What perfect legs. Is it possible to fight false curvature of the legs?

Slender legs are the dream of all women in the world. But not everyone can boast of such luxury. Hence the embarrassment, complexes, meticulous selection of suitable clothes, etc. Not really slender legs- this is not a sentence. Rather, it is a small drawback, which in most cases can be completely eradicated.

What is the shape of your legs?

Ideal legs are those that have four points of contact when moving together:

  • the first is in the hips,
  • the second - in the knees,
  • the third - in the middle of the shins,
  • the fourth - in the ankles (heels).

If there is at least one deviation, then we turn to the following qualification:

  • Shape X - legs have touching points at the hips and shins.
  • Form O - the legs do not touch either at the shins or knees, only at the ankles (heels).

In order to determine the shape of your legs, you need to stand in front of the mirror with your legs closed so that you feel comfortable. If all four points of contact are clearly visible in the mirror, then the legs can safely be considered exemplary. In the case of partial contact, first of all, excessive fatness, thinness, or incorrect location of adipose tissue should be excluded. If none of these reasons are suitable, then there is a false curvature on the face.

The cause of true curvature is the incorrect structure of the bones, as a rule, these are congenital injuries, previous bone diseases and other ailments that create a defect in the structure of the skeleton. In this case, correction of the legs is possible only with the help of special surgical operations. With false curvature of the legs, the soft tissues are imperfect. According to statistics, most women are given this diagnosis. In such cases, there are plenty of ways to influence the situation.

Exercises to correct crooked legs naturally

Proper physical exercises performed regularly help to significantly reduce and sometimes completely eliminate false curvature. Moderate physical activity increase muscle mass, which helps get rid of the visual defect and evenly distribute soft tissue over the bone.

If problem area are calves, you should perform the following exercises:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist and rise on your toes 8-10 times. Over time, you can lift with a load.
  2. Perform foot presses on special simulator for legs. You should start with 20 times, gradually increasing the number to 40-60
  3. Run evenly up and down stairs or steps, each step must be carried out by lifting on the toes
  4. Squats 20-40 times.
  5. Flexion and extension of the legs while lying down using a simulator

Doing work on calf muscles, you need to remember: the calves react little noticeably to physical activity. Naturally flat shins can be corrected by 1-2 centimeters. But even this is quite enough to achieve an excellent result.

Their positioning when walking plays a big role in the visual image of the legs. Beautiful, straight legs can be distorted by improper gait. Here you need to pay more attention to how your feet are positioned correctly with each free step, and whether your knees touch when walking. If you pay special attention to your gait and regularly correct your foot placement, it will soon become a habit. You should also watch your posture. Rovnaya beautiful posture and a straight gait will model a more slender, beautiful image.

Exercises to correct curvature of the legs:

  1. Take a lying position, stretch your legs straight. Move them apart, without bending your knees, without lifting them, and return them to starting position. Cross your legs over your legs in the same lying position and bring your feet together. Keep your knees together and apart, your feet should be connected.
  2. While in supine position, bend your knees and begin to spread them to shoulder width and return to their starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. With your knees bent, draw numbers from one to ten in the air. Finally, massage bent legs in the area of ​​the lower leg and thigh.
  3. Sit on the floor and lean on your elbows, continue to spread and bring your legs together different sides, stepping from heel to toe.
  4. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take three slow breaths in and out, and move on to the next exercises. Raise your leg bent at the knee and hug it with both arms. Smoothly lift your foot up and down 10-15 times. Change your leg. After performing the exercise with both legs, do the same, working your toes, being careful not to use your feet.
  5. Get on your knees and slowly slide along the floor, spreading your knees in different directions and bringing them back to the starting position 10-15 times.
  6. Sit on a chair, spread and close your legs, applying maximum resistance with your hands. Perform the exercise 16-20 times.
  7. Sit down and spread your knees as far as possible, while
  8. In this case, the socks should point inward. Stay in this position for as long as possible. Gradually increase the time.
  9. At the end of the workout, begin to walk slowly in place, gradually transitioning to running. Running in place should be measured, breathing should be calm. As soon as the lungs begin to lose rhythm, the exercise should be stopped. Try to increase the load gradually.

When performing this set of exercises regularly, you should remember not to immediately take on the maximum load. Increase the duration, speed and number of exercises gradually. After three weeks of regular training, a clear result will be visible in the mirror. But don’t think that exercise will give you other muscles or bones. High-quality exercise can only correct the shape and slightly increase muscle mass.

Little tricks for false curvature of the legs

Women are endlessly demanding creatures. Therefore, very often, even after visual correction of the shape of the legs, the beauty remains dissatisfied with her own image. In this case, you can try to resort to little tricks when choosing clothes.

  • Legs in the shape of a “P” will help model flared trousers and skirts. You should not dilute your wardrobe with tight silhouettes and items in dark shades.
  • If your legs still vaguely resemble the letter "O", you should avoid knee-length skirts and shorts. Ideal length – to the floor and to the middle of the ankle
  • Those with legs that touch only the knees should cover them. It is also not advisable to give preference to things that are flared from the knee.
  • The following shoes are suitable for almost any type of feet: soft leather, suede, boots with various soft and voluminous decor with small heels. High heels will only emphasize and possibly worsen leg defects.
  • Pants should be chosen from a denser material that holds its shape well and try to exclude chewed and whitened jeans from your wardrobe. But you can wear tights and leggings, but it is better to opt for large geometric or abstract designs.

Nutrition for false curvature of the legs

Beautiful legs need proper nutrition! Indeed, in order for the bone skeleton and muscle mass existed harmoniously, they need proper nutrition. Eating protein, carbohydrates, vitamins groups B, E, as well as the complex minerals will be beneficial correct formation muscle and bone mass.


According to the canons of beauty female beauty, preserved from antiquity, ideally the circumference of the lower leg should be equal to the circumference of the neck, and the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half circumference of the lower leg.

But real experts on the beauty of women's legs believe that perfect proportions figure and legs are not enough: the legs themselves must have the correct shape (the presence of four “windows”) and correspond to 13 parameters. I wonder how many women there are who have ideal legs from this point of view? Hardly. But if you want to test your legs for “perfect perfection”, go ahead!

First of all – “windows”. Place your feet together, they will touch in several places, leaving gaps (“windows”). The correct gaps are between the foot and ankle, above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee at the bottom of the thigh (the latter is the narrowest).

Now sit in front of the mirror with a measuring tape, measure and compare whether your legs meet the 13 standard parameters.

Examine the front of your knee slightly in the mirror. bent state. If it is shaped like a baby's face with bangs, cheeks, dimples for the eyes and chin, consider the first test passed.
Measure the circumference of the place where the knee meets the shin; it should be equal to the ankle or slightly thicker.
A thin, but not skinny (when all tendons are visible) ankle is considered ideal. To evaluate it, look at your ankle in the mirror from all sides.
Look at the side of your knee to see if there are any protruding parts. They shouldn't exist.
Do you have a dimple on the back of your knee? It must be. By the way, many men find this place on a non-female body especially touching.
Assess the condition of the muscles in the calves to see if they interfere with the overall shape of the leg. Neither flabby nor overdeveloped muscles can be considered ideal.
The view of the leg from behind is also very important (men love to look after you). The main thing here is the condition of the Achilles tendon (located where the shin meets the heel). It should be thin and have equal indentations on both sides.
The ideal heel is rounded, not flattened, and slightly protruding. We hope yours is like this.
Closer to the groin, the thigh should thin out quite a bit. You can see this only by standing in front of a mirror and putting your feet together.
Visually divide the thigh from the knee to the groin into three equal parts. The widest part of the thigh is located at the beginning of the upper third.
Consider the thigh in profile; if it is ideal, it protrudes slightly forward, gradually deepening towards the knee. In general, the shape of the thigh should resemble a spindle: narrower at the groin and knee, and wider in the middle.
measure the distance from the top of your leg to your foot. The knee should be positioned exactly in the middle, at the same distance from the top of the thigh and from the foot.
An ideal foot is distinguished by a concave, elongated, thin foot, in which the toes lie side by side freely, they are not twisted or deformed by shoes.
Ideal legs should be in harmony with your figure.

For young women of normal build, the criteria for an ideal combination are as follows:

Height Weight Leg length Thigh circumference Shin circumference
161-165 cm 54-55 kg 84-86 cm 56-57 cm 34-35 cm
166-170 cm 55-56 kg 90-92 cm 57-58 cm 35-36 cm
171-175 cm 60-61 kg 91-94 cm 58-59 cm 37-38 cm

Only a few women can boast of an ideal combination of all the above parameters. For most, there is a “lighter” option for the correct ratio of height and leg length, thanks to which the body looks harmonious and beautiful. In this case, the difference between the length of the legs and half the height for large-boned women should be 2 cm or more, for women of normal build - 4 cm or more, and for thin-boned women - 6 cm or more.

But what if your legs don’t meet all these requirements? Love them as they are. The main thing is that you and the men around you like them. In the end, both the legs and the figure of each woman are as unique as fingerprints or the retina of the eyes: no two are identical, and this uniqueness has its own zest, which must be taken into account.

An example is Tina Turner, who, with a height of 160 cm, physically cannot have long legs, but she has slender, toned legs, she is not afraid, despite her age, to perform in short dresses, and she insured her legs for eight million dollars!

Beautiful legs are expensive and elite. Regardless of what they are wearing: a short skirt, a long dress with a slit or tight pants. You can hide everything and expose only them - and success is guaranteed. It has been statistically proven that men always evaluate female legs, which in short skirt and high-heeled shoes are confusing, causing the stronger half of humanity to lose the power of speech and the thread of conversation. In addition, everyone has long known that men determine the onset of spring by their skirts with “ long legs" Undoubtedly, those with beautiful legs are lucky in life - this is a crushing argument that allows you to wear skirts of any length, shoes of any model, and, of course, bring men with you, forcing you to play by your own rules.

With all this, the concept of “beautiful legs” is very vague, and if you ask any representative of the male half of humanity what it means, most likely you will not get an intelligible answer. Something profound will be said about length and completely forgotten about shape and proportions. What if the length is fine, but your legs are thin or even worse, crooked? Or, on the contrary, thick in the hips and ankles? Or short? Well, in general, if your legs are not very good? Observe from the side how the owners of beautiful and harmonious legs boldly flirt with men in restaurants and discos, while draping themselves in long skirts, wide trousers and struggling with the question: why do I have crooked legs and what to do about it? And, if from the very beginning, how can you determine that something is wrong with your legs?



“The lipofilling operation of the legs went quickly. It was very pleasant that the doctor and staff treated me attentively and attentively. The result made me incredibly happy. I spent the next two weeks in stores, buying skirts and other clothes that weren’t for me before... It was a blast!”

Classification by Artemyev A.A. It is quite simple and accessible, for which it has received recognition among doctors and patients. But, to a greater extent, it is adapted to the needs of traumatologists and orthopedists, taking into account the interests of plastic surgeons to a lesser extent.

In our practice, we often encounter various variants of false curvature of the legs that do not fall within the narrow framework of A. Artemyev’s classification. After analyzing photographs of our patients with false curvature of the legs, we came to the conclusion that there are several options for the distribution of soft tissue in the lower leg area.

Therefore, we have proposed a “contour classification of lower leg deformity”, adapted to the needs of plastic surgery, allowing, depending on the type of distribution of soft tissues, to select the appropriate method of correction.

In addition to true varus and hallux valgus deformity, we have identified 3 more types of false varus and one (4th) type - valgus curvature of the legs in accordance with the structural features of the soft tissues lower limbs.

1 type of false (O - shaped) varus deformity of the lower extremities or curvature of the legs

caused by underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the leg muscles and, as a consequence, a lack (deficiency) of soft tissues in their inner surface.

To correct type 1 false varus curvature of the legs, it is necessary to perform endoprosthetics or lipofilling of the legs to create the maximum volume along their inner surface.

Type 2 false (O-shaped) curvature of the legs or varus deformity of the legs

caused by the peculiarity of the distribution of soft tissues along their inner surface. When enough developed muscles shins, the illusion of curvature of the legs is created due to the lack of soft tissue only in the popliteal part and the ankle area. In such situations, for correction it is enough to perform lipofilling of the popliteal region and ankles, without resorting to a significant increase in the volume along the inner surface of the legs as a whole, for example, using implants.

Type 3 false (O-shaped) varus deformity or curvature of the legs

is also associated with the peculiarity of the distribution of the soft tissues of the legs. In this case, underdevelopment of soft tissues on the inner surface of the legs is combined with excess fat deposits in the hips, knees, as well as on the outer surface of the legs. In this case, for correction it is necessary to combine endoprosthetics or lipofilling of the legs with liposuction of the thighs, the inner surface of the knees and the outer surface of the legs.

Type 4 false curvature of the legs complements the variant (X-shaped) valgus deformity of the legs

With this option, the illusion of curvature of the lower extremities is created due to excess deposition of adipose tissue along the inner surface of the thighs and knees. In this case, there is no curvature of the lower leg bones and no deviation of the mechanical axis. We called this option “false X-shaped deformation.” If the muscles of the legs are adequately developed, then this problem can be corrected using isolated liposuction of the inner thighs and knees. And in case of insufficient volume of the legs, liposuction of these areas can be combined with lipofilling or endoprosthetics of the legs.

Among other things, quite often, there is an asymmetry in the distribution of soft tissues on the right and left shins, which means different types of deformation that require individual surgical tactics. For example, a combination of lipofilling of one leg with endoprosthetics of the other, or the injection of different amounts of fat depending on the severity of asymmetry, etc.

Statisticians claim that 20% of the fairer sex are dissatisfied with their legs: for some they are too thin, for others they seem too full, and some women generally believe that her legs are of the “wrong” shape. And if in the first and second cases most women do not see big problem, then for some bow legs become a real tragedy. In addition, let's not forget that radically changing the shape of the legs alone exercise almost impossible. Therefore, if standing in front of the mirror, you did not see the three treasured windows, you should not worry and exhaust yourself with useless workouts, you just need to make an appointment with an orthopedist or plastic surgeon.

Ideal leg shape

Let us immediately emphasize that perfect shape legs does not exist, just as the ideal does not exist at all. And for every pair of legs there will definitely be a connoisseur for whom your “stilts” will be ideal. But this does not mean that women have nothing to strive for. Harmful scientists still came up with a formula perfect legs so that the ladies do not relax. Here's what researchers on women's legs say:

Ideal female legs, parameters

Beautiful leg length should be no less than half the height. Ideal leg length makes up 51-55% of the body depending on the size of the bones:
- for a wide bone - 51-53% or plus 2-4 cm to half the height,
- normal bone-52-54% or plus 4-6 cm to half height,
- for thin-boned women - 53-55% or plus 6-9 cm to half the height

Hip and ankle circumference should also be harmoniously combined. With a height of 161-167 cm, the volume of the hips and ankles should be approximately 56 cm and 34 cm, respectively, with a height of 168-174 cm - 57 cm and 35 cm, with a height of 175-180 cm - 58 cm and 37 cm.

Ideally slender legs are considered if you can visually draw a straight line from the top of the thigh through the middle of the knee and to the ankle (see picture).

But the legs will not be considered ideal if they are as straight as a stick. There must be a slight curvature, which has its own rules - five points of convergence of the legs (in figure X) and four points of divergence (in figure O)

Five prohibitions on the way to beautiful legs

Taboo 1: You cannot sit on one side of your thigh with your legs on the other side, sit with your legs wide apart or with your legs crossed.
Taboo 2: standing on one leg or standing with crossed legs.
Taboo 3: Always sleep on your stomach or side.
Taboo 4: long walk

Perhaps fortunately, there is no ideal leg shape. And that's good. After all, every pair has its own connoisseur. However, you shouldn’t relax, because there are no limits to perfection. And you are quite capable of making your legs more beautifully shaped, tightening or pumping up muscles, removing excess fat, and tidying up your skin. Moreover, some standards still exist. About them below.

Leg Shape Classification

Scientists have established ideal parameters, at which female legs look stunning. Moreover, their length should be from 51 to 55 percent of height.

More precise parameters depend on such a concept as broad-bonedness:

  • Woman with broad bone– from 51 to 53 percent;
  • with normal bone – from 52 to 54 percent;
  • for thin-boned people - from 53 to 55 percent.

It turns out than thinner bone, the longer the legs. Legs will be considered slender if you can visually draw a straight line through them if you take a segment from the top of the thigh through the center of the knee and to the ankle.

Legs as straight as sticks will also not be considered beautiful. They must have a slight curvature, the so-called points of convergence - in the area of ​​​​the feet, bones, shins, knees and upper thighs, and points of divergence. Therefore, if the owner of straight legs stands in front of a mirror and tries to close her legs, she still will not be able to do this.

She should still have three fusiform lumens. According to the classification of limbs by doctor A.A. Artemyev, which was bred relatively recently in 2001, is divided into four types based on the shape of its legs. We have already mentioned the first.

The second type is true O-shaped curvature. It is formed when bone deformation does not allow a person to close his knees, and there is a continuous gap from his hips to his ankle. They also talk about these - legs like wheels.

The third is false curvature, which is formed due to improper distribution of muscles and meat on the outer part of the lower leg.

And the fourth is the true X-shaped curvature of the legs, due to which, with the hips closed, the ankles cannot be connected.

At the same time, true curvature, the so-called types O and X, can only be corrected using osteoplastic surgery of the joint. And with false curvature, plastic surgeons work who remove the curvature by lipofilling or endoprosthetics of the legs.

Leg shape correction

You've probably already checked your legs in front of the mirror and made sure that you don't have any curvatures, although the length and shape of your legs are far from ideal and leave much to be desired. The length of the legs, of course, cannot be corrected, but it is quite possible to work on the shape without resorting to chiropractors and surgeons.

The shape of the legs depends on the thickness of the bones and development muscular system. We can only influence the muscles. In order to keep them in good shape, you need to move as much as possible, forcing your legs to work.

This could be swimming, running, cycling, walking, climbing stairs or just a set of exercises. And if you introduce dancing or water aerobics into your life, then beautiful shape legs, you will also get a bonus of pleasure from classes. Let's take a closer look at some of the methods.


Adherents of walking encourage everyone to walk more for the benefit of their own health. And they are right. Walking improves blood circulation, enriches the blood with oxygen, and this has a beneficial effect on all human vital systems and organs, without exception. Therefore, just half an hour a day will be a good practice against varicose veins veins, which means it will save your legs from this insidious disease that disfigures the veins.


All types of dances, no matter what you choose, be it ballroom or Latin, strengthen the muscles in your legs, perfect the shape of your calves and ankles.


Water pressure and the horizontal position of the body when swimming already lead to natural lymphatic drainage. And if we add to this the benefits of alternating relaxation and tension of a muscle group, then in addition to good shape, all swimmers also get rid of cellulite.

Water aerobics

A more serious sport than swimming, since performing a set of exercises in water aimed at correcting problem areas has a pronounced effect on the shape of the whole body, making them more precise and more prominent.


Traveling on this type of transport, due to the alternation of similar movements over a long period of time, leads to beautiful calves and thighs.

A beautiful and correct form can also be achieved with some exercises. Just when starting them, remember about regularity. A complex repeated once or twice will not bring any benefit to your legs. But constant exercise, even if not daily, but every other day, will lead to excellent results.

Slow squats

Everyone is familiar with squats from physical education. Our exercise differs from the school one in that you need to squat slowly until the angle between your calves and thighs reaches 90°.

You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds, and then also slowly come out of the squat. The complex consists of ten squats, three approaches each.

You need to take a minute break between approaches. After a month, the number of exercises increases, and they are performed on a grid: 4 sets of 16 squats at one-minute intervals. And the most “advanced” level is 5 sets of 25 repetitions. Rest time is reduced to 45 seconds.


Starting position – standing, hands on your waist. Lunge forward with one leg, bending it at a right angle, making sure that your thigh moves parallel to the floor. Pause a little and return to the starting position. Repeat 9 times with the same leg. After a month, the number of lunges and approaches increases to 4 sets of 12 repetitions. And then up to 5 complexes of 16 repetitions.


We sit on an imaginary chair, leaning our backs against the wall. Slowly lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for half a minute. Then stand up slowly. The complex consists of 3 approaches of half a minute with a two-minute rest. After a month, the number of squats increases by one, and the time from half a minute to 45 seconds. And then 5 squats for 1 minute 15 seconds.

Rules on the way to the correct shape of legs

There are some rules, following which you will prolong the beauty of your legs and maintain their health.

So, you can't:

  • sit sideways, leaning on one side, placing your legs on the other, you still cannot cross or spread your legs wide;
  • keep weight on one leg for a long time;
  • sleep on your stomach or side;
  • constantly walk in too high heels;
  • carry a bag on only one shoulder;
  • sit for a long time;
  • wear tight shoes;
  • Frequently visit the sauna and steam room.