Rhythmic gymnastics shelepikha. Reviews about the sports section of the Sports and Training Center for Rhythmic Gymnastics "ISCA"

Disciplines: stretching, rhythmic gymnastics, aesthetic gymnastics. Choreographer.

Education, sports titles:
Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, 2000
Gymnastics Center Olympic reserve them. N.G. Tolkacheva, 2002
Vladimir State University, qualification - manager, specialty "organization management", diploma with honors, 2007.
Training seminar for trainers in aesthetic gymnastics, 2011
Author's course of plastic master classes at the Yang Liping International Dance Festival in China, 2013.
All-Russian dance organization, courses for modern dance teachers, level 2 and 3, 2013.
Author's course of master classes in the direction of “Body Language” at the International Arts Festival in Tunisia, 2017.
Gymnastics, stretching coach, choreographer - 17 years.
Sports achievements, awards:
Winner of the All-Russian Dance Tournaments of the All-Russian Dance Organization, 2005.
Prize for best choreography at the international festival in Rome, 2012.
The aesthetic gymnastics team "Anler" became the winner international tournament Miss Valentine in Tallinn (staged by coach), 2012
Laureate of the Yang Liping International Dance Festival (Beijing-Yunnan, China), 2013.
Prize for the best dance performance and the award for "best actress" at the international theater festival in Kosovo, 2014.
The solo plastic performance Dilemma was noted as the main event in the genre of “Dance and Physical Theater” at the San Francisco International Festival (USA), 2015.
The solo dance performance “Exit” was awarded a special jury prize at the International Theater Festival “Mujeres que cuentan” in Santander (Spain), 2015.
Prize for the best dance performance at the international festival in Visaginas (Lithuania), 2016.
Special jury prize for the solo plastic performance Dilemma at the International Arts Festival in the United Arab Emirates, 2016.

More than 15 years of teaching experience, both with professionals (gymnasts, actors, dancers, circus performers) and with people without any training, as well as with children from three years old. Individual and group lessons, Master classes. Staging competition programs, choreography, performances. Many awards International festivals for best choreography and best performance. Students also perform successfully in competitions and competitions. I work all over the world, currently stable in Moscow, seize the moment.

District: Sokol, Oktyabrskoe Pole, Polezhaevskaya, Street 1905, Tretyakovskaya, Novokuznetskaya, Sorge. Departure: Center, South-East, South-West, South, North-West, West, North, East, MCC: East, North-East.

Aesthetic gymnastics: 4000 rub. / h

Stretching: 3500 rub. / h

Rhythmic gymnastics: 4000 rub. / h

Choreography: 4000 rub. / h

Open Tournament of the Olimpia-Iska Center
in rhythmic gymnastics

12-13.10.2018, Moscow

I. Goals and objectives.

The rhythmic gymnastics tournament is held with the aim of:

Performing sports categories;

Popularization and further development rhythmic gymnastics;

Involving children in regular classes sports, establishing and strengthening friendly ties between sports clubs;

Promotion sportsmanship gymnasts;

Identification of talented and promising gymnasts;

Exchange of experience between coaches and judges.


General management of organization and conduct Open Tournament"KAPITOSHKA"

Rhythmic gymnastics is carried out by SC "Olympia-Iska"

The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the Main panel of judges, approved by the Federation of the Moscow Region:

The main judge is Elena Mikhailovna Rozanova (SSVC).

Deputy chief judge - Marina Viktorovna Mikheeva (SSVC).

Chief Secretary - Irina Nikolaevna Malygina (1st category)

Assistant to the Chief Secretary - Inna Eduardovna Tsaturyan

Coordinator - Levshina Irina Olegovna.

Music judge - Kristina Vadimovna Shirmanova, Evgeniy Vitalievich Kosik.

Head of the competition - Zheleznova Irina Valentinovna


The competition is held from October 12-13, 2018 at the address: Moscow. Yugo-Zapadnoe metro station, Prospekt Vernadskogo st., 86, building 9. FOC Institute MIREA.

The teams will arrive on October 11 with the opportunity to test the carpet from 14:30-18:00 upon prior request.

Irina Valentinovna 8 985 418 22 17

7:45 meeting of judges

9:00 start of the competition

9:00 start of the competition


National teams from regions of the Russian Federation, sports clubs and organizations, as well as teams from SDYUSSHOR, SSHOR, and Youth Sports School that have medical clearance and have a valid sports license are allowed to compete.

The following teams are allowed to participate in the competition:

Gymnasts 2007, 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012 and younger.

as well as 1 coach, 1 judge and 1 team representative.

A team judge is required.

V. Individual program: A, B, C, D.

VI. Group exercises group A.

VII. Group exercises group B

b/p + type of choice

Born 2008 - 2009

b/p + type of choice

Born 2009 - 2010

Born 2010-2011-2012


1. Left split

2. Split on the right

3. Cross twine


5. “Butterfly” with forward bend

6. "Ring"

7. “Fish” (lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs to the maximum height)

8. “Basket”

10. Balance in splits (using the hand; on a full foot)

11. Pass turn

12. Lollipop jump

Determination of winners and prize-winners of competitions

The organizers reserve the right to shorten the competition program if circumstances so require.


Preliminary applications for participation in the competition must be submitted before October 1, 2018. Late applications will be accepted subject to availability. Email: [email protected] Secretary of the competition Malygina Irina. [email protected]. [email protected]

Official applications with a doctor's visa to participate in sports competitions, signed by the head of the organization, must be presented to the credentials committee on the day of official arrival.

The following documents are attached to the application for each participant:

  • athlete's record book;
  • passport - copy / birth certificate - copy
  • original life and health insurance policy against accidents, compulsory medical insurance policy.

Judges provide:

Judge's certificate;

Photocopy of passport;

Qualification book with a mark on passing the certification;

Certificate of completion of a refereeing seminar on the new rules.


Winners and prize-winners of competitions in the individual competition are determined by the highest amount of points scored in each age and category separately.

In each age category and category, 1st to 6th place is played

Approved competition protocols are provided in paper and electronic media within a week.


The winners of the competition in the individual competition at each age and category are awarded medals and certificates Sports Club"Olympia-Isca".

Winners of competitions in the individual competition (second and third place in each age and category) are awarded medals, certificates and gifts from the Olimpia-Iska Sports Club.

All gymnasts are awarded memorable prizes.

Trainers who trained winners in personal competition and group exercises in each age and category, are awarded with certificates from the Olimpia-Iska Sports Club.


05.08.2016, 00:00

My child studied at this club, everything was fine while Shota Gorgadze was the head of the club. Now the inadequate Irina Zheleznova is in charge there. We attended a training camp in Anapa (Sukko), coaching fees for 3 weeks - 25 t-r, accommodation and meals at our own expense... the children got sick with rotavirus more than once... after the training camp, she fired all the coaches. The children were left without training for August! The club is again recruiting new coaches, young, without experience...
My child studied at this club, everything was fine while Shota Gorgadze was the head of the club. Now the inadequate Irina Zheleznova is in charge there. We attended a training camp in Anapa (Sukko), coaching fees for 3 weeks - 25 t-r, accommodation and meals at our own expense... the children got sick with rotavirus more than once... after the training camp, she fired all the coaches. The children were left without training for August! The club is again recruiting new coaches, young, without work experience, whose photos are full of nudes on social networks... all the wishes of the parents are regarded by Irina as inadequate and scandalous. The club's policy is not to teach, but to earn! The club works on numbers! Yes, by the way, all the senior gymnasts left Shota Gorgadze!

Sports and training center for rhythmic gymnastics "ISCA"

28.08.2016, 00:00

I would like to respond to Maria's comment. My child has been studying at the club for 5 years and is very happy. Yes, training camps are expensive now, but this year our club decided not to hold it in Croatia. We conducted a training session in Anapa. As at any training camp, there are always dissatisfied parents, no one is immune from this, most parents were satisfied, and those who did not adhere to sports discipline- got sick. Regarding the coaching staff, no one coaches...
I would like to respond to Maria's comment. My child has been studying at the club for 5 years and is very happy. Yes, training camps are expensive now, but this year our club decided not to hold it in Croatia. We conducted a training session in Anapa. As at any training camp, there are always dissatisfied parents, no one is immune from this, most parents were satisfied, and those who did not adhere to sports discipline got sick. Regarding the coaching staff, no one fired the coaches, they just didn’t have an employment contract for the next year. The outright lies about new coaches are impressive. I didn’t even communicate with Maria personally; there were no scandals at the training camp. Most likely this is a personal grudge because her coach no longer works at the club. Club policy - sports results, from quantity to quality! Regarding the departure of senior gymnasts, only 3 people left. It’s a pity that Maria said so much negative things under the influence of offended coaches. All conditions were made for her child: she competed in all major competitions, all categories were assigned. And in spite of everything, complete negativity, which did not mature after the training camp, but, as it turns out, a long time ago. I wish you further excellent results in thin gymnastics, since your child is very capable!

Sports and training center for rhythmic gymnastics "ISCA"

04.09.2016, 00:00

Completely unfair remarks about new coaches! Thanks to the administration for the opportunity to train with a top-level coach, a multiple winner of world-class competitions, an International Master of Sports and a specialized diploma with honors from the University. Lesgraft, and discussing professional modeling work for glossy magazines in this way is generally incorrect. If we had any questions for...
Completely unfair remarks about new coaches! Thanks to the administration for the opportunity to train with a top-level coach, a multiple winner of world-class competitions, an International Master of Sports and a specialized diploma with honors from the University. Lesgraft, and discussing professional modeling work for glossy magazines in this way is generally incorrect. If we had questions for the previous coach due to the lack of time/desire to work smoothly with all the children, many left with negative feedback, but now all the coaches are attentive to all the children, go to classes with pleasure, and progress has become noticeable. Good luck and development to the club!

Disciplines: stretching, rhythmic gymnastics. Choreographer.

Education, sports titles:
Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, 2000
Gymnastics Center of the Olympic Reserve named after. N.G. Tolkacheva, 2002
Vladimir State University, qualification - manager, specialty "organization management", diploma with honors, 2007.
Training seminar for trainers in aesthetic gymnastics, 2011
Author's course of plastic master classes at the Yang Liping International Dance Festival in China, 2013.
All-Russian dance organization, courses for modern dance teachers, level 2 and 3, 2013.
Author's course of master classes in the direction of “Body Language” at the International Arts Festival in Tunisia, 2017.
Gymnastics, stretching coach, choreographer - 17 years.
Sports achievements, awards:
Winner of the All-Russian Dance Tournaments of the All-Russian Dance Organization, 2005.
Prize for best choreography at the international festival in Rome, 2012.
The Anler aesthetic gymnastics team became the winner of the international Miss Valentine tournament in Tallinn (directed by the coach), 2012.
Laureate of the Yang Liping International Dance Festival (Beijing-Yunnan, China), 2013.
Prize for the best dance performance and the award for "best actress" at the international theater festival in Kosovo, 2014.
The solo plastic performance Dilemma was noted as the main event in the genre of “Dance and Physical Theater” at the San Francisco International Festival (USA), 2015.
The solo dance performance “Exit” was awarded a special jury prize at the International Theater Festival “Mujeres que cuentan” in Santander (Spain), 2015.
Prize for the best dance performance at the international festival in Visaginas (Lithuania), 2016.
Special jury prize for the solo plastic performance Dilemma at the International Arts Festival in the United Arab Emirates, 2016.

More than 15 years of teaching experience, both with professionals (gymnasts, actors, dancers, circus performers) and with people without any training, as well as with children from three years old. Individual and group lessons, Master classes. Staging competition programs, choreography, performances. Many awards from International festivals for the best choreography and best performance. Students also perform successfully in competitions and competitions. I work all over the world, currently stable in Moscow, seize the moment.

District: Sokol, Oktyabrskoe Pole, Polezhaevskaya, Street 1905, Tretyakovskaya, Novokuznetskaya, Sorge. Departure: Center, South-East, South-West, South, North-West, West, North, East, MCC: East, North-East.

Rhythmic gymnastics: 4000 rub. / h

Stretching: 3500 rub. / h

Choreography: 4000 rub. / h

Aesthetic gymnastics: 4000 rub. / h