How to increase punching power, punching power exercises. How to increase kick and punch power Exercises to train punch power

Impact force largely depends on the natural qualities of a person. Even among professional boxers, there are those who have a knockout blow, and there are those who are not “knockout punchers”, although they have enough powerful blow.
And yet, the impact force of an ordinary person who is fond of sports can be increased. To do this, there are several exercises that need to be performed as often as possible.

First of all, this is the well-known push-up with fists, which must be performed on a hard surface in several approaches. The number of push-ups should be selected individually, based on your own training. Bending and extending your arms at a fast pace is a kind of imitation of blows, which will help to significantly strengthen them.

The second way to develop punching power is to use weights when practicing punches or shadowboxing. Small dumbbells with a total weight of 2-3 kilograms are ideal for this purpose. Shadowboxing should be done over three rounds lasting three minutes each.

You need to rest for 1-2 minutes between rounds. At the same time, direct, side blows and blows from below are practiced. When your hands are strong enough, you need to train “series of strikes.”
You can significantly increase the impact force when training with a light barbell or a bar from this barbell.

Hands with the barbell in the “chest” position are sharply thrown forward in front of you, and then return to starting position. You should know that this exercise requires initial preparation and thorough warming up of the hands before performing it.

A kettlebell weighing from ten to sixteen kilograms will help increase striking power. You can perform a wide variety of exercises with it, such as: bench chest press; presses and jerks alternately with the left and right hand standing; "eights".

It must be remembered that all exercises with a kettlebell must be performed in “extension”. “Bending” exercises increase the strength of the arms, but at the same time they stiffen them, which does not contribute to the development of sharpness and force of impact.

Exercises that simulate chopping wood are good for developing punching power.

You can “chop wood” at home using a small sledgehammer and a tire, however, this exercise requires the strictest adherence to safety precautions. It’s better to do it outside, away from home furniture and other people.


On what nuances does the force of impact depend? How can you train her? What exercises are suitable for this?

Many people wonder how to increase punching power. At the same time, one can increasingly hear the stereotype that speed is the key factor. But this is not true at all.

The main thing is technique and the ability to put mass into the hand heading towards the opponent. But keep in mind that full straightening of the limb at the moment of impact can lead to serious injury, so it is advisable to hit without full extension. Adds effectiveness by striking from different angles.


So how can you increase your punching power? There are several answers here. The first one is strict adherence to technique. Pay special attention to your feet. When moving your hand, the latter should be at shoulder level. The heels are raised first, the foot turns in the direction of the impact. Please note that the movements should not be of a cross nature. For example, if you strike with your right limb, then you also need to tear off your heel with right side. At the same time left leg should fit tightly on the surface.

The remaining nuances are as follows:

  • Rotate your hips towards your opponent. In this case, the punch and the turn should be carried out simultaneously (this allows you to increase the level of impact);
  • move your body at the moment of striking (especially if we are talking about a fight at a short distance);
  • bend your knees and move your torso slightly forward;
  • You can’t reach for your hand, just rotate your body. Otherwise, you can quickly lose your balance;
  • at the moment of the swing, try not to move your hand back too much - this way you give away your intentions and allow your opponent to prepare;
  • at the moment of impact it is necessary to release air;
  • watch your fist - your fingers should be clenched with maximum force.

Best exercises

Now let's look at how to develop punching power with the help of special training. Here are the following exercises:

  • Try to carry a wrist expander with you at all times and practice with it. In this case, give preference to the toughest option. Correct execution of the exercise involves squeezing the projectile with maximum force. Thanks to this training, you can significantly strengthen your fist and make it more powerful.
  • Train with a jump rope every day, making sure to raise your hips to their maximum height. The ideal option is to touch the femoral part of the chest.
  • Use a sledgehammer as a practice tool. Take it and hit the tires with all your might (you can do this in the garage). The peculiarity of the exercise is that those involved in the work are muscle groups, which are precisely involved in the impact.
  • Use a helper to hold the paws. Hit as if the target were slightly above the set paws. At the same time, set the task not just to hit the projectile, but to penetrate it. In this case, you can develop maximum strength.
  • Organize a “fight” with an imaginary opponent every day. This will allow you to develop the reaction and speed of the “shot” of your hand. Please note that a blow that is unexpected for the enemy is effective.

For athletes involved in various martial arts, a well-placed blow is important. In this article we will look at what the force of a blow depends on and how to train correctly to achieve the desired result.

What does it depend on and what muscles are responsible for the force of a hand strike?

Impact force in simple words is the mass of the body multiplied by the speed of movement. In this case, the mass of all the muscles involved is important, not just the arms. Let's figure out which muscles of which parts of the body are involved during a punch:

  • legs(calves, quadriceps, thighs) - when striking you need a good fulcrum, push and turn, balance, forward movements that will provide speed;
  • abs and back muscles- allow you to maintain balance, transmit energy and directional force lower limbs in the shoulder and hand, restraining the recoil from the blow;
  • thoracic region- this is endurance, which affects the time it takes to keep your arms suspended during a long fight;
  • arms (shoulder and forearm)- their flexion and extension abilities are more important in order to be able to switch to defense in time after a blow. The hands transmit speed and force to the entire body. The forearm is responsible for correct position fingers clenched into a fist. How stronger than the forearm, the more firmly the finger bones are fixed and, accordingly, there is less risk of injury.

Exercises for punching strength

To develop the necessary strength, there is a set of trainings. Let's take a closer look at how and what muscles to train: examples and technique.

Kicking the ball

To perform it you will need space and heavy, it is better basketball ball. Technique:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, body straight.
  2. The ball is raised above the head in the hands.
  3. With maximum force you need to hit the projectile on the floor and catch it after the ball springs back.
  4. Repeat the action at least fifteen times.

Squat with jump up

You can start squats without weights, and then perform actions with additional weight in your hands, for example with dumbbells. Technique:

  1. We stand straight, arms freely along the body, feet at step width.
  2. Do a squat until an angle is formed between the thigh and knee joint 90°.
  3. From this position, we jerk the body up, raising straight arms above the head.

Video: jump squats This exercise, as described below, are performed as many times as the level allows physical training. During regular training, sets and approaches are increased.


When training to develop impact force, unlike conventional ones, place your palms wider than your shoulders. Best result is achieved if you increase the load by performing the action with weights.

Push-ups with clapping

This plyometric action is used in training professional athletes(gymnasts, bodybuilders, boxers) to develop speed and endurance of muscle tissue. Sequence of actions:

  1. IP - prone position.
  2. As you inhale, bend your arms, approaching the floor.
  3. As we exhale, we push off the floor with force, clapping our palms.

Video: push-ups with clapping: technique and nuances

Power outputs from the bar

A strong jab or hook is, first of all, a sharp movement that is invisible to the enemy. The following exercise will help you develop your speed and sharpness. We do it according to this scheme:

  1. IP - “elbow bar”.
  2. Push your body sharply and forcefully into a palm-stand.

Hannibal push-ups

The next activity, in addition to training almost all the muscles of the body, develops a sense of balance. Instructions:

  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Raising your body on your palms, simultaneously jump and pull your feet towards your hands.
  3. Standing on your feet, touch your palms to your knees.

Video: Hannibal push-ups, how to learn

Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups are performed using a sports bench. Sequence of actions:

  1. Stand with your back to the bench.
  2. Place your palms on the edge of the bench.
  3. Bending and straightening your elbows, perform body lifts.


Training with kettlebells very well develops the muscles responsible for flexion and extension. Instructions for performing a jerk:

  1. With your arm outstretched, place the weight between your feet.
  2. You need to keep your back straight.
  3. With one jerk, you need to raise your hand with the weight above your head.

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but there is a difference: in the snatch, the weight is thrown back over the head onto the shoulder, and then thrown up with a sharp push.

Lifting a kettlebell up from a seated position

This set, in addition to strength, develops balance. Technique:

  1. With a projectile on the shoulder, squat with your knees completely bent.
  2. To maintain balance, the free arm is extended in front of you.
  3. Raise the weight, hold for a couple of seconds.
  4. Repeat on the other limb.

Did you know? A Samoan boxer is considered the record holder for punching power. David Tua, the strength of his hook in kilograms is calculated at 1300.

Raising the kettlebell forward

This action is similar to the snatch exercise, but during the snatch the kettlebell is raised to chest level and locked in that position. At correct execution The angle between the body and the arm extended with the projectile will be 90°.

Lifting a kettlebell from a lying position

In this set, you can help yourself when performing with your free hand. Technique:

  1. Lying on your back, raise your hand with the projectile.
  2. Without changing the position of the hand, they begin to lift the body.
  3. Lifting is performed by bending your legs in turn.

Video: lifting a kettlebell with one hand from a lying position

Exercises with a sledgehammer

An activity like stuffing tires can increase muscular endurance in all major muscles of the body. Helping to lift heavy weights, the legs, buttocks, and back work. All you need is a sledgehammer or hammer with a weight convenient for you, and an old car tire. You will have to practice outside, having first dug the tire halfway into the ground to secure it.

The scheme is as follows:

  1. Standing directly in front of the tire, wrap your palms around the handle of the projectile. One palm is closer to the striking end, the second is in the middle of the handle.
  2. When swinging your arms, turn your feet in the direction of the swing.
  3. When hitting, take half a step forward, then back.
Similar exercise can be performed standing straight, without turning the body, or by changing the position of the palms: clasping the sledgehammer with both palms with a small distance between them.

Video: working with a sledgehammer - developing impact force

There are many exercises for developing an explosive strike, as well as training recommendations. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Exercises with an expander develop the hand and finger muscles well. In this case, training should be done daily, choose a hard simulator.
  2. Jumping rope strengthens your legs, abs, and back muscles. The higher your legs rise, the more effective the workout.
  3. Paw work is a great activity for developing speed and agility. The same goes for shadow boxing.
  4. In addition to the types of push-ups described above, push-ups on your fists are also effective.

Did you know? The swing is considered the most ridiculous blow in boxing - it seems that the boxer is simply waving his arms like a windmill. Although heavyweight Shanon Briggs, thanks to the swing, managed to win forty-five victories by knockout, and in the very first round of the fight.

Tips on striking techniques:

  1. When standing, it is correct to keep your knees slightly bent, this will allow you to distribute your own weight.
  2. The feet are always turned in the direction of movement of the hand (right fist - right leg).
  3. If the contact with your opponent is as close as possible, turning your entire body in his direction will give greater strength and speed. There is no need to lean forward.
  4. By drawing your fist back, making a strong swing, you thereby warn the enemy of your intention.
  5. The fist should be clenched as much as possible during the strike.

In conclusion: only regular training and following the rules during exercise will give the desired result over time. Remember that you need to train all muscle groups, all movements during impact must be coordinated and simultaneous.

Mike Tyson is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, but both athletes and ordinary people ask the question of increasing the power of a punch. In the absence of any means of self-defense, your hands remain your main weapon.

Before moving directly to classes, you need to figure out what determines the force of a fist strike? As physics says, force is mass times acceleration. This means that the impact is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Application speed.
  2. Weight of the hand being applied.
  3. Body weight.

Therefore, you will have to train everything mentioned above. For strength training Exercises using weights are good. It is important to understand which muscles work during impact. Since only a few muscles are used, focus on the working ones.

How to apply correctly

You need to take a position, lower your chin and press down. Your hands should cover your face and your knees should be slightly bent.

Then we clench our fingers into a fist, push off with our back foot, increasing the speed of our hand and throwing it out, turning our shoulder 180 degrees. The development of the force of the blow depends on its correct application.

Strength training for chest

Push-ups with clapping

In this exercise, almost the entire load is carried out on pectoral muscles and triceps. The wider the arms are spread, the less stress on the triceps.

To begin this exercise, lie down and spread your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Keep your legs and back straight. To enhance the effect, you can tip your feet onto the bench. This will shift the load to the upper chest muscles.

Push-ups on wide bars

The main load when doing push-ups on such uneven bars occurs on the chest, the secondary load is distributed between deltoid muscles and triceps.

Must be accepted starting position, after which, tilting the body and spreading the elbows, lower down.

You need to do this while inhaling. To avoid injury, do not make sudden movements or jerks.

Wide grip bench press

You need to lie horizontally on the bench and press the barbell from your chest, grasping the bar with a wide grip.

To create a more rigid base, squeeze your shoulder blades and tighten your upper back muscles.

This exercise significantly expands chest and increases shoulder width. Bodybuilders actively exercise using the same method.

Strength training for triceps

Push-ups on narrow bars

One of best exercises affecting the triceps. The technical part of the execution is no different from push-ups on regular parallel bars.

The whole point is in the position of the body, it must maintain an upright position. The elbows should be tightly pressed to the body.

Only under such conditions will the load on the triceps be maximum, and gain muscle mass it will be easier and faster.

Close grip bench press

Actively used by athletes for strength training triceps.

Most of the load falls on their long head, which is the most massive.

Try not to help yourself with your chest when doing this, as it will take part of the load.

Important to consider! Under no circumstances should the grip be narrower than shoulder width. This will not add efficiency, and the risk of injury increases significantly.

Delta strength training

Lateral dumbbell raises

The exercise is characterized by a hellish burning sensation in the middle of the shoulder. The influx of load during execution falls on the middle beams.

The exercise is isolating and requires implementation into your training complex. It is best to perform it with light weight.

The number of repetitions can vary up to 25 times. Accuracy plays a much larger role, which is impossible with heavy weight.

Raising dumbbells in front of you

The exercise is also isolating in nature. Most of the load falls on the anterior deltoids.

The technique for performing the exercise is almost identical to the previous one. You can perform it with both hands simultaneously or separately. By raising only one arm, it will be easier for the brain to work, and the load will be felt stronger.

Speed ​​development

You can develop speed with exercises like these:

  1. Jumping strikes. You jump, then while in the air, do a series of strikes. They must be straight.
  2. With dumbbells or weights. Impacts are suitable both direct and side. The weight of the dumbbells must be chosen correctly; they should not be too heavy. A weight of 0.5 to 1.5 kg is good.

As it turns out, training your punching power is not that difficult. Regularly performing the above exercises will make the muscles more massive and the blow faster.

If you are involved in any kind of martial arts or just want to stand up for yourself and your loved ones in street fight, then you simply need a lightning-fast and strong blow. Some people are given such a blow by nature, if you are not one of them, then you need to increase the strength and speed of your blow. The following will help you with this effective exercises and valuable tips for increasing strength and speed.

As you know, the force of a blow is measured in kilograms; a blow with a force of 250 kg is enough to discourage an opponent from fighting, but this will not be enough to knock him down. But for us, the greater the impact force, the more profitable it is. What is needed to increase impact power? To begin with, you need to hit correctly; when hitting, it is necessary that not only the arm is in motion, but also the body and legs. The body must be rotated in the direction of impact. Also the legs, when hitting you need to take a small step forward, if you hit with your left hand, then it should be the left foot, and if you hit with the right, then the right foot. It should be noted that these steps are obtained if only single strikes are performed, but if it is a combination of strikes, then you simply will not have time to complete the steps. Don't forget about the stand. The first thing a boxer is taught is correct stance. And, as you know, boxers have the strongest punch. And so, to begin with, it should be said that the stance is the most convenient position for a boxer, which he needs to perform any action for attack or, conversely, for defense. The stand must provide good review and at the same time be an obstacle for the enemy to perform any actions. The left-side rack meets all the requirements.

It is best to start learning the stance near the mirror, at a distance of 2-2.5 meters. One of the best ways increasing the force of the blow, this is shadow boxing. For this you need dumbbells of 3.2.1 kg.

To start, take 3 kg dumbbells. Apply them about 20 times. Then take 2 kg dumbbells, also 20 strokes, then 1 kg. After everything, we strike 20 times without dumbbells, you will feel that your arms have become weak - this is normal.
Also in a good way increasing the impact are push-ups. But not just push-ups, but push-ups with fists or clapping.

The same pull-ups or dips on the uneven bars help a lot. To increase the force of the blow, swimming also helps; during swimming, all muscles are strengthened. But for us the main style is the crawl.

Another feature strong blow lies in the fact that it is necessary to hit as if through the target, there is no need to stop the movement of the hand after the blow, on the contrary, the movement must be continued. This makes the blow stronger and more repulsive to the enemy. With such a blow, the percentage of the opponent losing balance and falling is greater than with a whip blow. The way the fist is clenched is also of great importance. It is necessary to begin to clench your fist from the first phalanges of the fingers, so that there is less empty space between the fingers and the phalanges of the fingers.

And to increase the speed of the strike, the same shadow boxing will help, only at speed. It is necessary to perform a series of blows or the same blow several times, but at high speed for 5-10 minutes. You can also purchase special hand weights or sew them yourself. They are shaped like gloves, but with pockets containing metal plates. The number of plates can be adjusted, removed or added, depending on the physical condition. There is also a problem that your hands begin to hurt from hitting the punching bag. So that you do not feel pain during a blow, you need to make the skin rougher and the bones of the hand to get used to the blows. To do this, you need to do the following, take an ordinary stack and attach it to the wall. Every day, for 15-20 minutes, perform a series of strokes, and then tear out several pages from the stack. This is how your hands will be “hardened”.

Train hard and you will definitely succeed. Good luck and success.