What is the pressure in a football ball? How to inflate a ball without a needle in artisanal conditions

Playing football in the yard or outdoors is a young thing: even if you are over 50, by regularly playing sports you will feel like you are in your 20s. But what should you do if the ball you took with you is deflated, and the question arises of how to inflate the ball without a needle and pump? artisanal conditions(beach, nature, someone else's yard)? Naturally, it would be better to take care of this and take with you a bicycle pump and a needle (the cost of which is no more than 150 rubles).

But, if the above equipment is not at hand, all is not lost! But remember that the methods listed below are far from the safest for your ball: it can simply be pumped and ruined, so if we are talking about a rarity with the autograph of your favorite football player, then it is better to postpone such manipulations.

How to inflate a ball without a needle: the “medical” method

Advantages: low cost of the method, availability of materials. Everything can be found in a roadside pharmacy and the glove compartment of a car.

Disadvantages: in the outback there may not be a similar pharmacy. In addition, the instructions below are not an answer to the question of how you can inflate a ball without a needle: these are instructions on how to make such a needle.

The essence of the method

If trouble overtakes you on the road, then, with some effort and a little ingenuity, you can inflate the ball using simple electrical tape and a syringe needle. The needle must first be blunted: it should not pierce the nipple, but smoothly enter it. Needles from blood transfusion systems are ideal: they are quite thick and durable. The tip of the needle should be dulled on asphalt or a knife sharpener. The result should be a needle with a blunt end, which will serve as the basis for the adapter from the pump to the ball. Next, carefully wrap electrical tape around the base of the needle. It will take about 12 layers. This is done so that the needle fits tightly into the pump hole.

The road method: how to inflate a ball without a needle using... a car service

Advantages: quite effective way pumping up a deflated car on the road Auto service assistants will come to your aid and will be happy to help for a purely nominal fee. In addition, many may have the necessary needle. The method is suitable if you have neither a needle nor a pump at hand.

Disadvantages: a car service center may not be nearby at the right time. An inexperienced worker can overinflate the ball, which can cause it to burst from excessive pressure if inflated carelessly or during play.

The essence of the method

It is known that the most popular service in car services is tire inflation. The compressor used for this can supply air at high pressure, which is what we need. The deflated ball should be pressed very tightly against the compressor nozzle and inflated until the desired level of hardness is achieved. The density should be monitored very carefully to avoid over-inflating or exploding the ball. It is better to carry out the procedure with three people: two press the ball, one should turn off the compressor at the signal. By the way, on many modern models Compressors have a nozzle for inflating balls.

We give air injections: how to inflate a ball without a needle: an alternative but very grueling way

Advantages: Another “medical” method, but this time requiring neither a needle nor a pump. All you should have on hand is a car first aid kit with a syringe and a few hours of time, depending on the volume of the syringe found.

Disadvantages: the method is exhausting and inconvenient. You can permanently damage the nipple of the ball, and it will deflate if you do not use special oil.

For those who don’t have either duct tape on hand or a car service on the road, there is another way to save a beach volleyball or street football tournament. The idea is to inject air into the ball through a simple syringe. The volume of work to be done depends on the volume of the syringe: with a 20 cc syringe you can inflate the ball in about half an hour. 10 Ml - per hour. 5.2 Ml - is it worth the trouble?.. This is the most accessible and homemade way to pump without a needle, without having a compressor at hand. To facilitate insertion of the syringe and preserve the ball, the nipple should be moistened with oil.

If there is a needle, but no pump

Advantages: Quite a fun and creative way to pump. Most likely, it will not be possible to pump the ball up to the required density, but pleasure from the process is guaranteed! In addition, the method is suitable for soft beach balls.

Disadvantages: need to find a strong one or a bottle. The need to make an adapter.

There are those who do not know how to inflate a soccer ball without a needle. But the lack of a needle is, as it becomes clear, a third of the problem. The worst situation is for those who, for some reason, cannot use a pump, since it is still possible to create a high one using improvised means, but directing it to a certain point (the ball) is very difficult. You can use a plastic bottle or a thick bag as a compressor. Some craftsmen manage to solder a needle into the cap of a bottle and pump the ball over and over again while standing or carefully jumping on this bottle.

After the air from the bottle passes into the ball, the structure is taken out, another portion of air is pumped into the bottle and the manipulation is repeated. And so - until the bitter end!

There is a more advanced method using vinegar and soda: vinegar and soda are poured into the same bottle, and carbon dioxide is pumped into the ball. But this is provided that the needle is firmly sealed into the bottle cap.

As we can see, there are a lot of ways to inflate a ball without a needle. None of them are comfortable and easy, but a true athlete is one who, despite all the obstacles, goes to the bitter end!

In professional football leagues and tournaments held under the auspices of FIFA, a size 5 ball with a circumference of 68-70 cm and a weight of 410-450 grams is required. But the standard size five is not used all the time, and the reason for this is the different age groups of children playing football.

The size of a soccer ball directly affects the development of small players and their safety. For example, it will be difficult for a 5-year-old child to work with a large and heavy ball, and he will not develop and improve at the required speed. In addition, small football players can damage ligaments and tendons if they kick a round larger size than is appropriate for their age.

To protect the young generation of players from injury, and to promote their normal development and progress, balls were invented different sizes. Today there are officially known 5 sizes soccer balls, the characteristics of which can be found in the table.

5 soccer ball sizes

Size 1

The smallest ball size of all five is 43 cm in circumference and weighs 200-220 g. This ball is often used for souvenirs. Logos and emblems of teams, leagues, as well as portraits of football players and coaches are applied to it. This ball is light and practical, and even professional players can use it to improve their skills.

Size 2

Just like its predecessor, it is used for advertising purposes, but it is also taught to children under the age of 4 years. The weight of the ball is small, only 283.5 grams, and its circumference is 56 centimeters. This ball can be used in training for senior and adult players to improve their technical skills.

Size 3

This "ball" is used on training sessions with children under 8 years old. It is not heavy, only 340 grams, and has a circumference of 61 cm. This ball is ideal for children of this age. age group. Players will feel comfortable with it.

Size 4

The size 4 soccer ball is used for young players aged 8 to 12 years old and is also the standard size for indoor soccer. The circumference of the ball is 62-64 cm, weight 400-440 g, pressure 06 - 0.9 atmospheres. Such a ball does not have much jumping ability, and in order to be suitable for mini-football games, it must have a first rebound of at least 50 and no more than 65 cm when dropped from a height of 2 m. For football players aged 8 to 12 years, the size of such a ball is may seem very difficult, especially difficult when passing long distances.

INTERESTING FACT! About 80% of the world's balls are made in Pakistan.

Size 5

The soccer ball used in professional leagues and the FIFA World Cup itself is size 5. Below are the official standard sizes and ball characteristics 5:

  • Circumference: minimum 68 cm, maximum 70 cm
  • Weight: minimum 410 g, maximum 450 g
  • Pressure: minimum 0.6 atmospheres, maximum 1.1 atmospheres

Size 5 soccer balls are best suited for players ages 12 and up, including adults and professionals. Some balls are labeled "FIFA Inspected" or "FIFA Approved", which means that the balls have passed mandatory tests for circumference, roundness, weight, bounce, pressure loss, water absorption, shape and size retention.

Probably, each of you wondered how to maintain the nipple of the ball, how to properly inflate the ball? Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything intelligible on the Internet. But today, we have come to the point where we can tell you about all the subtleties that arise when inflating a ball with a pump. Let's go:

1) Use ONLY a special needle that is designed for inflating balls (see picture below) The needle should be smooth and without any scratches or burrs, they will significantly reduce the life of the nipple. Do not try to inflate the ball without a needle by simply pressing the pump/hose. At best, you won’t succeed; at worst, the nipple will fall inside the ball and you will end up in need of a ball repair or a new ball.

2) You need to insert the needle STRICTLY VERTICALLY, after dipping the needle into a special lubricant. Lubrication will help extend the life of the nipple and maintain its elasticity (lubricant will soon be available for sale in our group - https://vk.com/sosokservice). As a last resort, spit liberally on the needle! If you insert the needle at an angle, you instantly damage the nipple - you tear it in the wrong place. The nipple is actually very soft and can easily be accidentally damaged.

3) While inflating the ball, the needle must not be allowed to move in ANY direction inside the nipple. No back and forth! Don't swing to the sides! This causes the nipple to gradually rupture.

Of course, it is impossible to firmly fix the needle while inflating the ball so that it does not move left and right, but the less the needle “plays” inside the nipple, the longer it will live!

4) Upon reaching the required pressure, remove the needle smoothly, without sudden movements. Voila, you have inflated the ball correctly!

Excessive pressure does not affect the service life of the nipple. It only affects the geometric parameters of the ball.

The fewer times we insert the needle into the nipple, the longer it will live, for this it is advisable to use a pump with a built-in pressure gauge to immediately pump up the required pressure. The fewer times we completely deflate and inflate the ball, the will live longer nipple - because rubber also oxidizes! We have observed a crumbling nipple many times for two reasons - oxygen and ultraviolet radiation. Hence, do not store balls in direct sunlight.

Don't store balls in the cold, for example, in the car in winter. Every winter they often bring us brand new balls for repairs. The reason is that in the cold the air inside the ball is compressed, and when entering the gym they try to pump up the ball in order to start training. But they forget about something important - in the cold the nipple also becomes rougher, losing its elasticity. As soon as you insert a needle into a frozen nipple, you risk severe damage to the nipple. If you pump the ball after frost, then after long storage at room temperature.

P.S. We allow you to copy the text completely and without changes and use it on behalf of our blog.

Almost every ball - soccer, volleyball, children's, basketball, gymnastics - is suitable for use only if it is properly inflated with air. Therefore, a special pump, a needle and sometimes even silicone lubricant are often sold complete with it. But let’s imagine that all this is simply not at hand. How to inflate a ball without a needle? We have selected several effective folk methods for you.

Method No. 1: compressor

How to inflate a ball without a needle? Contact any of the car services in your locality - employees will help you for free or for a nominal amount. Don’t ignore tire shops: they will definitely have powerful compressors for inflating car tires. One thing: there is a risk of pumping the product with air, which will lead to its damage or even explosion.

A compressor is equipment from which air comes out under pressure. Therefore, this is an excellent answer to the question: “How to inflate a ball without a needle and pump?” If possible, it is recommended to carry out the procedure together: one person will turn the compressor on and off, and the second will hold the ball and press the cord, controlling the process of air flow. The hose with the nozzle is pressed tightly against the valve, after which the device turns on at full power. It must be decontaminated immediately as soon as the surface of the ball becomes hard. That's it!

Let us also draw your attention to the fact that many models of automobile compressors have special nozzles for inflating balls with air.

Method number 2: electrical tape, syringe needle, bicycle pump

The tools here are some of the most accessible: a bicycle pump is available in almost every home, you can easily purchase electrical tape at a department store or hypermarket, and a syringe at a pharmacy. How to inflate a ball without a needle using this method? It's as simple as that:

  1. Take a syringe needle - the first thing you need to do is sharpen its sharp tip on asphalt, brick, stone, curb or a special knife. If it is too sharp, it will easily pierce the nipple, which will make the ball unusable. The best needle would be for blood transfusion systems - it is thick, durable, and does not bend.
  2. The second step is to make a kind of adapter from electrical tape - 10-12 layers of it are enough. They need to be wound tightly so that the air does not escape back when pumping.
  3. How to inflate a ball without a needle? Attach the invention to the bicycle pump and begin the procedure.

Method number 3: syringe

How to inflate a volleyball, basketball, soccer ball without a needle? Use a large medical syringe! This is a last resort, because the method is quite grueling - you will spend about 2 hours on the procedure.

As with the second method, you will need to blunt the needle, otherwise you will damage the nipple and the ball will continue to deflate. Which syringe to choose? More the better:

  • It’s possible to pump up a ball with a twenty-cubic ball in 30-40 minutes.
  • A ten-cc syringe will make you pore over the ball for an hour to two.

Before starting the procedure, we recommend that you treat the nipple with silicone grease - this will protect it from damage from an imperfect syringe needle. The procedure is simple: insert the needle into the hole, press the syringe lever, and release the air. Then remove the tool, return the lever to starting position and repeat the procedure.

Method number 4: there is a needle, but no pump

We looked at how to inflate a ball without a needle (basketball, volleyball, football, etc.) But what if you have one (or you made a needle yourself), but don’t have a pump? We offer the following instructions:

  1. The pump will be replaced by a regular plastic carbonated drink bottle. As a last resort - a tight plastic bag without holes.
  2. Now you need to screw the needle into the cap of the container or solder it. This will be the adapter. Check that it is not leaking air.
  3. Then you need to lubricate the ball nipple with silicone grease.
  4. But now we need to pump air into our homemade pump with our hands (or, if it’s convenient for you, with our feet), from where it will flow into the ball through a needle.

Other ways

Let us give you some more tips:

  • If you do not find a medical syringe, then its needle can be replaced with an empty refill from a regular ballpoint pen.
  • If you only managed to pump up the ball a little, then you can restore its hardness and elasticity like this: just hold it for a while hot water. This will cause the air inside the product to heat up, causing it to expand, which will complement the jumping effect.
  • Silicone grease for nipple treatment can be replaced with machine oil.
  • Needle to cork plastic bottle For a homemade pump, you can attach it with a glue gun.
  • Instead of a compressor, bicycle pump, bag or bottle, you can also use a regular rubber medical bulb.
  • A can of compressed air, a car's spare tire, or a trash bag can also act as a pump.

So we sorted everything out available methods pumping up any ball with a valve with air, if there is no pump and special needle nearby. Go to a car repair shop, operate medical syringe, build your own instrument - choose what is most suitable for you.

Often when inflating a basketball, the question arises whether to inflate it more or less. You have to resort to the Internet to find information regarding this issue. We decided to help you with this and answer the question, what pressure should be in basketball. The NBA/WNBA rules regarding ball pressure say the following: “Should be inflated to between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch.” This means that the pressure should be in the range of 7.5-9.5 psi, that is, in terms of bar, this is approximately 0.5-0.6 bar.

However, we decided to go further. The Meteor company's assortment includes a pressure gauge for measuring pressure in balls, on the scale of which there are marks for various team sports and for basketball this mark is located at 0.6-0.8 bar. Seeing the contradiction, we decided to check the calculations made on this pressure gauge. In addition, the manufacturer indicates a scale in PSI, which does not coincide with the bar scale for the same product. 1PSI= 0.068947 bar, and the scale shows that 13 PSI is the upper pressure limit for basketballs, that is, 0.8 bar. When in reality 13 PSI = 0.9 bar. This gives an error of 12%, which is a very large figure in the case of pressure in the ball.

To better see the difference, we decided to test both the first and second pressures in practice, and another surprise awaited us. At a pressure of 0.5-0.6 bar, the ball was practically deflated and it was impossible to play with it; at 0.8 the ball was also not suitable for play. In our measurement, the required pressure was 1.0-1.2 bar; we carried out measurements with a pressure gauge built into the Meteor pump.

Having received three different results, we decided to continue looking for the answer and check what FIBA ​​writes about pressure in basketballs. The FIBA ​​specification entry reads: “When dropped on the playing floor from a height of 1,800 millimeters (6 feet) the ball should bounce to a height between 1,200 millimeters and 1,400 millimeters (47 to 55 inches), measured to the top of the ball". This is probably what it is best way checking the pressure in a basketball. Explanation: a ball thrown from a height of 180 cm should bounce off the floor to a height of 120 cm - 140 cm. This test method is suitable for balls made of various materials (rubber, artificial leather, genuine leather, etc.), as well as for sites of varying hardness, which affects the rebound of the ball (asphalt, concrete, tartan, parquet).

This method of verification suits us 100%.