Sea bass: harm and benefits for the body. River perch benefits and harm

Sea bass– a very tasty fish, valued by gourmets, doctors, and nutritionists. You can recognize it by its characteristic bright coral color of scales, a comb with sharp spikes on the back and round bulging eyes. Sea bass no longer resembles its river counterpart in any way - the composition and properties of this species are completely different.

Under natural conditions, it can be found in the depths of the Black or Norwegian seas, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A depth of 500 meters is quite comfortable for sea bass; the shape of the fish’s body and its eyes indicate how this species has adapted to life deep under the water column.

There are several various types sea ​​bass. The most popular are beaked perch, golden perch, white, blue, and stone. This perch is a predator, which is why its meat is so tender and juicy. He prefers not to hunt for his prey, but to wait for it in ambush.

Interesting! Perch is very voracious: under favorable circumstances, it easily kills populations of smaller fish. The smallest specimens can fit in the palm of your hand, while the largest ones exceed one meter in length and weigh more than 15 kg.

If the sea bass is not caught and eaten, it can live up to 15 years - for fish this is long term. The method of reproduction of this species is amazing. Unlike most of their relatives, female sea bass do not spawn, but immediately give birth to fry.

Composition and calorie content

At the end of the last century, this fish was so actively caught that today it was necessary to set restrictions on catching sea bass - its numbers have sharply decreased. And all because the meat of this fish is very valuable and nutritious. It has everything - minerals, vitamins, protein, amino acids, healthy fats and a minimum of calories. In one serving of sea bass you can find almost all the necessary daily intake of such substances as:

  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • chromium;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese.

If we talk about vitamins, then sea bass contains the entire alphabet - vitamins, as well as nicotinic acid, designated as PP. This fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, taurine and the powerful antioxidant myelin.

A 100-gram slice of fish contains about 18 g of protein and just over 3 g of fat, while there are no carbohydrates at all. Calorie content of sea bass – 100 Kcal per 100 g.

Interesting! If you boil the meat, the calorie content can increase to 112 Kcal, but if you fry it, it will immediately reach 180. Cold smoked fish has the least amount of calories - a 100-gram piece contains only 88 Kcal.

Useful properties

First of all, sea bass is useful as a source of proteins, microelements and vitamins for everyone who is struggling with extra pounds. People sticking strict diet, often do not receive the required amount of nutrients. Perch will provide the body with everything it needs without adding a single gram of fat.

Since fish meat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it is recommended to be consumed by everyone who has a high and tendency to. Thanks to the large amount of antioxidants, the marine life prevents and acts as a rejuvenating product when consumed regularly - this is especially valuable for women.

In addition, this fish should be in the diet of all patients suffering from blood problems and thyroid dysfunction.

Harm and contraindications

Sea bass can only be harmful if you regularly overeat fried fish. Very rarely this variety becomes the cause. Don't get carried away with idiosyncrasies, and...

How to choose the right perch? Fresh fish can only be found in coastal regions or in elite fish stores. Sea bass is delivered to markets and supermarkets mainly frozen. Carcasses can be whole, or already prepared - without heads, gills and entrails. The skin is often left on, as peeling the scales is quite difficult. You can also find sea bass fillets on sale.

When purchasing, you should always focus on the smell of fish. It should smell like seawater and seaweed, if the smell is slightly different, this may mean that the fish was subjected to repeated defrosting and freezing or was stored incorrectly. Proteins in fish fillets begin to decompose within a few hours after defrosting, if it is not in the refrigerator.

A spoiled product can cause serious problems; if the smell seems questionable, it is better not to buy it. Next, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • scales– it should not be slippery, sticky, or brittle and dry;
  • tail and fins– slightly moist, but not dry;
  • gills– light red or pink, not slimy or sticky;
  • the carcass itself– when pressed, the meat should take its previous shape, spring back, and not form pits;
  • fillet cut– uniform, light, without yellowness or greenness.

If you purchase perch in packaging, then pay attention to its tightness and integrity and be sure to check the expiration date. After opening the package or jar, salted and smoked perch can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days; defrosted fish should be cooked on the same day.

Important! You need to be very careful when cutting fish: its fins are very sharp and can hurt your hands. They are cut off with scissors, and if you need to remove the skin, you will have to pour boiling water over the carcass.

But then everything is simple, this fish has almost no bones, and therefore it is suitable for baby food. The fillet is prepared very quickly; it can be baked with lemon and fresh herbs, or fried in flour in a frying pan. And small fish also make very tasty fish soup.

Sea bass can be salted or canned; it is tasty both in oil and in tomato. If you are looking for a new dish for the holiday table, make pies or perch pie - this great option to get acquainted with tasty, low-fat and very healthy sea fish.

Many people know that eating fish is good for health. Fish from the depths of the sea are especially famous for their value. But few can say exactly what benefits fish fillet brings. In the article we will talk about the beneficial and harmful properties sea ​​bass.

To begin with, we suggest you get to know the perch better by reading its description and looking at it in the photo. By appearance the fish is very similar to river perch, which is why it has the same name. However, their structure is quite different, which explains the classification of the marine inhabitant into a separate family and order.
Sea bass is classified as a member of the class of ray-finned fish, the order of scorpionfishes and the family of scorpionfishes. It is characterized by the presence of a large head and large eyes. The head is covered with scales, horny tubercles and spines. On average, it reaches one to two kilograms in weight, but there are eight to nine kilogram individuals. Body length - from 50 cm to a meter. The largest of the species is the northern one, its weight is up to 23 kg, length - up to 1.2 m.

The scales of the perch are red, brown on the back, and slightly lighter on the belly than the main color. U different types the color can be plain, spotted-striped, pink-red and bright red.

The fin rays are equipped with poisonous glands - if you touch them, you can get a slight local inflammation. Nature endowed the perch with such a unique weapon for protection from predators, including humans.

Did you know? Sea bass is one of the organisms that live on Earth the longest. Individuals of one of the species - the Aleutian - reach an age of 250 years.

There are about 110 species of sea bass. Individuals of this genus feed on small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Prey is ambushed.

When caught, the fish's eyes bulge out due to a sharp pressure drop.

Sea bass is highly valued in cooking due to its taste and the presence of a small number of seeds. It is especially tasty smoked (hot and cold) and fried. The meat of fish of this genus is tender, juicy, soft, low in fat, and does not have a strong fishy smell. It is especially popular among the Japanese - they use it as one of the components of sashimi and soups. It can also be steamed and salted. It doesn't take much time to prepare this sea creature.


Sea bass lives in bays and at great sea depths of up to three thousand meters. It is found in the northern parts of the Pacific Ocean; several species are also found in the Atlantic. This is a common inhabitant of sea waters near Norway, Ireland, England, Scotland, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands, North America.


The most common types of sea bass are:

  • . Body length reaches 97 cm, weight - 6.7 kg. The body is massive with a large head, on which there are several ridges and spines. The fish is distinguished by the presence of two to 10 pointed spines on the lower edge of the eyes. The long fin on the back has 13 spiny and 13 soft rays. The fin on the tail is decorated with a small notch. The scales are colored red with dark streaks and a bright red stripe on the sides.

    The fins have a black border. The belly is pink. Lives in the northern parts of the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 150-450 m. Large individuals can lie at a depth of up to 2.5 thousand meters. Fishing on this type not being carried out. The lifespan of its representatives is up to 250 years.

Did you know? The age of a fish is determined by its otoliths (ear bones) - age rings form on them, like on a tree. How many rings are there is how old an aquatic animal is.

  • . Body length reaches 53 cm, weight - up to 2.1 kg. It is elongated in the fish, flattened on the sides. The head is large, with ridges placed on it. There are spines above and behind the eyes. The long fin on the back has 13 spiny and 13-16 soft rays. The fin on the tail has a notch. Like the previous species, the Pacific beaked whale is an inhabitant of the northern parts of the Pacific Ocean. It is found at depths of up to 825 m. It is a valuable commercial fish. Lives up to 103 years.

  • Northern . Body length reaches 120 cm, weight - 23 kg. This is a large fish with a massive body and a long fin on the back with 13 spiny and 12-14 soft rays. The fin on the tail has a small notch. The body is red-pink or red-orange. There are vertical dark stripes on the sides. The fins on the back and in the anal area are decorated with a black border. There are black spots on the mouth and gill areas. Northern perch lives in the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean at depths of up to 1200 m. It is considered a valuable commercial fish. The oldest individual that was recorded was 157 years old.
  • Short needle . Body length reaches 71 cm, weight - 4.7 kg. The short-spined perch has a massive, large body with a large, pointed head. The dorsal fin has 13 spiny and 15-17 soft rays. This species lives in the northeastern regions of the Pacific Ocean. Belongs to valuable commercial fish. It is caught by trawls. The lifespan of the shortfin perch is 82 years.
  • Small . The body length reaches 20 cm. This is one of the smallest species. The body is slightly elongated, flattened at the sides. The fin on the back contains 12-13 spiny and 11-13 soft rays. The fin on the tail is truncated and has a small notch. The color of the scales is brown. There are golden and whitish areas on the sides. This species lives in the Sea of ​​Japan and Sea of ​​Okhotsk, along the Pacific coast of Japan and the Kuril Islands.

The meat of this sea creature is endowed with a lot of useful properties. First of all, some of the most important substances that are included in fish meat are. They take an active part in metabolism, the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Regularly consumed sea bass affects the growth of cells and tissues, participates in DNA synthesis and metabolism. Fish fillet contains antioxidant substances that help the body get rid of harmful accumulations.

Fish in the weekly menu brings great benefits for the skin, hair, nails, nervous and digestive systems, mucous membranes, pancreas and, of course, like all fish - for the thyroid gland.

Nutritionists recommend sea bass as especially useful product people who fall into the following categories:

  • atherosclerotic patients;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • having problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetics;
  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • persons of retirement age;
  • overweight.

It is necessary that sea bass dishes be on the tables of all of the above categories several times a week in small doses.

  • rickets;
  • skin diseases;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • previous surgical interventions;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • depressive states.

Let's see what makes all of the above possible beneficial properties and what is the composition of sea bass. So, 100 g of aquatic animal meat contains:


  • - 40 mcg (4.4% of daily norm person);
  • retinol - 0.04 mg;
  • - 0.11 mg (7.3%);
  • - 0.12 mg (6.7%);
  • - 0.36 mg (7.2%);
  • - 0.13 mg (6.5%);
  • - 7.1 mcg (1.8%);
  • - 2.4 mcg (80%);
  • - 1.4 mg (1.6%);
  • - 2.3 mcg (23%);
  • - 0.8 mg (5.3%);
  • RR - 4.8 mg (24%);
  • - 1.6 mg;

  • - 0.9 mg (5%);
  • - 60 mcg (40%);
  • - 30 mcg (300%);
  • - 0.1 mg (5%);
  • - 120 mcg (12%);
  • - 4 mcg (5.7%);
  • - 6 mcg;
  • F (fluorine) - 140 mcg (3.5%);
  • - 55 mcg (110%);
  • - 1.5 mg (12.5%);


  • - 300 mg (12%);
  • - 120 mg (12%);
  • - 60 mg (15%);
  • - 75 mg (5.8%);
  • - 210 mg (21%);
  • - 220 mg (27.5%);
  • - 165 mg (7.2%).

In addition to the above substances, fish contains a number of essential and non-essential amino acids, sterols, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Thus, we see that even by consuming just a small piece of fish, a person fully provides himself with the daily norm of chromium, cobalt, as well as almost half of the iodine norm. Note that stores usually sell carcasses weighing up to 1.5 kg.

The calorie content of 100 g of sea bass is 103 kcal. It contains 18.2 g of protein (23.9% of the daily requirement for humans), 3.3 g of fat (5.5%), and no carbohydrates. 77.1 g of the product is water, 1.4 g is ash.
The calorie content of sea bass prepared by hot smoking is 199 kcal, boiled - 112 kcal, fried - 137 kcal.

Harmful properties

Sea bass is a healthy product that is recommended for people of all ages and categories, healthy and those with diseases. This fish can have harmful properties only to persons diagnosed with “idiosyncrasy”, individual intolerance and a tendency to be allergic to fish.

Fish can also cause harm if it was stored incorrectly or caught in environmentally unfavorable areas. Therefore, you should purchase perch carcasses only from well-established manufacturers.

Choice when purchasing

Of course, the most best fish- fresh. However, in our latitudes it is difficult to get one. As a rule, sea bass is sold frozen or smoked.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the appearance of the carcass so as not to purchase an expired product. Typically, stale fish are indicated by cloudy eyes, gray gills, softness and lethargy of the body, slippery and sticky scales. When pressing on a fresh carcass with your finger, there should be no trace or pit left. If there are any, it means that the fish has already been frozen in the past, and therefore has less useful substances.
An important indicator of freshness is the smell - it should be marine with an admixture of algae aroma. But under no circumstances should there be an unpleasant smell.

Important! When purchasing sea fish, you should know that when frozen it loses a lot of valuable substances. While in canned it preserves almost in full.

When purchasing a carcass in a package, you must remember to look at the expiration date and check the seal of the package.

If you purchase a carcass without a head, then you should pay attention to the color of the meat - it should be white. This is important, because under the guise of perch, unscrupulous sellers can slip hake - and this fish has yellow meat.
You should also pay attention to the color of the carcass - it should be bright, pink or reddish. A white skin should be visible under the scales.


As we have already mentioned, the fins of the perch have feather-rays with poisonous glands - touches lead to inflammatory processes on the skin, painful sensations after an injection, and in more serious cases - to local paralysis. Therefore, when cutting a carcass, you need to be extremely careful and carefully handle the fins.

The shelf life of frozen sea bass stored at -18 °C is three months. Fresh fish can be stored in the freezer for up to eight hours. A thawed carcass should be cooked the day it is removed from the freezer.
If salted or smoked perch is purchased in a package, then after opening it, the shelf life of the fish when stored in the refrigerator is three days.

Important! During storage, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and maintain the cleanliness of the freezer, otherwise the fish may not be beneficial to the body, but harmful.

We have tried to describe to you in detail what sea bass is. In short, this is a commercial fish that has many useful substances. It is common in the cooking of many nations.

When cutting it, care should be taken, since its fins contain glands with poison that can harm humans. The best taste comes from smoked and fried perch. It goes well with vegetable dishes, lemon, and herbs. Since it has few bones, it is suitable for preparing children's dishes.

In Latin, the name of this family of fish is Perca. This inhabitant of lakes, rivers and seas belongs to the predators, but is actually an omnivore. This fish is not so difficult to catch, but fishermen still consider it a worthy trophy (especially if a large specimen is caught). The meat of this fish is quite tasty and belongs to dietary products, and delicious dishes from it are found in the national cuisine of the Finns and Italians. All this is about perch.

General characteristics

As already mentioned, perches can live in both fresh and salt water bodies. But at the same time, it is worth understanding that common perch (also known as river perch) and sea perch are different families of fish. The most common three types of freshwater perch are:

  • common - lives in fresh and brackish waters of Eurasia;
  • Balkhan - found only in the Semirechye basin (Kazakhstan);
  • yellow - found in freshwater in North America.

Typically, perch “occupies” shallow waters with algae, where it is easier for it to hunt smaller fish. Larger specimens prefer deeper depths. In Lakes Constance and Onega, perches are found at almost 40 meters depth.

Biologists classify Perca as predatory fish, but in reality the perch doesn’t care what it eats. Although its diet often contains tadpoles, eggs of other fish, insects, worms, crustaceans, and small fish. And large specimens do not even refuse crayfish.

You can recognize an ordinary perch by its elongated, slightly flattened carcass on the sides, tightly covered with scales. The second sign that there is a perch in front of you is fins with sharp spines. The color of these fish is usually green-yellow (but may vary slightly depending on the area where they live), the upper fin is bluish-red, the dorsal fin is greenish, and the rest are red.

The weight of an average fish is approximately 1-1.3 kg, and the body usually does not exceed 40 cm. Although it is known that in the waters Lake Onega You can catch 2-3 kg specimens, in Chudskoye you can catch almost 4 kg beauties, and in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg you can sometimes find giants up to 5 kg or more. But what’s interesting is that such huge individuals do not grow in length, but increase in thickness and height, hence the name - humpback whale.

Perch belongs to those types of fish that are not particularly difficult to catch. And all because they are found in large schools, and the younger the fish, the larger the school they create. Perca fish are quite prolific. Females weighing 250 g “give out” 250-300 thousand eggs, larger ones – more than a million. But as a rule, most of the eggs die without ever becoming fry.

By summer, the offspring of perches appear, and, having reached 2-3 cm, they begin to hunt other fry. For this reason, Perca can become a real threat to other pond inhabitants (they eat the eggs and fry of trout, carp, pike perch, and bream).

Nutritional value and calorie content

River perch meat is a dietary product. A 100-gram portion of fillet contains no more than 85 kcal and only 1 g. But - about 18-19 g. The calorie content (due to fat) is slightly higher in fried or smoked fish. Like any other fish, perch is an excellent source. But it is worth knowing that in “wild” individuals the level of this useful substance is almost 3 times higher than in fish grown in ponds.

Among the useful components that make up perch meat:

  • – 300 mg;
  • – 60 mg;
  • – 225 mg;
  • – 1 mg;
  • – 1.7 mg;
  • – 77 mg;
  • – 165 mg;
  • – 205 mg;
  • – 55 mcg;
  • – 0.2 mg;
  • – 0.2 mg;
  • – 56 mcg;
  • – 35 mcg;
  • – 5 mcg;
  • – 5 mcg.

Also in 100 g of product there is:

  • – 45 mcg;
  • – 1.5 mg;
  • – 94 mcg;
  • – 1 mg;
  • – 0.2 mg;
  • – 0.1 mg;
  • – 0.35 mg;
  • – 1.4 mg;
  • – 7 mg;
  • – 1.5 mg.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of perch are determined by the chemical composition of the meat. And, as you know, it contains a lot of useful components.

First of all, the fillet of this freshwater fish– an excellent source of essential fatty acids (more than 1.5 g per 100 g of product), necessary for the functioning of most body systems. But one of the key effects on humans is improved brain functioning. In addition, perch is rich in B vitamins, in particular B12, which are necessary for melanin synthesis and maintaining DNA structure.

Perca meat is a real mineral and vitamin “cocktail”. Together, these beneficial substances improve the supply of oxygen to tissues, activate fat metabolism, and serve “ building material» for connective tissue and bones. Perch dishes are useful for people with thyroid disorders, restore the integrity of the mucous membranes, and also regulate the level.


Oddly enough, there are people for whom perch meat can be harmful. First of all, this applies to people with gout, urolithiasis, inflammation of the urinary tract, and kidney dysfunction. Individual intolerance to this type of fish is also rare, but still occurs.

Perch in the food industry

Perch fillet is white, tender and lean meat with a good aroma. Dishes from this fish are most often found in the cuisine of the Slavs and residents of the north. And the first mentions of the use of Perca as food are found in ancient chronicles.

Perch is excellent fried, boiled, baked, stewed, stuffed or dried, and also as a filling for pies. Its meat is used for canning and freezing (at minus 18 it will not lose its taste even after 3 months).

It is believed that perch is the most best choice for fish soup. Both large and very small fish are used for the dish. Large carcasses are boiled in a small amount of broth. Mushrooms, cucumber pickle, spices, and white wine can enhance the taste of this fish. The smallest ones can also be used to make soup. To do this, the gutted carcasses should be wrapped in gauze and placed in a pan of water. After cooking, the boiled fish are thrown away.

Another way to cook perch is hot smoking. The most delicious fish is smoked without any spices over wood from fruit trees. This product is stored for 3 days.

When frying, carcasses are usually seasoned with salt, aromatic herbs and pepper. To obtain a crispy crust, the fillet is dipped in batter and fried in a large amount of oil. The main thing is not to overcook, as in this form the dish can become a source of toxins. Grilled fish also has excellent gastronomic qualities; it develops a characteristic aroma and a bitter taste.

There are almost no bones in perch, but many people refuse to cook this fish because of the spiny fins and tightly held scales.

How to properly clean a carcass

Needle-like fins and dense scales are not a reason to refuse perch meat. Moreover, there is easy way cleaning the carcass. To do this, the fish must be cleaned of giblets and the fins trimmed with sharp scissors. Then dip in boiling water (no longer than a second or two). After this, the scales will be removed without much difficulty. The main thing is not to overexpose it so that the scales do not fall off along with the skin.

Here are some more tips from fishermen who certainly know how to properly clean a perch:

  1. Press the carcass with its tail against the board and pull it by the head (a crunch should be heard). After this manipulation, the scales will come off easier.
  2. Clean the perch diagonally from the belly towards the back, and then from the tail to the head.
  3. Cover the gutted carcass with salt overnight. By morning, the skin will soften and the scales will come off more easily.
  4. Place fresh fish in the freezer for several hours. After this it will be easier to clean.
  5. To prevent the scales from scattering all over the kitchen, you can clean the perch in a bowl of water.
  6. Easiest to clean with skin fresh fish. If you make cuts along the fins and around the head, you can easily remove the skin with a “stocking”.
  7. It is necessary to clean the entrails of the perch very carefully. A damaged gallbladder will give the meat a bitter taste. If bile gets on the fillet, sprinkle the damaged area with a thick layer of salt and scrape it off with a sharp knife.

How to choose the right perch

Frozen perch fillets are selected according to the same rules as any other fish. First, it is important to pay attention to the amount of ice. According to technology, it should not be more than 5%. If the standards are met, the frozen layer will not be noticeable.

Secondly, it is worth considering the weight of the product. An unnaturally light fillet indicates that the product has been in the freezer for longer than expected.

The markings on the label will help you understand whether there are bones in the fillet. The designation “PBO” appears on selected boneless fish, “PBI” warns of the possible presence of small bones.

And one more nuance. If too much liquid comes out of the fillet during cooking, white foam appears, this is a sign of polyphosphates that were “pumped” into the fish.

What to cook from perch

Perch meat is one of the most dietary products. And as many fishermen say, almost anything can be cooked from this fish. Here are the simplest recipes.

Salted perch

For 10 kg of fish you will need a bucket of water and 1 kilo of coarse salt. Wash the carcasses, cleaned of scales, giblets, fins and gills, and pat dry with a towel. Sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the bottom of an enamel bowl, then lay out the fish carcasses in dense rows, sprinkling each row with salt. The top layer should be salt. Cover the dish with fish tightly, press down with weight and leave for 3-5 days in a cool place.

Perch caviar

Remove the caviar from the caviar bags. During this time, prepare a very salty boiling solution. Pour hot brine over the caviar, stir for 2 minutes and strain through a sieve. Prepare another portion of boiling brine and repeat the procedure. When the water has completely drained. Pour a little vegetable oil into the bottom of a clean jar and place the finished product in it. Add salt and a little more oil. Infuse the delicacy in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After this, you can eat it in the same way as salmon caviar or sturgeon.

Dried perch

This recipe is suitable for any other river fish, but the perch turns out to be especially tasty.

For 5 kilos of perch you will have to use one and a half kilos of salt and about 100 g. Pour a glass of salt and half a glass of sugar into the bottom of the bucket. Place pre-washed and dried fish carcasses on top. Add the remaining salt and cover tightly with a heavy lid. Leave in a cool place for a week or better 10 days. Stir the fish and leave for another day. Place the finished carcasses in a container with clean water and soak for 4 hours. Wash each carcass, dry it from water, string it on a rope and dry it for a week or two.

Baked fish

This dish is very easy to prepare, contains few calories, looks impressive and has many benefits for the body.

Clean the perch carcass, cut off the head and tail. Rub with a spicy mixture (salt, black pepper, coriander), put in a glass bowl and pour in white wine. Leave in the marinade for 2 hours.

Place onion (cut into rings and fried until translucent), slices of tomatoes, and herbs onto a greased baking dish. Place the fish on a vegetable bed and sprinkle the carcass with lemon juice. On top are the remains of onions and tomatoes, as well as a little chopped garlic. Bake for approximately 35 minutes.

River perch is one of the fish available in our latitudes. Perca is not deficient and contains no less beneficial components than seafood. River perch – universal fish, from which it is always easy to prepare a dish that is not only satisfying, but also extremely tasty, which you and your loved ones will enjoy.

Despite the fact that sea bass has some similarities with its river counterpart in body shape, they belong to completely different families. This fish, due to its deep-sea lifestyle in semi-dark waters, naturally has huge eyes and poisonous spines. Let us traditionally devote a few words to the benefits and harms of human consumption of sea bass.

Although experts count about 90 different species of fish with the same name, the one that stands out the most is the one with a bright pink color. Most species are endangered, with populations particularly affected in the 1980s.

Sea bass arrives on our shelves mainly in frozen, smoked or salted form - in carcasses or already cut into fillet pieces. Despite the fact that perch meat will not harm us even if frozen, the best preservation of nutrients can be achieved in lightly salted fish, cooked shortly after catching.

Large quantity fish oil and omega-3 polyunsaturated acids are the main components Atlantic perch. The benefit is that they regulate our metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels and are simply irreplaceable in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and CES diseases.

Sea bass provides us with meat with excellent digestibility of protein (protein), as well as taurine, which is necessary for the restoration of cells and tissues of the body.

The main usefulness of the meat of this sea fish

In addition, like other representatives of the underwater marine world, perch is rich in the presence of a huge number of micro- and macroelements.

  • magnesium and phosphorus,
  • potassium and iodine,
  • sulfur and cobalt,
  • calcium and chlorine,
  • iron and copper,
  • nickel, fluorine,
  • vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP and much more.

Due to the fact that perch meat contains useful substances, it is recommended by nutritionists to maintain brain activity and get large quantity squirrel.

Vitamin B12 in this fish is an antioxidant, promotes DNA synthesis, removes fats from the body and nourishes the body's cells with oxygen. It will be useful to eat sea bass to improve the health of the skin, digestive system, and nervous system. Its meat is prescribed to patients with thyroid problems.

What to consider when consuming?

It goes without saying that most people, pregnant women and children, will experience no harm, but only benefit from eating the meat of this fish.

The calorie content of this fish is equal to 79 kilocalories for every 100 grams of its weight.

If we are talking about what potential harm can cause sea bass to the body, then we need to be extremely careful when we cut up the carcasses of fresh perch.

Cooking perch in the oven

From a culinary point of view, this fish has been known to our compatriots since time immemorial, because its meat does not have an unpleasant odor, practically does not contain bones, and at the same time is quite nutritious. It is kept fresh for a long time and occupies a leading place in its taste among other marine life.

One of the most excellent recipes that will not cause even minor harm to our stomachs is sea bass baked in the oven. Many housewives appreciate this method of cooking because the meat turns out juicy, tasty, and the cooking itself does not take much time.

If we use fish carcasses for cooking rather than fillets, then we first remove them from fins and scales, after which the algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Dry the washed fish slightly.
  2. Place on a plate and sprinkle with different sides spices, pepper, salt.
  3. Transfer to a baking dish, add heated water to the bottom with a small amount of vegetable oil and cut lemon slices.
  4. Sea bass is placed in the oven for 35-40 minutes, heated to a temperature of 190 degrees.
  5. The benefits and pleasure of eating this fish will only increase if lightly fried, crispy vegetables in strips are served as a side dish.

For vegetables, you can use Chinese cabbage, bell peppers, onions, carrots, and celery roots.

Perch as a first course - fish soup

An excellent soup can be prepared from this fish with cream and herbs. So, cut one large sea bass according to the “fillet” principle, cut the meat into cubes, pepper and salt. Next, cut 1 carrot into strips and very finely chop one onion.

Fry vegetables in vegetable oil. Cut the potatoes into small pieces, add boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.

Sea bass fillet pieces are thrown into boiling broth, add salt and simmer over low heat until cooked. Add our roasted carrots and onions and pour in 400 ml of heated cream. Add pepper, bay leaf, and a piece of butter to taste. Bring the soup to a boil and set aside from the heat. All that remains is to decorate with finely chopped herbs or leeks.

Sea bass This fish has more than 100 subspecies, lives in the Black and Norwegian seas, and is found in the Atlantic. In appearance, sea bass resembles river bass, but its lifestyle and characteristics are so different that sea bass is even included in another class - Scorpionovidae. It has distinctive features - bulging eyes and a memorable pink-scarlet color of scales.

This is a bony fish species, predatory and voracious. Sea bass feeding small fish, crustaceans, and never pursues the victim, but acts from an ambush.

Depending on the species, this sea creature may have different sizes. The smallest representative of sea bass is about 20 cm, the largest individuals reach a meter in length and weigh about 20 kg.

Types of sea bass

Depending on the type of sea bass (and there are more than 100 of them), the fish is characterized by a multifaceted color. You can find multi-colored, black, red, white or orange perch and only by external signs can you determine that it is a perch.

The most common types are:

Golden (Atlantic)





Red Stripe


Steindachner's perch


The Black Sea is home to blue, rock and white perch. These are small representatives of perch, reaching a length of only 10-17 cm. In the Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea, golden perch and beaked fish predominate. Externally, these two species are very similar - they are distinguished by their reddish back and white belly. The main distinguishing feature is the large process on the lower jaw, which is found only in the beaked fish. This species reaches a length of 58 cm and a weight of 2.5 kg, while golden perch can be up to 40-100 cm long and have an impressive weight of 15-18 kg.

Calorie content of sea bass

Sea bass enjoys enviable popularity in Japan. Residents of this country call it “mebaru” or spring perch, since it is at this time that the peak of catching the predator from the depths of the sea occurs. In Japanese cuisine, sea bass is a traditional raw material for preparing sashimi, sushi and other national dishes.

Sea bass reaches store shelves already cut - frozen, smoked or salted.

Fish fillets contain a huge amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids and are low in calories. 100 g of seafood delicacy contains 103 kcal.

Interesting fact:

It is dangerous to pick up sea bass with unprotected hands. On the sharp rays of the fins there are poisonous glands, which, upon contact with the body, cause painful local inflammation.

Nutritional value of sea bass

What are the benefits of sea bass? A huge number of valuable components and a full range of vitamins allow us to put sea bass dishes on the list of the most desirable and important in the diet. This fish is especially recommended for consumption by pregnant women, children and the elderly.

The composition of sea bass includes:

  • Vitamins B12, PP, D, E, A, B1, B2, B6, B5, B9
  • Cobalt, chromium, iodine, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, iron, copper, molybdenum, fluorine
  • Taurine
  • Polyunsaturated acids
  • Proteins, fats
  • Amino acids, proteins
  • Antioxidant myelin


Why is sea bass harmful?

Sea bass is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Gout
  • Excess calcium in the body
  • Urolithiasis
  • Fish intolerance
  • Tendency to allergies
  • Oncological pathologies

How is sea bass harmful to humans? It can be dangerous if you purchase fish whose storage and freezing technology was violated.

When buying chilled sea bass, you can buy a stale product (after all, this is a sea fish that is transported from afar to other regions) - pay attention to the shade of its scales and smell: gray gills and cloudy eyes indicate staleness.

It is best to eat fresh fish, just caught from the pond. In this case, you can visually determine whether it is suitable or not, and eat it without fear. Also, when pressed, there should be no trace of a dent on a fresh perch.


What are the benefits of sea bass?

What are the benefits of sea bass? Thanks to Omega-3 fatty acids, metabolism in the body is normalized and the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood is reduced. Harmonious combination fish dishes and fresh vegetables helps prevent diseases of the heart, blood vessels and brain.

Benefits of sea bass for humans:

  • Decline blood pressure
  • Improving heart function, normalizing hematopoiesis and blood flow
  • Normalization of visual functions
  • Help with weight loss
  • A sufficient amount of vitamin B12 in fish promotes DNA synthesis
  • Improving thyroid function
  • Due to the huge content of valuable vitamins, sea bass is recommended for childhood rickets, depression, gynecological diseases, and during the recovery period after illness or surgery.

One of the unique substances that makes up sea bass is taurine. Thanks to this component, the use of perch is equated with drug therapy. Insufficient intake of taurine into the body is fraught with irreversible changes in the brain, decreased vision, and deterioration of the nervous system. By introducing sea bass dishes into your diet, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of these pathologies.

Sea bass during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and lactation, a woman should not forget about this healthy fish like sea bass. The introduction of fish into the diet has a beneficial effect on the health of mother and child. The functioning of the endocrine system improves, skin elasticity increases, and the skeletal system strengthens. Iodine and vitamin D improve the condition of the thyroid gland, improve mood, and help cope with temporary ailments.

In addition, sea bass saturates the pregnant woman’s body with valuable protein, which is necessary for the formation of new cells and energy. It has been proven that women who consumed seafood during pregnancy gave birth to healthier and smarter children, with a developed nervous system.

At breastfeeding There is no reason to deny yourself eating sea bass dishes. If there is no allergy or individual intolerance, a woman can introduce boiled fish into her diet from the first days of lactation and receive the most beneficial substances for her and the child.

Sea bass for weight loss

In weight loss programs, nutritionists recommend including low-fat varieties of fish, since some representatives can even surpass pork in nutritional value. Sea bass belongs to middle group The fat content of fish is in the range of 4-8% and is ideal for feeding those losing weight.

During the diet, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • When developing the menu, the compatibility of fish with vegetables is taken into account. Best options– greens, carrots, cabbage, peppers, beets. Potatoes, tomatoes and radishes are excluded.
  • Recommended fish dishes - stewed, baked or boiled. You cannot eat salted, smoked or fried fish.

When cooking sea bass, it is not recommended to season it with salt. You can add a little lemon juice during the process. A diet that includes eating fish is easily tolerated and does not lead to destruction. muscle mass(thanks to the protein, amino acids and polyunsaturated acids it contains).


How to cook sea bass

Sea bass is excellent grilled, stewed, served in fried slices with herbs and vegetables. It is very tasty to bake a whole sea bass in the oven.

To do this you will need:

  • Two perch carcasses
  • Parmesan (150 g)
  • 4 peeled potatoes
  • Medium sized sweet pepper
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • Dill, salt, black pepper, bay leaf

Wash the fish, cut the vegetables into rings, chop the herbs and grate Parmesan cheese. The carcass is salted on all sides and inside, laid out on foil. Tomatoes, herbs with cheese, potatoes with sour cream, garlic are placed inside, and the fish is additionally sprinkled with cheese and herbs on top. The carcass is wrapped in foil and placed in the oven for 1 hour at 200 degrees. It is recommended to open the fish 10 minutes before cooking to obtain a golden crust.