Project of an ice sports palace for figure skating and short track competitions. Iceberg Winter Sports Palace

Castle winter sports"Iceberg" (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Iceberg Winter Sports Palace is one of the remarkable sports facilities, built specifically for competitions within Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014 Palace - modern sports facility, accommodating a lot of people: it is designed for 12 thousand spectators. Its ice arena has dimensions standard for this type of structure - 60x30 m, and also includes a training skating rink for figure skating and short track competitions - a relatively new sport for our country speed skating.

For the first time, Iceberg opened for competitions during the Federation Cup in figure skating. International testing of the skating rink took place during the finals of the Figure Grand Prix, which was held here International Union speed skaters in December 2012 - January 2013. Short track tracks were used at the Russian Short Track Championship in December 2012. Another important competition - the Russian Figure Skating Championship in December 2013 - was also held at Eibserg.

Then sports arena accepted main start, for which it was built - Olympic Games 2014. All figure skating competitions were held here, as well as short track competitions. Both parts of the program became successful for the Russian team, so “Iceberg” is a place of pleasant memories and impressions for Russians.

The post-Olympic fate of the skating rink, apparently, has not yet been finally decided. Previously, it was assumed that after the end of the Olympics, “Iceberg” would be repurposed as an Olympic-standard cycling track (250 m). However, this information has not yet been confirmed. There are also rumors that the complex will be dismantled and it will move to another city, which also has not happened yet.

Address: Olympic Park, Sochi.

Have you decided to relax in the Adler microdistrict of Sochi? Ice Palace Iceberg is one of its main sporting attractions. The most important Russian events from the world of such industries as hockey, figure skating and speed skating. Moving here, you will enjoy the view of many other objects - stadiums, palace ensembles, museums, because you will find yourself at the Olympic Plaza with a giant torch surrounded by an artificial pond and.

Where is the ice palace on the Adler map?

It is located in Olympic Park, which occupies the coastal half of the Imereti Lowland in Mr. Adler (Sochi). Nearby is the already popular Training Arena and.

History and structure of the sports complex

The Iceberg Winter Sports Palace was built in 2012 - in the northern sector of the round “Imereti” cluster. A dozen construction and installation contracts worked on its creation. Many investors invested money here. Started to use in October. The test competition was another international tournament– Skater Grand Prix 2012. Before the competition, a loud opening of the DZS took place.

It is curious that initially they wanted to dismantle the structure and move it to another region, because there is another one at Olympic Plaza. But they changed their minds. And for good reason - she looks amazing!

Iceberg occupies 68,000 sq. m, and the ice arena inside has a size of 60 by 30 m. It is designed for 12,000 seats around the perimeter, and also has an impressive skating rink for training. The height of the structure reaches 28 m. The complex is equipped with the latest equipment to maintain the microclimate - both in the spectator stands and in the arena itself. Moreover, the unique design allows the palace to be repurposed for holding summer competitions.

Visits to the Iceberg Ice Palace

If you are a fan of winter sports games, come to Sochi. The Iceberg Ice Palace “keeps” winter within itself even during the warm season. There are always matches going on here, or demonstration performances. He played a huge role in the 2014 Olympics. In shape and color, the structure really resembles a huge block of ice plowing the sea - with the help of special facade tiles, it seems to shimmer from white to dark blue.

A stand displaying a seating map is already available in the lobby - on the first level of the building. The poster of a sports institution (sometimes it is up to 9 m high) tells us what events are available for visiting here. They may be:

  • various shows, including Dancing on Ice;
  • hockey competitions;
  • short track championships;
  • long speed skating competitions;
  • concerts;
  • demonstration performances of figure skaters;
  • the entire “ice” part of any Winter Spartakiad;
  • and Christmas performances (for adults and children) with the participation of actors on skates.

The foyer and various halls of the palace are also multifunctional. It is enough to point out that in addition to the “main circle” with stands for fans, there is an area for short track and figure skating championships: the training skating rink was tested already in 2012, during the “launch” of this unique stadium. He did not let the athletes down.

The space of the Iceberg arena can, like a transformer, turn into a concert hall, which is even prepared for a fireworks competition. The fire safety system has undergone thousands of inspections emergency situations. The famous musical groups “Scorpions” and “Hands Up” have already died down here. The complex also served as a stage for performances by many popular theaters.

At your service there is also a hall with a modern layout - with a conveniently located bathroom, a buffet (a counter selling dishes and products, a set of plastic furniture in the hall itself), and also a wardrobe. In a separate sector you will find management offices. On each column hang constructions announcing upcoming events. Well, it remains to add that the ice palace ticket office is generally open until 20:00.

How to get there (get there)?

You need the Bar Terrace stop. There is only one bus that goes here - 124C. However, you can get to this spot from the other side of the Olympic Park - from stops (minibuses 57K, 125C and 135) or “Bolshoi Palace” (also No. 100).

How to get here by car:

Contacts, poster and prices

  • Address: Olympic Park, Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation.
  • Coordinates: 43.407523, 39.958321.
  • Phone: +7-862-277-70-23.
  • Official website:
  • Look at the poster at the office. website.
  • Ticket prices: from 200 rubles.

The majestic complex can be appreciated with the help of our photos. In Adler, the Iceberg Ice Palace is known to everyone who lives in the Imereti Lowland, that is, near. Its exterior, if only because of its dimensions, is simply impossible to forget. This colossus is noticeable from afar - both from the sea shore and from the Mirny residential complex. Reviews from Russians who have been here make us understand that this is “convenient and great place”, as well as the fact that “fans and competition organizers are quite comfortable here.” In conclusion, watch an educational video about it, enjoy watching.

The Iceberg Ice Palace is a real treasure of the city of Sochi and one of the most striking attractions of the Olympic Park. The palace was built for the 2014 Winter Olympics and was first used in 2012, when it hosted the first trial competitions in speed skating and figure skating.

During the Olympics, the Iceberg also served as the main venue for figure skating and short track speed skating competitions.

According to spectators' reviews, the ice palace pleased them not only with the spectacle of the events taking place there, but also high level preparedness to welcome guests from all over the world.

Poster for Iceberg Ice Palace 2019

What events are organized at the ice palace? First of all, of course, the thought comes to competitions in figure skating, hockey and other winter sports. However, despite the name, “Iceberg” is designed in such a way that it becomes possible to use it as a platform for competitions not only in winter, but also in summer species sports Thus, an international tournament on dance sport, and in 2019 the World Boxing Championship will be held.

In addition to various tournaments and competitions, the arena hosts all kinds of shows. Among the most famous of them is the fairy tale show “The Snow Queen,” in which the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko takes part, as well as Ilya Averbukh’s productions of “Romeo and Juliet” and “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.” Moreover, the palace has become a popular venue for music concerts by a variety of performers.

The cost of tickets depends on the event and day of the week, but the minimum price for a ticket (seats further from the stage) is 1500-2000 rubles.

In the summer, the arena hosts public skating events, which anyone can sign up for. A ticket for them can be purchased at the box office of the sports palace itself on the day of skating, its price will be 300 rubles. Renting one pair of skates will also cost you 300 rubles per hour. Rides are held both in the first and second half of the day. Amateur hockey players can play during “hockey hour” every day (usually in the morning and evening). All information about public skating can be found in the skating rink’s VKontakte group.

Indoor climate

Due to the fact that skating and ice shows are held in the summer, many visitors have questions about how best to dress when visiting the palace and what the climate is like there.

Tourists who have already visited the Iceberg say that the air temperature inside is not too high, but comfortable, and they also advise taking a warm jacket with them, because ventilation and air conditioning systems work in the halls and arenas.

However, in case you forgot to take warm clothes with you or decide to go skiing, warm blankets are sold in the palace itself.

Iceberg Center outside and inside

The palace looks truly impressive, having a height of 34 m. Like others Olympic venues, “Iceberg” is made of stained glass in different shades of blue. The color, shape of the building and its smooth lines resemble waves, thanks to which it gracefully fits into the Sochi coastal landscape.

The interior of the sports complex is no less impressive. First of all, its scale is surprising. The Iceberg Palace plan includes three ice arenas for hockey, two arenas for speed skating, three arenas for figure skating, as well as gyms and warm-up rooms equipped with modern sports equipment.

One of the world's largest venues The Iceberg's capacity is up to 12,000 spectators, and the stage area is 1,800 m². Spectator seats are located on four tiers, each with from 3 to 14 rows.

Design Features

It is worth noting that initially, during the construction of the complex, it was planned to design it collapsible, so that it would be possible to dismantle the Iceberg after the Olympics and transport it to one of the regions of Russia. There was also an option to rebuild the arena into a cycle track. However, later it was decided to leave the palace in the Olympic Park in its original form.

How to get to Iceberg LD

The palace is located directly in the Olympic Park, in the coastal cluster, and therefore is included in the routes of various excursions to the Olympic sites. You can get there on your own by bus (routes

Project of an ice sports palace for figure skating and short track competitions

Architects: Bokov A.V. , Bush D.V., Orlov A.V., Chuklov S.N., Zaklyaev A.A., Tulupov V.N., Romanova L.S., Buzmakova E.A., Zolotova A.S., Shuvalova A.L., Karanda S.Kh., Grishina I.E., Arseniy O.N., Lobanov M.V.
Constructor: Kelman M.I.
Engineer: Bekmukhamedov E.E.
Design: 2010

The Ice Sports Palace is intended for holding competitions and training in figure skating and short track speed skating. The capacity of the palace is 12 thousand seats.

The spectator seats are designed in two tiers. Between the tiers there is a level of VIP boxes

For the convenience of spectators and to reduce the loading and unloading time of the Ice Palace, the foyers of the first and second tiers of stands are connected along the entire perimeter of the building by galleries and stairs. In the exterior, these internal staircases determine the construction of the facade and, in the places where they rise, accentuate the entrances of the spectators.

The pattern of intertwining waves, formed on the façade by glass and sandwich panels painted in several shades of blue, is designed to unite the palace with the surrounding silhouettes of the mountains and the waves of the Black Sea.

Technical and economic indicators:

Construction area: 20,530 m2
Total area: 67,800 m2
Construction volume: 685,880 m3
Number of storeys: 5
A: 37.5 m

Space-planning solutions

1st floor (level 0.000). Ice arena with an area of ​​30.0 x 60.0 m, places for disabled spectators, facilities for athletes (including eight team locker rooms, universal gym, buffet, equipment room, skate sharpening station, medical care facilities for athletes, etc.), doping control premises, medical center for spectators, premises for coaches, judges, representatives of federations, entrance lobbies for spectators of the government box and VIP area, spectators stalls, spectators with disabilities, representatives of the press, administration and service personnel, buffets, cloakrooms, a first-aid post, bathrooms, public order premises, security services, a fire station and other engineering and technological premises and services (including a refrigeration center, a pumping room, a room for storage of ice harvesting machines), as well as entry points for equipment into the arena and loading of products into catering establishments.

2nd floor (elevation +5,100). The lower tier of the stands, auxiliary premises for spectators: the foyer of the first tier of the stands, bathrooms, buffets, utility rooms and a canteen for staff, spectator seats for people with limited mobility in corner sectors arenas.

3rd floor (elevation +9,300). Government box (special area), foyer, auxiliary rooms and spectator boxes in the VIP area, Olympic family, administrative premises.

4th floor (elevation +13,500). The upper tier of the stands, including seats for press representatives, press center premises, auxiliary premises for spectators: lobbies, foyers, bathrooms, buffets.

5th floor (elevation +20.700). Press center premises, press foyer, TV studios overlooking the arena for interviews, commentary, administrative premises, hardware, technical and technological services, refrigeration center, ventilation chambers.

Mark +24,900. Elevator machine rooms, ventilation chambers.

Special architectural and planning solutions are provided for people with limited mobility (ramps, bathrooms) in accordance with SNiP 35-01-2001.

Functional zoning

Seats for spectators are designed around the arena on stands in two tiers, as well as in boxes with rest rooms. For loading and unloading spectators, smoke-free stairs are provided from the ground level to the levels of the spectator foyers. There is provision for the construction of vestibules, foyers, galleries and corridors for spectators in different levels. The lower and second level foyers are connected by galleries and open staircases along the entire perimeter of the building. Buffets and bathrooms are distributed in proportion to the number of spectators. Bathrooms for spectators with disabilities are located in close proximity to their seats in the stands.

All rooms for athletes are grouped on the ground floor, with its own lobby.

Spectators in the VIP area (boxes with a capacity of 630 people) enter the building through separate lobbies. For communication between floors, special staircase and elevator blocks are provided.

The government area has its own lobby, from which visitors take a separate staircase or two elevators to the box level (for 50 people). There is a possibility of access to the area of ​​​​the premises for athletes and exit to the arena.

The press also has its own lobby. The press center is located on the 4th and 5th floors; a special staircase and elevator block is provided for communication between floors.

Public order premises are designed to ensure operational communication with various parts of the building.

Architectural and planning solutions. Exterior and interior decoration

The Ice Palace is a five-level volume with a curvilinear outline. The spectator seats in the stands are designed in two tiers, between which there is a level of VIP boxes. For the convenience of spectators and to reduce the loading and unloading time of the Ice Palace, the foyers of the first and second tiers of stands are connected along the entire perimeter of the building by galleries and stairs. In the exterior, these internal staircases determine the construction of the façade and, where they rise, accentuate the entrances for spectators.

The facades of the Ice Palace are stained glass structures filled with double-glazed windows and sandwich panels, painted blue in several shades. A complex pattern of intertwining waves is formed from glass and sandwich panels in aluminum frames on the facades.

The curvilinear smooth outlines of the main elements of the facades and their design reflect the specifics of the competitions held in the Palace, reminiscent of the characteristic movements of figure skaters in dance. At the same time, the blue color scheme, curvilinear plasticity and wave pattern are designed to integrate the volume of the Ice Palace into the surrounding landscape of the Imereti Lowland - visually unite it with the silhouette of the mountains in the north and the waves of the Black Sea in the south.

The façade structure is mounted on a load-bearing circular steel structure and foundations. Filling of vertical seams: outside - silicone sealant, inside - rubber multi-chamber seal.

The external finishing of the plinths is sandwich panels. Ventilation grilles are located in stained glass structures.

The outer glass in the double-glazed window is SunGuard HP Royal Blue 40 (in the upper part of the facade) and SunGuard HP Neutral 61. The double-glazed windows are made with silicone sealant.

Doors in facade structures are aluminum-glass, thermally separated. A sun protection device made of horizontal aluminum profiles is provided. To protect cooling towers of air conditioning systems, a grille is provided on the roof, consisting of auxiliary and main horizontal aluminum profiles. The color colors of aluminum profiles and sandwich panels of the facade are determined according to the NCS (Natural Color System) scale.

Interior decoration

  • Columns: putty and high-quality acrylic paint, acoustic panels, ceramic tiles, decorative cladding with metal cassettes.
  • Partitions: plasterboard over metal frame, painting.
  • Floors: polymer self-leveling, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, parquet, rubber slabs, linoleum.
  • Suspended ceilings: "Armstrong", "Vectron" type, metal cassettes, metal strip, suspended ceiling Grilyato "Blinds".
  • Internal stained glass windows in vestibules, boxes, restaurants and cafes, commentary rooms, equipment rooms: double-glazed windows, triplex in aluminum frames.
  • Auditorium walls: putty and paint, acoustic panels; ceiling: acoustic panels.
  • Fences in front of the first rows of stands, tiers and boxes, around the hatches of spectator exits to the stands, along the edges of ceilings, TV platforms, stairs, spectator foyers: made of stainless steel (partially filled with triplex).
  • Dividing screens, bathroom cabin doors: aluminum frame filled with plastic panels on a composite basis.
  • Metal structures covering the ice arena: painting.

Internal logistics in the interiors are made using color: each floor has its own color scheme, helping viewers navigate between the tiers and sectors of the Ice Palace.

The 2014 Winter Olympics changed the appearance of the famous Russian resort of Sochi beyond recognition. The city, beloved by millions of Russians and guests of our country, has acquired luster and individuality. And despite the fact that the winter sports festival took place three years ago, thousands of tourists from all over the world still come here today to see the magnificent Olympic venues. The Iceberg Ice Palace is undoubtedly one of them.

History of construction

Preparations for the Sochi Olympics began in 2007. At this time, the organizers commissioned the design of the Iceberg Ice Palace (at that time, however, it did not have this name), a group of foreign architects, headed by the Italian Alessandro Zoppini. Later he was involved in designing an arena for winter species sports in South Korea and in Poland.

As planned by the author of the project, the arena turned out to be cold white. It alternated frosted and transparent glazing, like intricate patterns on a snow-covered window. The shape of the structure resembled a giant iceberg, which is how it later got its name. It had clearly defined edges, although they were mostly not sharp.

However, in 2009 the project was transferred to the Russian bureau. baton received by general designer Andrey Bokov and Mosproekt-4. It should be noted that the Iceberg Ice Palace, a photo of which you can see below, was built in record time. Construction work began in 2009. And just three years later (2012) figure skaters competed here All-Russian competitions. Our athletes were satisfied with the work of the builders.

Foreign figure skating masters had the opportunity to test the quality of the skating rink in December 2012 at the Grand Prix finals. Almost at the same time, the short track tracks were also tested. In 2014, the Iceberg Ice Palace opened its doors to Olympians and their fans.

Palace architecture

Russian designers radically changed the idea of ​​the Italian specialists, with the exception, perhaps, of the ice arena itself, which remained very impressive in size - 30x60 meters. Considering the further use of this structure, the architects made an original decision: they created a prefabricated structure. Thanks to it, the palace can be completely disassembled and then reassembled anywhere else in the country. In addition, a short track can be easily converted into a cycle track.

The solution is extraordinary, but while the design features of the palace did not have to be used, it still stands in its place. The changed design led to a change in the plasticity of the structure. If the Italian experts had waves “splashing” outside, then in the final version the building itself became the wave. The color scheme has also undergone changes. It became more dynamic: two types of Guardian stained glass were used - sky blue and transparent. They divided the facades into unique “pixels”, creating the impression of movement. We must admit that this is not just a wave, this is a tsunami: six hundred tons of double-glazed windows are installed on the walls of the palace.

The special glass used in construction combines thermal insulation and sun protection: in winter it retains heat inside, and in summer it reflects the sun's rays. Depending on the intensity of sunlight, the transparency of the glass changes. Combined with multi-layered profiles that are painted in all shades of blue, each floor has its own color, helping viewers navigate the palace more easily.


The Iceberg Ice Palace, as we have already said, resembles a floating ice block sparkling with a blue sheen. The palace has a two-tier structure, including a luxurious VIP box. The exquisite architecture of the palace and magnificent interior design fit perfectly with highest quality buildings.

The Iceberg Ice Palace was built from modern high-quality materials: tear-clear glass, concrete and steel. The area of ​​the building is about 68 thousand square meters, and simultaneously accommodates twelve thousand spectators.

What else is there?

In addition to the main ice arena with standard sizes The Iceberg Ice Palace has tracks for short track speed skating and a training skating rink for figure skaters. There are skate sharpening rooms, training and warm-up areas, as well as conference rooms and restaurants. Athletes and their coaches note the very high professionalism of all the service personnel of the complex.

The Iceberg Palace in Sochi is a multifunctional building. Competitions in various summer sports are held here. This became possible thanks to the special insulating coating terracover, which is used to cover the ice. In the arena of this wonderful palace, two independent microclimates are automatically maintained - the first for the stands, and the second for the ice surface. For the convenience of visitors, the two tiers are connected along the entire perimeter by passages and stairs. The height of the five-story palace is five meters.

On the ground floor there are:

  • ice arena;
  • premises for sports equipment;
  • locker rooms for athletes;
  • gym

There are comfortable stands for spectators on the second and third floors. VIP boxes are located on the fourth floor. Press conferences are held on the fifth floor, and studios for television and radio broadcasts are also located here.

Where is it located?

The unique Iceberg structure is located in the city center. Its address is easy to remember: Sochi, Today various events are being held here sporting events and ice shows. If you want to go to one of them, we recommend calling the Iceberg Ice Palace (Sochi) in advance. The phone number of the administrator who will help you reserve tickets can be found on the official website. By calling you will receive information about sports competitions and entertainment shows.

Ice Palace: reviews

This unique building, located in the center of the resort Sochi, cannot but amaze. Tourists note that the palace is magnificent not only from the outside. Everything here is thought out to the smallest detail so that athletes, coaches, spectators and fans feel comfortable.