Regulations on holding regional volleyball competitions. Regulations on volleyball competitions among high school students


About Volleyball competitions among 10th grade students in the Central Administrative District

Work completed:

Egorov Vladimir (14th group)

1.Goals and objectives

1. Involving students in regular physical education and sports.

2. Popularization of volleyball as an Olympic sport.

3. Determination of the strongest team to participate in the city stage of the competition.

2. Time and venue

3. Competition management

The competitions are held under the general guidance of the administration of GBOU Secondary School No. 464. The direct conduct of the competition is the responsibility of the teacher physical culture Rybakova T.A.

The tournament is conducted by a panel of judges consisting of:

The main judge of the competition is Avdeenko N. Yu.

Chief Secretary – Boeva ​​V.N.

4.Competition participants (conditions for admission to competitions)

1. born 1996-1998

2. Resolution medical supervision(Certificate form 086U)

3. Team uniform

5.Conditions and procedure for holding competitions

Games are played according to the existing three-game volleyball rules. The game ends when one of the teams scores 25 points. If the score in the game is 24:24, 24:25, the game continues until one of the teams has an advantage of 2 points. The third game continues until 15 points. The first team to score 15 points wins. If the score is 14:14, 15:15, the game continues until one of the teams has a 2-point advantage. The first team to win two games wins the match.

Mesh height 240 cm

A team that does not show up for the game is considered defeated with a score of 0:2 (in games 25:0, 25:0).

6.Counting points and identifying winners

For a victory with a score of 2:0, the team receives “3” points.

For a defeat with a score of 0:2, the team receives “0” points.

For a victory with a score of 2:1, the team receives “2” points.

For a defeat with a score of 1:2, the team receives “1” point.

The teams' placings are determined based on the highest number of points scored by the teams. In the event of a tie between two or more teams, the team with:

The best ratio of games in all matches;

Best goal ratio in all matches;

According to a personal meeting between the teams.

7.Conditions for filing and consideration of protests

1. Teams have the right to file protests against facts related to non-compliance with the Rules of the Game and (or) violating the provisions of these Regulations regarding the conduct of the match.

2.Teams have the right to file a complaint about the quality of match refereeing.

3.Protests are considered by the chief judge.

4.Complaints about refereeing are considered by the chief judge of the competition.

5. The following will not be accepted for consideration:

Untimely filing of protests and complaints;

Protests and complaints not recorded in the match report;

6. A team representative has the right to file a protest or complaint after the end of the match, and is obliged to immediately inform the first match referee about this. The filing of a protest or complaint (a brief summary) is reflected in the match report (on the reverse side). The content of the protest or complaint must indicate the reasons that served as the basis for filing the claim, as well as detail the circumstances related to the violation of these Regulations.

7. A protest regarding non-compliance with the Rules of the Game, the size of the equipment and the markings of the court must be submitted in writing to the chief referee no later than 30 minutes before the start of the match.

8. A representative of the opposing team must be notified of the filing of a protest or complaint by the referee immediately after the end of the match. A corresponding entry is made in the match protocol.

9. A protest or complaint must be sent to the chief judge by a team representative before the end of the playing day of the competition.

10. The decision on the protest is made no later than 2 hours from the moment all materials are received by the chief judge.

11. A decision on a complaint against refereeing is made no later than 2 hours from the moment all materials are received by the chief judge of the competition.

8.Awarding the winners of the competition

Winners and prize-winners of the competition (teams that took 1-3 places) are awarded diplomas. For first place, the team is awarded a cup and gets a chance to participate in city competitions.




MBOU Kuibyshev Secondary School named after A.A. Grechko.

    Objectives of the task.

    Popularization of an active, healthy lifestyle among students;

    Development of mass physical culture and sports at school;

    Organization of active leisure for students outside of class hours;

    Promotion of accessible sports;

    Fostering patriotism and high moral qualities.

    Time and place.

Time: November - December.

Venue: sports hall.

    Organizers and management.

The general management of the organization and conduct of competitions is carried out by the administration of the Kuibyshev Secondary School named after. A.A. Grechko.

The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the Ministry of Physical Culture, the organizing committee and the panel of judges.


    Teams from grades 8 to 11 are allowed to participate in volleyball competitions.

Conditions for holding volleyball competitions:

The team consists of 10 people (the composition can be mixed - boys and girls).

Field players – 6 people.

Playground size 24 X 12 m..

Draw system: 1st round – Olympic, 2nd round – round robin.

All teams that apply take part in the tournament.

The game is played in three games; in case of a tie, the game is played until the difference is two points.

The tournament is held according to the rules of the game of volleyball.

Players must wear general team uniform.

The tournament is judged by the Ministry of Physical Culture, the organizing committee and the panel of judges.

Based on the results of the tournament, the best players are determined.

5. Competition program.

1. – Draw of lots for participating teams;

2. – Formation, grand opening of the competition;

3. – Competitions;

4. – Summing up, rewarding;

5. Ceremonial closing of the competition.

6. Rewarding.

Teams - winners and prize-winners of volleyball competitions are awarded diplomas or certificates.

The organizers reserve the right to establish nominations best athletes and competition teams with the presentation of valuable prizes.

7. Expenses.

All expenses associated with preparation and implementation are borne by the administration of the Kuibyshev Secondary School named after. A.A. Grechko and the Ministry of Physical Culture.

Security drinking regime and nutrition are provided by class teachers

8. Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators.

During competitions, class teachers and competition organizers bear responsibility for the life and health of students. Instructions are carried out in advance with a mandatory entry in safety logs. Medical support for the event was organized (presence of a nurse).

9. Applications for participation in competitions.

Applications for participation in competitions must be submitted in advance. All fields on the application must be filled in and signed by the class teacher. Teams that have not submitted an application to participate in the competition are not allowed.


on holding volleyball tournaments among schoolchildren in physical education sports club“Take Off” as part of the “School” project sports league»

1. General provisions

1.1. Volleyball competitions among schoolchildren within the physical culture and sports club “Vzlyot” within the framework of the “School Sports League” project are the first stage of the preparation of the All-Russian sports games schoolchildren "Presidential Sports Games".

  1. Goals and objectives

2.1. School volleyball competitions among schoolchildren of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot” within the framework of the “School Sports League” project are held with the aim of attracting children to regular classes physical culture and sports, increasing their level of preparedness and sportsmanship.


  • promoting a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren;
  • introduction of physical culture and sports into daily life schoolchildren;
  • attracting broad masses of schoolchildren to active pursuits physical culture and sports, healthy image life;
  • definition best teams educational institution.

3. Competition management

3.1. The general management of the organization and conduct of competitions is carried out by the head of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot”.

3.2. The organization of refereeing is carried out by: the Main Panel of Judges from among those involved in this sport.

4. Time and place

4.1. Competitions are held within the volleyball sports club once a month, according to the games calendar. Sports hall of school No. 5 in Kursk

5. Participants

5.1. National teams of boys and girls, as well as mixed teams involved in this section, consisting of students from school No. 5 and belonging to the club, are allowed to participate in tournaments"Takeoff".

5.2. Team composition: 2 athletes.

  1. Deadlines for submitting applications for participation in the tournament.

6.1. An application for participation in the tournament is submitted by the team to the chief judge of the competition at least three days before the start of the tournament.

6.2. Teams that have entered in previous competitions do not apply to participate in the tournament; if the team composition changes, a re-application must be submitted.

7. Conditions of the competition.

7.1. Team competitions are held among boys and girls in accordance with the Official Rules of Beach Volleyball, with the exception of the provisions for FIVB World and Official Competitions.

7.2. The team must have a uniform uniform with numbers.

7.3. Games are played in three games up to 11 points in two games and up to 7 points in the third game.

7.4. If there are 6 or more teams entered, the tournament is held according to the Olympic draw system; in the case of 5 teams or less, the games are held according to the round-robin system.

7.5. In all matches, teams receive 3 points for a win with a score of 2:0, 2 points for a win with a score of 2:1, 1 point for a loss with a score of 1:2, 0 points for a loss with a score of 0:2, and 0 points for a no-show. receive minus 1 point (in a round-robin system).

7.6. Team places are determined by the largest number points scored by teams at the corresponding stage.

7.7. If two or more teams have equal points, places are determined by:

a) the ratio of goals in all matches;

b) the ratio of parties in all meetings;

c) the number of victories in meetings between them;

d) the ratio of parties in meetings between them;

e) the ratio of goals in meetings between them.

7.8. A team that does not show up for the game will be disqualified. If the game was stopped due to the undisciplined behavior of the volleyball players of one of the teams, then the offending team is credited with a defeat with a score of 0:2 (0:15, 0:15). If the game was not completed due to the fault of both teams, then the defeat is credited to each of these commands, i.e. teams receive one point and the score in the games for both teams is 0:2 (0:15, 0:15). For the participation of an undeclared or disqualified player in the game, the team is credited with a loss of 0:2 (0:15, 0:15).

8. Awards

8.1. Teams of boys and girls who took 1st place are awarded the “winners” cup of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot”.


Head of Culture Department,

youth policy and sports

Yurlinsky administration

municipal district

A.V. Volokitina



about holding competitions in volleyball

to count towards the Spartakiad


Competitions are held with the aim of:

Popularization of volleyball and improvement of sportsmanship;

Organization of meaningful leisure time for the population;

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

Identifying the strongest teams.


The competition is held on March 26 (Sunday) 2017 in the Yurlinsky gym of the secondary school named after. L. Barysheva. Judicial panel at 11-00. The competition starts at 11:30.


General management is carried out by the Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of the Administration of the Yurlinsky Municipal District. Direct conduct and organization is entrusted to the chief specialist in youth policy and sports E.K. Mikhaleva, tel. 2-15-51, chief judge of the competition Mizev A.V. tel.89082696407.


Men's and women's teams from enterprises, organizations, settlements, and villages are allowed to participate in competitions without age restrictions. Boys and girls in grades 10-11 are allowed. Students in grades 9 and younger NOT ALLOWED.

Team composition: number of people in the team: 6 people + spare members up to 5 people.


Competitions are held in three games (up to 21 points in the first two games, up to 15 points in the third game).


Teams that take prizes are awarded certificates and valuable prizes.


Expenses associated with the preparation, organization, holding and awarding of competitions are carried out at the expense ofDepartment of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of the Administration of the Yurlinsky Municipal District under the municipal program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Yurlinsky Municipal District.”

Travel and meals for participants are at the expense of sending organizations.


Participants in volleyball competitions submit an application certified by a doctor or a certificate of health.

Preliminary applications are submitted to the Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of the Administration of the Yurlinsky Municipal District, 3rd floor, room. 50, tel. 2-15-51.

Documentation of health status and an application for participation in competitions can also be provided before the start of the competition or when registering participants at the competition site.

Responsibility for the life, health and safety of participants and spectators of the competition lies with the sending organization and parents!



about holding volleyball competitions

among students of MKOU "Novoduginskaya Secondary School"

Goals and objectives:

    Popularization of sports at school;

    Involving students in active sports and a healthy lifestyle;

    Identification of students for sports games;

    Increasing team spirit in the class.

Place and time:

The competition will take place from December 9 to 13, 2013 in gym MKOU "Novoduginskaya Secondary School".

The competition starts at 14:30.

Competition participants:

School students from grades 7 to 11 who are admitted for health reasons take part in the competition.

The number of participants in a team is 6 people, at least one girl (girl) or one boy (boy) per team.

Competition program:

1st group: 7-8 grades

Group 2: 9th grade

3 group: 10-11 grades

Competition Guide:

General guidance on the preparation and conduct of competitions is provided by physical education teachers I.S. Kolyshkina. And

Legchilin A.V.

Determination of the winners:

Games are played in a round-robin manner within the same group.

Prizewinners and winners are determined by the best result in your group. The winners are awarded certificates.


An application for participation in a team competition is provided by the class physicist.