Thermal springs of Thailand. Hot springs in thailand

An excursion to the hot springs in Pattaya is not only educational and interesting, but also useful. Radon springs in Thailand were discovered by the Japanese during World War II.

The spring is popular not only among numerous tourists, but also among local residents who come here to relieve stress. It is believed that baths have a good effect on health - immunity improves, tone increases and stabilization blood pressure.

There are thermal springs in the province Kanchanaburi. They consist of three pools with water of different temperatures. The highest temperature is 45 o C, in another body of water the water is not so hot - 35 o C, well, the “lowest” degree - 30 o C which is suitable for children.

The ritual of taking radon baths looks like this. First, you dive into a mountain river that flows right next to the radon baths. After this, you dive into one of the pools with a temperature of 35 or 45 o C of your choice. You cannot stay in radon baths for more than five minutes, so after this time you plunge into the river again and cool your body. This procedure must be repeated three times. After the third dive into the radon bath, you no longer need to dive into the river, just dry yourself with a towel and go to the transport on which you arrived for the excursion.

The duration of the bath is about half an hour. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to make sudden movements or swim in radon baths.

Of course, radon baths have many useful properties: strengthen the immune system, have positive impact to the central nervous system, blood vessels, and even reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. However, there are also contraindications.

Radon baths are contraindicated in cases of severe leukopenia, in all stages of radiation sickness, as well as in patients whose occupation is long-term exposed to radioactive radiation or UHF and microwave currents. Smoking is also a contraindication.

Ranong province is not known to the average tourist who comes to Thailand for a couple of weeks. This is not a popular tourist destination. Although Ranong also has its own islands: Phayam, Chang and other smaller ones with deserted beaches, bordered by palm trees and casuarinas. And I’ll tell you about mainland Ranong, which is literally crammed with natural attractions. My favorite is the hot springs. Don't miss them when you're in Ranong.

In fact, there are several hot springs in Ranong province. Some of them are located in national parks - Lamnam Kraburi National Park and Ngao National Park, others can be found by the sign along the road - Phu Lum Phi Hot Spring. The best hot springs that I recommend you visit are located within the city and are called Raksawarin Hot Springs & Public Park.

Pools at Tinidee Ranong Hotel

The park is located very close to the center of Ranong. Its territory is equipped with all amenities, there is a shower and toilet, and there are restaurants, hotels and spa centers nearby. The Tinidee Ranong even has its own private swimming pool with healing water.

Source with a temperature of 65 degrees

The hot springs in Raksawarin Park are one of the most popular in Thailand. In 1890, King Rama V himself visited them. Now the park is an area along the river with several swimming pools. The temperature in the main source is 65 degrees, in the pools - 40 degrees.

Hot springs Raksavarin

Entrance to the hot springs area is free. Bring your swimwear and towels. Please remove your shoes before entering, change into your swimwear and shower before entering the pool. As you can see, Thais are fans of swimming with their clothes on. Do not use shampoo or soap while in a hot tub.

Hot water pools

Bathing time in the springs should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Then you can rest for 3-5 minutes and immerse yourself in hot water again. Consider how you feel; taking hot baths more than 3 times a day is not recommended. People with open wounds, skin irritations, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or people in drunkenness. You cannot bring food or drinks into the park, with the exception of water.

Gazebo with heated floor

On the territory of Raksavarin Park there is a gazebo with a heated floor. People come there to warm up, lying on a hot stone. A source flows below and heats the floor. Local Thais lay out their towels and lie there for 20 minutes before visiting the pools. However, you can come here after water treatments.

Raksawarin hot springs can be visited if you go to. It’s a nice place to relax after a long journey so that you can set off on the return journey with renewed vigor.

Raksawarin Hot Springs & Public Park
Address: Chon Ra-u Road, Tambon Khao Niwet, Amphoe Mueang Ranong
Coordinates: 9.958619, 98.651118
Opening hours: from 5 am to 9 pm

Are you interested in thermal springs in ? Swimming in their waters will help you get rid of muscle and back pain, improve your overall physical condition, solve skin problems, relieve stress and cure some diseases.

Features of thermal springs in Thailand

There are many hot springs in the north of Thailand: their waters are so hot that tourists are offered to boil eggs in it as entertainment.

If you drive along the highway leading to Chiang Rai, you can come across the Pong Din hot spring. The area around it has been landscaped - there are restaurants, souvenir shops and even a temple complex.

In a picturesque valley in Chiang Mai, there are the Pong Duang springs (distinguished by their high temperature and geyser type - the water, escaping from the ground, rises to about 4 meters in height), around which a garden is planted. Nearby, vacationers will find a campsite, mineral baths, and a restaurant.

Nong Ya Plong Hot Spring

A visit to this source can be combined with a tour of the temples in Phetchaburi. Near them you can swim in special bathrooms, paying only 30 baht. It is worth noting that buses do not go to the radon springs, so you will have to take a taxi or rent a car.

Hindad Hot Spring

There are 3 pools installed at the radon source, filled with water whose temperature is +29, 30 and 45 degrees, and nearby there is a pond with cool water. Swimming here will strengthen the immune system and stabilize blood pressure.

San Kapaeng Hot Springs

The local thermal water is enriched with sulfur and flows out of the rocks as a fountain. The area near the springs is ideal for tourists - it is equipped with restaurants, a health resort, mineral baths and healing pools.

Hot springs in Bang Pina Park

The park is famous for the streams of “mineral water” gushing from the bowels of the earth with varying pressures and temperatures (up to +130 degrees) (in some places geysers emerge to the surface of the earth). Here everyone can walk through the rock garden and park paths, breathing in healthy air, or plunge into healing baths at the local spa center.

Rommani Hot Springs

The water in the Rommani springs reaches +45-50 degrees, and it is not recommended to stay in the pools in which it is poured for more than 10 minutes (it will help get rid of back pain and relieve nervous tension). Entrance will cost guests 50 baht, and those interested can stay overnight at the campsite.

Tha Pai Hot Springs

These springs, the water in which reaches +80 degrees (next to the springs they sell raw eggs so that everyone can boil them in this water), are a landmark in the vicinity of the small Thai town of Pai. Here, if you wish, you can swim in small pools, after changing clothes in the appropriate cabins and taking a shower before and after water treatments. Vacationers are not prohibited from camping in this area and having a picnic, but in any case they will be asked to pay 200-300 baht/whole day for entry to the springs.

And if you move about 50 km from Pai, you will be able to find another hot spring - Muang Paeng: its water is “warmed up” to +95-97 degrees.


Thermal springs (water +65 degrees) in Raksavarin Park, located near the city center, are equipped with swimming pools (they are filled with water at a temperature of approximately +40 degrees), showers, baths, toilets, a gazebo with a heated floor (you can warm up there before water procedures). Here you can gain strength and spend the whole day with health benefits.

In the vicinity of Ranong there is Namtok Ngao National Park - in addition to hot springs, there is also a waterfall, whose waters cascade from a height of 300 meters. Unlike the previous park, there is an entrance fee (100 baht for adults, 50 baht for children).

Krabi Province

You can find the Krabi Hot Springs thermal spring near the town of Ao Nang: there you can swim in any of the 7 pools filled with both +37-40 degrees and water reaching +60˚C. Next to each pool there are benches for relaxation, showers, and changing areas. Important: visiting the springs will cost 90 baht, and those who decide to walk to the Emerald and Blue (you cannot swim in this reservoir) lakes located nearby will pay another 200 baht.

Famous for several other hot springs:

  • Nattha Waree Hot Springs (you will have to pay 300 baht for entry): their waters are “warmed up” to +39-49 degrees. There are also 20 baths (individual use), swimming pools public use and a swimming pool where those who wish will get a foot massage from special fish.
  • Salty Hot Springs Khlong Thom and Saline Hot Springs Khlong Thom: These hot salt springs are 100m apart and charge 100 baht to visit. On their territory there are swimming pools (they are cleaned daily), parking for cars and motorbikes, toilets, showers and changing rooms, designed separately for women and men.

There are countless wonderful places on our planet. Until recently, many of them were considered too remote or inaccessible, but now there are almost no such corners of the planet. The world map beckons travelers with the most different countries, just choose. Tourists love and willingly visit the Kingdom of Thailand. But this does not mean that the country is known far and wide. Most often, islands and the coast are chosen for vacation. The north of the country is much less popular, although it can offer its guests a lot of curious and interesting things. For example, the province of Chiang Mai, where the climate is most comfortable in Thailand and where there are wonderful hot springs that bring joy to both the soul and body, while also adding a bit of health! Go there with us.

The desired miracle of nature

There are a million things to do or see. We made some of this million today! That day we had enough, tired muscles asked for rest and the thought of swimming in hot waters was very tempting. Our road lay to the mineral hot spring San Kamphaeng Hot Spring.

The guidebooks said: “If you're feeling tired, Chiang Mai's amazing hot springs will help you. For a relaxing and good holiday, the best hot springs in Thailand!” It was impossible to disagree with this - even in hoary antiquity, people used thermal waters to restore strength, relieve fatigue and stress.

Where do geysers and hot springs come from?

200 million years ago the world map was completely different. The territory where Thailand is now located was part of the huge continent of Gondwana. It was a time of mountain building and frantic volcanic activity. It will take a long time before the continents take shape modern look and the volcanoes, these fiery demons of the depths, will subside. Now they have fallen asleep, but have not disappeared. Volcanic heat fuels many springs throughout the country. In the beautiful northern Thailand, famous for its magnificent pristine nature, mountains and hills covered with jungle, hot springs and geysers are also not uncommon.

A spring is called hot if the water temperature in it is 50-90°C. It doesn’t take much to make it happen:

      • Groundwater reserve
      • Heat source. This is molten magma that warms water underground.
      • A channel allowing hot water from an underground reservoir to reach the surface

A geyser has a similar mechanism of action, the only difference is that reaching the surface is scalding hot water difficult. And when the pressure underground of heated water vapor and the water itself overcomes the restraining factor, a geyser is formed - a vertical column of super-hot water, shrouded in steam and spitting splashes of boiling water.

Hot springs Thailand and hot springs Chiang Mai

There are hot springs on all continents, except, of course, Antarctica; they constitute the wealth of many countries, including Thailand. They are located in different regions of the country, they have different mineral compositions, different percentages of incoming elements, different temperatures, different chemical properties and different effects on humans. Many have become tourist attractions, with some now resorts offering health packages combining mineral baths, Thai traditional massage and fitness.

The website of Chiang Mai University, dedicated to the use of geothermal energy resources in the whole country and in its north - - provides data on the hot springs of the Chiang Mai province in Thailand.

Name Province region Temperature ° C Name Province region Temperature ° C
Coping – more than 20 at a distance of km San Kamphaeng 99 Nongkhrok Phrao 72
Saket – two groups at a distance of about 400m Doi Saket 78 A Pong Chiang Dao 60
Fang - more than 30 fountains and springs. Fang 99 Snake Creek Phrao 45
Pa Pae – geysers, pools between mountains Mae Taeng 99 Evening distance Phrao 40
Figure of divinity -
more than 15 horizontal sources
Mae Chaem 99 Baan Pra Phrao 58
Foul Pong Mae Chaem 70 Pong Wua Chiang Dao 60
Ping Chiang Dao 70 Ban Thung Pong Rubber Chiang Dao 60
Pong Phrao 72 Malika Mae Ai 70

Pleasant with useful

Geothermal springs are one of the generous and valuable gifts presented to humanity by nature. Their hot waters are used in alternative energy, but more often for therapeutic and spa procedures.

The combination of high temperature and water enriched with minerals dissolved in it cleanses the skin, improves blood circulation, removes toxins, kills harmful fungi, germs and viruses, improves immunity, improves metabolism, treats psoriasis, arthritis, reduces blood pressure, relieves stress, makes it possible physical and mental relaxation and promotes the production of endorphins.

Balneology precisely that branch of medicine that deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases, using the various effects of mineral waters. Now, in my opinion, this word is not particularly used, but many people hear another word. Fashionable phrase now SPA comes from the name of the small town of Spa in Belgium, famous for its thermal springs. It denotes the achievement of relaxation, beauty, freshness, good physical fitness with spa treatments. The main thing is the use of healing mineral or sea water, plus oils, salts, mud, algae and plants. Modern young women are simply obsessed with self-care using these procedures.

I recently rewatched the film “The Master and Margarita,” and in the scene with black magic and its exposure, I wanted to add something clearly missing to the words of the red-haired Gella. Remember how she, standing on stage in an evening dress, sweetly, with a hoarseness and burr, sang and purred about something incomprehensible to men, but irresistibly seductive for women: “Guerlain, Chanel number five, Mitsuko, Narcisse noir, evening dresses , cocktail dresses, spa treatments...” Girls, agree, this would be more correct?

Welcome to San Kamphaeng Hot Springs

We are going to the hot springs of San Kampheng, which is very close to Chiang Mai. Past the rice fields, we reached the parking lot in 20 minutes. After paying for the entrance (costs 40 baht for one farang and 20 for a Thai), we walked through the park. The first thing that greeted us here was a slight smell of rotten eggs. Yes, there was no doubt that the air here smelled of sulfur. All around are lawns, flowers, well-groomed and beautiful flower beds.

A web of paths led to a steaming stream. Along it, with their feet knee-deep in the water, sat Thais, more Thais, and no one but Thais... For everyone, after a hard day of work, there is nothing more pleasant than a relaxing healing bath! And during the cold season, hot springs are doubly popular among Thais. By the way, please note, friends, on Sundays the number of local people who come here for picnics with their children and household increases significantly.

The stream, flowing in an artificial stone bed, snakes throughout the park, the water in it, the further from the source, the cooler, you can find the place where your feet will be most comfortable.

Until the mid-20th century, there was nothing in this place except grasslands with natural hot wells in which local villagers boiled bamboo shoots. Everything changed in 1972, when an attempt was made to use local geothermal energy, but calculations showed the unprofitability of the plan and the kingdom’s authorities postponed the project. Instead, in 1984, the place became a tourist attraction with water activities, a natural park with many flowers and green spaces.

Hot springs and the phenomenon of euphoria

There were no foreigners here except us... What a thrill to put your feet in hot water! We basked, sat, dangled our legs, I also dipped my palms into the stream... YESSS!

After sitting a little longer, we decided to move to outdoor pool spa areas and soak not in parts, but as a whole carcass. It turned out that you have to pay extra for the pool - about 100 baht. Moreover, there are possible options: either a shared pool or a personal house with a bathroom. We decided not to wait in line for a personal house and went to the pool. Well, what great fellows we are! Besides us, there was only one Thai guy in the pool, and he left literally within a minute.

Water... The water is hot... You lie in it and feel blissful... Indescribable in words! At home, I never go into a bath with hot water, I immediately feel sick. But here everything is different. Maybe the water is special, maybe it’s the contrast of hot water with cold air. But truly I say to you: “Wonderful! Incomparable! Lepota! The feeling that life is undoubtedly a success!” But the water is too hot for swimming.

And then Sanya came up with an even more interesting idea: to get out and sit in the air for a minute, and then back into the pool!

Nearby you can get a full body massage or just one leg massage.

Half an hour later, refreshed and rosy, we walked back. Hair drying on fresh air, began to curl into curls. It’s a small thing that they smell like rotten eggs, but they’re so fluffy and soft!

Speaking of eggs. I wanted to eat. And we knew - here they boil eggs in a geyser! And, almost on the way out, they bought a wicker basket with chicken eggs, expecting to immediately refresh themselves with them. Oops, the eggs were raw! They should have been lowered into the geyser and cooked. This is a favorite pastime here.

In San Kamphaeng Park, two geysers spew a continuous stream of fiery hot water into the air. Nearby is a swimming pool with turquoise, iridescent water. But you won’t swim in it, but rather you’ll boil: that’s the temperature of the water. Eggs are boiled in it, which are sold in special convenient baskets. They are hung on a special hook, next to a stand that indicates how much you need to cook to get the product to the desired degree of doneness - soft-boiled, in a bag and hard-boiled. This is where that stream began - that very public foot bath.

But we didn’t go back: we’ll boil the eggs another time, but went to the hotel for dinner. In general, in the park you don’t have to worry about food, since there is a restaurant here with good, judging by the reviews, Thai food and reasonable prices. Also, at the entrance you can stock up on aromatic natural soaps, scrubs, and masks. And use this purchased wealth in special showers.

And along the way, we visited a strawberry farm and became the owners of a kilogram of delicious strawberries.

And again the hot spring of San Kamphaeng

Last time we were too tired and there were too many impressions, so we couldn’t take in all the beauty of the springs and examine its source - the geyser. Now, having stocked up with eggs in baskets (that’s how smart we have become), we set out to cook them...

Today we climbed rocks for many hours again and we are no less hungry than last time.

A fountain of boiling water shoots upward, a little to the side is a pool of water, along its edges there are hooks for baskets. We hang ours and wait. I’m unbearably hungry, I also want to take pictures and I really, really want to go to the pool...

So. We will do everything step by step. We swallow boiled eggs, literally devour them on the way to the pool, it’s good that we at least have the willpower to peel them! And we took pictures while the eggs were boiling. Now let's head to the pool! Oh, there are more people this time: besides us there are three more Thais...

We're a little sour. It's better when we're alone! But it’s not for nothing that everything is learned by comparison: five minutes later a loud family of Russians joins us and the Thais.

After swimming for another five minutes, we climb out and return to the car. Rested Thais walk past us and carry baskets home with them. boiled eggs. Yes, not baskets with 2-3 pieces, but huge baskets with dozens of eggs. Who knows, maybe after boiling in a geyser they become incredibly useful?

We stop again for strawberries (delicious!) and go to the hotel to relax. I don't want to go to the city anymore.

Where are the best thermal springs?

Where there are hot springs, there best places for resorts, Thailand has great potential for this. And, located in its northern part near Chiang Mai, the amazingly beautiful San Kamphaeng Hot Springs is considered not only one of the most attractive places in Thailand, but, as they say on the Internet, is included in the list of the best hot springs in the whole world. I believe in it. After bathing in its healing mineral waters We, having thrown off fatigue, received in return the joy of being, a wonderful feeling of true harmony with the world. We left, taking these sensations with us as a standard of the mental state with which we should live.

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This country has many hot and thermal springs that are popular among tourists. Many of them are well known, and many are not included in tourist routes. Just like, thermal springs in Thailand are widely used in excursion programs.

Krabi Hotspring.

Krabi Hotspring is considered one of the most visited thermal springs in Thailand. They are not exactly tourist destinations, but are visited by most tourists. Usually Thais come here, but many guests of the country also pay attention to the thermal spring. True, you need to get to this place on your own, but it is not difficult, since the source is located 12 km from the airport, which has the same name - Krabi.

Krabi Hotspring is a hot spring that comes straight out of the ground. Its temperature reaches 110 degrees, and through the pipes the water from the source flows directly into the pools. In the pools themselves, the water is of different temperatures: in some it is 45 degrees, in others it is 30. They are surrounded by bright tropical greenery, and paths and small wooden bridges run to both pools. It should be noted that the territory itself where the thermal springs are located is rather neglected and unkempt. The existing fountains and swings are broken and do not work. Apparently, the hot spring, which is not included in the tourist route, does not need special care, local residents believe.
The cost of entering the area of ​​the springs varies for Thais and tourists. Local residents pay from 10 to 20 baht, foreign guests - from 30 to 50.

Natha Vori Hotspring Crab and Namtok Ron Klong Vol.

Near the “wild” spring, there is another, civilized one - Nattha Waree Hotsprings Krabic. This hydropathic resort has rooms with its own thermal springs. Their number reaches 20, and the number of common pools is 8. Entrance to the hydropathic area is much higher than a regular hot spring and costs 300 baht.
Another popular source and already included in the tourist route is Namtok Ron Khlong Thom. It is usually called a thermal waterfall. It is located near Krabi-town, just 14 km away and features a waterfall and an open-air steam room. The water in the source heats up to 40 degrees, thanks to volcanic hot springs. This waterfall can be called a “natural sauna” with beneficial mineral water. The healing effect can be achieved in 20 minutes of staying in this source.

Emerald Pool.

In close proximity to the thermal waterfall is the Emerald Pool (Sra Morakot). The name speaks for itself - the color of the reservoir shimmers in all shades of green depending on the time of day and the incoming light, thanks to algae and various bacteria. The pool takes on a truly emerald color at dawn. This source is a picturesque pond located in the forest. The emerald pool is located on the territory of the beautiful Khao Phra Bang Khram Nature Reserve, so you can not only take a dip in the source, but also wander around the surroundings of the park.

The pond is really beautiful, it has different banks - one is rocky, sloping, and on the other there are trees growing in dense rows. There are two roads leading to the pool: one is a specially created path almost 800 m long, the second is a natural path 1400 m long. A sign at this source has an inscription that this is a natural pool with hot springs up to 2 meters deep, the water temperature is about 30 degrees, and has a diameter of 25 meters. The thermal springs in the basin are underwater and enter the reservoir from hot springs located upstream.
The cost of visiting the Emerald Pool is 100 baht for children, 200 baht for adults, parking is also paid - 20 baht. Visiting hours are from 8 am to 5 pm.
This source is not the only one in this place; after 500 m, if you go upstream, you can see an even more beautiful lake with incredibly clear blue water. There is a geyser at the bottom of the reservoir, which can be easily seen. The name confirms the color of this lake - Blue. This is the very center of a large tropical forest, shrouded in mystery and mysticism. Many tourists simply do not know about this amazingly beautiful place, and locals are too lazy to go up to it, so you can very rarely meet people there.

Ta Pai.

Another popular thermal spring is located in the north of Thailand and is called Tha Pai. It is on the map and it won't be difficult to find it. The road to it is paved, and along it you can calmly, admiring the surroundings, get to the source. The temperature in the reservoir reaches 80 degrees, and locals always advise boiling eggs here, which is very interesting and very exotic. Of course, in those places where people bathe, the water in the source is not hot, and you can calmly lie down on the water and enjoy your vacation. Entrance is 200 baht. Further away there is another source - Muang Paeng. The water in this spring is even hotter, but entry is free.
All these springs are one of the main attractions of Thailand and many tourists visit them all year round.