Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. The best exercises for expectant mothers in later stages

When preparing for childbirth, you should perform specially designed exercises for pregnant women. The 3rd trimester is a period when gymnastics should become an integral part of your life, because childbirth is just around the corner. It is advisable to learn proper breathing in advance and prepare your body as much as possible for the process preceding the long-awaited meeting with your baby.

Gymnastics for pregnant women (3rd trimester) involves a minimum of physical activity and a maximum focus on breathing control and the development of elasticity pelvic floor. Exercises should exclude supine position on the right side - increased pressure of the uterus on the liver can negatively affect the general condition.

Perhaps earlier, due to being busy at work, you did not do exercises for pregnant women, the 3rd trimester will give you the opportunity to devote maximum time to yourself and your unborn child. Take care of the ease of future childbirth, start exercising at 30 weeks of pregnancy, because you are starting maternity leave.

Several weighty arguments “FOR” gymnastics:

  1. A woman’s body, along with the tiny organism inside it, is saturated with oxygen through physical activity.
  2. Muscle work is stimulated and internal organs, the risk of varicose veins is approaching a minimum.
  3. By increasing muscle tone painful sensations in the spine area decrease.
  4. The muscles adapt to constant tension, hence the reduction in pain during childbirth.
  5. Even if you don’t lose extra pounds, their amount will be much less than without exercise.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

Here are some exercises during pregnancy (3rd trimester) that you can do at home. More complex exercises should be performed under the strict supervision of a doctor, following his instructions and prescriptions.

Exercises at 8 months of pregnancy, and even more so at 9, may be difficult for you. Slow down the pace of doing them, watch your breathing, gymnastics should be a joy for you and your unborn baby. Before performing any exercise, be sure to consult your doctor.

The period of waiting for a child is not only a wonderful, but also a very exciting period in a woman’s life. At this time, it is necessary to properly prepare for the birth of a baby - both psychologically and physically.

Doctors recommend doing special complexes exercises that become especially important in the third trimester, when the baby’s weight increases. Such training will help relieve stress from the spine, and also strengthen the muscles of the back, abs, and pelvis.

It's not only improves the well-being of the expectant mother, but will also play important role during the birth process. What exercises for pregnant women should be performed in the 3rd trimester, how often to train, and which complexes are best to forget about? We'll talk about this further.

What happens to the body of the expectant mother during this period?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, that is, from 27-29 weeks, the female body has to mobilize. As the weight of the unborn baby increases, the uterus stretches proportionally and begins to put pressure on the diaphragm (during this period, many expectant mothers complain of shortness of breath and the inability to take a deep breath).

The uterus also puts pressure on the bladder and gradually puts pressure on large blood vessels located in the peritoneum (this disrupts the venous outflow from the legs and can lead to the development of varicose veins).

Specially selected physical exercise for pregnant women, as well as cool foot baths, rest with raised lower limbs are effective preventive measures, which should not be forgotten in the third trimester.

The amount of relaxin and progesterone increases in the body, which somewhat softens the ligaments and requires special care from the expectant mother. caution during training.

Since the size of the abdomen during this period is very impressive, and the weight of the fetus is constantly increasing, the load on the back and spine increases. This leads not only to pain in this area, but also to numbness in the arms or legs.

Two to three weeks before the happy day, the body begins to actively produce estrogen, which increases the tone of the uterus. “Training” contractions may occur, and the cervix thickens and shortens. Sometimes the mucus plug comes off.

Why do exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester?

Regular exercise that is not too difficult is important at every stage of pregnancy, but shortly before birth it plays a special role. This way you can improve blood circulation, including uteroplacental outflow, and increase the endurance of the pelvic, back, and abdominal muscles.

This will simplify labor and prevent complications. It is necessary to pay attention and breathing exercises– this also contributes to an easier delivery. TO benefits Such training also includes:

  • restoration of intestinal motility, prevention of constipation;
  • elimination of insomnia;
  • preventing kidney problems, reducing swelling;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • reduction of pain;
  • preparing the body for childbirth;
  • weight control.

Training at this time has its own specifics. Thus, weight loss exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester fade into the background, but back exercises for pregnant women and complexes aimed at preventing varicose veins become especially relevant.

Selecting exercises for pregnant women, gynecologists highly recommend perform Kegel exercises (training the vaginal muscles), which are indispensable for easy childbirth.

Please note that despite all the benefits of such exercises, they should be performed only after mandatory consultation with a gynecologist. Even the most gentle and gentle gymnastics can have its contraindications.

So, it is better to refuse training if the expectant mother:

  • increased uterine tone, there is a threat of premature birth;
  • corpus luteum deficiency, other hormonal problems;
  • bleeding occurred.

What you need to know about “pregnant” gymnastics in the third trimester

For training to be beneficial, remember that it shouldn't be too intense. Exercises for pregnant women in the pool have worked well, but keep in mind that in the 3rd trimester you should not be overly active and overexert yourself.

Many expectant mothers note the benefits of exercising on a fitball for pregnant women - they help get rid of back pain in the 3rd trimester, as well as make it easier to prepare for childbirth.

Remember that you need to pay attention to breathing exercises, master the so-called “dog breathing”.

As for other exercises, do them as smoothly and gently as possible, do not chase the number of repetitions, listen to your feelings.

If during exercise there is pain (especially nagging), discomfort, or the uterus has become toned, stop training and be sure to rest.

When choosing a complex during this period, keep in mind that due to a large belly, a woman becomes less flexible. All exercises must be gentle, do not put too much strain on the spine and legs. Don't overtrain your abs. It is better to give preference to exercises for the pelvis, back, and chest.

You can exercise both in the morning and during the day - it all depends on your lifestyle and the behavior of the baby. But in the evening it is better to refuse training - the baby may become “naughty”, and the uterus may become toned. It's better to make several breathing exercises.

Remember that you cannot sit on a fitball or start training immediately after eating - take at least a half-hour break. The same goes for post-workout snacks. You can do exercises every day if you feel well and have no medical contraindications. If you are “lazy”, you can take one or two days off a week.

A set of exercises for pregnant women – 3rd trimester


Start your workouts with a warm-up: to do this, walk in place at a smooth rhythm for one to two minutes, slightly bend your torso to the sides, tilt your head, circular rotations neck.

Exercise "Cat"

An exercise that gynecologists dearly love. Get on all fours, while inhaling, bend at the waist. As you exhale, round your back, just like a cat does. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise #3

Stand up straight and maintain your posture. Clasp your hands at the back of your head, connect your elbows in front of your face. As you inhale, move them apart, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. You can perform this exercise while sitting on the floor. Up to 8 repetitions.

Pelvic muscle exercise

Stand up straight, put your hands on your waist. Slightly bending your knees, move your pelvis slightly forward and back. At the same time squeeze vaginal muscles. It’s not a bad idea to make a figure eight with your hips in the horizontal plane, but the range of movements should be minimal. Up to 10-12 repetitions.

Body rotations

Sit down, rest your hands behind you, placing them at a comfortable width. Turn your body to the side while spreading your arms. 3-4 times in each direction.

Exercise #6

Get down on all fours. Exhaling air, slowly sit on your heels, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Exercises for pregnant women on a ball – 3rd trimester

Fitball during this period becomes best friend future mothers. You can use it to prepare for childbirth, exercise, or relieve pain in the back and abdomen.

Exercise No. 1

While sitting on the ball, describe circles with your pelvis. In this case, you can hold your hands on your chest, in front of you, or hold onto the ball for balance.

Exercise No. 2

While sitting on the ball, take light dumbbells. Alternately raise your arms with the apparatus - up to 6 repetitions on each arm.

Exercise #3

Lying on your back, alternately place your foot on the fitball and roll it in different sides. This is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Exercises for pregnant women 3rd trimester – video

Another effective and very gentle set of exercises that will help get rid of back pain, strengthen muscles and prepare the body for childbirth is given in the video below. Please note that before performing it, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Its advantage is that no sports equipment is required for training. The trainer describes in detail how to perform each movement.

Pregnancy is not a reason to forget about physical activity, but exercise should be approached thoughtfully and carefully. By doing exercises, you can improve your well-being and prepare for the birth process.

Do you do pregnancy exercises? What complexes are you doing? Share your opinions and feelings in the comments.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, overall physical activity decreases slightly compared to the previous period. This is achieved by reducing the amount of exercise and introducing breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises more frequently. Exercises to relax and stretch the muscles of the perineum are mandatory.
During this period (28-40 weeks), physical exercises are aimed at increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor, reducing venous stagnation, increasing joint mobility, and stimulating intestinal activity. From the starting positions, in addition to those we mentioned in the previous chapter, “lying on the right side” is excluded, since the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the liver. Most exercises are performed from the “standing with support”, “on all fours”, “sitting” positions. The range of movements decreases, all exercises are performed more smoothly and calmly. Breathing exercises occupy a large part of the complex
and relaxation exercises.

Exercise 1 “Stretching lateral bends in a sitting position”

Goal: to tone and strengthen the muscles of the arms, waist, chest, backs.

IP - Sit on the floor with your legs crossed (tailor's pose). Back
keep straight. Extend your arms straight to the sides so that your fingertips touch the floor. Feel that your body weight is evenly distributed between your sit bones.

Inhale: Lift left hand and tilt your torso to the right. Place your right palm on the floor near your right knee and allow your right elbow to bend. Keep your hips on the floor and feel a stretch along the left side of your torso, from the fingertips of your left hand to your waist. (Don't worry if your right elbow doesn't touch the floor - it doesn't matter.)

Exhale: Tighten your muscles abdominals and return the torso and arms to starting position. Total amount: 6 times on each side, alternating sides each time.

Exercise 2 “Circles with feet”

Goal: Improve blood circulation, stretch and tone the muscles of the legs and feet.

I.p. – Lie on your back (you can lean your back on your arms bent at the elbows.) Bend your knees. Place the shin of your right leg on your left knee. Breathe slowly and naturally.
Slowly make a circle with the toes of your right foot, bending and straightening your ankle joint. Try to work only with your foot, tensing the muscles of your lower leg and ankle, but not your hips. At the end of the exercise, you should feel warm in your ankle (ankle joint).

Total: 10 laps in each direction, then switch legs.

Exercise 3 “Pelvic tilts in a sitting position”

Goal: To tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles, stretch the inner thighs.

Inhale: deeply.

Exhale: Tighten your abdominal muscles (tuck your stomach), flatten your abdominal cavity. Allow your lower back to round (arch back). Try to keep the rest of your back straight and don't fall backwards. You only train your abdominal muscles and inner surface hips At the same time, tighten your pelvic floor muscles.

Inhale: Gently relax your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Straighten your back and return to the starting position. Use your hands on ankle joints to help yourself.

Total number: 6 times.

Exercise 4 “Lifting the leg with abduction and rotation”

I.p. – Lie on the floor with your knees bent. The soles are hip-width apart. Place your arms along your body.

Inhale: deeply.

Exhale: Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly slide the heel of your right foot along the floor until your leg is completely straight. The toe is pulled tight. The lower back should remain on the floor.

Inhale: Lift straight right leg up to the ceiling, bend your fingers towards you and feel the stretch along back surface legs. Buttocks should remain on the floor. Raise your leg to a comfortable height for you, the knee should not bend.

Exhale: Tighten your abdominal muscles, loosen your right leg (bend your right knee slightly), move it to the side and rotate it outward (turn your inner thigh toward the ceiling). Make sure your pelvis remains on the floor. The important thing is to externally rotate your leg, train your abdominal muscles and keep your lower back on the floor, not how low you can move your leg to the side.

Inhale: Pull your toes up and extend your right leg toward the ceiling.

Exhale: tighten your abdominal muscles and lower your leg to the floor.

Inhale: Bend your knee back to the starting position.

Total amount: 4 times with each leg, alternating sides.

Exercise 5 "Wiggle"

Goal: relax the muscles of the pelvic floor of the thighs. Perform together with your husband.

IP - Sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees, arms straight at the back. The husband sits on the floor opposite the woman with his legs spread wide, between her legs so that her shins rest on her hands. And he begins to gently rock them to the side for 1 minute.
The woman's breathing is voluntary.

Exercise 5a

I.p. – Sitting opposite each other, a pregnant woman places her legs on the thighs of her partner, who in turn clasps her stomach so that his elbows touch the inside of her knees. The partner begins to rock the woman from side to side for 1 minute.

Once again, I want to remind you: all exercises should be selected individually, after consulting with a doctor and a gymnastics instructor for pregnant women. Health to you and your children!

The third trimester of pregnancy can be called the home stretch, and it is during this period that expectant mothers relax the most. Meanwhile, the last 3 months of pregnancy are the period during which you need to prepare the body for childbirth in order to make the process and subsequent recovery of the body as easy as possible.

For this reason, playing sports later Not only are they not harmful, as many women think, but on the contrary, they are simply necessary. 28-40 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by an increase in pressure on the spine, a decrease in overall motor activity and mobility.

Physical activity during this period has several goals:

  • reducing the load on the back and spine;
  • practicing proper breathing before childbirth;
  • increased skin elasticity;
  • stretching of the perineal muscles;
  • increasing overall joint mobility;
  • reducing blood stagnation and swelling in the lower extremities;
  • increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor;
  • stimulation of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, all these effects are needed in order to ease the pleasant, but such a heavy burden of a pregnant woman. By increasing skin turgor, joint mobility and elasticity of the pelvic floor, a woman prepares herself for childbirth. A prepared body will take the load much easier, and the likelihood that complications will arise during childbirth is noticeably reduced.

Plus, doing exercises will prevent you from gaining overweight and will allow you to quickly return to good prenatal physical fitness after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Clothing for charging should be chosen as comfortable as possible, not impeding movement and not tight anywhere, especially in the abdominal area.

It is better to select specific exercises and types of load under the guidance of a doctor. There are several techniques that are best suited for pregnant women in the third trimester, and when drawing up individual programs physical activity they can be combined and alternated.

What types of exercises should you do over a long period of time?

Type of exerciseDescription
1 PilatesPilates is ideal both in the second half of pregnancy and after childbirth. When performing exercises, you can use apparatus and dumbbells, auxiliary objects. This type of exercise is necessary to prepare the body for childbirth, improve muscle tone and blood flow, gain strength and boost vigor. Of course, you should not perform exercises if you experience discomfort, shortness of breath, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
2 YogaYoga can be called gymnastics for relaxation. Certainly, to the expectant mother at the end of the term, you need to avoid complex asanas, but simpler ones, basic elements perfect for stretching, preparing ligaments, not to mention the fact that it perfect way relax.
3 Breathing exercises Breathing exercises are elements of yoga, and you can do them both while performing other asanas, and on your own, simply by taking the necessary pose. Knowing basic breathing techniques will greatly simplify the birth process and make you feel better physically and more confident in your abilities.
4 Water aerobicsThis is the type of exercise that you cannot do at home and is usually carried out in groups under the guidance of a trainer with a medical education. Water aerobics is by no means obligatory, but a very pleasant form of preparation for childbirth, which allows you to minimize the load on the spine and legs, feel lighter and relax in a special pool.
5 Kegel exercisesVery simple and no less effective exercises that allow you to train the muscles of the vagina and prepare them for childbirth. Elastic muscles are less susceptible to tearing, which not only significantly increases the chance of giving birth naturally as safe as possible, but will also allow you to recover faster after the birth of your child.
6 Strength trainingIf there are no contraindications, exclude power loads not even worth it at all long term. Of course, it is necessary to significantly reduce the load, and if before pregnancy a woman was actively involved in gym, then at 28-40 weeks of pregnancy you can limit yourself to exercises with dumbbells. This trains endurance and will allow you to not get tired so much in the third trimester, when the load on the body is maximum.

Breathing exercises

Of all the sets of exercises, breathing exercises are an essential element of preparation for childbirth. Correct breathing will allow you to better control the process of childbirth and properly stimulate labor activity, but will also give you the opportunity to relax at any moment, simply by using a memorized and acquired breathing technique.

Chest “upper” breathing

With this type of breathing, only the upper part lungs. In order to better control your breathing, you can place your hands on your ribs and inhale slowly through your nose, so that the diaphragm remains in the same position. Exhale through your mouth or nose.

Diaphragmatic deep breathing

Placing one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, you need to slowly, deeply inhale until your lungs are completely filled with air; the diaphragm moves. After inhaling, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then exhale very slowly, pausing before the next cycle.

Push four-phase breathing

Taking a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, then exhale just as slowly through your mouth. After exhaling, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and repeat.

Each exercise is repeated 10 times, you can start with 1-2 times a day. A pregnant woman needs 10 minutes of breathing exercises a day to prepare for childbirth.

Gymnastics for pregnant women: the most important exercises

Type of exerciseDescription of the exercise
Pelvic rotationOne of the most important exercises for a pregnant woman, to perform it you need a fitball or, in the absence of one, you can use a chair or pouf.
You need to sit straight, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, and perform rotational movements with your pelvis to the right and left. When performing the exercise, the stomach and back should be relaxed, hands can be kept on the stomach. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Spine stretchTo perform this exercise, you need to sit straight on the floor with your legs in the “Turkish” position. Holding your ankles with your hands, you need to bend, rounding your back, then, having reached the maximum, freeze in the final position for a few seconds, then relax, return to the starting position and repeat a dozen times.
Side bends while sittingHaving taken the starting position as for the previous exercise, you need to lower your arms along your body, touching your fingers to the floor. Inhaling, you need to raise one arm vertically up, while simultaneously leaning in the opposite direction. The elbow of the second hand should be aimed at the floor. This effective exercise to stretch the side of the body, it should be repeated at least 6 times for each side.
Circles with feetYou need to lie on the floor with your knees bent. Place the shin of one leg on the knee of the other, and in this position, rotate the foot in both directions. This exercise improves blood circulation, reduces blood stagnation in the legs, and improves the tone of the calf muscle. Each foot must be rotated at least 10 times.
Prevention of flat feetStarting position is the same as in the first exercise: sitting upright on a fitball, chair or pouf with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise one leg and rest the arch of the foot on the shin of the other leg, move along calf muscle. Several times will be enough for your legs to feel more comfortable and not hurt so much due to the heavy load.

These are the most important exercises that a pregnant woman should not ignore in the third semester. They should be performed every day (of course, if there are no contraindications), and then you can confidently look forward to the day of birth.

Video - strengthening the back and pelvic area during pregnancy

The third month of pregnancy can be considered one of the most difficult, as a woman is worried about swelling, shortness of breath and heartburn. Big belly significantly limits motor activity. The most important thing is not to try to regain the feeling of the second trimester, since what is happening is quite normal.

  • Breathing exercises
  • Reviews and comments

Do not limit movements in the last stages

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester will help improve your well-being.

The most common mistake women make in the third trimester is limiting their physical activity. Under no circumstances should this be done. Don't give up an evening walk or a trip to nature. Moderate physical activity shown to you. Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester should be aimed at a quick birth.

The third trimester is the most difficult, because due to the large weight gain, the back and legs hurt a lot.

Due to pressure on the pelvis, blood circulation in the legs worsens. Accordingly, varicose veins may be a concern. It is at this time that fitness will become your salvation. All exercises for pregnant women should be 50% of the usual loads before pregnancy. It is not advisable to do unfamiliar exercises, as you may strain tendons or harm your child.

Positional gymnastics at home

Exercise strengthens muscles

During the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the most necessary thing is positional gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, abdomen and perineum. It is these parts of the body that are involved during childbirth. At careful preparation you will be able to give birth to a healthy baby quickly and without complications.

Exactly weak muscles and inelasticity of the perineal tissue become an indication for episiotomy.

This procedure involves cutting the perineum to facilitate the passage of the fetus. If the pelvic muscles are weak, the woman is unable to push the baby out on her own, so in emergency cases, doctors resort to using forceps. This is a rather dangerous procedure for both the mother and the baby, because about 5% of children born using forceps are disabled.

Exercises to train the pelvic muscles:

  • Cat;;
  • Butterfly;;
  • Twists.

To perform the “Cat” exercise, get on all fours and round your back. She should become “hunchbacked”. After this, bend over sharply, like a cat. The “Butterfly” exercise is performed while sitting cross-legged.

Exercises for pregnant women. Third trimester. Complex No. 1. Masha Efrosinina.

A set of exercises for pregnant women. Third trimester.

GYMNASTICS FOR PREGNANT WOMEN 3rd TRIMESTER Exercises for pregnant women third trimester VIDEO

http://gymnastics-for-pregnant.rf/ GYMNASTICS FOR PREGNANTS


Yulia Motsar: ABOUT BIRTH http://yuliyamotsar.com/blog19467 Gymnastics session�

A set of exercises for pregnant women. Third trimester.

Exercises for pregnant women. Third trimester. Complex No. 3. Masha Efrosinina.

A set of exercises for pregnant women. Third trimester.

A set of exercises for pregnant women. Third trimester.

Exercises for pregnant women. Third trimester. Complex No. 2. Masha Efrosinina.

A set of exercises for pregnant women. Third trimester.

Making childbirth easier with training from a gynecologist! – Everything will be fine – Issue 660 – 08/27/15

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Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

Exercises for pregnant women. Fitness for pregnant women. Yo�

You need to close the soles of your feet while keeping your back straight. Press your palms on your knees, trying to spread them so that they touch the floor. Do not press until you feel severe pain. To perform the crunch exercise, stand straight and rotate your body to the right and left. Watch the corresponding video.

Try to keep your lower body motionless. In the third trimester, be sure to include Kegel exercises in your list of activities. These are special exercises to relax the perineum, which increase its elasticity.

You just need to tense the pelvic organs, as with urinary retention. Repeat the exercise several times. It can be done even in transport, since no one will notice anything.

Please note that breathing exercises are important in the third trimester.

It improves blood supply to the placenta and saturates it with oxygen. This is very important in the second trimester, since at this time a woman usually finds it difficult to breathe. In addition, controlling your breathing will reduce pain during childbirth.

Breathing exercises

Proper breathing will help during childbirth

During breathing exercises, you need to try to breathe like a dog. Take a deep breath and exhale in several stages. This needs to be done very quickly. Now the inhalation and exhalation should be very short. Try to breathe while counting. Inhale deeply for 8 counts, hold the air for 3-4 seconds and exhale.

In delivery rooms you can often find fitballs - balls for fitness.

With their help you can reduce pain during contractions. Fitball exercises are very simple. You need to sit on it and ride from side to side a little. This exercises the legs and reduces pressure on the birth canal. All exercises can be found in the pictures in the antenatal clinic.