Evgeniy Sandov training system reviews. Training system of Evgeniy Sandov

At the request of readers, we publish exercises on the system physical development the famous Evgeniy Sandov “Strength and how to become strong.”

Evgeniy Sandov's system of physical development was very popular at the beginning of our century. Sandow himself was an excellent athlete; many considered him the strongest man in the world. Here are some of his athletic performances: a platform was lowered onto Sandow's chest, on which three horses or a piano and an eight-piece orchestra were placed. The athlete did a back somersault with a weight of one and a half pounds in each hand and landed exactly on the same place - a handkerchief. With his heels resting on one chair and the back of his head on another, Sandow held two people on his chest and in his outstretched arm. - a twenty-two kilogram weight. He squeezed with one hand a barbell with huge hollow balls, inside of which a person sat (total weight - 7 pounds 13 pounds) - at that time this was a world record, which was later broken by the famous Georg Hackenschmidt.

In 1895, Sandow lifted a barbell weighing 115 kilograms and, placing it in left hand, lay down on the floor on his back and stood up again.

Contemporaries considered Sandow the founder of bodybuilding. It was he who organized the first athletic beauty contest in England in 1901, in which 156 people took part, most of them trained according to the Sandow system.

Sandow was not naturally endowed with a heroic physique, which was typical of strong men of that time. Only through systematic and thoughtful exercises with weights was he able to achieve excellent physical development. His anthropometric data: height - 170 cm, weight - 88 kg, circumference chest when inhaling - 122 cm, waist - 80 cm, biceps - 43 cm, thigh - 63 cm, calf - 40 cm, forearm - 33 cm (Hercules magazine No. 10, 1913),

Using his medical knowledge and experience of training under the guidance of trainer Attila, Sandow developed a system of physical exercises with dumbbells and recommended it not only to men, but also to children and girls, for whom a special dosage of exercises was provided. Let's start getting acquainted with this system with brief recommendations from the author.

The body, like the child, needs education; Such education can only be given through exercises, with the help of which not only muscles develop, but health improves.

Fulfill exercises with dumbbells should be no earlier than two hours after eating. Practice in front of a mirror, watch the correct movements, which should be calm. Each exercise should take 2 seconds.

How to become strong? Do not force an increase in the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions.

After exercise, take a cold bath, having previously prepared the body for water procedures. Start in the summer and continue all year round, day after day, in the morning. If it is not possible to take a bath, after exercise you need to wipe your body with a towel soaked in cold water, and then quickly rub with a dry towel.

The “nail” of the Sandow system is in conscious muscle contractions. “You need to achieve the ability to concentrate your mind on your muscles and subordinate them to its absolute influence.” In addition to the basic dumbbell system, Sandow recommends exercising muscle tension throughout the day. For example, when you are sitting reading or just relaxing while sitting, try contracting your muscles harder and harder.

First, you need to use two-kilogram dumbbells. Every six days, increase the number of repetitions by three. After six months (1st year), three-kilogram dumbbells are needed. After another six months - four kilogram dumbbells. Each time you start the exercises, you need to start with the initial number of repetitions.

Exercises with dumbbells

1. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the body, palms facing forward (underhand grip), look straight ahead.
Alternately bend and straighten your arms elbow joints. Elbows should be motionless.
Repeat the exercise 50 times. Breathing is uniform and arbitrary.
The exercise develops the biceps brachii muscles (biceps).
2. The same exercise, but hold the dumbbells with an overhand grip. Repeat the exercise 25 times.

3. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms up, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints. Do not lower your elbows during the exercise. Breathing is uniform and arbitrary. Repeat the exercise 10 times. The exercise develops the biceps brachii muscles and triceps muscles shoulder (triceps).

4. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms up... Simultaneously bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints. When bending your arms, inhale, while straightening your arms, exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The exercise develops biceps and triceps.

5. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised forward, palms inward. Spread your arms straight to the sides and inhale, quickly return to starting position- exhale. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
Exercise develops pectoral muscles, back muscles and shoulder girdle.
6. Standing, hands with dumbbells to your shoulders, turn your shoulders, look straight ahead. Alternately raise and lower your arms. Breathing is uniform. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
The exercise develops the triceps brachii, deltoid and trapezius muscles.
7. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the body, back slightly bent. Alternately raise your straight arms forward to shoulder level.
Lifting right hand, inhale, raising the left - exhale.
Exercise develops deltoids.
8. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms down. Simultaneously and quickly rotate your hands up and down, then forward and back. Breathing is uniform. Perform the exercise until fatigue sets in.
Develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

9. Take the dumbbells by one end and spread your arms out to the sides. Without bending your arms, rotate your hands back and forth. Breathing is uniform. Do the exercise until you get tired.
The exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.
10. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised up. Without bending your knees, lean forward and touch the floor with your hands - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. At first, perform the exercise without dumbbells. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise develops your back muscles.
11. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Lunge forward with your left leg, raise your right arm in an arcing motion to chest level - inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale. Then lunge right foot, and raise your left hand forward. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The exercise develops the deltoid muscles and leg muscles.
12. Standing, arms along your body, look straight ahead. Raise your arms straight up through your sides - inhale. Lower to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The exercise develops the deltoid and trapezius muscles.
13. Push-ups while lying on the floor. The torso and legs should form a straight line. When bending your arms, inhale, while straightening your arms, exhale. Bending your arms, touch your chest to the floor.
The exercise develops the triceps muscles of the shoulder, pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle.
14. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Bend your torso left side, bend your right arm so that the dumbbell touches your armpit. Then bend to the other side, bending your left arm. As you bend over, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 25 times.
Exercise develops lateral muscles abdomen, biceps, trapezius and deltoid muscles.

15. Lying on your back on the floor, legs secured to a fixed support, arms with dumbbells raised up. Sit down and bend forward - exhale. Slowly return to the starting position - inhale. At first, the exercise can be performed without dumbbells. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
The exercise develops the abdominal muscles.
16. Lying on your back on the floor, hands behind your head. Raise your straight legs up - exhale. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
The exercise develops the abdominal muscles and quadriceps muscles of the thigh.
17. Standing, heels together, toes apart, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body. Slowly rise onto your toes - inhale, then, lowering onto your heels, squat - exhale. Repeat the exercise 25 times.
Exercise develops calf muscles and quadriceps femoris muscles.
18. Standing, arms with dumbbells are lowered along the body. Bend and extend your hands at the wrist joints. Breathing is uniform. Repeat the exercise 25 times.
The exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

Sandow claimed that by the end of the eighth course, when the weight of the dumbbells reaches 8 kilograms, those who train according to his system will have the same muscles as his.

At the end of the 19th century, Evgeniy Sandov introduced the definition of “bodybuilder” into use, formulated the principles of training, and laid the foundation for modern bodybuilding. Sandow was the first to sell his own designs for money. He became a pioneer in sports marketing and invested a lot of money in advertising his own products. Moreover, he went with presentations to cities and villages, and encouraged everyone to engage in physical education.

Was born Evgeny Sandov on April 2, 1867 in Koenigsberg. Difficult to pronounce name - Friedrich Wilhelm Müller (German Friedrich Wilhelm Müller) emphasizes the athlete's German origin on his father's side. As a child, the boy was frail and frail. Never-ending illnesses became one of the reasons for my passion for anatomy and physical education. To get rid of bodily weakness, he began to exercise and read smart books. When Eugene grew up, he trained under the guidance of professional strongman Louis Durlacher (Professor Attila). He trained Evgeniy using his own method, based on a progressive increase in load.

Are you weak?

His body was considered perfect. The figure was immortalized in a statuette for Olympia which everyone dreams of getting today. The athlete had muscles of steel, impressive relief and heroic strength. They say that London ladies lined up at social events to touch the strongman's 44 cm biceps for money. When compared with double-headed buns with a diameter of 58 cm, this size is now difficult to surprise. But in those years, Evgeniy Sandov’s body parameters were the standard of physical perfection. The strongman demonstrated original performances in the circus arena that no one in the world could repeat.

  1. With an average height of 170 cm, he easily pressed a barbell of 123 kg with one hand.
  2. He held several people in his arms, weights of 27 kg each.
  3. I did more than 200 push-ups in 4 minutes.
  4. With a weight of 30 kg, I stood on a scarf, performed a somersault and returned to the starting point.
  5. Standing on the bridge, he held 3 horses on the platform.

Sandov's business

In 1885, in order not to go to military service to the Prussian army Evgeniy emigrates to England, where I became interested in wrestling. Started performing in the circus under the name Sandow (English: Eugene Sandow). After triumph in Europe, he sets off to conquer America. Here he concentrates entirely on strength training and is developing new system. Recognition by journalists as the most strong man served well.

In 1894, the athlete publishes "Physical training system". He makes money by selling brochures with his own methods, developing and producing simulators. After 3 years he returns to England, and here:

  • actively popularizes sports;
  • offering equipment to those interested - expanders, spring dumbbells;
  • in parallel, creates physical education institutes;
  • organizes training rooms that have become prototypes of modern clubs.

Other talents

At the beginning of 1900 organizes first competition show "Great Competition". 56 athletes take part in it, most of whom trained using the Sandow method. Prizewinner William Murray receives first-hand a bust of Sandow with a ball bar cast in bronze. The figurine was made by sculptor Frederic Pomera.

  • In 1904 it saw the light edition "Bodybuilding: Man of Action" dedicated to the overall health of the body.
  • The following year, the athlete goes on a world tour to promote the system to the masses.
  • In 9011, King George V signs a decree conferring the title "Professor of Physical Development" and appoints the athlete as a personal instructor.
  • Published in 1912 "Strength and Health".
  • After 7 years, continuing the topic a book is being published "Life is movement", dedicated to physical transformation.
  • Evgeniy Sandov died at the age of 58 from a cerebral hemorrhage after trying to pull his car out of a ditch.

Evgeniy Sandov: exercises with dumbbells

The father of modern bodybuilding introduced gymnastics with apparatus 125 years ago. The author of the method assures that 2 dumbbells from 2-9 kg can make every person. To confirm this, he presented a program with isolation exercises and multiple repetitions. Beginning bodybuilders today use this system to hone their definition.

The method is based on a gradual increase in weight by 1 kg every six months and increasing repetitions by 3 after 6 workouts. At the start, the beginner performs 12-16 doubles for the upper body and 10 for the lower part in one set. The complex includes 18 techniques:

  • bending limbs from different positions;
  • alternate presses and lifts of dumbbells;
  • circular rotations projectiles with brushes;
  • bending to the floor;
  • and others.

The strongman assures that if you go through all the stages, the muscles will be the same as his. This statement caused a lot of controversy. Experts say that with this scheme it is permissible to slightly pump up the muscles and define the relief, but you should not count on a significant increase in mass and development of strength. In his books, Evgeny Sandov writes about training with jerks from the floor. It was they who developed such power in him and formed an athletic figure, but for unknown reasons the author did not include them in dumbbell training. The conclusion is simple: the system allows you to tighten your figure, but for mass and explosive power it is better to choose strength program with heavy weights.

Training according to the Sandov system in video format

At the beginning of our century, the system of physical development of the athlete Evgeniy Sandov, “Strength and how to become strong,” was very popular.

Sandow, using his medical knowledge and training experience under the guidance of his trainer Attila (L. Durlacher), developed a system physical exercise with dumbbells and recommended it not only to men, but also to children and girls, for whom a special dosage of exercises was provided.

The system was accompanied by an anatomical table, which indicated the main human muscles, the contraction of which performed this or that exercise.
Sandov is credited with the invention of “spring dumbbells,” which are still in production today.

Acquaintance with this system began with the following recommendations:

The body, like a child, needs education; such education can only be given through a series of exercises, with the help of which not only muscles develop, but health improves.
- Do not set a strictly specific time for classes. Choose the part of the day that is convenient for you. But in any case, exercises should be performed no earlier than two hours after eating.
- Exercises should be performed in front of a mirror, making sure the movements are correct and calm. Each exercise should take 2 seconds.
- Do not force an increase in the weight of dumbbells and the number of repetitions.
- After exercise, take a cold bath. But first you need to prepare the body for these procedures by hardening (bathing), which should begin in the summer and continue all year round, day after day, in the morning. If it is not possible to take a bath, then after exercise you need to wipe your body with a towel soaked in cold water, and then quickly rub your body with a dry towel.
- The “nail” of the Sandow system lies in conscious muscle contractions when performing exercises. “You need to achieve the ability to concentrate your mind on your muscles and subordinate them to its absolute influence.”
- In addition to the basic system with dumbbells, Sandov recommends exercising muscle tension throughout the day. For example, when you are resting while sitting, try to contract the muscles of your body more and more.

Sandow addressed his students with the following words: “Do not give in to apparent difficulties; if you want success, then go forward, never retreat.”
The dosage of these exercises is intended for age group 17 years and older. For initial training, you need to use dumbbells weighing 2 kilograms, after every six days of training the number of repetitions increases by 3, after six months (1st course) the weight increases by 1 kg, and again the exercise should be performed from the initial dosages. (In some editions of the Sandow system, the dosage of repetitions is slightly different.)

1. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the body, palms facing forward (underhand grip), look straight ahead.
Alternately bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints. Elbows should remain motionless.
Repeat the exercise 50 times. Breathing is uniform and arbitrary. The exercise develops the biceps brachii muscles (biceps).

2. The same exercise, but hold the dumbbells with an overhand grip. Repeat the exercise 25 times.

3. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms up, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints. Do not lower your elbows while performing the exercise. Breathing is uniform and arbitrary. Repeat the exercise 10 times. The exercise develops the biceps brachii muscles (biceps) and the triceps brachii muscles (triceps).

4. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms up.
Simultaneously bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints. When bending your arms, inhale, while straightening your arms, exhale.
Repeat the exercise 10 times. The exercise develops biceps and triceps.

5. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised forward, palms inward. Spread your arms straight to the sides and inhale, quickly return to the starting position - exhale.
Repeat the exercise 5 times.

6. Standing, hands with dumbbells to your shoulders, turn your shoulders, look straight ahead. Alternately raise and lower your arms. Breathing is uniform. Repeat the exercise 15 times. The exercise develops the triceps brachii, deltoid and trapezius muscles.

7. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the body, back slightly bent. Alternately raise your straight arms forward to shoulder level.
Raising your right hand, inhale, raising your left hand, exhale.
The exercise develops the deltoid muscles.

8. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms down.
Simultaneously and quickly turn your hands up and down, then forward and back. Breathing is uniform.
Perform the exercise until fatigue sets in.

9. Hold the dumbbells at one end and raise your arms to the sides. Without bending your elbows, rotate your hands back and forth. Breathing is uniform.
Perform the exercise until fatigue sets in.
The exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

10. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised up. Without bending your legs, lean forward and touch the floor with your hands - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. At first, perform the exercise without dumbbells. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Exercise develops back muscles and mobility in lumbar region spine.

11. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Lunge forward with your left leg, raise your right arm in an arcing motion to chest level - inhale.
Return to the starting position - exhale.
Then lunge forward with your right leg and raise your left arm forward. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The exercise develops the deltoid muscles and leg muscles.

12. Push-ups while lying on the floor. The torso and legs should form a straight line. When bending your arms, inhale, while straightening your arms, exhale. Bending your arms, touch your chest to the floor. The exercise develops the triceps muscles of the shoulder, pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle.
Sandow himself could do 200 push-ups within four minutes.

13. Standing, arms along your body, look straight ahead. Raise your arms straight up through your sides - inhale. Lower to the starting position - exhale.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The exercise develops the deltoid muscles and trapezius muscles.

14. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body.
Bend your torso to the left side, bend your right arm so that the dumbbell touches your armpit.
Then bend in the other direction, bending your left arm. As you bend over, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 25 times. The exercise develops the lateral abdominal muscles, biceps, trapezius and deltoid muscles.

15. Lying on your back on the floor, arms with dumbbells raised up. Sit down and bend forward - exhale.
Slowly return to the starting position - inhale.
At first, the exercise can be performed without dumbbells. Repeat the exercise 3 times. The exercise develops the abdominal muscles.

16. Lying on your back on the floor, hands behind your head.
Raise your straight legs up - exhale. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 3 times. The exercise develops the abdominal muscles and quadriceps muscles of the thigh.

17. Standing, heels together, toes apart, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body. Slowly rise onto your toes - inhale, then, lowering onto your heels, squat - exhale. Repeat the exercise 25 times. The exercise develops the calf muscles and quadriceps muscles of the thigh.

18. Standing, arms with dumbbells are lowered along the body.
Bend and extend your hands at the wrist joints.
Breathing is uniform. Repeat the exercise 25 times.
The exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

Sandow claimed that by the end of the eighth course, when the weight of the dumbbells reaches 8 kg, those training according to his system will have the same muscles as his.

1. Standing, heels together, toes apart. Hands with dumbbells along the body and pressed to the sides, palms facing forward, shoulders straightened, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints. Elbows should be motionless. Breathing is uniform and arbitrary.
The exercise develops the biceps brachii muscles (biceps).

2. The same exercise, but the hands with dumbbells are turned knuckles forward (overhand grip).
The exercise develops the biceps and extensor muscles of the forearm.

3. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised to the sides, palms up, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and straighten your arms at the elbow joints. Do not lower your elbows during the exercise. Breathing is uniform and arbitrary.
The exercise develops deltoids, biceps and triceps.

4. The same as exercise 3, only now bend and straighten your arms with dumbbells at the same time. When bending your arms, inhale; when extending, exhale.

The exercise develops deltoids, biceps and triceps.

5. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised forward, palms inward. Spread your straight arms to the sides and inhale, quickly return to the starting position - exhale.

The exercise develops the pectoral muscles, back muscles and shoulder girdle.

6. Standing, hands with dumbbells to your shoulders, turn your shoulders, look straight ahead. Alternately raise and lower your arms. Breathing is uniform.

The exercise develops the triceps brachii, deltoid and trapezius muscles.

7. Standing, hands with dumbbells on hips, back slightly bent. Alternately raise your straight arms forward to shoulder level. Raising your right hand, inhale, raising your left hand, exhale.

The exercise develops the deltoid muscles.

8. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms down. Simultaneously and quickly turn your hands up, down - forward, backward. Breathing is uniform. Perform the exercise until fatigue sets in.

Develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

9. Take the dumbbells by one end and spread your arms out to the sides. Without bending your arms, make circular rotations with your hands back and forth. Breathing is uniform. Do the exercise until you get tired.

10. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised up. Without bending your knees, lean forward and touch the floor with your hands - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. Hands should not lag behind. At first, the exercise can be performed without dumbbells.
Exercise develops abdominal muscles, back muscles and hamstrings.

11. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Raising your right forearm to your waist, at a right angle to your torso, make a strong lunge with your left leg and straighten your right arm - exhale. Quickly return to the starting position, bringing your elbow back - inhale. Then lunge with your right leg and left arm.

The exercise develops the deltoid muscles and leg muscles.

12. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body, look straight ahead. Raise your arms straight up through your sides - inhale. Lower to the starting position - exhale.
For those who experience discomfort in the joints when performing this exercise We recommend that you temporarily perform it by raising your arms until they are parallel to the floor.
The exercise develops the deltoid and trapezius muscles.

13. Push-ups while lying on the floor. The torso and legs should form a straight line. When bending your arms, inhale, while straightening your arms, exhale. Bending your arms, touch your chest to the floor.
The technique of this exercise has been discussed.
The exercise develops the triceps, pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle muscles.

14. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Bend your torso to the left side, bend your right arm so that the dumbbell touches your armpit. Then bend to the other side, bending your left arm. As you bend over, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale.

The exercise develops the lateral abdominal muscles, biceps, deltoids and trapezius muscles.

15. Lying on your back, legs secured to a fixed support, arms with dumbbells extended behind your head. Sit down and bend forward - exhale. Slowly return to the starting position - inhale. We hold our hands near the head. At first, the exercise can be performed without dumbbells or without placing them behind your head in the lower position. On large scales You don’t need to bring the dumbbells behind your head all the way to the floor - this will make it easier to perform repetitions of the exercise.
The exercise develops the abdominal muscles.

16. Lying on your back, hands under your head. Raise your straight legs up - exhale. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position - inhale.
During the exercise, it is advisable not to put your legs on top of you; a light touch of the floor is allowed, your back is pressed to the floor (we don’t help with your back, we work with the press).
The exercise develops the abdominal muscles and quadriceps muscles of the thigh.

17. Standing, heels together, toes apart, hands with dumbbells along the body. Rising on your toes, squat - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale.
Ideally, the entire exercise is performed on your toes. At first, beginners can perform it normally and even without dumbbells. Watch your health!
It is recommended to do squats at an angle of no more than 90 degrees, but it is better not to squat all the way to the bottom - the joint goes to a bend, and the muscles are no longer loaded. The knees do not go beyond the socks. The exercise technique has been discussed.
The exercise develops the calf muscles and quadriceps muscles of the thigh.

18. Standing, hands with dumbbells along the body. Bend and extend your hands at the wrist joints. Breathing is uniform.

The exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

A set of exercises develops strength, muscles, and endurance.
The entire complex is performed non-stop, in 20-30 minutes.

  1. Greetings.
    I doubted for a long time whether it was worth writing about my little experience, but in the end I decided that it might be useful to someone. I’ll immediately clarify that this is just my point of view, based on the 1st half of the year of training, so I ask supporters of Sandow’s gymnastics not to immediately take my writings with hostility.

    A little about myself: approaching 40, average weight and height, in the distant past I used to lift a little, was a little into weightlifting. I haven’t done anything for the last 10 years - work, laziness, etc., you know how it happens. About a year ago, 2 weights of 16 kg each settled on my balcony, with which I did not even train regularly, but instead dabbled 1-2 times a week, 1 set each - snatch, clean and jerk, bench press, biceps and occasionally squats, because nasty). At first there was little progress, then I just maintained at least some form.

    What interested me in the Sandov system was that “by training with light dumbbells you can become stronger” and the barbell is no longer needed, as is all these overloads from the weights on the joints and ligaments. In general, I wanted to go to heaven cheaply, although the worm of doubt was gnawing at me. And the reviews on this forum cannot be said to have helped, since the natural questions of newcomers about the results were followed by uninformative answers such as “the flight is normal”, “feeling excellent”, etc. in that spirit. The same can be said after a course of afternoon walks in the park, but the system is positioned as a strength system, guaranteeing an increase in this same strength... not finding specific answers, I had to spend six months on the first course and draw my own conclusions.

    I started with 2 kg dumbbells, threw out some things from the complex, like the completely insane No. 2 and No. 3, and added others instead.

    But before starting, I did something without which it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of a particular training system - walking in control exercises, in my case with 16 kg weights and pull-ups - before and after the training period. And for the purity of the experiment, I did not touch these shells for six months of Sandov training.

    Now, after 6 months, I repeated the penetrations in the control movements.
    *exercise: before (beginning of Sandow training), after (six months of training)

    Snatch: before - 27-30 (with each hand), after - 18-21
    push: before - 33, after - 22
    bench press: before - 25 (standing, double), after - 16
    biceps: before - 15, after - 9 (tried in a strict style)
    squats: before - 33 (with 2 weights on the chest), after - 19
    pull-ups: before - 15, after - 11 barely.
    My situation with pull-ups is like this: about once a quarter I went to the horizontal bar in the yard and did my 15 reps, and until the next time I didn’t touch it (because I don’t like laziness). That is, even my frivolous exercises with 16 kg weights gave that power load on the shoulder girdle, which allowed me to do 15 pull-ups without training on the horizontal bar, something that 2 kg dumbbells did not provide.

    So, a short conclusion: the Sandow system trains anything other than strength in its generally accepted understanding (as the ability to overcome significant external resistance due to muscle efforts). Of course, after 4 years of such training a person will become stronger, but with a barbell or kettlebells during the same time you can achieve an order of magnitude more, alas. This is about the same as training for sprinting by jogging. Someone on the pages of this forum spoke in the spirit that the functionality of someone who has worked for 4 years, according to Sandov, can be equated to the Master of Masters in powerlifting - an extremely optimistic forecast. It is unlikely that such an athlete will be able to bench press at least 100 kg, not to mention deadlifts and squats, because... the muscles of the back and thighs are not trained for strength.
    For speed-strength sports, the applicability of this program is also questionable, since I noted a constant congestion of the shoulder girdle, which affects, for example, the speed and sharpness of blows (on the bag, which I sometimes indulge in). It seems that someone here on the forum has already written about this.

    What is developing? And endurance develops - and I’m not sure that it is strength (as in kettlebell lifting), because the weight of dumbbells acts as a limiter - 9 kg maximum. If there was a sport of swinging 9-kg projectiles, then the apologists of this system would be in the lead. That is, it develops a specific endurance that will be useful when performing long-term and light household operations such as repairs, gardening, swinging a pick or sledgehammer, etc. Even for cargo work it will not be enough - it so happened that I had to drag five 50 kg bags of cement on the 5th floor before the Sandow class - he puffed, of course, but nothing, he got it. And just recently, a bag of the same weight, but already on the 4th floor - it felt much heavier, apparently due to the lack of load on the back and legs.

    At the same time, I was surprised to note that after six months of training, I began to look more athletic in appearance - vascularity appeared, the deltoids, biceps, forearms increased in volume, and my abs were defined. Now I understand how “dutiki” are made in tren. halls)

    Verdict - I think this system is suitable:
    office workers like good remedy from physical inactivity;
    for those who simply want to develop and maintain working tone in the muscles;
    those who want to strengthen the cardiovascular system;
    elderly people (with some reservations regarding the weight of the shells);
    this system will also help heal a variety of sports injuries ligaments and tendons of the shoulder girdle due to intense blood flow in problem areas(I have gone away from chronic pain in my shoulder and elbow).

    I will not completely abandon this system, especially since I already know what to expect from it. Moreover, in six months she taught me discipline). Now I will continue training with weights, alternating them every other day with dumbbells.

    Overall, it was a rewarding experience.
    The flight is normal and I feel great)

  2. Greetings.
    To do a lot of pull-ups, you need to constantly pull yourself up. To lift the weight more times, you need to constantly lift it. Is the message clear? Different muscle groups
    Sandow's development system is not only dumbbells. There are exercises with other equipment.
    9kg is not the maximum, Sandow just wrote that after working out with 9kg, the data will be approximately the same as his.
    Well, the so-called dutiki you call work the other way around with low repetitions and heavy weights.
    Maybe by training in the gym you can achieve more, no doubt. But not everyone has these same opportunities with a hall. For example, I’m too lazy to go to the gym.

    And also, tell me, who needs your pull-ups? My father-in-law, a pensioner, pulls himself up and climbs with a revolution like a cloud of times. Doesn't do anything.
    Of course, he won’t be able to work out with dumbbells or do hundred squats.

    I had never been able to do pull-ups by the time I started training according to the system, every year I take “pull-up measurements”, there are results. So what now? Recommend everyone to throw the horizontal bar?

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015

  3. morgan, don’t you think you were hasty in jumping to conclusions?
    Just drawing conclusions after three-point comments, to be honest, if it’s not funny, it’s not serious. It's not even halfway there.
    Well, I sort of finished 1st and 2nd grade at school, and decided: “This school is bullshit, they don’t even teach physics and chemistry.”
    As for me, the system begins to reveal itself after 4 or 5 days.

    Throwing away exercises is not gut, it’s all about the mind.

    Well, about the speed of results. People get injured in the gym because muscles, unlike tendons, quickly adapt to stress. That’s why many people think that they can take more weight, but the tendons suffer. The trick of the system is that the tendons are gradually strengthened, as well as the growth of meat and strength, of course. Naturally, with 2s you can hardly count on progress in strength, but the stage is necessary, it’s like, if you want, you first need to learn to stand before walking, and, well, walk before running.
    Well, a little bit of everyday philosophy. You planted the seed of an apple tree, and what do you expect that in a year it will grow and produce a bountiful harvest?
    No, you need to take care of it for several years, and only then the result.

    Buch, can you announce the dynamics of the results of pull-ups?

  4. My measurements are complicated, I don’t keep statistics, at first it was painful to hang at all, then several times, then about seven or so... Now I don’t know, I haven’t done it for a long time.
  5. In my opinion, the system is designed for gradual, comprehensive physical development.
    As Buch rightly said, in order to do a lot of pull-ups, you need to do pull-ups constantly, or at least regularly. To do a lot of push-ups, you need to do push-ups regularly, etc. The point is not whether someone needs pull-ups and/or push-ups - this is a creative question, but about the gradual adaptation of the body to increasing loads.
    If you only do pull-ups and/or push-ups, for example, the development is somewhat one-sided - certain muscles are trained, certain muscles are not trained much or not at all. As a result, even outwardly a person does not look very harmonious (this could be, for example, a certain stoop or something else).
    In the Sandow system, in my opinion, all major muscle groups are involved, which is very good for general development, and in general for tone! Naturally, you can add some exercises (the same pull-ups, for example - 1-2 sets), maybe you can change some exercise a little “to suit you”, for example, I don’t feel comfortable raising my arms through the sides up, so I only raise them until parallel to the floor, I also added bent-over dumbbell rows.
    Yes, the system is suitable for office workers - this is true, because sitting on your ass all day is another pleasure, I tell you, but not only for them. The system is good for people who have decided to take care of themselves - take care of themselves thoughtfully and gradually, and not “...gallop across Europe...”. Again, you can alternate the system with something else, for example, doing it every other day.
    What’s better: exercise on the horizontal bar, kettlebell lifting, lifting the barbell is a matter of personal preference, and it makes no sense to say what is more important here.
    I started training with this system last year, but then switched to pull-ups/push-ups/squats, etc. Now I’ve started again (I’ve only been training for a week), because... Still, I liked it, and it seems to fit. I can say that with age (I’m almost 50) you begin to look at many things differently - somehow there’s no need to do 30 pull-ups or 100 push-ups (although, of course, we were all once trotters), the main thing is - good health and good mood!
    Well, you can additionally look at healthy lifestyle here: http://ostrovrusa.ru/. There is a lot of material there specifically on methods of consistent training, aimed primarily at improving health, and not at records.