Fishing in the autumn. Fish behavior in autumn

It was talked about how carp behaves during the autumn period. This article will continue the story about the behavior of the most popular fish in bycatch. After all, knowing fish behavior in late autumn much simpler, easier to accept the right decision, And autumn fishing will give you many more wonderful moments. Let's go underwater and look in more detail at how the fish that live in our reservoirs behave. Let's start with the biggest one.


In many ways it is similar to the behavior of carp. Unless their diet never included aquatic vegetation. Therefore, they do not change their menu in cold water. But catfish hunt in the fall much less often than in the spring, at the same temperature.

When the shallow waters begin to cool, large catfish rush to deeper places. Here they continue hunting for white fish, which by this time also begins to look for deep and oxygen-rich points.

Usually, the mustachioed predator goes hunting in the dark. In sunlight, catfish prefer to settle in shelters. For this, driftwood at the bottom of reservoirs is most suitable for him, and he climbs into them very deeply.

Its protective coloring perfectly camouflages the catfish’s body. In the darkness of a flooded tree, it is very difficult to distinguish a predator. Unless the white belly of a catfish can be identified with a flashlight.

To find a river giant, you need to carefully examine all the intertwining branches and trunks. The catfish can stand either hidden in a snag or on a flat sandy bottom covered with shells, using the smallest potholes as a resting place.

Autumn catfish are not as active as spring catfish. He is cautious and ready to take off at the first sign of danger. Therefore, it is very important that the hunter approaches the prey as carefully as possible and that his equipment does not make unnecessary sounds.

Catfish is one of our very first fish to spend the winter. The choice of a suitable location is most likely determined by depth, current and, most importantly, shelter. A good snag in a hole or next to it plus a current will definitely attract the attention of more than a dozen mustachioed robbers.

Since mid-October, almost everywhere, such places have been favored by catfish. But it is not necessary for the snag to be located in the deepest part of the river. The main thing is that there is at least a slight current there.

Often small catfish spend the winter in shallow water, burying their heads in the mud. It is important that the reservoir does not freeze to the bottom in this place, otherwise the catfish will certainly die.

It happens that nature decides to bestow warm days before the harsh winter. The sun can warm up shallow water quite quickly. And even if the water temperature rises only a few degrees, this will become an active incentive for the fish to take active action.

Small roaches, bleaks and chubs will not miss the opportunity to feast on fluttering insects, which were just awakened by the fleeting warming. For them, having another hearty meal before freeze-up is a pleasant surprise.

Flying insects are inaccessible to minnows. But they can always dig up a tasty worm from the soil. A slight warming is to their advantage - after all, everything at the bottom is also moving. These fish do not fall into winter torpor. Except that they will go out in search of food less and less often.

Many catfish have already returned to their wintering places. Such warming does not give them anything. But if someone hasn't found a place for themselves yet winter holiday– he will have to hurry up. The warming will quickly end, and the approaching cold will quickly bring everything back to normal.

In shallow water with current, it is easier for the somenka to survive winter frosts. Most likely, there will be no ice on a large jet. And even if there is ice, the freeze-up in such a place will be shorter. And the water temperature, although half a degree, should be higher than directly under the ice.

For avid fishermen, fishing is not just a hobby, but a way of life. They are ready to go fishing at any time of the year, knowing that each season has its own distinctive features, for which you must be prepared. When going fishing in the fall, you need to know exactly what, where and how to catch, since unstable weather and the oncoming cold will not allow time for long and leisurely fishing.

Features of fishing in autumn

By mid-autumn, the number of fishermen noticeably thins out: some do not like wet weather, while others lack endurance. Fishing in the fall, especially in November, must be preceded by careful preparation.

The main features of autumn fishing :

  • Fish move to depths where there is food
  • The main food for fish are insects and their larvae living in the bottom water layers.
  • Due to the drop in water temperature, the fish swim sluggishly and little
  • Having fattened up over the summer, in the autumn months the fish becomes a real gourmet and does not allow itself to be caught with just any bait.
  • Changeable autumn weather forces fish to swim along the shore in warm weather, and to return to the bottom in cold weather.
  • The algae bloom season is over, the water is becoming clearer, so you should give up coarse gear and switch to more inconspicuous ones.
  • A fisherman should always dress appropriately for the weather and have protection from rain and strong winds, since the weather can deteriorate at any moment.

Fishing in September

From September you need to start changing your fishing tactics. Just as fish this month does not swim for a long time in one place, so the fisherman should move more often. After all, the more places are explored, the greater the catch will be. Deep holes, creeks and rifts are the places that are worth exploring first. Fishing from a boat will significantly increase the chances of a good catch. Fishing is excellent at this time, but you can easily hook it with summer gear. It is better to use animal baits, and maggots, worms and bloodworms (predatory fish) are suitable for bait. It is worth treating baits with caution: they should not have a strong smell, which at this time may not attract, but rather scare away fish prey. Several consecutive quiet cloudy days are ideal weather conditions for September fishing. Increased biting has also been observed during warm calm periods after prolonged cool weather. , and are well caught in the first month of autumn, but hunting becomes unpredictable.

Fishing in October

Frequent October rains negatively affect the bite, and regular pressure changes negatively affect the fish. At high pressure it goes to the bottom, at low pressure it begins to rise to the surface. Therefore, every self-respecting fisherman should have a barometer with him. The bite is good in October predatory fish, which begins to feed more actively, filling itself with fat for the winter. and spinning are the main gear at this time. It is good to catch perch and pike with fry, and roach with maggots. You can try to catch perch, which is picky at this time, by vertical trolling on a small spoon with a bloodworm or a worm.

Fishing in November

November borders on the first month of winter, so fishing this time has a number of features. Fans of fishing divide it into 3 periods: 1) before the formation of ice; 2) freeze-up; 3) first ice.

Fishing before the ice freezes. Fishing here is no different from October, since the weather is similar. Fish can be caught using spinning rods and using. You can selectively fish on float rods.

Fishing during ice cover. You should start fishing in the backwaters of large reservoirs, ponds and lakes. At the beginning of the freeze-up, fish usually bite throughout the day. Fishing is good in the morning and evening, until sunset.

Fishing on the first ice

In calm weather, fish are caught from morning until evening. Having winter sports equipment in his arsenal, a fisherman can catch almost any fish. Pike, perch and pike perch are caught with large spoons, bream, roach, with float rods in places with low currents, large pike– in deep water with live bait fishing rods with perch or crucian carp. Everything is caught in the wiring except pike perch and pike, where the depth is shallow and the current is quiet. In general, November fishing uses both summer and winter gear. This is the transition from open water fishing to ice fishing. Big rivers and reservoirs freeze slowly, so they can be successfully varied between the two types of fishing. Fishermen actively hunt for pike and predatory fish.

Baits for fishing in autumn

You can buy complementary food at a fishing store or make it yourself. This bait has proven itself well: crackers, oatmeal, salt, sugar and sand diluent. Flavorings in groundbait should be kept to a minimum in the fall. You can add maggots or bloodworms to the bait, which will give the natural smell of the inhabitants of reservoirs. It is important to calculate the consistency and density of the bait ball. It seems that you just mold a ball and put it in the water, and it falls apart there. However, in waters with a current you should make a large and dense ball so that it disintegrates slowly under the influence of water currents, but in calm cold water, on the contrary, it is small and loose - it will quickly fall apart and begin to “muddy”, which is what is needed for successful fishing.

The fisherman should also pay attention to the activity of the fish. If it is lethargic, then the frequency of adding bait should be minimal. Usually a kilogram of bait is enough for fishing, which should be thrown in small portions during the first hour. Supplemental feeding takes place only after the bite subsides. If you use bloodworms as bait, you will need about 200 grams of it for one fishing trip. It is difficult to take large fish for bait in the fall; often they do not pay any attention to them, and only “clean” bloodworms can somehow interest them.

IMPORTANT! When going fishing, completely eliminate strong odors - first of all, perfumes. Fish have an excellent sense of smell, and baits and baits absorb odors well. Keep this in mind so that all preparations do not go in vain.

Lures for fishing in autumn

It is important not only to lure the fish to the fishing spot with bait, but also to finally interest it in the bait. The combination of good bait and bait will never leave the angler without a catch.

Bloodworm. In autumn, this type of bait is the most accessible, but it is not always offered fresh in stores. The fish will not bite on a bad bloodworm, so you should approach its purchase thoroughly. You need to buy dark larvae: they are not impressive with their aesthetic appearance, but they stay on the hook perfectly, are more tenacious and are more likely to attract fish. The ideal bloodworm is the one that is obtained from the reservoir in which the fishing takes place. It is better to take hooks No. 18, 20 and 22 - they will help preserve the natural appearance of the bloodworm.

Maggot. The second most popular bait is affordable and versatile. For autumn fishing, it is better to take “long-lived” maggots, which are grown in an incubator and have no foreign odor. It is excellent for catching perch and roach throughout the year. Bream and crucian carp can be caught using larvae that have already begun to pupate. It has a dark brown color and slowly sinks into the water, being in a state of “weightlessness.” When fishing in the current, it is better to use large larvae, in calm places - small maggots. You should not string more than one maggot on a hook.

Caddisfly. In clean reservoirs in the autumn, fish often stop responding to maggots and bloodworms. Then the caddis fly bait comes to the rescue. In autumn, it descends to the depths, and only the most courageous fishermen go in search of it. It is caught either in the reservoir itself or in the streams flowing into it. An anchor, or a grapple, picks up a snag and pulls it out with a sharp movement. The speed of reaction here plays a decisive role, because as soon as the caddis fly hits the air, it immediately detaches itself and dives into the water again.

IMPORTANT! You should not immediately remove the caught caddisfly larvae from the “houses”. Wait until fishing starts and only then get down to business. Now the caddisfly will not escape you and you can easily put it on a hook.

Others . Larvae of wasps, nut or acorn fruit, apple worms (codling moths). Bark beetles and their larvae, which can easily be found in tree bark. In general, any beetles that do not have a chitinous covering are suitable for fishing. Dark thickets with high humidity are an ideal habitat for these insects. In autumn, fish prefer animal bait, but sometimes they can be enticed by a piece of bread or a “chatterbox”.

Finding fish in autumn

A good place for fishing is the key to good fishing, so it is better to spend several hours searching for a promising place and an hour on the fishing itself, than to quickly choose a place and sit for half a day to no avail. When choosing a place, you should focus primarily on the weather. How colder air, those colder water, and dissolved oxygen concentrates on the bottom, where the fish move. With a weak wind, warm layers of water will wash ashore, and fish will follow them. At temperatures below +4 degrees, warm water begins to sink to the bottom; This is also worth keeping in mind when going fishing. It is best to fish on lakes and reservoirs directly from the shore. and carp love to walk on the muddy bottom, while other fish prefer the hard clay bottom. They also love thickets of reeds and lilies.
What kind of fish bites in autumn?

Fishing in the fall is a full-fledged fishing experience. At this time, any fish can be hooked if you choose to fish right place, having with you good bait and bait. The main thing is to know which fish behave under certain weather conditions and what they prefer to eat in their diet.
Peculiarities of behavior of some fish species in autumn

September and October – ideal months to catch her. At this time, silver breams unite in schools and lie down on the deep muddy bottom. You can fish during a warm day, but it is better to start early in the morning. The depth of its habitat in these autumn months can reach 6 meters. A quiet muddy bottom where warm water has accumulated is the best place for them. This is what you should look for.

In the first month of autumn, crucian carp lives closer to the shore, in or near thickets. It will be good to catch with bloodworms or worms. From October it drops to a depth of 5 meters. Use bait in doses, since crucian carp may well eat it and not pay any attention to the bait. You need to start fishing for it at noon. In November, crucian carp finally descend to the bottom for the winter, losing their former activity. You should abandon live bait and use stationary bait. It is necessary to monitor the water temperature, since in warm water these fish will begin to become active and swim away.

. It goes well in September and the first half of October. You should start fishing in the very morning, in calm and clear weather, because at the first cold and precipitation the carp will go to the bottom. Large worms, maggots and bread balls are suitable for bait. You can do without bait.

. Like other peaceful fish, roaches gather in schools in the fall and go deeper into the waters. While the water has not yet cooled down, it will actively continue to look for food. When the temperature drops below +4 degrees, roaches will begin to form larger flocks and look for a wintering rookery. They can often be found under flooded snags.

. In autumn, the real hunting season begins for pike. Therefore, it can be found both in shallow water and at depth. Small specimens are hunted close to the shore, but for large ones you will have to go to deeper places. You can catch it throughout the day, best on cloudy days. You can use any gear, while choosing larger bait. In a feeding area you can find several pikes of approximately the same size at once, and all because pikes are not averse to tasting their smaller brethren. In the fall, pike feed actively and a lot, not only to build up strength for the winter, but also to provide increased nutrition to the ripening eggs, which will ripen immediately after the ice melts.

. Calm and clear days in early autumn are the ideal time to catch bream. The fish loves muddy bottoms and large pools. It bites most often from the bottom, caught with bloodworms, worms, and maggots. It is better to fish either from a steep bank or from a boat. From November they lie on the bottom, but from 10 am they begin to become active, so you can catch bream throughout the fall.

Already from mid-September, pike perch go to depths that are often more than 5 meters. In shallow waters it can now be found rarely and completely by accident. From the beginning of October, pike perch gather in schools and change their location again. Now they need to feed as much as possible before wintering. Often schools of pike perch can be found where the bream, a favorite delicacy, lives. Pike perch is an excellent hunter with excellent eyesight. Where other fish intuitively swim in the dark, pike perch confidently makes its way with its vision. This leaves no chance for the bream.

In the autumn months you can come across perch in any part of the reservoir. Best tackle To catch it, use spinning rods and small baits. In November they begin to flock together. It is better to fish in calm weather throughout the day.

Becomes active in late autumn. Anglers prefer to catch it at night, using small frogs or live bait for bait. Can be found in feeding areas small fish in coastal areas.

Heat-loving fish, avoiding cold currents, lazy, not prone to changing habitats. It is especially active from September to October. From the first cold weather it goes to a depth of up to 4 meters. It hibernates in one place and does not eat anything.

Prefers activity in the dark. When cold weather sets in, it goes to the bottom, where it searches for habitats of white fish. Catfish are very cautious in the fall, so when the first signs of a threat appear, they take off and swim away. This fish settles in for the winter before anyone else. It can be found in flooded pits with snags and warm currents.

Tips for beginners when fishing in autumn

  • Choosing a location. In reservoirs where there is a weak current, it is better to fish directly from the shore. There will always be a congestion here different fish. They especially love water that has shadows on it. Therefore, look for a shore with reed thickets and trees. Where there is a strong current off the coast, you will have to fish from a boat.
  • Schools of fish. Most fish flock together in schools by mid-autumn. This makes it easier for them to find food and defend themselves from larger enemies. An echo sounder is excellent at searching for schools, but even if it’s not there, you shouldn’t despair, because you can find them on your own.

ATTENTION!!! To detect a school, it is enough to catch a fish that has strayed from it, thread a thin line of several meters with a float through one of its fins and release it. The fish will quickly find its school, and all you have to do is start catching the catch.

  • Selection of gear. A new spinning rod is not the solution to all problems. The main thing is skill and experience. Remember that in the fall the fish are extremely cautious and will tug at it several times before eating the bait. Therefore, do not rush to pull out the fishing rod, but wait until the bite becomes really strong. During autumn fishing, it is recommended to use more sensitive gear. 5

Rusting leaves underfoot, colorful landscapes - a variety of reds and yellows and already cool nights.

Autumn is the time when fishing will be interesting, you need to prepare for it.

In September the sun is still warm, the water warms up during the day, but in November it is already cool, the temperature drops at night and the first ice forms on the reservoirs.

Before you go fishing, you need to take into account the features of autumn fishing. More precisely Ocharacteristics of fish in autumn:

1. Fish lie on the bottom in the fall. Migrates to depressions at the bottom in search of food.

* Due to the fact that the fish moves while searching, fishing place you can detect not only at depth. Pay attention to places with coastal thickets, and places where tree branches hang over the water.

2. The main source of food for fish are larvae, already in meager quantities, living in the bottom layers and small worms. 3. The water temperature will constantly drop, the colder it is, the less active the fish become.

4. A drop in temperature also affects the transparency of the reservoir. The water is no longer cloudy, there are fewer small animals, and the mud disappears.

* In the fall, you need to use thinner and more inconspicuous gear.

5. Over the summer, the fish gains weight, and by winter it becomes a real gourmet; the fish is very careful.

* As an advantage, you can catch larger fish than in summer, but special attention must be paid to bait and tackle.

6. In autumn the weather is changeable, the fish prefers to migrate across the reservoir. In warm weather, white fish will come closer to the shore, and when it rains, they will swim to the depths. Predators, on the contrary, bite better on a cloudy day.

* In search of a big catch, you need to be constantly on the move.

7. Fish school

* If you find a place where they gather, your fishing will definitely be successful.

Don’t forget that we dress warmer for fishing in the fall. IN you will find all the necessary clothes for autumn fishing:

We've sorted out the features, now let's talk about what to catch in the fall.


Fishing season in autumn - October
Most often in October it lives in deep and quiet places, with a clay or silty bottom. It is better to catch Gustera on a warm sunny day, you can do it all day long, the best bite is in the morning.

crucian carp

The first half, when the water is still warm, you need to look for crucian carp near the shore, among the vegetation and along their borders.
In the second half of September, move from the shore to the deep-water parts of the reservoir.
The fish moves to a depth of 3-5 meters. At this time, it is better to start fishing closer to noon. The appetite of crucian carp is already decreasing in October.


Loses activity and gradually settles down at the bottom for wintering. It is better to fish during the day in warm weather.

Do not overfeed the fish, the appetite is reduced, and a well-fed fish will no longer pay attention to the bait.

Use for crucian carp in autumn and bloodworms, including artificial ones, are perfectNozzle, for example


The best time for carp fishing is September.

The bite starts early in the morning.
In rainy and windy weather, carp usually hide at the bottom.


Other For carp, look in the catalog of our online fishing store.


Autumn and cold weather do not frighten bream. When going fishing for bream, you should keep in mind that the fish prefers deep holes, creeks and places with a muddy bottom.

The bite is better in calm and clear weather. Fishing should start early in the morning or at sunset.
From mid-October the bite dies down.

In November, bream group at depths near wintering pits. At this time it is better to fish during the day, use - bloodworm, maggot or mastyrka.

A must for bream! A good option would be:

Particularly effective at water temperatures below +16°C.

Can be used in feeder and balls.

Other brand baits and look.


Burbot becomes active in November. Catch better at night in feeding areas for small fish. With the onset of cold weather in the coastal zone.
It is better to use live bait and frogs as bait for burbot.

An original bait that imitates a frog.

The bait is produced based on a 3D scan of a natural frog, so it cannot be distinguished from a living one. The bright spotted color attracts the attention of predatory fish from afar.
The peculiarity of the bait device is the presence of a sharp hook in the frog’s body.


From September the perch bite becomes more active. It can be found in any part of the reservoir, a predator in search of prey, so it is better to look along the shore or where there is vegetation.
The best tool for catching perch in the fall and small ones.

In November, perch stays at depth in a school. The best bite is on warm days.
Excellent as bait .


Roaches live in areas of deep holes with quiet currents.
Flooded snags, driftwood, tree branches hanging over the water are preferred places.

Use a worm, maggot, bloodworm, etc. as bait for roaches. Use , but don't overdo it.


Fishing for pike perch in the fall is very effective. Since September there has been an excellent bite. Pike perch can be caught using both live bait and artificial bait.
The fishing area is mainly deep holes and pools.

Jig bait – best option for pike perch.


From September to November, the chances of a successful bite are many times higher; in the fall, the pike fattens up.
Closer to the shore you can find small herbs, but for large specimens you need to swim to the depths.

Baits and lures vary depending on the body of water. You can catch pike with wobblers, spinners, spinning rods, circles, tracks, float rod. Moreover, it is better to choose larger baits.

An excellent option for a wobbler for pike:

spinning lures:

Wobblers, silicone baits, spinners of various varieties and colors.


If you use large baits, then the bites will be less frequent, it depends on the size of the fish itself.

It is more effective to use medium-sized bait. Again, depending on the place of fishing, on rivers trophy pike are most often hidden in snags - these specimens can also be caught with large baits.


The choice of baits is now huge; they differ not only in shape, type of play in the water, but also in color.

The color range is varied. In autumn, the water is already clear, and the main factor when choosing the color of the bait will be the transparency of the water, to attract the attention of the fish even more muddy water Bright colors are used, and in order not to scare away fish in clear water, lighter colors are used.

Choosing spinning rods and gear for autumn fishing

*Test depends on baits used

At the beginning of autumn, as mentioned above, the fish go deeper. And if you are aiming to fish specifically at depth, for example in search of catfish, then your choice is . This will allow you to easily deliver bait to absolutely any depth.

The colder it gets outside, closer to mid-autumn, the colder the water becomes, and the first ice appears. Experienced fishermen advise using spinning rods and its gear as a track; they also use already And .

With application Difficulties arise due to weather conditions and the sensitivity of weak bites. But you can use this tackle with vertical lures and only for live bait.

It’s getting closer to winter - November, it’s already snowing and ice is freezing. Best place When fishing during the first ice, this is shallow water, so as not to spook the fish, darken the ice with grass and leaves. Remember safety on ice!

The most good fishing in autumn in calm and cloudy weather.

Remember that each fish, depending on the time of year, changes its biting pattern - food preferences and behavior.
Autumn already means clear water, short days and low temperatures, and the tactics of fishing in autumn are completely different. All this must be taken into account.

Use baits of animal origin, do not overdo it with bait and look for a suitable place.

When going fishing, don’t forget to dress warmly, prepare the necessary gear, and most importantly, don’t forget good mood. Amazing landscapes and a large, fattened catch over the summer await you.

You can prepare for autumn fishing in all .

The reference article is based on the expert opinion of the author

The first cold autumn mornings give a signal to all representatives of the ichthyofauna that the time has come to prepare for a harsh winter. The roach also feels this moment. The fish begins to actively feed, creating a supply of nutrients. Catching roach in the fall attracts anglers because the fish caught on the hook exhibits strong resistance, and its meat at this time is fatty and tasty. But the richness of the catch will depend on many factors.

Even though September has arrived, the fish do not immediately begin to fatten. Nature gives the start to active feeding. Therefore, the behavior of roach largely depends on the nature of the weather.

  • in September, in many regions it often resembles summer fishing. The fish continues to feed on plant and animal food, visiting both deep areas and shallows. In some reservoirs, roach bite best at night, while in others they prefer morning and evening dawns. However, already in the first month of autumn, negative trends for the fisherman are emerging. If you don’t catch them in time, the bite will get worse from fishing to fishing.

Attention! With the arrival of autumn, the water in reservoirs becomes clear. Because of this, it is necessary to use a thinner line and a small hook.

  • Traditionally, the most catchy month in the fall is October. By this time, the fish had already managed to sense the changes in nature. The roach moves vigorously in search of large quantity stern. But fish are less and less interested in baits of plant origin. Many anglers make a serious mistake by continuing to attract a school of porridge as bait and steamed grains as bait. Most often, plant bait repels fish. The fact is that animal food contains more protein, which representatives of the ichthyofauna store for the winter. Therefore, catching roach in October requires not only elegant fishing rod equipment, but also balanced bait with the presence of animal components.
  • During the coldest period of autumn, roach activity drops noticeably. The flocks move to deep waters, preparing themselves for the winter lifestyle. Fish also become capricious when it comes to food. Most often, the appetite awakens by noon, and sometimes the bite lasts only 1 hour. There is no need to talk about any stability in nutrition. Out of desperation, some anglers switch to jig gear. Sometimes attempts to imitate the behavior of water beetles bear fruit. Due to the distant location of the pits where the fish settle, there is a need to use a boat.

Where to look for fish

The tactics for searching for feeding roach in the fall differ significantly depending on the reservoir. Several characteristic points should be highlighted.

  1. Small ponds and lakes most often do not have deep holes where all representatives of the ichthyofauna could spend the winter. First of all, the fish will live near the coastal zone, where it will find both plant and animal food in the algae. Only in late autumn do flocks leave the coastal zone with dead grass and go to the middle of the reservoir. An important factor in small ponds the search for oxygen-rich water begins. As you know, when plant residues rot, carbon dioxide is released. The roach immediately leaves such water areas.
  2. Large lakes and reservoirs provide roach with more places to live in the fall. In the first half of autumn, fish should be looked for at the borders of overgrown areas and clear water, on shallow plateaus, along channel edges. In late autumn, the prudent roach moves to places where the flock will begin wintering. Knowing such points, you can successfully fish from a boat. The search can be complicated by the fact that an active predator makes its own adjustments to the behavior of peaceful fish. It also feeds fat, forcing schools of roach to hide at changes in depth or in snags.
  3. Anglers face certain difficulties in the fall and on rivers. Trying to catch a silver fish with red fins and orange eyes in small rivers is futile. There are few fish left in them and they feed exclusively on underwater inhabitants. Occasionally there are strange rises upstream from the lakes, but this happens spontaneously, which only local anglers can take advantage of. On medium and large rivers, roach can stand close to the shore. If a hole is formed under a steep ravine, and a grassy spit is adjacent to it, then it is worth stopping at such a point. A flock can also concentrate in snags, hiding from toothy and fanged predators. Roaches live in deep holes only if they are not there.

Photo 1. On the river expanses.

Tackle for autumn fishing and catchable baits

The reason for failures in autumn fishing is often rough gear. Some anglers deliberately use thick lines and massive hooks, secretly hoping to catch bream or carp. But if the task is to catch roach, then you should prepare the appropriate fishing rod and suitable bait.

For autumn fishing Several may come in handy.

  1. Suitable for both shore fishing and fishing from a boat. If so, then it is ideal for river fishing. The rod length for these tackles is selected from the range of 4-6 m. Both fishing rods are equipped with a reel and a main line of 0.12...0.14 mm. To make a leash, it should be 0.10...0.12 mm thick and 20-30 cm long. A small hook No. 12...16 is tied to the leash. The float is selected taking into account the casting distance; it is more important to load it correctly.

As for lures for autumn roach fishing, several popular baits and lures should be highlighted.

At the beginning of autumn, fish, semolina, etc. respond well. Some anglers have had success targeting trophy fish using green algae.

But already in October, insect larvae become a more advantageous bait. The fisherman's arsenal should include:

  • dung and earthworms;
  • shell meat.

Autumn bait

The requirements for autumn bait should be quite simple. It should not saturate the fish, but at the same time its task is to attract roach from nearby waters. How can this be achieved?

The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made bait mixture at a fishing store, trusting the experience of the manufacturer. But imported compounds do not always work well in our conditions. Therefore, experienced floaters and feeders make bait according to their own recipe.

  • First of all, all components must be turned into fine powder. A sieve or fine mesh is suitable for this. For example, the basis of roach bait is often breadcrumbs and cake. When released into the water, they should form a cloud or plume of turbidity that attracts a school of feeding fish.
  • Depending on the fishing method, binders or loosening agents are added, as well as fillers in the form of clay or soil. And these components should be crushed and sifted.
  • Water for humidification is taken from the reservoir where roach will be caught. When it is possible to achieve the desired consistency, animal components are introduced into the finished mixture. These are most often small bloodworms, maggots and chopped worms.
  • Photo 3. Soil is always added to autumn bait.

    During the feeding process, 4-5 balls the size of an orange are first thrown in. The first bites can begin in 0.5-1 hour. Subsequently, the bait is added in small balls the size of a walnut.

Among the fishermen it is autumn fishing is perhaps one of the most revered times of the year for fishing. and what to fish for during this period, when the nights become cold and it can drizzle during the day? But such weather does not scare off not only professional fishermen, but even those who go out to a pond, lake, river, reservoir with a spinning rod, bamboo fishing rods and other fishing gear for the third or even the second time in their lives. There is no talk about newcomers yet.

Autumn bite.

Despite the fact that the river inhabitants had time to eat fairly well before winter, now, in particular, predators are still in search of that very “worm” that can satisfy their hunger. At the same time, it should be noted that fishing in autumn noticeably different from summer. And the consequence for this is many factors.

Firstly, the food changed radically. During this period, the vegetation in the reservoir has already become very depleted and it is extremely difficult to find insect larvae. Except perhaps perennial caddis flies and some small worms. Now this is the most common food source for fishing in the fall.

In addition, it should be separately emphasized that due to the lack of variety of food, white fish are forced to constantly migrate and almost literally lie to the bottom. It is at depth that she tries to find food for herself. Don’t forget that in autumn the water becomes clear, and therefore when fishing for it you will need to use thin gear. And the colder the water, the less active the fish. Therefore, hurry to take a place on the shore before the onset of prolonged cold weather, if you do not want to return home empty-handed or with a couple of fry, which at any time of the year will grab almost all the bait and groundbait on the fly.

It is absolutely not necessary to go to deep bodies of water using the map. You can stop at small rivers and lakes. In such water, the fish usually moves from the hole to small riffles, that is, it does not constantly stand at depth.

Thirdly, fishermen should take into account the fact that over the summer this fish has gained sufficient weight, that is, it has become more picky. She no longer rushes to the first bait that comes her way. Such fish can be safely called “gourmet”.

Weather conditions.
Autumn weather also plays an important role. In the sun and warm air temperatures, white fish will move closer to the shore. And, conversely, in rainy and damp weather, the fish will be “lazy”, increasingly at great depths and reluctant to respond to the fisherman’s call. But predatory fish behave exactly the opposite, and bite well in cloudy and even rainy weather. Therefore, before getting out onto the pond, it is necessary to study the forecasts of weather forecasters in detail. And depending on their results, it is recommended to choose the type of fishing that will be closer to the given fishing conditions.

Autumn fishing, as it were, forces the angler not to sit and wait for a bite in one place, but to be constantly on the move.

When to catch?
Depending on who you are going to hunt. If, for example, you have chosen lakes and rivers where there is no current (for example, these could be reservoirs), then the best time of day for fishing will be evening. And under favorable weather conditions, when there is no rain or wind, the fish goes well in the first half of the day. But even after lunch, while it is daylight, before sunset, fishermen can still be lucky. In other cases, fishing should be done in the afternoon, and before lunch you can carry out the necessary preparatory work: choose several places, apply bait, make several short test casts. By the time the afternoon fishing starts, the water is already sufficiently warmed up, and this cannot but affect the successful catch. It is only important to have the appropriate fishing equipment. Try to conduct an experiment - equip all your fishing rods with different diameter lines, attachments, and spinners. This way you will understand which option is the most optimal and which is less so.

Malek will tell you...
Look for places where fry are found. This is an excellent signal and the first bell notifying that there are definitely fish here. After all, bleaks, roaches and perch at this time constitute the diet of any predatory fish. Therefore, do not rush to throw the caught fry back into the river, because for pike this bait is the best food.

We should not forget that spinning is intended for active fishing predator. After casting, you will need to constantly walk along the pond, tighten the reel and make new casts again. This way you will literally lure fish to the bait, and a brightly colored wobbler, vibrating tail or twister with a jig will definitely provoke a predator to bite. In September - early October you can catch good, trophy pike. After all, the autumn feeding of pike is the longest in time, and is more intense than the spring one. Perch also goes to spinning with great enthusiasm. It has also been noted that when the air temperature during the day and night is approximately the same, best time catching pike perch.

Therefore, if you have chosen this particular method of fishing from the shore, then all preparations, such as setting up a tent, making a fire, preparing ingredients for a broth for fish soup, should be done in advance, or you should entrust this to someone else. It’s good if you come to nature with the whole family. Everyone in this regard will be busy with their own business.

Of course, the best way to catch a predator is on a rubber fishing boat, having fished all the promising places where it might be found. To do this, you will need to use oscillating spinners, replacing spinners that work worse. You will need to constantly play with her, she needs to be lured. And with a jig bait at night and in the morning, tapping the bottom with it, you can catch a very nice specimen of pike perch - this fanged deep predator. Try experimenting and find the best option for yourself.


White fish, as reported above, are now acting more cautiously. Therefore, it would also not be superfluous

prepare gear for autumn fishing. The diameter of the fishing line should be reduced, the leash should be thinner, and the hook should be smaller. It is at this time of day that the worse the bite, the thinner the leash and the smaller the hook. And, conversely, with such activity of predatory fish, especially pike, thin gear is not so important, the predator takes it in its throat, and you need to take care of the strength of the equipment. If you catch perch with a spinning rod, then do not forget to re-equip it - you need a special perch lure.

At this time, in addition to pike, which rushes to almost any bait, you can also catch burbot. But, unlike pike, this type of fish is more picky and will not be attracted to regular food and your flirtations with a spinning rod. One of best baits For catching burbot in the fall, experts call gudgeon and ruffe. But at the same time, it is also used for frog, shellfish, crawling meat and river worm.

Burbot fishing can be successfully applied using a donkey. You can read about that on this same site. Since it does not behave too actively when caught, it will be necessary to install a bell on the donka. This fish is like a dog that the owner puts on a leash after a walk. In other words, the burbot grabs the bait and stops. Therefore, as soon as you hear the bell ringing, immediately start fishing for fish. If you “oversleep” this moment, then you will have to get the bait almost from the stomach.

Fishing from the shore.
If you decide to stay on the shore, then you can fish with an ordinary fishing rod. The main bait in this case should be bait of animal origin such as bloodworms, shellfish meat, muckworm. But again, you shouldn’t wait for a bite by simply watching the float from the shore. Try to move it from side to side from time to time. But not sharp, but smooth intermittent movements.

In general, as soon as a sharp cold snap begins and even the first snow falls, about the features, and in general, about the autumn fishing You can forget and slowly begin to prepare for the winter.

Before the first ice, you can successfully catch perch, burbot, pike and other predators, and white fish such as crucian carp, carp, rudd and white bream are increasingly gathering in large schools and migrating to the depths of wintering pits. You can also catch it in shallow water, but it will be a trifle.

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Now look how to fish in autumn You can catch a perch, the fat of which can be as good as that of a pike, if you have found its habitat.

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No tail, no scales!