Larisa Lazutina's ski slope address. Sports recreation park named after

The Lazutinskaya ski track, which runs near the Northern Bypass of Odintsovo, is one of the best and most famous in the Moscow region. In the media, the track is usually called the “Roller Ski Track named after Larisa Lazutina.” In honor of one of the most famous skiers on Earth, five-time Olympic champion, eleven-time world champion and resident of the city of Odintsovo.

The route passes through the territory of the Podushkinsky forest. Opened in September 2002. In summer people enjoy roller skating, roller skiing and cycling. And in winter - only skis and nothing but skis.

Currently, the ski slope is being actively reconstructed. Now the official name of the route is “ Sports park named after Hero of Russia Larisa Lazutina.

Traditional competitions.

March. At the end of the ski season, a classic style ski race takes place on the Odintsovo track for the prizes of Leonid Voropaev (Honored Trainer of Russia). Kids run a distance of 800 meters, children - 3 kilometers, veterans - six, and everyone else - 12 kilometers.

December. Every year on December 31, the Manzhosov Race takes place on Lazutinka. The event is named after Nikolai Timofeevich Manzhosov, USSR champion in ski racing And marathon running. On December 31, 1968, Nikolai Manzhosov invited his friends and students to celebrate New Year's Eve with a ski race. At the finish line, each participant chose his own prize on the gift table. Race distances are 600 meters for children, 2 and 6 km for boys, girls and pensioners. The remaining women run a distance of 12 kilometers, and men - 18.

How to get there? Twelve kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Mozhaisk Highway. You can also get there via a toll road that bypasses Odintsovo, but don’t forget to leave it in advance. Be careful, some navigators show the road incorrectly!

Parking. Parking near the highway is free and quite large. But the route is very popular and you will have to circle around to find a free place. Coordinates: 55.6904N - 37.2505E

The launch site at Lazutinka is very large. Not surprisingly, quite large competitions are periodically held here.


Everything is fine with the infrastructure on Lazutinka. In principle, on weekends you can come here without skis and buy everything you need on the spot. Prices are approximately the same as in Sportmaster. Ski rental and ski service are available. There are dry closets.

There is a ski service in the orange tents on weekends. But many people use them simply as a place to go and warm up. Those who like to combine healthy and tasty can warm up with mulled wine for 80 rubles. Those who drive are offered a non-alcoholic version for 50 rubles. Pies at the stall cost from 50 to 80 rubles.


They train on the Lazutinskaya ski track best athletes countries. But there is also a place for beginners here, the main thing is not to create complexes or interfere. The track is being prepared for both skating and classic move.

The route is marked. There are two circles - 3 and 6 kilometers.

The main advantage of the route, in addition to good preparation, is that it runs through rough terrain. Quite steep slides allow you to roll down with the breeze and not get bored on the dull, gentle climbs. Although they require good physical preparation.

When you ride, pay attention to this sign. Lazutinka passes through the territory of one of the largest mound complexes in the Moscow region. Here are the burial places of the Vyatichi people, dating from the 11th to 13th centuries. Campfires and picnics are prohibited on the territory of the complex.

The ski track runs through a mixed spruce-deciduous forest. The noise from the toll road is practically inaudible. But there are quite a lot of people skiing on weekends. It will be quite difficult to feel alone.

Just a 10-minute drive from Moscow, in the picturesque Podushkinsky forest, on an area of ​​280 hectares, lies the Sports Recreation Park, which is a favorite place of leisure and sports for both residents of Odintsovo and neighboring areas, as well as for many Muscovites. The park is included in the program of the Governor of the Moscow Region A. Yu. Vorobyov “Parks of the Moscow Region”.

Podushkinsky Forest Park is included in the list of specially protected natural areas. It is of exceptional importance for the ecology not only of the Odintsovo region, but also of Moscow.

Mixed forest with picturesque landscapes, ponds and springs create a favorable environment for a variety of flora and fauna. You can often see a squirrel, fox or hare there, rare species flowers. Some species of animals and plants are listed in the Red Book.

Historical heritage

On the territory of the park there is a concentration of historical heritage objects, rare for the Moscow region. Here are located unique Slavic burial mounds of the 11th-13th centuries and settlements of the 14th-16th centuries. A complex of ancient Russian monuments in the Saminka River basin was found in 1958 during an expedition of the Museum of History and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow under the leadership of A. G. Veksler.

Today, the Odintsovo Kurgans complex includes 19 mound groups and single mounds with a total of more than 300 mounds, and six open-type settlements synchronous with them. The archaeological complex also includes five settlements from the Moscow State era. The archaeological complex “Odintsovo Kurgans” was assigned the federal category of a specially protected site.

To study historical sites, excursion routes and educational ecological trails have been laid throughout the park.

Leisure and recreation

Odintsovo Park of Culture, Sports and Recreation is a real “point of attraction” not only for athletes. The park administration pays special attention to the leisure of visitors. The park is improving recreation areas, creating stops for leaving the main route, installing benches and a navigation system. There is an illuminated walking area around the central clearing. Odintsovo Park is ideal for families with children. A children's playground was created on the territory, which in July 2017 was recognized as the best in the Moscow region. The playground is located on the forest edge next to the central clearing of the Odintsovo Park of Culture, Sports and Recreation. It is equipped with various horizontal bars, slides and swings, a basketball wall, carousels, rocking chairs, a spider net, balance beams and a cable car. In addition, the playground is equipped with a special rubber coating, which is designed to protect children from injury.


Odintsovo Park of Culture, Sports and Recreation consists of two tracks, 3 km and 6 km long. They pass through the entire territory of the recreational zone. Depending on the time of year, visitors can practice Nordic walking, cross-country skiing, cycling (including cross-country, mountain biking), running, roller skiing and roller skating, workout, volleyball (including beach), basketball\streetball, mini-football . In addition, in May 2017, the Odintsovo Park of Culture, Sports and Recreation opened rope park. The site will be equipped with two routes - “Brave” and “High”. Everyone will have to cover a distance of 100 meters with 16 or 18 obstacles and at a height of 4 to 8 meters.

“Lazutinka” is rightfully considered one of the best and unique roller ski tracks not only in the Odintsovo region, but throughout the Moscow region.

It was opened in 2002 for the 45th anniversary of the city of Odintsovo. That year, roads were built in the park and ski tracks began to be regularly prepared in winter season. Today the route is a closed asphalt road with a total length of 6 km and a width of 4 m. At the same time, it has “rings” of different distances - 5 km, 3 km and 600 m.

The main advantage of the route is that it runs through rough terrain - through the entire territory of the park, surrounded by the picturesque landscapes of the Podushkinsky forest. The terrain here is very hilly, replete with long descents and steep ascents. The height difference on the route reaches 50 m. In some places you can easily accelerate to 50 km/h. You definitely won't get bored!

It is this variety of opportunities that attracts the best to our park. professional athletes, and just sports fans. The track is never empty. Both on weekdays and on holidays, everyone can spend time here completely free of charge with health benefits, enjoying the surrounding forest beauties.

In winter, of course, ski lovers reign here. The ski track is prepared for both classic skiers and skating skiers. Depending on weather conditions, a snow compactor or special equipment is used daily to update and maintain the track.

Well, in the summer there is freedom for runners, nordic walking, bicycles (including mountain bikes), rollerblades and roller skis.

The park administration urges you to follow the rules of behavior and safety on the roller ski track:

  1. Movement on roller skis, bicycles and roller skates carried out according to right side roads counterclockwise.
  2. Movement of athletes in walking and running sports carried out on the right side of the road clockwise.
    Why exactly this kind of organization of the movement?
    This ensures the safety of all athletes on the track. Athletes from opposite directions can see each other, which allows them to plan their passing maneuver in advance and avoid collisions. This is especially important in areas with “blind turns”.
  3. If this is your first time in our park, first walk the entire route, study its terrain and objectively assess your level of preparation. We recommend driving onto the highway only after carefully studying the route.
  4. Move along the track on roller skis, bicycles and rollerblades without protective equipment and helmets are prohibited.
  5. Driving on the highway on longboards, skateboards and Segways forbidden.
  6. In the dark, driving on the highway without a headlamp, equipment and sports equipment without reflectors is prohibited.
  7. On the track It is forbidden to walk with small children and strollers. Also Dog walking is prohibited.
    Why, you ask?
    Unfortunately, this is a necessary measure. This section of the park was originally designed for athletes. Even the trajectory of movement was determined taking into account the specific movement of skiers. This is not a walking part of the park, but a sports part. Here high speeds and many extreme areas.
  8. Children under 14 years of age can only be on the track if accompanied by their parents (educators, guardians, and other legal representatives).
    Dear parents, we kindly ask you, if your children ride mountain biking, videos, please have a conversation with them about observing the rules of behavior and safety. Better yet, study the routes together with your child.
  9. The movement of any motorized vehicles other than machinery is prohibited on the highway special purpose or equipment from the park's administrative and economic service.
    When carrying out repair (technological) work, the movement of special or service motor vehicles on the highway, at the intersection near the security post at the rope park, warning information barriers are installed.
  10. It is prohibited to leave any garbage or objects in the park or on the track.
  11. It is prohibited to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances in the park and on the track.
  12. Smoking is prohibited throughout the park, incl. electronic cigarettes.
  13. Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited throughout the park.
  14. It is prohibited to make fires, equip recreation areas with barbecues, or light open fires throughout the park.

We ask you to follow the rules of behavior, be ethical towards each other, and then you will have only positive emotions from visiting the park. Take care of yourself!

If you want to spend your day off on fresh air near a lake or in a dense, clean coniferous forest, do not feed mosquitoes, but walk along a flat asphalt road different levels complexity and length, and all this 6 km from the Moscow Ring Road, we offer an overview of our short journey around Larisa Lazutina Park in Odintsovo or (its official name) "Odintsovo Park of Culture, Sports and Recreation named after Hero of Russia Larisa Lazutina", and popularly simply "Lazutinka".

So, in this article you will learn:

Lazutina Park in winter

Having learned that in Odintsovo there is a park with a professional roller ski track for Larisa Lazutina, we thought that only athletes and skiers come here, and we would not be able to walk peacefully on foot. But we were wrong: you can come without skis in winter, and even more so, you can take a walk along any ski slope in the park even with children.

Below is a small photo report of our walk:

And these are the ski rental prices for adults:

A set of children's skis costs 200 rubles per hour (sizes 27 to 35).

Snow scooter, sled - 200 rub. per hour

KTRAK: 15 min - 100 rub., 30 min - 150 rub., 60 min - 250 rub., 24 hours - 1500 rub.

You must provide a document (passport or driver's license) as collateral. Or a deposit amount equal to the cost of the equipment.

Rental office opening hours: daily, from 9.00 to 20.00.

Main objects of the park

Odintsovo Park of Culture, Sports and Recreation occupies about 145 hectares of forest. It was here that athlete Larisa Lazutina prepared for her competitions and, of course, the main attraction of the park is the roller ski track, 6 km long.

Roller ski track- This is an asphalt road of a winding closed shape with sharp turns and slides.

Roller ski track layout

You can walk, run, walk along the track Scandinavian sticks, cycling, rollerblading, skiing, skateboarding.

Rules of conduct in the sports areas of the park in close-up

The route is divided into paths for running and skating only in the central part of the park; further on the road is without markings.

The beginning of the journey

Children play here

There are lampposts along the Lazutinki roller ski track.

The entire roller ski track is surrounded by dense forest and centuries-old spruce trees

Common spruce. Age – 121 years

At the very beginning of the park there is a rental point with not very reasonable prices. So, renting a bicycle costs 300 rubles. per hour, roller skate rental – 200 rub. per hour Therefore, it is better to come with your own equipment.

Also, all toilets, cafes and coffee shops are located only at the beginning of the park at the main entrance.

Central entrance with rental office and fitness studio

There are many information posts at the beginning of the park


Along the highway you can easily go to the spring following the sign. The water in the spring is clean, cold and tasty. Bring water containers with you, it's worth it. There is an equipped access to the water and parking for bicycles.

Path to the spring

But for some reason the sign to the spring is only on one side of the route (in the direction of travel), going in the opposite direction you can miss it. Therefore, it is better to use a map.

The same pointer to the spring

We use the application, it is free and can work without the Internet. By the way, this application shows very well all the walking routes and the names of all the key objects and attractions.

Screenshot of the park map from your phone. The pink line is a roller ski track where Larisa Lazutina trained

Forest Lake

From the spring, literally after 5-10 minutes, three paths to the lake begin at a leisurely pace.

We liked the third path better, starting at a small edge. You can walk along it and also comfortably ride a bicycle. Other paths are narrower and overgrown with grass.

Forest Lake is small, the water is somewhat cloudy, but children swim willingly. On one bank there is a bungee jump, on the other there is a wide clearing for relaxation. On weekends, people come with tents for the whole day, barbecue, some fish, others swim, there is enough space for everyone.

View of the forest lake

There is a small clearing for barbecue and relaxation

Panda park and playground

If you are going to the park with children, there is a modern playground for them with climbing frames, as well as a panda rope park.


For adults there is a small sports ground with exercise equipment, volleyball court, as well as a fitness studio.

The sports ground for adults is occupied by children


Another attraction of the park is the ancient Slavic mounds of the 11th-13th centuries. These are small hills, burial places, they are easy to find using these yellow signs.

Now let's talk a little about the pros and cons of the park, which we subjectively noted.

Pros and cons of the park

Pros of the park:

  1. Fresh forest air.
  2. Beautiful clean coniferous forest.
  3. Lots of paths for walking.
  4. There is a place to swim.
  5. An excellent place for sports and physical activity.
  6. Availability of large free parking.
  7. Entrance to the park is free.
  8. There are few people even on weekends (especially on the paths immediately after the panda park).
  9. IN evening time There is track lighting.
  10. A gathering place for athletes and people leading healthy image life (for motivation).
  11. There is security in the park and in the parking lot.

Cons of the park:

  1. Toilets are only at the beginning of the park.
  2. There are no benches to rest.
  3. Some forest trails are rolled into mud by ATVs.
  4. High prices at the rental point.
  5. Difficult to reach by public transport.
  6. The cafe is only at the beginning of the park (take water and food with you).

Who is the park suitable for?

Of course, the park is primarily intended for athletes and people involved in active recreation.

Secondly, for people with children.

And finally, for those who love long walks in nature.

Steep sections of the roller ski track

There are many such picturesque paths

Opening hours, cost, how to get there

Opening hours: admission is free every day, excluding weekends and holidays, open around the clock!

Parking cost: free.

Entrance to the park: free.

Address: Moscow region, Odintsovo, 3rd km. Krasnogorskoe highway.

How to get there:

1) By car from Moscow

The shortest and fast way- toll road “Northern Bypass of Odintsovo”. The entrance to the toll road is located at the 56th km of the Moscow Ring Road. You need to drive through the Samynka River and turn towards Moscow at the junction called “turn to 1st Uspenskoe Highway”. After this, you need to drive about one and a half kilometers and make a right turn called “exit No. 3 - towards the city of Odintsovo”, and then a left turn into the tunnel under the toll road.

If you are driving from Moscow along the Minsk Highway (M1 highway), turn right under the arch - onto Mozhaiskoe Highway. Then turn right again, onto Krasnogorskoe Highway, then again onto the toll road towards the region until the turn to 1st Uspenskoe Highway junction. After this, you need to drive about one and a half kilometers and make a right turn called “exit No. 3 - towards the city of Odintsovo”, and then a left turn into the tunnel under the toll road.

There is a free car park next to the park that can accommodate about 200 cars.

P.S. Yes, some of the attractions that we did not mention remain: the bird glade and the Invisible Mountain.

We never reached the bird clearing, because... the road turned out to be very dirty. But we didn’t have enough time for the mountain, so we left these two objects for next time. Maybe someone has reached them? Write in the comments. :)

Well, this Lazutinka park pleasantly surprised us and I think we will take our hike or bike ride along the highway more than once.

Have a nice holiday everyone, discover new places for short walks and long trips with us.

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Ski fans always take the opportunity to get out on the slopes and take a walk, but not all regions can boast of a year-round ski season. What to do? Suffer in the snow every year during the off-season? Inventive athletes found a way out. Skis on wheels - roller skis - are becoming increasingly popular.

What are roller skis

Roller skis, on the one hand, can be compared with skis: they are similar in shape and have mounts for boots. On the other hand, a board with wheels resembles a scooter. But compare with anything, but this sports equipment enjoys increasing popularity, and for a long time now not only among

Of course, skaters don’t have to wait for winter and snow, which in many regions does not happen at all. You need smooth paths with a hard surface, but this is easier. By the way, the designers came up with the idea of ​​​​making inflatable wheels for the miracle skis; you can ride on them even on dirt paths and trails without looking for a special roller ski track. Skis with rubber inflatable wheels are more stable and are especially recommended for beginners. Athletes use roller skates on hard wheels during training and competitions.

Roller ski track

What is it? It’s easy to imagine what a roller ski track is, knowing the design features of roller skis. This is an asphalt and, as a rule, looped path with a perfectly smooth surface. Such a coating is necessary, because ski wheels, in contact with potholes and cracks on the asphalt, begin to vibrate very strongly, which leads to inconvenience for the athlete and affects the service life of the equipment, unless you have a model with inflatable wheels.

These paths are often winding, going sometimes from the mountain, sometimes up the mountain. This makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the training process for athletes, and for amateurs, such a roller ski track will add variety to their walk.

With the growing popularity of roller skis, the need for specially equipped trails has arisen. And every year there are more and more of them: riding on roads is dangerous, even on country roads, while on pedestrian paths athletes make it difficult to move freely.

New roller ski trails are appearing in parks, recreation centers, and ski resorts as training grounds during the snow-free period. It’s great that they began to organize them not only in large cities, but also in small provincial ones, which makes the sport even more accessible.

Who's skating

This question may seem irrelevant, but it is actually relevant. The roller ski track is attractive not only for skiers. Roller skaters, cyclists, runners and just pedestrians come here to train and walk. This is the kind of community that gathers here.

There is nothing strange about this for Russia. They gather on specialized bike paths and somehow share the space. But in Germany, for example, they try to protect roller ski tracks from outsiders.

Russian highways

In fact, there are still few specially equipped trails; most perform their functions part-time. It is possible to single out roller ski tracks in Russia that are most suitable for their purpose.

Let's get acquainted with the main ones.

The Saransk roller ski track opened in 2012. Its length is small - only one and a half kilometers, but the terrain delights users. The elevation difference is 30 meters, so there are plenty of ups and downs. The width of the route is four meters. The length of the route increases due to additional loops up to four kilometers.

A roller ski track six and a half kilometers long in Malinovka, a ski center in the Arkhangelsk region. The height difference here is 54 meters, and the width is six meters.

In Pestovo, Novgorod region, the track is 3 km 200 m long. In Voronezh, in the Khokhloma region, the track is three kilometers long for beginners and more than five kilometers long for experienced athletes.

One of the best tracks in Russia is located in the Pskov region near the city of Ostrov. There the big circle is 5 km.

Not far from Ryazan there is a roller ski track in the village of Varskie, in the Smolensk region in the village of Przhevalsky, Demidovsky district at the biathlon complex, in Novomoskovsk, Tula region, in Belgorod, in Kostroma, in Kaluga, in Demino, Yaroslavl region, in Toskovo, Leningrad region, in Karpovo, Vologda region . In the Tver region in the Zapadnodvinsky district in Mukhino, in Toropets, in Likhoslavl, in Chupriyanovka in the Kalininsky district.

Roller ski tracks of the Moscow region

The number of roller ski tracks in Moscow and the Moscow region, perhaps, exceeds all those in Russia. There are more than a dozen such places in Moscow alone. The most famous walking paths for roller skaters:

  • Poklonka with a length of 5.5 km;
  • Krylatskoye - about 4.5 km;
  • Muzeon Park - path 2 km;
  • Sokolniki - 8.5 km;
  • two three-kilometer paths of Filevsky Park;
  • Elk Island - path 20 km;
  • in Kuzminsky Park - more than 5 km;
  • on the embankment of Neskuchny Garden and Vorobyovy Gory - 14 km.

True, the above places are mostly non-specialized paths, namely those very friendly ones. Everyone rides here: roller skaters, cyclists, scooter lovers, skateboarders.

In the Moscow region

65 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Novorizhskoye or beyond the village of Rumyantsevo there is the Golovino complex with a five-kilometer highway. The route consists of three asphalt loops - two of 2 km and one of 1 km. This place looks nice - a roller ski track. You can take gorgeous photos there, and the nature is amazing.

In Dmitrov there is an illuminated track for beginners with a length of 2 km 300 m.

The recently launched route on Planernaya has been in my thoughts and ideas for a long time. Many believed that it would remain only in plans. But it is completed and opened at the biathlon club.

Odintsovo highway

The most popular is the Lazutinskaya (Lazutinka) roller ski track located in the Podushkinsky forest park. Odintsovo is a city where they remember that the initiator of its construction was the famous skier Larisa Lazutina. So this name stuck to the route. And officially this is a track named after Sports park. The track opened in 2002, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

There used to be an ordinary ski track here, which turned into an asphalt path and could now be used in the summer for training on roller skis. The length of the route is about six kilometers. There are many ascents and descents of varying difficulty. In general, the place is ideal. The only thing missing was good lighting, which they also promised to restore. Then they decided to improve the track, reconstructed it, turned it into ski center European format. A cafe, locker rooms for athletes, toilets, and a recreation area were built here. The parking lot was expanded and the access roads were repaired.

Lazutinka regularly hosts cross-country skiing competitions in winter and roller skiing competitions in summer, many of them traditional.

However, now there is another problem for athletes. The route has turned into a popular place for local residents to walk with children, strollers, and dogs. Unfortunately, most of them do not understand that during training, skiers reach speeds of up to 50 km/h, and it is not at all safe to walk here. As a result, training cannot be carried out at the proper level, because athletes are constantly forced to avoid collisions with walkers.

This is how the population currently exists with the hope that they have a great place to walk, and the athletes with the hope that the issue with full training without interference.

How to get there

From Moscow to Odintsovo you can get by train from Kursky or Belorussky railway stations, as well as by bus from the Park Pobedy metro station (No. 339) and from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station (No. 461). Next, take a regular bus going to Vlasikha. You need to get off at the “Verkhnee Otradnoe” stop.

Coordinates for motorists - W: 55 41′26.6″N (55.690722), L: 37 15′1.43″E (37.250397). Departure from Moscow along the Krasnogorskoe highway (toll section of the road) or along the Mozhaisk highway.