How old are Ekaterina Gamova and her husband? Famous volleyball player Gamova leaves the sport

Katya Gamova started playing volleyball at the age of 8. Already at the age of 11, the girl was 172 centimeters tall and was involved in the basketball and handball sections. When she had to make a final choice in favor of one game, Katya settled on volleyball.

Gamova received her education in sports school Chelyabinsk. At the age of 14 she joined the team of masters of her hometown"Metar." And in 1997, Katya won the world title as part of the Russian youth volleyball team. The next year was significant for second place at the European Championship and transfer to Uralochka.

Gamova signed the contract for 15 years. Nikolai Karpol became her coach. Katya also played in Uralochka’s subsidiary team, Uraltransbank; in 1999, the athlete became a member of its team. silver medalist Russian Championship. In the same year, the Final Four was held in Naples, where Gamova also participated.

Katya was noticed and accepted into the Russian national team. She actively works at all competitions, both international and Russian. As part of the student team, Gamova won silver at the Universiade in Spain. Then she went to fight in China together with the main Russian team. Katya also supported the youth team by going to the World Championships in Canada. There the girl became the most successful player in the competition. Canadian viewers were impressed by Gamova's skill and gave her the nickname Game over.

The athlete’s streak of victories continues at the European Championships and the World Cup. And in 2000, Ekaterina was recognized as the best blocker. In 2001, Gamova, as part of Uralochka, took first place at the Russian Volleyball Championship.

Championships give way to cups and Grand Prix, and everywhere the athlete performs simply excellent, for which she is awarded various medals and awards. Her results are impressive; without Katya’s participation it is no longer possible to imagine the Russian team.

Gammava's skill was fully demonstrated on Olympic Games in Athens. Then she showed her most best results– 204 points! The volleyball final was very tragic for the Russian team - it lost to the Chinese team. Katya could not contain her emotions and burst into tears, because she gave all her strength to this game.

In 2004, Gamova parted ways with Uralochka and moved to Dynamo. In 2005, Katya went to study journalism. As part of Dynamo, the athlete became the champion of Russia three times.

The new coach of the Russian volleyball team, Italian Giovanni Caprare, did not let Katya sit on the bench and actively used her skill and talent. In 2006, Russia received the title of world volleyball champion for the first time.

The Olympics in China did not result in medals for Ekaterina Gamova. The athlete even left the Russian national team for some time and returned in 2009. Katya played for Turkish club Fenerbahce in the 2009-2010 season.

The Russian volleyball player does not miss a single major competition and always gives 100% in the game. In 2010, the media recognized Ekaterina Gamova as the best athlete in Russia.

The famous volleyball player and the tallest girl in Russia, Ekaterina Gamova, arranged her personal life; on August 17, her wedding took place with Mikhail Mukasey. The wedding took place modestly, in the circle of loved ones and relatives. Katya was wearing a beautiful beige dress, and the only jewelry was voluminous curly earrings. And everyone who saw her in such an outfit understood what the chosen one, and now the husband of Ekaterina Gamova, had noticed long ago - she is a very beautiful woman!

The personal life of the famous athlete has always been a secret - especially since her wedding created such a sensation! But no matter how hard they try to slander Gamova’s height, Mikhail is not at all lost against her background. By the way, Ekaterina Gamova’s height is 202 cm, weight is 81 kg. And regarding the size of Gamova’s feet, there is simply a mountain of gossip on the RuNet! There is a number - 49! Have you ever seen such a size at all - those who claim this? Perhaps it was precisely because of such conversations that Katerina Gamova had a rather harsh character: especially when communicating with journalists! In general, it has become a good tradition to play weddings after the London 2012 Olympics, regardless of the results, whether the athlete lost or won, so here we go.

She has always been angular and sharp: except for the last few months. The Olympic women's volleyball team noticed changes not only in the athlete's game, but also in her character: Katya became much softer and more sensitive. The loss to the Brazilians at the London Olympics brought Gamova to tears of despair and many say that this is why she decided to get married!

In our opinion, this is not true: Ekaterina Gamova’s husband is a fairly famous and popular person! Mikhail Mukasey is the son of the most famous masters of Russian cinema: director Svetlana Druzhinina and cameraman Anatoly Mukasey. Having a legendary past (his grandparents were famous Soviet intelligence officers), Mikhail followed in his father’s footsteps by taking up photography. He has several famous works of Russian cinema under his belt: “Down House”, “Wapit Manhunt”, “Montana”, “On Treason”. By the way, he produced the last film. In addition, Mikhail Mukasey is in great demand as a cameraman for filming videos of popular pop artists and singers.

They are both quite popular, wealthy and in demand. True, there is talk that Ekaterina Gamova - by the way, she did not change her last name - is going to leave big sport from next year, after the expiration of her contract with Dynamo Moscow, and take care of her family: that is, to be a wife and mother! And what? We need to replenish the ranks of Russian beauties and heroes! Moreover, the external data of both spouses are very impressive!

The queen of world volleyball Ekaterina Gamova and cameraman Mikhail Mukasey secretly stamped their passport

Forward of the Russian national volleyball team, and now a player of the Dynamo-Kazan volleyball team, Katya GAMOVA has had complexes since childhood because of her height. It was difficult for a native of Chelyabinsk, who was teased by everyone and all and sundry as a “big-ass,” to find a life partner. The guys dear to Katyusha’s heart breathed down her neck and became friends with her more often on the Internet. By the age of 30, the queen of volleyball finally met a gentleman who matched her both in height and intellect. Despite the age difference, the feelings turned out to be mutual: on August 17, the venerable athlete married the famous cinematographer Mikhail MUKASEY, the son of film director Svetlana DRUZHININA.

Caring, attentive 46-year-old Mikhail Mukasey is the son of the famous director Svetlana Druzhinina and cinematographer of the Mosfilm film studio Anatoly Mukasey (“Midshipmen”, “Beware of the Car”, “Circus Princess”, “Scarecrow”, a series of feature films on the history of Russia - series “Secrets of palace coups”, etc.). Katya Gamova's father-in-law is the son of Soviet intelligence aces Mikhail and Elizaveta Mukaseev. They have incredible interesting fate. The famous illegal intelligence officer Elizaveta Ivanovna and her husband and colleague Mikhail Isaakovich lived abroad for a quarter of a century. Their children - Anatoly (the father of the volleyball player's newly-made husband) and his sister - were raised by intelligence service employees. And they didn’t see their parents for a total of twenty years. Working from 1939 to 1943 at the consulate in Los Angeles, Mikhail Mukasey, Sr., collected money for Soviet Union. Gamova ended up in such an amazing family.

Catherine’s chosen one, like his parents, also became famous in Russian cinema. In particular, as a cinematographer for the films “Wapit Hunting”, “Montana”, “Down House”, “The Day Before”, “The Arbiter”, “A Midsummer Morning Dream”, “Tin”, “The Snow Doesn’t Melt Forever” and how producer of the film “On Betrayal”. In addition, Misha Mukasey Jr. has shot more than five hundred commercials. Show business stars also love to work with him. Here are three music videos he worked on: “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva, “Pink Flamingo” by Alena Sviridova, “Goodbye, Mom” by Sergei Mazaev.

On August 17, the talented athlete walked down the aisle with Mikhail in a charming beige dress, with only voluminous earrings as jewelry. That day Katyusha was amazingly good. It should be noted that with the appearance of an adult man, Mikhail Mukasey, in her life, Gamova blossomed as a woman. The “spikes” in character and angularity have disappeared.

Perhaps it was precisely because of worries about the upcoming wedding that the two-time world champion, competing at the 2012 Games in London as part of the Russian team, was unable to concentrate on the game and showed far from her best result. Let us remind you that Russian team finished the fight in the quarter finals, losing to the Brazilian team. Despite Gamova’s announcement that she is retiring from the Russian national team and does not want to compete for our country at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, coaches and fans of the wonderful athlete believe that Katya will still delight us with her technically brilliant and amazing performance on the site.


Mikhail Mukasey

Graduated from VGIK camera department (workshop of Vadim Yusov). - From 1986 to 1987 - bass guitarist of the rock band Obermaneken. Producer and cameraman, working mostly in game cinematography. Owner of the camera equipment rental company “RentaCam”.

Ekaterina Gamova

Height is 204 centimeters. She started playing volleyball at the age of nine in her native Chelyabinsk, studying under the guidance of her aunt. At the age of 17, he played for the Uralochka team. Since 2003, she has been the leader of Dynamo Moscow. - In 2009, she signed a two-year contract with the Turkish Fenerbahce. As a member of the Istanbul club in 2010, she reached the decisive match of the Final Four and was recognized as the best athlete in Russia.- Two-time champion World - 2006, 2010. - Since 1998, he has been playing for the Russian national team. In 2001, she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, and in 2006, the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I degree. Until mid-2013, she was a player in the Dynamo-Kazan volleyball team. In the ranking of “100 most influential women in Russia” published in January 2012 by the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, she took 92nd place.

The most famous volleyball player in the country Ekaterina Gamova For the first time I decided to openly talk about my personal life and career. In September, Eksmo publishing house will publish her book “Game Over. Volleyball continues." “AiF” had the opportunity to introduce its readers to Catherine’s stories before others.

About the nineties

Nikolay Karpol- head coach of the national team and the famous "Uralochka" - remarked to Gamova in 1998. This is how Ekaterina ended up in Yekaterinburg.

— For me, the 90s were a nervous, uncomfortable, scary time. I remember my mother came to Yekaterinburg to watch me play children's tournament. We traveled by trolleybus from one relative to another. We reached the final point. It’s nine o’clock in the evening, it’s dark, the lights are off, it’s deserted, there’s only one person on the street—a passenger of the same trolleybus. In fact, after 21.00 city transport stopped running altogether. And suddenly there were machine gun bursts nearby. One, two, third, fourth. But this was the very center of the city... Years later, they showed me the famous local cemetery with a whole alley of gloomy black obelisks. Graves of the "brothers". The line is very long, they were constantly being killed. So I personally didn’t see anything good in the 90s. Actually, in Yekaterinburg at that time, when meeting someone, a person could easily say: “I am from such and such a group.” This was considered absolutely normal, in the order of things, as if now someone said: “I work in such and such a company.” When Svetlana Sergeevna begins to tell me about that time, about the rampant banditry, Misha interrupts her with the words: “Yes, she herself is from Yekaterinburg - the most criminal city. This all happened before her eyes.”

About the “divorce” with Karpol

Gamova's departure from Uralochka, where she played for 6 years, to Dynamo Moscow was accompanied by a scandal. The club refused to let its main star go, and then the volleyball player filed a lawsuit.

— The first thoughts about leaving Uralochka appeared at the moment when they began to force us to rewrite contracts. We were registered as individual entrepreneurs. Thank you, there were knowledgeable people who suggested: if we sign these agreements, we will never be able to break them in our lives. The employer gains complete power over you...

A little later, I found out that two Uralochka players were already independently exploring options on how to leave the club - Tanya Gorshkova And Natalia Safronova. After that I and Nastya Belikova We also decided to work in a similar direction. To begin with, we made a fundamental decision for ourselves - in any case, we would not re-sign these contracts.

This came as a surprise to Karpol. He gave us the appropriate papers to sign in Japan when we were at the national team's location. I remember I went into the coach’s room and burst into tears... Naturally, I didn’t sign anything. He, of course, was a little dumbfounded by this whole situation and became agitated. What did it look like from his side? A player enters the room, sees a contract on the table and begins to cry bitterly...

After this incident, we were left alone with these contracts for some time. But it was already clear that it was necessary to find people who could help us. Because Karpol has power, he rules the federation. And we are essentially alone. They are defenseless and not particularly needed by anyone.

Karpol had a long conversation with me, but I didn’t tell him anything about my desire to leave Uralochka. And he tried to “put pressure on the psyche.” Basically - in good faith. He told me that they raised me in “Uralochka” and invested a lot of effort, time and money into this preparation. He said that everything would be fine with me, that the contract amount would be significantly increased. I listened, nodded, but I myself understood that there was no turning back. The legal machine was running, bridges were burned. And the next day I simply came to the club office and wrote a letter of resignation of my own free will...

Then, of course, there were also plenty of all sorts of unpleasant moments. For example, when I came to Uralochka to pick up my work book, they both scared me and painted me not the most rosy prospects. In the end, they said something like this: “We’ll give you your work book only in exchange for the keys to the apartment.” The point is that one of the clauses of the contract stated: “Gamova has been a tenant of the apartment for three years, and then this property becomes her property.” And these three years had not yet expired at the time of the conflict. Velikanov threatened, promised that he would throw my mother’s things out into the street... My mother was great, she was not taken aback, she said: “Please, go ahead, come, throw it away. I’ll immediately call all the newspapers and TV channels to ask them to come too. And they showed the whole country how Uralochka treats the Honored Master of Sports.”

Gamova parted ways with Karpol through the courts. Photo: RIA Novosti / Pavel Lisitsyn

About the wedding

Gamova always carefully hid her personal life. About her affair with cameraman and producer Mikhail Mukasey(son of director Svetlana Druzhinina and cameraman Anatoly Mukasey) was known only to his closest people. They met while filming a commercial for a Moscow shopping center.

“The owners of this center at some point said: “We want Gamova to star in our film.” Accordingly, Mikhail began to look for my contacts. He later told me: “It’s not difficult for me to find some artist or singer. But I got your phone number through seventh hands”...This video was then shown on TV for a year.

I returned to Kazan, and Mikhail began writing me text messages. We corresponded and corresponded, and then he came to Tatarstan for work - his company participated in the filming of a video for the Kazan Universiade. Moreover, as he later admitted to me, there was no particular need for his presence, but he invented this business trip for himself in order to see me.

From that moment on we started dating. Frankly, I didn’t make any plans for our relationship. Today I’m happy - and thank God, we need to live in the present and enjoy good times. I feel great, but I didn’t want to guess how long it would last—a month, three, a year. Therefore, the marriage proposal came as a complete surprise...

It was a funny moment. We signed at the Khamovnichesky registry office, and on the same day the Khamovnichesky court pronounced a verdict on Pussi Riot. There was a huge crowd of journalists. But we didn’t want the press to know about our wedding at all. Therefore, when I saw all these people in front of the building, I was very confused. I asked Inessa for a stole, wrapped it around her head... But they still recognized me. It was funny when the young guys standing nearby took turns chanting: “Shame on you!” Disgrace!" and “Bitter! Bitterly!"

We didn’t advertise our wedding, but journalists got wind of it anyway. And when I turned on the TV in the morning, I fell into a real shock. There, on all channels, some terrible footage was shown, which someone took on a mobile phone from under the counter. The picture looked simply terrible. The feeling is very disgusting. They got into you there, into that corner of your life that you didn’t invite anyone into and didn’t want to let anyone in.

I initially had a good relationship with my husband’s parents. Now it's part of my family. People with whom we experience both joys and sorrows. Of course, sometimes some friction arises. Friends often ask: “How do you all get along together? Director. Operators. Honored Master of Sports. Everyone has a leadership character, everyone is used to being an unquestioned authority in their field.” But this is only when viewed from the outside. In fact, we are an ordinary family. Mom, dad, their son and his wife. And we meet often, and celebrate holidays, and go on vacation together. On our honeymoon—well, not a month to be exact, it was only a week—four of us flew. And to the competition Svetlana Sergeevna And Anatoly Mikhailovich They often went to support me.

Really tall relationship: Ekaterina is 202 cm, and Mikhail’s height is fine. Svetlana Druzhinina, Mikhail Mukasey and Ekaterina Gamova. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

About the coach's tragedy

Russian women's volleyball team led by 43-year-old Sergei Ovchinnikov lost to Brazil in the quarter finals of the London 2012 Olympic tournament. The Olympics ended on August 12, and on August 29, Ovchinnikov was found hanged in a hotel room in Croatia. Horvatskaya came to the conclusion that the deceased committed suicide. Head coach Russian men's volleyball team Vladimir Alekno then he said that Ovchinnikov was very upset about his team’s defeat. “He missed this Olympics. I saw how worried he was, how he couldn’t find a place for himself after this loss. He is not very talkative, even after victories he was in some thoughts, he smoked a lot.”

— Of course, we went to the Olympics to win. In principle, we never go to a tournament with the thought: well, we’ll lose with this one, but we’ll beat these guys - in general, our place will be second or third. Of course not. We always set ourselves up to fight for gold.

If we had passed this ill-fated Brazil, there would have been no equally strong opponents left in the tournament. I am absolutely sure of this. But as it turned out, that’s how it turned out. Things weren't going well for me at the Olympics...

Soon after the Olympics, a tragedy happened with Ovchinnikov. I was at home at that moment, came from training, turned on the news, and they were showing the corresponding story. At first I didn’t believe it. Actually, I wasn’t the only one who had this reaction. Not only the volleyball players, but everyone who had something to do with the sport fell into a state of shock then. Suddenly. Not clear. Scary. Our training in Kazan was canceled that day. There was a general feeling of horror and nightmare... Of course, there were a lot of rumors and speculation. Someone even rushed to blame the Russian team for everything - it seems like it’s our fault. If we had won against Brazil, this would not have happened... Some kind of nonsense.

Head coach of the Russian national volleyball team Sergei Ovchinnikov and Ekaterina Gamova (2nd from right) at the Olympic Games in London. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Pesnya

About a point in a career

“I didn’t go well with the Olympics,” says Ekaterina. There was silver in Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004. In Beijing 2008 and London 2012, the Russian team did not make it into the top three. But Gamova herself did not make it to Rio 2016.

— When I wasn’t accepted to the Olympics in Rio, of course, I was very upset. I admit, this came as a surprise. Yes, I didn’t expect to be immediately put in the starting six, because I understood that after the injury I was not in the best condition. But I was ready for any role, to help the team in any way I could. However, Marichev called and said that he would not call me. He explained his decision as follows: the season did not work out for me and the club as a whole. To be honest, it was not very clear what all this had to do with the national team. I wasn’t even called to the training camp to give me the opportunity to get in shape and compete for a place in the squad. In fact, in my condition there was a clear positive dynamics, and I could well approach the Olympics in good condition.

I was sincerely happy that my health was improving and that I could help the team. And then this phone call... They didn’t even want to look at me, they didn’t give me a chance to try. Moreover, this was said several times strange shape: We are not taking you now, but a situation may arise that we will urgently call and take you if there is a need.

No thanks. Why should I cover someone’s, pardon the expression, butt? That same day I called my husband and said that I was ending my career. Completely and completely. And the next day she publicly announced her decision.

After finishing my playing career, I was not drawn back to the court. At all. I know that many athletes have difficulties with this. But I definitely didn’t have one.

I didn’t see myself in a coaching role. Over the years I have seen how bitter the bread of mentors can sometimes be. Well, the main thing is that you absolutely don’t want to put through the nervous stress that people in this profession experience. Of course, I am not only ready, but also want to share my accumulated experience. But not seven days a week.

At some point I started looking for a permanent job. And one of the proposals came from the All-Russian Volleyball Federation - to help youth teams of girls... We thought for a long time about what form this assistance to the younger generation should take. As a result, I became the curator of Russian women's youth teams.

The editors would like to express their gratitude to Eksmo Publishing House for their assistance in preparing the material.

The father of the famous volleyball player abandoned her pregnant mother and never saw her daughter

In March 2011, the best volleyball player in Russia was invited to advertise a furniture salon, and it was there, on the set of a video, that she met her fate - cameraman Mikhail MUKASEY - the son of the masters of Russian cinema “mother of midshipmen” director Svetlana DRUZHININA and her husband - cameraman Anatoly MUKASEY .

On August 17, the newlyweds got married, renting the River Lounge yacht club in Strogino, where the cost of a banquet for 100 guests was 500 thousand rubles. Plus the services of florists, stylists, musicians, toastmasters, transport, etc. - another 500 thousand. In total, the wedding cost a tidy sum.

Among the relatives and close friends of the family, the aunt was also present at the wedding Ekaterina Gamova- Lyubov Borisovna, sister deceased mother athletes, and, by the way, her first volleyball coach. She shared her joy with the readers of Express Newspaper and told us the details of the happiest moment in the life of her famous niece.

I found out about the wedding back in the winter. Last spring, my niece met Mikhail Mukasey on the set of a commercial for a furniture salon. Before the anniversary of their acquaintance, they announced that after the Olympics in London they would sign. The wedding date was chosen in advance. When the Russian team fought against competitors from different countries, I was also in London. I supported my girl as best I could. But she didn’t make it to the match where we lost to the Brazilians. Katya was unable to get me a ticket.

White dress

- Was the wedding according to Russian traditions - with a bride price?

Misha had a hard time. Katyusha has an apartment on Shabolovka on the 18th floor. The girlfriends came up with various funny obstacles for the groom. Can you imagine how much sweat, effort and effort he put into getting to the apartment of his beloved woman! - Given Gamova’s height of 202 centimeters, it was probably difficult to choose a dress in wedding salons?- There is such a backstory with the dress. Katya had a favorite white dress with straps, but it was very short. You yourself understand that you won’t go to the registry office dressed like that. She decided that it was necessary to come up with a long skirt for the top. It was made to order. It turned out to be a great outfit.

The newlyweds refused many publications permission to photograph their wedding. But judging by the pictures you took, there are cameras at the celebration. - These are specially hired professionals. Photo and video recording for family history. There was a slight commotion on the street at the entrance to the registry office. The bride, groom and guests were waiting for an invitation to register, and literally a hundred meters from us, someone staged a picket in support of members of the group “Pussy Riot”, sentenced to two years in a general regime colony for hooliganism in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Journalists came running to the picketers. Noticing them, Katya became nervous. There was nowhere to hide. Then she took a pink cape from her friend and covered her head.

- Nowadays it’s not fashionable to go to a wedding for two days. How was it with the guys?

On Friday they signed, then accepted gifts in a restaurant in Strogino. On Saturday, August 18, Katya’s volleyball player friend walked at Katya’s wedding Olesya Makhno. And on Sunday, the newlyweds arranged for their guests to continue the banquet on the yacht. They gathered everyone in Serebryany Bor. They organized an exciting volleyball match. Boys vs girls. Everyone was dressed in T-shirts and shorts. Even Mikhail's parents - Svetlana Druzhinina And Anatoly Mukasey. Misha’s dad, by the way, was rooting for the girls, and Svetlana Sergeevna was rooting for her son’s team. Mikhail, by the way, is also very athletic, pumped up, he studied at a children's and youth sports school. The men's team was prohibited from jumping and defending. Therefore, the girls won with a score of 2:1. Svetlana Druzhinina organized an excellent support group. And she was its brightest and most active participant.

On Sunday, by the way, her other friend, a volleyball player, also got married Goncharova Katya. But she, however, officially signed in the winter; they just held a celebration in the summer. - They probably gave you gorgeous gifts?- When sending out wedding invitations to guests, Misha and Katya wrote a note saying that we ask you to give something that is no larger than a dollar or euro. The hint is this...That's why most of their friends and relatives gave them envelopes with money as a gift. Me too. After the wedding, the newlyweds went on their honeymoon to Nice. Some of the funds will be spent there. The most unusual of the gifts was a painting measuring 3 by 2.5 meters. Misha's friends gave it to her. The canvas depicts Katya in full height with a volleyball net and Mikhail sitting next to him. The gift moved the newlyweds to tears. “Katya makes good money.” Since childhood, you have been her mentor in volleyball. Is your niece helping you? - Of course. We talk on the phone regularly. For my 50th birthday, Katyusha gave me a trip to Paris. And recently, her friends and I had a wonderful vacation in Crete. We swam, played volleyball, sunbathed. Katya was preparing for the Olympics and couldn’t go with us. My dream is to visit Spain. It's my birthday in a few months.

The children will wait

This is Misha's second marriage. I really liked it! Very courteous, charming, obviously very reliable, a real man, and Hokhmach. And how he loves Katenka! Of course, he looked after me very nicely. Just imagine, Katya and I vacationed in Turkey last year. And he is also on the Mediterranean Sea, but in a different place. So every day he came to us for Katya on a specially rented ship, sailed for two and a half hours for her, took her for a ride on the sea, and returned her safe and sound in the evening! This is such romance... And at the wedding he also gave everyone a surprise: he quietly went away and changed into a Scottish skirt and let’s dance on stage - he specially prepared a number, no one expected it! He danced and sang, and never took off his skirt until the end of the wedding. By the way, the bride and groom performed a very beautiful joint dance - tango. Among the guests were celebrities: Dmitry Kharatyan with my wife, Alexander Domogarov. Very warm words of wishes were spoken to the newlyweds. But, of course, Svetlana Sergeevna and her husband Anatoly Mikhailovich said it best - they have a gift! It’s immediately obvious that the directors - I don’t know how to speak well. They said that they liked Katya as soon as they saw her on the screen. Svetlana Sergeevna and Anatoly Mikhailovich also played volleyball in their youth and were captains of teams at VGIK, so they followed volleyball. So they fell in love with Katya long before they met her.

- Lyubov Borisovna, Katya and Mikhail planning to have children?

Not in the near future for sure. Katya has a contract with Dynamo Kazan - she has one more year to play for them, plus she still remains in the Russian national team. And after her honeymoon, she already has a busy training schedule. - But Mikhail has two children from his first marriages - Maxim and Lisa. Is Katya familiar with them?- Of course, Maxim was at the wedding, he and Katya have been communicating well for a long time. But Katya has not yet met Lizonka. - Were you the only one of the Ural relatives at the wedding?- Yes. Katya’s mother, my older sister Irina, passed away when my niece turned 25 years old. Ira died of cancer. But my cousins ​​couldn’t come. - Was Catherine’s father at the wedding?- Father? Katya has no father! He left her mother as soon as he found out that she became pregnant and never appeared in their lives again. He didn’t help either with money or with a kind word. When we registered Katenka, we even wanted to write a different middle name on the birth certificate, but then we thought, okay, let it be Alexandrovna. Even when Katya became famous throughout the world, she didn’t call - apparently she was ashamed. This Alexander now lives in Chelyabinsk, he has another family. The young couple went on their honeymoon to Nice together with Svetlana Sergeevna and Anatoly Mikhailovich. Lyubov Borisovna would have gone too, but she did not have a Schengen visa. We got through to Anatoly Mukasey, the cameraman of such famous films as “Secrets of Palace Coups”, “Scarecrow”, “For Family Circumstances”, etc.

By the way, he is the son of the famous Soviet intelligence officers Mikhail and Elizaveta Mukaseev. It was thanks to the simultaneously complex and romantic profession of his parents that Mikhail Mukasey, while still a child, sat on the laps of Uncle Theodore (American writer Theodore Dreiser) and Uncle Charlie (actor and director Charlie Chaplin) - then his parents worked in Los Angeles at the consulate Soviet Union and were friends with many Hollywood celebrities.

- Anatoly Mikhailovich, are you in Nice now? Perhaps you ride on a yacht or jet ski?- What are all these jet skis for? Why are they? We are fine without these motorcycles. We just relax, swim, sunbathe, everything is quiet and calm. - Do you still want grandchildren?- Why not? This is a normal life process. - Maybe Katya is already expecting a baby?- Well, what are you talking about! Katya works, works hard, she has no time for that yet. - Do you like Katya as your daughter-in-law?- She’s just a wonderful girl, beautiful. We love her very much. - Does she have anything in common with your wife Svetlana Sergeevna?- I haven’t figured it out yet.

Secrets of family coups

Svetlana Druzhinina and Anatoly Mukasey now have three grandchildren from two sons: Daniil from the elder Anatoly and Maxim and Lisa from the younger Mikhail. Anatoly, unfortunately, became a drug addict, and one day he jumped out of the window of a high-rise building, leaving his wife with their 4-year-old son Daniil in his arms.

One day in the morning, at a special “dark hour,” he slammed some cologne and jumped from the 12th floor, says a friend Mukaseya Ivan. – He left a note that he didn’t want to be a mentally ill father for his son. The wife tore the note in her hearts.

But Daniel's mother Irina Muravyova did not outlive her husband by much. She, too, was a drug addict, and died in a domestic fight with her partner, from whom she gave birth to a girl, Ksyusha, Danila’s half-sister. Since then, Danila was taken in by his paternal grandparents - Svetlana Druzhinina and Mikhail Mukasey - and his half-sister Ksyusha is his maternal grandmother. Danila is now 25 years old, he works as a sound engineer at his grandmother's studio. - I would not say that Danila has an excellent relationship with his grandmother and his uncle Mikhail. There were a lot of scandals and discontent,” said Danila’s neighbor next door. - Svetlana Sergeevna is a very domineering woman, and Danila did not like it when people point out to him and interfere in his personal life. Danila is not married yet. At one time he dated a girl artist, but then they broke up.

Having overlooked the eldest son, Svetlana and Anatoly took on the younger son with all severity, and therefore the youngest son pleased them with perseverance and diligence. He never touched drugs - on the contrary, he was actively involved in sports and led exclusively healthy image life.

“I’m very happy for Mikhail,” director Alexander Atanesyan wished happiness to his colleague and co-producer of the comedy “On Treason.” - I wish him and Katya only happiness and children. I know that Mikhail already has two children, in my opinion from different women. God willing, they will have more children together! Mikhail, like his father, is a cinematographer. He worked on such films as “Wapit Hunting”, “Down House”. He also shot more than 600 video clips and commercials. He is the owner of the Rentacam company, which offers filming equipment for rent, as well as a full range of services for the production of films, advertising, music videos and special effects!

Wedding Planner

On the same day as Katya and Mikhail, volleyball players played a wedding: a diagonal from Dynamo Moscow and a national team player Natalia Goncharova and libero of Zenit Kazan and the national team Alexey Obmochaev. True, it was just a celebration, because they signed at the registry office back in March. And the day after Katya’s wedding, her friend from the Russian national volleyball team also walked down the aisle. Lesya Makhno, getting engaged to a Chekhov's Bears handball player Egor Evdokimov.


At the entrance to London's Earls Court, where the Olympic volleyball tournament was taking place, fans stopped in surprise and began to peer at the unusual sculpture. It turned out that this is a monument two-time champion peace to Ekaterina GAMOVA. None of the volleyball players - neither men nor women - received such an honor.


Katya has shoe size 49 and is 202 cm tall. Her shoes and clothes are made to order, and sometimes she manages to buy some things abroad. Because of his height Gamova During my school years I was very worried and always sat in the last desk in the classroom. The boys called her a telegraph pole, and Katya thought she would never get married.

Gamova carefully hides her personal life. It is known that she lived for about 10 years in a civil marriage with a guy from Yekaterinburg, whom she met when she played for Uralochka. Alexey is twenty centimeters shorter than Katya. In 2009, they broke up - and Gamova left for Turkey, signing a contract with Fenerbahce. Later, reconciliation took place, but the old feelings faded away. Katya made a choice in favor of Mukasey Jr.