How to get in shape for summer: Basic knowledge. Train with the unusual

Sorry, no news here. To get into great shape, you need to plow, reap, sweat, endure pain and hardship (at least in the form of following a regimen). But the main thing is: the size and quality of your success ultimately depends only on what you know about training. This article contains 20 top fitness tips - we selected them from the entire mass of publications in the printed version of Men's Health over 17 years.



The usual diet is no longer suitable for you - it is for those who do not set themselves any super goals. Dr. Alan Aragon, a Men's Health nutrition consultant, has compiled a daily nutrition pyramid for people like you (who want to build size, strength and endurance). Choose the dose of each product according to your height (very high - take the specified maximum, below average - the specified minimum), experiment, the main thing is to observe the specified ratio daily:

  • 40–80 g nuts; 1/2 or whole avocado;
  • 2–4 tsp. vegetable oil (olive or flaxseed);
  • 2-4 servings of dairy products (1 serving = 1 glass of milk, 150-200 g of low-fat yogurt, 30 g of hard cheese or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese);
  • 2-4 servings of fruit (1 serving = 1 medium fruit or 1/4 cup dried fruit);
  • 2-4 servings of starchy carbohydrates (1 serving = 2 pieces of bread or 1 cup of cooked rice, pasta, beans or corn, 1 small potato). Anyone who cannot gain weight can safely double the dose;
  • 3 or more servings of vegetables (1 serving = 1 fresh tomato, cucumber - any vegetable except potatoes, legumes and corn);
  • 4-8 servings of protein (1 serving = 100g meat or poultry, 30g protein powder, or 3 whole eggs).

02. Load up green

If you start eating more vegetables and greens, you will suddenly find that you become less tired in the rocking chair. Here's our favorite recipe: throw a handful of spinach, some berries and oatmeal, pour in a portion of protein, pour in a couple of glasses of juice or milk and mix it all well. Drink with pleasure - we bet you won't even feel the nasty taste of spinach. But within a couple of weeks you will feel an increase in strength.

03. Take vitamin D

Reduces the athlete's athletic performance. And vice versa - men with a high content of vitamins D in the body are much stronger than others. And in Russia, up to 70% of the population lacks the “sunshine vitamin”, and you are probably among these people. Sunbathe (in moderation), eat eggs, drink milk - or go to the pharmacy for medications (but consult a therapist). Take 600 IU per day.

04. Eat more often

And without the Pyramid of Aragon it is quite obvious: to grow, you need protein. But the details are important: it has been proven, for example, that athletes who consume protein 6 times a day in small portions progress faster than those who swallow the same amount in 3 large meals. Divide your protein intake into 5-6 meals throughout the day - evenly, but with one exception. At lunch, cram in at least 100 g of protein.

05. Know your protein

Portion whey protein in the morning will help you better control your appetite throughout the day. It is also ideal as a pre-workout meal, as it is quickly absorbed. But some time after training and at night, we recommend using casein, a slowly digestible protein. According to Dutch researchers, 40 g of casein before bed can accelerate nighttime muscle growth by as much as 23%.


06. Train with the unusual

Most heavy objects are not like barbells or dumbbells. A barbell is more convenient than a huge suitcase with a broken handle, a log or a drunken friend. Therefore, so that your strength accumulated in the gym can be used in life, use sandbags, barbells or dumbbells with unusually thick bars and other non-standard objects in training. Is there anything like this in your sterile little closet? Go outside and throw stones there.

07. Train your core like an adult

Throw away crunches and sit-ups. These exercises create unnecessary rotations in the spine; such rotations will not lead to anything good. Try to love the so-called anti-rotation exercises. From the simplest ones like “lumberjacks” on the upper and lower block to the Palof press or one-arm push-ups. In the latter, it is hard not only for the working hand, but also for the entire core, which works to maintain the right starting position.

08. Love pull-ups

If only because it is an almost perfect indicator of relative strength - that is, how strong you are for your own weight. The norm is 15 repetitions in full amplitude. If you can’t do this yet, train according to the following method: do one set of pull-ups to failure in the morning and evening for three days in a row, rest on the fourth, and then again a series of three days of pull-ups. And so on until you get back to normal.

09. Train your whole body at once

How often you load your muscles is just as important as how intensely you do it. For maximum efficient growth you need to do about 15 sets per one muscle group per week. Per week, not just one workout! Distribute this entire total load over three days - 3-5 sets per muscle group in each workout, and do this for a month. You will immediately feel the result.

10. Lift more

On the bench To get more of a bench press, move your shoulder blades further, then press your chest forward and try to lower your shoulder blades down toward your butt. After removing the bar from the racks, take a deep (but not too deep) breath and do not exhale until the end of the repetition. All this will help you make your starting position in the bench press more stable, which will immediately affect the result.

On my feet To lift more weight in the deadlift, focus on contracting your glutes. Try to squeeze them forcefully, starting from the moment the bar approaches your knees. In the final phase of the pull, push your pelvis forward powerfully and squeeze your buttocks even more tightly. Such a strategy will not only increase the result, but also provide additional protection. lumbar region spine.


11. Run like you bench.

Or rather, don’t do the same thing, change the structure of your running workouts the same way you change the program in the gym. Alternate monotonous running, running over rough terrain or uphill, and interval running with varying speeds. Allow two days for each type of running, and rest one day a week.

12. Set up the track

Running on a treadmill indoors requires 16% less effort than jogging at the same pace outdoors. No problem: always install the treadmill with a 3% incline. This plus or minus will equalize the intensity of training running with street running.

13. Save time

What do you choose: five hours of monotonous cardio or 90 minutes interval training(jogging at varying pace with breaks for active rest)? We are for the second option, the effect in the form of increasing MOC (your body’s ability to consume oxygen) is exactly the same as jogging for 5 hours.

14. Combine strength training with cardio

Once you're done with the barbell, do a couple of simple movements that will improve your physical fitness. For example, a ladder of kettlebell swings and front squats with a kettlebell. Do this: 1 rep of swings, 1 rep of squats. Then 2 reps of swings, 2 reps of squats, etc. Finish the set with 10 repetitions of both movements.

15. Watch your form

Even if you don’t like to run, take this test periodically: if you can run 1.5 kilometers without falling out in 6 minutes, it means that most of the systems in your body - cardiovascular, joints and muscles - are in excellent condition and well trained .

Weight loss

16. Don't rely on running

It's not that jogging is completely useless. Just High Intensity Interval strength training much more effective: it will speed up your metabolism so that you will lose extra grams hours and days after leaving the gym.

17. Change little by little

Many people who lose weight quickly break down: they set strict deadlines for themselves, dramatically changed their diet, overextended themselves, and gave up. Improve your diet gradually: for example, replace only one item in your diet per week. Now you order black coffee instead of cappuccino, a week later you also replace the potatoes in the side dish with stewed vegetables, etc.

18. Move

Puffed for 1.5 hours in the hall, and then collapsed on the sofa until the evening? Somehow illogical, I agree. Work while standing, not sitting. Give up the elevator and, at least for a couple of days a week, the car. Conduct business meetings not in a restaurant, but while walking in the park. Wash the dishes myself. The difference between an active and passive lifestyle is up to 2000 calories burned per day.

19. Drink something cold

Drinking a liter of slightly chilled water will speed up your metabolism by 30% for 90 minutes. In addition, remember: a sufficient amount of water is always beneficial for both weight loss and gain. muscle mass, and recovery in general.

20. Sleep more, eat less

Just five days of lack of sleep (no more, or even less than five hours a day) - and you are already chronically overeating. Fortunately, normal “restorative” sleep (9 hours straight) can reverse this entire terrible process.

To quickly get in shape, you need to follow strict rules.

If you have the desire and willingness to change your regime, it is possible to significantly improve your appearance in just a couple of weeks, says fitness trainer and star of the TV show “Famous and Happy” Anita Lutsenko.

She is often asked how she can short time bring your body into ideal condition, for example in hot weather, when everyone dreams of showing off toned body in a new dress. Anita is sure that healthy image life must be lived every day, regardless of the time of year.

But if at one point you notice that you can’t continue like this, and it’s time to take up training and a healthy lifestyle, then follow Anita’s advice.

So, what needs to be done to achieve positive results in just 10 days.

  1. Eat more vegetables and fruits

It's time to understand: without proper nutrition, you will never be able to improve your health. appearance, not in 2 weeks, not in a year. You are what you eat, and a big part of your success in achieving a great figure depends on your diet.

  1. Forget about cookies and chocolates

Give preference to fruits. Plus, they will make it easier for you to give up treats. An important condition is that fruits should be eaten no later than 16.00.

Nutrition principle: 90% should be the right food, and the remaining 10% can be pampered.

Stop eating white bread, forget about alcohol and sugar. Otherwise, you won’t be able to quickly get to good shape. Eat something light for breakfast and dinner, and have a full meal for lunch.

  1. Separate food

Learn to separate foods. You cannot eat meat with potatoes or porridge. Meat is combined with vegetables.

  1. In fact, fat is more dangerous than carbohydrates.

Everyone is used to thinking that the main enemy beautiful figure are carbohydrates (cakes, white bread, potatoes), but this is not true! Do you know why we get better in the first place? Because we eat as much fat in one day as is allowed in 3-4 days. We ourselves do not notice how this happens.

  1. You need to know your fat intake

It's actually quite easy. For example, if you weigh 55 kg, then the norm is 55 grams of fat per day. If your weight exceeds your desired weight, that is, you weigh 75 kg, but you want 50, eat no more than 50 grams of fat per day. It's simple!

Surprisingly, nuts are often preferred by people on a diet, even though they contain 60% fat. However, it turns out that if I eat 100 g of nuts a day, excess fat will begin to be deposited.

Or let's take everyone's favorite curd mass or cheese. It contains 20 g of fat, which is already half of my daily requirement. The same thing with cheeses - 100 g of cheese contains 40-60 g of fat.

  1. If you want healthy skin, shiny hair and beautiful nails, eliminate sugar.

Healthy eating, regular exercise and active rest will help you quickly achieve your goal.

To be absorbed in the body, sugar needs calcium and vitamin B, which it takes from the body. But they are responsible for the health of skin, hair and nails. As a result, the skin takes on an unsightly appearance, rashes and wrinkles appear. There is no need to look for happy emotions in sugar (this is a mistake), it is better to go in for sports, spend more time outdoors. Or eat fruits and healthy salads.

Despite the fact that we often hear that there is nothing wrong with a sweetener, we need to say a firm “no” to it. The reason is elementary - they do not allow us to wean ourselves off sweets. Moreover, they cause fatty liver.

  1. Be careful with drinks

It takes about 3 fruits to prepare freshly squeezed juice (for example, 3 apples). If you are losing weight, then you can allow yourself no more than 2 fruits per day, since fruits are sugar. Juice lacks the fiber that keeps us full. It follows from this that you can live for 10 days without fresh juice; it is better to eat “live” fruits or use smoothie blenders that grind fruits completely, with pulp.

This list can be supplemented with cocktails, compotes, coffee with milk. We drink these calories rather than eat, which does not provide proper saturation.

  1. Smart workouts

Physical training cannot be neglected. Even the most useful ones will be useful simple exercises. Remember, it is forbidden to eat 1 hour before training; after training, you can also be patient.

I am not a fan of long and exhausting workouts; I think that 10-30 minutes a day is enough. And I will never believe that you can’t find time for this.

  1. Don't eat after 8 pm

This is one of the most important conditions for quick results. If you studied at 19.00, then have dinner at 18.00. And then don't eat anything.

Don't forget that you can do it at any time of the year active recreation: swim in the summer, ski in the winter, ride a bike in the spring, go hiking in the fall. It all depends on you and your preferences; you can walk and walk more often at any time of the year.

The rule “keep your mouth shut and you’ll lose weight quickly” works, but only for a short time. Then our metabolism slows down, and we get better again.

Among many of us, there are not only those who, in their aspirations to have an athlete’s body, want to lose weight, but also those who want to gain weight. Typically, very thin guys and girls are interested in this question. And if you are one of them, then this article on how to gain muscle mass is just for you.

Thinness began to be considered a kind of disadvantage only recently, and then against the backdrop of the growing popularity that bodybuilding and a healthy lifestyle are actively gaining. That is why the number of people who want to slightly increase their body weight, as well as learn how to do it correctly, has increased significantly.

To gain body weight quickly and correctly, you need to follow the basic recommendations of professionals. In general, they represent four rules. And if they are not adhered to thin man or a woman, they are unlikely to be able to create an athletic body. So:

  1. First rule- this is enhanced nutrition. No matter how trivial it may sound, those who plan to gain weight as quickly as possible need to eat more. And before you gain weight, you need to clarify which products will satisfy your wishes, because it is not always worth turning to the help of complex sports preparations (proteins, amino acids, etc.) if you can gain weight with the help of ordinary products. It is worth noting that it is quite possible for a guy or girl to gain muscle if they use a special nutrition program, where all products are collected in a balanced menu. We will tell you in more detail below how to create an individual course designed to gain muscle mass.
  2. Second rule, no less important than the previous one is hard training. Regular exercise is a guarantee that the gained body weight will be distributed evenly throughout the body, and as a result you will get a harmoniously proportioned figure. It is advisable to exercise at least every other day (3 times a week). For those who are interested in how to properly gain muscle mass, you need to know a special training rule - it is better to do a few sets (5-10) with maximum weights than to perform many repetitions with a small load.
  3. Third rule- complete rest. A thin person who is trying to increase their body weight should definitely get enough sleep and take breaks between workouts so that their body can gain weight as quickly as possible. Lean weight will increase more rapidly if you allow your muscles to fully recover and maintain the results achieved during training during the rest period.
  4. Fourth rule– Be sure to motivate yourself and strive to achieve your goal. If you are really interested in gaining weight, then you will achieve the desired result quickly, provided that you want it with every cell of your body. Of course, you will have to work a lot for this. It is those who organized the right approach and was guided by a great desire, as a result they achieved outstanding success. This will help.

First steps to a beautiful body

So, the basic rules have been announced. But what does gaining muscle mass look like for beginners?
in practice? Many of those who plan to build muscle and stimulate weight gain in their body start off wrong. Often, beginners who have never played sports and do not practice bodybuilding begin by consuming additional vitamins and drugs that stimulate the growth of muscle tissue.

Among all kinds of drugs that practicing bodybuilding athletes take, protein-based complexes, amino acids (L-carnitine, in particular), creatine, etc. are considered truly effective and safe for the human body.

At the same time, few people know that you just need to eat right in order to get the same effect that manufacturers of synthetic additives promise. Believing that only additional muscle growth stimulants will help you gain weight very quickly, many risk harming their health and never achieving excellent athletic shape as a result.

The main key components of successful weight gain are, as we said above, intensive training and a properly selected diet. And everything about gaining muscle mass within the framework of just these two points is given below.

Physical activity

Those who decide to increase their body weight through muscle mass first need to create a training plan. Without quality physical activity, all calories entering the body will turn into only fat mass. However, you must admit that this is far from the result that a skinny guy or girl would like to achieve. Especially for those who are interested in a high-quality gain of pure muscle mass.

Beginners whose shapes are far from those of a mesomorph (such) should start with short training, 3 times a week. Optimal time one lesson - 30-40 minutes. It is not recommended to train longer, as it will be difficult for the body of thin people to cope with physical activity. Especially at the initial stage of training, when dry weight is at stake.

When wondering what is best to include in the training program, a novice athlete should definitely pay attention to. These could be:

  • different variations of the bench press;
  • pull-ups and push-ups;
  • squats and others.

But it is better to avoid exercises on simulators, because such training is aimed more at “polishing” the muscles than at quickly gaining mass.

Learning the technique of basic exercises should begin gradually, mastering small weights at the initial stage, gradually increasing the load to the maximum. As many professional athletes know, achieving visible results it is the “base” that will allow it in the shortest possible time.

Exercises that directly represent this category, provided that the technique is carefully followed, will help your muscles grow by leaps and bounds. This is due to the fact that during their execution growth hormone is produced. For gaining lean muscles - this is the most effective and natural remedy, which is stimulated basic exercises. And that is why they are recommended to be included in the mass gain program not only for beginner athletes, but also for more competent athletes who have been practicing bodybuilding for a long time.


Also, in order to accelerate muscle growth through sports activity, you can use special techniques. For example, one of the most effective techniques counts . Practicing bodybuilding athletes often resort to this technique, because it allows them to achieve very high results without using gainers, amino acids, and other supplements.

Pumping is a word borrowed from English language and meaning “pump up, fill.” And the work of the muscles when reproducing this technique fully justifies its name. This is due to the fact that the increase in muscle volume is facilitated by the rapid flow of blood to them, which forms a kind of swelling. This process is due frequent repetition the same movement in a minimum time period. Athletes who know how to gain lean muscle mass using the pumping technique first perform, for example, 10 out of 15 exercises at a moderate pace, and do the remaining 5 at an increased speed.

What should the menu consist of?

Since quickly gaining muscle mass is not the easiest task, before starting active actions it is better to learn all the secrets of the program. Including those related to nutrition. After all, many exaggerate the benefits of complexes sports nutrition, ignoring the laws of nature and the properties of various products.

As for the menu, it should be dominated by products containing protein. Therefore, you will have to give up your usual diet. You will also need to exclude fatty foods from your menu so that the desired dry weight does not turn out to be fat mass, as well as alcohol.

For those wondering how to gain weight and muscle mass quickly, you need to eat nutrient-dense, wholesome foods every day. Boiled chicken breast, nuts, fresh fruits, vegetable salads, beans, some cereals (wheat, barley, white rice, peas, barley), fresh juices, berry fruit drinks, etc. - these are exactly the foods that help you gain weight.

Having turned to the basics of proper nutrition, which mesomorphs do not always adhere to, muscle mass gain for a beginner needs to be organized taking into account the important needs of his body. And, first of all, this is that a thin person should eat so many protein foods that for every 1 kg of his weight there are 2 g or more proteins.

Main Products

The most useful products for a person seeking to increase their body weight will be the following: high level protein in them:

  • low-fat milk (kefir, milk, cheese, cottage cheese);
  • boiled fish is not fatty;
  • tuna (canned);
  • boiled poultry (chicken or turkey);
  • proteins of plant origin (peas, chickpeas, soy, etc.);
  • pink salmon;
  • boiled egg white;
  • peanuts or almonds;
  • berry smoothies.

For gaining muscle mass, this list is of particular value, since the menu compiled on its basis will be complete for everyone who wants to increase weight correctly, both women and men. Although, when starting to plan their diet, many beginners have equally pressing questions. For example: “How to gain lean muscle mass?” or “Which of our usual foods will help us gain weight?”

Among the daily diet of a typical modern person there are certainly foods that contain important proteins. But in addition to them, carbohydrates may be present in the composition. And, as you know, they accelerate the increase in body weight, however, this will not be muscle, but future fat layer. For example, pasta, some cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice), bread and similar products contain simple carbohydrates. So it is better not to include them in your diet if you are gaining weight.

Features of the daily diet

Another important point that should not be forgotten skinny guys and girls, is the frequency of nutrition. To gain quality weight, you need not only to prefer protein foods, but also to know when to eat correctly and what to drink. As in the case of losing weight, it is advisable to eat food 5-6 times a day. The only difference is in the calorie content and composition of foods for those who are losing weight and those who want to gain weight due to muscle growth.

In addition, you need to constantly drink water. It is very important for the human body involved in sports or bodybuilding. Both a person losing weight and gaining weight should regularly drink about 10-12 glasses of clean, fresh and still water. At the same time, you can drink juices, smoothies and other goodies, but it is better to consume them in the first half of the day.

It is worth noting that for quick and high-quality weight gain, it is also recommended to consume a light version of protein before bed. To prevent catabolic processes and delay the release of proteins overnight, you can eat a little low-fat cottage cheese or drink a casein-based shake before bed.

As for nutrition during physical activities, then those interested in how to effectively increase weight do not need to exercise on an empty stomach. So, before the expected start of classes, you will need to eat 1-1.5 hours. Immediately after the end of the training session, it is highly recommended to drink a protein or carbohydrate-protein shake.

You can also eat 1 banana (for gaining muscle mass it is no less useful than protein mixtures), followed by a glass of milk. Professional athletes advise eating before and after training every 3-4 hours.

And lastly, anyone who wants to know how to quickly gain weight should definitely track the effectiveness of their workouts. When training at home or in the gym, you should record your results every 1-2 weeks at the same time in order to monitor trends in mass growth. An increase in body weight of 0.5-0.8 kg is an excellent indicator that the weight gain is of high quality.

Limit yourself to flour and sweets. Try to eat more protein (meat, fish, eggs), this will help restore muscle tone. Do not neglect fresh vegetables and fruits - they contain fiber, which will cleanse the entire body of toxins. And, of course, no alcohol, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

Choose a vitamin complex for yourself. Now they are sold in large quantities in pharmacies.
Although it is better with special vitamins developed by. They can be purchased to order, they cost , but they will take into account all the needs of your body. Vitamin course no less.

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Useful advice

You won't be able to get in shape in a few days. Be prepared to spend at least a month training. Then the result will definitely please you.

The problem of how to quickly bring yourself into form, occurs with enviable regularity. Long New Year holidays with traditional feasts promote education extra pounds. And it doesn’t hurt to buy more for the holidays slim figure, so as not to look worse than others on the beach.


The question of returning to its former form often arises among people who do not lead an active lifestyle. When a person spends many hours at a desk, muscles become sluggish, and excess calories are invariably stored in the body. As a result, body shapes lose their shape, and to regain them you need to start actively moving. Sign up for gym. If you don't like power loads and exhausting workouts, go swimming, water aerobics or dancing. Any load will do, the main thing is to attend classes regularly. And remember that visits should not turn into a dull chore. Have a positive attitude and motivate yourself with future results.

Next important point form return process - proper nutrition. Review your diet - not only what you eat, but also when you eat. Count calories, do not eat high-calorie foods before resting or going to bed. In this case, all the calories will not be consumed, but will be stored as fat. Eliminate animal fats and replace them with vegetable fats. Avoid fast food, soda and beer. Distribute food throughout the day so that most of it occurs in the first half of the day, during your physical and mental activity. After 18 hours it is better not to eat anything at all, with the exception of an apple or a glass of kefir.

Another significant step towards acquiring a toned figure is drinking enough clean water. The fact is that water actively participates in the processes of cellular metabolism; when it is deficient, it accumulates in the body large number unnecessary substances or waste. They impede normal metabolic processes and promote the deposition of fat cells. Therefore, drink at least two liters of water daily, and by drinking it on an empty stomach, you will eat less food.

Follow these three simple rules at the same time - then your figure will quickly come into good shape. form.

Video on the topic


  • how to get your belly in shape in 2019

For a holiday or vacation, you may want to improve your appearance. This can be done even if you are short on time. But for this you need to properly plan your training program.


Determine how much time per day you can devote physical activity. Based on this, create a preliminary training schedule. It's best to practice a little every day, rather than for several hours in a row on the weekend.

In the morning, take a few minutes to do some simple exercise. This will give you energy and help you set the right mood for the coming day. Include minimal stretching in your exercise, as well as simple exercises such as bending and twisting your torso. Fifteen to twenty minutes of such exercises will be enough. They can be supplemented with breathing exercises.

If you need to get in good shape quickly, pay special attention to your diet. For a short period of time, give up meat soups and broths, side dishes for meat, fish (you can only lettuce), and spicy seasonings. Forget about a multi-course meal: salad, soup, steak and mashed potatoes, and ice cream for dessert. And don’t change your usual food. You should not eat wheat germ if you have not eaten it before. Eat as usual.

A set of exercises will help you get in good shape.

Five exercises, if performed regularly, will lead you to the desired result in a fairly short time. A set of exercises for burning fat in problem areas, strengthening the muscles of the chest, buttocks and abs will not take up too much of your time. It is enough to exercise for 15-20 minutes daily - this will help you quickly get in good shape, your body will become more toned and slender.

All exercises of the complex are performed while lying on the floor, and are designed even for an untrained person. In the absence of any physical training exercises should be performed with a small number of repetitions 4-5 and further as you continue regular classes bring up to 8-16 times. You will need an exercise mat or a thick terry towel. Before starting the complex, you need to do a short warm-up to warm up your muscles - you can dance a little, jump rope or spin an exercise bike, if you have one.

1. Get on your hands and knees. Straighten your legs and place your toes on the floor.
2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your legs off the floor one by one, lifting them up a few centimeters.
3. Perform the exercise for a minute. Keep your back straight without arching in the lower back.

1. Lie on your back, keep your hands behind your head, and bring your legs together.
2. Lift your straight legs off the floor and lift them to an angle of 30 degrees. Tighten your stomach without arching your lower back. Hold this position and take three deep breaths in and out.
3. Then double the angle of your legs to 60 degrees. Stay in this position, take three breaths and raise your legs to a 90-degree angle. Hold this position.
4. Then repeat the same in reverse order. During the exercise, press your lower back firmly to the floor.

1. Lie on your stomach, bring your feet together, bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor at chest level.
2. As you inhale, lift your body up, bending at the waist, tilt your head back a little. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, then lower as you exhale.

1. Lie on your stomach with your chin on the floor. Place your arms along your body, clench your palms into fists. Straighten your legs and point your toes.
2. As you inhale, slowly raise your legs one at a time, and as you exhale, lower them.

1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and press them to your chest.
2. Slowly straighten your legs up to a vertical position, supporting yourself under the lower back with your hands. Hold for 30-60 seconds.