Artistic gymnastics school of Olympic reserve. Shor in rhythmic gymnastics

School by rhythmic gymnastics The State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" of Moskomsport was opened in 2002.

The goal of the school is to train high-class athletes who are capable of becoming candidates for the sports teams of the city of Moscow and Russian Federation.

The school is one of the strongest sports schools in rhythmic gymnastics not only in Moscow and Russia, but also in Europe and the world. Within its walls grew the Olympic champions of Athens, Beijing and London, champions of the world and Europe, Russia and the city of Moscow, winners and prize-winners of the championships of Europe, Russia and Moscow, as in individual program, and in group exercises:

Kabaeva Alina

Anastasia Bliznyuk, Ulyana Donskova, Alina Makarenko (MO), Ksenia Dudkina, Carolina Sevastyanova, Anastasia Nazarenkova

Olympic champions at the XXX Olympic Games in London 2012.

Zueva Natalya, Aliychuk Margarita, Posevina Elena, Shkurikhina Daria, Gorbunova Tatyana, Gavrilenko Anna.

Olympic champions in group exercises at the XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing (2008).

Belugina Olesya, Kurbakova Tatyana, Posevina Elena, Glatskikh Olga, Murzina Elena, Lavrova Natalya Olympic champions in group exercises at the XXVIII Olympic Games in Athens (2004).

During its existence, the school has trained 14 Honored Masters of Sports of Russia, 24 Masters of Sports of international class, 55 Masters of Sports and more than 700 dischargers. The coaching team consists of 19 honored coaches of Russia, 1 master of sports of international class, 24 coaches of the highest category, 1 coach of the 1st category, 5 coaches of the 2nd category. More than 300 students attend the sports school.

Classes are held at 4 sports bases:

  • Center for rhythmic gymnastics, st. Udaltsova, 40, Prospekt Vernadskogo metro station (groups of higher sportsmanship, sports improvement groups and training groups).
  • Sports and recreation center "Yasnogorsky" st. Yasnogorskaya, 19, Yasenevo metro station (in-person training groups and initial training groups).
  • FOC, st. Pokryshkina, 3, Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station (in-person training groups and initial training groups).

03.01.2019, 11:51

Coach Dorokhin is no longer a young “beginner” specialist. And she didn’t produce a single Master of Sports. What could worse characterize a coach's abilities?

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics


06.03.2016, 00:00

Fency is probably the mother of our favorite gymnast ex-coach Dorokhina O.A. which has all the privileges... We left this nightmare, we are happy!!!

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics


06.03.2016, 00:00

You shouldn't be angry with me... last publication and I changed my mind about this “man”!!! I’m already tired of the constant commercial fees!!! The school pays for them and so do we! .... good income without taxes.

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics

13.03.2016, 00:00

Who doesn’t know what sport is..... don’t rush to conclusions! We have a wonderful coach: cheerful, demanding of discipline. children listen to her and “look into her mouth.” Dear parents, understand: coaches do not raise champions, but people who know how to take a punch - strong in spirit and body. Dear Olesya Anatolyevna (Dorokhina), I hope that more than one bad review will not hurt you.

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics


26.04.2016, 00:00

Alas, FanSy - you are responsible for yourself!!! my nickname is FanCy, and I have absolutely not changed my opinion, my child and I are not FAVORITES, because Olesya Anatolyevna is absolutely not the same as she is described here!!! She values ​​and respects all her students and treats them like family!!

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics

12.05.2016, 00:00

Dear, thank you all very much for taking the time to type “Dorokhina Olesya Anatolyevna” on the keyboard. When there are both negative and positive reviews about the work of a trainer - that means THERE IS A JOB! Thanks to the coach “Youth of Moscow “Olympiyskaya”, which gives our girls the opportunity to feel moments of joy and sadness from victories and defeats. Sports achievements, as well as failures, are the result of the work of the coach, the child and the family!!! Yes, keep...
Dear, thank you all very much for taking the time to type “Dorokhina Olesya Anatolyevna” on the keyboard. When there are both negative and positive reviews about the work of a trainer, it means THERE IS WORK! Thanks to the coach “Youth of Moscow “Olympic”, which gives our girls the opportunity to feel moments of joy and sadness from victories and defeats. Sports achievements, as well as failures, are the result of the work of the coach, the child and the family!!! God bless you!

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics

07.06.2016, 00:00

Hello, you always have a choice - to participate or not to participate in competitions. If your child likes to study, Olesya Anatolyevna will train him without participating in competitions. And if under pressure, of course, nothing will work out, even with money. Dorokhina Olesya Anatolyevna collected good team, a choreographer, Honored Artist of Russia, junior coach of Olesya Anatolyevna works with her - she is very responsible and...
Hello, you always have a choice - to participate or not to participate in competitions. If your child likes to study, Olesya Anatolyevna will train him without participating in competitions. And if under pressure, of course, nothing will work out, even with money. Dorokhina Olesya Anatolyevna has assembled a good team, a choreographer, an Honored Artist of Russia, works with her, Olesya Anatolyevna’s junior coach is a very responsible and scrupulous assistant. How she takes the girls to the competition - SONG! If you didn’t make it to Olesya Anatolyevna Dorokhina’s team, it’s a pity.

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics

03.07.2016, 00:00

There's a little respite for our girls. New starts are ahead! Thanks to Olesya Anatolyevna Dorokhina, the head coach of the Olympic Sports School. Youth of Moscow, the junior coach - Maria Alekseevna Mechetina, the choreographer - Kadriya Shavkatovna Amirova, the school director - Marina Anatolyevna Levitskaya. The parents of our young athletes wish prosperity, good luck, big and small victories to all members friendly team. On one of the last...
There's a little respite for our girls. New starts are ahead! Thanks to Olesya Anatolyevna Dorokhina, the head coach of the Olympic Sports School. Youth of Moscow, the junior coach - Maria Alekseevna Mechetina, the choreographer - Kadriya Shavkatovna Amirova, the school director - Marina Anatolyevna Levitskaya. The parents of our young athletes wish prosperity, good luck, big and small victories to all members of the friendly team. On one of last training sessions very important words of Olesya Anatolyevna were spoken, spoken to the little ones born in 2009-2010: “Try to be equal to your stronger rivals in everything! Take only the best from them! Rythmyc gym scool, Is Dorokhina - cool. Dorokhina made. Number one trade. Is Plastic gymnastic - And delicious fantastic!

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics

13.08.2016, 00:00

We looked at the information and photos of your school “Olympiyskaya” on your Facebook page, I liked it, unfortunately, we don’t do rhythmic gymnastics, the girls are great, hard workers!

Sports school "Olympiyskaya" in rhythmic gymnastics

By email specified in the application, if the application is submitted on paper.

7.4.Within 7 (seven) working days after receiving notification of positive results of individual tests, the applicant must contact the Institution to conclude an agreement. The contract is initially concluded upon presentation of an accident insurance policy.

7.5. Admission of an applicant is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Commission in accordance with the results of individual tests carried out by issuing an order on admitting a person to the institution to undergo sports training with the subsequent conclusion of an agreement and entering information about the accepted person into US “Sport”.

7.6. Information about accepted persons is entered by the institution into US “Sport” within 10 (ten) working days from the date of issuance of the institution’s order on admission.

7.7. In case of applicant’s failure to appear for individual tests or availability medical contraindications for practicing the chosen sport, the application is cancelled.

7.8. If the applicant fails to appear to conclude the contract within the period specified in clause 7.4 of the Procedure, the application is cancelled.

  1. The procedure for excluding a person undergoing sports training

from the Establishment

8.1. The exclusion of a person undergoing sports training from the institution is carried out on the basis of an order from the institution on exclusion with termination of the contract and posting of information in US “Sport”.

Information about exclusion is posted by the institution in the Sport Information System within 10 (ten) working days from the date of issuance of the order on exclusion.

8.2. The grounds for excluding a person undergoing sports training from an institution are:

Failure to comply with sports training programs and (or) individual plans;

Violation of the class schedule, internal regulations, safety rules and rules of conduct established in the Institution;

Failure to submit a medical report on admission to sports training, issued in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 2016 No. 134n “On the Procedure for organizing the provision of medical care to persons engaged in physical culture and sports (including during the preparation and conduct of physical education events and sporting events), including the procedure for medical examination of persons wishing to undergo sports training, engage in physical education and sports in organizations and (or) fulfill the test standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”;

Medical contraindications for further sports training in the chosen sport;