How to make a fish trap. Fishing with a plastic bottle

Fishing is one of the simplest and most effective ways not to go hungry. People have been fishing for a long time. Today, when technology has stepped far forward, we should not forget about the “primitive” but proven methods of fishing. After all, you never know what situation you will find yourself in.

An ordinary plastic bottle can be used as a material to make a simple, but quite effective fishing tackle. The resulting trap can be used in any corner of our planet where there are rivers. To implement the project you will need to get hold of money plastic bottle(two pieces), a hot glue gun, fishing line or rope, a knife.

It is best to use a five-liter transparent bottle as a basis. First, let's cut it top part. We turn the cut top over and insert it into the base with the reverse side, after unscrewing the lid. Fix the resulting structure with hot glue. You can also use a stationery stapler.

Now you need to make 6-8 holes on each side of the base of the trap. To do this, you can use a soldering iron or a nail heated on a fire. The diameter of the hole is 0.5-1 cm. They are needed in order to pass a current of water through the bottle. Otherwise, the trap may be carried away.

Now we take the second bottle and cut off its neck and cap. We apply it to the base of the trap, draw a circle and cut out the resulting hole with a knife, after which we insert our neck with a plug into it and fix everything with glue. This opening hole will be used to retrieve the catch and place the bait.

Now all that remains is to attach a fishing line or rope to the structure. The trap is ready for use: put the bait and throw it into the water for 15-30 minutes. Remember that the size of the container directly determines the size of fish such a trap can catch.

Here's a couple of videos:

Are you interested? active recreation? Not long ago, which could be the perfect choice for those who prefer a truly hardcore outdoor experience.

An excellent and non-standard version of the top, muzzle, hem (as they call it) - a do-it-yourself fish trap.

It seems to be the simplest, but with some changes from those made from plastic bottles.

You will always catch live bait with this homemade fishing device.

Making your own muzzle trap from PVC bottles for catching fish (live bait)

You will need a couple of 5 liter plastic bottles. They also sell water in the store.

Cut off 1/4 of the distance from the neck of the first bottle. It turns out 2 parts. We cut off the neck of the short part completely (this will allow larger bait fish to pass through).

We cut off the bottom of the second bottle completely, leaving the neck with a lid - we get a through plastic tunnel with a lid.

Now let's connect the long part of the first one to the tunnel. We make it in a circle, where the bottles are connected by holes with a soldering iron. And then we tie and stitch with fishing line.

We turn the short part of the first bottle down with the bottleneck and insert it into our resulting structure.

Using a soldering iron, we make holes in the connection of the funnel and the tunnel next to each other and tighten them with fishing line.

We repeat (making holes and pulling the fishing line together) on all four sides.

We make a lot of holes throughout the form so that water can pass through and tie a good handle to the beginning of the funnel.

Here you have a homemade fish trap with your own hands using available materials.

The video is below to make it clearer.

Homemade fish trap made from PVC bottles – Video

A homemade fish trap, the article briefly describes how to make a fishing “face” from paste material. You'll definitely catch it by ear.

There is a category of people who are ready to live in a natural environment with a minimum of means for survival. There is some extreme in this. And until you try this lifestyle (or game, whichever is more convenient for you), you will not understand all the charm of this way of existence. For example, our team has the most different people: from very young people (18-19 years old), to adults under 60 years old, who occupy almost all social niches in “city” life (students, managers, directors, etc.). But what united us was that several times a year we get together, plan a common route for several days, and hit the road. The main rule that everyone in our group follows is that we get our own food. We take practically nothing with us, only the essentials, since situations are different. So, the ability to get food in the forest or on a pond is the key to survival in a difficult situation. Many people who in ordinary life did not believe in themselves, after such hikes acquire some confidence in their abilities, which as a result affects their future lives.

There are many ways to get food in nature. I will try to tell you a simple method of extraction (capture), provided that you only have a great desire to stay with food, a desire to live, and trees growing nearby (ideally, spruce, pine, etc.). If there are trees nearby, you can build several devices with which you can actually catch fish. I'll tell you only about one thing - about the face. A snout is a fishing trap that is, in general terms, a cylindrical lattice structure with the neck pointing inward. The neck gradually narrows towards the base, not reaching the last by 20-30 centimeters. The fish swims into the neck, gradually moves towards the bottom of the structure, passes through the narrow part, and is no longer able to get out. All a person can do is pull his muzzle out of the water and collect his catch. Under normal conditions, the bottom of the muzzle opens to make it easier to reach the fish, but we will make the muzzle of a more primitive type.

Making a homemade fish trap

So, the first thing you need to do is cut down several young branches that bend well and twist them into a circle. The ends can be tied with thinner branches and pinched into a split. Then, from thinner branches, freeing them from needles or leaves, you need to connect the finished circles to each other so that the distance between them is about 30-40 cm. To give density to the structure, you can use several thick branches, which are secured with thin along round branches . The result should be something like a mesh cylinder, the bottom of which is also covered with thin branches.

Now let's make the neck. To do this, you need to stick several dense sticks into the ground so that near the ground they form a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm, and their top forms a circle comparable to the diameter of our cylinder. After this, thin branches need to be tied around the sticks to form a mesh structure. Special care is not required here, the main thing is that the structure has some strength. When the neck is ready, it is tied with thin branches to the upper part of the cylinder, not forgetting to secure the lower part of the neck to the middle circles of the cylinder. That's it, the homemade fish trap for fishing is ready. Ideally, the muzzle is tied with a rope and thrown into the water. But you can do without a rope, but in this case you will have to climb into the water behind the muzzle to get it. Sometimes we use a pole to get the structure out of the water, it all depends on the situation. Practice shows that such a homemade fish trap catches fish quite well; it only needs to stay in the water for about 3-10 hours. For those who are interested in the topic of survival, this skill will be interesting and useful; the diagrams for making a trap are just below.

All the best to you.

You can find a plastic bottle in every home. For some it is nothing more than trash, but for others it is a useful item. Everyone can find a special use for it. Various fakes are made from them for children: bird feeders and flower stands. You can make a lot of useful little things from a plastic bottle; it just takes a little time, patience and creativity.

Even fishermen have found a use for it. Some designs that have been tested in practice are readily shared in this article.

Plastic bottle while fishing

Fishing requires a huge number of special devices, which, by the way, are quite expensive. Therefore, a 1.5 - 2 liter bottle will help you save significantly.

Bottle - anchor

If you plan to go fishing on a boat, you will definitely need an anchor, and sometimes two, to keep the boat stationary. In such cases, one anchor is installed on the bow of the boat and, accordingly, a second one is installed on the opposite one. If there is a problem with the anchors, then a plastic bottle will come to the rescue. In a few minutes you can make a fake from it that will serve as an anchor.

To do this: we make two holes in the lid, thread a thick rope or thick wire, make a loop, and fasten it with a knot from the outside. Fill the bottle with sand, small pebbles, and you can add water. Screw the cap onto the bottle. We tie a rope to the loop required length. ready.

Tackle - trap

The next invention is a fish trap. Fishermen have been using this kind of gear since ancient times. You can lure small fish into such a device, which are useful when catching larger specimens with live bait. It’s easy to make: cut off the neck approximately half the length of the bottle, get a funnel, turn it over and install it in the body so that the neck coincides with the middle of the bottom of the bottle. We tightly connect the resulting parts. To do this, you can use a soldering iron or, if you are already outdoors, carefully walk along the edge with a hot coal.

You need to pierce small holes along the entire length of the bottle to allow water to drain. We make 2 holes along the edges to fix the handle; it can be made from any available rope. We pass it through the holes and secure it with knots. Inside we place some sand for weight and bait. Having noticed the delicacy, the fry will penetrate inside through the neck.

Feeder made from a plastic bottle for fishing

It’s not a fancy fishing exhibit, but it’s a very necessary one – a feeder. There are several ways to make it from a plastic bottle.

First: “The lid is a feeder.” You will need a lid, a lead washer for the sinker, a carbine, several hooks and fishing line. We make a hole in the center of the lid and thread the fishing line, tightening the loop on both sides, put a sinker on the outer one, and hooks on the inner one. We fix the weight at the bottom of the lid. This device will serve as a weighting agent and a feeder at the same time. On inner part We lay out the bait, under which the hooks are hidden. We cast and wait for a bite. Such a feeder will be useful when fishing for bream, carp, and roach. Corn, dough, pasta or maggots are perfect for bait.

The second manufacturing method is as follows: cut off the bottom and neck of the bottle. We cut the resulting cylinder crosswise and mark the location of the feeders with a marker. Cut holes according to the marks. Fold the cylinder, secure the edges, you can use a soldering iron for this. According to the dimensions of the resulting structure, we bend the lead plate at the bend and tighten the fastening unit. The feeder is ready.

Making a muzzle or, as it is otherwise called, a fish trap is not as difficult as it might seem. In addition, this can be done absolutely from improvised means and almost absolutely free. And you can even make it from one and a half rubles, that is, a plastic bottle. You need to remove the thread from the one and a half shirt and weave a net from it - here you have an almost ready-made muzzle for fishing. All that remains is to come up with a frame for the muzzle and tie and strengthen the whole thing, as well as make an entrance for the fish, as is done on all muzzles, in the form of a tapering hole. Here we will not delve into the creation of the muzzle and all the subtleties of its manufacture, but will simply show what it can be made from using improvised means. So, we wind the chopped thread around this homemade instrument for weaving nets. Next, we make a set of loops on some kind of rope tied into a ring. Well, then everything is according to the picture. We take 1 loop and thread the tool into it and pull it to the ruler.
Hold the thread tension with the thumb of your left hand.
A right hand we tighten the whole thing with a knot, prying it with a tool. See picture.
And we tighten this knot, letting go thumb at the end of the puff.
This is what the tightening field turned out to be. And a new loop formed on the ruler.
Next repeat. New picture, clearer and more understandable. We hook the loop from below with a tool.
We make a knot by inserting the tool again from below behind the loop.
And we tighten it. A set of loops gradually forms on the ruler. And it needs to be reset. And to start a new knitting, put 1-2 loops on the ruler for the convenience of further knitting.
This is roughly what happens.
Here's a mesh, made in haste, not very beautiful, since the one and a half sheet was faceted and the thread was not even. To pull thread from one and a half sheets, that is, cutting, it is advisable to use smooth, not faceted one and a half sheets. Then it will be convenient to weave a network and it will turn out beautiful and cultured.
Well, finishing the topic of weaving a muzzle for catching fish, I’ll add a picture of a muzzle from the Internet. I’ll probably be braiding it by summer, since in winter there’s not much fishing for the muzzle. Well, here the entrance is made from two sides, but you can do it from only one. And to create such a muzzle, we weave a bag using the above method and prepare a frame, for example, from metal wire, or, as was previously done, from the twigs of a willow or willow, or from something at hand, metal hoops, for example. And then we put the prepared mesh bag on the frame and make one or two entrances as in the picture with a tapering conical entrance. That's all the technology for catching fish with a muzzle and its creation.

A simple Vietnamese fishing device made from a plastic bottle (7 photos)

A completely non-standard way for us fishing mastered by the Vietnamese. Of course, these Asians can fish with nets, hooks and fishing rods, however, in this particular case they fish with plastic bottles. A simple design device and fishing method await you further. Further words from the author: Driving across the bridge you won’t immediately notice it. on what kind of revival the level is lower.

They catch fish. It's a common thing in India, too, from bridges they catch fish with a fishing line tied to their finger. At first I thought they were using the same design here.

I approached the guys at the bridge and discovered that they were catching fish in a completely non-standard way, in my understanding. At the end of the fishing line is a cut soda bottle, with the bottom cut off.

There is a sinker at the bottom of the cork, and they pour flour into the bottle itself and mix thoroughly.

Then they throw it down. Judging by the fact that the guys are wearing helmets, they came to quickly catch fish without even taking off their helmets.

They cast the line, the bottle lies sideways on the bottom, wait a few seconds and hook. The catch in the bottle is a palm-length fish.
The catch of one of the bottle fishermen.

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DIY traps for fry

slav21 10-08-2016, 16:10 5 298 Fishing / Traps


At first, fish were caught using a special trap, and only then other fishing gear began to appear. But some fisherman no - no, and will use this ancient, but quite effective method of fishing. Now the main purpose of the trap is to help catch fry. The fact is that after landing on the hook, the fry serves as active bait for predatory fish will not live long, ceases to be active and is of little interest to predators - the fisherman’s main prey. Using a trap, you can prepare significantly more live bait for predatory fish and increase the results of catching large specimens several times.

DIY fish trap.

The trap must be made in such a way that if it falls into it, the bait fish cannot escape back. To make a trap, you can use various unnecessary trash. Although this is unfortunate, now on the shore of any body of water you can easily find a storage area for plastic bottles and use it to make a trap. You will also need twine, wire and fishing line. An excellent solution would be to use a bottle of lean unrefined oil - there is no need to rinse it, since the smell of the oil is already good bait for the fish.
1. At a third of the height of the bottle, the neck is separated and inserted with the neck inside the bottle. Both parts of the bottle are fastened together with wire at three to four points. To quickly plunge our product into the abyss of water, we make many small holes. We put a crust of bread, potato peelings, a weight inside and tie a cord or twine. We throw the trap into the pond and fasten the cord to the shore with the words: “Catch a big fish and even bigger ones.”
2. A mesh with a cell size no larger than 1 cm is stretched over the prepared frame.
3. For this type of trap, you can use a metal mesh.
Two funnels are made from the same mesh. The funnels need to be secured on both sides of the box. The narrow ends of the funnel should face the inside of the box. The most optimal bait (oil cake, potato peelings) is placed in the trap. The prepared mesh box can be immersed in a pond


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How to make a do-it-yourself fishing muzzle from a bottle

Nowadays, fishermen use a variety of improvised or unnecessary things for this purpose.

Some fishermen weave traps from wicker, others use various nets stretched over a wire frame, and still others use plastic bottles as traps. A person’s living space is literally crammed with plastic bottles of various shapes and capacities. From such bottles you can very easily build a simple but effective fish trap. It is worth catching tops with the use of bait, collecting trusting fish by its smell.

The same top, only with wings spaced at a wide angle close to degrees, is called winged or venterem. This fish trap is used mainly for catching live bait: It is a net stretched between the ends of four or two crossed wire arches. At the top, the wire arcs are interconnected and attached to a long pole-handle. The mesh bends down by centimeters, forming a kind of sides to hold the fish. Fish traps, like other gear, can be purchased at a specialty store, but many anglers prefer to make them themselves. This is less expensive in a financial sense, gives pleasure from creativity and brings the joy of catching fish with homemade gear. Moreover, today there are plenty of materials for making tops: If you are going to catch a predator with live bait, and you urgently need to catch crucian carp in a nearby pond, then you can easily make a versha with your own hands from a plastic bottle with a volume of five liters or more.

  • Do-it-yourself fish traps - manufacturing methods
  • Here is the procedure for making such gear. Rudd, asp, perch and pike perch are easily caught this way. You can attract any fish to your face without special effort bait. The bait most often used is bread, dough, crumpled potatoes, cake, minced fish or its remains, cottage cheese, and many people also use thickened blood.

    It should be remembered that many fishing traps, including snouts, are classified as poaching equipment and their use is prohibited on some reservoirs. Now only mine bites! I caught this pike using a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and no more looking for excuses for your bad luck!

    It's time to change everything!!! The best bite activator of the year! Leave this field empty. The detained poachers confessed and told the secret of their good bite. Fish inspectors did not find any prohibited equipment. Home About the project Contacts Home About the project Contacts. Home Fishing Muzzle for fishing. The size of the muzzle depends on the size of the expected catch.

    It can be of different sizes: Its usual length reaches 4 m, and the wingspan can reach 8 m, the length of the inner basket is 0.7 m. The design of the muzzle, for the convenience of pulling out prey, has windows with doors on the side walls. If the size of the trap is large enough, then the caught fish can be obtained through the hole in the fishing cone. The main reason for such a negative attitude towards the use of traps is the sharp decline in the number of fish species. IN at the moment modern fishermen have just improved it a little this method, and now he looks a little different. Each bottle consists of a neck, which must be cut off with scissors. You need to cut it at a distance of one third of the length of the bottle, as a result of which you will get a large funnel.

  • How to make a muzzle for fishing with your own hands, buy it, bait for a muzzle
  • The bottle, which has a volume of more than 5 liters, has very thick plastic, and the neck itself is 2 cm wide. To make the bait really practical and effective, you will also need an awl and fishing line for this task. Using an awl, you need to pierce a hole along the edge of the funnel and the vessel, and also sew an upside-down funnel inside the bottle. As a result of this, you will have an entrance that will definitely help you catch the victim and enjoy the catch. It is necessary to make several holes in the body itself, which will allow water to pass freely. You also need to thread this hole with a nylon cord, using which you can remove the trap from the water. Professional fishermen very often pour pebbles inside the bait, in the form of bait or weights. For nimble minnows, tasty and aromatic porridge can serve as bait, and perches will happily enjoy bloodworms. Every fisherman has probably seen such strange structures. They consist of wire or fittings, and a network. These two reinforcements hold the network in the form of a wall. A thick fishing line is tied at the corners, which can withstand kg. In the center of the bait there is a box feeder, it contains small holes that gradually wash out the bait. You can also select screens that consist of several walls. The fish passes inside along the outer wall, and the small net blocks the movement, so the fish simply cannot return back. It will try to turn around, move in the opposite direction, and as a result of this it will only get confused and remain in your bait.

    This type It is very difficult to call bait perfect and practical when it comes to large catches, but it is possible to catch the right amount for dinner. Initially, she had no differences from Russian cats. To do this, I decided to use paracord, which is always present in my emergency kit. Instead, you can use natural fibers, fishing line, shoelaces or part of your clothing. Paracord, parachute line, English cord. However, in the field, the paratroopers found many options useful application similar rope.

    DIY fish traps - types of traps, how to make them from a bottle

    Currently, paracord is used as a universal device by both military personnel and civilians. Kernmantle rope is a modern rope with a load-bearing core of bundles of continuous nylon fibers surrounded by a woven protective layer. To easily remove one strand, simply tie it to a tree branch and pull it towards you, as shown in the picture. Pass the string through the holes made in the plastic bottles so that both parts of the bottle fit securely against each other. Leave the end of the paracord long enough to tie the trap to brush or rock along the shoreline. With a little effort, you will have a compact plastic device for effective fishing small fish up to cm. Try to place the device in narrow areas of the river flow - on natural way fish movements. If you slightly increase the number of traps to pieces or more and leave them for the whole day, then you can quite count on an additional source of energy rich in proteins and amino acids to maintain strength and morale for a long period of time.

    To remove fish from the trap, just unscrew the lid of the main section so that the catch can easily fall out. Replace the lid and the trap is ready to use again! That's what two bottles were for! The caught fish can be used to hunt larger ones or as bait for scavengers such as raccoons. And of course, even small fish will be excellent food for survival. In any case, I am of the opinion that one fish in hand is better than two in the river. Anyone can make a trap out of plastic bottles. And who knows, maybe someday it will save your life...