Losing weight - fat-burning super workout. A set of the best exercises for burning fat Super-burning exercises for the abdomen

Details Updated: 05/15/2019 10:14 Published: 06/14/2013 07:37

Anastasia Listopadova

Losing weight - Fat burning super workout

Need to lose weight, lose weight overweight, burn fat– you can’t do without aerobic exercise and a balanced diet. American, famous fitness trainer Gay Gasper offers his version of a super effective, fat-burning workout.

Fat burning aerobics complex Gay Gasper “Weight Burning for Dummies” is a classic cardio aerobics aimed at activating the heart muscle and intensive blood circulation.

The exercises and their sequence are carefully selected to ensure maximum energy consumption, which means active calorie burning. Performing all the exercises of the complex at a super-heavy level will allow you to burn up to 800 calories in an hour, which is equivalent to climbing a mountain on a bicycle for an hour and significantly exceeds the number of calories burned in the same time on any of the cardio machines.

The complex presents several options for its implementation - from super-light (for beginners) to super-heavy (for experienced athletes).

You should start with the easiest level, then select the intensity level and physical activity according to the heart rate allowed for your age and physical training.

It is important to constantly monitor your pulse and well-being during training; your pulse should not go off scale above the acceptable threshold for you. This will help avoid heart attacks and other troubles.

The complex has been translated into Russian. Explanations and tips from Gay Gasper will allow you to quickly master and correctly use the exercises, get maximum effect from training and, at the same time, avoid injuries and other health problems.

Weight Burning Complex includes 10 basic movements: March, V-Step, Heel Dig, Knee Lifts, Lunges, Step Touch, Grapevine, Ham Curl, Mambo, Jazz Square and their various variations and combinations in combinations.

The main thing is to choose your own pace and move without stopping during training. Even if you get lost, don’t stop, just take a step on the spot and continue the combination further.

Moving in space and using arm movements during training increases its effectiveness and promotes fat burning.

Remember to always end your workout with a Cool Down and Stretching - this will allow you to recover. heart rate, breathing, avoid injury.

Fat burning super workout video

Get to know fat-burning super workout Gay Gasper You can by online video

You can learn the movements and do fat-burning aerobics by downloading the educational video Gay Gasper. DOWNLOAD video Fat burning for dummies

Exercise to lose weight need 4-5 times a week. The normal, safe rate of weight loss is 0.5 kg per week. The combination of exercise and diet allows you to lose weight more effectively. But keep in mind that you shouldn’t train on an empty stomach; you simply won’t have the strength to finish the workout. Drink water during exercise; water will help quickly remove toxins and waste products from the body.

Remember: Super effective complex aerobics for weight loss and calories will benefit you if you correctly determine the individual, optimal level of physical activity and stick to it.

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Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Excess deposits on the body are a problem for many people. However, to get a toned figure, you need to properly plan a workout designed for maximum weight loss. You should choose an effective set of exercises that includes the best exercises for burning fat at home. Combining daily increased loads with proper nutrition, you can achieve stunning results.

Workouts to burn fat

The most the best method The fight against body fat is a combination of strength and cardio training. This complex will help increase muscle mass, increase the body's endurance and improve tone. The main thing is to evenly distribute the load across all muscle groups in order to gain beautiful figure in a relatively short period of time. Which workouts burn fat the fastest:

  • aerobic;
  • power;
  • interval;
  • gymnastics.


Bodybuilding is often associated with training in the gym, but you can also do it at home. Strength exercises for fast burning fat are suitable for both women and men, but the loads should be different. Girls should take dumbbells weighing 1-1.5 kg, and men - depending on their physical fitness. If training takes place at home and the athlete does not have suitable accessories, you can use improvised means (water containers, long sticks, etc.) The most energy-intensive exercises for burning fat:

  1. Bench press Lie on your back (on a mat or bench) and pick up a barbell. Raise her above the level solar plexus and lower it. Perform 4 sets of 8 repetitions (60 seconds break).
  2. Squats. Take dumbbells in your hands and squat with them. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Do 3 sets of 9 times, with a break of 75 seconds.
  3. Lunges with dumbbells. Duration: 4 sets of 6 repetitions on each leg.


Cardio exercises will help you quickly get rid of overweight and strengthen the heart muscle. Choosing the most effective exercises for burning fat, the girl gets slim figure in a short time. Which aerobic exercise considered the most effective:

  • bike;
  • fast walking;
  • jump rope;
  • jumping;
  • fitness classes in the gym;
  • dance.

Fat burning exercises

Intensive training aimed at breaking down fatty tissue will help you get a slim figure. The main thing is to choose the most energy-intensive exercises in order to achieve desired effect after just a month of studying at home. What loads should be performed:

  1. Raising your legs. The exercise helps to tighten the hips, buttocks, and abs. You should lie on your back and raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, keeping them together. Do Roundabout Circulation, then lower it. Perform each action smoothly to feel the muscle tension 10 times.
  2. Flexion. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. At the same time, lift your legs and arms off the floor, balancing on your abdominal muscles. The lower back bends at this time. Hold for a couple of seconds, then relax. Do 12 times.
  3. Plank. This is the best exercise for burning fat, strengthening the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, abdomen, and thighs. You need to stand on your elbows and rest only on your toes. Hold the position for 10-12 seconds. Relax. Repeat 8 times.


The pool is a great place to lose weight. Swimming improves health, burns calories, helps normalize metabolism, and tightens every muscle (without putting stress on the joints). Why can this process replace training? Water is many times denser than air, so it creates additional resistance for the muscles of the thighs, arms, buttocks and abdomen. Thanks to this, a person receives an energy boost, loses calories, and builds muscle. The most fat-burning exercises in the pool:

  1. Interval training. Should swim on top speed at least 5 minutes, then rest for two to three minutes. Repeat several times. You can alternate swimming styles.
  2. Leg lift. Lean your back against the side of the pool (close) and grab it with your hands. Raise your legs 90 degrees, holding them for several seconds. Do 8-12 times.


Research shows that these exercises increase bone density, prevent the risk of injury, and improve joint strength and flexibility. Plyometrics (jumping training) is the practice of performing movements that stretch the leg muscle before contracting it. Thanks to intense aerobic exercise, excess weight comes off very quickly. The best exercises to burn fat:

  1. The feet are slightly wider than the shoulders, the knees are slightly bent, the arms are pulled back (ready to jump). You need to jump sharply up as high as possible, raising your arms vertically. Put your chest forward. Land softly on bent knees. Do 10 reps.
  2. Jump on the steps. You can use a staircase in the entrance, a step or any durable box. You need to place your right foot on the step. Then, while jumping, constantly change legs without losing tempo. Duration: 2 minutes.
  3. Jump rope. Jump for 6-8 minutes. Take a break for 3 minutes and repeat.


These exercises help pump up your butt, make your hips and buttocks firm. To lose weight and get an attractive figure, you should exercise your body at least 3-4 times a week. Below are best workouts to burn fat with squats:

  1. Exercises with dumbbells. You need to spread your legs wider than your shoulder girdle and squat, stretching your buttocks back as far as possible. Repeat 12-16 times.
  2. Cross lunges. Stand straight, leaning on left leg. Hips and knees slightly bent. Right leg move far to the left to form a cross with your left leg, and squat down. Alternate legs. Perform for 1 minute.


This exercise combines squats, push-ups and jumping jacks, performed at a fast pace. Burpees work all muscle groups, making the weight loss process very effective. How to do it? There are several variations of burpees of varying difficulty:

  1. The classic exercise is performed like this: a person does push-ups, then puts his feet close to his hands, pushes off the floor and jumps up.
  2. Beginners skip push-ups or jumping jacks.
  3. Advanced athletes can add obstacles (jump forward or sideways), or pick up dumbbells.
  4. To achieve the desired effect, perform at least 6 times.

Video: fat burning exercises

Beginner athletes may have difficulty performing complex movements. Therefore, people who have never been to gym and want to study at home, they need a clear example. By repeating the exercises after the trainer on video, you can increase the effectiveness of your workout and save yourself from the risk of straining your muscles and joints. Thanks to training videos, every athlete will perform exercises without errors.

Fat burning exercises have the property of accelerating metabolism, so this makes it possible to get results faster, unlike strength exercises. The essence of such metabolic exercises is that excess fat is burned by saturating the body with oxygen, increasing heart rate and body temperature. Consequently, fat breakdown occurs. Workouts to burn fat take place at the fastest possible pace with virtually no rest. It is important to train indoors with plenty of fresh air.

How to burn fat correctly?

Let's look at several ways to help you lose weight faster. The choice of time for training does not matter much if you train correctly and correctly structure the exercises. But a great time for instant burning extra pounds is morning. Running or interval training during this time, performed on an empty stomach, will take energy from subcutaneous fat, not foods eaten for breakfast.

The rest of the day, it is advisable to train one to two hours after eating. But after training, you need to take a small portion of protein and carbohydrate within forty minutes. You don't need to go hungry to lose weight. Everything eaten during this period of time will go towards muscle recovery, but not into excess fat.

Fat burning workout complex for home

A set of exercises for weight loss is also available to perform at home. It is not necessary to use special equipment, it will be enough own weight. Workouts should last at least 45 - 50 minutes. Fat burning will begin only twenty minutes after the start of the workout, so it is not advisable to train for only 15 minutes. An important condition for losing weight is the pulse zone. Comfortable for cardiovascular system and the zone of 120 - 160 beats per minute is considered effective for fat burning.

Superset for all muscle groups

The superset is performed without stopping, with a smooth transition from one exercise to another. The number of laps performed depends on what kind of load you want to get. It is advisable to repeat this complex for at least five circles. After performing, do a light stretch of all muscles.

Jump Squats

This type of squat involves all the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, while jumping in place is added, which increases the heart rate for fat burning. It is not advisable to do exercises every day. Unprepared athletes need to rebuild their muscles. This may take 4 - 5 days.

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart;
  2. Inhale: lower the pelvis, thigh parallel to the floor, as if sitting on a chair;
  3. Exhale: jump from the bottom point, lifting your socks off the floor;
  4. We repeat the squat while inhaling. We perform 20 - 30 times.


This type of exercise is very effective for losing body weight, because it is performed at the fastest possible pace and involves absolutely all muscle groups. Depending on your level of training, you can perform it from 20 to 40 times.

  1. From a standing position, while inhaling, we squat down, placing our palms on the floor;
  2. Pushing off with our feet, with an exhalation we jump into the plank on straight arms;
  3. Inhale: jump back to the palms;
  4. Jump up while exhaling and return to starting position.


This exercise trains the upper shoulder girdle. You can perform such exercises after 2 - 3 days, since small muscles recover quickly. Push-ups shape correct posture, the main thing is to keep the abs tense, preventing the lower back from sagging. Perform 10 - 15 repetitions. Let's consider the option with broad setting palms.

  1. From a plank position, palms wider than shoulders, feet hip-width apart;
  2. Inhale: lower thoracic region to elbow level. Elbows point to the sides;
  3. Exhale: push up and return to the starting position.

Effective exercises for abdominal muscles

You can train your abdominal muscles quite often. Three to four workouts per week is enough. The complex will help burn extra centimeters in the waist area. These exercises can end any workout. Whenever possible, the complex is performed one circle without rest. After which it is repeated three more times.

Warm up. Exercise "Hundred"

The exercise is fat burning, but at the same time breathing. Improves blood circulation and prepares the body for other exercises.

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees at a right angle. The shin is suspended parallel to the floor. Hands along the body;
  2. We lift the shoulder blades off the floor and maintain the position using the abdominal muscles. Chin above collarbones. Hands in front of you, palms down;
  3. We take five gradual short breaths, clapping our palms in the air, as if walking on water;
  4. Also, five short exhalations without lowering the shoulder blades to the floor;
  5. Perform ten more such cycles without pausing.

Stretching legs alternately

Exercise is the beginning of the complex. Trains deep muscles abdomen, and also stretches the back and legs.

  1. Lying on your back, right knee pulled up to your chest, palms holding your knee. The second leg is straight, held above the floor, at an angle of 30 degrees. The shoulder blades are torn off the floor;
  2. Take a pause to inhale. With an exhalation, we change legs, pulling up the opposite knee;
  3. We repeat the change of legs 20 - 30 times.

Stretching your legs at the same time

Strengthens the abdominal muscles, stretches the arms and legs.

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, shoulder blades off the floor, legs together above the floor at an angle of 30 degrees. Arms are straightened behind the head, stretched back;
  2. While maintaining a stable position, as you exhale, pull both knees to your chest, touching your shins with your palms;
  3. Inhale: return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 20 - 30 times.

Level Leg Raises

Trains the abdominal muscles. It especially works the lower part of the abs.

  1. Lying on your back, palms behind your head, shoulder blades off the floor, legs straight at the top. Feet over the pelvis;
  2. Inhale: lower your legs to an angle of 45 degrees, without lifting your lower back from the floor;
  3. Exhale: raise your legs using the press to the starting position. Repeat 20 - 30 times.


Strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles and shapes the waist.

  1. Lying on your back, palms behind your head, legs straight at an angle of 45 degrees;
  2. The shoulder blades are constantly in weight. Exhale: the elbow of one hand reaches towards the opposite knee;
  3. Inhale: return to the center;
  4. Exhale: twist to the other side. 30 reps total.

Interval training for weight loss

A very simple and effective complex. Performed without rest, as quickly as possible. It is important to monitor your pulse. By performing this complex every other day, you can quickly lose weight.

Jumping to higher ground

Performed using a special cabinet or bench.

  1. Exhale: standing in front of the bench, jump with both legs;
  2. Inhale: smoothly return to the floor. Perform from 20 to 40 jumps.

Jumping rope

Jumping helps speed up fat burning by increasing your heart rate. We perform one minute, immediately move on to the next exercise.

Body lifts

The exercise trains the abdominal muscles, toning them. Perform at a fast pace, watching your breathing. At the same time, we lower ourselves smoothly, without falling on our back. Abdominal exercises are performed every other day.

  1. Lying on your back, feet connected to each other, knees apart;
  2. Exhale: raise the body using the abdominal muscles, hands from behind the head touch the feet;
  3. Inhale: we lower ourselves smoothly.

Repeat jumping rope for one minute. Without rest, we immediately move on to the first exercise of the complex. We perform at least ten circles.

We bring to your attention a short video lesson with simple but very effective fat-burning exercises:

Don't forget to drink while exercising large number water, the liquid also improves metabolism. If you can only train late, try not to have dinner afterward, then the burning process will continue at night. Follow the technique of doing the exercises and breathing, then the training will only be beneficial.