Laysan Utyasheva on VKontakte is real. Laysan Utyasheva: champion with broken legs

Laysan Utyasheva– athlete, television and radio presenter. Laysan was born on June 28, 1985, and at the age of five she began doing rhythmic gymnastics, in which she achieved tremendous success. She is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics of international class, in her piggy bank large number gold medals from Russian and international competitions.

After completing her sports career, Utyasheva began working on television. The athlete made her debut in “Main Road” on the NTV channel. Then there were: “Fitness with the Stars”, “Sign of Infinity”, “Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva” and other programs. In 2014, the girl became the host of the popular dance show TV channel And in 2015 she starred in the singer Yolka’s video for the song “I’ll Wait.”

Laysan Utyasheva in the show “Dancing”

In addition to career success, Laysan is a happy wife and mother; in 2012, she married a popular stand-up comedian and showman, and they have a son, Robert, and a daughter, Sofia.

Laysan Utyasheva on her official page in Instagram publishes not only photographs of herself, but also photos of her husband, family and friends. Also, she does not forget about subscribers and fans, especially girls, and posts photos with fitness tips and shares fashion secrets.

Born in 1985 in Bashkiria. As a child, the girl wanted to do ballet. Moving to another city due to financial difficulties became a turning point for Utyasheva. It was in Volgograd that a gymnastics coach noticed her.

From this moment it began sports career. Recently, the star has been devoting all his time to working on television and family. Laysan Utyasheva’s Instagram profile is filled with a wide variety of publications: photos of the family, shots from work, with colleagues, and so on.

Profile description

You can look at the publications of the girl’s account via the link @liasanutiasheva or on our portal. We timely publish posts of stars you are interested in, so you will always be aware of all the events in the life of idols! By subscribing to Utyasheva, you will always see posts with the following content in your feed:

  • Laysan Utyasheva posts photos of children on Instagram;
  • many photos from the filming of a television show and other work events;
  • footage from professional photo shoots for magazines and covers;
  • photographs from home and leisure.

Laysan Utyasheva competed in rhythmic gymnastics for only 6 years, but during this period she managed to win many victories and become famous. Due to an injury, the girl had to leave the sport, but she managed to find herself in another field.


The future champion was born on June 28, 1985 in the village of Raevskoye (Bashkortostan). Her mother is a purebred Bashkir, and her father is of mixed origin. His family included Tatars, Poles and Russians. The unusual name “Laysan” was chosen for the girl by her grandmother. Translated from the Bashkir language, “Liysan” means “affectionate.”

When the girl was 4 years old, the Utyashev family moved to Volgograd. Her parents planned to send Laysan to ballet school, but chance changed her fate. In the store, gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova encountered the girl. She drew attention to the baby’s figure and her mobility and recommended that her mother send Laysan to sports.

Already the first training sessions showed that Kasyanova was not mistaken. Utyasheva had incredible flexibility. The girl enjoyed attending training and at the age of 5 told her parents that she would be a world champion. And she persistently walked towards her goal. Laysan didn’t even go out for walks with her peers. She was either doing gymnastics or teaching homework.

Since 1994, the girl studied with coach Tatyana Sorokina, and in 1997 she moved to the capital of Russia. Here she was trained by Oksana Skaldina and Alla Yanina. Just 2 years later, Utyasheva became a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics.


Laysan won her first significant victory in 2000. A tournament in memory of Oksana Kostina was held in Moscow, and the girl took 2nd place in the competition. The following year, Utyasheva became the absolute champion in 6 disciplines at the World Cup in Berlin, and then received gold at the World Championships in Madrid.

Since 2002, the promising girl began training under the guidance of Irina Viner. During this period, Laysan took 2nd place in international tournament in Slovenia and became a prize-winner youth games held in Moscow.

In the fall of 2002, a girl suffered a leg injury at a competition, but doctors did not find a fracture. Utyasheva, overcoming the pain, continued to train and perform. After the World Cup in December 2002, Irina Wiener took her ward to Germany. The examination showed that the 17-year-old girl had multiple fractures of the foot bones.

Laysan underwent a complex operation. Many did not believe that she would be able to train at all. And the strong girl managed to get back into shape in a short time and already competed in 2004. Utyasheva became the European champion and won tournaments in Latvia and France. The injury prevented her from continuing her career. In 2006, Laysan left big sport.

The girl began to build a career on television. She hosted the programs “Main Road”, “ Personal trainer", "Beauty Academy" on the NTV channel. In 2014, Utyasheva became the host of the “Dancing” show on TNT.

Leysan realized her creative potential in other areas. In 2008, she wrote the book Unbroken. In 2012, Utyasheva starred in the series “Champions”. The athlete had her own program “Cafe Romance” on the radio, in which she talked with celebrities. She became the author of the dance project Bolero and tours with the group throughout Russia and Europe.

Personal life

17-year-old Laysan met her first love during sports camps. It was goalkeeper from Vilnius Zydrunas Karchemarskas. The athlete's first relationship ended a year later.

The girl’s next chosen one was figure skater Alexey Yagudin. He asked a journalist friend to call and set up a meeting with Laysan. The intrigued girl agreed to a date. The athletes were not together for long. They spent a lot of time training and traveling around the world, so they soon separated.

In 2010, Utyasheva began dating businessman Valery Lomadze. They lived together for several years and then separated with scandal. Valery accused ex-girlfriend in fraud. He claimed that Laysan fraudulently received money from him to buy an apartment, stole his car and fled. The former lovers were able to resolve the conflict situation only through the courts.

In March 2012, Utyasheva’s 47-year-old mother suddenly died. During this difficult period, the girl was morally supported by showman Pavel Volya. They met at one of the social events. From time to time, Laysan and Pasha met occasionally at various celebrations and communicated well. And grief brought the young people closer together. Volya took touching care of the girl and managed to bring her out of depression.

In November 2012, Pavel and Laysan became husband and wife. The event was celebrated in a narrow family circle. The following year, the couple had their first child, Robert. In 2015, the boy had a sister, Sofia.

Social media

The champion has pages in all popular social networks:

Just 10 years ago, Laysan was known only as an athlete. Now Utyasheva is a popular presenter, a welcome guest at sporting and social events, as well as a happy wife and mother. And she has many creative plans for the future!

In the past, a famous athlete in the field of figure gymnastics, and now a popular TV presenter, Laysan Utyasheva is registered on Instagram under the nickname liasanutiasheva. Her official page with beautiful photographs has already collected almost 200 thousand subscribers, despite the fact that the girl herself is not active on this social network. network and prefers to post publications infrequently, only the most interesting and unusual ones.

Why are Laysan Utyasheva’s photos on Instagram?

Mostly work and meeting with friends and others famous people. Quite often her husband appears in the photographs. By the way, the couple already has a child, but the young mother does not post his photographs to the public, carefully hiding her personal life for some time now.

Laysan has been involved in figure gymnastics since childhood, was a member of the Russian national team together with Alina Kabaeva and other titled gymnasts, so on her Instagram profile you can often see old photos of a little girl performing at sports competitions. Now she is a popular presenter and commentator. She has produced such programs as “NTV in the Morning”, “Personal Trainer”, “Cafe Romantika” (on the radio) and many others. Acts as a photo model.

As we noted above, other celebrities also appear on Utyasheva’s page. For example, while scrolling through the photos, in addition to Pavel Volya and other Comedy Club residents, we also noticed Andrei Malakhov, as well as numerous girlfriends and friends.

Laysan Utyasheva went down in history rhythmic gymnastics not in a standard way. The story of a small, fragile, but at the same time, strong and self-confident athlete shocked the world. A simulator, a pretender, a deceiver who “caught a star” - epithets that for a long time stood as a clear shadow on the name of Utyashev. Everything was decided by chance, fate or providence. Modern Laysan is an example to be followed by millions of people around the world.

World champion, six-time winner of the European Championship, twice winner of the World Cup, Honored Master of Sports - so many awards for one little, sensitive girl. Social work was added to sports regalia. TV presenter, commentator, coach, wife and mother of two children. Laysan has been appointed FIFA Ambassador for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Laysan Utyasheva: Wikipedia of her ascent to the sports Olympus

On June 28, 1985, a daughter was born into the family of Albert and Zulfiya Utyashev. In Bashkiria, they honor their roots. Children's names were given according to the signs that were noted in nature on the eve of the birth of the child. On the day the girl was born, it was a warm summer rain. Zulfiya’s mother gave advice to name the child “affectionate,” which in Bashkir sounds like “Liisansky.”

Dad is a historian, mom is a librarian. The family of the future athlete had Polish, Russian, Tatar roots, seasoned with Bashkir character. All this came together in Laysan.

At four years old, the family transports the girl to Volgograd. An incident determined her interests: she was noticed by a trainer in a store line. artistic gymnastics Nadezhda Kasyanova. The woman invited Zulfiya to bring her daughter to a trial training session, she liked the baby’s physique so much. Utyasheva was distinguished by natural flexibility. Mom was not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​​​gymnastics classes; she dreamed of sending her child to dance as much as possible. But after the first lesson, Laysan announced that she would become the World Champion (at four years old!). Zulfiya no longer contradicted the child’s desire to study, despite the fact that her daughter consciously refused an ordinary childhood. Training camps, training sessions, constant classes - this is everyone’s leisure time. artistic gymnast.

At the age of 10, Laysan won the international competition and received the first money for the performance. First of all, she bought her mother a gift - a silk robe, which Zulfiya kept all her life. At 12, the family moved to Moscow. At 14, the girl reaches the master of sports level. A year later - silver at a personal tournament in thin. gymnastics in memory of Oksana Kostina. In 2001 - World Cup and Laysan brings 6 medals. It was a breakthrough that no one expected. The name Utyasheva is becoming stronger in the legendary top three: Kabaeva, Chashchina and she. The girls go to Madrid for the World Championships, where Laysan flawlessly takes gold from her foreign competitors. After such successes, the athlete is awarded the name of an international master of sports.

Laysan Utyasheva: biography, trauma

The year 2001 can confidently be called a triumphant year for the trio of Russian gymnasts. But in 2001, everything changes dramatically, when at the World Cup stage Chashchina and Kabaeva are removed from the competition for doping found in their blood. The scandal brings Utyasheva to first place in the team, which undoubtedly attracts a lot of envy and condemnation towards her person. Laysan works in the gym for 8 hours straight. Tedious training takes up all of her free time. During the described period, she feels sharp pain in her leg. Training takes place with tears in our eyes. Pictures of the bone are of no use: doctors shrug their shoulders, claiming that there are no cracks or holes. Laysan continues to train, taking approved painkillers.

The ups and downs with the appearance of pain and the girl’s preparation as the first number of the national team hit the girl’s psyche hard. Irina Viner, the legendary rhythmic gymnastics coach, herself did not believe in the so-called pain in the leg, preferring to claim that everything was far-fetched. In the camp, competitors claimed that in this way Utyasheva was trying to attract even more attention to herself. An athlete is lazy before important competitions.

The girl was so bullied that she fell through with a crash. demonstration performances in Moscow on the eve of the World Championships. Laysan loses the hoop and falls on the carpet, breaking his knee and bleeding. The scandal gives way to the next brilliant performance, which perplexes experienced commentators. Nobody understands what is happening to Laysan.

Doctors' verdict

At the same time, the pain becomes so acute that Utyasheva loses consciousness on the carpet.

Wiener takes the student to Germany, ordering that if the doctors there do not find anything, she refuses to further train the athlete. German specialists carefully examine the gymnast’s legs. The verdict is disappointing: multiple fractures of the bones of the left foot and separation of the bones right foot(due to load). An operation is indicated, which, if it does not help, will lead to amputation. It became clear to everyone that for about a year Utyasheva performed and trained on broken feet, each time worsening the problem.

The operation was successful; metal pins were inserted into the bone, which were intended to heal the crushed bone. Being put in a cast, Laysan lost heart greatly and gained an extra 8 kg. For an artistic gymnast, an extra 300 grams seems like a disaster, so Utyasheva tried her best to fight stress. Every day she swam in the pool wearing a cast, then spent hours drying the bandages with a hairdryer or ate kefir with a fork to deceive hunger. Three years of absence and in 2004 Laysan returned to big-time sports.

The Russian national team, together with the girl, again became the strongest artistic team in the world. gymnastics, preparing to release the “golden three” onto the mat of the Beijing Olympics. But coming closer to the main dream of her life, Laysan again felt pain in her legs. Finally deciding to leave the sport, Utyasheva retired to her well-deserved retirement at the age of 19.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

Laysan Utyasheva attracts attention even after leaving big sport. A beautiful, smart girl has repeatedly become the heroine of many programs. In 2012, fate presents the heroine with another blow: her mother Zulfiya dies. The woman was everything to Laysan, a close friend, adviser, assistant. The girl was very worried and turned to psychologists for help. During this period, the most devoted friends turned out to be coach Irina Viner, who supported the pupil with all her might, and comrade Pavel Volya.

The friendship between the guys gradually grew into something more. It was a shock for the social crowd to learn that in 2012, comedian, party animal, joker Pavel married the champion. Only half a year passed, and the family’s first child, Robert, was born. Three years later, the couple rejoiced at the birth of their daughter Sophia.

The union of the Comedy Club resident and the former gymnast, although it became strange for loved ones, was natural. Pavel threw himself headlong into fatherhood, surrounding his wife with care, being proud and admiring of her everywhere. Laysan blossomed in these relationships, experiencing all the joys of a new stage in life. After leaving professional sports, she was not lost among the Wikipedia lists of “former” gymnasts. Immediately after her departure, the heroine published an autobiographical book, “Unbroken,” in which she honestly described everything that was happening in the hall and outside it. Laysan began to be invited to various TV shows as a presenter. With her participation, the projects “This Morning”, “Be Healthy”, “Fitness with the Stars”, “Dancing with the Stars” were released. She conducted the last competition herself.

Project "Cafe Romantika"

In 2012, the film “Champions” was released in which the heroine starred. The plot documents the difficult life of girls in the field of rhythmic gymnastics. Utyasheva was offered to run her own project called “Cafe Romantika”, in which the girl invites interesting people from social and cultural life to interviews.

In 2014, the heroine joined the team of the television project “Dancing” as a presenter. Each appearance of a girl on the screen has become an excellent indicator of the development of her style, sophistication, and elegance. Even skeptics noted Utyasheva’s internal growth, which they always compared with her competitor Alina Kabaeva. At a time when the press was gossiping about Alina's inability to cope with extra pounds, Utyasheva shone on the first channels of the country.

In 2012, which, as the reader can see, was not easy for Laysan, the girl was involved in legal proceedings between her and her ex-boyfriend Valery Lomadze. The latter presented to the court a demand for compensation for the financial damage that his lover and his mother caused him while living in his dacha. By the way, Lomadze himself kindly invited them there. The guy gave Utyasheva a car, for which he demanded money after the breakup. The conflict lasted two years until the heroine fulfilled all the demands of the disadvantaged young man.

Liasanutiasheva is the name of the heroine on Instagram. On at the moment The athlete is followed by 2.2 million subscribers. Laysan shares photos from performances, personal life, photo shoots, and joint videos with her husband. Laysan loves to talk in interviews about Pavel’s large family, which includes parents, a sister, her husband and a son. Grandparents help the young family raise their grandchildren.

“Lisichka” speaks with bitterness about her own father, who left the family when the girl was only 10 years old. Albert remarried and a child was born into the family. The relationship between daughter and dad was not close until the death of Zulfiya’s mother. Later, Utyasheva admits that it was her mother’s departure that influenced her decision to invite Albert to her home and solve all the problems at once. But this did not last long. The controversial interviews given by the father again upset the relationship. Utyasheva regrets this state of affairs, but no longer wants to make attempts at reunification.

“A woman doesn’t owe anyone anything” - answers the question of whether Laysan cooks in the house herself. Although the girl cooks with pleasure for her children, her husband and herself.

In addition to this film, Laysan managed to star in a series of other projects, including:

The series “Voronins” (2009) is a multi-part comedy about the life of an ordinary Moscow family that managed to settle next to their parents;

The series "Don't sleep!" (2013) is a reality program in which participants pay an entry fee and submit their humorous sketches to a judge. If you lose, you leave the ring;

- “Where is the logic?” - an entertainment show where married couples participate, in which you need to show intellectual abilities.

Laysan dreams of starring in a theatrical movie. I have attended auditions several times and read proposed scripts, but have not yet met “my” director.

The star is preparing to release her own project with advice for pregnant women, given her repeated experience in this field. The former athlete claims that wanting fried strawberries or a loaf of sugar is not the child’s pickiness at all, but the mother’s personally. Soon he will start teaching everyone how to deal with this. Personal example is contagious, says Laysan. It's worth taking her word for it, given the fact that her example is high-quality and useful.