Ultramarathon runner Kirill Tsvetkov: I’m rewatching “Forrest Gump” with pleasure. How to run around Iceland and around the Sea of ​​Azov. Ultramarathon runner Kirill Tsvetkov: I'm rewatching Forrest Gump with pleasure How to run around Iceland and around Az

Running is one of the most natural activities for humans. Everyone, one way or another, has run in their life. Some with the goal of losing weight, some with the goal of collecting their thoughts, and others set themselves the goal of running a half marathon or even a marathon.

But not everyone approached running responsibly, thinking: “Running is nothing simpler. Why learn to run?” This misconception prevents you from loving running. Because of it, the effectiveness of training is reduced to nothing and there is a risk of injury.

After this course, you will learn the basic principles of running training that will help you achieve your goals without the risk of injury. You will learn the principles of nutrition, recovery and how to stay motivated towards your goal.

After a 3-week course you will know everything about running. What will allow you to set the most ambitious goals for yourself and successfully move towards them. For some, this may be a comfortable 5km run, but the bravest ones can begin the journey to a distance of 42.2km - a full marathon

Online video lectures lasting about 1.5 hours + 30 minutes of answers to the most popular questions from course participants;
It’s okay if you can’t attend all lessons – recordings of lectures will be available for downloading to all participants;
At the end of each lesson, emails will be sent out. additional materials for self-education + homework;
Course participants will be united in a community where they can quickly receive answers to their questions outside of lectures.


The course consists of 6 lessons in question and answer mode, lasting ~ 1.5 hours each + 30 minutes answers to popular questions from students.

July 29 - Running as a natural form of human movement, biomechanics of running. Human needs for movement and their satisfaction through jogging. The benefits that running can bring to your daily life.
What is running?
Why does a person run?
Running as an activity in everyday life
July 31 - How to get around the difficulties in setting goals, drawing up a training plan and motivating yourself to continue playing sports. The pleasure of physical activity– why should this be one of the main criteria when running?
How to start running
Motivation to continue training
August 3 - Equipment as an important part of sports, the pros and cons of good equipment, the agony of choice and current trends. Will fashionable sneakers always work well in a workout?
Selection of running shoes
Selection of clothes for running
The role of equipment in the training process
August 7 - Nutrition is an important part of achieving your sports goals. For whom are they produced? sports nutrition How not to get confused when choosing? Why do I need chemistry and isn’t it doping?
Sports nutrition and supplements
August 10 - Positive training effect from including other types of activity in training process. Developing the body's strength qualities to improve running results.
Variety of physical activity
The importance of general physical training
August 13 - Sports longevity as the main goal of sports. What can help an athlete overcome difficult physical activity and recover well after
Injury Prevention
Restorative procedures


Running– one of the most natural types of activity for humans. Everyone, one way or another, has run in their life. Some with the goal of losing weight, some with the goal of collecting their thoughts, and others set themselves the goal of running a half marathon or even a marathon.

But not everyone approached running responsibly, thinking: “Running is nothing simpler. Why learn to run?” This misconception prevents you from loving running. Because of it, the effectiveness of training is reduced to nothing and there is a risk of injury.

After this course, you will learn the basic principles of running training that will help you achieve your goals without the risk of injury. You will learn the principles of nutrition, recovery and how to stay motivated towards your goal.

After a 3-week course you will know everything about running. What will allow you to set the most ambitious goals for yourself and successfully move towards them. For some, this may be a comfortable 5km run, but the bravest ones can begin the journey to a distance of 42.2km - a full marathon


  • Online video lectures lasting about 1.5 hours + 30 minutes of answers to the most popular questions from course participants;
  • It’s okay if you can’t attend all lessons – recordings of lectures will be available for downloading to all participants;
  • At the end of each lesson, additional materials for self-education + homework will be sent out;
  • Course participants will be united in a community where they can quickly receive answers to their questions outside of lectures.

The course consists of 6 lessons in question and answer mode, lasting ~ 1.5 hours each + 30 minutes answers to popular questions from students.

  1. July 29 - Running as a natural form of human movement, biomechanics of running. Human needs for movement and their satisfaction through jogging. The benefits that running can bring to your daily life.
    • What is running?
    • Why does a person run?
    • Running as an activity in everyday life
  2. July 31 - How to get around the difficulties in setting goals, drawing up a training plan and motivating yourself to continue playing sports. Pleasure from physical activity - why should this be one of the main criteria when running?
    • How to start running
    • Motivation to continue training
  3. August 3 - Equipment as an important part of sports, the pros and cons of good equipment, the agony of choice and current trends. Will fashionable sneakers always work well in a workout?
    • Selection of running shoes
    • Selection of clothes for running
    • The role of equipment in the training process
  4. August 7 - Nutrition is an important part of achieving your sports goals. For whom are sports nutrition products produced? How not to get confused when choosing? Why do I need chemistry and isn’t it doping?
    • Nutrition
    • Sports nutrition and supplements
  5. August 10 - Positive training effect from including other types of activity in the training process. Developing the body's strength qualities to improve running results.
    • Variety of physical activity
    • The importance of general physical training
  6. August 13 - Sports longevity as the main goal of sports. What can help an athlete overcome heavy physical activity and recover well after
    • Warm-up
    • Injury Prevention
    • Restorative procedures

Are you too lazy to run three kilometers in the morning? How about 40 km around the city instead of breakfast? Or 250 - around Lake Ilmen? Or 1280 - around the Sea of ​​Azov? For ultramarathon runner Kirill Tsvetkov these are quite normal sporting achievements. In the interview, the athlete spoke about the most interesting races in his life, compared runners in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and talked about why he does not use running applications for mobile phones.

Kirill, why do people run supermarathons?

Firstly, in order to be alone with yourself. While you're running, you can ask yourself questions that you don't have time to ask in normal life. It is not necessary that you will receive answers to them, but some process will be launched inside. During a long race, we think differently: on the one hand, we are more concentrated, nothing distracts us, on the other, the brain is better saturated with oxygen and more efficient. And secondly, the races are an opportunity to see both the world and your country. Due to sports tourism I visited places that not all travel lovers have visited.

Tell us about the most interesting places which you managed to visit.

I had very vivid impressions from the 250 km run around Lake Ilmen, 1280 km around the Sea of ​​Azov - amazing untouched nature. But the warmest impressions are left by the people. On one of the long runs I met a couple from Moscow, their route coincided with mine for one day. We spent the evening after the next day of the race together, talking, and they left such a warm feeling of a kindred soul behind us that I still remember this race with joy.

Nowadays races in Russia are becoming more and more popular. In which of our cities is this best developed?

There is such a thing as a mental race: this is when, in everyday life, everything is well organized. And there are quality starts that are now increasingly coming to Russia. The first type of competition is valued more by older people. And young people, of course, love quality in service: they care about how the starting town, the finishing area, and the quality of the medals are made. I was truly amazed at what the Moscow Marathon is doing. All Newrunners races are excellent, in terms of organization and presentation. But there are also smaller competitions that take place all over Russia, where people come to hang out and compete with friends in a good way. They are also very nice. But usually these are small starts - 100–150 people. Anything more is labor and commerce.

Where do they run more - in Moscow or St. Petersburg? And how are the runners in these cities different?

In all major cities they run about the same. The only difference, probably, is that Moscow is a slightly richer city, and it is the capital, so runners in Moscow can afford more. They are more fashionable.

Posting photos on Instagram, organizing training, creating a blog - these are the capital's tricks. St. Petersburg has better quality content.

There are fewer people running simply on the wave of fun and fashion, and there are more athletes with good experience.

Doesn't the colder St. Petersburg climate affect runners?

Not really. The logic of an athlete: if it’s cold, you need to dress warmly, rain and slush - so as not to get wet, it’s hot - so as not to burn. But you have to go to training in any weather and do all the work that you have planned. A valid reason for oneself may be a pain in the leg, for example, but this does not depend on the weather. Although I know people who are not yet professionals, but very close to them, who can say: “Yes, something is damp today, I won’t go to train.”

In Moscow they still love to use all kinds of running apps for phones. Do you use anything?

I know that this is fashionable, but I don’t run with my phone, it’s inconvenient for me, I only have a watch with GPS and several sports devices with me - tubes of nutrition, a flask of water, etc.. Although I know people who manage to communicate on the phone during the race and even take pictures of something as you go. This is a mystery to me. In my case, a race is just a reason to disconnect from the outside world. And all the communication is after the finish or in the evening if the race goes on for several days.

How do you keep in touch with loved ones while traveling?

Now 90% of communication is Internet telephony. When I travel around Russia, I have unlimited internet and am always online. I call in very extreme cases. But the words of support that I receive by email, on social networks or via SMS are very important to me.

Remember the most memorable SMS or online review you received.

I like it when people praise you ironically. I have one friend, this year we will run an eight-day race in the mountains. After almost every run he writes to me: “Well, you are strong!” Although he himself did things that I had never even dreamed of. It's good to have a good sense of humor. In my opinion, it’s not worth running supermarathons in all seriousness and with an expression of desperate heroism on your face.