Proper nutrition after training. What can you eat before and after training? The importance of post-workout nutrition

Zozhnik presents recommendations from the most authoritative sports organizations in the world regarding optimizing nutrition after training: when, what and in what quantities to eat and drink in order to recover after training as quickly as possible.

It is worth noting that this material has nothing to do with the so-called anabolic window, but is only a summary of recommendations for optimizing the recovery process from the world's leading organizations. The existence of an anabolic window is very doubtful, and our upcoming book devotes an entire chapter to this issue.

Research data that examines how dietary timing affects recovery and adaptation to training can optimize recovery processes and help athletes achieve maximum results. At the same time, there are no universal recommendations for everyone, because what and in what quantity to eat in general and specifically after training depends on factors such as the type of sport, frequency and intensity of training, food consumption before and/or during training, body composition, goal person, environmental conditions, and so on.

Before we get into specific nutrient intake recommendations (protein, fat, and carbohydrates) post-workout, it is important to emphasize that in order to achieve your goals, you must first consume adequate total amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrates per day. After all, for example, if you consume the recommended amount of carbohydrates immediately after training, but do not get the total daily amount of this nutrient adequate to your activity level and goals, your efforts will not pay dividends.

Table of daily carbohydrate needs

As can be seen from the table, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) provides general recommendations for athletes, while the International Society sports nutrition(ISSN) gives more specific figures for the amount of carbohydrate consumption - depending on the frequency, duration and intensity of training. However, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) provides even more specific figures, distinguishing carbohydrate needs depending on the type of training.

Daily protein requirements

The ACSM recommends an intake of 1.2-1.4 g of protein per kg of body weight for endurance trainees and 1.6-1.7 g of protein for resistance trainers. At the same time, such sports organizations, both ISSN and NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) recommend consuming more protein for physically active people - up to 2 grams per 1 kg of weight. We remind you that 3-4 fitness workouts per week is intermediate level activity, which means you need to eat no more than 1.7 g of protein per kg of body weight.

Carbohydrate intake after exercise

To restore glycogen reserves as quickly as possible, ACSM, ISSN and IOM recommend consuming 1-1.5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of athlete’s body weight in the first 30 minutes after training. However, if 24-48 hours pass between training or sporting events, the carbohydrate timing strategy is not so important. After all, if within 24 hours a person has consumed the daily amount of carbohydrates adequate to his goals and activity level, glycogen reserves will be restored even without urgent consumption of carbohydrates immediately after training.

The fastest restoration of muscle glycogen stores is very important if a person exercises or takes part in sporting events less than 8 hours apart. For example, an athlete who trains twice a day. In this case, to quickly restore energy reserves, ACSM, ISSN and IOC recommend consuming a portion of carbohydrates in the first 30 minutes after exercise, as well as every 2 hours for a 4-6 hour period, as indicated in the table below.

Certified nutritionist Marie Spano notes that for speedy recovery In order to maintain glycogen reserves, immediately after training it is necessary to consume carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (for example, juice, baked goods).

The NSCA Sports Nutrition Guidelines note that both liquid and solid forms of carbohydrates provide identical results in terms of glycogen restoration. However, it is not recommended to use it after training. large number fructose, as this type of carbohydrate is associated with lower levels of muscle glycogen recovery compared to other sources of “simple” carbohydrates.

Protein intake after exercise

Experts from the ACSM, ISSN, and IOM agree that consuming approximately 20 grams of protein along with carbohydrates within the first 30 minutes after exercise optimizes recovery. It is noted that the use sports supplements in this case is not justified, because these nutrient needs can be satisfied without problems through the consumption of regular food.
To optimize recovery after training, the International Society of Sports Nutrition recommends adding a serving of protein to carbohydrates at a rate of 0.2-0.5 g/kg body weight.

Experts from the International Olympic Committee recommend consuming 20-25 g of protein immediately after training. The preferred post-workout form of protein for IOM is low-fat milk. Experts from the NSCA note that after training it is necessary to give preference to dairy products, as well as eggs.
The NSCA Sports Nutrition Guidelines also indicate that increased glycogen resynthesis (as well as protein synthesis) occurs as a result of co-consuming protein with carbohydrates. It is noted that the total amount of carbohydrates consumed is the main factor that contributes to the restoration of glycogen.

Restoration of water and electrolyte balance

Replenishing fluids and electrolytes is one of the most important tasks after training. The ACSM's position on fluid replenishment states that regular food intake with added salt plus a serving of water will be sufficient to replace fluid and salt losses. Consuming a small amount of salt will help retain fluid in the body and stimulate the feeling of thirst.

It is noted that, unlike water loss, salt loss during exercise is very difficult to assess. Moreover, it has been found that people lose different amounts of salt through sweat. Drinking sodium-containing sports drinks may be an option, although a regular salty meal you eat post-workout will easily replenish sodium loss.

One of the simplest ways to assess fluid loss during exercise is to weigh yourself before and after your training session. If a person needs to replenish fluid loss as quickly as possible and return his hydration status to normal, then within 4-6 hours after training he should drink approximately 1.5 liters of fluid for each kilogram of weight lost during the workout.

Experts from the NSCA note that evidence of a sufficient level of hydration is a copious amount of urine (urine) that is pale yellow in color. It should be borne in mind that if you take multivitamins, B vitamins, or eat beets, carrots or oranges, your urine will be darker, more saturated in color.

From year to year, a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. Proper nutrition, sports, and giving up bad habits are trending in all developed countries of the world. Some people, in order to be slim and beautiful, choose a diet for themselves, others go to workouts. The ideal option is to combine healthy diet And active activities V gym or at the stadium.

Principles of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition before and after training is one of the most important points in your lifestyle. Agree, many people come to the gym when they notice that the situation is critical: their sides are swollen with fat, a “beer” belly has appeared, and hated cellulite has formed on their legs. Such people, after many years of laziness and idleness, begin training and sharply limit themselves in nutrition. And then they realize that they have no strength at all. It's logical. Any athlete will tell you that a lack of calories will also negatively affect your appearance, as will their excess. Therefore, experts recommend switching to a special diet - a sports diet, in which you will eat food in sufficient quantities, while it will be healthy and nutritious.

Proper nutrition during training has a number of features:

  • No hunger.
  • Don't overeat or eat in a hurry.
  • You need to eat at a certain time.
  • Before starting classes, you need to consult with a sports doctor or nutritionist.

It is ideal if the menu is created for you by a professional. He will take your physical fitness, level of stress, as well as the type of sport you play.


Training program and proper nutrition will become the two pillars on which your day will be built. Schedule your daily diet so that you get enough protein before going to the gym. A serving should be eaten 2 hours before training. It is best if it is a piece of meat baked in the oven or a large fish steak, with pea porridge or boiled lentils as a side dish. If, due to an irregular work schedule, you cannot eat normally, you can snack on fruit or dairy products half an hour before class, and then have a hearty meal at home.

A good option would be to eat often, but in small portions. Ideally - 6 times a day, 200-300 grams. In this case, the emphasis is on protein products. Carbohydrates should also be present in your diet, because without them you will not have the energy and strength to physical activity. You also cannot do without fat, but there should be a little of it in your daily diet. build in such a way that you have time not only for sports and work, but also for a well-deserved rest.

The role of breakfast

Its presence necessarily requires proper nutrition. With training, his mission becomes more important and responsible. Unfortunately, many people do not eat anything in the morning, citing the fact that their body has not yet woken up after a night's rest. But this is wrong. Breakfast is necessary, without it you will not be able to exercise, as you will feel unsatisfactory. An hour of training a day plus a regular morning meal is the most successful combination from a physiological point of view. If for some reason you do not have breakfast, gradually accustom yourself to this process. Believe me, in the near future you will not be able to imagine how you previously refused such pleasure.

By having a hearty breakfast, you will limit yourself from overeating during lunch and dinner. Those people who have accustomed themselves to eating in the morning do not have problems with metabolism, they are more active and active, they are in a good mood. If you don't have an appetite when you wake up, go for a run and take a contrast shower. These manipulations stimulate the feeling of hunger. Porridge, omelette with vegetables, grain bread with low-fat cheese would be excellent for an athlete. When you don't have time, you can drink a milkshake and take breakfast to work.

More water and fiber

Take this rule to heart. Proper nutrition during training involves consuming fiber, which helps the body cleanse itself and get rid of toxins. In addition, it can help ensure the absorption of all nutrients. Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, and mushrooms. An athlete's diet should contain about 400 grams of these products. Moreover, the lion's share should be given to vegetables - they are the most useful. The exception is potatoes; their consumption should be limited to a minimum. Instead, lean on pureed pumpkin and broccoli soups and vegetable carrots.

Also, drink plenty of fluids. Under its influence, fiber in the intestines swells, thereby stimulating digestion. The minimum daily intake is 2 liters of non-carbonated clean water. But the more intensely you exercise, the more you need fluids to replenish lost supplies. It's easy to check if you have enough water. To do this, you need to look at your urine: if its color is rich, you need to drink more liquid.

Should you cut out fats?

Proper nutrition during training for girls and boys involves the use of lipids, although many categorically refuse them. Remember: during intense physical activity, fats are necessary. They consist of a large number of hormones that take an active part in the process of burning deposited lipids. Also, the presence of fats in the diet reduces the release of insulin, which transforms glucose into subcutaneous fat. Accordingly, your hips will simply become thin and beautiful before your eyes.

The body needs the so-called proper fats: Omega-6 and Omega-3. They are found in large quantities in fish and seafood, so be sure to include them in your diet. You can eat any fish, with the exception of fried and smoked versions. It is best if it is boiled, baked or steamed. Animal fats are less useful, although they are also needed for the absorption of certain vitamins. To satisfy your need for them, you can eat a little butter for breakfast.

Pre-workout nutrition

As already mentioned, the body needs fuel before starting exercise. The correct one includes the following menu: lean steak and buckwheat, poultry and rice, scrambled eggs and vegetables, oatmeal and nuts. These dishes have already become classics of the genre for athletes. The calorie content should be sufficient. Large meals, such as a bowl of soup or a large salad, should be eaten 2 hours before class. A hearty small meal - a piece of meat, for example, can be eaten half an hour before training.

If you exercise to build muscle mass, 40 minutes before going to the gym, eat several fruits with a low glycemic index: grapefruit, apples, prunes, apricots, cherries. Berries allowed: black currant, blackberry, blueberry. It's good to have a cup of coffee. The first will provide the substances necessary for building muscle, the second will mobilize fat so that the body uses it as fuel.

When sports activities are in full swing

It is important to eat properly before and after exercise, and drink fluids during exercise. When working out in the gym, drink as much as possible. Otherwise, you will be sleepy, sluggish and unproductive. Don't focus on thirst, drink constantly. When you want to take a sip of liquid, your body will already be dehydrated. And this is unacceptable. With age, the receptors responsible for the need for fluid lose their sensitivity. Therefore, you will not immediately feel that you need water. The main signs of dehydration are:

  • Headache.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Chapped lips.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nervousness.

The drinking regime should look like this: before training, drink a glass of water, during training, drink every 15 minutes. If the physical activity is intense and lasts more than an hour, you can drink any natural energy drink an hour before the start: green tea, fresh vegetable vitamin juice, berry smoothie, freshly squeezed fruit juice. If you don’t trust store-bought analogues, make your own drinks.

After training

It is recommended to eat heavily in the first 20 minutes after class. If you do not sit down at the table for 2 hours after finishing your workout, it will be of little use: the increase in muscle mass will remain at a minimum level. Bodybuilders call this period of time the “anabolic window” for consuming proteins and carbohydrates. What you eat during this period will help increase muscle volume. There are many menu options: omelette with vegetables and pita bread, turkey with black bread, fruit juice and cheese, fish steak and salad, cereal with milk, pea porridge and boiled meat, and so on.

Proper nutrition during training is aimed at low-fat dishes, which consist of one third of carbohydrates and two of proteins. To further replenish your supply, drink milkshakes. Natural protein drink is a mixture of egg whites, milk, cottage cheese and nuts whipped in a blender. For sweetness, you can add honey and a slice of banana. This cocktail can be consumed before training and in the midst of training.

What is prohibited?

Proper nutrition on training days has one goal - to eliminate fat and gain muscle mass. Therefore, lipids in food should be minimal. If there are a lot of them in the diet, they slow down the breakdown and absorption of nutrients and vitamins. Protein dishes should also be as low-fat as possible: no pork or chicken legs. Instead, gobble up poultry breast or veal. Be careful with dairy products too. Buy exclusively low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk and kefir. But fatty fish will be useful. This is a pleasant exception to the rule.

Proper nutrition when training in the gym is the basis. If you ignore it, the effect of the exercise will be virtually invisible. Therefore, follow the basic rules of a healthy and wholesome diet. Also, spend as much time as possible on fresh air, play sports games, ride a bike, swim. In a word, lead. All this will help you achieve results faster and make it more effective.

Today you are going to the gym! Someone anticipates this event and prepares for it in the morning, carefully putting together their uniform, postponing gatherings with friends in a cafe until another day, preparing dinner for the household, and at the end of the working day they quickly turn off the computer and run to the nearest sports club. Another perceives this as a necessity to maintain the image of an active fashionable person or as a habit learned from childhood spent at training camps. But for everyone who has plunged headlong and all other parts of the body into the world of fitness and a healthy lifestyle, the main result is what they see in the mirror after many hours of stepping on the step or swimming in the pool. Unfortunately, the desired effect from training is not always noticeable. After all, many people forget that an active rhythm of life requires a special diet and composition of nutrition.

Pre-workout nutrition

So, into the diet pre-workout nutrition necessary:

1. Enable:

- carbohydrates.

2. Exclude:

Fats (or no more than 3 g).

Carbohydrates V pre-workout nutrition necessary to provide the muscles and brain with energy. During exercise, “fuel” is burned very quickly, and it is necessary that it be glycogen, since the body cannot supply the required amounts of energy from fat (due to lack of oxygen).

Squirrels in pre-workout nutrition will not be a source of energy, they are a source of amino acids for working muscles. As a result, immediately after training, muscle protein synthesis increases sharply.

Fat should be absent from pre-workout nutrition because it slows down the stomach and the speed of digestion. Fatty foods stay in the stomach longer and can cause colic, nausea and belching during exercise.

Best Pre-Workout Meals:
- poultry (turkey, chicken breasts) with coarse bread or rice;
- lean steak with potatoes;
- omelette made from egg whites with oatmeal.

The caloric content of food before training should be normal, as at other times. It is better to eat bulk food (a large portion of salad or a bowl of soup) an hour or two before training, so that it has time to be digested and the stomach is empty. More dense food (half a plate of porridge or cottage cheese) can be eaten 30 minutes to an hour before the start of the workout.
If you are training to build muscle, then 30 minutes before training, eat one large fruit with a low glycemic index (apple, pear, strawberry or any other berries) and wash it down with a protein drink (preferably whey protein). The protein calculation for this shake is as follows: 0.22 g of whey protein per kilogram of weight. For example, if you weigh 68 kg, then the cocktail (mixed with water) should contain 15 g of protein.
Also, 30 minutes before training, drink a glass of strong black coffee (with sweetener, but not cream) or very strong green tea. This will help the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which mobilize fat from fat cells so that the body can use it as fuel. This way, you will burn more fat and less glucose, glycogen and amino acids during your workout. Fatigue during the training process will come much later. Your head will be clearer and you will be able to train more intensely. The effects of pre-workout coffee last approximately 2 hours. It’s better not to eat anything immediately before training, since physical activity distracts from the process of digestion (rhythmic contractions of the stomach to digest food). As a last resort, if you are very hungry, you can drink a glass of protein shake or milk.

Drinking regimen during training

The most important thing during training is not to forget to drink! Even with 2% dehydration, training will be sluggish and ineffective. Don't focus on the feeling of thirst. Intense workouts suppress the thirst receptors in the throat and gastrointestinal tract, so that by the time you get thirsty, your body will already be dehydrated. Additionally, as we age, the body's thirst sensors become less sensitive. Adults need to drink water because they need to, and not because they want to.
If you notice symptoms of dehydration (two or more at the same time):
- feeling of thirst,
- dry mouth,
- dry or even cracked lips,
- dizziness,
- fatigue,
- headache,
- irritability,
- lack of appetite,
Start drinking water immediately and stop exercising for a few minutes until symptoms subside.

Drinking regimen next: drink a glass of water right before starting your workout and drink a little every 15-20 minutes during exercise. The amount you drink will depend on the amount of sweat. You need to keep your body hydrated and even super hydrated during your workouts.
If the workout lasts more than an hour, then it is advisable to drink special sports drinks. About 30-60 g of carbohydrates per hour should be supplied from them with sugars. The body will not absorb more than 60 g of carbohydrates during training, and training productivity may decrease. You should drink high-calorie drinks little by little, sipping every 10 minutes. Sports drinks also contain beneficial electrolytes (salts) that the body loses through sweat and urine.
During training, you can also drink fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed, not store-bought. It's safe to say that all store-bought juices, even those sold as "100% juice with no added sugar," are diluted with water and contain added sugars. Orange juices most often contain beet sugar, while apple juices contain corn syrup and inulin. The best juice is freshly squeezed orange juice, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Post-workout nutrition

You should eat immediately after training, preferably within the first 20 minutes. If you abstain from food for 2 hours after the end of the workout, then the workout loses all meaning - as a result, NOTHING TRAINS, a little fat will be burned, and that’s all, but there will be no increase in strength, muscle density, slimness and metabolic rate. In the first 20 minutes after training, the body opens the so-called post-workout (anabolic) window for consuming proteins and carbohydrates (but not fats). Everything that is eaten during this period will go towards muscle recovery and growth. muscle mass, not a single calorie from food will go to fat. This is very important.
Post-workout carbohydrates are best consumed in liquid form from simple, high-glycemic sources. You want to get a spike in insulin levels, with its anabolic and anti-catabolic (helps build lean muscle tissue) properties. Cranberry and grape juice are considered the best because they have a high glucose to fructose ratio. Consume approximately 1 gram of carbohydrates from juice for every kilogram of your IDEAL weight. A glass of grape juice contains 38 g of carbohydrates (155 kcal), and a glass of cranberry juice contains 31 g of carbohydrates (115 kcal). You can also eat any carbohydrate food that does not contain fat (bread, jam, sugar, potatoes, rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables, etc.).
In addition, immediately after training you need to load up on proteins. It's best in powdered protein drink form. In this way, muscle protein synthesis after training will increase 3 times (compared to fasting). So take a bottle of protein powder and juice shake with you if you're working out outside the home, and drink it all as soon as you stop working out. The amount of protein from the powder should be 0.55 g per kilogram ideal weight. If you can't drink protein shakes for some reason, rely on egg whites.
If you have the opportunity to eat within an hour after training, then choose any protein food, just calculate the required amount of protein. Your dose of protein food can be determined very simply: it should fit in the palm of your hand. Since post-workout nutrition There is only one important goal - to promote the growth of muscle mass as quickly and effectively as possible - then this meal should not contain fat at all. Fat will slow down the flow of carbohydrates and proteins from the stomach into the blood.
Protein foods should be low-fat, i.e. if chicken, then breasts, not legs. If eggs, then only whites. Beef and pork should be avoided as they are always very fatty, give preference to veal. You also need to be careful with cheese, milk, yogurt and cottage cheese - as a rule, they contain at least 5% fat. The only exception is fatty fish (not fried!). You can and should eat it as often as possible.
After training, for two hours, it is advisable to exclude everything that contains caffeine: coffee, tea, cocoa and anything chocolate (even chocolate-flavored protein powders). The fact is that caffeine interferes with insulin and thus prevents your body from reloading glycogen into the muscles and liver and using protein for muscle repair. So if you train in the morning, wait 2 hours and then drink real strong coffee. A cup of coffee before your workout should help you stay alert and energized. If you can’t give up coffee or tea at all, choose their decaffinized analogues.

Workout and nutrition for weight loss

Drinking and eating regimen before and after training for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, just lose weight, and not build muscle, tighten up, etc., then:
- do not eat protein 5 hours before training,
- 3 hours before training, do not eat at all,
- 30 minutes - 1 hour before training, stop drinking,
- it is advisable not to drink during training,
- do not drink for an hour after training,
- Do not eat for 3 hours after training.
The results will be tangible.

Two Week Fitness Diet

The fitness diet requires five meals a day.

With an average caloric intake of about 1400-1800 calories per day, such a diet ensures safe weight loss. A sample fitness diet is low in fat, high in carbohydrates and protein. When following a diet, you need to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day. Even if your weight increases on the scale, it’s okay, it means you’re losing fat and gaining muscle. You shouldn't rely entirely on scales. The main thing is how you look when looking in the mirror, and changes can also be judged by your clothes. If you cannot eat strictly according to the diet, then try to count the calories you consume and choose the menu according to the calorie table, trying to eat the least fatty foods. If possible, do not take too long breaks in your diet, they contribute to fat deposits!

Fitness diet menu

1st day
Breakfast: 2 eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites), 100 g oatmeal, 1 glass orange juice, 50 g low-fat cottage cheese.
Second breakfast: fruit salad, low-fat yogurt.
Lunch: 100 g boiled chicken, 100 g rice, green salad.
Afternoon snack: baked potato, low-fat yogurt.
Dinner: 200 g of stewed fish, salad, apple.

2nd day
Breakfast: 100 g of muesli, 1 glass of skim milk, 2 eggs, some fruit.
Second breakfast: 1 glass of carrot juice, 50 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: chicken salad (150-200 g of meat), 1 potato, apple.
Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, fruit.
Dinner: 150 g fish, 1 cup boiled beans, salad (can be served with low-fat salad dressing).

3rd day
Breakfast: 200 g strawberries, 100 g oatmeal, 2 egg omelet.

Lunch: 200 g fish, 100 g rice, salad.
Afternoon snack: fruit, yogurt.
Dinner: 100 g turkey, 1 cup corn, salad.

4th day
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g rolled oats, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: banana, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: 150 g chicken, 50 g rice.
Afternoon snack: 1 glass of vegetable juice, bran.
Dinner: 120 g beef, a cup of corn.

5th day
Breakfast: peach, 100 g of oatmeal, omelette, glass of juice.
Second breakfast: 1 glass of vegetable juice, 100 g of rice.
Lunch: pita bread, 100 g turkey, apple.
Afternoon snack: salad, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Dinner: 100 g chicken, salad.

6th day
Breakfast: omelet, 100 g buckwheat, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese, banana.
Lunch: 200 g fish, 100 g rice, salad, 1 glass of orange juice.
Afternoon snack: baked potato, yogurt.
Dinner: 150 g shrimp, vegetable salad.

7th day
Breakfast: apple, 2 egg omelet, 100 g buckwheat.
Lunch; 100 g cottage cheese, peach.
Dinner; 100 g beef, vegetable mixture (corn, carrots, peas).
Afternoon snack: yogurt, 100 g rice.
Dinner: 150 g chicken, vegetable salad.

8th day
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g muesli, 1 glass of skim milk, 2 eggs.
Second breakfast: 70 g rice, 1 peach.
Lunch: 120 g chicken, salad, half a plate of pasta, 1 glass of orange juice.
Afternoon snack: yogurt, apple.
Dinner: 120 g beef, vegetable salad.

9th day
Breakfast: omelet, 100 g buckwheat, fruit, 1 glass of orange juice.
Second breakfast: banana, cottage cheese.
Lunch: 100 g fish, 100 g rice, peach, 1 glass of orange juice.
Afternoon snack: yogurt, 50-100 g dried apricots.
Dinner: 200 g fish, baked potatoes, vegetable juice.

10th day
Breakfast: 1 glass of blueberries, 100 g of oatmeal, omelet.
Second breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 50 g raisins.
Lunch: 100 g chicken, baked potato, 1 glass of vegetable juice.
Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, orange.
Dinner: 100 g fish, vegetable salad.

11th day
Breakfast: a slice of watermelon, 2 eggs, 50 g of bran bread, 1 glass of orange juice.

Lunch: 100 g rice, 200 g squid.
Afternoon snack: 150 g fish, salad.
Dinner: 100 g chicken, corn salad.

12th day
Breakfast: 1 glass of carrot juice, 100 g of oatmeal, omelet.
Second breakfast: 100 g of rice with raisins and dried apricots.
Lunch: 100 g chicken in pita, salad.

Dinner: 120 g beef, 100 g broccoli.

13th day
Breakfast: grapefruit, 100 g of oatmeal, omelette.
Second breakfast: 50 g of cottage cheese, peach.
Lunch: 120 g turkey in pita bread, boiled corn on the cob.
Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, apple.
Dinner: 150 g fish, vegetable salad.

Day 14
Breakfast: 1 glass of orange juice, 2 eggs, 100 g of muesli, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: banana, 50 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: 150 g chicken, green salad, 100 g rice.
Afternoon snack: yogurt, peach.
Dinner: 150 g river fish, vegetable salad.

In the field of sports nutrition there is a term nutrient timing- this is a special nutritional scheme in which it is important which nutrients, in what quantity and at what time, entered the body. But specialists from the organization of professional trainers and nutritionists Precision Nutrition came to the conclusion that an ordinary person who exercises regularly does not need any supplements or a special regimen.

Athletes have special needs

Nutrient timing makes sense if:

  • You are training for endurance. Participate in competitions high level, run many kilometers at a high intensity every week. Then during training you can drink drinks with added proteins and carbohydrates (P + C).
  • You are a bodybuilder. Raise heavy weights and are working to increase muscle mass, want to gain weight. Sports drinks will also help.
  • You are preparing for a fitness competition. You train for hours on end. You want your body fat percentage to be able to be written down in one number. To achieve this goal, branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) help stimulate and maintain muscle fibers.

Diet not for athletes

  • you exercise to improve your overall health and fitness;
  • you do not have far-reaching goals;
  • you have no special physiological needs;

...then you don't need a special nutrition strategy. It cannot be said that the regime is good or bad. It's just a tool that you need to know how to use.

The regime is not needed by office workers who have never exercised and have brought themselves to a pre-diabetic state, but it is needed by professionals.

In fact, only athletes can benefit from a strict nutrient schedule. The regime is not a magic wand; it will not have an immediate effect on your well-being and appearance. Especially if you only stick to it occasionally.

First, let's figure out what happens in the body before, during and after training, and then we'll find out what you need to eat to get the maximum in each case.

Before training

Three hours before exercise, you should eat something that will help:

  • stock up on energy;
  • increase activity;
  • protect against dehydration;
  • maintain muscle mass;
  • recover quickly.

Squirrels When eaten pre-workout, they help maintain or increase muscle size, prevent too much muscle damage, and flood the bloodstream with amino acids at a time when the body needs them most. It is important for everyone who improves their health along with their body proportions.

While you haven’t rushed to do it yet: protein before training is important, but the speed of its digestion does not affect the result so much. So any protein product eaten a few hours before training will lead to the same effect.

Carbohydrates provide fuel for long, multi-hour workouts and accelerate recovery after intense exercise, stimulating insulin production. They also store glycogen in the muscles and liver, thanks to which the brain receives signals of satiety, so that the body can calmly spend energy on muscle growth.

Influence fat the quality of the upcoming training has not been confirmed. But they slow down the digestion process, which helps maintain a constant level of glucose in the blood and a stable state, and are involved in the absorption of vitamins and minerals that play important role in any diet.

Pre-workout nutrition: practice

Have lunch (or breakfast) a couple of hours before your workout. Or take a smaller portion almost before class (and if you want to gain weight, then eat twice).

2–3 hours before training

Eat a set lunch and drink something low-calorie (preferably plain water).

For men, lunch should consist of the following products:

For women, the composition is slightly different:

One hour before training

Some people prefer to eat something light immediately before training. One problem: the less time left before the start, the faster you need to digest the food. Therefore, it is better to use something liquid like.

Example recipe:

  • 1 spoon of protein powder;
  • 1 cup vegetables (spinach is great in smoothies);
  • 1 cup of carbohydrate-containing foods (such as bananas);
  • 1 teaspoon of fatty foods (nuts or flax seeds);
  • water or unsweetened almond milk.

Or a more delicious option:

  • 1 spoon of chocolate protein powder;
  • 1 cup spinach;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter;
  • chocolate almond milk (no sugar).

This may not be worth mentioning, but you should only eat foods that won't irritate your stomach before exercising. Otherwise... Well, you know what could be different.

Nutrient Requirements During Training

List of nutritional goals during training: prevent fluid loss, provide immediate fuel, increase activity, maintain muscle and recover quickly.

Admission proteins saves from damage muscle tissue, helps fast regeneration and increases the effectiveness of training in the long term. This is especially important if more than three hours have passed since your last meal. To maintain muscles, you need a little, 15 grams per hour. But this advice is only relevant for athletes who train hard, who train daily and follow a varied program, or for athletes who are trying to gain mass.

Carbohydrates, eaten during training, is a source of energy that will be used here and now. The result is activity and high speed recovery. Plus, carbohydrates reduce the production of the stress hormone (cortisol) and increase it. But! Again, only from the pros. How many carbohydrates do you need? It depends why. The maximum that the body can process during exercise is 60–70 grams. But if you mix carbohydrates with proteins, then 30–45 grams of the former will be enough for you.

Fats before and after training is good. But in the process they must be discarded due to difficulties in digestion. Fats combined with exercise are too high load on the stomach.

Nutrition during training: practice

If you work on yourself for less than two hours, then all your attention should be paid to the flow of water, especially if you have properly organized your nutrition before and after training. for classes less than two hours are not needed.


  • you exercise in the heat and sweat a lot;
  • in less than eight hours, another workout awaits you;
  • you are working on gaining weight;
  • you drink a few sips at the very end of your workout to keep your energy up.

If you spend more than two hours exercising in the heat, don't rely on water alone. Otherwise, you risk critically reducing sodium levels, which will cause heart failure.

Post-workout nutritional needs

List of goals:

  • recovery;
  • replenishment of fluid reserves;
  • refueling;
  • muscle formation;
  • improved endurance in the future.

Use squirrel after training leads to growth or at least maintenance of the amount of muscle tissue. There are still proteins in your blood from the food you ate before your workout, so the speed at which the new portion arrives is not too important. This leads us to conclude that the fast-digesting proteins from protein powders are no better than normal food. But it’s no worse. What you like - choose for yourself. For speed and convenience, make a protein shake, or if you want a “real” meal, make a high protein lunch. For men, the norm is 46–60 grams, for women – 20–30 grams.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary to consume refined carbohydrates and to ensure insulin release and muscle recovery after exercise as quickly as possible. In fact, a mixture of minimally processed carbohydrate foods (whole grains, for example) and fruit will work better because it is better tolerated, helps maintain glycogen levels for about 24 hours, and leaves you feeling more energetic the next day. Athletes who perform two difficult sessions within eight hours are, of course, the exception. For everyone else, a normal lunch and fruit are preferable.

Fats It is strictly forbidden to consume them after training: they slow down the absorption of nutrients. This is a truth that in most cases no one needs. Because the rate of nutrient intake is not important, as we have already found out.

Post-workout nutrition: practice

No need to skip to the refrigerator as soon as you leave the gym. But you shouldn’t forget about food either: you need to have time within two hours after completing the exercises.

What you eat before training will affect what you eat after it. If you just had a snack before training or several hours passed between lunch and exercise, then it makes sense to hurry up with your reinforcement and have time to eat within an hour. If you trained on an empty stomach (for example, did exercises before breakfast), then you need to chew something as quickly as possible.

But if you've been following the nutrition tips in this article, you may want to wait an hour or two after your workout to get the most out of your body's nutritional benefits.

Immediately after training

The approach is the same as for pre-workout nutrition: balanced food.

Sample diet for men:

  • 2 cups of protein products;
  • 2 cups vegetables;
  • 2 cups carbohydrates;
  • a teaspoon of fat;
  • non-calorie drink (water).

The approximate diet for women is exactly the same, just smaller in volume.

Sometimes after training you don't feel hungry. In this case, we return to the smoothie.


There are no uniform recipes for nutrition before, after and during training. This is obvious and has been said many times.

Nutrition always depends on individual conditions. A runner who weighs 70 kg cannot eat the same as a bodybuilder whose weight has crossed a hundred. They have different needs and different types of training. The duration of classes also dictates the conditions and needs of the recovery period. The same bodybuilder will change his diet when he begins to prepare for a competition.

For you and me, people for whom participation in sports competition, a variety of high-quality food will be enough, in which all nutrients, vegetables and fruits, vitamins and microelements, and antioxidants will be proportionally present. Such food will fill you with energy, provide material for building muscles, relieve irritation and dramatically speed up recovery. You can eat your usual food or drink a smoothie. You can eat more or less depending on your feelings and preferences.

As for time, we have two hours before training and the same amount after. And the total amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are consumed throughout the day has a much greater impact on our body, weight, fat percentage and endurance than a clock-based regimen.

Eat and exercise with pleasure.

Hello, dear visitors of our blog! I hope that the recommendations from the article “What to eat before training to lose weight” helped you create a daily diet of healthy and harmless food for the body. ?

With the products we used before physical activities, we have successfully decided by excluding fats from the menu and leaving only carbohydrates and proteins in it. However, the burning question that many of you are asking remains: What should you eat after a workout to lose weight?

The information provided to users on the World Wide Web does not allow us to draw clear conclusions - sites and blogs are guided by one material, copying the source text from one resource to another.

I propose a responsible approach to resolving the current situation, identifying a set of rules based on the opinions of nutritionists, and identifying a number of healthy products, with which we can replenish our energy reserve after physical activity.

What to eat after exercise: list of healthy foods

Today I would like to change the structure of my article and start by listing products that are relevant for use after training process.

Having studied the information presented on the web pages of specialized sites and having read the recommendations of competent nutritionists, I have compiled a list of healthy foods that will be the choice of losing weight athletes and athletes who are cutting:

  • lean poultry;
  • veal tenderloin without veins;
  • low-fat dairy products (kefir, milk, yogurt);
  • white fish meat;
  • granular cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat;
  • eggs;
  • seafood (clams, shrimp, octopus, cuttlefish);
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • protein-based nutritional supplements.

Now we have a clear idea of ​​the traditional set of foods eaten after a workout by a losing weight person. ?

I suggest going to next stage, in which we will identify a whole set of rules and determine the answers to the questions: How long after physical activity can you eat? How much food should you eat? What restrictions are there? Is it possible to eat in the evening after finishing the training process?

Useful information: “Within 40–60 minutes after completing physical activity, an “anabolic window” opens in the body - a complex biological process during which all food consumed is spent on restoring muscle tissue without being deposited in subcutaneous fats.”

Recommendations from nutritionists: 10 rules that increase the effect of weight loss after exercise

To ensure that post-workout nutrition does not interfere with the natural burning of fat deposits in our body, we must follow 10 simple rules that will help improve the weight loss process.

I present to your attention, dear friends, effective recommendations from specialists in the field of dietary techniques and sports nutrition:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. During the training process, many toxins and wastes are removed from our body. However, along with them, useful minerals and hormonal substances that normalize the functioning of biological mechanisms are also washed away. The reserves of elements necessary for the full functioning of the body should be replenished 15–20 minutes after completion of the workout.
  2. Eat a handful of dried apricots. A small portion of dried apricots (20–30 grams) can be eaten 25 minutes after finishing the last exercise. The product helps replenish potassium reserves and provides muscle cells with glucose.
  3. The main meal should begin 1.5 hours after physical activity. Only after 1.5 hours, regardless of the time of day, can you start a full meal. It must be easily digestible, consist of fiber and proteins (dairy products, vegetables, fruits).
  4. Choose foods designed for muscle growth. After training, you should eat food that is designed to be digested muscle structures. Such food contains a minimum of carbohydrates and is not stored as subcutaneous fat(vegetables, white fish meat, lean broths, cottage cheese, eggs, turkey, chicken).
  5. “Listen” to your body. You should not be guided solely by the instructions of your fitness instructor or coach - often many of these people have only specialized education, which is not supported by knowledge in practice. Take into account the characteristics of your body yourself, try new combinations of healthy foods, increase and decrease your diet - experiment. Naturally, without getting carried away with junk food, guys. ?
  6. Don't neglect nutritional supplements. In modern food additives contains a large number of useful microelements, substances that accelerate the metabolic process, vitamins that provide the body with the necessary energy. Friends, before purchasing a product, read the reviews about the manufacturing company, and prefer powder mixtures to capsules and tablets. Classic protein mixed with kefir or yogurt can be an excellent post-workout snack.
  7. Start your meal without forgetting to look at your watch first. Consider the time of day you work out. This factor does not affect the interval in food intake, however, the composition of the dishes changes radically. During breakfast, you can show your culinary imagination, but after evening physical activity before bed, limit yourself to a glass of kefir.
  8. Part of the weight loss process is cleansing the body of waste and toxins. Fiber consumption complex carbohydrates and water helps to accelerate the process of elimination - washing away harmful substances from our body. Along with toxins and waste, we also get rid of extra pounds. This is exactly the result we need. ?
  9. Reward yourself with healthy food. You should not limit yourself in your choice of food. You can sometimes allow yourself tasty but healthy food. If you use your imagination, you can prepare delicious dishes from protein and carbohydrate foods with minimal fat content.
  10. Track visual changes in your figure and vital processes of the body over time. Regardless of what you are doing power loads or take the time aerobic exercise– track your own results. Only your body can give the best and most plausible advice. By observing changes in biological processes, in a short time you will determine the diet that is optimal for you.

There are only 10 simple rules, following which you can significantly increase the effect of losing weight after training. Friends, do not forget that this is not a strict diet, but recommendations that represent a technique. Be sure to take into account the characteristics of your body, because an individual approach in gastronomy and sports is of fundamental importance.

On the Internet, it is in our blog that the most full information about the rules of nutrition after training.

Guys, don't forget to share your own tips based on personal experience, in the comments under this and other articles. Working together always helps to cover broader areas of knowledge, so we welcome your recommendations, questions and comments. ?

I hope that very soon we will see you again on the web pages of our blog, continuing the exciting path to healthy image life together. I wish you good mood and bright thoughts! See you soon, friends! ?