Fitness at Tatiana's. Fitness blogger Tatyana Fedorishcheva: “Workouts can be much more enjoyable than you think

The host of one of the most popular YouTube channels about fitness, TGYM, Tatyana Fedorishcheva, told how to exercise correctly, how much weight it is normal to lose in a month, and identified the foods that you should get rid of first.


The host of the YouTube channel TGYM, Tatyana Fedorishcheva, has been encouraging her subscribers to play sports with her for several years. The girl achieved perfect figure due to constant exercise, although she had not previously been a professional athlete. Her results are motivation for more than 700 thousand subscribers who actively follow the life of Tatyana Fedorishcheva. The most popular video on the channel has over seven million views.

In an interview with the portal “I Live by Sports,” Tatyana told how beginners can overcome their fear before starting training, explained why diet is sometimes more important than the training itself, and spoke about the effect of alcohol on a healthy body.

– Tell us about yourself, how you started playing sports, how did the idea to shoot a video come about?
– Initially, at the age of 18, I myself struggled with complexes; I did not have any special physical characteristics. I just went dancing to loosen up and get in shape. When the first results began to appear, I began to do additional training myself at home. It was 2012. I also gradually studied information about nutrition. Six years ago there was very little of it, you couldn’t really understand whether it was true or not. You could say there was a kind of borscht there.

I shot my first videos near the sofa, to be modest. The guy helped me, now my husband. I started making videos regularly; I had a lot of ideas, although there are still a lot of them now.

– Many beginners are embarrassed to practice in public. Where would you recommend starting - on the street, in the gym, or at home via video?
– I will say that it depends on the character of the person. There are people who are reserved; of course, they will be more comfortable studying at home. Another point is that at home we feel in our comfort zone and it’s hard to force ourselves to study. I personally am in favor of home training, again, one of the advantages is that first you don’t need to spend a lot - buy a subscription. Everything can be done at home with your own weight.

Regarding embarrassment, it is important to understand that everyone starts somewhere. Even popular athletes were not in in better shape, someone had overweight. It is important to understand that no one really cares what you look like. No one in the same room looks or evaluates others. These are purely our complexes and fears. You need to concentrate on what you actually came to the gym for.

– There is an opinion that doing fitness is boring; beginners often immediately go to some interesting sport without theoretical preparation. Is it dangerous?
- Yes, this happens. It is important to understand before going to the gym that you can get injured there. First, you should familiarize yourself with the technique of performing the exercises. You can also watch videos on YouTube. I have a lot of similar training videos on my channel. I can say that no one taught me this. Again, it all depends on the person, but initially before the first active occupation I would advise studying the technique.

– According to the video, is it really possible to achieve success or do you need a coach in real life?
– I would say it’s real. I always advise looking at your reflection in the mirror and feeling your muscles. Our body very quickly remembers a certain position. If he is accustomed to correct technique, then automatically you then quickly begin to perform it. The most important thing is to install the equipment correctly from the very beginning. Then everything will be easier.

– If a person is very overweight, then what should he do? How to start playing sports?
– First of all, you need to establish nutrition. 70 percent of success depends on diet. You need to pay attention to the quality of food. Open the refrigerator and inspect it. At the same time, start training.

I recommend a combination of loads for everyone. Strength, functional and cardio. If you don’t like going to the gym, you can use weights for loading at home. At the same time, it is important to put stress on the heart muscle. This could be on trails or running outside. You can also use a jump rope at home. The body should feel stress, a change in load.

Monotonous loads do not work for a lifetime. For example, a program planned by a trainer for a month will not be very effective, since the body needs stress. Then the result will be, but we must not forget about the diet.

– If we’re talking about diet, name the foods that you should get rid of first?
– I would not focus on specific products. Would focus on replacement harmful products healthy food. For example, I haven’t had white sugar for several years. I replace it with stevia - it is a natural substitute. Can be replaced with honey or natural syrups.

I would also completely give up sparkling water and mineral water. Nowadays, when it’s hot, it’s common to go with pizza. This is an important source of why cellulite appears. I would also give up the sauces that we constantly pour on our food.

Unfortunately, we lack the taste of regular food; it’s better to avoid it. We all understand that there is nothing useful there. More useful analogues are sour cream, mustard, and, in general, it is better to feel the taste of healthy food.

– Regarding alcohol, what can you say? If you train 6 days a week and take 1 day off, will there be any results in your training?
– I won’t judge people’s choice, but I will say that alcohol is one of the most high-calorie foods. Of course, some kind of unloading can be allowed. The so-called diet cheating. Theoretically, this is possible, but if all other days you eat right. You can relax once a week or on your birthday, but you need to understand that all other days go exactly according to plan. The food must be of high quality. One day, of course, will not ruin all the progress.

– How to distribute energy for beginners, those who want to train a lot at once?
– I often encounter such cases. They want to start training on Monday and that’s it! Then it’s no longer possible... Just seven days a week, swimming pool, massage... A person quickly burns out. Motivation disappears due to such violence.

This is necessary not only for muscles, but for morale. It’s clear that we all want to get results quickly, but moral health is more important. Moreover, when such sudden stress occurs, the body needs rest.

It’s better to achieve results slowly but surely than to look great for a short period of time and then lose everything due to fatigue.

- About the weight. How much is it healthy for those who are overweight to lose?
– People who have a lot of excess weight will lose faster. It is important to understand that they lose water first. For people who don’t have such big problems, losing excess weight is much more difficult. If we talk on average, then 2-3 kilograms per month is a normal situation.

It is important to realize that people over 100 kilograms can lose 5-7 kilograms per week. Then they go into a stupor, because the water has come out and remains fat mass. To do this, you need to change the very system by which a person works and the weight will come off more slowly.

– Give some advice to those who want to overcome their inhibitions and start training, but are still afraid.
– The longer you think, the more time it takes. You need to look beautiful, slim and healthy when you want it. And then, in 60 years, we will regret that we didn’t do this. The main thing is to overcome yourself. The first two or three weeks are very difficult. I want to give up everything.

Then everything will become a habit. It will be difficult to understand how you lived without regular sports. You won't understand how you could eat pizza and chips. You will simply understand that such products will not provide any benefit. You will evaluate all food in terms of benefit or harm. The most important thing is to endure the initial period, and then everything will be much easier.

website: How did your transformation begin? How did you get into fitness?

Tatiana Fedorishcheva: I wasn't very fat, but I wasn't very slim either. athletic body I've never had one either. Weight Limit I was 65 kilograms. I was 18 years old at the time, and one day, looking at myself in the mirror, I decided that I needed to change something in my life. I went dancing to get rid of my complexes and tighten my body. I was very fascinated by the process of improvement, I began to notice results, and I couldn’t get enough of it! So I started doing fitness at home on my own.

T.F: Since I started doing fitness on my own, I tried for a long time various types workouts, exercises. Gradually I struggled with myself and my love for junk food. This took a lot of time and effort. On average, it took me 1.5–2 years to form my system proper nutrition, get used to it and finally fall in love with fitness!

T.F: My weight is 58 kilograms and my height is 173 centimeters. In fact, I lost 7 kilograms, but my body has changed dramatically. That's why I constantly say in my videos that you shouldn't trust the scales, but the mirror.

With the same weight and height, people can look completely different, the difference is in the composition of muscles and fat in the body.

website: How has your attitude towards yourself changed after losing weight?

T.F: Cardinally, I became a different person! Firstly, I have become more responsible, I finish every task I start, which I didn’t do before. Of course, my self-confidence has increased very noticeably. And most importantly, I continue to improve every day and feel more empowered.

website: How do you eat now to maintain and improve your shape?

T.F: I stick to proper nutrition. This is not a diet, but a lifestyle. The most important thing is to consume foods that will benefit the body. I have already forgotten when you could find sausage, mayonnaise or semi-finished products in my refrigerator. I don't care about these products at all! And why? I can cook no less delicious dishes, and most importantly, useful.

website: Nowadays, many girls who have achieved success in the gym want to demonstrate their results at a fitness bikini competition. How do you feel about such competitions and did you have a desire to participate?

T.F: For some time I was very interested in such competitions. But, having delved deeper into the training of girls in this category, I realized that this was not my thing. Only because the nutritional system and an insanely limited diet during the preparation period not only bring the body to exhaustion, but also harm health. After all, I work out for myself, I don’t need anyone’s assessment, but I want to maintain my health!

T.F: Sometimes, once a week, I can allow myself to eat a couple of my favorite cookies or a piece of homemade cake. You need to pamper and praise yourself! The main thing is to do it wisely: in the morning, before 12 o’clock, and in small portions.

website: Well, when you pamper yourself like that, you have to work hard. How often do you train?

T.F: Since I film my workouts for the channel and go to the gym, I get 4-5 workouts a week. But I’m used to such a load; for beginners, three times a week is enough, and always with a rest between days!

? What are your pro secrets?

T.F: Each of my workouts always begins with a warm-up, where I prepare all the muscles for work. Next, I usually work on two muscle groups, for example, butt and abs, and on another day - other zones. This is necessary so that the muscles have time to recover. In general, the workout lasts an hour and a half, not counting cardio.

Cardio training for me is treadmill, and in the summer - a bicycle. I can run or pedal for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on my goals for a certain period. Well, at the end of the lesson there is a mandatory cool-down - relaxation of all muscles to relieve tension, better growth muscle fibers and so that the pain the next morning is as little as possible.

website: How necessary is a coach for successful training? Should you start your gym routine without professional guidance?

T.F: Many girls who achieved success in sports began to practice independently. But knowing the basics of exercise technique is a necessity, otherwise you can get so injured that you won’t be able to lose weight.

website: What is more effective for those who want to lose weight - group classes or strength and cardio training in the gym?

T.F: This is all individual: some people like to carry iron to gym, surrounded by screaming and perpetually sweating men. This motivates some people.

Some people want a calm and relaxing atmosphere where there are many girls your age with the same problems as you. I think I need to try it! You went to the gym for a week, didn’t like it - went to yoga, and it didn’t work out? It's okay, maybe they will help you in group classes? The main thing is not to sit still.

website: What are your hobbies besides fitness?

T.F: My main hobby is running my YouTube channel! He gave me a lot: the best subscribers, their support, self-confidence and a constant desire to improve! Besides this, I like to spend time with my family outside the city, take a break from all the hustle and bustle, go on picnics and just enjoy life!

website: Give advice on physical activity- great responsibility. Did you study somewhere to be a trainer?

T.F: I learn the basics of training while receiving a second higher education in the specialty “ Physical training" My husband, who has been in sports for quite a long time, shared a lot of knowledge with me. But I test all my exercises on myself, and on my channel I only talk about the most effective and safe ones.

website: What is the most difficult and most enjoyable thing about being a fitness blogger?

T.F: The most difficult thing was to overcome the fear of the camera, my accent and finally become myself.

Everything doesn’t come right away; many videos were never uploaded to the channel simply because I didn’t like them. But each time it became easier, and I got more and more pleasure.

And the most pleasant thing is the comments and gratitude that I receive every day. This means that everything is working out for my subscribers, and it’s not in vain that I make videos.

T.F: Believe in yourself! If you don’t love yourself, don’t begin to value and respect yourself, no one will treat you that way. Start changing your life, and after a while you will thank yourself so much!

Reading time: 4 min

Do you prefer training in Russian? Then you will surely like it program of Russian fitness trainer Tatyana Rogatina For problem areas. The complex will do for beginners and intermediate levels, but may also appeal to advanced students.

Tatyana Rogatina is a certified personal trainer in fitness and bodybuilding, as well as group program trainer in the following areas: classical and step aerobics, strength training, Pilates, callanetics and stretching. Tatyana is also the author of video courses for losing weight and improving your health

The “Fitness for Problem Areas” program was created to achieve slim, toned shapes and improve body quality. Tatiana Rogatina offers classic exercises for arms, chest, shoulders, back, abdomen, buttocks and thighs, with which you will improve your figure. Power and functional exercises for problem areas, they help tone muscles and burn calories.

The following workouts were included in the complex for problem areas from Tatyana Rogatina:

  • Warm-up (7 minutes)
  • Chest, shoulders, back (18 minutes)
  • Waist and abs (30 minutes)
  • Legs, thighs and buttocks (30 minutes)
  • Stretching (9 minutes)

The entire program lasts 1.5 hours, but you can choose the videos that are most interesting to you and study for a shorter period of time. Be sure to start each workout with a warm-up and end with stretching, especially in this complex they efficient and thoughtful. For classes you will not need additional equipment, only in the “Chest, shoulders, back” segment you will use dumbbells from 1 kg and above.

Tatyana Rogatina's workouts are great for beginners and intermediate levels of training, as well as for those who want to get in shape after childbirth. However, her programs can also be useful for advanced practitioners: the trainer explains the exercise technique in detail, which guarantees a quality workout.

Pros and cons of the program


1. “Fitness for problem areas” was specially created for weight loss and to combat problem areas. Start creating something beautiful toned body right now.

2. The program involves working on the muscles of the chest, back, shoulders, buttocks, thighs, biceps, triceps, rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. You will work equally well on both your upper and lower body.

3. You decide how long your program will last. Practice for 1.5 hours, choose only the segments you like, or distribute them throughout the day if time allows.

4. Tatyana Rogatina in detail explains the technique of performing exercises and highlights what you need to pay attention to in order for the training to be as effective as possible.

5. The program is in Russian, and in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to Western analogues.

6. The complex is suitable for beginners and for those recovering after childbirth.


2. For experienced practitioners, the program will be light in load.

You have the opportunity to do fitness is an integral part of your life without even leaving home. Try it effective workouts from Tatyana Rogatina and start transforming your body today.

Tatyana Rogatina is one of the trainers who skillfully combine already known exercises and come up with their own in order to get the most effective complexes aimed at solving a specific problem.

“Fitness for problem areas” - a program for your perfection

Thus, one of the programs that Tatyana Rogatina compiled - “Fitness for problem areas” - helps to correct the “weakest” areas of the female figure in the shortest possible time.

First of all, this is the lower part of the arms, inner surface hips, calf muscles, waist, chest and back. The muscles located in these areas do not receive the necessary load during our normal life, and therefore, over time, they weaken, sag and are often covered with a layer of fatty tissue. Therefore, they require special attention. But in the process of competently working out the “problem” areas, other muscles are also trained, thanks to which the body becomes toned and strong.

In the process of competently working out “problem” areas, other muscles are also trained, thanks to which the body becomes toned and strong.

Fitness with Tatyana Rogatina is professional training that today every woman can organize for herself within the walls of her own home. Having extensive experience working with people, Tatyana records competent video lessons in which she clearly and consistently explains the features of performing each exercise. By following her instructions and repeating the movements shown in the video, you can get at least effective load than when visiting gym.

Fitness with Tatyana Rogatina is professional training that today every woman can organize for herself within the walls of her own home.

We invite you to see with your own eyes what fitness is like with Tatyana Rogatina, a video of which is attached to this article. You can immediately begin repeating the exercises she suggests or watch the video first to better understand the principle of their implementation. The main thing is to get ready for serious work and train with full dedication, as if the coach was present at your lesson in person.