Body Combat is a fat-burning cardio workout based on martial arts. Body Combat - fitness and martial arts Body combat les mills reviews

A group of fitness trainers have developed a cardio workout that is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. The New Zealand company Les Mills has created Body Combat, a fitness program with a unique training system. Its duration is approximately 1 hour, during which time the cardiovascular system, muscles of the back, arms, and abs are thoroughly worked out.

Who are Les Mills?

In 1990, one of the creators, Olympic champion Les Mills, designed unique system high-intensity activities. The training was carried out in his own gym, and Les did not think about worldwide fame. However, news of the program quickly spread throughout New Zealand and spread to Australia. In 1997, the association “Les Mills International” was created. The organization carried out standard workouts on fitness and improved the existing Body Pump.

Now gyms in more than 75 countries around the world know about training. The total number of students is over 6 million. Interest in the program is growing, new followers around the world are appearing every day. Philip Mills receives many awards not only as a trainer, but also as an entrepreneur.

Today, 11 Mills workouts exist. Here they are:

  • Body Pump;
  • Body Attack;
  • Body Balance;
  • Body Jam;
  • Body Step;
  • Body Combat;
  • Body Vive;
  • CXWorx;
  • Grit;
  • SH'BAM.

Les Mills became famous thanks to the Body Pump program. Trainers claim that in an hour-long lesson at correct execution exercise can burn 500-700 calories. Classes in the gym take place to energetic music, at a high tempo, with heavy weights. A barbell is used as the main weighting material. It is the combination of strength and aerobic training that helps you lose weight and create a sculpted body. The system is designed in such a way that when the muscles adapt to the load, a sharp change in exercise occurs.

Description of "Body Combat"

“Body Combat” allows you to get your body in order in the shortest possible time. The exercises were based on martial arts such as karate, kickboxing, and tai-bo. This allows you to develop flexibility, dexterity, coordination of movements, and accordingly, improve not only appearance, but also well-being. Trainers recommend starting the exercises with preliminary preparation, because an increased load is expected.

In order to make sure of your abilities, you should analyze the complexity of performing simple aerobic exercise. If dancing, running or swimming is difficult, you should start small, gradually increase difficulty and only then move on to the Body Kombat program. Sometimes they give one trial lesson so that a person can fully experience the intensity of the training.

Typically, classes are attended 3-4 times a week, adjusting the number depending on the desired results and your own strengths. In addition to this, they comply proper nutrition, set aside enough time to get a good night's sleep. Sometimes two workouts are combined: “Body Kombat” and “Body Pump”. They go well together, so there's no need to create individual plan training.

Disadvantages and advantages of training

The disadvantages include restrictions that the system imposes on a person due to the characteristics of the body.

  1. Since the exercises are very intense, the trainee must have minimal running or dancing skills. It doesn't have to be professional athlete and having some achievements in these areas, it is enough to withstand prolonged loads.
  2. Body Combat is designed for use only as an anaerobic exercise. To strengthen muscles, it is combined with other types of training, for example, “Body Pump”.
  3. The program is not recommended for people with problems in the spine or joints.
  4. Not suitable for those who want to perform traditional exercises, such as running, jumping, etc. The uniqueness of the system is that it combines basic movements from martial arts.
  5. Due to high load the body should maintain a balanced diet. In this case, a low-calorie diet will not work. Training on a calorie deficit can cause harm. Even the use of different pre-workout complexes will not provide the benefits that a balanced diet will provide.

Home workouts with Body Kombat

Not everyone gym offers to engage in the training program of the “Body Combat” system. For such cases, the Les Mills group released training materials “Body Kombat”, "Body Pump". The video tutorial allows everyone to exercise their body using a new revolutionary system at home.

To start classes you don't need additional equipment. In the video, the trainers clearly explain how to do the exercises in order to achieve the most effective results. If you have any questions, you can consult with a trainer online.

Attention, TODAY only!

Reading time: 7 min

Body Combat is an intense cardio workout developed by renowned New Zealand trainers Les Mills. After the success of the Body Pump program, trainers began to think about creating an aerobic exercise. This is how Body Kombat training appeared in 2000, which instantly gained popularity in the world of fitness.

Currently, Body Combat programs are practiced in more than 96 countries. Along with Body Pump (barbell training), Body Combat is the most successful project of New Zealand trainers Les Mills.

Body Combat training is carried out within the framework and represents a complex of movements from various martial arts, which are united by simple choreography to fiery music. You'll train your entire body (arms, shoulders, back, stomach, buttocks and legs) while also developing flexibility, strength, coordination and cardiovascular endurance.

About Body Combat

Body Combat is an aerobic workout that will get your body in shape in record time. The program is developed based on such types of martial arts as taekwondo, karate, capoeira, Muay Thai (Thai boxing), tai chi, boxing. The impactful combination of such varied movements makes the exercise effective not only for losing weight, but also for developing your flexibility, dexterity and coordination. You will lose weight, strengthen your muscles, improve posture and coordination, get rid of excess fat and cellulite, and develop endurance.

Pros and cons of Body Combat training

Like any other program, Body Combat has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you start exercising, be sure to analyze for yourself all the pros and cons of this workout from Les Mills.


  1. Body Combat helps burn excess fat, improve metabolism, tone the body and reduce volume.
  2. Such workouts are excellent for developing endurance and strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  3. The exercises used in Body Combat are quite simple and straightforward. There will be no complicated sequences here, the workouts are very easy to follow.
  4. In one workout you can burn about 700 calories. This occurs through alternating intense movements that engage all the muscles in your body.
  5. The program is regularly updated, every three months a group of Les Mills trainers create new editions of Body Kombat with updated movements and music. Your body does not have time to adapt to the load, which means your exercises become even more effective.
  6. The workout develops your coordination and flexibility, improves your posture and strengthens your spine.
  7. Body Combat is literally designed to be combined with strength training Body Pump. By taking these programs from Les Mills, you will lead yourself to great shape.

Cons and limitations:

  1. The training is very intense, and it is not suitable for everyone because of the serious stress on the body, especially the heart.
  2. The program is aerobic, designed more for losing weight than strengthening muscles. If you want to purchase beautiful relief body, then Body Combat is best combined with strength training.
  3. It is not advisable to start the program for those who have any problems with the spine or joints.
  4. Body Kombat is different non-standard exercises. There will be no traditional jumping and running in place, which we are used to seeing in cardio classes. A mixture of several types of martial arts at once may not be to everyone's liking.
  5. Attention! Intense workouts like Body Combat are not compatible with a low-calorie diet. With such a serious load, you must eat a balanced diet.

Body Combat - perfect workout, if you are looking for a quality cardio workout. It is more intense and more fun than, for example, exercise on a treadmill, and also involves more various muscles. The results of the program will be noticeable on your figure after three to four weeks of regular exercise.

is an hour-long aerobic workout that will get your body in shape in record time. The program is developed based on such types of martial arts as karate, kickboxing, tai-bo and taekwondo. The striking combination of martial arts exercises makes the exercise effective not only for losing weight, but also for developing your flexibility, dexterity and coordination. You will improve your posture, strengthen your muscles, get rid of excess weight and cellulite.

Since COMBAT is a cardio workout, it will help you improve your performance. cardiovascular system and increase your endurance. However, you need to understand that, which means you must be well prepared. If you find it difficult to do even basic aerobic exercise (light running, dancing), then COMBAT will probably be an overwhelming task for you. Ideally, go to one trial lesson(or study at home) to assess your readiness for the program.

How often should you practice COMBAT? to get in great shape? It depends on your goals. If you want to lose weight, then train according to the program 3-4 times a week and follow the rules healthy eating. If you want to create a beautiful body contour, we recommend that you alternate COMBAT with . These 2 workouts complement each other perfectly, so you don't need to come up with an individual workout plan for yourself.

Pros and cons of COMBAT training

Like any other program, COMBAT has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you start exercising, be sure to analyze for yourself all the pros and cons of this workout.


1. COMBAT burns excess fat, improves metabolism and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

2. For classes no additional equipment needed.

3. The exercises used in COMBAT are quite simple and straightforward. There are no such complex combinations as, for example, in tai-bo.

4. In one workout you burn about 700 calories. This occurs through alternating intense movements that engage all the muscles in your body.

5. The program is regularly updated, your body does not have time to adapt to the load, which means the classes become even more effective.

6. Training develops your coordination and flexibility, improves posture and strengthens the spine.

7. COMBAT is literally designed to be combined with strength training. By following these programs, you will get yourself in great shape.

Cons and limitations:

1. The training is very intense, it is not suitable for everyone because serious stress on the body, especially on the heart.

2. The program is purely aerobic, designed only for weight loss, and not for strengthening muscles. If you want to get a beautiful body contour, then COMBAT must be combined with strength training.

3. It is not advisable to start the program for those who have any problems with spine or joints.

4. COMBAT features non-standard exercises. There will be no traditional jumping and running in place, which we are used to seeing in cardio classes. A mixture of several types of martial arts at once may not be to everyone's liking.

5. Attention! COMBAT is not compatible with a low-calorie diet. With such a serious load, you must eat a balanced diet.

Easy warm-up and off you go!

The workout begins with a light warm-up, during which basic combinations of movements are learned (or repeated). And then it begins: “We punch and kick imaginary opponents using elements of boxing - this is real wrestling! It was my first time and I was afraid to fall behind the others, because the others seemed to be experienced athletes and fought very convincingly.”

Combinations for the first lesson may seem a little complicated, but next lesson it will be much easier. All combinations are performed with the weight of your body - aids not required. Body Combat cannot be compared with training in the gym - in the gym you can relax, sitting on a bench, but Body Combat does not provide such indulgences. The breaks to quench your thirst are also very short: a small sip of water and back. And for dessert, a series for the abdominal muscles awaits you.

This is a very intense workout and the most effective hour spent, for those who do not have extra time. The next day, the training is felt well throughout the body. This group training is very motivating and does not allow you to shy away. Body Combat squeezes out all the juices from the trainee, and also frees the head from work thoughts.

Body Combat – what kind of workout is it?

It is part of the Les Mills system and draws inspiration from various martial arts techniques. The workout is based on exercises and combinations of movements that vary every three months. Great for both women and men.

Movements include kicking and punching, as well as self-defense techniques. The workout lasts 60 minutes and is divided into 10 different parts. To begin with, warm up and study the blows, then intensive training, where the whole body is worked out, and at the end - stretching.

NB! Be prepared for the fact that after the first lesson you will feel muscles that you never knew you had before!

Before starting training, consult a specialist!

MyFitness trainer Raido Ilp gives men recommendations on group training.

“Before you start training, listen to the coach’s advice. Consult a physical therapist or personal trainer to pick up correct load and training style. It is wise to find a coach who is ready for long-term cooperation. Start with simpler workouts - Les Mills Body Pump, included in the training plan of all major sports clubs, is great. Next, you can try group training, which requires more complex coordination.

Form a habit of moving every day. As a coach, I recommend moving every day, but it doesn’t have to be an intense workout - 2-3 intense workouts a week are enough, and between them you can move more calmly, while taking into account the person’s general fitness. Exercise and movement should be an integral part of the enjoyment everyday life, not an oppressive duty.

Try it different types training - this way training will not turn into a tedious task. At the same time, the social factor is also important: different training in different sports clubs Various people also visit, which will enrich your communication. The body must rest. As a coach, I believe that recovery training - gymnastics, walking with poles, jogging - is also a break, but you need to take into account the fitness of the body, because for a person with little training, even walking with poles may seem like an intense workout. It is very important to restore your body between workouts.

Do not forget to supply the body with the so-called. building material– without it, high-quality restoration is impossible. Already during training, the body needs carbohydrates and proteins. An amateur athlete should not think seriously about carbohydrates, but eating protein immediately after intense workout should become a sporting habit.”

Aerobics helps burn fat. However, not all representatives of the fair sex truly adore her. As a rule, love for aerobic training is directly proportional to the ability to dance. What if dancing to music is not your thing? All that remains is treadmill? No, modern fitness is varied, and you should definitely check out the lessons that come from martial arts. One such activity is Body Combat.

To whom, where and how

Body Combat is a fitness workout that combines elements Thai boxing, karate, aikido, boxing, wushu. At the same time, the lesson is not overloaded with dance sequences, like classical tai-bo. Body Combat was developed by New Zealand's Les Mills Institute as an alternative to other classes based on martial arts techniques.

The first bonus you'll get from doing Body Combat is burning. large quantity calories. In one lesson you can spend up to 700 kcal, this amount is achieved by alternating intense blows and movements that can engage deep and large muscles at the same time.

These trainings are conducted today in many clubs in our country; their advantage also lies in the fact that instructors are required to undergo special training and receive a certificate giving the right to teach Body Combat. The programs are constantly updated, so adaptation will not prevent you from losing weight.

What to combine with?

Body Combat - cardio training, in order for the body to acquire relief, you need to do additional exercise strength exercises. Here the authors of the training offer two strategies. If you want to pick up muscle mass, and look more athletic, muscular and ripped, do Body Combat 2 times a week, and connect twice gym or Body Pump. If you have the strength, do stretching on your rest days or just try to sit still less and move more.

For those who do not strive for developed muscles, there is a Body Balance lesson. It allows you to strengthen muscles and develop flexibility without the “pumping” effect. It is recommended to include it in the program three times a week. But you shouldn’t do Body Combat more than 2 times a week - the load is very intense, and if you “over-exercise”, you can slow down your metabolism somewhat.

Such training does not combine well with a diet with limited quantity proteins, especially of animal origin. Adhere to reasonable food restrictions - get rid of baked goods, sweets, but do not give up lean meat and dairy products, and then your workouts will help you lose weight faster.

Do Body Combat regularly, and you will definitely be able to overcome excess weight!