Horse riding lessons. First lessons in learning to ride horses

Not everyone can have their own horse, but many people now have the opportunity and desire to ride. We asked experts to give basic advice to beginners

Moscow. June 4. website – A horse is no longer a luxury, but also not just a means of transportation. Learning to ride a horse is perhaps more difficult than learning to drive a car.

How to behave correctly with a 500-kilogram animal, how to sit on it correctly and how not to collide with other riders. These and other expert tips are included in the selection for beginner equestrians.

1. Start with theory

Try to learn more not only about how to ride and manage, but also about how the horse is kept, what it eats, and how to properly care for it.

Nowadays you can find a lot of books on this topic in bookstores.

In practice, some procedures may seem complicated to you. For this, books will not be enough and you will need the help of a trainer or stable employee.

2. Find a coach

You have already read all the books and are ready to meet the animal. But at first you can’t do without the help of a coach.

Trust your coach and try to strictly follow his commands. If something becomes unclear, it is better to honestly report it to the coach. His task is to teach you to ride beautifully and comfortably, and not to command you.

Some mistakes are difficult to correct without an outside perspective. Sometimes it may seem to the rider that his body is vertical or even tilted back, but at the same time he is almost lying on the horse’s neck, so it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist, especially for a beginner.

3. Carrots are better than whips

Often in horse stores, beginners may be offered to purchase various treats for horses. As well as a whip, spurs and some other optional things.

It would be better if you buy apples or carrots as a treat; they are much healthier and often cheaper. As for which uniform you should purchase, consult your trainer first. And also about the length of the whip and spurs, if you really need them.

4. Mount your horse correctly

It is customary to mount a horse on the left side. This is due to the fact that the riders had a scabbard with a sword or a sword hanging on their left, so it was much easier to cross the right leg. Performance horses may become spooked if you try to climb in from the right.

Therefore, listen carefully to the trainer, control yourself, and remember that most things with horses are done on the left side: putting on the bridle and saddle, mounting and dismounting.

5. How to speed up in the arena

When driving on your own, follow the basic rule - drive away with your left shoulders. This means that riders riding towards each other must pass each other with their left shoulders. If you are not sure which direction they are going to pass you, it is better to slow down smoothly and let the other rider pass.

Before you start moving towards the center of the arena, assess the trajectory of the riders behind you and those riding towards you. If you start to turn, riders crossing your path will be forced to disrupt their movement.

6. Keep your distance

Always maintain a distance of several meters between horses. If you are riding in a shift (one after another), then you should be able to see the hind hooves of the horse in front.

Never allow horses to sniff each other, as they can become very aggressive. Riders on stallions or shy horses often warn others about this when entering the arena.

Some horses can get very scared if another horse comes too close to them.

7. Follow traffic rules

If you are training at the same time as athletes, then you will have to learn to quickly dodge if suddenly you hear in your ear: “Wall!” or “Watch out for the bars!”

Different arenas have different rules of movement for horses. Typically, riders moving at slower gaits are closer to the wall. For example, an athlete, when stepping off a horse, must walk along the path closest to the board, riding to the left.

In some societies, the outermost track is occupied by galloping horsemen. Check with your coach about the rules of this club.

8. Don't scare the animal

If your relatives or friends come to watch you ride, warn them that horses are shy animals. Therefore, loud voices, small children running, sudden movements can frighten the animal and even lead to a fall from the horse. This applies not only to the arena, but also to the rest of the area where the horses are kept.

Don't give treats to unfamiliar horses! Firstly, they may get food sloppy or bite you. And secondly, the horse may be on a diet due to illness and your treat will be undesirable for it.

9. Don't scare yourself

By nature, horses are herd animals. Therefore, the “cheerful” mood of one horse can easily be transferred to another. If your horse succumbs to general “panic” and bolts, remain calm, do not lose the stirrups and try to stop him by turning into an increasingly smaller circle.

Horses have more developed hearing than humans, so be careful. If your horse hears a sharp, unfamiliar sound, the clatter of hooves, or the loud snorting of another animal, he may instinctively lunge forward or to the side.

In such situations, it is better to talk to the horse, give calm but persistent commands with your hand and leg.

10. What to do after training

The horse should not be watered or fed oats for an hour after training. Therefore, if there is a bucket of water in the stall, it must be taken out and the automatic waterer must be turned off.

The horse should not be allowed to tilt its head toward the ground (for example, when picking up hay or grass) if the saddle girths are too tight. In this place, just behind the front legs, a hematoma can form - the so-called “damping”. If this happens, then until the “bump” resolves, you can only ride this horse without a saddle.

A lot of questions arise in learning to jump. Here are the basic 10 rules that will help you in your training. Oddly enough, show jumping has a lot in common with dressage, only you can get more bumps in it.

  1. Watch where you are going. This law is always true. This means your horse will know where he needs to go next. If the gaze is lowered, it can cause the horse to stop abruptly. You need to select any object in front (tree, building...) outside the obstacle and look directly at it, this will help you maintain a straight line and follow exactly in the center.
  2. Shoulder position is always important when riding, but is especially important when jumping. When you jump, you only have a “two point” support, your rear end is not in contact with the saddle. By keeping your shoulders slightly back, you balance the center of gravity of your upper body in relation to the saddle, which is the optimal position with contact with the saddle limited only by your legs and stirrup. Additionally, if your horse brakes suddenly, the position of your shoulders will help your body return to starting position and stay in the saddle.
  3. Don't pull on the reins. This will cause you to lose your balance, especially when you are just learning to jump. If you try to maintain your balance with the help of a rein, then for the horse this is a command “Stop, don’t jump,” which is the opposite of what you want. This is a very big mistake.
    If you need support to maintain balance, you can grab the mane or a special belt that is attached to the bow for training. You must watch your hands and move them so that the horse always has enough room to stretch his neck to jump.
  4. Keep your heels down. Your heels are a shock absorber that softens the shock that comes with jumping. In addition, this position will always keep your feet in the stirrups, ready for work. It also helps maintain balance.
  5. Lead your horse straight into the obstacles (exactly in the middle). A level, direct approach makes it easier for you to work with your horse. This approach will help the horse evaluate the obstacle and cope with it better. On your part, it is necessary to lead the horse to the obstacle according to optimal trajectory. Choosing a landmark on the nearest or next obstacle will help you approach exactly in the center. An object far away behind an obstacle (for example, a tree or building) can also be used as a reference point.
  6. Speed ​​is not more important than power. Your horse is not required to go full speed when entering the jump. But she must obey you (have good control and communication) and move powerfully. It should easily extend the tempo on demand or, on the contrary, move powerfully upward with balance transferred to the hind legs. To do this, you need to work a lot on the transitions of gaits and only after that start jumping (trot-gallop, gallop-walk...). You also need to work hard on lengthening and shortening the canter (long canter - short canter - walk).
  7. Wait. Your horse will not be able to jump if you are ahead of him. “Running forward” means that your horse has not yet taken his feet off the ground, but you have already moved forward with your body and are jumping in front of him. If you lean forward before the horse starts to jump, all your weight will load the horse's front end and it will be difficult for the horse to jump. Try to wait and feel when your horse starts to take off into the jump, then you can allow your body to naturally move with the horse.
  8. The right equipment. Specialized equipment, and especially the saddle, are very important for show jumping. Don't jump in a dressage saddle; a high pommel will throw you off balance. Wear a helmet, it will protect your head from impacts. It is also recommended to use a protective vest to protect your spine. Especially if you are jumping on rough terrain.
  9. Improving practice. Make sure that you succeed in all 4 components of a successful jump: 1) you can maintain balance on two points and on all gaits for at least two circles; 2) your arms can move forward regardless of your body movement; 3) when practicing cavaletti jumps, you must make sure that you easily maintain balance while jumping on two points; 4) passing through the center.
  10. Do only what you want to do and what you are ready for. Trying to do something that you are not ready for or feel that you are not ready for will lead to bad consequences. Don't be afraid to say that you're scared or you're not ready to do it today. You'll do it next time. Remember that your horse will perfectly sense your fear and reluctance and will also refuse to do this. The consequences can be anything.

Jump with joy and pleasure!


Many years ago, my grandfather took me to work with him. I was 3 years old, and then I didn’t even suspect that he was the favorite coach of a whole crowd of kids, hearing his velvety voice, big horse heads leaned out of their windows and began to laugh in unison, loudly stomping their hooves, and nodding in greeting to him as best friend. That trip to the stables became a turning point in my life; since then I can no longer imagine life without horses.

From my experience, I dare to divide people into several categories:

  1. People who are indifferent or wary of horses.
  2. People who come up to pet a horse in the park without much fear always want to take a photo next to it and are sometimes even willing to ride around the fountain on horseback.
  3. People who love horses consider them the most beautiful, strong and intelligent animals. Those who dream of learning how to confidently stay in the saddle, understand the issues of caring for a horse and secretly dream of their own real horse.
  4. People terminally ill with “horse disease”. They know a lot, they can do it, and they already quite secretly dream of their own horse, and in some cases, not their first one.

This article was written for the third category of people. Perhaps here you will find answers to the main global questions that arise every now and then and keep you from falling asleep. Recommendations and advice will be aimed specifically at beginners and beginning lovers of horses and equestrian sports.

So, perhaps in your distant childhood you were given rides by an old pony in the park or even by a calm, tired retired horse. Most likely, you have several horse figurines at home, you cannot calmly watch films where brave horses die in battle, and you also burst into tears when watching the legendary “Spirit”. Your parents resisted your every attempt to take you to the stables, because equestrianism is dangerous, scary and unpredictable. Now you are an independent person and have finally decided that you are ready to try yourself in this new business. I can assure you in advance that a superficial acquaintance with the world of horses ends before it even begins. And those who dive deeper soon become sick with horses forever. Therefore, before it’s too late, once again weigh all the PROS and CONS, but for now let’s talk about the main points.

Stable selection

A stable is a house where horses live. Large cities usually have a large selection of these houses. It is better to start getting acquainted with the equestrian world by going to the stable closest to your home, but if this does not meet your ambitions, you can find a suitable place for future training by studying the websites of the stables in your city.

At the stable, in addition to horses, you will find like-minded people, knowledgeable people, private horse owners and trainers who will teach you the basics of horse riding, answer questions that may arise during the learning process and, in general, will always help and support you. Regular training and your efforts can allow you to move from the level of a “teapot” to the level of an amateur athlete in one or another type of equestrian sport. Typically, each stable specializes in a certain area, for example, show jumping, dressage, western, horse riding, etc. But before you begin to understand the intricacies and terminology of a particular type of equestrian sport, there is a lot of serious work to be done on acquiring general horsemanship skills.

Advice from the heart: do not come to someone else’s monastery with your own charter.


Second important issue I think it’s the right outfit to wear to the stables. I would like to warn you that real equestrian sportswear is quite expensive; for the first time, things that you don’t mind can get away with. So, summer, spring-autumn and winter equipment have their obvious differences. If you do not have the opportunity to buy special breeches for horse riding in the summer, and with a fleece for the winter, then look in your wardrobe for trousers that do not have thick seams in order to avoid chafing in the most delicate places. Pants should not be very thin, easily soiled or uncomfortable.

T-shirt, turtleneck, vest and jacket - the choice is yours.

If training takes place on an open ground under the scorching sun, remember that you are closer to the sun than usual, take care of yourself to avoid burns. If a strong wind is blowing, and you still have to gallop towards the wind, think about insulation, even if the sweat is hail, the likelihood of catching a cold without a vest or jacket in bad weather is quite high.

Helmet– an important part of a novice rider’s equipment. There are no falls in equestrian sports, but you can avoid serious bruises and injuries by not forgetting your own helmet when you go to classes. In the summer, you can use a bicycle, it is well ventilated, which eliminates heat stroke, and in the winter you can wear a cap or a helmet cap under the helmet, which covers the nose and mouth, leaving only the eyes visible, but this is in case you feel like training on an open parade ground in the cold.

Shoes– before starting training, it is advisable to purchase boots or shoes with small heels. The heel is needed as an obstacle to the stirrup, so that your inexperienced foot does not fall inside, you would not get entangled in the harness, and when rolling head over heels from your horse, you would not catch your foot in the stirrup and would not harrow the parade ground with your own hands, occasionally receiving a hoof in the side.

If you have boots, you will most likely be advised to purchase gaiters so that your shins are protected from friction in the same way as in boots. Leggings come in different prices and materials. It’s better to buy expensive leather ones right away, they will last for many years, as they say, “the miser pays twice,” and in the case of leggings, “...every new season.”

Advice from the heart: You shouldn’t show off and equip yourself according to the latest fashion, the horse won’t appreciate it, the main thing is that it’s convenient to clean the stall, saddle the horse, and perform an element of horseback riding.


A coach is first and foremost a teacher; if there is mutual interest and desire, he will teach you everything he knows and even more. Being shy and not asking questions is stupid. If something bothers you or hurts, be sure to tell the trainer about it, because he is not an x-ray or a clairvoyant, but an ordinary person who is responsible for you.

Listen to the coach, there is no need for amateur performances, at least because he “cooks” in this world more than you. Usually, a coach takes his students to a certain sport that he is professionally involved in or has practiced himself, but both the show jumping coach and the vaulting coach have a high school of riding, so when choosing a coach you shouldn’t think so far ahead. Go through " primary school", and then make a decision about your future sporting destiny.

Advice from the heart: don’t be afraid to change your coach, there’s nothing wrong with that. While learning the basics of horse riding, you are in search of a person, in tandem with whom you can realize all your dreams in the magical and beautiful world of horses.


I can't ignore this question. The majority of people who come to the stables are not random. Everyone here has their own story, their own dreams and ambitions. Unfortunately, there are too few team disciplines in equestrian sports, so often it’s every man for himself. But at the same time, this is a big friendly family that always worries if something happens, and is always the first to respond and help if required. As in any team there is that initial period when “who’s new”, you will most likely be initially looked at with distrust and jealousy if your training takes place with someone’s favorite horse. Time will pass and you will definitely be accepted into the “family” and will share an apple or carrot with you.

Advice from the heart: be sincere and simple, then people will be drawn to you.


Horses are an expensive pleasure. Prices for classes vary, depending on big cities and megacities, one lesson will cost on average 500-700 rubles. If you plan to achieve some success, you should exercise at least twice a week; if you just want to maintain shape and emotional comfort, then once a week will be enough. This should also include the cost of treats for horses, such as carrots, sugar, apples. It is not customary to come empty-handed as a guest. Mandatory equipment for purchase can cost around 3,000 thousand rubles, but this is a very approximate amount.

Advice from the heart: If you have the opportunity to purchase a package of classes (subscription), take it without hesitation, even if you have to study in a group with children 10 years old. Once you get used to the loads and master the primary skills, you can start training individually. Remember that not everything at once; very painstaking and difficult work awaits you, both physically and mentally.

If none of the above has scared you, and you are still in a fighting mood dreaming of a free gallop in the fields on horseback and without a saddle. If you want warm lips to trustingly take sugar from your palm. If you think that there is nothing better than spending the whole weekend hauling carts with sawdust and oiling saddles, then stop sitting at the computer and come to our stables! We have our own atmosphere here...

Horseback riding is scary for many and seems like a very difficult activity. In fact, almost anyone can learn to ride a horse. To master the basic rules of horse riding, it is enough to attend several lessons at a horse school.

The following tips from riders of the “Horse Riding” equestrian club will help you feel more comfortable and stop being afraid of horses:

  1. To begin with, you should find a coach with whom you will be comfortable working. His main task is to teach a beginner the basics of horseback riding. Therefore, if you have any doubts or questions, you should immediately consult with the instructor. Some mistakes the rider will not be able to notice and correct himself. For example, sometimes it seems to the rider that his body is vertical or tilted back, while he is almost lying on the animal's neck. Only a coach can notice such mistakes.
  2. From the first lesson you need to learn how to mount a horse correctly. Trainers are advised to mount the animal, put on a saddle and bridle, and dismount only on the left side.
  3. Beginner riders may feel intimidated while in the arena. To prevent possible collisions, you need to maintain a distance of a couple of meters between horses. You should not get too close to another horse, as the horses may become aggressive.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to frighten the animal, as this may cause a fall. You shouldn't be afraid of the horse yourself. If the animal succumbs to panic and rushes off, you need to try to remain calm, not lose the stirrups, and try to gently stop it. Since horses have well-developed hearing, an unusual sound or loud hooves can unbalance them, after which the animal may instinctively rush to the side or forward. In this situation, you need to calmly talk to the horse and give persistent commands without panicking.
  5. Immediately after finishing the training, you cannot feed or water the animal for an hour.

Horse riding techniques

Gait is a riding technique at different speeds: gallop, trot and walk. Gallop is a fast and impetuous three-tempo gait that can start from the left leg (in this case the pace falls on the left hoof) and from right leg(tempo is on the right hoof). A more measured technique is the trot, in which the horse places both hooves at the same pace diagonally, pushing forward and upward, then jumps onto the hooves along a diagonal line. The characteristic feature of a walk is that the horse lowers its legs alternately and diagonally to the ground.

During lessons at the equestrian club “Horsebacking” you can learn the basic techniques of riding a horse. Beginning riders have the opportunity to attend individual or group lessons. If the student has no experience at all, it is advisable to first take a few individual lessons with a trainer. The instructor will be able to devote a lot of time to the novice rider and talk in detail about the rules. Then you can move on to interesting techniques and learn new tricks.

Riding equipment

The rider must have suitable equipment. It affects how quickly he masters the technique, as well as the comfort of the horse during training rides, since the equipment should not cause discomfort to either of them. The rider's equipment includes:

  • comfortable shoes with a flat and rigid base (preferably boots);
  • special gaiters that prevent abrasions on inside legs;
  • breeches, which are on the knees and inner surface there are leather patches;
  • riding jacket – it should protect from wind and rain and not interfere with sitting comfortably in the saddle;
  • gloves – protect hands from cold, calluses, dirt, abrasions;
  • helmet - protects the head from injuries and concussions in case of falls.

Basics of horse riding or programs of any complexity for experienced riders are available at the “Horse Riding” equestrian club, please contact us.

Specialized dressage classes on Club horses:

One-time lesson 2250 rub.
Subscription for 4 classes 6840 rub.
Subscription for 8 classes 12600 rub.
Subscription for 12 lessons 17100 rub.
Subscription for 16 classes 21600 rub.

People have been riding horses for several thousand years, during which the animal has evolved from an ordinary means of transportation to a faithful friend, assistant and even a doctor. IN current time Horseback riding represents communication with animals, a form of recreation and hobby, as well as a sport. However, unlike in the old days, today not every person knows how to stay in the saddle. In our review we will present complete guide, how to learn to ride a horse, as well as what means of controlling it exist.

Horses are mainly ridden for pleasure or sport.

Horse riding lessons are very similar to car driving courses. A person cannot learn to drive a car well without knowledge of its parts and rules. traffic. In the same way, he will not be able to ride a horse without special theoretical training. First, the novice rider gets acquainted with the characteristics of horses, studies the basics of care and proper handling of animals, elements of equipment and equestrian equipment.

It is also important to understand the psychology of animals, their vision of the world, and physiological features, because, unlike a car, they do not have special levers and buttons. Therefore, the lessons in the “How to Ride” course consist of long and hard training.

Only with hard training and studying information about horses can you understand all the intricacies of riding

The statement that every person can mount and ride a horse successfully the first time is false. As practice shows, an inexperienced rider will be able to stay in the saddle until the first unpredictable situation. The driver's skill is similarly demonstrated during emergency conditions.

Riding training is based on three “pillars”: development correct landing, controlling the horse and achieving contact with it. These principles are inseparable and equivalent, so they are studied in a complex manner.

You cannot first learn to sit in the saddle correctly, and only then control the horse. Seating is part of connecting with the horse and part of being able to lead it.

Correct fit

Proper seating is the foundation of how to ride a horse. Without it, it will be impossible to achieve balance in the saddle, maintain balance when moving and “conduct” the horse. This concept includes the necessary position of the arms, legs, and back. The pose should be natural, comfortable, and movements should be free. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Sit in the deepest part of the saddle, straighten your back so that your head, shoulders, pelvis and heels are on the same line.
  2. Distribute weight on buttocks, relax top part body, lower your shoulders and do not spread your elbows.
  3. Keep your arms straight and relaxed so you can feel the movements of the horse's head. Distribute the brushes at the level of the withers.
  4. Turn the leg (the part of the leg from the knee to the heel) inward, turning the knees towards the saddle, as if hugging the horse. Keep your toes level, with your heels down slightly.
  5. It is very important to adjust the length of the stirrups so that your feet are in the desired position.

When sitting on a horse, you need to monitor the position of your back, arms and legs

Muscle relaxation and a sense of balance are achieved by performing various exercises in the saddle. gymnastic exercises. Therefore, it is very important in the first lessons to ride a well-trained horse under the guidance of a trainer or experienced instructor. This will allow you to develop self-confidence from the very beginning, and will also eliminate the fear of falling and trying to frantically cling to the mane or saddle.

Learning to get into the rhythm of movement

Beginner riders encounter the main difficulties in horse riding during the transition from walk to trot. At this time, trying to avoid falling, with strong shaking, most people squeeze the sides of the horse with their legs, resulting in rubbing, muscle pain, and discomfort when riding.

The success of riding at accelerated gallops lies in the ability to catch the rhythm of movement due to the correct work of the legs and the lumbosacral region.

When changing gaits, the rider should relax his knees and, imagining the lower part of his legs as a shock absorber, begin to rise at the moment of the toss, pause and lower himself back into the saddle in time with the horse's movement. In this case, the center of gravity must be shifted forward. When switching to a gallop, you need to move your body forward, tense the muscles of the lumbosacral region, and press your knees to the saddle.

To avoid painful sensations when switching to a faster ride, you need to adapt to the rhythm of the animal


When sitting in the saddle for the first time, each rider must clearly understand and know how to control a horse and what commands exist. Commands for horses are given using the reins, leg, body, and lumbosacral region. To make it easier to understand the functions of each element, many beginners are told that the reins are the steering wheel and brakes, and the leg is the gas. However, this interpretation is very primitive, since when riding correctly, the body and pelvic muscles are a kind of bridge that connects the actions of the rein and leg into single commands - sends. Let's look at all the means of controlling a horse in more detail.

A well-trained horse responds only to the correct signals from the rider. Sudden movements of the reins, twitching or strong pushes of the leg cause discomfort, nervousness and disobedience in horses. Therefore, the rider must be well versed in commands and be able to send correctly.

In order for the horse to obey the rider, you need to give clear and correct commands


Controls back horse, makes turns, maintains balance and forward movement. You cannot hit the horse with your legs or hit your heels uncontrollably on the sides. To send, pressing your leg tightly to your side is enough. The main action of the leg is sending forward. To do this, the rider presses both legs closely just behind the girth. The leg behind the girth at a distance of approximately 15-20 cm controls the movement hind legs while turning. Also, this movement dictates or prohibits movement to the side.

The horse must be able to quickly respond to the slightest instructions from the rider. Otherwise, for poorly trained horses, as well as to strengthen the team, spurs and a whip are used as additional means of control. A horse whip is used in case of disobedience to a leg signal. However, they cannot hit the animal, but only with a light slap on the croup or shoulder to draw attention to your team. Spurs are used for horses additional means sending legs, but they should not be used by inexperienced riders.

The correct position of the leg in the stirrup is the key to ensuring that the horse understands your command correctly.

Impact by reason

The rein is necessary for stopping and turning the horse and serves as the main means of control. In addition, it is he who is the most important connecting center between the rider and the horse. The rein is attached to the bit, which is located in the animal’s mouth, so the horse feels all its movements very well. Jerking, twitching and other unnecessary hand movements are not allowed here. Therefore, regarding commands, the basis is important rule: A good ride is the rider's soft hands. Hands and forearms should always be relaxed.

The reins should not sag, but also not pull on the horse's mouth. Their correct position is such that the rider can feel the movements of the horse's head well, but does not constrain them. The effect of the rein depends on the type of headband and the cutting of the reins. There are several types of them. For a beginner, the English style is considered the best, when the reins are taken in a fist and passed between the thumb and little finger. The hands are held vertically, that is, with the thumbs up.

When controlling a horse with the reins, sudden movements are not allowed.

Commands and sends

Learning how to properly ride a horse necessarily includes knowing the cues and certain commands. Let's take a closer look.

  • Forward Command— we move the body forward, tense the pelvis, press the legs immediately behind the girth, and give the reins.
  • The command “stand” - we strain the pelvic muscles, pressing ourselves into the saddle, we move the body back, calmly, without jerking, we select the reins towards ourselves.
  • Turn to the left - the body is straight or in the direction of movement, we select the left rein, give the right one a little, the right leg presses the side immediately behind the girth.
  • Turn to the right - the body is straight or in the direction of movement, we select the right rein, give the left a little, the right leg presses the left side.
  • The message is “quickly” - we push the horse with our legs immediately behind the girth, pushing the body forward.
  • U-turn on the spot– we select the rein in the direction of movement, push the leg immediately behind the girth on the side of the direction of movement, press the opposite leg at a palm distance from the girth.
  • Backward movement— we press the pelvis to the saddle, we move the body back, slowly and calmly, without jerking, we select the reins for ourselves, the legs should work immediately behind the girth.

To properly control your horse, learn all the commands.


Today, almost every major city has stables or equestrian clubs. Therefore, anyone can find out how to learn to ride a horse by attending special courses or riding lessons. It is advisable to immediately register for courses with an experienced trainer or an instructor to fully master the rider’s skills. Having learned to maintain balance and equilibrium and control a horse, you can safely go on a horseback riding trip or have a pleasant horseback ride through the nearest forest. A horse is a living cure for depression, and riding in the saddle is a wonderful form of active recreation.