Conor about his girlfriend. Conor McGregor - biography, information, personal life

It’s not for nothing that they say that behind a great man there is an even greater woman. This is what happened in the story of Conor McGregor; one might even say that his life is a complete confirmation of a well-known fact. The meeting with Dee Devlin became fateful for the champion; it is to his chosen one that the man dedicates his victories; because of her, in his own words, he forces himself to get out of bed every morning. However, Dee Devlin’s biography began from the day the baby was born, when neither she nor anyone else could even imagine that fate would bring her together with the future champion. We’ll talk further in this article about how the girl’s life went before and after meeting a celebrity the whole world knows about.

The beginning of the biography of Dee Devlin

Dee Devlin was born in a suburb of Dublin in 1989 in Ireland. There she graduated from high school and college, after which she began working. Devlin has always oriented her life towards self-development and clear control over the current situation, and knew how to be inspired by unique people with incredible abilities. However, she herself did not strive to achieve achievements and was not going to ruin her life to build dizzying career. From childhood, her parents raised the girl to be kind, responsive, and able to come to the rescue at the right time. But her family was not known for excessively demonstrating personal feelings in public, so it was not typical for the girl to show her inner feelings to others. Perhaps such a cocktail of the qualities listed above and instilled by Dee Devlin’s parents attracted a huge number of people to the girl. different people throughout her life.

Trembling parental memories

Throughout her life, Dee Devlin has always been passionate about love stories. She avidly read romance novels and followed the life situations happening with celebrities. Devlin’s parents note that their girl was never a difficult child: “She was not interested in playing pranks or making a scene for us. On the contrary, the baby always tried to support us, and we were often surprised at her insight and how quickly she grew up and became sensible.” This is a quote taken from an interview that the girl’s father recently gave to a famous magazine dedicated to Conor McGregor’s last successful fight. Friends who were with the girl at all periods of her life, as well as her parents, speak only positively about Devlin.

The beginning of the story with Conor McGregor

2008 was a significant year for Dee Devlin, because it was from this moment that Dee’s beautiful love story with the future champion began. That same year, Conor was not yet famous, but was already training. The young people met quite by chance in a nightclub and decided to become friends. Friendly communication, which from the very beginning was limited to the couple, after some time grew into love. We can assume that the feelings began with Conor’s passion for boxing, which was successfully shared by his girlfriend Dee Devlin. McGregor has always appreciated and continues to admire women who are able to share the views of their chosen one and support him in all endeavors. And when a representative of the fair sex is interested in hard sports, in his opinion, she simply deserves respect.

The difficult times the couple went through together

Dee Devlin's biography includes a difficult time for several years when Conor McGregor was practically unemployed or receiving no more than 1.5 thousand dollars a year. By Western standards, this figure is unrealistically small, and the amount announced is not enough even for the annual rent for an apartment, not to mention food. By the way, by that time the couple was already living together in a rented apartment in the suburbs of Dublin. During that difficult time, Di Devlin not only earned money to feed herself and her beloved, but also tried never to make ugly scenes for her beloved about this. As McGregor would later tell, Dee Devlin always believed in the man’s bright future, and such support did not allow him to give up and give up in his quest to achieve something more in this life.

Devlin often says that she has never felt unhappy next to her chosen one. It was enough for the girl just to see her boyfriend in order to easily overcome all life's difficulties. She does not hide the fact that she had to be responsible for the well-being of their newly-made family at the initial stage, but this has brought certain results in the present. Dee always knew that Conor would succeed one way or another, but, as she herself admits, she would never have thought that the development of her beloved would be so rapid and so strong.

The ability to help in everything, as my parents taught me

Dee Devlin's biography, which is replete with many sources, includes moments telling about the period when the girl actively helped her chosen one gain and lose weight. Due to the fact that Conor McGregor repeatedly changed the weight category for his fights, he had to meet the necessary parameters. Manipulations performed with weight always require incredible effort from the athlete. Devlin helped her boyfriend calculate the energy value of food, calculated for him proper diet food and packed his bags when McGregor needed to go to another city for competitions.

A fateful victory that changed a couple's life in one second

Soon, glimmers of happiness began to appear more and more often in the biography of McGregor’s girlfriend Dee Devlin. This happened at a time when Conor began to receive victory after victory, attracting the attention of famous and serious rivals. By the way, given the fact that Devlin almost never misses her lover’s fights, Conor McGregor’s fans photograph her with great pleasure. Now a man’s income is growing rapidly from fight to fight. It was this turn of events that served as the reason for Devlin to fully devote herself to her chosen one and refuse work. McGregor's fateful victory in Las Vegas changed the couple's life forever: the girl can now afford designer clothes and diamonds, and Conor sews his own shoes

Living in a perfect world

Conor McGregor and his girlfriend Devlin not long ago pleased their fans with the news that they had changed their carefree status to parenthood. A new date of birth has appeared in the biography of Dee Devlin, which refers to joint child couples. By the way, the birth of an heir became known this year on May 6. The boy, who was named Conor Jack, was born in Ireland in the most ordinary clinic in Dublin. It is worth noting that the couple has not yet legalized their relationship, but this does not stop them from calling each other spouses everywhere. By the way, information has leaked to the press that McGregor and Dee Devlin are planning to get married after the competition, which has already been dubbed the fight of the century." Currently, the fortune of the mixed martial arts star is estimated at a considerable amount ($22 million), and it continues to constantly increase.

Social life

There are some celebrities who do not want to share their successes and personal lives with others. As was mentioned at the very beginning of the article, Devlin was raised in a family where it was not customary for all the ins and outs to be made public. However, times have changed now, and Conor McGregor and Dee Devlin are leading a turbulent social life, telling in social networks and personal blogs about the changes happening to them. So, they were the first to share information about the girl’s pregnancy with their fans, and now they are with great pleasure showing the world how their baby is growing and developing. On McGregor's Instagram page you can often see photos of his son, whom he takes to his training sessions along with his common-law wife.

Finally, I would like to complement this story with the words of Conor: “Di was always interested in my thoughts, training, victories... I didn’t do it myself - we did it together!”

Now he is one of the most notable and discussed fighters performing under the auspices of the UFC, and the first world champion of this organization to win the title in two at once. weight categories. He is known not only for his outstanding abilities, but also for his scandalous antics - Conor will not miss the opportunity before the fight to pour all the dirt on his opponent, insult and humiliate him, and this is a way to sell himself more expensive and draw attention to his own person.

He makes grandiose plans and enjoys his fame.

Conor McGregor's common-law wife went with him all the way to becoming a champion, and the fighter calls her the girl to whom he owes everything.

“Dee was there and believed in me in the most difficult moments, so I owe everything I’ve achieved now primarily to her,” says McGregor.

Dee Devlin always believed in Conor, even when they had to live on his unemployment benefits in a rented apartment.

At the beginning of them life together McGregor was a little-known fighter, and Dee had to work hard to provide for their young family, and for this support Conor is eternally grateful.

The love story of Conor McGregor and Dee Devin began in one of the Irish night clubs, where the aspiring fighter noticed a pretty girl.

They immediately liked each other, and Dee especially liked her new friend’s sense of humor. They started dating and then began to live together.

Di Devin liked the tenacity with which Conor trained, and she believed that such a purposeful and hardworking guy should achieve a lot in the business to which he decided to devote his biography.

And now, when the couple has been together for ten years, Dee continues to be the same devoted and selfless girl as she was at the very beginning of their family life.

“Every day from the moment I started playing this sport, she supported me. She took me to the gym and listened to all my dreams. Dee saved my life. I'm sure I wouldn't have achieved everything if it weren't for her. I do all this for her,” Conor said in one of his interviews.

Now McGregor is one of the highest paid UFC fighters and can deny himself nothing, but at the beginning of his career he and Dee had almost no money at all, and even had to train in the cold in the winter gym, but about becoming UFC fighter, Conor didn’t even dare to dream.

Even then, Di Devin was his most loyal support - she prepared special dishes for him so that he could lose weight, packed his bags and fully provided for his entire life.

Now McGregor’s situation has completely changed, and he is doing everything so that his common-law wife does not need anything.

“Now I make millions of dollars. My fights attract 50-70 thousand spectators. I can afford any car, any clothes, any home. And she deserves all this and more. She’s also always there and says that I can do anything,” says Conor.

Dee left her job and entered her husband's business, handling his finances.

IN free time the couple loves to travel or just go shopping - Conor loves to pamper his beloved with pleasant purchases.

Last year, a happy event occurred in Conor McGregor’s personal life - his wife gave him his first child, whom he decided to name Conor Jack McGregor.

He happily shared his joy with his fans and even posted a photo of his newborn son on social networks.

On Instagram, he immediately created a personal page for Conor Jr., whom he dreams of raising to be a real champion.

McGregor has already planned out his son's entire future and wants to early years start preparing him for participation in mixed fights.

Former UFC champion V lightweight Conor McGregor is ranked 8th among best athletes. However, Russian fans began to be interested in his biography and personal life after he challenged Khabib Nurmagomedov. In addition to his fighting qualities, the Irishman has the ability to attract attention, thereby increasing his fees.

The future champion was born in Dublin on July 14, 1988. From a young age, the boy was drawn to sports, but at first he was interested in football. He was a huge Manchester United fan and played for Luders Celtic. But soon young McGregor became interested in kickboxing, and quickly achieved great success, becoming the national champion among his peers.

Of course, at that time no one in the family predicted a sports career for the guy; they believed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, who worked as a simple plumber. True, after school, Conor made such an attempt and went to study to become a plumber, but quickly realized that this was not his path.

Already at the age of 16, the Irishman began to participate in mixed rules fights, then he was trained by Tom Egan. It is worth noting that the young man’s father was fond of boxing in his youth. Big role in sports biography Conor McGregor was played by his mother. It was she who supported him in difficult moments and convinced him not to give up and not quit. big sport. Now the mother attends all her son’s fights and hugs him after the fight is over.

Start of a sports career

The guy’s first mentor was John Kavan, it was he who inspired the future champion that brilliant people, when they fall, get up and go on training. John accompanied Conor for 10 years.

The fighter’s first serious fight took place in 2007, his opponent was Ciaran Campbell, whom he knocked out within the first 5 minutes. Then the list of victories began: at the Cage of Truth tournament, McGregor defeated Gary Morris, and then Mo Taylor. But there were also defeats; in 2008, the young athlete was unable to defeat the Lithuanian Artemy Sitenkov.

But it all came down to money, his family at that moment was experiencing financial difficulties, and the young man even tried to work as a plumber. But I realized in time that I couldn’t achieve success this way and started intensive training again.

Career peak

Having won 10 fights in mixed martial arts, Conor moved up to featherweight, and soon became the Cage Warriors champion. After such achievements, the UFC management noticed the athlete and signed a contract with him. In the first fight, the Irishman defeated Marcus Brimage.

Professionals believe that McGregor has an unusual fighting style; he can strike powerful blows, both in the head and in the body, and is also able to knock out with both left and right hands.

After defeating Max Holloway, the athlete damaged his cruciate ligament and was out of action for 10 months. And when he returned, he immediately knocked out Diego Brandan with a powerful knockout at UFC Fight Night 46. Then Dustin Poirier, who had never been knocked out before, was defeated.

During his sports career McGregor has been awarded numerous titles:

  • UFC lightweight and featherweight champion;
  • winner of the " Best fight and knockout of the evening";
  • best international fighter of 2014.

Conor suffered his first defeat in 2016 from Nate Diaz, in August of the same year he still defeated him, but the match lasted quite a long time and was very entertaining. And in the fall, having snatched victory from Eddie Alvarez, McGregor became the UFC lightweight champion.

Wife and children

Reading the biography of Conor McGregor, it becomes clear that family occupies a special place in his personal life. He met his future wife Dee Devlin in one of the nightclubs in Ireland. They went through all the difficulties together, the lack of housing and work. Dee has always been his reliable support, as the athlete admits. Despite the lack of money, his wife carefully watched him proper nutrition and provided moral support. Now Conor McGregor's personal life can be called quite successful

When Dee announced her pregnancy in the fall of 2016, the man decided to give up fighting until the baby was born so as not to worry his wife. In May 2017, his son was born. The athlete said that he would start training him right from the cradle, especially since the baby was born quite large, as much as 4 kg.

Conor is an active Internet user; on Instagram he posts photos where he shows off his unusual hairstyle or shows off new tattoos. But he forbids interference in his personal life, especially for those who want to photograph his little son.

On at the moment Fans’ interest in McGregor’s persona is fueled by clashes with the Dagestan athlete Khabib Nurmagomedov; they periodically insult each other. And just recently, Conor and his friends bombed a bus Russian athlete with heavy objects, as a result of which several men received shrapnel wounds.

The Irishman was arrested, but the punishment imposed on him, 5 days of community service and listening to lectures on the topic “How to control your anger,” outraged many.

From latest news It is known that on October 6, 2018, a fight between McGregor and Nurmagomedov will take place in Las Vegas. Bets began to be placed long before the date was announced, and fans differed in their opinions about the outcome of the fight. Most believe that the Russian is in an advantageous position; he is the current champion and trains a lot.

Unlike the Irishman, who has not had a single fight in the last two years. But there are also those who bet on Conor’s signature stand-up punch, it was with this that he knocked out large number fighters. In addition, the Irishman is very cunning psychologically and knows how to put pressure on his opponent.

Irish mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor spoke about his difficult path to success and the invaluable support from his beloved Dee Devlin.

“We’ve been together for 8 years. We lived in Ireland, thirty kilometers from Dublin, in a rented apartment on an unemployment benefit of 188 euros. I didn’t have a job because I spent all my time in the halls.

I believed that I would definitely become a champion. And she always believed in it, and she believed in me. Despite the lack of funds, she tried to make sure that I ate properly and always followed a daily routine, for this she gave all of herself. Coming home tired after exhausting training, she always told me: Conor, I know you can do anything!

Now I make millions of dollars. My fights attract 50 - 70 thousand spectators. I can afford any car, any clothes, any home. And she deserves all this and more. She’s also always there and says that I can do anything.”

Mixed martial arts
Ultimate Fighting Championship
UFC Featherweight Champion (current)
Interim UFC Featherweight Champion (One time)
Winner of the " Best knockout pm" (one time) vs. Marcus Brimage
Performance of the Night Award winner (four times) vs. Diego Brandan, Dustin Poirier, Dennis Siefer, Chad Mendes
Winner of the "Best Fight of the Night" award (one time) vs. Jose Aldo
Cage Warriors Fighting Championship
CWFC Featherweight Championship (One Time)
CWFC Lightweight Championship (One Time)
Best International Fighter of the Year (2014)
Fighter of the Year 2015 according to ESPN, FOX.BT SPORT, MMA FIGHTING, YAHOO, MMA JUNKIE and SHERDOG.

Insignificantly little is known about the family of 30-year-old Khabib Nurmagomedov: married, two children (a boy and a girl), a father-coach, and at least a zealous attitude towards religion. Among fans of the Dagestan athlete, discussing his family is considered bad manners, but among people far from Muslim customs, the personality of his wife is of genuine interest. On the topic “Who is Khabib’s wife?” there are many clickbait videos and photoshopped photographs, but all the girls captured in the photographs with Nurmagomedov are either his fans, or relatives, or... Olga Buzova. Seriously, several Western publications immediately presented the singer and star of “House-2” as Khabib’s missus, simultaneously admiring her beauty.

In fact, the name of the chosen one of the main Dagestani on the planet is guarded more carefully than the secret of Caucasian longevity. Almost the only photographs of the girl published in the public domain are wedding ones, where the only visible parts of her body can be found are hands holding a bouquet: according to local tradition, the bride’s face is hidden behind a thick veil, and she spent the entire ceremony sitting at the head of the table with groom By the way, the second photo became a real meme, thanks to humorous comments like “Find the wife in the photo.”

Mrs. Nurmagomedova, according to Khabib himself, does not have her own business and does not go to clubs and boutiques, despite her big name and her husband’s good fees. She doesn't even attend his fights - supposedly for sporting reasons. Her life is entirely devoted to raising children and home life. The fighter adheres to the same confidentiality policy in relation to his children - daughter and son. For this reason, it is very difficult to trust information about his personal life that appears on the Internet. The only thing you can be sure of is that Khabib has only one wife. At least for now. Nurmagomedov’s father and coach Abdulmanap reminded reporters about the possibility of marrying four women in an interview, saying that it is customary for them to have at least two wives in their family.

Khabib’s behavior on social networks, in relation to personal space and at press conferences before the main fights of his career - all this is consistent rhetoric based on unshakable faith and at least the outward thoughtfulness and wisdom that Nurmagomedov tries to demonstrate in any situation (just remember the attack Conor on his bus or provocations at a press conference). One can only guess: is this a filigree image or is Khabib like that in real life, outside of inquisitive lenses and tricky questions.

Conor McGregor appears completely different, both in public behavior and in relation to his family. The eccentric and eccentric Irishman is ready to put on a show anytime, anywhere. It’s worth at least looking at his behavior on the first one to understand: he is a born showman and a real bad guy. However, sometimes revealing details of his personal life or sharing family photos, Conor himself reveals himself from the other side: as an exemplary family man and the sweetest dad. Yes, in creepy tattoos and with a brutal beard, yes, all in gold, like Brad Pitt’s character from the movie “Snatch,” but apparently Conor is still a person - even seemingly with a soul and heart.

A plumber's profession, incipient alcoholism and an unemployment benefit of $180 - you may not believe it, but this is what it looked like track record McGregor 10 years ago. Then he met his future love - the beautiful Dee Devlin; he met, of course, in a nightclub. She was not afraid of Conor’s poverty and vague future, and soon the couple got married. Recalling those years, the fighter himself admits that Dee essentially supported them, so now he pays her a karmic favor. In 2017, practically on their wedding anniversary, Devlin presented her husband with the main gift - a son. Already during the boxing match between the new father and Mayweather, mother and baby supported McGregor at the ring.

Now the other half is not only raising little Conor Jack and supporting her husband, but is also involved in creating a family budget. The athlete himself jokes that the girl is always nearby because she “collects checks” for the big spender Conor. In fact, Dee probably has extraordinary accounting skills, since he manages all financial flows: in addition to earnings from the octagon, Conor’s bank account is replenished from contracts with Bud Light, Reebok and Monster Energy. This year, a true Irishman presented the world with his creation: Proper Twelve whiskey, produced at the family distillery Erie Born Spirits. By the way, McGregor donates part of the proceeds from sales ($5 from each bottle) to charity.

Another interesting topic: how does Devlin feel about the rather unchaste media image of Conor? The MMA star, a regular guest at wild parties and parties of stars of various sizes, is not particularly worried about incriminating evidence popping up on the Internet. You don't have to be a private detective to spot Conor in the arms of models and strippers. Either Dee is completely devoid of jealousy, or she has very strong nerves. One way or another, I want to believe that everything will be fine with this couple: their love story seems so cinematic and beautiful.