When will fishing with nets be banned? Fishing and fishing rules

An official response has been received from the Altai branch of the Federal Agency "Rosrybolovstvo" on the new rules for the use of net fishing gear (on the territory of the AK). This message will be pinned to the top of the topic. On my own behalf, I will add that in the Legislative Assembly of the AK there are discussions on this issue. There may be other bodies of water where net fishing will be allowed. Most likely these will be separate, isolated bodies of water.


With On January 01, 2020, the Altai Department of State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Bioresources and Their Habitats organized work to implement the Government Resolution Russian Federation dated November 21, 2019 No. 1482 “On approval of the rules for recording net gear for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources and maintaining a register of net gear for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources and the Rules for mandatory piece-by-piece marking of net gear for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources” (hereinafter - register, net tool), including in terms of maintaining the register in the form proposed for use in practical work by letter of the Federal Fisheries Agency dated 16.26.2019 No. U02-3652, together with the procedure for assigning an account number for inclusion in the register of a net tool.

When organizing the above work, it is taken into account that, in accordance with Section V of the Fishery Rules, fishing gear that belongs to nets is permitted for use only in fishing areas provided for the organization of amateur and sport fishing (with the exception of those permitted everywhere: fine-mesh nets (for fishing (catch) of live bait) no more than 3 m long, with a mesh size (pitch) of no more than 15 mm; shellfish in the amount of no more than 5 pieces per citizen, with a diameter of each no more than 80 cm.

Based on Art. 65 of the Federal Law of December 20, 2004 No. 166-FZ “On Fisheries and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” (as amended by the Federal Law of December 25, 2018 No. 475-FZ “On Amateur Fishing and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”) Verkhneobsky TU Rosrybolovstvo, on the territory controlled by the Verkhneob TU of Rosrybolovstvo, carried out work to conclude agreements for the use of fishing areas for the organization of recreational and sport fishing.

On the territory of the Altai Territory, the only agreement for the use of a fishing site for the organization of amateur and sport fishing dated October 28, 2019 No. 1A was concluded for fishing site No. 120 Bolshecheremshansky Sorochelogovskoye reservoir on the Bolshaya Cheremshanka River (Pervomaisky district). The user of the fishing site of Koral LLC has provided for the following in the tools and methods of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources: summer and winter fishing rods all modifications, spinning rods, boats, fly fishing rods, girders, mugs, casting rods, tracks (trolling). The use of net equipment for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources is not declared by the user.

The State Duma recently introduced a new law banning fishing with drift nets. Violators will be fined for fishing with nets in 2020. This resolution is aimed at preserving rare fish species during the spawning period.

On January 1, the new law began to work, but it did not stop all poachers. After all, fishing with such gear is extremely effective, and the scale of production is colossal. It was to preserve the spawning grounds that such a law was adopted in Russia.

It is prohibited not only to fish with nets; fishing that violates the following rules is considered illegal:

  1. Spawning ban. During the spawning period, catching is allowed only with a fishing rod (bottom or float) with 1-2 hooks.
  2. Prohibited places. Each region has its own, so you need to clarify. In addition, it is prohibited to fish in special spawning areas or wintering areas.
  3. Norm per day. In Russian regions, the catch volume is 5-10 kg per fisherman. In some areas this value varies slightly.
  4. Dimensions. The sizes of fish individuals are established for each region. In addition to the general penalty, you will have to pay for each prohibited fish.

Fishing with nets is allowed only in a few Russian regions such as Siberia, the northern or Far Eastern regions. Moreover, those enterprises that carry out fishing activities there must obtain a special license. But in Mordovia it is prohibited to use any networks, as in many other regions. In addition to nets, any traps, dredging, trawling or straining fishing gear are considered prohibited gear. Also considered illegal are traps, pneumatic and firearms, self-catching hooks, and gear that exposes fish to electric current, chemical or toxic substances, or explosion. If these requirements are violated, a fine is imposed for fishing with nets or other prohibited gear.

Is it possible to catch with a casting net?

Recently in Russia, the option of fishing with a casting net, which is also called a parachute or cape, has appeared. This is one of the most effective fishing tools today, the main thing is to cast correctly. The law allows the use of a casting net in fishing. With it, if you have certain skills, you can fish from the shore or from a boat.

Some fishermen do not intentionally use a casting net because they believe that it is a poaching tool. But this is not true at all. Yes, in several regions this fishing option is prohibited, but in most regions the casting net is allowed, provided that its diameter does not exceed 2 meters.

To use a parachute net for fishing, you need to pay a license to the fisheries authority, then a fishing quota will not be required. Fishermen consider a casting net as an attribute of sport fishing or recreational fishing. In order not to accidentally break the law, it is better to fish with such equipment on paid lakes, and release small fish back into the reservoir.

What is the fine for fishing nets in 2020

For illegal fishing, violators are required to collect a fine, and quite an impressive one at that. The law of the Russian Federation states how much is due for certain violations fishing. According to the law, fines for networks in 2020 include:

  • Monetary recovery of 2-5 thousand rubles.
  • Confiscation of networks.
  • Seizure of the boat.
  • Cash payments for all fish caught.

When calculating the total amounts for all counts, the punishment will amount to quite impressive amounts. But if the caught fish did not die, then a fine of 50% will be charged for each fish caught. And for a female with caviar caught online, you will have to pay double the price. In any case, you will have to pay a lot of money for illegal fishing.

Who can catch with nets

Only people who have obtained a license for this type of activity can catch fish using nets. Usually these are fishing enterprises. The owner’s data is applied to their networks, and the organization itself receives a quota.

At the same time, a ban has been introduced on driftnet fishing, and violators may face a fine equal to one and a half years' income. The final amount of penalties depends on many factors and sometimes exceeds 300 thousand rubles. The fine is paid through a banking organization. To avoid such significant expenses, you should not fish with nets without the appropriate license.

How to get a license

To be able to go fishing with nets, you must obtain a personal permit. Such a document is issued for a fee on a special form. Moreover, you need to pay for the license itself and for fishing a specific fish species.

  1. Typically, such permits are issued by departments of Rosrybolovstvo; they give a license for fishing in public places.
  2. You can also obtain the necessary paper from private offices that own water resources. They provide a fishing area on their water body.
  3. A personal permit has the strictest accountability. Such a document is issued to a specific citizen and cannot be transferred to third parties. This is even stated in the permit itself.
  4. Such documents are issued to amateur fishermen who fish for fun, and not to sell the caught biological resources. Fishing enterprises are issued another license, which involves catching biological resources on an industrial scale for the purpose of their further sale.

If you violate the ban on networks, you can receive an impressive fine or arrest for up to 6 months. But such measures are applied if the catch is particularly large or when fishing in prohibited areas. If you want to get only pleasure from fishing, and not serious financial losses, then it is better not to take risks and use only approved gear in places where this is permitted by law.

When going fishing, few people think about the legislation, prohibitions and fines that threaten for improper use of the country's water resources. But there are such restrictions, so before packing your things you should familiarize yourself with the list of gear allowed for use, and whether during this period spawning ban. It is better to find out the information in advance to avoid an unpleasant meeting with fish inspectors.

Fishing is illegal: restrictions and responsibility

Any law-abiding fisherman knows that spawning is not a death sentence, and fish can only be caught using strictly defined methods. So, it is not allowed to fish with the following fishing gear:

  • nets, meshes and other traps - because this method is poaching and is prohibited all year round;
  • float rod with three or more hooks;
  • spinning;
  • fishing from a motor boat.

But there are still ways to unwind your soul while fishing, and you can fish like this:

  • from the shore;
  • within the city, village, town, etc.;
  • for a fishing rod with one hook, but not more than 3 kg at a time;
  • on permitted commercial waters.

Pay attention! Illegal fishing is punishable by the Federal Law “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” adopted State Duma 11/26/2004 The constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the approval of a law according to which they themselves determine the terms and rules for fishing, based on the climate and the presence of fish species in a particular region.

For example, in Moscow, the Moscow region and the Moscow region, the restriction on fish production in the spring-summer period is in effect from April 10 to June 10, during this time fishing is allowed only with a line from the shore and the fish inspector can easily fine violators. In other regions, the climate is different, and accordingly, the time frame is also different, but on average from the first half of March to mid-July.

Fine for fishing during the ban 2018

There may be several penalties depending on the type of fishing for which the offender was caught.

Important! The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for a maximum penalty of imprisonment. This is stated in article 256 of the code. The 2018 Rybnadzor fines table is quite extensive, but only a few of them are discussed here. How much fine will you have to pay for violating fishing rules?

  1. The fine for fishing during spawning in 2018 can be up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. The fine for fishing nets in 2018 varies from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles or restriction of freedom for up to 6 months.
  3. The fine for fish poaching in 2018 in the new version of the law ranges from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles or restriction of freedom for up to 2 years.
  4. The fine for violating the rules of catching and fishing ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles and confiscation of the watercraft along with gear.
  5. For catching carp or pike during spawning, you will have to fork out up to 200 rubles per individual, and if the fish turns out to be a female, then the fine is doubled.
  6. Penalty for catch rare species ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles with confiscation of fishing equipment.

Fines for drift-net fishermen have recently increased by 8 percent. Unofficially, the fisheries protection says that if a wobbler has three hooks, then it can be counted as one, but you shouldn’t take the risk, because inaccuracies and loopholes in the law can work against the unlucky fisherman.

Nets are prohibited gear in almost all regions of the country. The fine for networks is one of the most severe. They are allowed to fish only to enterprises that have a license to this type gear. Fishing agency employees mark the nets with the data of the enterprise to which they belong. Whether such gear is allowed in a particular region must be clarified separately with the Federal Fisheries Agency.

What is a personalized permit and fishing card?

But not everything is as sad as it seems, and avid fishermen have the opportunity to do what they love even during the ban. There are two documents that allow you to circumvent the ban, and this became possible thanks to the fishing rules changed in 2018. Such a document, for example, is:

  1. Named permission. The document is issued to a specific person, its transfer to third parties is prohibited. Thanks to the permit, it is possible to catch rare fish or use nets. It costs only about 200 rubles, but for each fish you will have to pay from 35 to 200 rubles additionally, the amount depends on the breed and rarity of the caught individual. Permission is issued federal body in the fishing industry or the owner of a private plot where fish farming is practiced.
  2. Angler's card. All citizens of non-retirement age have the right to obtain a fishing card, which allows fishing throughout the state. Advantage over personal permission is the opportunity to catch rare and valuable species. The catch cannot be sold and can only be used for personal consumption. Rosrybolovstvo issues cards for a fee. An annual card costs 500 rubles, and a monthly card costs 100 rubles.

Pay attention! It should be understood that bans and fines are not a means to get more money out of a fisherman’s pocket. This is a desire to protect the ecosystem, to protect rare fish species from extinction, in order to leave at least something good for our descendants.

How are fines issued for violating fishing rules?

So, what should you remember if you have an unpleasant meeting with a fisheries inspector? First, he presents documents certifying his position. Then the procedure for drawing up a protocol for the offense begins. At this stage, the presumption of innocence still works, that is, the inspector describes a violation of the law, but this violation still needs to be proven.

There is a space on the protocol form where you can independently describe the situation, exactly what the situation looks like through the eyes of the fisherman. There is enough space, but if necessary, you can ask the inspector for an additional sheet. Honesty, openness and admission of guilt, if any, will become mitigating circumstances in court, where the protocol, together with the collected materials, is subsequently sent.

Just a note. If fishing was carried out with gear, then it is subject to mandatory confiscation.

The inspector describes in detail in a separate form their name, quantity, external features and degree of wear. When innocence is proven in court, all confiscated property will be returned to in full force in accordance with the description. Otherwise, you will have to pay a rather large fine and say goodbye to your fishing gear forever. The fine for fishing with nets in 2018 is one of the most severe.

Important! Lawyers advise that you must attend court hearings and protect your interests, otherwise the court can easily make a decision not in favor of the fisherman and fine him on all charges.

Changes in the legislative framework

The legislative framework will soon undergo significant changes. The federal fisheries law changed back in 2016, but will go into effect by the end of 2018. Here are a few amendments:

  1. Created innovative fishing quota for investment purposes. It is planned that this step will encourage entrepreneurs to create new fish processing companies. Against this background, it is planned to develop the fishing fleet of the Russian Federation and build modern vessels. The shares will be distributed by the executive body that controls the field of fisheries and the conservation of natural resources. It is planned to conclude about 7 thousand contracts for a period of 15 years with the owners of investment properties that will meet the requirements of a specially created commission. The procedure will be supervised by the Federal Fisheries Agency.
  2. Will be updated and coastal fishing rules. Freezing fish directly on the vessel and reloading the catch will be prohibited. In addition, previously it was allowed to harvest not only fish that fell under the concept of “total allowable catch”, but also other biological organisms that did not fall under the TAC, but under the new law, the harvest of everything except fish that corresponds to the TAC is prohibited. Violation is punishable by deprivation of fishing rights.
  3. Resolution No. 486 required ships operating in the Pacific Northwest, provide the border service with the catch and products made from it. Control points were created at which ships underwent forced inspection. Thanks to the abolition of this norm, fishermen will be able to maintain large number time.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 294, issued in 2016, defines technical means of control of fishing vessels. Now the ship should be equipped with Inmarsat and Gonets satellite communications equipment, equipped with an automatic identification system. If the vessel does not sail further than 75 degrees south and north latitude, and has a draft of up to 300 tons, then outfitting must occur before June 1, 2018. But experts from the monitoring center took the initiative to delay this replacement until the beginning of 2019.
  5. The order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 764 is ratified list of caught species, in relation to which investment shares are opened.

Legislation is constantly changing and improving, and avid fishermen should study it periodically to avoid unpleasant encounters with fishery inspectors.


The ban on fishing during the ban should not be ignored, because it is at this time that the future population of fish and other inhabitants of water bodies is laid. If you interfere with fish spawning, then in a few years you may completely lose some species of fish, and you can forget about fishing. Therefore, the fine for fishing in the 2018 ban was not introduced in vain and, when going fishing, you need to ask if there is a given time fishing restrictions. This information is widely covered in periodicals.

When going fishing, few people think about legislation. But, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility.

Therefore, before digging for worms, laying down hooks and uncovering spinning rods, you should study the rules - when, where and how you are allowed to fish.

You can find out in detail where fishing is prohibited from the relevant laws. For example, from Federal Law “On Fisheries” FZ-No. 166. This is the main document regulating amateur fishing, however, it is not the only one.

Specific rules and regulations for fishing are established at the regional level. Rosrybolovstvo regulates production in Russia.

  • Important! Recreational fishing is free and free throughout Russia.

Places where fishing is allowed:

Fishing is allowed everywhere (during those periods) where it is not prohibited. That is, in bodies of water public use, which are not nature reserves, private properties, fish breeding establishments or other places included in the above list.

On commercial ponds, fishing is possible if the owners provide such a service for a fee according to the rules established by the farm.

Places where fishing is prohibited:

  • near bridges, locks, dams and hydraulic structures;
  • near fish/plants and cages for raising young animals;
  • on river fairways from a watercraft (boat, cutter);
  • protected areas (protected areas, reserves, fish hatcheries);
  • in ponds/fish farms;
  • where fish spawn during spawning;
  • at fish hatchery facilities during the release of young fish.

Before you go fishing, you need to find out whether it is possible to fish in this place. In spring, you also need to remember about fish reproduction - during this period the rules become stricter, up to a complete ban on fishing.

They are established by territorial authorities. You can find out about them on regional websites, in fishing societies, etc. The existing requirements can be reduced to several basic ones.

Main restrictions:

  • prohibition of fishing in specific places and for certain periods;
  • prohibition of mining of protected species;
  • minimum size or weight preventing the prey of juveniles;
  • face or boat fishing quotas;
  • restrictions on the use of river or sea vessels in fishing (by size, type) or their complete ban;
  • regulation of gear (by type, quantity, method of use);
  • establishing fees (payment) for legally caught fish (aquatic life).

Mainly prohibited are methods and methods that cripple fish, lead to the capture of young fish, destroy all living things, or prevent aquatic inhabitants from restoring their numbers.

  • networks;
  • jamming with explosives;
  • traps (muzzles, tops, etc.) excluding crayfish;
  • installation of dams and other barriers;
  • drainage of reservoirs;
  • bait with light;
  • to the closure;
  • electroshock devices and electric fishing rods;
  • guns and other firearms;
  • scuba gear;
  • bagasse traps and harvesters;
  • winter fishing with the construction of huts and temporary structures on the ice;
  • hunting for crayfish by diving and wading;
  • hook traps;
  • spears and other devices for impaling from the shore or boat;
  • traps;
  • bottom trawls;
  • TVs and other network-based traps;
  • catfishers.

What is allowed to fish:

  • girders and mugs - no more than 10 hooks per 1 fisherman;
  • crayfish traps - no more than 3 pieces per person (the crayfish diameter is no higher than 80 cm, and the mesh cells are more than 22 mm);
  • trolling on motor or sailing vessels - 2 baits per vessel and no more;
  • spans - up to 10 hooks per 1 catcher;
  • from watercraft - if they are not officially registered, do not have registration marks, as well as in spawning areas when it is in progress;
  • passive gear (slings, hooks, etc.) - on rivers where salmon fish live;
  • pneumatic weapons - except those specially designed for spearfishing;
  • spinning rods and fishing rods - up to 10 hooks for all for 1 person;
  • spinning rods and fishing rods - up to 5 pieces per 1 angler;
  • lifts, scoops - with a size of more than 1 meter in width and length and a mesh cell no finer than 10 mm.

Recreational fishing with nets is allowed only in the regions of the Far East, in the regions of Siberia, in the European part of the country - only in the North. To do this, you need to obtain a license from Rosrybolovstvo.

All networks are accounted for and marked with their owner.

What kind of fish should be released after being caught?

The law prohibits the harvesting of juveniles. It is worth noting that the measurement of fish length is carried out from highest point snout (approx. with the mouth closed) and to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin. For crustaceans, this value will be equal to the length of the body from the end of the tail plates to the line that connects the middle of the eyes.

If the length of the caught fish is less than acceptable, it must be released “home” with a minimum of damage.

Minimum dimensions by type (in centimeters):

  • silver carp – 50;
  • grass carp – 45;
  • som – 40;
  • burbot – 40;
  • pike perch – 38;
  • asp – 35;
  • pike – 32;
  • carp – 30;
  • bersh – 25;
  • carp – 24;
  • fisherman – 22;
  • chub – 20;
  • barbel – 20;
  • bream – 17-28 (values ​​vary by region);
  • ram – 16;
  • trout – 15;
  • subdust – 15;
  • herring – 15;
  • cancer – 9.

In terms of the amount of catch, the law determines the following:

  • Catch rate per person/day– 5 kg of fish. In this case, there is only one exception - in the case when the weight of the first fish is higher than the catch norm.
  • Fish export rate– no more than double the norm for 2 days of stay (export in any form – salted or dried, smoked and raw).
  • No restrictions: to catch bleak, minnows and ruff.
  • Crayfish catch rate– no more than 30 pieces per person/day.
  • Fishing for bait– no more than 30 live bait per person/day.
  • Strictly prohibited under the guise of amateur fishing, engage in industrial production. The offender may be charged under Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Fines and punishments for illegal fishing in 2020

For illegal fishing in 2020, the following fines and penalties are provided:

Administrative liability of citizens in the form of a fine (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

  • For violating fishing rules.
    Fine: – 2000-5000 rubles. and confiscation of gear and watercraft (Article 8.37 Part 2).
  • For fishing without a license, when required, or for license violation.
    Fine: – 500-1000 rubles. (Article 7.11).
  • For the destruction of rare fish species (from the Red Book).
    Fine: – 1000-2000 rubles. with the seizure of catch and gear (Article 8.35).
  • For failure to comply with the rules for relocation, acclimatization or hybridization of fish.
    Fine: – 1000-1500 rubles. (v.8.36).
  • For ignoring standards for protecting habitats or fish migration routes.
    Fine: – 2000-5000 rubles. (v. 8.33).
  • For violating the rules of water use while fishing.
    Fine: – 1500-2000 rubles. (Article 8.14 part 2).
  • For violation of navigation rules for ships.
    Fine: – 500-1000 rubles, or deprivation of rights for up to one year (Article 11.7 Part 2).
  • For catching fish during the spawning season.
    Fine: up to 300,000 rubles.
  • When using prohibited fishing gear causing large-scale damage in places (and during) spawning.
    Fine: 100,000 - 300,000 rubles or arrest for 6 months.
  • For parking a car near a reservoir (the distance from the water's edge to the car must be at least 200 meters).
    Fine: - 3,500-4,000 rubles.
  • You cannot litter the banks of a reservoir or throw garbage into it.
    Such actions are fined under Art. 8.13 part 1 for 500-1000 rubles.
  • Destruction or damage of special signs defining the boundaries of protected objects.
    Fine: - 300-500 rubles.

Criminal liability:

  • For prohibited harvesting of aquatic life in large quantities, during the spawning period or during the migration of fish to spawn, from a vessel with a motor, in nature reserves and sanctuaries - a fine of 300-500 thousand rubles, or correctional labor or a prison term of up to 2 years (Article 256 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
  • For illegal harvesting of protected species Red Book or international agreements - from compulsory labor to 480 hours, up to 3 years in prison with a penalty of up to 1 million rubles (Article 258.1 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Addition on responsibility for fishing for Red Book species. If such an individual was caught by accident, as a result of which she died, then she will have to answer administratively. But if the catch was intentional, or the caught fish was taken home and you were caught, expect criminal charges.

Spearfishing is defined as a type of fishing and is permitted only with the help of an underwater gun or harpoon. The harpoon should not have more than 5 teeth on the tip. The use of these types of implements is strictly prohibited for land hunting and fishing. It is prohibited to use scuba gear for spearfishing. You should also not fish this way in crowded areas.

To carry out spearfishing you must:

  • submarine gunner's certificate;
  • voucher - on the territory of fisheries;
  • underwater hunter's certificate.

At the same time, all prohibitions and restrictions of the federal laws “On Fisheries” apply to this type of fishing. Federal Law No. 166 And Federal Law No. 475, and also general rules fisheries and regional limits.

Fishing from a boat (boat)

Fishing from a boat is prohibited during spawning season. Other bans are also possible at the regional level. The danger here is that it is possible not only to accrue a large fine, but also to confiscate the watercraft itself.

Therefore, before you go fishing with a boat (boat), you always need to find out in advance all the rules that are in force in the region at the moment. This is important because they are constantly changing and being supplemented. The relevant documents, permission for this fishing method, must be with you.


From all of the above, the following points can be highlighted:

  1. Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility.
  2. Anglers must educate themselves about fishing rules.
  3. You can fish anywhere and at any time, where it is not prohibited, excluding the period of fish spawning.
  4. You can use fishing rods and spinning rods. No more than 5 pieces per fisherman.
  5. The catch size limit is set locally.
  6. The catch rate is 5 kg per person per day.
  7. Fishing with nets is possible in some areas and only with a license.
  8. Underwater fishing is permitted without the use of scuba gear.

Legal aspects of netting

There are no uniform rules regulating what is possible and what is not allowed in recreational fishing in Russia. They differ in different regions, and gear that is permitted in some places is strictly prohibited in others.

The attitude towards fixed nets in most regions is the same: you can fish with them, but only after obtaining permission (or a personalized one-time license). The question is: how realistic is it to get this permission in this particular place? How much money and time will you have to spend?

In densely populated areas, where water bodies are under heavy fishing pressure, legal fishing with nets is very limited. And only those who intend to catch constantly and for sale buy a permit to use nets. “Weekend fishermen” prefer to risk a conflict with fisheries protection by placing one or two cheap Chinese networks... Fortunately, the risk is not so great: perch and roach, which predominate in the catches of such casual netters, are considered trash fish, and separate fines are not assessed for each head caught - they only face the risk of losing two minimum wages for illegal fishing and with confiscated nets.

Anglers who do not want to tremble from every rustle behind their backs and be content with perch and roach act differently. For example, here in the Leningrad region, where obtaining permits is quite expensive and is surrounded by all sorts of obstacles, they go to neighboring Karelia. There the rules are much more liberal, the permit is much cheaper and you can get it much faster.

Of course, no permit gives the right to entangle the entire reservoir with nets and strain out all the fish from it. The total length of the nets varies from region to region, but not very much: in some places it’s 30 m, in others it’s 50 m, and in others it’s 80 m... And for an amateur who fishes for himself, it’s not for sale, and he doesn’t need more. If he knows how to catch, of course.

In addition to restrictions on the length of nets, a minimum permissible mesh size has been established, there are also prohibitions on fishing periods, and on certain areas of reservoirs, and restrictions on the catch rate, and the minimum permissible sizes for caught fish of each species...

Some fishermen, who consider themselves especially cunning (but in reality are stupid and greedy), reason something like this: I’ll take permission for two nets, but I’ll put in ten or fifteen. This approach does not end well. If the gear standing in the reservoir does not have a tag with the fisherman’s name and license number, then the fisheries inspection will confiscate it as poaching.

Where can I get a fishing permit? For public water bodies - in the republican, regional, regional and district fisheries inspections. Appendix 2 shows the addresses and telephone numbers of some of them; the coordinates of the rest can be found in the basin departments for the protection, reproduction of fish stocks and regulation of fisheries (see ibid.).

Practice shows that it is better to apply for permits from district inspectorates - officials from higher-level organizations are more inclined to play it safe and thoughtlessly prohibit.

When obtaining a permit, you must remember that, in accordance with Articles 34 and 35 of the Federal Law “On Fisheries,” the permit form is a document of strict accountability and must have a registration series and number. The permit must indicate the name and other data of the fisherman, the types of fish allowed for catching, catch quotas, gear, methods and terms of fishing, as well as specific requirements for environmental protection when carrying out this type of fishing.

If the permit does not meet the above requirements, then it is just a piece of paper, although the seal and its owner may face legal troubles on the river or lake.

Naturally, the obtained permit should not be at home, but should be with the fisherman on the pond, along with an identification document.

In reservoirs transferred to fishing societies for cultural fisheries (CFR), permission from the fish inspectorate is not enough - it is also necessary to obtain it from the tenant of the reservoir, that is, from the relevant society. It is almost impossible for an outsider to obtain such permission; the charters of most societies state that members of the society who have particularly distinguished themselves in fish conservation and other activities carried out by the society (translated into Russian - members of the board of the society and persons close to them) receive the right to fish with nets. .

It is necessary to say a few words about privately owned reservoirs, because there is one legislative subtlety in this issue. If you dig a pond on your rightful six hundred square meters and put fish in it, then fish with whatever you want, there will be no problems with the fish inspection - it’s your right. And the owner of the land on which the lake is located, after completing the appropriate documents, can fish in it either with nets or with a seine and allow other persons to fish.

But if a river flows through private property, even a very tiny one, almost a trickle, both it and the fish swimming in it are considered federal property. Because Article 10 of the mentioned Law “On Fisheries” states that private (and municipal) property can contain fish that live only in isolated water bodies - in stagnant ponds and lakes that do not have inflowing or outflowing rivers.

Which, in general, is quite logical. After all, some stream flowing on private property Bezrybny can flow into the river Etravlennaya, and that - into the Klyazma, and that - into the Oka, and the Oka - into the Volga, and then it’s just a stone’s throw to the Caspian Sea, and just in case some kind of stray from the path, the beluga will accidentally enter the Bezrybny stream and will be illegally caught. In general, if a landowner, at his own expense, blocks the ravine of the Bezrybny stream with a dam and equips a pond, then he must first lease the resulting reservoir from the state, and only then catch belugas and other stray Caspian sturgeons in it.

Organizations and private entrepreneurs who only lease reservoirs from the state cannot arbitrarily decide how and what to fish with - the terms of the lease agreement are coordinated with the fisheries inspection inspectorate and impose certain restrictions on the tenants. That is, the permit for fishing with nets issued by the lake tenant may not have any legal force.

By and large, there is nothing to say about municipally owned reservoirs. Theoretically, according to the letter of the law, the municipal council can issue permission to walk around a pond located in a village or town. In practice, most often none of the municipal officials bother with such permits. Local residents get along just fine without them, but they won’t allow visitors to catch their crucian carp with a net.

In reservoirs owned by the owners of farmland (all kinds of rural joint-stock companies, and even large farmers), fishing with permits is organized much more often, but usually the gear is limited to a spinning rod and a fishing rod.

Finally, for fishing (including with nets) in reservoirs located in the border zone, permission must be obtained from the Federal Border Service.

The authors of the rules have a strange attitude towards network screens - “TVs” and “kerchiefs”. For many years they either banned these fairly harmless gear, or did not mention them at all either among the permitted fishing gear or among the prohibited ones. (However, any omission in the rules is interpreted in favor of the fish inspector - all gear that is not mentioned as permitted is prohibited.)

Only very recently have there been any changes. For example, the “Fishing Rules in the Northern Fishery Basin,” approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation relatively recently, in April 2007, prohibit fishing with screens only in salmon and trout reservoirs. For the rest, it’s possible.

Many people have a strong belief that for amateur fishermen, fishing with nets during the spawning run and spawning is strictly prohibited everywhere. This is not entirely true. I will quote from the fishing rules in the Leningrad region regarding the issuance of fishing permits to amateurs with nets, drags and traps:

“By agreement with the Sevzaprybvod management, a permit can also be issued for the spawning period for the purpose of reclamation catching of low-value fish species.”

In general, before you go to a pond with a network or “TV”, carefully study the rules: what is allowed in your area and what is not. And fish according to the rules.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the author's book

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