Fire horse woman horoscope on.

- favorites, then these are Horses: as hardworking and hard-working as the totem itself. This is precisely what is associated with the fact that the horoscope for Horse for 2017 is, for the most part, very favorable and promises a successful year for all representatives. However, astrologers warn that this year, not the most pleasant character traits of Horses will come to the surface. Try to engage in self-education or take several personal growth trainings.

Horoscope for Horse for 2017

The year will begin with active work. However, for a Horse accustomed to the load, this will not pose any difficulty. A short weekend will not come as a surprise and will not cause much dissatisfaction among representatives of this sign. What you should immediately pay attention to: you will have to work almost the whole year, so distribute your forces correctly and do not try to take overtime. It’s better to leave yourself time to relax, and your affairs will not escape you - no one will do them for you. Although meeting deadlines for completing work is also important.

Your colleagues will watch with envy as you conquer one peak after another and rise up in the eyes of your superiors. In the first half of the year, your rise will be only in words and expressed in praise and encouragement. But the real assessment of your work will happen closer to the end of the year, most likely late autumn, when the question of changing the leader arises. Your candidacy will be first on the list for consideration. You should make sure that candidates are significantly inferior to you in the eyes of management. This can be achieved in two ways: to rise as high as possible on your own, fulfilling your job responsibilities, or to significantly worsen the performance of your colleagues, putting a spoke in their wheels.

The Rooster does not like intriguers and therefore any behind-the-scenes games are revealed almost immediately, but the Horse is a born manipulator and only it can deceive even the totem of the year. It is you who will be able to build a chain of events, thanks to which you will be able to stand on the sidelines while your potential rivals figure out who is right. It is important at this moment not to add fuel to the fire, but to subtly hint to your superiors that you are not taking part in this. Firstly, this will be an additional point for your reputation, and secondly, you will demonstrate that you stand for a healthy atmosphere in the team, and do not support intrigue. Agree, good quality for a potential leader and someone who wants to lead a department or group of people.

But it is precisely because of your love for manipulating people that the stars recommend that you engage in self-development and self-knowledge. Personal training will be beneficial even if you don’t consider it a disadvantage. However, you can be taught anything this year: a new profession, deepening your knowledge of your current one, seminars, conferences and webinars will be interesting and useful to you, since a big breakthrough in your career awaits you in the future.

By the way, some Horses will want to change their position: not only their position or place of work, but also completely change the landscape outside the window. Astrologers say that this year is favorable for any changes in your life: moving, changing jobs and changing partners will be successful and bring long-awaited satisfaction. You can easily start a new business, but first enlist the support of serious investors, your personal funds will not be enough for a successful start.

When talking about finances, Horses always smile because they know how much they have and where it is. The Rooster also likes this sign for its frugality. After all, they simply have no time to spend - they are constantly at work. It is thanks to this that most Horses will not be in poverty in the year of the Rooster. Most, because some (especially women) will still succumb to the influence of the totem of the year and waste part of their fortune on thoughtless purchases. Most likely, these will be bright things that the Horse would hardly buy in his usual mood. But a little color in your life will not be superfluous. But still, try to avoid major expenses until the end of the year, when you can clearly predict your future income and profit from work or a new business. It is also better to leave large purchases for the fall.

But it is better to solve investment issues as soon as such an opportunity arises. General rule for this year: do not make hasty, rash decisions based only on emotions. Your intuition is definitely great way determining the profitability of the project, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the numbers. Calculate all possible risks and only then make a final decision. Also try to choose not just one project, but several at once. You may not make a profit as quickly as you hope, but you won't lose either.

Another financial risk this year is gambling and fraud. As already mentioned, the Rooster does not like intriguers, and therefore everyone who tries to get money by fraud this year will fail and even collapse. Don’t try to lie to get a loan or a loan, be honest for what purposes you need funds and really assess your solvency yourself - this will become your trump card. As for playing poker or roulette, you can immediately throw money into the trash bin if you intend to play these games - luck will not be on your side, you will spend a lot and will be disappointed.

Your personal life will not take up as much time as work, but you also need to devote time and attention to your other half. Your charm will only increase this year and this will allow you to charm anyone who is interesting to you. Danger awaits those who have already acquired a ring on their finger: your betrayal will quickly become known to your spouse, which will cause a storm of emotions and result in a scandal and even divorce. If you are not ready for such extreme life changes, try to control your vibes and flirt less. Or use them to ignite passion in an existing relationship. Your wife (or husband) will be very happy to spend more time together, visit memorable places and just be alone, because due to your busyness such simple pleasures have turned into a real shortage.

The stars recommend that free Horses take a closer look at their surroundings: you will have a lot of interesting acquaintances in 2017, and most of them may migrate from business to personal categories. Just remember that quantity will never replace quality, so you should still be a little more picky. However, no one forbids you from light flirting. Also, among your new acquaintances, the very person you are looking for may be hiding, the main thing is to notice him in time and keep him close.

If you have an established relationship, in the year of the Rooster you will most likely be asked to make certainty: you may have to move forward, for example, to living together or getting married. Or, on the contrary, break the connection for good. One way or another, the totem of the year will give you courage for such a decision and smooth out negative consequences. Just know that it’s too early for you to have children anyway. Not this year - for sure.

Horoscope for 2017 for Horse: woman

The prudence and sedateness characteristic of Horse women will not be denied them this year either. However, there will be negligibly little time to think about decisions, and therefore you will have to quickly navigate the whirlpool of events and hope that you have made the right choice.

The year will start very stormy and active: between invitations to parties and celebrations, you will receive several practical job offers. Some of them are worth seriously considering - changing jobs this year is favorable for you for several reasons. Firstly, you have long been cramped in the place where you are now, and you want something more and interesting. Secondly, you will certainly be offered an increase in position and salary. It is only important to remember that there will be more responsibility. And thirdly, you will finally be able to realize yourself as a leader - albeit of a fairly small group of people.

It is a mistake to believe that Horse women are not careerists. Quite the opposite: thanks to their high efficiency, they reach high positions and become high-level managers in a fairly short period of time. You know how to assess the situation and make a timely decision that will forestall the emergence of a problem or quickly eliminate it. This is why management values ​​you. This is also the reason for envy and whispers behind your back. In 2017, it will be difficult for you to work in a team, especially a female one, precisely because you will stand out quite strongly from the rest. There can be two ways out: look for a new place and a male team, or involve others in the work. The lion's share of the merit will still be yours, but others will also be involved. They simply won't have time to discuss and judge you and your way of working.

If you are thinking about starting your own business, then do something creative, but rather pragmatic. You need to occupy a niche that will be spacious for you and cramped for your competitors. The Rooster values ​​creativity and non-standard solutions, listen to yourself and your intuition. If she doesn’t tell you anything useful, turn to your friends for help, perhaps one of them will give you an idea or suggest a solution.

In general, this year, do not hesitate to ask for help from both friends and colleagues. The older generation has a lot to teach you and it will be very useful to adopt their experience. However, you will still need to draw your own conclusions, as well as apply the received advice and knowledge in practice.

As the Horse horoscope for 2017 says, women should be especially careful when handling their own and other people’s money. You need to control your spending and make the right investments. As for savings, you just need to transfer part of your salary directly to a deposit account, and spend the rest only on necessary and useful things. Any squandering can seriously undermine your financial situation. What is really worth spending money on - but only closer to autumn - is decorating your home. Small repairs, purchase of large furniture and household appliances, even the little things that create comfort will become an outlet for you and a good investment in family well-being.

You should invest in those projects in the success of which you are unconditionally confident. And here professional advice from an analyst or marketer will help you. If you yourself are in doubt about making decisions, take advice from a specialist, but not from a friend or colleague. In these matters, you should not rely on emotions and feelings at all. YOU can also invest in yourself: new knowledge will come in handy, especially if you decide to open your own business. Courses or full-fledged education are your choice, but regular trainings and seminars will also be useful.

Family relationships will be difficult. Mainly because you will take on too much. Your ability to make decisions based on incomplete data will be very useful, especially in matters related to family budget planning or vacations, but do not allow yourself to make harsh comments to your spouse on this matter. The fact that you take care of the family does not mean that you are doing his job: let him take part and he will quickly seize the initiative. It is also important to remember that your job is not the most important thing, you need to spend time with your family. At least big holidays and long weekends. Try not to take work home and not stay in the office for a long time; you can’t imagine how difficult it is to live with a workaholic.

By the way, a family vacation can be an excellent occasion to strengthen family ties: take your children or relatives with you and go to the sea in a noisy group. You will be able to realize your plans and think through everything, and your family will be grateful to you for this vacation together. But be careful not to get too proud. In general, most of the conflicts in the family will arise through your fault: harsh statements addressed to your spouse, deliberate severity with children and neglect of older relatives and their advice will cause more than one dispute or even scandal. Extinguish your authoritarianism and learn to make concessions.

You may feel tired of family squabbles and recklessly indulge in all serious things, especially since your charm and charisma will attract large number men. Be careful, this behavior can destroy a long-term relationship and marriage.

But free Horse women can fully enjoy male attention and not deny themselves anything. Moreover, you are picky in your relationships and will not let someone who is not worthy of it get too close to you. You will receive more than one marriage proposal. The stars say that the year is good for concluding a marriage, so you should seriously think about this issue.

Horoscope for 2017 for Horse: man

The Horse man will be on the move throughout the year: both literally and metaphorically. You will start the year actively and plunge headlong into work, which will delight you with new projects and interesting tasks from management. Travel awaits you: business trips and trips to nearby cities, off-site seminars and conferences. If you are negative in advance, then don’t - this will allow you to get to know your colleagues better and understand exactly how to manage them in the future, because you have set yourself an excellent goal for this year - to take the place of general manager in your department.

You should generally invest in yourself: the year will be great for learning. You can get a new profession or enrich yourself with knowledge of the one you work in, master new ones effective ways work or, conversely, learn to organize others for work. Personal growth trainings, seminars and webinars on mastering neuro-linguistic techniques and even psychology will be useful to you in the future. Don't refuse. And even more so, attend a seminar on marketing and accounting if you intend to radically change your life and start a business.

The stars predict many changes for you in 2017. Most of them will be related to a change of job. Offers will begin to arrive at the beginning of the year and by spring you will be able to make your choice. If you miss this chance, a new one will present itself only in late autumn. You may need to take a training course for a new position or improve your knowledge foreign languages– it is very likely that you will change not only your place of work, but also your country of residence.

You will rush at a breakneck pace, constantly pushing on your colleagues and ahead of the instructions of your superiors, thereby arousing the envy of the former and the respect of the latter. But don’t try too zealously to curry favor with your superiors, your merits are already known, so just do your job: carefully and conscientiously. This will be quite enough.

In addition, you can show yourself well as a potential leader if you unite several colleagues around you. You will be able to realize your leadership ambitions and achieve high results in less than short time than usual. And your creative and imaginative approach to completing a mundane task will be appreciated. Expect a bonus or salary increase at the end of summer.

If you have a question about where to spend additional funds, immediately stop yourself and rush to spend your profits on stupid things. It’s better to invest them in something worthwhile and receive regular additional profits. High technology and new developments will be very relevant in 2017, as this is a year of discoveries and innovations. But take a closer look at which of the projects is the most successful. Be guided by bare numbers and calculations when making decisions, you are investing for the long term, it is important not to burn out at the very beginning.

Unfortunately, there will be a lot of work and it will be difficult for you to find time for proper rest. The point is not that the tasks are impossible, but that no one else will complete them except you. Unless you get yourself an assistant. But still, try to go to the sea coast or any other body of water during the warm period, where you can relax peacefully. It is advisable to leave your mobile phone at home, and your laptop too. You will need a reboot, since there will be a lot of work upon arrival, and for this you need to gain strength. Don't deny yourself this. It would also be good to get into the habit of not bringing work into the house and on weekends going out of town or to the park with your whole family.

Your family understands perfectly well that you are trying for the common good and the money you earn goes towards improving your home. living together, but they also need to devote time. In addition to taking vacations and relaxing on weekends together, you can start a joint hobby - an activity that will captivate you all and allow you to unite. No one is saying that you all need to knit socks or scarves together, but even board games promote family unity. Watch a movie together in the evening, discuss it - in general, try to talk more and discuss problems or issues that concern you. Many disputes and conflicts can be avoided if you share your worries with your family in a timely manner.

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2017 promises many good things and interesting events for representatives eastern calendar- horses, which is filled with both pleasant moments and difficult and unpleasant ones.

Horse Woman: Horoscope for 2017

Horse women make decisions quickly. But the main thing is not that, but that they do it right. Therefore, they will be successful in the coming year. You can count on career growth, especially since Horse women skillfully use their personal charm to influence the right people.

The year will be rich in useful and interesting acquaintances. Horses will be regularly invited to various celebrations and receptions (both family and corporate), where they will show themselves in all their splendor and be the stars of the program.

The perseverance and hard work characteristic of Horses appeal to the Rooster, and he will help reward these qualities. Those around you will also be mostly on the side of the Horses and will support their endeavors.

Here in family life overlays are possible. They will happen due to the habit of Horse women to take leadership in everything. It is better to show your leadership qualities at work, and be more flexible at home.

Horse Man: Horoscope for 2017

Horse men are active and active. These are exactly the qualities that bring success in the year of the Rooster. So Horses can expect public recognition and the realization of their plans.

As good leaders, they will be able to prove themselves in a leadership position. Career growth for Horse men is almost guaranteed. Their determination will help them realize the most ambitious projects. In society they will become respected, authoritative people whose point of view is capable of shaping public opinion.

Some Horses may decide to radically change their lifestyle or social circle. You should listen to this kind of inner voice, even if it advises you to join a biker club or move to live in Chukotka. This is probably exactly what is required for the most complete development of the Horse’s talents. In addition, loved ones will tend to support the most incredible ideas.

In order for the Horse to have peace in the family, a man should avoid conflicts and be attentive to the wishes of his wife. Single Horses will be more busy with business than with love problems.

Horse: Love horoscope for 2017

Free Horses are unlikely to get married this year. They will be busy with other things. In this case, you can advise them not to abuse short-term relationships. Other people may feel differently about the situation and it would be unfair to give them false hope.

Family Horses will be a real draft force at home. All serious events in the life of the family will happen with their input and under their leadership. Household members will fully or mainly support the initiatives of Horses, so you can expect many domestic revolutions.

At the same time, it is better for Horses to refrain from a commanding tone, which is unpleasant to many. They will be obeyed anyway. It is also undesirable to try to control absolutely all areas of a partner’s life - this leads to justified discontent and conflicts. Most people are quite trustworthy.

Horse: Finance and career horoscope for 2017

Who's lucky! However, those who are lucky are lucky. The Horses' hard work will finally be rewarded. They will be able to choose from several lucrative offers for a new position. Business deals will be successful, and there will be no end to new offers.

In order not to frighten away luck, Horses should brag less about their achievements and not attribute all the merits of the team to themselves, their loved ones. Then they will be respected by their colleagues, and fate itself will deal with the few envious people, and will do it quickly.

Horses love to squander money, and in the year of the Rooster they will have a lot to squander. The income will be enough not only for everything you need, but also for living on a grand scale. Still, it is better to keep the buying spree under control, since such favorable periods do not always occur. No, you can pamper yourself, but within reasonable limits. It is also advisable to start saving money - there will be no problems, this way you can then afford something truly luxurious.

Horse: Health Horoscope for 2017

Horses' immunity is so-so, so you need to maintain it and accept the fact that you may not be able to avoid the flu. The second risk factor is injury. For physical activity It’s better to choose not too extreme methods. Increased vigilance will also be required in winter, when many streets traditionally resemble a good skating rink.

In case of illness, you should go to the hospital, and not to the healer. Many Horses love “alternative” doctors, but in the new year this can be dangerous for them.

Astrologers and nutritionists do not recommend that Horses switch to a diet of oats alone. Radical vegetarianism is not indicated for them; it is better to simply monitor the balance of your diet and not overuse salty and spicy foods. This will be both healthier and more convenient for the family household.


Miracles, and nothing more - the combination of a hot Horse and a warlike Aries in the year of the Rooster will give consistent, quiet pedants! But the bosses at work will appreciate it.

Horse Taurus

Excellent prospects – Horses are shown to work diligently, and Taurus will be especially passionate about their work. The reward is just around the corner.

Gemini Horse

But it’s better for Gemini to come down to earth. They will show a tendency to empty dreams, and this is not welcome in the year of the Rooster.


Indifference to matters of the heart is not their thing. Horses-Cancers will also be most passionate about their personal lives in the new year.


Very good prognosis. Leos will show the intensity that the Rooster expects from them. But at the same time, they will be quite soft, and conflicts will not arise around them.


They will need spare horseshoes. Virgo-Horses love traveling, and in the new year this can bring them good income and useful acquaintances.


They want to be more energetic and proactive. They will show a tendency to “move in circles,” and this will not help solve any problem.

Scorpio Horse

These are not groundless dreamers, but reformers and revolutionaries. The fact is that Scorpios will be able to turn their wildest fantasies into reality.


Feel free to invite them to the company and sign them up as friends. Sagittarians will be full of sociability and wit. But it’s better not to hope for a quick marriage with them.


This is atypical for them, but they will become lovers of novelty and impressions. This is good - new acquaintances and trips are useful and profitable.


Aquarians will tend to get carried away with new things excessively. Sometimes you need to stop and remember the eternal, otherwise you can lose touch with reality.


A good prognosis is that they will have a very high performance capacity, and the rooster will well reward the honest work of the Horses.

WITH New Year's Eve many people start new life, which they can write as they wish. For strong-willed people, life will present obstacles, but they will pass the tests with honor; the weak will go with the flow until they simply go to the bottom. What are those who are looked after by the Horse: horoscope for 2017 for women and men.

To achieve success, the Horse will stop at nothing and will use all its charm to charm the right people.

The tendency to find a common language with people from different circles will lead them to companies that are not at all suitable for them. It could be a group of bikers and rockers. Some of them will even decide to settle closer to nature.

The Rooster has a favorable attitude towards this type of people and will help in everything. The patron will help bring all your dreams of career growth into reality. Only the Horse will have to work hard. Thanks to perseverance, the Horse will implement everything he plans with amazing ease.

In 2017, the Horse, with the help of friends and family, will be able to reach unprecedented heights. It costs her nothing to organize a work collective, since leadership is in her blood. Throughout the year you will be the center of attention and always a welcome guest at various corporate events, parties and family celebrations.

But do not forget that work and career are not the most important thing in their lives. Various positions only bring moral pleasure, but also prove your professionalism. But this should not affect your attitude towards other people. You should not brag about your successes, as this may lead to envious glances.

Big changes are coming in the life of the Horse; new acquaintances and trips abroad await them, as a result of which they will meet new people and acquire influential connections.

Woman— A horse must always be on the alert and go ahead to achieve its goal. She knows how to make any decision in a matter of minutes, both in work and in terms of family.

Horse women always make smart decisions and correctly assess both the situation and various types of proposals. They decide to accept or reject intuitively, but the main thing is always correct. In the bosom of the family, the woman always dominates, and sometimes because of this, major conflicts and scandals arise.

Man— The horse will spend all its time in motion. And this pace of his life will be familiar and favorable for him. Thanks to this, he will become a respected person who will be valued and respected at work. Your dedication and desire to help will not go unrewarded. The bosses will notice the desire and will definitely appreciate it properly.

In the family of a horse man, disagreements are possible, but they will be eliminated with due attention to your loved one. Single men will pay more attention to work and career.

Love horoscope

On the love front, the Horse will have the same movement as in other fields. He and his family will push for any changes that will be useful for strengthening their union. Life has no right to pass you by. You take the reins into your own hands and lead it the way you want.

Your significant other will be impressed by such zeal and they will support you in everything. The only thing that can harm you is that any control over your spouse’s actions leads to displeasure and conflicts. More trust and understanding should be shown. For your loved ones, organize pleasant surprises, romantic evenings, a trip for two.

Single people will have a huge number of love affairs with different partners, but all relationships will be short-lived. Before starting a fleeting affair, remember the pain that comes after a breakup and try to moderate your ardor and start taking the person you like seriously. Your relationship will slowly develop into a serious one and may end in marriage.

Relationships with parents should be reconsidered and you should begin to treat them more carefully. Visit your parents more often, do nice things for them, and with their blessing it will be easier for you to live.

Financial horoscope

Regardless of the fact that the Horse loves glitz and chic, they have enough finances for everything, for parties, for everyday life, and for a rainy day. You will not need loans or credits, but you will also spend immeasurably. You want to do something nice for your other half and send her on a trip, which will cost a lot of money. You will also spend a considerable sum to open your own business.

The stars still recommend being a little more frugal with your spending and not making thoughtless purchases. If there is a need for any purchase, then plan it in advance and take with you only the necessary amount of money. Otherwise, you may buy a lot of unnecessary things out of control.
And if you look at the situation as a whole, your cash flow will be stable.

Since the Horse's hard work is inherent at the genetic level, they will always be successful. And if they correctly distribute their capabilities and strengths, then they are guaranteed incredible success.

You will receive many business offers that you should not refuse. In the future, career advancement.

When approaching your superiors, do not forget about the team and always try to lead fairly so as not to become an object of hatred from your employees.

Fate will punish all envious people for you. In addition, the Rooster patronizes those who love to engage in creativity and handicrafts. Your favorite activity can bring you good extra income. Running your own business will also be very successful, which you will be able to develop and raise to the proper level.

Health horoscope

The horse may be exposed to viral diseases. And since representatives of this sign have weakened immunity, the year will be very dangerous for health. Due to increased activity, people will no longer follow safety rules, and therefore they will constantly be overtaken by diseases.

First of all, these may be fractures of the limbs, infectious diseases.

To avoid hospital beds, you should take care of your health. Visit swimming pools, massages and carry out preventive procedures. You have to be careful in winter period, especially when skiing and skating
Horse fan traditional medicine, but the Rooster warns her against getting too carried away with it. Sometimes you should turn to professionals with your problems and be treated with medication. The stars recommend sports, but safer ones, gymnastics and similar sports are recommended.

To improve your health, you should review your diet. Many of the representatives of this sign will prefer to switch to vegetarian food and refuse meat products. But with such a transition, you need to consult with nutritionists and rationally balance your diet. Choose the right products that, in terms of their calorie content, completely replace fats and animal products. You should also avoid salty and spicy foods. In general, you should watch your stomach. Because there is a threat of disease.

For people born in the year of the Horse, the period while the Red Rooster rules the world will be extremely productive. In 2017, you will be able to realize your main goal (increase your income several times and/or achieve incredible social prestige). At the same time, the owner of the year, the Red Rooster, will gladly support all your initiatives. He will like the fact that you refuse to sit still at the very moment when fate gives you a chance to make money, and the Rooster will multiply these fateful chances. True, disagreements with the ruler of the year will still arise from time to time, and all because you do not want to admit that you owe your great successes to chance. In general, as has often happened with you, you will become “starstruck” again, although this time those around you will humbly come to terms with your “stardom.”

And who has the right to judge a “star” who has achieved sensational success with her own hands? In 2017, your public profile will truly rise to the skies, immediately after which your life will change radically. You will no longer worry about where to get money to buy your dreams or for some urgent needs. In the coming months, you will be faced with other questions - how to preserve your earned capital and extract even greater profits from it? If you work for yourself, you have long known the answer. The very project that you have long wanted to implement, but still haven’t gotten around to, will strengthen your financial position. Yes, yes, the very moment has come when you can (yes, you should!) give it a start by achieving several goals at once (thus making your big dream come true and making your money work tirelessly). If you are an employee of a company, this advice is no less relevant for you. Right now, while the loud-voiced Rooster rules the world, you should publicly declare yourself. Stop panicking about the outcome of your ideas and act decisively. The only thing that can slightly hinder the success of your personal business endeavors is a lack of professionalism (take this point into account in advance, improve the quality of your knowledge in the chosen field or find people competent in these matters).

Alas, your great business success, dear Horses, will have some unpleasant moments (that same “pitfall” that almost no undertaking can do without). This “pitfall” for you will not be the most joyful situation that will develop on your love front during the period of your large-scale business victories. You don't have enough physical strength, in order to carry several “burdens” on yourself at once (both business and personal relationships), and we already know your priority for 2017 (it will be a continuous fight for financial abundance). In general, there will be no harmony within the walls of your home in the year of the Red Rooster; this is a fact with which you should not fight particularly hard. However, still have a heart-to-heart talk with the people dear to your heart and try to explain to them that your constant absence from home is the price to pay for the luxury with which you surrounded your household. If you are single, and there is no one to complain about your excessive workload, the biggest experience of 2017 for you will be a bright romance that will quickly begin and fade away just as quickly. Moreover, a little later you will sincerely worry that you have let this worthy person go from your life (alas, he will refuse to wait resignedly until you put things in order and finally remember his existence).

Attention, the eastern Horse horoscope for 2017 has been published in abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2017 Red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

The year of the fiery red Rooster is approaching and for many born in the year of the Horse it will be successful. promises material well-being and more. The new owner is favorable towards the horses, as they are truly hardworking and talented.

However, to achieve your goals you will have to work hard. Resourcefulness, perseverance, charm, hard work and many other qualities will have to be applied in order to get good job, and accordingly, wages.

Astrologer's advice: By looking at the planets and stars above our heads, there is a chance to find answers to various dilemmas, although without specific skills. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

This year will be a peak in career growth for many. But due to high employment, conflicts may arise in the family. This applies to married people. However, you should not light the fire, you need to seriously discuss the problem in the family, but you should not refuse the opportunity to get a good position. The Rooster is supportive, but warns that there may not be a second chance.

Astrologer's advice: Sometimes, a good chance for a radical change in your personal life good side, occurs only once in a lifetime. Don't lose it - order it and find out when to expect it!

If a horse decides to open a personal business, then the rooster will help him with this. The year is good for new experiences and any endeavors.

Free from family relationships, both male and female, the Year of the Rooster promises to be successful in love terms. Cupid's arrow will pierce the heart of every Horse. There is no need to be afraid or ashamed of feelings. Surrender to love and passion. The relationship may end in engagement and marriage. There is no need to control every step of your chosen one, this can lead to disagreements and misunderstandings. Trust is what is important in a relationship.

Astrologer's advice: The interaction between partners quite often depends on the zodiac. Compatibility of signs is an interesting section in astrology. Find out about the relationship is available in the category - zodiac.

Astrologers say they recommend devoting more time to rest, despite all your busyness. In summer it is best to go to the sea. Holidays abroad will have a positive impact on your health, and the resulting emotions will know no bounds. It's best to relax with your significant other.

Horses are in good health. However, you need to be careful when practicing extreme species sports and while driving a car. There is a risk of breaking something.

A visit to a massage or spa treatment will not hurt; on the contrary, it will have a positive effect.

Astrologer's advice: In order to comprehend and better understand the character and properties of the zodiac sign, it is useful to consider it from many sides, and the section will help you with this -.

Since the year of the rooster promises financial well-being, it is best to invest money in real estate. Buying an apartment or land would be a good investment.

In general, the year of the rooster will be stable for horses. You just need to make an effort, try to achieve your goal, and everything will definitely work out. Fortune will definitely smile, you just need to believe and not give up.