How to keep green onions fresh in the refrigerator - storage conditions and periods. How to prepare and store green onions for the winter

Fresh onions are rich in beneficial microelements. In frozen or dried form, it retains less nutrients, but at least it can improve the taste of food. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare for the winter. Below we provide basic recipes for preparing green onions.

Preparing green onions for storage

In order to be stored for a long time and not spoil, it is important properly prepare it for storage. This process takes place in several stages. It starts with choosing feathers to store. They should be bright green, without damage, signs of wilting or yellowing.
In most cases, they will be shredded, so you need to remove any remaining soil from them and then rinse them well.

Important! The onion must be completely dry, so after washing it, place it on a towel and let it lie for at least an hour.

After they have dried well, they are cut and then used depending on the chosen storage method.

However, when it comes to regular greens in the refrigerator, It is not recommended to wash it, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate. For this storage method, it is enough to wipe it from dust. If there is too much dirt stuck to it, the feathers are washed in a bowl of water, placed in a colander, allowed to drain and laid out on a towel to dry.

In the question of how to preserve for the winter, the method of shredding feathers is not particularly important. Usually it depends on what dishes the chopped feathers will be used in later. For example, for sauces you need fine cutting, and for borscht and soups - medium. To dry it, it is chopped into pieces of 5 to 7 cm. And if large feathers are found, they are first cut lengthwise. It is important not to grind it in a food processor.
Before you start, you need to decide how to store green onions at home; the container in which they will be stored depends on this. So, if it is simply placed in the refrigerator, ordinary bags will do, dried onions are kept in linen bags, pickles and preparations in oil should be in glass containers, and plastic containers are used for freezing.

Storing green onions in the refrigerator

The ideal, simple and convenient place to store onions is a regular refrigerator. How long to store green onions in the refrigerator? If you keep chopped feathers in it at a temperature of 3–4°C, it will not lose its presentation within 2–3 weeks. If the temperature is lowered to 0°C, the shelf life will increase to 1–2 months. There are several ways to keep vegetables in the refrigerator.

In a plastic bag

This method allows you to have fresh herbs on hand during one and a half months. It is enough to pack the feathers in a plastic bag, pierce a few holes in it for ventilation and put it in the refrigerator on the vegetable shelf.
There is a more complex method, but it will work for feathers that have not been separated from the bulbs. To use it, you need to remove all yellowed and damaged parts of the plant, and dip it in water. Now the bulbs with roots need to be wrapped in a damp rag, wrapped with paper on top and tied with a ribbon. Only after this can the onions be placed in a bag in the refrigerator. This method allows you to keep it fresh for a month.

Did you know? For long-term storage, it is important that the feathers do not get wet. Usually, if you place the bag directly in the refrigerator, condensation will form on it and water will inevitably fall on the greens. To prevent this from happening, the empty bag is placed in the refrigerator for a while so that it cools down to the temperature inside the chamber. Then they take it out, immediately put the onion in and immediately put it back in the refrigerator.

In a glass container

Place the washed and dried greens in glass jars, cover with nylon lids and place in the refrigerator. Greens like this about a month will maintain a fresh appearance, aroma and beneficial properties.

Important! Only whole greens can be stored in this form, since bent and broken they quickly deteriorate. Therefore, select only small feathers for jars.

In paper

You can store green onions in the refrigerator wrapped in paper. This way it is preserved for two to three weeks. To do this, wash the vegetable well and allow the water to drain. Then wrap it in clean paper. It should not be a newspaper, as typography is hazardous to health.
You can take a paper napkin that does not crumble due to water, or craft paper. It is only important that it is not waxed. The top of the package is sprayed with a spray bottle, hidden in a bag and left in the refrigerator.

Important! Onion greens have different shelf life depending on the harvesting method. So, salting green onions for the winter allows you to store them for up to six months; onions placed in oil can be stored for the same amount of time. Dried onions retain their properties for two years, and frozen ones - no more than a year.

Freezing green onions

Most housewives prefer to use greens for long-term storage. This is quite easy to do. Fresh and sorted greens are washed under running water and dried.
After this, use one of three freezing methods:

  1. The feathers are cut and fried in a pan until they are cooked. Cooled onions are placed in containers and frozen. Roasting and subsequent freezing give the vegetable a special taste, which it then imparts to all dishes in which it is used.
  2. The feather onions are kept in boiling water for three minutes, placed in a colander and waited for the water to drain. Then they are cut into pieces of the desired size and compacted into plastic containers, which are frozen.
  3. Washed and dried feathers are cut into small pieces and blanched for about five minutes. After this, place in a colander and wait until the onion has cooled. Then they are put into plastic containers and sent to the freezer.

Drying green onions

Greenery is another way to preserve healthy vegetable for a long time.
Before harvesting, it is washed well, cut and laid out on clean paper to dry in a warm room. Make sure that the workpieces are not exposed to direct rays of the sun, otherwise all the beneficial substances in them will be destroyed. If there is no such place, you can cover the onion with another piece of paper.

You can determine whether the onion is dry enough by rubbing it between your fingers. When it crumbles easily, it has reached the desired state. Now it is poured into jars, covered with lids and stored at room temperature in a dry place. This preparation method takes about a week.

Pickling greens

Pickled onions are used for soups, vegetable side dishes, and salads.

How to pickle green onions? Take a kilogram of onions and wash them well. When it dries, chop it and mix it with 200 g of salt. Tamp the resulting mass into glass jars to release the juice. The jars are compacted tightly, but so that there is a little space left on top for vegetable oil. Jars covered with plastic lids are stored in a cool place.

How to ferment green onions

Another interesting way to prepare onion greens for the winter is sourdough. To do this, the prepared feathers are chopped with scissors or a knife to about two centimeters in length and poured into glass jars in layers. Sprinkle each layer with salt.

If you also love adding greens to various dishes, then you should also be concerned about how to preserve green onions so that you can enjoy their spicy taste at any time of the year.

You can’t always afford to spend money on a bunch of fresh onions in the off-season, especially if you only need a few onions to prepare your favorite salad - is it worth buying a whole bunch for them? A thrifty housewife will definitely prepare herbs at home for the winter and will willingly share her secrets with others.

Preparatory stage

Storing onions fresh at home begins with preparing the raw materials. Experienced housewives categorically do not advise washing greens, because you can only properly store a completely dry plant: both the feathers and the bulb themselves are too watery. But if you are convinced that only clean food should be in the refrigerator, proceed as follows:

  1. Fill a bowl with cold water and place it in it fresh onions, wash away any lumps of dirt.
  2. Shake it off and spread it in a thin layer on a cloth napkin.
  3. Gently blot any excess moisture from the feathers.
  4. Leave to dry fresh air about half an hour.

Storage methods

Previously, at home, greens were preserved for quite a long time in tightly closed wooden or clay vessels, taking them to the cellar, glacier, and other cool places. These days, there are several ways to keep cut onions fresh in the refrigerator for as long as possible.

How long does it take for it not to deteriorate and retain its properties? Green onions - washed and dried - can be stored in the refrigerator at above-zero temperatures of up to 4° C for about three weeks. If you cool the greens at home to 0° C, then storage can be extended up to 2 months. The main thing is to choose the right container.

This delicate vegetable should not be stored open in the refrigerator; it also does not like being tightly packed. In the first case, the onion stems instantly lose moisture, turn yellow and dry out, in the second, the tubular feathers break and deteriorate, and the whole plant begins to rot from excess moisture.

Glass containers

To ensure that onion feathers retain their aroma and bright green color for a long time, carefully place the vegetables in a glass jar and seal it tightly. How long can onions be stored in this form? Not less than a month.

In no case should the stems be bent or broken: in damaged areas they begin to quickly deteriorate, so at home storage in jars is only suitable for onions with small feathers.

Plastic bags

There are several ways to keep onions fresh in a plastic bag at home.

  • Shake off lumps of dirt from the onion or wash it as described above. Wrap the entire plant in paper, lightly moisten it with a spray bottle, place it in plastic bags and put it in the refrigerator. The paper should be thick and not unravel from moisture. Do not use wax paper or newspaper, kraft paper is best.
  • Carefully sort through the plants prepared for storage, remove yellow, spoiled stems. Gently moisten the roots in water and, together with the bulbs, wrap them with a wet cloth, preferably made of natural material. Wrap the entire vegetable in paper, tie it with thread in several places, carefully fold it into a plastic bag, and place it in a vegetable drawer. The optimal storage period is a month.
  • Very often, immediately after you put the greens in the refrigerator, droplets of condensation appear inside the cellophane, which can shorten the shelf life of the greens. To prevent moisture from collecting inside the bag, before putting onions in it, cool the plastic by placing the empty bags in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Long stems are best wrapped in cling film and put in plastic bags; for convenience, you can divide the greens into portioned bunches. Be sure to pierce the film with a toothpick so that the plant can “breathe.” In the refrigerator, onions stay fresh in this package for quite a long time - a month and a half.

Every lover of green onions tries to keep them fresh for as long as possible. But how to do this without making annoying mistakes. I have prepared several proven methods for you.

We fight for the freshness of onions

If anyone still doesn’t know whether it’s possible to store onions in the refrigerator, then I’ll answer - it’s not just possible, but necessary. This is how you can extend the freshness of your greens for several weeks.


I, like many other housewives, believe that you should not wash a plant before placing it in the refrigerator. The fact is that dry greens last longer.

But if you are of the opinion that all food in the refrigerator should be washed, follow this scheme:

  • Fill a small bowl with cold water.
  • Dip the greens into it, wash them from lumps of dirt.
  • Shake off the feathers and spread them in a thin layer on a cloth napkin.
  • After half an hour, the dried greens can be placed in the refrigerator.

Storage options: 3 ways

Greens can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. At a temperature of 3-4 degrees the plant will remain fresh for 2-3 weeks. At temperatures close to zero – 1–2 months.

To properly store the product, you can use one of the suggested methods:

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Method 1. In glass containers

For storage, you can choose a glass jar or other container.

  • Place the greens in a jar.
  • Close it tightly with a lid. This way you can store the product for a month. In this case, the feathers will not dry out, but will remain fragrant and crispy.

    Please note that you can store green onions fresh in this way only if they have small feathers that fit completely into the jar. Broken or bent feathers will dry out faster and become unusable.

Method 2. In the package

If you choose this storage method, you should never pre-wash the product. Just wipe it with your hands or a clean cloth:

  • Gather the greens into a plastic bag and tie it tightly.
  • Pierce the bag in several places with a sharp object, creating holes for air.
  • Place the package on the refrigerator shelf.

    During storage, you will notice that condensation begins to collect in the bag, which shortens the “life” of the feathers. To solve this problem, before placing the onions in cellophane, cool them to refrigerator temperature.

Method 3. On paper
  • Rinse the plant thoroughly.
  • Blot it with a napkin, removing any remaining moisture.
  • Wrap the product entirely in paper.
  • Sprinkle it lightly with water on top.
  • Place the paper bundle in a cellophane bag and send it to a cool place.

    Never use newspapers for this method. The printing ink they contain is harmful to health.

Preparing for the winter: 4 recipes

How to prepare onions for the winter, because in the off-season the price for them increases significantly? The blanks will come in handy. The freezer and several proven recipes will help us with this:

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Method 1. In ice trays

If you use onions in doses in winter, it is most convenient to store them in ice trays:

  • Finely chop the feathers.
  • Place the plant in ice cube trays. Fill them no more than 1/3 full.
  • Fill the molds with water and place them in the freezer.

    Instead of water, you can use olive oil - this will make an excellent salad dressing.

Method 2. Salting

Thanks to this recipe, you can store the product for seven months. The instructions for doing it are simple:

  • Wash and dry the greens thoroughly.
  • Cut it as you wish.
  • Mix with salt. For 1 kg of onion you will need 250 g of salt.
  • Place the resulting mixture into a jar in layers, not forgetting to additionally sprinkle each layer with the remaining salt.

Method 3. Preparation in oil

Storing green onions in oil is another way to preserve their excellent taste:

  • Wash and dry the plant, cut it into pieces.
  • Pour everything into a clean jar, filling it about ¾ full.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the jar, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Close the jar with a lid.

Method 4. Drying

The plant preserved in this way is most conveniently added to soups and other hot dishes.

  • Wash the onion and chop it.
  • Place the greens on paper and place them in a warm place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Wait about 5-7 days. When the greens become brittle and crumble easily, they are ready.
  • Place the onions in a dry jar, close and store at room temperature.

Bottom line

Now you know not only how to store green onions in the refrigerator, but also how to prepare them for the whole winter. Choose the most suitable method for you and use tasty and healthy greens all year round.

Spring, summer and even early autumn never tire of pampering gardeners with fresh herbs, which are not only rich in vitamins, but also add flavor to ready-made dishes. beautiful view and improves their taste. But this season does not last forever, and the question arises of how to store green onions and other greens: you don’t want to make annoying mistakes that can not only spoil the taste of the product, but also completely render it unusable. Our mothers and grandmothers managed well without store-bought onions, as they knew how to preserve homemade green onions, dill, lettuce and other greens.

In order to extend the shelf life of the vegetable, it must be placed in the refrigerator. Of course, there are several rules that, if followed, will allow you to enjoy the preparation for several weeks.

Not everyone agrees that before putting the onion in the refrigerator, it must be washed. The rationale is simple: dry feathers last longer. But do not forget that they must also be clean. You can avoid breaking both rules by following the instructions:

  1. Pour cold water into a large container.
  2. Rinse the feathers.
  3. Shake off any drops of water.
  4. Place the feathers on a soft cloth and leave to dry for about 30 minutes.
  5. Everything can be put in the refrigerator.

Suitable container

Of course, it's easy to say that the onions have been prepared and can go into the refrigerator. Questions immediately arise about how to properly store greens in the refrigerator for a long time and what container is best to use.

If you need to extend the freshness of a vegetable for several days, you can simply put it in a jar of water and put it in the refrigerator. But if you need to significantly extend its shelf life, you will have to work a little and choose the best option.

If the temperature in the refrigerator is about 4 degrees, then it can retain its presentation and taste for about 2.5 weeks. If the temperature drops by another 3-4 degrees, the shelf life can reach 2 months. The choice of storage container also affects the timing.

Glass jar and bag

How to keep green onions fresh in the refrigerator - the main thing is to comply with all storage conditions. Young onions with small feathers can be stored in a glass jar. In this case, it must be prepared as described in the instructions. After this, place in a clean glass container and close with a lid. Greens packaged in this way can be stored for up to 4 weeks without losing their taste and aroma. But you should definitely remember that the size of the feathers should not exceed the height of the can, since only whole onion feathers are stored well. Withered and damaged feathers should initially be removed.

If you plan to use a plastic bag for storage, under no circumstances should you pre-wash the onions. The greens are simply wiped with a dry cloth and visible debris is removed.

After cleaning, the greens are packaged in a bag that must be tied. After this, several holes are made in it for air. Onions prepared in this way can be placed in the refrigerator.

To extend the shelf life of fresh herbs, before packing them in a bag, they must first be cooled in the refrigerator.

Paper and fabric

Another way to extend shelf life is kraft paper or thick napkin. Onion feathers must be washed and dried and only then wrapped in a thick cloth or craft paper. Sprinkle a little water on top of the napkin and put it in a bag. Now you can safely place the bag in the refrigerator.

It is worth remembering that newspaper is absolutely not suitable for packing onions., since printing ink is harmful to the body.

All three options are perfect for storing onions in the fall, when they are large number in the beds, but the weather is already changing and frosts are coming. But I also want to pamper myself with greens in winter: at this time the prices for them are quite high. There is only one thing left - to prepare it for future use in the fall.

Long-term storage of greens

To ensure that fresh greens are available even in winter, they can be prepared for future use. There are several ways to do this.

Freezing and salting

To use green onions during the winter, you can freeze them in ice using regular ice molds.

The sheet is prepared accordingly and is not cut very finely. Fill the ice trays one-third full with chopped onions. The remaining two thirds are filled with water. After this, the completed forms are sent to the freezer for freezing and storage. If necessary, remove the required number of frozen onion cubes. This method will preserve onions for 10-12 months.

The greens must be washed and dried. After preparation, cut, the size of the cut depends on individual preferences, mix with salt and place in a jar in layers, each layer is additionally sprinkled with salt. Salt and herbs are taken in a ratio of 1:4. You also need to sprinkle a little salt on top.

Oil use and drying

Onions in oil retain their beneficial properties and aroma for a long time. For such storage, it is necessary to use sterilized glass containers that are hermetically sealed.

The onion undergoes the usual pre-preparation: washing and drying, cutting and placing in a jar. The container is three-quarters full; there is no need to compact it. Next, the jar is filled almost to the top with vegetable oil, and everything is thoroughly mixed. After this, the jar should be rolled up. The shelf life of such a product is 5-6 months.

If you plan to use greens in first and hot dishes, then they can be dried. How to dry greens - they need to be washed, dried and chopped not very finely. Spread on newspaper or baking sheet and leave to dry for a couple of days. You should not leave it in bright sunlight. To protect against insects, cover with gauze. Once the greens crumble easily in your hands, they are ready.

Store dried herbs and onions in a dry container at room temperature in a dark place, as they may turn yellow from light. The shelf life of dried herbs is approximately 12 months. The only, but quite big, disadvantage of this method is the loss of pungency and aroma of the final product.

Storage rules

Following these recipes, you can freshen and prepare onions and herbs until the new harvest. In this case, you must follow the rules that will allow you to successfully preserve onions and other greens:

By storing onions, following simple rules, you can preserve not only its unique aroma and slight pungency, but also vitamin C. The onion feathers contain much more of it than the onion itself, because this vegetable is an excellent antiviral and antibacterial agent.

Attention, TODAY only!

Today, rarely is any summer dish prepared without the use of fresh herbs. It is included in many recipes, used to decorate dishes or simply placed on the dining table - for gourmets.

The only problem is that fresh greens don’t last long, and after a couple of days they begin to lose their presentation – after a few days, they become limp and unappetizing.

However, every time housewives have the problem of storing greens, in particular green onions, dill, parsley, lettuce, spinach, and sorrel.

So that there is always really fresh greens on the table,

use the following tips:

Secrets of long-term storage of greens

It should be remembered that the main enemy of the vitamins contained in greens is light and heat. When exposed to sunlight, vitamin C is lost faster in greenery - a few hours are enough for this.

Therefore, green vegetables should only be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in a tightly closed bag or container. There are several ways to store greens, choose any one.

Tip 1. The easiest way. Rinse the greens with cold water. It is advisable not to wash under running water, but to fill a deep saucepan with water and immerse the greens in the water. And then finally rinse under the tap.
Then place the washed and shaken greens on paper kitchen towels. We need to dry the greens as best as possible. Blot large drops of water and place the greens on the table, let them dry for about fifteen minutes.
Next, pack in a spacious container with a tight-fitting lid (a vacuum sealer is even better).

If there is no container, then take a clean, dry liter jar, put the greens in it and close the jar with a clean plastic lid. That's it.
Keep refrigerated. In this form, the greens stand quietly for a month and do not spoil or even turn yellow.

Tip 2. To keep greens and leafy vegetables fresh for several days, you should carefully sort them out (throw away spoiled ones), rinse, let the water drain and place in a plastic bag. Then open it wide so that it gets in maximum quantity air, and tie tightly. Keep in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tip 3. Greens can be stored for 2-3 weeks if, before storing, rinse them well, let the water drain, and pat dry with a towel. wrap in paper (not waxed). Kraft paper or a thick paper towel are well suited for this method, the main thing is that the paper does not unravel from moisture. Wrap the clean herb completely in a towel. Spray the paper with water from a flower spray bottle or wet it under the tap. Place the bundle in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator.

Do not use newsprint - printing ink is harmful to the body.

Tip 4. For long-term storage of greens, they should be sorted, but not washed. Then put in a plastic bag along with 1-2 unpeeled and cut into four parts onions and tie it up. Store in a cool place. Every 4-5 days, take everything out, wipe the bag dry and put the greens back in it, replacing onions to fresh.

Tip 5. If you don’t have time, you can simply wrap fresh herbs immediately after purchase. waffle towel, and put it in the refrigerator.

Tip 6.Green onions, celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill Can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time if they are dry. There is no need to wash such greens before storing them - just sort them out, dry them on paper and put them in a plastic bag, making several holes in it with a fork for ventilation. Celery greens in a plastic bag can remain fresh in appearance for 5-6 weeks, head lettuce cut together with the stalk - 1-1.5 months, spinach - almost all winter.

Tip 7. Parsley and dill can be stored like flowers, placed in a glass of water: cut off the roots of fresh greenery, place a bunch of greenery with stems in a jar or glass of water, cover the greenery leaves with a plastic bag on top (or wrap the leaves with damp gauze or another clean cloth), change the water once every two days

Tip 8. Lettuce leaves They will stay fresh and crisp all week if you place them on a plate, put a paper towel on top and cover with cling film.

Tip 9. Green onions can be kept fresh for two to three weeks by sorting it out, moistening the roots with cold water and leaving the feathers dry. Then wrap the roots with the onion with a wet rag, and on top of the rag, wrap the roots with the onion in paper, tie it at the base of the feathers with twine, place it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator.

Freezing greens as a storage method

To store greens for a longer period, they should be frozen.

  • To do this, you need to wash fresh greens, wait until they are dry from moisture, cut off their stems, and throw away the rotten parts. Then place the green leaves in bags or airtight containers in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  • To rinse the greens properly in a large amount of water, it is recommended not to drain the water after washing the greens, but to remove the greens from it so that the sand remains at the bottom of the dish and not on the greens themselves.

Classic. Chop the greens, put them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer

  • Dill, mint It is recommended to freeze in small portions, wrapped in foil: divide the dill and mint into portions. Wrap each piece in food foil and place in the freezer.

You can pre-label each type of greenery with a marker on foil (for example, mint - m, dill - y), for faster and more convenient searching in the freezer. This method is quite effective in terms of storing greens all year round and you can freeze a fairly large amount of greens.

  • Basil and rosemary leaves It is recommended to sprinkle salt on top and freeze also in tightly sealed plastic containers, removing the salt before use.
  • Store chopped green onions in the freezer plastic bottles. Just make sure the onions are completely dry before you put them in the bottle.
  • And one more, in my opinion, interesting way freezing fresh herbs: Wash a mixture of herbs (anything: basil, cilantro, dill, parsley, etc.), dry with a towel and place on a layer of plastic wrap in the form of a thick sausage. Wrap the “sausage” very tightly and, to be sure, tie it along the entire length with thread (you can use a rubber band).

Don't use salt! Place in the freezer. In my freezer I have a place on the side reserved for such a log with herbs. I don't sign, you can sign using masking tape. If necessary, take it out, bend the plastic and cut with a knife as much as you need directly into the plate with the soup. Or remove the film and cut - the greens cut very well and do not lose their flavor!

  • There is another original way - freezing fresh herbs in ice cubes. To do this, you need to finely chop the leaves of fresh herbs and place them in ice trays supplied with the refrigerator, fill the molds with the herbs with water and place them in the freezer. Store the finished cubes in a bag or box in the freezer. It is very convenient to throw such a cube into a pan with soup (or other dish) when the soup has already been cooked.
  • Alternatively, greens can be frozen in this way: Fill ice cube trays with greens, pour olive oil or melted butter - and into the freezer. Then you can add it to salads or potatoes!

These simple tips will help you keep fresh herbs collected from the garden or purchased at the market fresh for a certain period of time and preserve the nutrients and vitamins in them as much as possible.

Don’t neglect the tips, even if they seem too simple to you to be effective: o) Thanks to them, the greens are stored for a very long time, and you can safely buy them for a week in advance.

PS. How to Refresh Wilted Greens

  • If the greens have wilted, then to restore their freshness it is enough to keep them for an hour in cold water, slightly acidified with vinegar (1 teaspoon per half glass of water).
  • If you rinse parsley in warm rather than cold water, it will become more fragrant.
  • Wilted lettuce leaves can be refreshed by rinsing them or soaking them in warm water for 15 minutes.
  • Wilted green vegetables will become fresh again if you dip them first in hot and then in cold water.