How to withstand a blow to the face. How to take a hit, or how mentally tough are you in life? Factors that can be changed

Have a defensive fighting style. Have protection.

1. Nice block(Winky Wright, Canelo Alvarez, Alexander Usik) - there are some patterns there. To make the block good, you need to imagine that you are holding binoculars. Watch the fights of these boxers and after a while it will dawn on you.

2. Dodges and dives (Canelo Alvarez, Floyd Mayweather, Vasily Lomachenko) - after an attack you must have a defensive action, and while defending you must also counterattack. I will not describe the technique of inclines, since there is a huge amount of material on YouTube.

3. Headmoving (Canelo Alvarez, Floyd Mayweather, Muhammad Ali) - if you attack using headmoving (head movement), then you have almost no risk of running into a counterattack. In the GGG-Canelo fight, both fighters successfully softened blows with head movement when defending. In the Ali-Frazier fight, Ali successfully softened Frazier's left hook by turning his head.

4. Legs, sense of distance (Floyd Mayweather, Lomachenko, Lennox Lewis, Andre Ward) - you need to control the center of the ring so that you don’t get cornered or pinned against the ropes. Skillfully use the clinch, that is, tie up your opponent. Floyd and Andre do something like a pass to the feet (lean in right side and get closer), Lomachenko does not allow himself to be driven into a corner or to the ropes using his signature move, side step, Lennox skillfully used the clinch (he sharply approached when he was at the ropes).

5. Use safe attacks. For example: deuce to the body with a detour (head, body), feint with the right (weight is transferred to left leg) and a left uppercut (hook) on a jump, a jab to the body, a Robinson jab (it’s like you’re hitting the body with a hook, but you’re attacking the head), etc.

To answer the question directly, then you need to train vestibular apparatus . For example: he spins around himself and then shadowboxes, somersaults forward, somersaults back. Then you need to shake your neck, if you study the anatomy of a knockout, you will see that a knockout occurs due to the fact that the brain hits the walls of the skull and an explosion of energy occurs, which cuts out the light. Neck muscles Don't let the blow concuss your brain. To train your neck, you need to approach the process with caution, as you can easily damage it. cervical region. A wrestling bridge will help you pump up. There is nothing better than this exercise, Alas. Someone will tell you that he killed his cervical spine, so you need to warm up normally and give a normal load. First you swing with your hands, then without your hands, then you do a transfer, etc. BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS, THE ABILITY TO HOLD A PUNCH WITH EACH MISSED PUNCH DECREASES, SO, AS I WRITTEN ABOVE, YOU SHOULD HAVE A PROTECTIVE STYLE AND MISS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, if you want to know more, find the group on VK MMAtica, there is a lot of incredible stuff there useful information. Everything is there top level. It seems to me even in America, where prof. boxing and MMA were born and exist, there is not as much information as in this group. I hope I answered your question, if not, I will be happy to answer your questions.

As we have already said, according to boxers, the concept of “being able to take a punch” includes two aspects, which we will now discuss.

Ability to defend yourself

The chin should be lowered to the chest, and the back hand should be brought to the jaw. As a result, you will be able to avoid the shock of missed shots. This is due to the fact that the jaw is lowered and supported by the hand. Elbow joints should be pressed tightly to the body to protect it from the opponent’s blows.

If you miss a blow to the lower and middle sections of the body, the consequences can be quite serious. For example, a blow to the liver can cause not only acute painful sensations, but also cause a sharp drop in blood pressure. If an accentuated blow is delivered to the spleen area, then there is a high risk of internal bleeding. It is quite obvious that the kidneys will also react negatively to missed beats.

Ability to soften the blow

There are several ways to minimize the damage from a missed hit:

  1. If you were unable to avoid an enemy attack, you can expose your forehead to the attack. To do this, tilt your head slightly down, but not too much, to keep your opponent in your field of vision. Missed attacks to the forehead are less dangerous compared to the jaw or nose. However, this defense strategy can hardly be called optimal, since in any case you will receive a minor concussion. Among famous boxers Most often, Evander Holyfield defended himself in this way.
  2. To neutralize the force of an enemy's attack, you can perform a movement by turning your head in the direction of the blow being inflicted on you. Muhammad Ali and James Toney were famous for this skill. The ideal option should be considered the movement that is performed at the moment of contact of the hand with the jaw. The attack appears to have achieved its target, but no physical damage was caused. It is quite obvious that this skill develops over years. It is very important to have a good sense of distance. If you have this, then you have received the answer to the question of how to learn how to take a punch in boxing and on the street.
  3. Softening the blow due to tension in the muscles of the neck and trapezius. If these muscles are well developed, then you can absorb your opponent’s attack. Moreover, this happens automatically without the participation of your consciousness. The only conditions are the need to constantly keep the enemy in sight. You must remember that the most dangerous attacks are those that are not visible. In addition, it should be noted that this method is most effective with uppercuts and direct strikes. If a side attack is delivered to the jaw, then it is not possible to absorb it. Among famous athletes this method was actively used David Tua, as well as Ray Mercer.
Today they often talk about the role of genetics in a particular sport. We will also do our part and note that the ability to take a blow also depends on various innate qualities, for example, the thickness of the skull bones. Body type, neck length, etc. Perhaps the last point confuses someone, but in practice this is what happens.

The shorter a boxer's neck, the less likely he is to be knocked out. The psycho-emotional state is also of certain importance. Athletes who always try to work as number one are able to more easily withstand an opponent’s attacks compared to calm athletes.

Scientists have found an explanation for this phenomenon, and it turns out that it’s all about the high concentration of male hormone and adrenaline. The higher the level of these hormonal substances, the faster you will be able to fight and not pay attention to missed blows and damage. However, pain will not be completely eliminated, but will appear after the fight. Also, after the concentration of these hormones drops above, you will experience a feeling of emptiness.

How to learn to take a punch in boxing and on the street - techniques

We said above that one of the ways to soften an enemy’s attack is to expose the forehead to the blow. Using this technique, you can even break your opponent's arm and incapacitate him, which is very useful in street fight. However, you must understand that you will have to train for a long time. If you want to know how to master punching in boxing and on the street, get ready for some hard work.

Technique of breaking the striking hand

Let's look at this technique in more detail, because in the right hands it can be very effective. However, otherwise it can bring a lot of trouble. Of course, you can hope that your opponent does not have a well-placed shot. In such a situation, everything is quite simple. However, you don’t need to rely only on chance and start training.

It is quite obvious that you should not have problems with your head. As mentioned above, although the forehead is less vulnerable than the nose or jaw, you will still receive a minor concussion. First, you should master the hitting technique well, and also learn how to tolerate mild to moderate concussions. Only after this can you begin to study the skill of breaking the attacking hand.

Note that you should use this technique only if you do not have time to defend yourself in any other way. It is quite simple to learn and it’s all about the vectors of force application. To master it, you will need to do regular training. Let's move directly to the technique itself:

  1. You should be positioned relative to the enemy at a distance exceeding the length of his arms by 3–5 centimeters.
  2. Watch out for attacks aimed at the face.
  3. Squat down sharply, thereby substituting your forehead instead of your jaw (nose).
  4. Then it is necessary to monitor the moment the fist touches the forehead, at which the energy of the blow has not yet been transferred to the brain. As soon as this happens, sharply move your head forward and down in the direction of the bend of the hand. If the opponent's fist is fully extended, the blow will be directed downward and forward. When the fist is not completed and is directed to the left, then your blow is to the right, forward and down.
  5. If everything was done correctly, then you can completely incapacitate the enemy or leave.
The fist will break because it bends sharply in the direction of the natural bend line. By and large, this injury is a joint dislocation, not a fracture. However, after this, the enemy will definitely lose the desire to continue attacking you.

Among the nuances of the technique, we note the same vectors and direction of application of force. If the blow was direct, and you simply met it with your forehead, then there will be no fracture, but only a bruise. To achieve this goal, the head must move not only down and forward, but also towards the bend of the fist.

Although in such a situation your opponent will also be bruised, your damage will be more serious. Essentially, about 90 percent of the attack's force is transmitted to the brain, to which your header should also be added. You must remember that moving in the direction of the bend line of the attacking arm is extremely important.

You can avoid trouble if the blow did not hit the center of the head, but tangentially. As a result, you will not only easily endure the blow, but the risk of injury to your opponent will also increase. You can see for yourself that this technique is quite simple and it will take you several months to master it. However, training should be regular.

But this is not possible without a few nuances. This technique cannot be used in three cases:

  • the enemy has a well-placed blow;
  • brass knuckles are put on the hand or other means are used to strengthen the fist;
  • The opponent's body weight is large.
In the first case, you will be able to counter the same delivered headbutt. In the second case, it is absolutely forbidden to expose your head, as you will have serious problems. If you are attacked by an armed attacker, then use any available means for self-defense.

With the weight of the enemy’s body, everything is somewhat more complicated, because to shift the attack vector you may simply not have enough own weight. You can, of course, try to strengthen the head blow. But this is quite dangerous, first of all, for you. Be that as it may, before using the attacking fist breaking technique, you must evaluate the possible losses on each side.

It is quite obvious that the enemy should be hit harder. With a certain degree of probability, it can be said that you will have a concussion. The situation is similar with the attacker’s fist. You must evaluate how profitable such an exchange will be.

Strengthening the neck muscles

We continue to tell you how to learn how to take a punch in boxing and on the street. Well-pumped neck muscles can absorb the force of an attack. If you can find a lot of information on the Internet about the rules for training the main muscle groups, then the situation with the neck is different.

It should also be noted that these muscles will help you apply more swipe head, the technique of which we described a little higher. Use during training elastic bandage, having previously secured both ends. The head is positioned in the center and you should begin to tilt your head using only the strength of your neck muscles.

Fill your fists

The ability to defend yourself will certainly be useful to you, but since ancient times it has been known that the best defense is an attack. If you want to successfully resist attackers in a street fight, then you should prepare yourself for active action. To do this, you first need to fill your fists. To solve this problem, you can use a sandbag or a pole pre-tied with fabric.

Start striking one by one, but not very hard. Your fists are not ready for them yet, and you clearly don’t need a fracture. Note that the movement of the hand should begin from the belt. Gradually increase the force of the blows, and the surface of the object should become increasingly hard. Every day you should strike one hundred blows with each hand.

Use dumbbells

With the help of this sports equipment you can not only pump up your muscles, but also work well on your punch. Bend slightly knee joints, hold dumbbells in front chest. Start imitating the blows one by one. A total of 50 to 80 repetitions should be performed. Remember that the weight of the dumbbells should be gradually increased.

The art of winning in battle cannot be mastered quickly. However, if you practice regularly, you will definitely achieve your goals. You should also work on your psychology, because fear can become a more dangerous enemy than an attacker.

How to properly take a punch and relax during a fight or fight, see below:


  1. Introduction
  2. Ability to defend yourself properly
  3. Ability to soften missed blows
  4. Conclusion


Concept good boxer inseparable from the concept take a hit. The outcome of a fight often depends on the ability to withstand an opponent’s attack, endure and work on reflexes. Many boxers, as they gain experience, acquire ability to take a punch. This skill includes two aspects that harmoniously complement each other.

Ability to defend yourself properly

With your chin down towards your chest, you should keep your back hand near your jaw. This will avoid shock from missed blows to the jaw. Since a glove pressed to the jaw and a lowered chin level out this area.

Elbows should be kept tightly pressed to the body. In order to avoid. Missed strikes on the lower and middle floors can lead to a variety of consequences. An accentuated blow to the liver can answer you with unbearable acute pain and depression blood pressure. A missed blow to the spleen leads to the possibility of serious internal bleeding. And systematic kidney injuries increase the chance of developing kidney failure.

In addition, you should never forget about it, which will protect your head, and about the mouth guard, which will not allow your lips to turn into rags.

Ability to soften missed blows

There are several ways to minimize the damage caused by missed ones:

  • If you fail to block or block your opponent's attack, there is a frontal head option. While tilting your head slightly forward, you should not lower it too low, losing sight of your opponent. Strikes to this area are less dangerous than strikes to the jaw, nose or eyes. But it’s fair to note that this is still not the most The best way protection, because a blow to the head, no matter what part it lands in the first place, is a microconcussion. A bright representative This manner of defending oneself is .
  • Another option for leveling blows is to move and turn your head in the same direction as the blow. A good example of such skill would be,. The ideal movement is considered to be made almost at the moment of contact with the glove. The blow, visually, seems to have passed, but there was no damage. To master this method, you need to be able to sense the distance; this can take more than one year of hard training.
  • Softening shock by tightening the neck and trapezius muscles. Developed trapezius and neck muscles are able to absorb the striking force of the enemy. This happens involuntarily, but for the reflexes to work, you must always keep your opponent in sight. After all, the most dangerous blows in boxing are the blows that the athlete does not see. This method is applicable, for the most part, only against and, but against the jaw it will be ineffective. Examples of boxers who can absorb blows by tensioning the corresponding muscles are the following: famous people, like , and Ray Mercer.

In addition, a huge role in the ability to take a punch is played by the athlete’s heredity, so to speak, his natural data: body type, thickness and size of the skull, neck length (the shorter, the less chance of being knocked out), predisposition to certain diseases that may develop due to missed hits. The emotional state is also important. Boxers who are accustomed to working aggressively as number one can more easily withstand an opponent’s blows than calm boxers. The reason lies in the level of testosterone and adrenaline in the blood. The higher this indicator, the longer you can fight for high speeds, regardless of the blows missed and not taking into account the received ones. Whether it's a broken finger, a broken arm or a broken nose. Pain, along with exhaustion and fatigue, will come after the end of the fight.


To summarize, we can say that even if you do not have pronounced natural abilities, a lot can be achieved with sweat and blood, through hard training. History knows many high-level boxers who are not endowed with any special natural abilities. Skill always comes with experience. Keep the blow and !

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That's all for me. See you on the pages of my blog.

We wish you success!

It doesn't matter how you hit. The most important thing is what kind of blows you can take.

Muhammad Ali

Boxing Psychology

When you come to the boxing gym, you should understand perfectly well that you will not be patted on the head here. You have to be prepared for the fact that you have to become stronger. Not only physically, it is a special sport. Not just by will. You must be able to endure constant pain, for the sake of victory, for the sake of the goal, in order to become a real boxer - a Champion.

Features of this sport

In football you have to run a lot, sometimes push, sometimes endure tackles. In hockey you wear a bunch of uniforms, your opponents are constantly teasing, pushing, and engaging in power struggles. But in boxing there are only two fists and two targets - the head and the body. That is, when you enter the ring, you understand that YOU ARE SOMEONE'S TARGET. This is the most important difference between boxing and other sports and martial arts.

What to do to learn how to take a punch in boxing?

In boxing, you are taught not so much to take a punch as not to miss it. After all, in reality, boxing is a sport in which one is best taught to protect the head. However, there are situations when you still miss a shot. A purely internal setup will help here. It’s good if before boxing you had experience in combat practice, for example, on the street, when you had to overpower yourself in order to resist stronger or more cocky opponents.

Roughly speaking, the ability to take a blow is the ability to continue to fight, despite the battle, a running nose, a swollen eye and nausea. This is an internal overcoming of fear. Therefore, it is better to get into a boxing section like ours in Butovo, with good athletes. Know that you will be beaten. But how you deal with this will directly determine your ability to withstand blows in the future, not only in boxing, but also in life!

How to take a hit, or how mentally tough are you in life? Reviewed by Vladislav Chelpachenko on Jul 12 Rating: 5.0

Hello, dear friends!

Are you achieving your goals? Or is something bothering you? How not to give up and take the blow in life?

I will answer these questions in this article, and also give several techniques for developing vital endurance.

What determines your vitality?

The success of any person is determined by how he handles the blow. Can he withstand difficulties, see opportunities in them and remain open to new things? Ask yourself this question, are you holding a blow in your life or are you desperate, looking for someone to blame, scolding new laws? Perhaps look for people to whom you vent your problems and how unfair the world is to you? Watch TV and are worried about foreign policy events? The ruble exchange rate terrifies you, and you don’t know how to live now? And all this seems like a normal state of affairs in your life? Then you should close this article and continue to suffer.

But if something inside tells you that the presence of a huge amount of negativity in your life is not normal, then keep reading! The fact is that most people waste their time on things that do not lead them to results, but only steal time. For example, TV. Can you right now somehow radically influence the situation with the ruble or with starving children in Africa? Most likely no. Then you shouldn’t waste time and attention on such things. Take care of yourself, you are what you can influence today.

One of the main criteria is endurance. Can you keep yourself in good shape and not leave your life on autopilot? This depends on the following criteria:

  • Target. Do you have anything to strive for? Without a goal, it is impossible to develop, since it is unclear why and where. No motive.
  • Actions. Are you doing anything to achieve your goal? Why haven't you achieved what you want yet? Do anything, a child falls 100 times before he learns to walk.
  • Openness. Opportunities surround each of us, and we need to be able to take advantage of the chance, the same will never happen again. Be open to new people, events and other messages from the universe.
  • Hold the blow. Daily. It is necessary to constantly take actions leading to your goal, no matter what. Find at least 5 minutes every day; one missed day will set you back a week.

You are open, so you see opportunities around you, take them, act in accordance with your goals constantly, which ensures results.

Endurance can only be developed through constant, daily action. While we are developing this skill, you are also reinforcing good habits, that is, you just need to instill them in yourself to get a high level of endurance. I will suggest several ways:

  • Exercise and sports. Your internal endurance depends on the condition of your body. If you are unhealthy, then both energy and desire to do anything disappears. Be sure to keep yours physical fitness in good shape, and daily exercise is an excellent habit for developing endurance and gaining energy for the whole day.
  • Daily. Introduce new habits into your life. Even brushing your teeth every day develops your stamina. Start at least small.
  • Effective time. Find for yourself that period of time in 24 hours in which it is easier and more productive for you to work. Try to perform actions in it that lead you to your goal.
  • Reports. Every day, write a report on your day, this will allow you to take an adequate look at your life and expand your picture of the world. You can read more.

At first you will do even things that do not bring results, but over time you will find a foothold that will allow you to change your life with minimal effort. Good luck in achieving your goals! See you in the next articles.