Double jumping rope training. Double jump rope

Double Jumps, when the rope is rotated twice in one jump, have become incredibly popular recently, including due to their inclusion in the cross-fit complex. Despite the apparent simplicity and accessibility of such exercises, a considerable number of people experience a lot of difficulties with how to learn how to jump double jumps on a skipping rope - such training becomes a kind of insurmountable wall that sports fans beat against for weeks. And no wonder, because there is a lot to know about how to jump double jumps on a skipping rope. important nuances, without taking into account and using which it will be difficult to master this exercise in the correct way.

A person striving to master double jumps will need excellent coordination and considerable dexterity, because this will require good synchronization of movements of both the upper and lower extremities. In addition, it may only seem as if any jumping rope is a simple matter, because in this particular version they are not subject to everyone - only to those who are ready to train hard for weeks and even months: for some, it takes up to six months or more to master the technique. It is unlikely that it will be possible to successfully perform this exercise, especially to the extent required in CrossFit - up to 100-150 times in a row - by a person who has poorly developed muscles of the torso, as well as arms and legs.

Among other things, if a person eager to master the above-mentioned skill has not taken up a jump rope for a long time, he will need to recall the technical subtleties of handling it. Without similar basic principles It is unlikely that you will be able to master more complex coordination exercises, including double jumps, so you definitely need to remember the basic position of the body, the movements of the arms and legs during ordinary single jumps. It is worth saying that even in childhood, when many people love spending time with a skipping rope, not everyone learns to jump on it correctly, and relearning is much more difficult than immediately mastering the correct technical nuances.

For jumping, you will have to choose the most vertical position of the body, with a straight spine, and the head should also not be lowered - it is advisable to look straight ahead. The position of the limbs is even more important: the legs should be placed as close to each other as possible, with the feet and thighs closed, and the arms should be pressed closer to the body with the elbows, and so that the elbow angle is about 50 degrees. In motion, i.e. jumping, you should save not only good posture, but also previously fixed positions of the arms and legs, and there are several tricks here: you should land on the pads of your fingers, and rotate the rope with your hands, and not with your whole hand.

Without clear development of the above-mentioned positions different parts the torso, double jumps will definitely not work, because, for example, by rotating the rope with your hands to the elbows, and not just with your hand, as it should be, it is unlikely that you will be able to create two turns with it in one single jump. In any case, one should move on to more complex exercises on a jump rope only when a person can easily manage a hundred to one and a half repetitions of single jumps in one approach without failures in technique. In such a case, it will be necessary to gradually complicate the task for yourself by adding alternating jumps to your training, on one leg, two in one turn of the rope, high, etc.

The next stage in mastering the technique of double jumps will be single jumps with the maximum height available to a given person - as if he is trying to jump to the ceiling. This approach allows you to properly slow down the body, which will be enough to twist the rope twice before landing, and at the same time you need to train your hands by twisting the quadrupled apparatus twice with each jump. Then you can move directly to double jumps, but at first alternate them with single ones, gradually reducing the number of the latter in each approach and increasing the number of the former.

Ordinary people consider jumping rope as children's entertainment. But in fact, skipping is an effective means for losing weight, strengthening muscles, normalizing breathing, heart function, accelerating metabolic processes, increasing endurance, general health and lifting your mood. In this article we will look at the main types of jumps, the technique of performing various tricks, we will give recommendations on how to jump rope correctly, and adults and children will learn this activity.

Classic technique

Skipping is not a boring, monotonous activity. Jumping rope is a whole set of exercises, many options for training the body and maintaining a healthy mind.

Let's learn the basics

How to learn to jump rope from scratch? For this there are basic exercises with a simple technique. The rope is held at hip level, arms are located along the body. You should start by pushing off with the balls of both feet, slightly bending lower limbs in the knees. The optimal height of the basic jump is 2-4 cm.

After mastering basic technology start more intense exercises. These include alternate jumps. They are performed similarly to the basic ones, only on one leg - the method resembles quickly stepping over a cord with a jump.

Alternating jumping rope develops coordination and balance.

This is how to jump rope in an alternating way

More examples of how traditional jumping rope is performed in the video:

Basic techniques are combined with each other. The technique is as follows: basic jump with two legs - left - two - right - two.

To increase the intensity of exercise, basic or alternate jumps are performed with high leg lifts. A similar effect is achieved by the “one-legged technique,” ​​when one leg is raised, bent at the knee, and the other is jumped. The working leg is changed after performing a series of exercises (5-10).

High jumps put increased stress on the abdominal muscles, allowing you to pump up your abs and get rid of local fat deposits.

15 minutes of intense exercise will provide an effective cardio workout

  • you should start the exercises at a slow pace - this will warm up the muscles and increase their elasticity;
  • the jump rope should be of the optimal size, selected according to height;
  • The first exercises should last no more than 5 minutes. The ratio of rest and exercise should be 2:1, after the second week of classes - 1:1;
  • during training you should not make unplanned stops - this reduces your pulse and breathing;
  • you need to land softly, on your toes;
  • over time, you should combine different jumping techniques - this will make the classes interesting and varied.

Correct starting position

Breathing rule

Proper breathing plays an important role in how to jump rope correctly. You should breathe through your nose, rhythmically. This will allow you to receive uniform portions of oxygen during exercise, which contribute to the efficient functioning of the body and burning fat.

If buckles tire you out quickly, do them as long as you can talk freely. If you experience shortness of breath, take a break and walk for 1-2 minutes.

Advanced Jumping Techniques

More difficult elements are double jumps. While bouncing, you must have time to complete two turns of the cord. Double and triple jumps allow you to use various groups muscles, so they require a lot of energy.

Detailed instructions on how to learn to jump rope are in the video below6

An advanced skipping technique is criss-cross jumping. To do this, you need to alternate simple jumps and jumps with crossed arms, during which the torso passes through the resulting loop.

You should start cross-shaped exercises after mastering the simple and double techniques.

Cross jumps improve coordination

We perform various tricks

Jumping rope can be not only useful, but also entertaining. A few interesting tricks will add variety to your activities and impress your friends. These could be:

  • jumping in the other direction, backward;
  • side elements;
  • jumping over a double rope;
  • group elements, when several people are involved in the exercise (“helicopter”).

The gymnastic rope rotates very quickly and can hit strong blows, so you should start the exercise at a slow pace.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with various jumping rope tricks in the video:

Features of teaching children

Jumping rope is very useful activity for a growing, developing organism. They contribute to the formation correct posture, strengthening muscles. How to encourage a little fidget to do exercises?

It is necessary to choose the right equipment for a small athlete; it must correspond to his height.

When teaching a child skipping, it is important to follow simple rules:

  • start with simple jumps with both feet in place (without sports equipment);
  • the second stage - exercises with even rotation of the rope. The equipment is held with the hand and rotated at the pace of a jump;
  • jumping over the cord.

During exercises, the child should pause to rest.

We offer a visual aid on how to teach a child to jump rope on video:


Skipping is simple, effective remedy to keep the body in good shape. It includes a variety of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles, normalizing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, breathing, and losing weight. It’s easy to learn how to jump rope, just follow these simple recommendations:

  • you should start with simple, basic movements;
  • before jumping at a high pace, you should prepare and warm up your muscles and joints;
  • you should increase the intensity and complicate the exercises gradually;
  • need to remember breathing correctly, monitor your heart rate, combine jumping with rest;
  • To lose weight, you should exercise regularly and adhere to a balanced diet.

At the right approach and regular training, skipping will bring you real pleasure. You will not only feel better, you will lose overweight, but also surprise your friends with new tricks.

While still at school, you will have to go back to the very basics of mastering this exercise. Not only crossfitters, but also track and field athletes, boxers, and athletes of other disciplines use a jump rope to develop endurance and speed. CrossFit is distinguished by the introduction into its arsenal of double jumps on a rope (the tourniquet passes under the legs twice when jumping). At competitions this year I saw triple jumps, but this is still more exotic than the rule.

Be prepared for the training to take some time. For me it was about six months. After mastering the skill, your task will be to learn to “rest” during the exercise. In complexes, the number of DU (double under) is from 30 to 300 per approach. A failure is punishable by both loss of time to resume (about 2...4 seconds) and penalty exercises, for example, 5...10 burpees for each mistake. The movement itself is quite short, so unless you are a top-level athlete, where a split second can determine the winner, what is more important is the continuity of execution and the ability of the athlete to continue performing the complex after completing the DU series. Speed ​​plays a much smaller role here. The key to success is having the right technique from the very beginning. Typical mistakes an athlete encounters when practicing a skill:

1) Rotate the rope with your whole hand. If you jump and swing your arms like a wind ladder, there is no way the jump rope will pass under your feet twice.

Working off: rotation is carried out by the wrist. Start jumping singles, using only your wrist. The design of high-speed jump ropes ensures the effective transmission of even slight hand movements directly to the rope. Start at a pace that is comfortable for you, gradually increasing your speed.

2) Legs are connected when jumping. The reduced position of the legs leads to loss of balance. To restore it, you will be thrown from side to side or back and forth.

Working off: your feet should be hip-width apart. Provides a stable position better coordination the whole movement. Notice that you are jumping on the front of your foot, with your heel barely touching the floor. The athlete, like a ball, pushes off the surface instantly as soon as he lands.

3) Bend your legs. Beginning athletes, in an attempt to rotate the rope under them, bend their legs either backwards or forwards.

Working off: your legs are straight at the top of the jump and slightly bent to absorb the impact of the surface. The body position when jumping is similar to the concave position on the ground. The hollow rock exercise (swinging in a concave position) teaches the athlete the correct body position.

4) Moving the elbows away from the body. You will know that you have withdrawn your hands when you suddenly receive a sharp blow to the legs or head with a jump rope.

Working off: Elbows pressed to the torso. Pay attention to this, especially when you are just trying to learn. The forearms are almost at right angles to the elbows. Rotation is carried out only by the wrists.

5) Use every time different jump ropes. The length of the rope affects the quality of the jumps. A jump rope that is too long does not allow you to develop high speed, too short leads to jumping failures.

Working off: Get yourself a jump rope and adjust the length once and for all. If you step on the middle of the rope, the ends of the rope should end at your armpits.

After you learn how to jump DU, you can either ignore the comments above or adjust them to suit yourself.

Being at the very beginning of their CrossFit training journey and seeing double jumps on a jump rope in a complex, many people want to throw the rope somewhere far away, because even the most resilient and strong athlete, if he cannot perform jumps properly, he will end up in last place.


Actually in execution this exercise there is nothing complicated, like most CrossFit movements you need constant training and a little patience. All training consists of confidently performing high single jumps with a smooth addition of double rotations and then a full transition to performing jumps with double rotations.

To start learning, you need to be able to jump rope smoothly, confidently, without stopping or making mistakes. If you can jump without any problems, then you can proceed directly to learning how to double twist the rope at the moment of jumping.


For training, we need to buy, find, and steal a high-speed jump rope. No, you can try to do it on a regular one, but I can’t vouch for the result. The thing is that the design of this jump rope has bearings and a metal cable, which allow it to be turned very quickly, which an ordinary jump rope, which consists of a rubber cord and plastic handles, cannot boast of.

High jumps

At this stage of training, you need to learn to jump as high as possible. To do this, we jump single jumps, scroll the rope very slowly. At the moment of the jump, the body is located in one line and perpendicular to the ground. Hands in elbow joint pressed to the body. Very common mistake Many people bend their legs back while jumping upward, thereby catching the rope of the jumping rope with their feet. In addition, bending your legs negatively affects the height of your jump.

One after three

The second stage of training consists of a smooth transition from simple jumps with one revolution to double ones. To do this, perform three jumps with one scroll, then one with a double. When performing a double jump, you must jump high and fast movement Use your hands to twist the rope twice. This transition method is the most optimal because it is carried out gradually. As soon as you start getting about 30 repetitions without errors, you can move on to next stage.


This stage does not differ significantly from the previous one. We are also gradually moving to performing double rotations, by reducing the number of jumps with single rotations and moving on to alternating. You should start with a single one, then do a double scroll of the rope, then a single scroll again, etc. We bring the execution to 30 repetitions without errors, then move on to the final stage.

Double Jumps

Directly performing double jumps. The first is a jump with one rotation of the rope, and then we jump as high as possible and perform double rotations of the rope without stopping. At this stage of training, the main point is to polish your skills; you need to try to increase the number of jumps performed - about 15-20 in one approach without stopping, getting tangled in the cable and other mistakes.

Once you are able to jump without the desire to throw out the rope, you can try to diversify your training by adding certain tasks for a while.

Workout Options

  • Tabata workout (8 rounds: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)
  • Maximum amount for a time (for example, within two minutes)
  • A certain amount for a time (for example, 100 repetitions for a time)
  • A given number of repetitions every minute for a certain time (perform 20 jumps every minute for 10 minutes.)

These training options resemble mini CrossFit complexes and smoothly lead to the next stage of exercise progression.

In this article I tried to talk about the basic training for this CrossFit exercise, and in the near future I will try to look at improving the skill of jumping while performing CrossFit complexes.

And on the one hand, they are right, on the other hand, I am more of a crossfitter - a theorist than an athlete. I’m still very interested in studying the theoretical foundations, watching the technique of performing exercises on YouTube and then writing about it in.

So far I have serious problems with the technique of performing all the exercises in CrossFit and one of them is jumping rope. Simple jumps do not cause difficulties, especially in, but double jump rope so far it's hard. The technique was shown to me by the trainer, the video on YouTube was watched to death, now, as the pilots say, “We need to fly time,” to gain experience.

Therefore, I am starting to participate in the next campaign.

The terms of the promotion are simple:

  • Learn to jump double jumps through one single, i.e. single-double-single-double-single.
  • Learn to jump double jumps in a row, jump 10 double jumps in a row.
  • Jump 20 double jumps in a row.
  • Jump 50 double jumps in a row.
  • Jump 100 double jumps in a row.

Goals must be measurable and achievable. Both of these conditions are met, plus the goals are arranged in order from easy to difficult. I hope two months will be enough for me. I will record the results in this post.

After fulfilling the conditions, the action will grow into 100 jumps in a certain time or the number of jumps in two minutes in order to get closer to some more or less generally accepted results, but let it be later, when I already know how long 100 jumps take.

I will jump anywhere, in training, if there is time and energy left, or at home, on the landing. The training time should not be long; it is better to train often and not for long. 10-15 minutes, but three times a day.

The day before yesterday I just tried to jump 100 double jumps. It's been a while 13:58 . Since I don’t yet know how to jump doubles in a row, I had to jump with a “flood”, i.e. first regular jumps, then double, again regular and double again. This super technique explains such a long time. The first 20 jumps went well, but then my arms and legs began to fail, even ordinary jumps were difficult. The jump rope got tangled up in everything it could. I’ve been walking like an invalid for two days now, my calves hurt like hell.

Speaking of jump rope. As they say, even for a bad dancer... any jump rope will do, but I chose the Speed ​​rope. This jump rope has long handles, an excellent rotation mechanism and an iron cable coated with plastic. Jumping on such a rope is a pleasure. If you live in Novorossiysk, then write to me, I will tell you where you can buy it from us.

The technique of learning to jump rope is not complicated, watch the video and see for yourself.

Well, there are people who want to take part in stock with me? There are two bonuses from participation:

  • You will learn the technique of jumping rope. No one can do double jumps at all.
  • During training, you will receive an excellent workout and completely FREE and at a time when it is convenient for you. After all, you don’t need to go to the gym specifically to train, you can jump at home, on the landing or on the street.
  • Maybe you will like it and jump for 15-20 minutes every day, and this is an excellent aerobic exercise.

If you are interested, just post your results in the comments with me. If you already know how to jump 100 double jumps in a row or this is not at all difficult for you, then write down the time. At least I will know what to strive for.