Biathlete Ulyana Kaisheva biography. We haven't seen a finish like this for a long time.

Without a team, and admitted that she stopped loving individual racing.

From reserve - to the Games

For most of your fellow biathletes, the Russian Championship is the end of the season. You have one more start ahead of you. Are you counting down the days and hours until you can afford complete rest?

In what sense - complete?

- Directly. Beach, palm trees, ice cream - what else happens in the dreams of representatives winter species sports?

This doesn't happen to me at all. In the spring I continue to train. Perhaps not so intensely - there are more days off. But, fortunately, this is really the last competition I will have this season.

You didn’t have a very typical year: you were included in the Olympic team, but at the same time you weren’t part of the main team and didn’t compete in the World Cup until January. Do you think being in the reserves was a plus or a minus?

I think it's a minus. After I gained so much experience at the Olympics, I began to understand that experience is very important in our sport. When it is lacking, it affects how you conduct the race, how you lead yourself to it. If I had the opportunity to start competing in the World Cup earlier, perhaps I would have been able to switch to other speeds earlier too.

- When did you find out that you were definitely going to Pyeongchang?

Only after Antholz. Before that, of course, I hoped that I would make the team, but I didn’t count on it too much, to be honest. Especially after the first race in Ruhpolding, where my diopter fell off and I finished 89th. And in Antholz we can’t say that everything was fine. It’s just that nothing depended on me there, so I was just waiting for the coaching decision.

- Did you want to go to the Olympics?

Yes. From the very beginning of the season, there was no thought that the Games could be boycotted. I really wanted to get this experience. It’s just that later, when it turned out that only four of us were going to Pyeongchang, a strange feeling appeared. When I participated in youth Olympic Games ah in Innsbruck, I really felt how great it is to have a big team around you. And here there is no real team, no name of the country.

- Was it morally pressing?

There was no pressure, no. Rather, it did not allow me to be inspired, to catch the courage.

A very ordinary Olympics

- Are you satisfied with your results?

No. I’m not a little girl anymore, even though this Olympics was my first. I felt that I was able to compete with many of my rivals, I really wanted this and tried very hard. But it didn't work out.

- Over the past couple of seasons you have had the opportunity to work with different coaches. Who was more comfortable with?

Definitely with Noritsyn.

- What does this specialist have that other mentors were not able to give you?

Personally, I like the validity of the work that Noritsyn offers and the psychological support. It means a lot when a coach knows how to set you up for work, explain all the details, support you when things don’t work out, and praise you if the result is good. By the way, I can’t say that at the Olympics I experienced a lack of attention from those coaches who were with us. Nikolai Stepanovich Zagursky and Ricco Gross supported us all in the same way and did not leave us unattended.

- How then can we explain Akimova’s words?

Tanya apparently perceived everything differently. Perhaps because she had to work in Pyeongchang according to my plan - she had no other.

- What made the greatest impression on you in Korea?

Ordinary. I was not at the Games in Sochi, I watched them from the sidelines, and was absolutely sure that the Olympics should be exactly like this - very festive and very bright. And here... Just competitions, nothing special. There were even more emotions at the World Cup. I can’t say that I received any special impressions. Everything was very calm.

- But you took away the experience from the Olympics. What is he wearing?

In the little things. How to warm up, how to aim, how to run, how to shoot. The more significant the competition, the more important this all becomes.

Penalty circle

- By the way, your shooting has become worse.

I know. The beginning of the season in this sense was not bad - 95 percent of hits. Then the stability was disrupted. But we are working on it.

- Do you think your shooting is fast?

Not as much as we would like. I think it’s quite possible to pass the line in 22 seconds. I'm still spending more time.

- Do you think about something abstract when you are in position?

Unless about the shooting of rivals. You can hear everything - who is shooting how, who’s installation is not closed. It's impossible not to hear this.

- Is this really confusing?

Not really. The weather - wind, snow - can create much more interference.

What to talk about with a rifle?

- What is your least favorite thing about biathlon?

Summer work, when it is constantly hot.

- That is, if you choose between skis and roller skates...

I'll choose skis.

- Sea or forest?

I've been to the sea once in my life, but... the forest.

- Dress or tracksuit?

Of course the suit. It's more comfortable.

- Cats or dogs?

Both those and others.

- Individual race or sprint?

But just a couple of years ago you said that you like the individual race more than other distances, because there are more chances for a good shooter.

That's true. But now, I think I have a better chance in the sprint. We haven't done a season-by-season analysis yet, but I feel like my running speed is increasing.

- Is a rifle an animate creature in your perception or just a piece of metal?

Previously, it seemed to me that it was just a piece of metal. But the paradox is that the more you look after it, wipe it, take care of it, the better it performs.

-Are you talking to her?

I have nothing to talk to her about. In general, I don’t like to talk too much - I prefer to listen. Even in free time I prefer to listen to audiobooks rather than read, so that my eyes don’t strain and get tired.

- I remember that in their free time, almost all of the biathletes were fond of embroidery or drawing.

I don't like handicrafts. I tried to knit, but I don’t have the skill.

- Where is it easier for you to perform - at home or in Europe?

Psychologically, it’s easier at home, of course. But we usually have very “slow” snow.

- Because it is natural?

More likely, due to the fact that he was constantly frozen. In Europe it snows faster. I don’t know how to explain this, but the skis there, compared to our conditions, simply fly.

- By the way, does the current Russian championship have at least some sporting significance for you?

Yes, because it ends the season. Last year, for example, I was not able to show a more or less acceptable result at all, but now I am very glad that I managed to not only “survive”, but even win the sprint.

- What if you weren’t promised large bonuses for winning these competitions?

It wouldn't change anything in my actions. I definitely couldn't have run faster.

Ulyanka! Train no matter what. You can do it, I believe in you.

Hello Ulyanka. Your results are very disappointing, but that’s okay. It’s not scary if they send it to Europe. Accelerate calmly and go back to KM. Don't give up. Practice and everything will work out. Despite everything, I believe in you.

We believe, we hope! Victory!

Ulyanka! Izhevsk and all of Russia are rooting for you! You are so smart and beautiful! No wonder you were born on such a special day! Much success to you in the new season! We believe, we love, we support!

Ulyanka Well done! Here are the first points for the KM. Tomorrow is the relay, pull yourself together and do a good leg. You can do it. I believe in you.

Ulyanka! You just showed your class today. Keep it up. Because you can. Smart girl. I believe and wait for podiums and flowers.

Ulyanka! Smart girl. Keep it up. Victory will come soon, no doubt.

Ulyanka! Don't be upset. Work well at the Russian Championship and rest, and then get back to work. Medals for you in the Chechen Republic. Take your time with shooting and you will succeed.

Hello Ulyana.
Your profile most likely appeared on the official postal and philatelic issue of the Min. communications of Russia in 2018. about the World Cup in Tyumen at the end of March. But of course there are photos from previous years with their Winter Sports Center in the background. This is a postage stamped card with a stamp printed on the back - that is, a postage mark, like a stamped envelope with a stamp.

That is, you entered postal history all over the world - I issue stamps only in honor of celebrities. I would like to reflect you in this regard on the most important forum of collectors in Russia - here
I already have 4350 posts there

I can’t imagine how to show it to you here on the site. Tell?



You can look at the original photo on Akimova’s page

my wife and father come from the Balezinsky district - the village of Andreyshur

My wife and father are from Andreyshur, Balezinsky district

You can look at the original photo on Akimova’s page IN MY LETTER TO HER

Ulyanka! Happy birthday and holiday on March 8th. Health, love, prosperity and great success in our beloved biathlon. We believe in you!

Ulyana, good luck and success in mixed! We believe, we love, we support!

Ulyanka! The first Olympic race took place. It's not scary. Pull yourself together and give it everything you can. They don't expect medals from you now. So run for fun and improve your shooting and running. We love and believe you.

Not a hitch! We know that you don’t read, but let our wishes create good luck, success and support around you!

Ulyana, we believe in you!

Ulyanka! Everything is fine. Get together in Italy and give your best. And then at the Olympic Games repeat the maximum. We believe in you, golden, you are ours. Of course, it wouldn’t be bad to warm up at the European Championships.

Ulyana, you are super beautiful, you did zero, you didn’t get lost among the she-wolves, you definitely gave the best stage among ours, you did a great job. Congratulations! Forward to Italy!

Ulyana, we believe in you! All the main victories are ahead of you!

We're rooting for you! Don't trust everyone, girl. There are honest guys on the team. Ask them for help with technology!

It's all up to chance... But if someone had a hand in this: let them wither away!

Ulyana, I keep my fingers crossed for you @@@@@

Ulyana, hold on, don’t cry on air. How did you shoot without a diopter, WITHOUT A SIGHT, it’s just at random! spare rifle? and I got it! Well done, Sun, and the best move at that. Great sporting experience. Race SCORE! don't worry, the fans are on your side. Remember the experience, forget about the situation!... Everything will be very good, you are very smart, beautiful and well done!

Well done! Everyone is in awe!

Well done Sun, Beauty! Colleagues, forum members, let's support the Golden Girl!

We are waiting for you in the first team!

Ulyanka! Smart girl. Keep it up. Soon at KM it will be a little more complicated, but in principle the same. Do your job the same way as on KE and everything will be fine. I believe in you, as does the entire fan forum.

Ulyana, get it together Sun, the moment of truth is coming. We need to trample the tired first team in Oberhof. Starting January 4th I’ll stop drinking and will watch!

Ulyanka! Well done, I've increased my speed a little. So far so good. work on mistakes and move forward. Everything is fine.

Ulya! Congratulations, everyone was great. But don’t forget to work on mistakes. You're smart.

Ulyanka! WELL DONE! Continued success.

Ulyushka, you are our joy! Congratulations! Keep it up and don’t stop working on your shooting, the WC will be faster. There, good shooting will be a strong assistant for you. Congratulations again.

Ulyanka! The race was not a success, but nothing bad happened. The main thing is not to feel sorry for yourself, but to work and everything will work out. I believe you can handle it. Good luck in the next races.

Ulyanka! Congratulations on the podium. Judging by the speed, my form began to decline. It's nothing. Now is the break, rest and go back to battle. You're smart.

Ulyanka! Nothing happened. Forget it and keep training. Fatigue has come, of course, but now it’s rest. Don't give up, everything will work out. I wish you success and believe in you.

Ulyasha! Happy victory! Keep it up and increase your speed long legs! Believe in yourself, and we will root and rejoice at your victories! Sports anger, passion, good luck and good health! May everything you dream about come true!

Ulyana is smart, beautiful, congratulations!

Ulyanka! Congratulations on your victory at the LChR. Keep it up in winter too. Blast everyone this season.

Ulyanka. I believe in you. I believe that this season you will become a full-fledged member of the main team. Good luck to you and many many podiums.

Ulyanka! Well done, keep it up. I love you, kiss you.

Ulyana Sun, don’t worry, don’t get carried away, just forget about everything, rest, get ready for the season. Come to Tchaikovsky for the summer World Cup, we will root for you, you will tear everyone there like a hot water bottle. Ulyana, you are smart, beautiful, you know everything, good luck to you Sun!

Ulyana Nikolaevna good day to you!
I hope everything goes according to plan, everything is great! We are really looking forward to the summer World Championships in Tchaikovsky, we will come and cheer wildly. I love it :-)! Good luck next season Sun!

Ulyana did a great job on the super race, especially the shooting and the finishing lap. I saw everything! Congratulations on your victory!

Ulyana! Don’t despair, fatigue has accumulated, but we need to pull ourselves together and finish the year with dignity. Be sure to be a winner (at least) in Russia. Good luck to you in your next races.

Ulyana, happy birthday and happy women’s day! I wish you beautiful sports career and happiness in your personal life! I'm rooting for you!

Ulyana! You are strong, healthy, and strong-willed girl! Calm and focused on the boundaries. And you run like a forest deer - easily and beautifully!

Ulyana! Do not give up under any circumstances, you have everything to become the number one biathlete not only in Russia. Work hard and God will reward your efforts. I believe and wait for your takeoff.

Ulyana! Congratulations on winning silver at the games, smart girl. But the progress is rather weak, rest before the next starts and everything will be fine.

Ulyanka, I only wish you victory, handle the shooting and move on.

Ulyanka, the number obliges you to win. I believe in you.

Ulya, MO-LO-DETZ! Keep it up.

Ulyana, you are very smart, everything will work out for you, I wish you GOOD LUCK!

Representative of Udmurtia Ulyana Kaisheva won the sprint race of the Russian Championship in Khanty-Mansiysk with clean shooting.

The second with two misses was Ekaterina Yurlova-Perkht from St. Petersburg, bronze went to Krasnoyarsk representative Margarita Vasilyeva, who made one miss.

The third time in the race was shown by Anna Frolina, competing for Korea, but she competed outside the official standings:

“I'm very happy to perform here. Over the past two years I’ve lost the habit a little, but now I remember everything – some kind of nostalgia. I'm glad I was able to meet old friends who are still performing.

Today I shot at the ranges for a very long time, I feel tired. After the international season there is a lack of recovery - today it was a little difficult for me functionally. At the line I don’t fully feel confident in myself, I’m not shooting in rhythm, and that’s why I made mistakes,” Frolina said on the Match TV channel.

“I reset my brain a little. We actually just had an argument with the coach about shooting in this race. Now he owes me. For now I’ll keep silent about what they argued about. I only had such bad shooting as in the “individual” shooting when I didn’t have a diopter, but here everything was fine. Probably, I was not completely collected or, on the contrary, too concentrated.

Now my form is getting worse and worse, because fatigue does not have time to go away and accumulates from race to race,” said Ulyana Kaisheva on the Match TV channel.

The winner of the individual race, Anastasia Egorova, is fourth with two penalties.


1. Ulyana Kaisheva – 22.47.4 (0)
2. Ekaterina Yurlova – 38.0 (2)
3. Anna Frolina ( South Korea) – 44,1 (2)
4. Margarita Vasilyeva – 51.8 (1)
5. Anastasia Egorova – 1.08.9 (2)
6. Kristina Reztsova – 1.16.4 (1)
7. Victoria Slivko – 1.31.3 (1)
8. Anastasia Tolmacheva – 1.36.8 (0)
9. Evgenia Pavlova – 1.43.8 (3)
10. Galina Nechkasova – 1.50.3 (2)...
13. Natalya Ushkina – 1.56.6 (2)
14. Olga Podchufarova – 1.57.1 ​​(0)...
17. Irina Uslugina – 2.04.5 (3)....
19. Irina Starykh – 2.09.9 (2)
20. Ekaterina Avvakumova (South Korea) – 2.12.0 (2)...
23. Ekaterina Moshkova – 2.20.2 (1)
24. Daria Virolainen – 2.21.1 (3)...
33. Svetlana Mironova – 2.49.8 (5)...
42. Ekaterina Shumilova – 3.11.9 (4)

Champion and prize-winner of the III World Winter Military Games in Sochi in the team competition.
Two-time European champion among juniors. World champion in summer biathlon.

Ulyana Kaisheva was born on March 8, 1994 in the city of Mozhga, Udmurt Republic. As soon as the girl learned to walk, her parents put her and her younger sister on skis. And as it turned out, they were right: both girls reached considerable heights. True, not in skiing, and in biathlon.

Kaisheva changed skiing to biathlon at the age of ten. The Honored Trainer of the Udmurt Republic, Alexey Fedorovich Korotaev, took charge of preparing the future champion. Ulyana, under his strict guidance, studied in the biathlon department of a local sports school.

After graduating from secondary school, the athlete, who already had many victories to her name at that time, entered the Udmurt State University, choosing the specialty “tourism management manager”.

In 2008, Honored Coach of the Udmurt Republic Anatoly Bogdanov began training the young biathlete. The training took place in Izhevsk. But the very next year, when the girl joined the Russian youth team, coaches Nikolai Savinov and Alexander Suslov worked to improve her skills.

In 2012, the young biathlete had a breakthrough. The girl managed to win three personal races, which was an excellent gift for her eighteenth birthday. The athlete also took part in the Winter Youth Olympic Games, which were held in Innsbruck, Austria in 2012. The Russian woman became the champion in the 7.5 km pursuit race, and managed to win bronze in the sprint. The next year, 2013, turned out to be no less successful. Ulyana became the absolute world champion among girls in the age category up to nineteen years and two-time champion European biathlon among juniors under twenty-one years old.

In mid-December 2016, Ulyana managed to win silver at the IBU Cup stage in the women's sprint race. The competition took place in Obertilliach, Austria. Two months later, the biathlete again became a participant in the World Cup, but not only in single races. The athlete made her debut on the relay team. In addition to Kaisheva, the Russian team included Tatyana Akimova, Victoria Slivko and Olga Podchufarova. In the relay, Kaisheva competed in the third stage. The girl received two penalties while shooting from a standing position. In the end Russian team took thirteenth place.

In the summer of 2017, the athlete took part in the World Summer Biathlon Championships, which was held in Tchaikovsky. IN mixed relay Ulyana Kaisheva won gold.

Ulyana Kaisheva was among the participants admitted to participate in the 2018 Olympics. In total, only four biathletes were allowed to participate in the Olympic Games. For this reason, the athlete competed in all competitions, except for two types of the program: the girl did not participate in the mass start, since she did not qualify for this stage, and the fans did not see the athlete in the relay race. As a result of the Olympics in Korea, the athlete’s most successful performance was the individual race, where Kaisheva took twenty-fourth place.

In March 2018, the athlete again attracted the attention of the press. During this period, the eighth stage of the Biathlon World Cup started, which took place in Holmenkollen, Norway. Ulyana Kaisheva showed herself well in the 7.5 km sprint race. Although the girl did not win this race, she eventually entered the top ten leaders of the sprint. Later, the skier won the sprint at the 2018 Russian Championship and became a bronze medalist in the pursuit race.

Athlete's height: 176 cm; weight: 62 kg.

Sports Achievements of Ulyana Kaisheva

2017 - bronze in the 7.5 km sprint at the Military World Games in Sochi
2017 - bronze in the mixed relay at the Military World Games in Sochi
2017 - gold in the 7.5 km team race at the Military World Games in Sochi
2017 - silver in the 16 km patrol race at the Military World Games in Sochi
2017 - gold in the mixed relay at the World Summer Biathlon Championships in Tchaikovsky

Russian champion in summer biathlon (2017 - 7.5 km sprint). Silver medalist Russian Summer Biathlon Championships (2016 - 7.5 km sprint; 2017 - 4x6 km relay). Bronze medalist of the Russian Summer Biathlon Championship (2018).

Champion of Russia (2016 - 30 km marathon, 4x6 km relay; 2018 - 7.5 km sprint). Silver (2014, 2017 - 4x6 km relay; 2016 - 15 km individual race) and bronze (2018 - 10 km pursuit) medalist of the Russian championships.

Today, March 31, the Russian Biathlon Championship 2018 continues in Khanty-Mansiysk, based on the results of which the national team to prepare for the next season 2018-2019. On the second day of the spring and most significant all-Russian shooting skiing competitions taking place in Ugra, sprint races for men and women are planned. The women's biathlon sprint has just finished.

Russian Biathlon Championships 2018. Khanty-Mansiysk, March 31
Women. Sprint. 7.5 km, two shooting lines, 150 m penalty loop

1. U. Kaisheva (UDM) (0+0) - 22:47.4
2. E. Yurlova-P. (SPB) (0+2) - +38.0
3. A. Frolina (South Korea) (1+1) - +44.1 (performed outside the competition, so Margarita Vasilyeva took bronze)
3. M. Vasilyeva (KRK) (0+1) - +51.8
4. A. Egorova (MUR) (1+1) - +1:08.9
5. K. Reztsova (KHAN) (1+0) - +1:16.4
6. V. Slivko (TYUM) (1+0) - +1:31.3
7. A. Tolmacheva (TYUM) (0+0) - +1:36.8
8. E. Pavlova (NBC) (1+2) - +1:43.8
9. G. Nechkasova (NVS) (0+2) - +1:50.3
10. A. Alekeshnikova (NVS) (0+2) - +1:50.5
11. L. Filimonova (Yama) (1+0) - +1:51.9
12. N. Ushkina (MOR) (1+1) - +1:56.6
13. O. Podchufarova (MSK) (0+0) - +1:57.1
14. L. Kuklina (Yama) (1+2) - +1:58.7
15. S. Bochkareva (UDM) (1+0) - +1:59.8
16. I. Uslugina (TYUM) (2+1) - +2:04.5
17. N. Gerbulova (KRK) (2+0) - +2:07.0
18. I. Starykh (TYUM) (0+2) - +2:09.9
19. E. Zubova (ARH) (1+1) - +2:17.9
20. K. Smirnova (KHAN) (0+1) - +2:19.1
21. E. Moshkova (KHAN) (0+1) - +2:20.2
22. D. Virolainen (HAN) (0+3) - +2:21.1
23. P. Pechenkina (St. Petersburg) (0+1) - +2:21.4
24. E. Chirkova (KRK) (1+0) - +2:22.9
25. Yu. Drozdova (KHAN) (0+3) - +2:27.4
26. L. Nadeeva (SVE) (2+2) - +2:30.8
27. L. Biktasheva (NBC) (0+3) - +2:31.2
28. A. Ilyinykh (KHAN) (0+1) - +2:43.6
29. E. Badanina (YAMA) (1+0) - +2:45.0
30. A. Evsyunina (NVS) (1+2) - +2:48.2
31. S. Mironova (SVE) (2+3) - +2:49.8
32. I. Kazakevich (SVE) (1+3) - +2:55.0
33. E. Muraleeva (PER) (1+1) - +2:55.5
33. E. Timerbulatova (TYUM) (1+1) - +2:55.5
35. E. Nikitina (KHAN) (1+1) - +2:58.6
36. D. Yakimets (KRK) (1+2) - +2:59.0
37. A. Ivanova (UDM) (1+0) - +2:59.1
38. A. Morozova (KHAN) (3+1) - +2:59.2
39. Yu. Sazonova (SVE) (2+2) - +3:04.5
40. E. Shumilova (KHAN) (2+2) - +3:11.9

Detailed results of the women's sprint at the Russian Championship: pdf file

Interviews with biathletes and coaches after the women's sprint race CR-2018 in Khanty-Mansiysk

“I reset my brain a little. We actually just had an argument with the coach about shooting in this race. Now he owes me. For now I’ll keep silent about what they argued about. I only had such bad shooting as in the “individual” shooting when I didn’t have a diopter, but here everything was fine. Probably, I was not completely collected or, on the contrary, too concentrated. Now my form is getting worse and worse, because fatigue doesn’t have time to go away and accumulates from race to race,” Kaisheva said on the Match TV channel.

Congratulations to Ulyana Kaisheva on her gold medal at the Russian Championship! Let's like and share this good news with friends!


Winning the sprint is a special joy. Bold and effective.

Khinskiy, well, it was said more than once that the first stage of the Kyrgyz Republic should be held in November and that all athletes should be present at it. But even this start will not give a clear answer to the question of who exactly should be in the main team. Since the randomness factor is quite large. Therefore, I proposed a lineup based solely on the results of the current season.

Ulyana with gold! Katya with silver! Congratulations!

Kennedy62, I didn’t get it right away - I support))

Vladimir, I don’t believe it.. I want to nominate Khinskiy))

Khinskiy, “.. Shouldn’t we take a swing at..”))
They promise to select trainers on a competitive basis...
Without any smiles: a clear program, everything is laid out point by point.
Move forward! The farriers will run away themselves when you announce the program :))
Really liked the sketch about the most important nuances women's team training))

I admit, the demon confused me by saying that it might be a little off topic. On topic, everything is so - I just threw a trial balloon and will go in search of a senior coach for women.

The composition of the women's team has been determined and, as a famous character said, isn't it time for us to take a swing at Shakespeare, that is, the head coach for women?

Another option - the same Anfisa Reztsova will do it for us, at worst, it’s scary to think - Vladimir Mikhailovich Barnashov himself, before he was deprived of his position, but what if he really is deprived, so what? If we become orphans, we need to take insurance.

Any specific suggestions?

Why not dwell on this topic?

Adrio75, To your coaches I’ll add Eteri Tutberidze, who has set up a factory for producing champions. And she is quite tough on her students. No, he doesn't yell at them. But harshly *** I calmly expelled Alina Zagitova when something didn’t work out for her. After the injury it didn't work out. But still. Here's God, and here's the threshold. True, she then offered to try again and did not miscalculate.
But the essence is exactly the same. No pats on the head.

Vladimir, I remember when I was still a student, they assigned me in a sports camp as something like a pioneer coach for gymnasts.
When I saw these 10 angels, it seemed to me that I was in Heaven, and for the first two weeks this was the case.
And only then did I realize what kind of serpentarium I had ended up in. There will be no details, but I made general conclusions:
1. You need to love all girls at once or none. Once you single out someone, you wake up the serpentarium.
2. A girl may be offended that you looked at her differently in the morning (or looked at her, but not like that).
3. Girls understand all attitudes only when they are presented in a strict form. If it’s “good” with her, then she may think that this need not be done.
Example: the same Karpol, Wiener, Trefilov.
And note, Karpol never shouted at the one who made the mistake, but only at the team leaders who were obliged to provide backup.
4. Do not have any dealings with girls in financial and economic relations. Let others do this.
5. Girls believe that their main purpose is to drive men crazy. Do not fall for this under any circumstances.
But how can we encourage it? This is one of the incentives for them.
6. Girls have " critical days” and they need to be memorized like “Our Father”, and not according to Zagursky’s diagrams.
7. Girls will always fantasize about you and you need to be prepared for this.
8. If a girl is used to something, then it is practically impossible to retrain her. And very strict measures are needed to do this. Without "musi-pusi".
9. And if you follow the previous 8 rules, then the girls will kill anyone who goes against you.))

Congratulations to the beautiful Champion on her victory! Smart girl, Ulyana!
Beauties - Katyusha and Margarita - with a good race and medals!
But overall, I was pleased with the whole top ten!

>> You can’t work with women at all using “susi-pusi”
I agree, in addition to Vyalbe and Karpol, I also remember Trefilov in handball and Irina Viner in art. gymnastics But these are COACHES, not even with a capital T, but entirely in capital letters. First of all, they are respected (and try not to respect such people), and only then they are obeyed, feared, etc. But where have you seen Coaches in our biathlon?

Maybe a little off topic. Elena Vyalbe’s opinion about possible female “offenders”

“In general, you shouldn’t work with women using ‘sussy-pussy’ and patting them on the head. They can only be quilted. No woman has such self-awareness as a man. If there is an opportunity somewhere not to do something, she will definitely do it.”

I thought, isn’t this the secret to the success of volleyball Karpol? A professional - yes, tough - and at the same time a father, what kind of man should you look for. In biathlon, is anyone gravitating towards this role as a senior coach?

Nikolay P, I also agree. Everything is fair.

Nikolay P., I like your team

Congratulations to Ulyana on the Victory! Keep it up!

Well, yes, yes, but in general I thought that professional athletes They must understand what’s what and bullying is not appropriate.

Gauri, the basis will only be in December, but for now we are talking only about those who will be attracted to the CPU.
And here everything will depend on the new leadership.
Or maybe our basis on the CPU is just 4 girls, or maybe 15 people, so as not to offend anyone.
Anyway new coach will place bets on 3-4 girls and pay special attention to them.
Then what are the rest for? So that later they will be offended by the rugs or by the fact that they were underestimated?

Keisheva, Yurlova, Akimova should be in the lineup anyway. Next are Egorova, Uslugina, Reztsova, Virolainen, not everything is so simple here, but the second wave is for sure, Slivko again, Mironova hmm. I see Podchufarov in 13th place, the move has not been restored (2 minutes of the opera theater), but maybe he will return? hmm, the old ones don't shine. But these are the ones I saw and know, Vasilyeva’s fellow countrywoman is the third, which is gratifying).

MY BASE: Yurlova, Kaisheva, Mironova, Uslugina, Akimova, Virolainen, Reztsova, Egorova.
RESERVE: Vasilyeva, Pavlova, Alekeshnikova, Slivko, Vasnetsova, Shevnina, Voronina and Kuklina.

Ivan Pokhmelev, Well, I got a little excited. There was no reason for Dasha to fall for twenty at the Russian Championship. :-) So be it, he returned to the main team (instead of the second Egorova).

But this is not important. The second lineup is not that much weaker than the first. They are generally exemplary. I say rotation. Like someone ran in November. Let it be until the new year at the core. And then we bring the next ones to peak in January, etc. What benefit should there be to us from the fact that there are so many biathletes?

Mad bear, why two Egorovs in the main one? And why is the second one on at the moment according to Dasha's rating - in the reserve?

Oleg Kiselev, it’s reasonable in terms of quantity, but the principle is clear.
In any case, the selection is more clear at open starts, and not at Zagursky’s closed controls, where I already said that Podchufarova wins, and then she doesn’t even survive one race at the World Cup.

CIS, good prize money can be made, there would be a desire to look for sponsors and work in this direction in principle. A very good tournament was organized in Shushen, biathletes from many countries are participating, a good test of strength before the start of the season.

Natalina, the whole question is when this unsuccessful race happened. If Slivko had failed in Östersund, then perhaps she, and not Virolainen, would have gone to KE. But Slivko was not put into individual races at the second stage. Plus she missed the sixth stage. So it’s still impossible to say that Slivko was persistently placed in all races. Well, Slivko honestly earned the right to compete at the post-Olympic stages with her performance at the European Championships and European Championships. And who hasn’t been tried with KE? Kaisheva was taken to the KM. She was able to cling to the base. We also tried the service. But her results were worse than Kaisheva’s. And if you look at the performance at KE by the same Uslugina, then she was pretty well off in terms of results. It wasn't stable good results. The rest also could not boast of stability. What is the point of carrying out rotation solely for the sake of rotation? For me, in order for an athlete to qualify for participation in competitions of a higher rank, he, at a minimum, must show consistently high results in competitions of his rank.

Khinskiy, is it okay that the application for the stage is limited to eight athletes? How can twelve people physically register for a stage? And this is just the first question. The second question is how to choose six from these twelve? Top three from each sprint?

Oleg Kiselev, the 1st stage of the KE is two sprints. There you can check 12 people.
But our main fear as coaches before the season is that the base and the reserves never cross paths, otherwise suddenly someone from the reserve turns out to be stronger than the base and then hand over your party card.))
Moreover, the party card will need to be handed over not to the senior coach of the national team, but to Barnashov, who put Kaishev in the reserve.

Yakovlev Valery Ivanovich, That’s what I think. Why should we look for any other coaches if Noritsyn exists. Last season, those who worked with him praised him. And Mironova broke her own speed records. Everyone who worked with him (except Yakushova) praises him for this. And most importantly, they run. And they even shoot. For example, Alekeshnikova’s shooting is pleasantly pleasing. After all, usually, if she hit half of the targets, it was considered good. Now please. And the pace began to recover again. And in the time since her transition to biathlon, Sasha has almost lost her magnificent move.

The next team will probably look something like this:
Yurlova, Akimova (if she recovers), Kaisheva, Egorova, Mironova, Virolainen.

So almost all of them would like to train with Noritsyn.
Put it here.
And Konovalova is off the beach. And especially the chart lover Zagursky.

Of course, the question will arise of who to put in the second team, which will also include Uslugina, Vasnetsova, Reztsova, Vasilyeva, Pavlova, Slivko. Don't know. I won't lie. But not those who are now. Write these ones off completely.

And there must be constant rotation between teams. Reasonable rotation. Let's say, if Kaisheva is in shape, she has no reason to trample on KIBU. Let him run in the KM while in shape. Someone at the KM lost his form. Not scary. You can run on KIBA, recover and welcome.

After all, our team is different in that we have many approximately equal biathletes. Approximately equal. Many. So they need to adjust the peaks of the shape to different stages KM. This has been talked about for a long time, but things are still there.

Boris and Oleg Kiselev, perhaps, but you won’t deny that they persistently put it in place, although it no longer showed any results? A girl from another region, even for one unsuccessful race, would have been thrown out of the Russian Cup with a whistle. These double standards really stress me out and really infuriate me, just as Virolainen’s pushing infuriated me at one time, fortunately this illness went away over time with TS, and a new passion was found.
If a person doesn’t pull it, try someone else with KE, try, try again! This is exactly what I wanted to convey in the first post, TS didn’t even want to try others.

Well, a person cannot run beyond his capabilities, it is not given, there is no need to harbor the illusion that he will run today. Slivko shoots accurately if she runs slowly, but if she speeds up a little, the shooting falls apart.
I think Vika should start the next season with KE.

Irina T, so that open championship to carry out it is necessary to introduce “significant prize money” otherwise strong foreigners will not go, and others are not needed.

Boris, in general, I made the loudest noise here that Vika needs to be purposefully prepared for the first stage of the relay. The national team coaches thought so too.
But our bets were not justified. It happens.
And there would be nothing terrible if Vika ran on the KE, but for some reason they dragged her to final stages KM, where everything was decided for us.
True, in Kontiolahti, during Yurlova’s decline, she brought points to the KN, but she couldn’t pull it any further.
Maybe the coaches have already decided that it’s too late to change anything and let everything go like this.

Well done Ulyana! Happy victory! Udmurtia rules! The athletes trained by Vitaly Noritsyn look good: Kaisheva, Reztsova Egorova, Alekeshnikova. It's nice to see M. Vasilyeva from Krasnoyarsk in third place! Congratulations to the winners worthy results! Good luck in your future starts!

Khinskiy, that’s what I’m talking about. It’s just not possible to enroll everyone at KE. The maximum application limit will not work.

Natalina, Egorova and Pavlova did not show themselves at the IV, more precisely in Tchaikovsky, so they did not qualify for the IBU Cup, not to mention the WC, so Vika did not take anyone’s place, it is not so easy to run consistently at the WC all season. But at the KM stage in Tyumen, Vika could have been replaced by Egorova or Pavlova, they got into shape at the end of the season and might have looked good.
Let's look further at these girls, Morozova after IV performed at IBU Cup, the results are mediocre.

Mad Bear, a very sound idea, an open championship would attract biathletes from different countries, ours would also be able to compare themselves with them, interest would increase and good prize money would be very helpful.

Natalina, yeah. In Östersund, Slivko is twenty-seventh in IS, if I’m not mistaken. Everyone else is even worse. Thirty-fifth in the sprint. Only Yurlov is better. Slivko did not run at the second stage of the individual races. I failed the third stage outright. Further. After the New Year in Ruhpolding, Slivko and Uslugina showed almost identical results in the IG. Then at the European Championships it was Slivko who was on the podium in personal races. And at the European Championships, which was after the European Championships, Slivko performed quite successfully.

why did Lapshin act after? 25 LAPSHIN Timofey KOR 15:27:30

CIS, well, yes, take GU for a fool)

Oleg Kiselev, with a quota of 6, the layouts are different.
The Germans even connected Herrmann through KE. And everyone else resolves the latest personnel issues through the 1st stage of the KE, and not at some tricky controls in which the electronics are turned off and at the finish line only Zagursky with a pencil defeats Podchufarov.
And compare with our lawlessness, when already in April last year the lineup for the Olympic Games was announced, and everyone else was told not to worry.

25 FROLINA Anna KOR Republic of Korea 1984 12:27:30 in the starting list, how can I tell?

Ivan Pokhmelev, this is the case here. To ensure competition in the team, four athletes can be entered at once for the first stage of the World Cup, and three can be selected based on the results of the first stage of the World Cup. Moreover, such an opportunity exists. Enter eight athletes (sportswomen) for the first stage of the European Championships. And from them, based on the results, select three more.

Ivan Pokhmelev, So it needs to be made open. Moreover. Set the prize money as at the KM stage, and let the strongest win. This is for the future. In the end, we have a championship after the end of the World Cup. Many biathletes still have nowhere else to run (and earn money). So let them train by running with us.

Frolina was not even included in the protocol. Avvakumov is there, but Anna is not. ((

Boris, where does it say that this is an open championship? Look at the title, there is no such word there.

Mad bear, I see a lot of meaning in the last two lines:
“Let Svetlana win further,
And let Ulyana make you happy too!”

Not opposition, but healthy competition between these two girls will only benefit our biathlon.
Egorova and Reztsova should also join in.
And Vikusa should not be discouraged.))

Alexander Kruglov, I knew that you would say this one day and I value your comment very highly.

Boris, I agree about Frolina. competitions must be fair

Khinskiy, congratulations to you and Ulyana on a worthy end to a good season. I have the courage to admit that I was wrong and underestimated her. Now I see a confident athlete with a good last lap and the makings of further growth. It’s too early to sing her praises, but I wish her further success from the bottom of my heart!

Congratulations to Ulyana on her victory!
They treated Anya very rudely, it was also an open championship for me, shame.

Congratulations to Ulyana on the gold! An excellent, interesting race, I also congratulate Katya, Anna and Margarita on silver and bronze.

Khinskiy, are you delusional again?