Description of the photo: girl on a horse. The most beautiful horse

Great civilizations arose and disappeared, centuries passed, people loved and died. Everything changed, only a wonderful friend and comrade-in-arms was always next to the person. The horse seems to have been created in order to relieve the bitterness of being in the material world. Songs and legends were formed to her, the best painters dedicated their canvases.

Only a little over 100 years have passed since a man betrayed his devoted friend. I decided that it was time to trust myself to the iron horse. It's time to ask for forgiveness and look at the beautiful animal with new eyes.

Wild tarpans

Back in the 19th century, herds of wild ancestors could be found in the vast expanses of Eurasia modern horse. A relatively short animal with black-brown curly hair, it could easily get by without a person. They were not afraid of the harsh climate of the northern steppes. In the 18th century, numerous herds of these odd-toed ungulates grazed on the steppe expanses of modern Voronezh. Of course, they could not boast of the beauty of domestic horses, but they were still beautiful. Many horse breeds carry the blood of their wild counterparts. It was a rare wild stallion that could stand under the saddle, but if this happened the rider could demonstrate his dignity.

Unfortunately, the last representative of the forest subspecies was found on the territory of the modern Kaliningrad region in 1814, and its steppe specimen managed to survive only until 1879, when it was seen in the steppes of Taurida. Many horse breeders have dedicated their lives to recreating these animals. For now, there is only hope that they will be able to do this.

Beauty rating

Domestic animals are no less endangered. Fortunately, common sense prevailed. On planet Earth they still love magnificent horses and are ready to make efforts to preserve their population. Of course, the importance of workhorses has greatly diminished. But farmers of the 21st century are increasingly looking to this faithful assistant. Of course, you can’t plow a large field with horses, but in the household, a horse can completely replace a tractor for transportation.

For now, most of the horses are preserved for sporting and tourism purposes. This is where they are most highly valued. Various ratings are compiled based on representatives of thoroughbred horses, including, naturally, the top 10 most beautiful horses in the world.

The British are the trendsetters in the breeding of many breeds of domestic animals. Over the centuries there has developed good school breeding work. Back in the 17th century, the heavyweight Shire breed was bred. Then strong animals were needed for heavy knights.

Real mammoths are recorded in the history of horse breeding. In 1846, the British could boast of a horse that reached an incredible size - 2 meters 19 centimeters. The growth of a huge handsome man with shaggy legs could delight anyone.

Of course, it’s difficult to imagine such a horse galloping, but its gait is incredibly soft. That is why today they love to use this breed for walking.

The nobility of the Spanish Hidalgos has become a standard for the whole world. It is impossible to imagine that a less noble comrade was next to them. The Iberian horse emanates royal calm. Spanish breed, which is deservedly considered one of the best. Its two subspecies, Andalusian and Lusitano, have long been competing in beauty and grace. Almost all riding breeds were formed with the participation of real Spaniards.

Expressive almond-shaped eyes, wide aquiline forehead, long neck finishing with a muscular body and an incredibly beautiful mane. Show performances with such handsome men are completely sold out.

American Horse

The descendant of the Spaniard, who grew up on the prairies of the New World, turned out to be no less beautiful. Having absorbed the noble blood of the Andalusian and the rocks from the Kentucky area, the American began to gain popularity at the end of the 20th century. Indian teachers instilled in her strength and endurance, and she took nobility from the Old World. Incredible, graceful animals are great for riding. It is distinguished by a special smoothness of movement and a comfortable four-stroke gait.

There are no special restrictions on the color of the breed; any of the generally accepted colors with a white marking are allowed.

European veterans

Old Europe gave the world a beautiful gift. Bred in 1735 to glorify the future King of England, George II, today it has become the most popular sporting breed. Her representative always looks great. The color is red or gold, from black to black, gray and karak are allowed. The body fits almost perfectly into a rectangle, height up to 168 cm. Deep chest and powerful back.

IN sports world They are equally good at dressage and contouring.

Holstein breed

Almost since the 17th century, German horses have enjoyed well-deserved popularity in the world. Starting her career as a carriage horse, she became an excellent equestrian athlete. Not alone Olympic medal she brought it to her owners.

Important! The Holstein has always been valued for its endurance and reliability, and was distinguished by high courage.

The Book of Records deservedly preserves the memory of the three-fold Olympic champion bay Meteora.

Her profile is amazing:

  • regular head with big eyes;
  • long, slightly curved neck;
  • withers straight.

The color is predominantly spotted bay, but also popular:

  • blacks;
  • redheads;
  • gray.

Handsome Men of the First Cavalry Army

It is impossible to imagine pictures of the civil war of the early 20th century without cavalry attacks. During the transition to peaceful life, comrades received well-deserved respect. The famous Don stud farms were revived. Horse breeders successfully worked on a new breed - Budennovskaya. In 1948, a new breed was officially registered. It should be noted that the horse breeders did a great job. The stallion turned out to be hardy and felt great even in winter. And at the same time, a real handsome man.

Today the army gets along almost without horses, and the Budenovites have found their application in sports. Many of them have brilliant results at the highest level competitions.

It is impossible to imagine a Cossack without a horse. Don steppes a natural environment for excellent runners. Nature itself helps to raise a beautiful horse. The descendants of the famous Don breed were trophy horses taken in Turkey.

There is blood of Mongolian horses there. Other rare breeds were also mixed in. Based on the description, these steppe horses may not be the most beautiful horses, but they are excellent horses, that’s for sure.

The spectacle of magnificent horse teams has always fascinated people. To breed the magnificent Oryol trotter, the producers worked hard:

  • Dutch;
  • Arabic;
  • Maklenbursky and many others.

The result is one of the most beautiful breeds in the world. Their unusual way of holding their head beautifully and the gracefulness of their running have made them popular in driving. Many auctions around the world are happy to sell these stallions. A high-quality stallion can be very expensive; not every sporting stallion can match his price.

Handsome men from the Arabian Peninsula have been known since the 4th century. He is a hardy, handsome creature, capable of moving through the hot desert for quite a long time without water. Today, at gait races, they are distinguished by their fluffy, high-raised tails and delightful appearance.

Ancient Akhal-Teke

For more than 5,000 years, magnificent horses were bred in Ahal-Tek on the territory of modern Turkmenistan. Each horse was worth a fortune. Only very noble and rich people could afford such a horse. The Isabella suit was valued as the greatest asset. This is, perhaps, the horse that influenced all the famous horse breeds.

Important! Over many centuries, Akhalketian has changed little. He just became a little taller and more beautiful.

It was on the Akhal-Teke Arab in 1945 that Marshal G.K. Zhukov hosted the Victory Parade. To this day, the descendants of the Arab participate in ceremonies on Red Square.

Unusual Knabstrupper

Knabstrupper occupies an unusual place among the beauties of the world. The rare breed from Denmark is famous for its unusual spotted color. Small dark spots are scattered on a white background.

Modern horse breeders have begun to breed Knabstruppers in a wide variety of shades and variations of spots. Colors vary from black to red. The background also ceased to be exclusively white. There is even a pink color.

Frederick the Great

The parade of handsome men of the world is closed by Frederick the Great. The pitch black handsome man drives many horse lovers crazy. His luxurious hairy mane flows in waves over his magnificent body. One of the Friesian horses captivates everyone who sees him. It is no longer possible to surpass in beauty. Perfection has reached its limit. The rest can only strive for it.

Most horse breeds owe their names to their place of origin. This is probably correct. People are proud of their pets and want to immortalize the most beautiful creatures of planet Earth in history.

The expression “Bengal horse” may not make sense, but this does not make our love for the most devoted animal fade away.

The horse is a real miracle! They accompany people for centuries, becoming witnesses to many historical events. This is probably why there are legends about horses, stories are multiplying, fairy tales say, and the most beautiful legends are about horses. We also decided to celebrate the role this animal plays in our lives by providing a variety of photos and pictures of horses. We will tell you what the most ancient myths say about their origin, what different breeds of horses there are, and we will tell you what significance a horse has in our age of machines.

Running horses are truly a fascinating sight. Such photographs about horses not only look stunningly beautiful, but they have the magic of the moment: it seems that in just a moment, the herd will disappear behind the horizon, only a cloud of disturbed dust will remind us that a magical act has just taken place before our eyes. No one doubts that this was a demonstration of enormous power by the horses.

The horse is powerful and courageous; it belongs to the group of higher animals in which life experience prevails over instincts, which means the horse is capable of learning. In the ancient stories of different peoples, its qualities symbolize: dynamic strength, quickness of thought, determination to achieve success. And his rapid run reminds us of the most beautiful moments of life that fly by like the wind.

One has only to look at the photos of beautiful and frisky horses, how the legends about pegasus, tales about bucephalus, myths about unicorns become clear. They don't need wings to fly; they float above the ground anyway. Even a foal in anger is scary, he is ready to trample his enemy. But he is always kind to his friends, as if he is ready to fulfill their every desire. An Arabian legend says that this is precisely why these unusual animals were created, this is their purpose. And for all of us, pictures about horses are not without meaning; they contain elegance, grace and some kind of stunning pride.

Horse breeds. Rare and most beautiful breeds horses prove not only that the gene pool of these animals is huge, but also clearly testify to the love of people for their eternal companions. Scientists have created so many beautiful breeds! There is also a Black Forest with a lush mane, and a Bashkir with a curly mane. There are small falabellas and squat ponies, and there are tall ones, such as the Alhateke, taller than her shire. A frisky trotter, with curved ears, a Marwarian, with hairy “socks,” a Gypsy Vanner.

And animals have different purposes. There are: walking; heavy trucks; racing; sports horses. TO thoroughbred stallions reverent attitude. After all, whatever the purpose of breeding, the main thing is aesthetics. The most beautiful horses are shown at exhibitions, filmed to make beautiful pictures, and used in the creation of film projects.

Photos of beautiful horses are incredibly varied, since each breed has a number of advantages. Who are the most beautiful horses in the world? For some, these are Arabian thoroughbred horses, for others – Knabstrupper, for others – Norwegian Fjords or Friesians. They are all attractive in their own way. And it’s not always about the peculiarities of the patterns on the croup, color, height, mane or hair on the legs. But also in the character of these favorites.

Horses are still used in farming. And that’s where the photographer sometimes catches them. One can talk and admire endlessly about photographs of horses carrying babies or hay. They are natural and have a special Provence style and are suitable as desktop wallpaper.

On our resource you can download pictures in excellent quality for free. We offer to get acquainted with how horses still serve in the modern world. There is a photo selection of circus and sports pegasuses. We are ready to offer pictures of horses for your phone. Among them there are professional “models” who serve in this art form with full dedication, which is why the pictures of horses are amazing, you want to admire them, looking at every detail.

Beautiful horse breeds They are an adornment of the natural world; they delight with the beauty of their lines, the nobility of their entire appearance, and the majesty of their movements. For horse connoisseurs, representatives of the most beautiful breeds are a real treasure that brings aesthetic pleasure. You can spend hours looking at these beautiful animals - how sedately and majestically they step on the ground, how proudly they turn their heads, how open and intelligent their gaze is. The silky fur of the mane and tail shines and shimmers like noble metal or the most expensive fabrics. You can see the most beautiful breeds with photos in special ratings, reviews, and reports from exhibitions and competitions. The owners of proud and charming horses are proud of their pets and take such touching and caring care of them.

Noble and beautiful animals

Beautiful breeds of horses are bred by special breeders who know so many secrets about the appearance, physiology, and character of animals. When developing a new breed, attention is paid not only to the horse’s exterior, but also to its “technical” characteristics. After all, a horse is judged not only by its appearance, but also by its manner of galloping or gait, by its running speed, and its ability to overcome obstacles. It is also important that the horse knows how to listen to a person and is trainable. But no matter how interesting the animals look at races, competitions, exhibitions, the most harmoniously beautiful breeds of horses look against the background wildlife. Watching a thoroughbred, majestic horse rush across the steppe or forest road, it is easy to forget about the present tense. This picture seems to take us back to distant centuries, when horses were not yet accustomed to man, could enjoy their own will, and knew no boundaries for their movement.

Horses are considered man's most faithful friends, his assistant and even his savior in difficult times. But love for them is determined not only by practical benefits. The aesthetic impression that beautiful horse breeds make on a person is difficult to forget. So much love of freedom, pride, nobility in the appearance of a beautiful horse. And the color of his suit, the length of his mane and tail, and the strength of his legs are not even important. The horse is beautiful when it runs fast, when the wind lifts its mane, when its hooves flash above the ground. Many people think beautiful nature horses the most beautiful phenomenon among all created by nature.

Special ratings that demonstrate horse breeds with photos, we admire the diversity and perfection of these animals, which have been close to humans for so many centuries. After viewing the photos, you will definitely want to know as much as possible about the horses, their character, and care features.

Horses are very beautiful and amazing animals. Since childhood, they have brought me into indescribable awe with their grace, power and strength. In my top there are 25 representatives of different breeds of these wonderful animals. You can also read my rating of the best films about horses.

25. Yakut horse

An indigenous breed of horse, common in Yakutia. The breed was bred by folk selection under the strong influence of natural selection. Yakut breed horses, the most frost-resistant, having an undercoat and wool 8-15 cm long. Even in winter, it can feed on grass from under the snow, raking it with its hooves. In Yakutia, horses live on outdoors all year round(at temperatures in summer up to +30°C and in winter up to −50°C) and search for food on their own. Yakut horses are late maturing, but long-lived: reaching full development only by five to six years, they are often used for breeding and work until the age of 25-27. The bulk of Yakut horses are concentrated in the valleys of the middle reaches of the Lena River, as well as further north, in the Yana, Kolyma and Indigirka basins. They are resilient and smart, and are good at running over rough terrain.

24. Pinto

The name of the breed comes from the Spanish word "Pintado", which means "colored". They are a heterogeneous group of riding horses of Spanish origin in America. Horses do not have an established type because the main thing is color, not exterior. There are four recognized types of horses in the breed: riding, herding, hunting and racing. Pintos with a height at the withers of up to 140 cm are registered as ponies, while those taller (from 140 to 160 cm) are registered as horses. The Pinto is generally a friendly and willing riding horse. Her gaits are energetic, but not always smooth. What is especially attractive about piebald horses is that the genetic laws of color inheritance are still not understood. Just as not every shell contains a pearl, not every combination of two piebald horses produces a piebald offspring. This makes every pinto foal very valuable.

23. Falabella

The smallest of all the ponies in the world: 50-75 cm at the withers and below. Build like a riding horse. It was bred by farmer Giulio Cesare Falabella in Argentina in the mid-20th century. Of course, such babies are not suitable for horse riding, but riding in small carts drawn by a pair of horses of this breed is a pleasure even for adults. The American Miniature is very close to the parameters of this breed.

22. Shetland pony

A very playful horse, one of the smallest breeds in the world. It was formed on the Shetland and Orkney islands of the Atlantic Ocean over more than one millennium. The height at the withers is from 65 to 110 cm. They resemble miniature draft horses, as they have short thick legs, a heavy head, a wide body, thick hair and long lush manes and tail. Shetlands have gained immense popularity throughout the world as children's riding ponies. Ponies participate in the same types of equestrian sports as horses - smooth racing, steeplechase racing, jumping. And two ponies even took part in Olympic Games. Ponies usually live longer than horses. For a pony, the maximum life expectancy is (45-54 years.)

21. Paso Fino

The Paso Fino breed originated in Puerto Rico in the 16th century when Spanish settlers brought their horses to America. Selective breeding began in the mid-16th century, and today these horses can be found throughout South America. Any color. Body structure: beautiful head, beautiful muscular neck, very powerful shoulders, wide and deep chest, strong legs. The Paso Fino is believed to be the result of a cross between the now extinct Spanish Yennet and the Andalusian horse, possibly with a certain percentage of Barbary blood. The Spanish Yennet was a natural ambler, and the Paso Fino inherited his natural ambling. In those days there was a need to travel by long distances in the saddle and the Paso Fino was bred specifically for these purposes due to its comfortable ride and endurance. Today, the Paso Fino is most often used in the show ring. The Paso Corto is equivalent in speed to the trot and is very comfortable for riding over long distances in the saddle. Paso Fino are generally docile but sensitive, they are very stubborn and are famous for their strong personality.

20. Percheron (Percheron horse)

Bred in France in early XIX century by crossing eastern, mainly Arabian, stallions with a local draft breed of a heavy western type. Percherons began to be imported into Russia in the 19th century. Percherons take their name from the lush pasture region of their upbringing, Perche, located south of the mouths of the Seine River, and are a purebred Norian horse, containing a very variable admixture of oriental blood; resort to such crossing was forced by the need for strong and fast horses needed for postal chasing and omnibuses. This breed is simply strong, tall, suitable for walking and moderate trotting - in a word, something between a real heavy draft and an agricultural one. Used in the development of the Belarusian draft breed.

19. Suffolk horse (Suffolk)

The oldest English breed of large draft horses, named after the county of Suffolk (Norfolk), where it was bred in the mid-18th century. We know almost nothing about its roots, except for the fact that the first mention of an independent type of Suffolk horse dates back to 1506. The Suffolk was bred as a farm horse and his strong shoulders and legs made him ideal for working the heavy clay fields of eastern England. The Suffolk farmer used the horse to cultivate the land and harvest crops and almost never put it up for sale, and the horse, in turn, was a faithful and honest assistant to its owner. The Suffolk has an exceptionally kind and obedient character, in addition, it has excellent health and is distinguished by longevity . Typically, stallions work and mares give birth until they are twenty, and live to almost thirty. The Suffolk's exceptional qualities have made him the favorite farm draft horse of all time, and it is not surprising that he is highly respected abroad. The Suffolk has been bred for many years in the United States, as well as in Australia, Africa, Russia and Pakistan (where it is used to breed military horses). All horses of this breed (height at withers - 165 cm, pastern girth - 23-25 ​​cm) have red color various shades, without white markings.

18. Vladimir heavy truck

A breed of draft horses bred in the USSR. Created on breeding farms of collective and state farms in the Yuryev-Polsky and Suzdal regions Vladimir region and Gavrilovo-Posadsky district of the Ivanovo region as a result of the activities of the Gavrilovo-Posadsky state factory stable and the Gavrilovo-Posadsky state breeding breeding ground for horses. Officially registered in 1946. The Vladimir breed of heavy draft horses was created by crossing local horses with Scottish Clydesdales and English Shires. Horses of these breeds were purchased Soviet Union in Great Britain in the 1920s and 1930s. Horses of the Vladimir breed are hardy in work, they walk well not only at a walk, but also at a trot. The Vladimir Heavy Draft is a good-tempered and calm horse with energetic, free gaits. This is a fairly unpretentious horse, capable of living both in a stud farm and in a herd. Without a load, the Vladimir draft horse is so playful that, despite its great bulk, many representatives of the breed can trot 1600 m in 3 minutes, which is the speed standard for two-year-old trotters in Russia. With a load of 1.5 tons, the Vladimir heavy truck can trot a distance of 2 km in 5 minutes or even faster. The mighty and beautiful Vladimir troikas are very popular. Today this breed is endangered for economic reasons.

17. Marwari (Marwar horse)

An ancient breed, which due to its short stature is sometimes classified as a pony. The graceful and powerful Marwari horse (Marwari) dates back to the medieval period. This breed developed in India near the city of Marwar and, probably, in the north-west of India near the border with Afghanistan. Marwari was used for traveling long distances due to its strong legs. It is difficult to accurately trace the origins of the Marwari, but, undoubtedly, the blood of Arabian stallions, and possibly Turkmen ones, flows in its blood. The Marwari has been known since the time of Alexander, whose army used this breed of horse. Around 1930, the breed was on the verge of extinction, and was saved thanks to the efforts of Maharaja Umaid Singiya, who bought several good Maravian stallions and covered them with the best Maravian mares. Today, the number of horses is steadily increasing, and the Indian government, together with the breeders' association, is making great efforts to preserve this beautiful breed. Ears - curved inward, length from 9 to 15 cm, can rotate 180 degrees.

16. Persian Arab

The Persian Arab is an ancient breed that lived in Persia approximately 2000 BC and is also 1500 years older than the Arab. The name "Persian Arab" refers to many different breeds throughout Iran, named after the area where they were raised. The number of Persian Arabians is now greatly reduced due to the African pestilence that killed many horses in Iran in the 50s. 20th century. The southern region of Iran has traditionally been famous for the breeding of Arabian horses, where several varieties of the Persian Arab have been bred. Selection rules have always been very strict in order to breed a pure breed. Typically, the Persian Arab has the same conformation as the Arabian, but has a slightly more powerful build. This is a very beautiful riding horse, elegant, with beautiful movements, playful, energetic and unusually hardy. There are two known breeds that originated in Iran from the Persian Arab. These are Yaf from Kurdistan and Darashuri from Fars province. Both breeds have Arabian features, they are lively, playful and reach a height of about 150 cm. The Yaf is considered more hardy, while the Darashuri is perfectly adapted to the harsh climate of those places.

15. Welsh pony

A breed known since the time of Julius Caesar. Currently, there are three types in the breed: Welsh mountain pony - the smallest horses, no higher than 122 cm at the withers; the average type - 110-136 cm tall and, finally, the Welsh Cob for playing equestrian polo - from 137 to 159 cm at the withers. The latter type of horses appeared as a result of the influx of blood from thoroughbred riding and Arabian stallions. It shows outstanding success in ever more popular form crew races. Nature has made him exceptionally strong, able to survive in harsh climates and be content with a meager diet. It was used to improve other breeds, including the New Forest, and also to develop the British Riding Pony. The Welsh Mountain Pony is popular in many countries outside of its native Wales. It is exported to European countries, the USA, New Zealand and Australia.

14. Haflingers

Haflingers are easily recognizable. The golden color with a white mane and tail became their calling card. have long story, many studies have been conducted in an attempt to answer the question regarding the exact age and origin of this breed. Medieval chronicles mention a breed of horse found in the Austrian Alps. The Haflinger is an ideal horse for the whole family. This is a horse for sport and farming. They are unpretentious and hardy, in some reference books they appear as "Alpine tractors" where they are regularly used on small family farms in the steep rugged landscape of the Alps. Their amazing resilience and ideal psyche made them the backbone of the Austrian cavalry, where more than 100 Haflingers serve the mountain military units every day.

13. Knabstrupper

The origins of this breed date back to the 16th century, but despite such a very young age, the number of heads of this breed is not large. The bulk of the breeding stock is concentrated in Denmark, but recently, thanks to the love for these unusual horses, you can meet representatives of this wonderful breed in many parts of the world. Since May 11, 2011, our country has been added to this list. The “Russian Association of Breeders and Lovers of Knabstrupper Horses” is currently the exclusive representative of the Danish Stud Book of Knabstrupper Horses in the Russian Federation. Among the Knabstrupper horses there are quite a few winners and prize-winners in show jumping and dressage. Among them is the stallion Zanko, who received silver in dressage competitions, under the saddle of Ann Katharin Lube (Norway), at the Paralympic Games in Sydney, two gold medals in Athens, and gold at the world Paralympic competitions in 2007. in the UK.

12. Rocky Mountain Horse (Rocky Mountain)

A breed of riding horses bred in the USA in eastern Kentucky. This breed has a small population of approximately 3,000 horses. In addition to the walk and trot, the Rocky Mountain Horse has a four-beat gait. Average speed This gait ranges from 7 to 20 miles per hour. This gait is innate and does not require special training. One of the features of this breed is a gait called slow gait - a variation of the move. Perhaps this gait was inherited from the Narragansett pacers. It is noteworthy that, unlike breeds such as the American Saddlebred and Tennessee, Rocky Mountain horses do not need special training to develop this gait - many of them have it from birth, and it is not customary to correct it in any way. Therefore, the gait of the Rocky Mountain horses is not high, but flat, with a large amount of space. It is this gait that is more convenient for long walks over rough terrain for both horse and rider.

11. Norwegian Fjord horse (fjord)

One of the oldest and most purebred horse breeds in the world. It bears a striking resemblance to the horses depicted on cave walls by Stone Age artists more than 30,000 years ago and which probably migrated to Norway more than 4,000 years ago. The origin of the breed is not precisely clear, but presumably relates to primitive wild horses Asia, Przewalski's horses. Fjord is one of the very few breeds that retains its original primitive qualities and color. These ponies were used by the Vikings as cavalry mounts and the Scandinavians may have been the first Western Europeans to use horses for agricultural work. Fjords have earned a reputation as a strong, reliable and good-natured pony. Today's Fjord horse is used as a draft horse. They show good driving and racing abilities and can also be quite trained. One of the most unique features of the Norwegian fjord is that approximately 90% of all horses are dark dun. The remaining 10% are light dun, gray, gray, golden dun. Fjords are widely used in riding schools. Norwegian Fjord horses are famous for their gentle nature, diligent work ethic, endurance and energy.

10. Shire (English draft horse)

Horses of this breed are distinguished by their high growth (165-185 cm at the withers, sometimes up to 219). It is considered the tallest horse in the world. They descend from knightly war horses, descendants of the horses of the Roman Conquerors, and are one of the oldest heavy-duty breeds. The name comes from the English “shire” - county. The Shire Gorse or Cart Gorse breed, descended from local mares and Dutch stallions, is very famous and widespread. Despite its ancient origin, it is not entirely homogeneous in mass. Its type is highly variable - from a horse of extraordinary size and weight, suitable only for riding at a walk, to large and folding ones, suitable for both the plow and the cart. The suit is varied; characterized by a bald spot on the head and white stockings, more often on some hind legs. All parts of the body are developed proportionally; a very important article are wide chest, back and the same sacrum. They eat well and hold their bodies firmly. Some of the disadvantages of the breed - dampness, strong friziness and not always sufficient stockiness - will probably soon disappear, since specimens with these defects are valued significantly lower. The crossing of Shires with blood mares is very common in England and produces suitable breeding draft horses.

The birthplace of the Iberian breed is the Iberian Peninsula, and since Portugal and Spain are located on the peninsula, their influence on the breed is clearly visible. Accordingly, today there are already two subtypes of the Iberian horse: “Andalusian” (or purebred Spanish) and “Lusitano” (or purebred Portuguese). Thanks to their innate elegance and incredible flexibility, horses are often used in a variety of show performances, harnesses, bullfighting, show jumping (where the stallion Novillero took 12th place in the top twenty show jumping horses in the world in 1983), as well as high school. Experts believe that the Iberians took part in the formation of all breeds of riding horses, and their direct descendants are: “Appaloosa”, “Kladruber”, “Lipizzan”, “Quarter”, “Peruvian Paso”, “American Saddlebred”, “Paso Fino” , as well as "criollo".

All over the world, the Hanoverian breed is recognized by its brand in the form of the Latin letter “H”. This is the most numerous warm-blooded breed in Europe. It was founded in 1735. in Celle “for the glorification of the state” by the Hanoverian prince and later King of England George II (1727-1760). Today, 8,000 mares are brought to the Zell stud farm for mating each year. It is the most popular sporting breed in the world. It can be seen on most international competitions in show jumping and dressage. This is the result of German meticulousness: the Hanoverian breed was carefully created over the course of approximately 300 years - for different but specific purposes. This breed was bred from unattractive stock, improved by crossing with suitable thoroughbred Saddlebreds, Arabian and Trakehner horses. They have an almost ideal conformation, in which the features of the English Thoroughbred are clearly visible. One of the most important features is that the character of the sires is tested. Only horses with a balanced temperament are allowed for breeding. Horses of the Hanoverian breed are leaders on the world stage in dressage, and many of them also compete in show jumping and eventing.

The birthplace of Holsteins is considered to be a factory in Traventhalle, founded by the Prussians in 1867, which is no longer in operation. Now Elmshorn has become the main base for breeding the breed. This is one of the oldest breeds of German warmbloods, already several hundred years old. Work on the breed began around the thirteenth century, and in the 17th century the Holstein horse was in great demand in Europe. Then they contained different blood: German, Naples, Spanish and Oriental, which was poured into local mares. Initially, this horse was especially valued by German farmers for its strength, poise, reliability, as well as by the military for its courage and abilities. Later in the 18th century they were crossed with Yorkshire post horses, resulting in distinctive movements, improved posture and good temperament. Holsteins became famous for being strong post horses and army riding horses. Holsteins, unfortunately, are not as popular among horse breeders as other warm-blooded breeds, so their breeding area is not so extensive. This may be the reason for the lack of diversity in this breed. Holsteins achieved their greatest fame in dressage and show jumping. However, their historical endurance makes them popular in carriage racing. The most outstanding representative of the breed was the large bay gelding Meteor. Starting at the age of 9, he won medals at three Olympic Games. With the exceptionally talented rider Fritz Tiedemann, Meteor proved to be an outstanding example of the Holstein breed.

Horse breed. Bred in 1948 at the stud farms named after S. M. Budyonny and the First Cavalry Army, Rostov region. Originally bred as a harness horse, for use in the army, but now it is better known as a riding, sporting horse. The most characteristic color for Budennovsky horses is red in various shades, from dark terracotta to the color of river sand. The special beauty and effectiveness of the red color is given by the golden hue, which the Budyonnovsk horses inherited from the Don horses. Currently, this is a sports breed. Due to its versatility, it can be found in various disciplines. In terms of numbers, the breed ranks third among sport horses. Horses are in great demand among domestic and foreign buyers and athletes; they are successfully sold for export, where they are used for walking and sports.

A draft horse breed, bred in the 18th-19th centuries in the territory of the present Rostov region by the Don Cossacks. Along with the Oryol trotter, one of the most distinctive factory breeds in Russia. The basis for the Don breed was horses of the steppe type, which for a long time were improved by Oriental stallions, and then by thoroughbred riding and some other factory breeds. Eastern (Turkish, Persian, Karabakh, Turkmen) sires came to the Cossacks as war trophies during the Turkish Wars. The Don breed combines large height (160-165 cm at the withers) and elegance. They are distinguished by good health and strength, with a bright oriental breed. The color of modern representatives of the breed is exclusively red and brown in different shades, often with a characteristic golden hue with a darker mane and tail. Don horses are well suited for show jumping, eventing, amateur sports, racing, hobby classes and teaching children horse riding, they can be used not only under saddle, but also in light harness. Very well suited for mounted police and cavalry. In Soviet times, they took part in cart races.

4. Oryol trotter (Oryol trotter)

A famous Russian breed of light draft horses with a hereditary ability to trot quickly. Bred in Russia, at the Khrenovsky stud farm (Voronezh province), under the leadership of its owner Count A.G. Orlov in the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries, using the method of complex reproductive crossing using Arabian, Danish, Dutch, Mecklenburg and other breeds. In 2006, the breed turned 230 years old. Known for its use in Russian troikas as roots. Oryol horses are always popular at international horse auctions. Oryol trotters They are also used under saddle as pleasure and sport horses. Thanks to the ability to beautifully bend their necks and hold their heads, Oryol horses look good in harnesses and are widely used in driving. These are beautifully built, harmonious, quite temperamental and good-natured horses. They have a proud posture, graceful, elegant high movements, a lush mane and tail. Oryol trotters inspired the work of many writers - L.N. Tolstoy, A.I. Kuprin and others. An example of a literary work is the book by Pyotr Shiryaev “Grandson Taglioni” about the Oryol trotter Flattery. Oryol trotters are depicted in many works of fine art. Russian artist Nikolai Sverchkov especially often turned to Oryol residents in his work. The following films are also known: “Strong” and “The Trotter”.

An ancient breed of riding horses, bred on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula in the 4th-7th centuries AD. Special difference Arabian horse from other breeds - in addition to the concave head and large eyes - the so-called “cock” tail, which the horse raises high with any type of fast gait. The Arabian horse is a long-liver among the breeds of domestic horses. Many of the representatives of this breed live up to 30 years. Mares retain the ability to reproduce until old age and are distinguished by their fertility. The Arabian horse is popular throughout the world and is distinguished by its endurance, especially in races of more than 100 miles. Arabian horses are used primarily in racing and trail riding, as well as recreational riding and recreational equestrian horses. Many horse breeds still continue to be improved by crossing with the Arabian breed. Breeding work today is aimed at preservation and development best qualities Arabian breed, as well as a slight increase in height.

A riding horse breed, bred on the territory of modern Turkmenistan (Ahal-Teke) presumably about 5,000 years ago.This is the oldest of the cultivated breeds, which influenced many breeds - Arabian, thoroughbred horse (or Englishracing) etc. Refers, along with the thoroughbred horse and Arabian, to the number of purebred breeds,since it is a standard riding horse and has not been crossed with other breeds for 5000 years. Fineadapted to dry, hot climates and acclimatizes well in other conditions.By appearance Representatives of this breed cannot be confused with other horses. Thanks to their forms of Akhal-Teke horsescompared to greyhounds or cheetahs. Long lines predominate throughout the appearance. The Akhal-Teke has become a horse with extremelysubtle mental organization. He is smart, proud and not used to showing off his feelings, but is capable of devotion andaffection for its owner. Many athletes, accustomed to more phlegmatic and trouble-free half-bred horses,Akhal-Teke horses are considered difficult to work with. Like real desert horses, Akhal-Teke horses easily endure thirst.

A breed of horse developed in Friesland, a province in the north of the Netherlands. Brought out in the 16th and 17th centuries by crossing Spanish horses with the local heavy “cold-blooded” breed of horses, during the period of occupation of the Netherlands by Spain. In the West, these horses are sometimes called “black pearls”, because the Friesian is one of the most beautiful and unusual draft breeds in the world. The Friesian horse breed was twice on the verge of extinction, but was saved by Dutch horse breeders. Friesians are heavy-duty horses. These are hairy horses, i.e. they have friezes hanging from their legs. The grace and harmony of these horses is inspiring. These horses create a sense of splendor and majesty for many who see them for the first time, simply taking their breath away. Even the smallest frieze looks down on the world around it. The frieze is tall, slender and impressive. At the same time, the proud black giants are good-natured, do not spoil the life of their rider with excessive ardor, and are very comfortable to ride. This long mane and tail seemed to only happen in pictures in children's fairy tale books, but here it is in reality.

If you compare horses with other animals, they are the most beautiful and unique creatures in the world. The graceful horse fascinates others with its energy and extraordinary passion for freedom. Each breed has its own characteristics and traits, so deciding which one is more popular and beautiful is very difficult.

Top 5: the most beautiful horse breeds

A willful character, enormous endurance and pride prevail in any horse, regardless of breed and age.

The most beautiful horses in Russia

The top five most beautiful horses in the world include: the Oryol Trotter and the Don Stallion

Unusual breeds of the most beautiful horses

There are still some beautiful breeds that have been appreciated and earned everyone's admiration.

The most beautiful and famous horses in the world

What are the most beautiful horse breeds in the world and where do they live? The most famous names are the Akhal-Teke Aisag, Frenkel and the gypsy Hernando.

Nature has created an animal of extraordinary beauty. The appearance of thoroughbred stallions is captivating. I want to look at them endlessly. Thanks to those manufacturers who still preserve such a miracle!

Horses are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful animals in the world. Their graceful power, energy and desire for freedom simply cannot help but captivate! Who in childhood could resist the charm of these creatures and did not ask their parents to ride a horse at least once? Now there are a huge number of breeds with their own characteristics and characteristics, and therefore it can be difficult to answer the question: who is she - the most beautiful and famous horse in the world. However, we will try to highlight and describe the most beautiful horses that can win the hearts of people literally at first sight.

The Arabian horse deservedly tops the list as the most beautiful horse in the world. Based on worldwide statistics, this handsome purebred leaves almost no one indifferent. Just look at the huge number of photos and videos on the Internet depicting his graceful run or majestic stance! This breed is one of the oldest, and can boast of absolute purity of blood: its unique appearance and identity have been passed on from generation to generation.

Interesting fact. The Arabian horse is not only recognized as the most beautiful horse, but is also considered a long-liver among other horses. It is known that some individuals are quite capable of living up to 30 years, and mares do not lose their ability to reproduce until old age.

Arabian horses differ from others in their unusual appearance. Graceful slim body and the unique concave muzzle profile unique to this breed make them one of the most desirable and expensive in the world. And such a quality as incredible endurance determined their place at the top of equestrian sports.

Akhal-Teke breed - star of the desert

Akhal-Teke horses are riding animals bred on the territory of modern Turkmenistan approximately 5 thousand years ago. Light and graceful in appearance, these most beautiful horses in the world are probably familiar even to those who are not very interested in these creatures. Surely many are familiar with photographs on the Internet depicting a fabulous, thin horse of a pinkish color - this is the famous Akhal-Teke breed lavender color.

These most beautiful horses in the world are also known for their subtle mental organization: they are distinguished by their intelligence and affection for their owner, but are not used to demonstrating their feelings in public. Among athletes, however, Akhal-Teke horses are considered quite difficult to work with, since they are not as submissive and phlegmatic as many ungulates of mixed blood.

And for those who are looking for beautiful horse videos, we offer an interesting story about the emergence of Akhal-Teke horses and their importance in horse breeding, provided by the KoniMoiKoni channel.

The Friesian horse is the black pearl of horse breeding

The Friesian stallion is significantly different in appearance from the breeds mentioned above, but this does not prevent him from gaining recognition and standing out as the most beautiful horse in the world. The homeland of this giant is Friesland, a province in the north of the Netherlands. These powerful draft horses have been known since the times of knights, where they acted as war horses. Now this good-natured and majestic giant decorates the royal carts and carriages.

The most striking distinctive features of this breed of animals are a magnificent thick mane and legs decorated with long locks of hair.

Exotic guest from India - Marwari

Stately and well-built, these horses distinguished themselves thanks to their interesting shape of ears, the tips of which are curved towards each other. Perhaps it was precisely this interesting mutation, which appeared after the admixture of Arabian blood into the breed, that determined their excellent hearing and the title of one of the most beautiful in the world.

Shire - the tallest handsome man in the world

Heavy draft horses of the Shire breed, despite their specialization, are distinguished by excellent exterior qualities. This is a proportional and strong giant, whose height can reach 220 cm, with tufts long hair at the hooves. They are characterized by peculiar “sock” spots, which are usually present only on the hind legs. If you look at the photo, you will understand why we placed the Shires in our top most beautiful horse breeds.