be underestimated - fat is removed along with it, and if you do not drink enough water, then lipid metabolism will be disrupted.

You need to exit such a diet wisely - after the third day, the body will receive a large amount of protein, which is contained in buckwheat. Therefore, to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body, protein-free days should be introduced.

Protein-free days

There should be 2 of them - in order to smoothly exit the “jog” diet and switch to proper nutrition. The menu compiled for these days is also suitable for those who observe Orthodox fasting: it completely excludes animal products.

The principle of protein-free nutrition is as follows: for breakfast - porridge (oatmeal, corn, millet), then two snacks - a sweet fruit or several pieces of dried fruit, a vegetable salad, for lunch - vegetarian soups or stewed vegetables, possibly cereals with vegetable dressings, a snack - unsweetened fruit or vegetable salad, dinner - vegetable soup, or salad, or stewed vegetables. You can eat a cucumber before going to bed.

Of course, we should not forget about large quantities water, without which even the most correct menu will not work in full force, advises Arina Shumakova. Weight loss will become more intense if you add lemon and cinnamon to the liquid or make ginger tea. This is ginger root, which is poured with water at night, and then drunk on an empty stomach throughout the day. But this drink is not recommended for people who have gastrointestinal problems.

Proper nutrition from Arina Shumakova

Firstly, do not starve under any circumstances. Secondly, do not eat fast food and other unhealthy foods. Third, drink enough water (more than 2 liters per day), drink ginger tea and water with cinnamon and lemon on an empty stomach to speed up your metabolism.

Program proper nutrition Arina is designed for 55 days. In her group she leads sample menu, which every girl should adjust to her own characteristics - height, weight, activity, weight loss goals. And for those who want a 100% result, Arina Shumakova offers her assistance in drawing up individual programs meals for a fee.

But if you wish, you can easily lose weight using the approximate recommendations. Arina Shumakova proved this to all doubters in her group and Instagram.

The new heroine of the “Real weight loss” column is 41-year-old Arina Shumakova. Her story is not like others, she never neglected sports and always ate right. The disease “decided” to make adjustments to her life. At 34, Arina was diagnosed with cancer, and after long-term treatment she gained 40 kilograms.

For three years Arina fought for life, then for another three she regained her healthy appearance. Now Arina weighs 54 kilograms, leads an active lifestyle, travels a lot and sets new goals. She is guided by five rules that help her stay on track. Which ones - Arina told HELLO.RU readers.

Arina Shumakova before and after losing weightArina, 41 years old

Lost weight by 37 kg (from 91 to 54 kg)

My name is Arina. I am 41 years old. My story is very simple,” Arina begins her story with these words. - All my adult life I have been involved in sports: I ran 10-12 kilometers, regardless of the weather, swam in the pool. At the age of 16 I became seriously interested foreign languages, but even being constantly busy - I took up studying several languages ​​at once - did not force me to give up sports. I thought that exercise would keep me looking fit and healthy for the rest of my life.

Everything changed when I was 34 years old. One day I felt severe pain in my lower abdomen and went to see a doctor. After a series of examinations, I heard a disappointing diagnosis - cancer. From that moment on, my long struggle for survival began: three years of constant procedures, several strip operations, endless medication and severe weight gain - plus 40 kilograms. When I stepped on the scale, I saw the rapidly growing number, but then there was no talk of losing weight. Did I believe that I could beat cancer? I believed it one hundred percent! I couldn't afford not to believe. I had two daughters. I was divorced. I had a sick elderly mother. Who would I leave them with? Many times I have seen doctors shake their heads and lower their eyes after receiving my tests. I got into the car, cried, calmed down, drove home and... continued to fight.

I remember to the minute the events of that day when I found out that the disease had receded. The doctor said: “It’s all over. You’re healthy. But you need to take care of yourself.” Going out into the courtyard of the oncology clinic, I squatted down and a crazy scream burst out of my chest. I don’t know what it sounded like, but I think the walls of this institution were accustomed to such sounds. Once I got into the car, I couldn’t start it - my hands were shaking and tears were flowing. I realized that now I simply have to fulfill all the dreams that I almost lost the right to fulfill.

To a new life - with a new body, I decided. Since the disease took away three years of my youth, I saw in the mirror an adult, tortured and pale woman with lost eyes and 40 kilograms of excess weight.

Arina has practically no photos from the past. “There was no time for photographs,” says Arina

Before you begin your journey to health and slim body, I studied a lot of information on the Internet. This took several weeks. I made a table where I detailed how much protein, fat and carbohydrates I should receive daily, and also wrote down the foods that I should give up forever. I started my “marathon” with a weight of 91 kilograms, and six months later my weight was already 64 kilograms. I breathed out calmly and went on vacation with my youngest daughter - I no longer had to hide under an umbrella and cover my body with loose clothes.

Arina with her daughter (photo on the left - before losing weight, on the right - after)

The only thing that bothered me was the skin. On the recommendation of a cosmetologist, I completed three courses of 12 sessions of LPG massage. The skin was noticeably tightened from this procedure. In those places where it sagged more, I did mesotherapy. I read a lot of negative reviews from people with unfulfilled expectations. To this I can say one thing: if you are hoping for results after 3-5 procedures, forget about it. In this matter you need to be patient. I worked on the quality of my skin for a year: I did anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massages, underwent an LPG procedure, and Charcot’s shower. You will say that it is expensive and time-consuming - but I had no choice.

Click on the photo to view the gallery. Now I'm 41 years old, I don't have a drop of cellulite. I was able to achieve this with the help of “clean” nutrition (only healthy products and complete exclusion of fast food) and regular sports. My weight now is 54 kilograms. To make my body look sculpted, I started going to the gym regularly. gym and work out with a trainer. The result appeared in the form of rounded buttocks, abs, beautiful line shoulders, toned arms. 4 years have passed since my recovery, I do not stop and want to maintain my body in this form for many years to come.

5 rules that will allow you to be athletic and young after 40 years:

1. Exercise extreme species sports

Any sport is a path to rejuvenation. Movement, as we know, is life. I am fond of extreme sports: skydiving, diving and surfing. This allows you to meet new people, communicate and develop not only physically. On ordinary weekdays I am also always “at sports”: tennis twice a week, swimming twice a week, as well as regular strength training in the gym.

On her Instagram - @arinayourfitpal - Arina regularly shares pictures from her extreme travelsArina with her friend

2. Travel and learn new languages

I have always traveled a lot, but having acquired a taste for life for the second time, I began to do it even more often. On every trip you discover something new in yourself. It's the same story with languages. Now I am fluent in six and am studying the seventh, Chinese. In this I found the profession of my life - I head the Department of Foreign Economic Relations and every day I communicate with many people of different nationalities.

3. Fall in love

A year ago, while diving in Egypt, I met “that same” man - Italian Stefano. He was my buddy (dive partner), with him for the first time in my life I felt what it was like to truly trust a person. We travel often and have already conquered many depths hand in hand. I don’t want to look too far, but the emotions I get now definitely make me live and move on.

4 Give up bad habits

During difficult periods of my life, my hand often reached for drink. No, I was not an alcoholic, I worked hard and was a good mother, but in the evenings, from all the horror of what was happening, I involuntarily reached for the bottle. In addition to this pleasure there was another thing - I smoked a lot. My daughter helped me get rid of these habits. She suggested a method to me, which I laughed at first. Together we bought a bottle of my favorite whiskey and a pack of cigarettes, put it in a bag and sailed on a boat to the middle of the pond not far from the house. On my daughter’s advice, I repeated “I let go of this evil forever” several times and lowered the bag into the water. The daughter was very serious, but I was funny. Surprisingly, two years have passed since then, and I no longer touched alcohol or cigarettes. Of course, it was not the spell that worked, but my promise to my daughter and the memory of her eyes full of hope. Life without alcohol, as it turns out, is much more interesting and brighter, because you see the whole gamut of its colors! And what methods you resort to to get rid of bad habits does not matter at all.

5 Share your happiness and positive emotions with others

You've probably heard that vindictive and gloomy people age faster. Thinking about the negative, you lose the sparkle and cheerfulness in your eyes. Therefore, one of the most effective tips on how to stay young and beautiful at any age is to think positively. A year ago, I founded the “Happy People” project on Instagram, where I talk about people of different ages who are happy despite adversity. At first it was my hobby, but then a publishing house contacted me and offered to write a book - it will be published next year. So I made another dream of mine come true.

Beauty news that will help you get in shape:

1. Clarins Body Lift Cellulite Control anti-cellulite body sculpting product
2. Intensive care for figure modeling Vichy Cellu Destock
3. Exfoliating shower gel L "Occitane "Aromacology"
4. Anti-cellulite body massage oil Biotherm Body Refirm Anti-Cellulite Oil
5. Chanel Body Excellence Moisturizing Milk
6. Anti-cellulite modeling body cream dr.brandt cellusculpt
7. Body milk La Roche-Posay Lipikar

Shumakova Arina is a popular blogger, a successful businesswoman, a loving mother, the founder of a charity project and simply a beautiful woman who, at 41, went through difficult life trials with her head held high. And yes, by the way, Arina lost 40 kilograms in one year, continues to “build” her body and inspires with her example many women who want to see their dream figure in the mirror.

The story of a strong woman

Arina is not one of those who have been eating too much all their lives, gained 40 extra pounds and suddenly decided that it was time to lose weight. This amazing woman always took care of herself - she ate right, went to the pool, and ran in the morning. But fate decreed that at the age of 34, Shumakova Arina heard from the doctors a disappointing diagnosis - a tumor of the pelvic organs. And all that remained was either to fight for life and take hormonal drugs, which mercilessly raise the scales upward day after day, or to give up and say goodbye to all dreams and plans for a long, happy life... Arina chose the first option.

As a result, constant procedures, abdominal surgeries and taking hormones, coupled with incredible willpower, did their job - the doctors said that the disease had receded. But in the future they asked to monitor their condition and take care so that there would be no relapses.

The story of Arina Shumakova is the story of a strong woman. She decided not only to take care of herself, but her goal was to return to her previous shape, to see herself young, healthy and beautiful again. The disease added 40 extra pounds to her and “gave” her a dull look and an exhausted and aged face. A new stage has begun - the path to a new healthy body.

If you really want...

Everything needs to be approached wisely and comprehensively - that’s what Arina Shumakova decided for herself. Proper nutrition, physical activity, all kinds of procedures to restore skin tone - with this she decided to start a new life, and first study a lot of useful information in order to lose weight correctly and without harm to health.

Arina compiled a table for herself indicating the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that should be received every day. She also wrote a list of foods that were gone from her diet forever. And she began to act, as a result of which in 6 months she lost weight from 91 kilograms to 64. This is the first significant victory over my body!

It was decided to celebrate the victory with a trip, where Arina went with her daughter. Now a woman no longer needed to hide her figure under baggy clothes: her shape acquired beautiful feminine contours.

Lost weight. What to do with the skin?

The most problematic area for Arina was her skin. After all, first when gaining, and then when losing so many kilograms, the epidermis simply does not have time to stretch and contract, as a result of which the body becomes flabby and loose. And even intense physical activity is not enough here.

But could Arina Shumakova give up because of such an obstacle on the path to a beautiful body? The biography of this woman characterizes her as a real fighter who is not used to being afraid of difficulties. As a result - 3 courses of 12 sessions of LPG massage, mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite wraps, Charcot's shower... A colossal amount of time, effort and money was spent on all procedures.

But the main thing is that Arina achieved what she strived for: now, when she is 41 years old, she does not have an ounce of cellulite! Her skin is in perfect condition, and her figure is the envy of any 20-year-old girl. Shumakova Arina is not going to stop there - now she is working to ensure that her body remains like this for many years to come. What secret did this amazing woman learn?

Arina willingly shares her secret with others

By building a dream figure, she helps thousands of girls become beautiful. Arina Shumakova’s diet is simple: the main thing is to eat regularly, not go hungry and not indulge in unhealthy foods. If you follow her recommendations, the result will not be long in coming, and within two weeks you will see the first significant changes in the mirror.

"Judge" diet

Arina advises starting with a “jump” diet - it lasts three days and is designed to start metabolic processes in the body. These days you should eat buckwheat steamed with boiling water in any quantity, without salt, it is advisable to take breaks between meals for no more than 2-3 hours. It is also allowed to drink 1% or but not more than 1 liter per day.

Due to the fact that you do not feel hungry and are always full, surviving for 3 days on such a diet is not difficult. Of course, we must not forget that you should drink a lot of clean water - at least 2 liters per day. Arina believes that the role of fluid consumption when losing weight should not be underestimated - fat is removed along with it, and if you do not drink enough water, then lipid metabolism will be disrupted.

You need to exit such a diet wisely - after the third day, the body will receive a large amount of protein, which is contained in buckwheat. Therefore, to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body, protein-free days should be introduced.

Protein-free days

There should be 2 of them - in order to smoothly exit the “jog” diet and switch to proper nutrition. The menu compiled for these days is also suitable for those who observe Orthodox fasting: it completely excludes animal products.

The principle of protein-free nutrition is as follows: for breakfast - porridge (oatmeal, corn, millet), then two snacks - a sweet fruit or several pieces of dried fruit, a vegetable salad, for lunch - vegetarian soups or stewed vegetables, possibly cereals with vegetable dressings, a snack - unsweetened fruit or vegetable salad, dinner - vegetable soup, or salad, or stewed vegetables. You can eat a cucumber before going to bed.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about a lot of water, without which even the most correct menu will not work at full strength, advises Arina Shumakova. Weight loss will become more intense if you add lemon and cinnamon to the liquid or make ginger tea. This is ginger root, which is poured with water at night, and then drunk on an empty stomach throughout the day. But this drink is not recommended for people who have gastrointestinal problems.

Proper nutrition from Arina Shumakova

Firstly, do not starve under any circumstances. Secondly, do not eat fast food and other unhealthy foods. Third, drink enough water (more than 2 liters per day), drink ginger tea and water with cinnamon and lemon on an empty stomach to speed up your metabolism.

Arina’s healthy nutrition program lasts 55 days. In her group, she gives a sample menu that each girl should adjust to her own characteristics - height, weight, activity, weight loss goals. And for those who want 100% results, Arina Shumakova offers her assistance in drawing up individual nutrition programs for a fee.

But if you wish, you can easily lose weight using the approximate recommendations. Arina Shumakova proved this to all doubters in her group and Instagram.