How to make a winter fishing scarf. What is a fishing scarf and how to use it? Where to buy a headscarf

Every year with the onset of winter, everything more Russians, in their free time from work, strive to go out into nature and enjoy the most exciting activity of fishing. There is a lot of gear and various devices so that anglers do not return from fishing without a catch. Fishing tackle“kerchief” is often used by fishermen for fishing in winter.

What is a “kerchief” for fishing?

“Klondike” is a screen fishing tackle that has a triangular shape. It consists of a metal rod to which a mesh fabric in the shape of an isosceles triangle is attached. At the top of which there is a ring, a rope is tied to it. With its help, the tackle is lowered into the water. The rod plays the role of a sinker, helping to lower the device under water. The mesh cells can have different sizes depending on what kind of fish it is intended for hunting.

To catch small fish, it is enough to install a net with a mesh size of up to 20 mm; for fishing large fish, a net with a mesh size of 50 millimeters or more is suitable. Therefore, the larger the fish you want to catch, the larger the mesh should be, and vice versa.

How to use?

Using the fishing kerchief tackle is very simple. A hole is drilled in the ice, the dimensions of which will allow you to lower a metal rod attached to the base of the triangle. They throw food into the hole, which they prepare themselves or buy at a fishing store.

When the fish has not yet sunk to the bottom and is active, the “kerchief” is lowered closer to the ice surface. The tackle during this period is most catchy. And they do the same closer to spring, then the fish rises to the top, since here the water contains more oxygen.

In the middle of winter, fishing “kerchief” (winter tackle) is not used very often. Cold weather conditions and lack of food force the fish to sink to the bottom of the reservoir, where they can find food in the silt and not freeze.

After the fish is abundantly fed, the “kerchief” is lowered into the hole. It should be checked after a certain period of time. Fishermen who have extensive experience take this device with them every time they go out on the ice. They put a “kerchief”, checking it periodically, and at this time they themselves continue to fish with other gear. The catch in this case will be much richer.

Fishing “scarf”: what to make it from

You can make a simple and useful tackle with your own hands.

Any fisherman, even a beginner, can make such a device; this will require the following materials:

  • fishing mesh with the required mesh size;
  • a metal rod or thick wire with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 1.5 m, which will also serve as a sinker;
  • thick fishing line or nylon thread with a diameter of 0.8 mm.

How to make a fishing scarf?

  1. Lay the fishing net on a flat surface and use scissors to cut out an isosceles triangle with a base, equal to length rod or wire.
  2. Make notches on the metal rod every 20 mm, using a chisel, to firmly attach the blade to the rod.
  3. Attach the canvas, making a slight slack (without it, the tackle will not work correctly), using fishing line or nylon thread to the metal rod in the places where the notches were made.
  4. Thread a nylon thread through each cell of the side walls of the triangle. At the top of the triangle, attach a ring to which a rope will be tied to lower it under water.

Where to buy a “scarf”?

Making a fishing scarf with your own hands is simple, but sometimes for some reason you don’t want to do it or don’t have time, then it can be purchased at any store that sells fishing tackle. It’s even easier to buy this tackle in an online store by clicking the mouse several times. Its cost is quite small - from 80 to 200 rubles.

Fishing technique with a fishing scarf

Use this gear as follows:

  • Using the trial method, find where the fish are staying.
  • Make bait. For different bodies of water, separate bait is selected. Mixed feeds, grains of any cereal crops, pre-steamed in water, and breadcrumbs are used. Each fisherman selects all this individually, based on his experience, and beginners can consult with experienced fishermen. Good fishing largely depends on proper complementary feeding.
  • The fishing “kerchief” is lowered by the rope into the hole. The end is tied to a stick so that the tackle does not go under water.
  • The fish is very shy, so the hole is carefully camouflaged. To do this, put small branches on it and sprinkle it with snow. The sun's rays will not penetrate under water through such a shelter, and the volume of noise will be significantly reduced.
  • After 20 minutes, the “kerchief” should be checked; if it is empty, then you need to move it to another hole.

Using a “kerchief” to catch fry

One of best baits Live bait is used for predators. A fishing “scarf” is often used for catching small fish. For this, a net cloth is taken with a small mesh not exceeding 15 mm. Fishing is carried out in the usual way, but you should remember that the fry must remain alive. In this case, it remains on the hook with moving bait for a long time.

In severe frost, it is better to lift the tackle from the hole together, so as not to freeze the fish that is below, if it is then used as live bait.

Specifics of fishing

A fishing scarf is mainly used in fishing as additional equipment. It is perfect for catching live bait (described above). While relaxing in nature, using this simple tackle, you can quickly catch a few fish for your fish soup or for grilling.

The “kerchief” is also useful for fishing in reservoirs where there is a lot of algae; there they place gear only in small gaps.

A real fisherman will not sit at home even in severe frost, but the fish do not always meet his desires. Sometimes it is caught, sometimes it is not caught. And in winter, sometimes you really want to sip hot ears! That's why many people put it aside winter fishing rods and switch to fishing with non-sports but effective gear. For example, a scarf. With the help of this simple design you can catch a wide variety of fish: both for fish soup and live bait, and sometimes you get caught. What kind of gear is this? And what is good about fishing with a scarf in winter?

☸ Design features

⚓ Network

By and large, a scarf is a network. Only a very small one, so it’s hard to call it a poacher. The working element of the scarf is a piece of fishing net in the shape of a regular triangle with sides up to 1.5 meters long. You can cut one out of an old torn fishing net, you just need to find a surviving section in it. The size of the cells can be different; it is selected depending on what kind of prey the fisherman is targeting. To replenish stocks of live bait, a mesh with cells of 18-20 mm is suitable, and if your ambitions are off the charts, then you can install a more serious canvas - 40-50 mm.

⚓ Frame

An equally important component of the scarf is a rod made of metal wire, which acts as a sinker. He not only lowers the tackle to the bottom, but also puts it in the working position, that is, vertically. To prevent such a frame from slipping out of the canvas, ears are made at its ends, and on it itself there are special notches that will securely hold the fixing line or nylon thread. For the scarf to work properly, the mesh at the point of attachment to the wire must sag a little. The ends of a thick fishing line (nylon thread) go to the top of the triangle and are tied together. At the edges of the frame, loops are made for the rope, on which the tackle will be lowered into the hole.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this design. To make a scarf for winter fishing, just find an old net, a piece of wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm, a skein of nylon thread and twine. A little effort and she's ready.

☸ Kerchief in action

Anyone can master the technique of fishing with this catchy tackle, even a person who has never been interested in fishing before. True, his catches will be smaller, since he does not know how to find fish sites.

⚓ Where to catch

It is with the search for winter havens of underwater inhabitants that fishing with a scarf in winter begins. Usually these are deep holes, called wintering holes, but this approach is relevant for the middle of the cold season, when the fish practically do not move. But when there is first ice and closer to spring, you should look for fish in the same places where they were caught well in the summer. Big catch And great mood Installing one or more scarves near the shore, among the remnants of reeds and other vegetation, can help.

When a suitable location has been determined, you can begin drilling holes. Even if you only have a couple of scarves in your arsenal, there should still be several holes. After the tackle has been in each of them, it will become clear where it is better to fish.

⚓ Feeding

The scarf is perhaps the only net that is used for fishing with bait. This will seem nonsense to sports fishermen, but without complementary foods it is really ineffective. A one-and-a-half-meter canvas, tapering upward to zero, takes up a tiny space, so the fish have to be literally lured into it. As bait, fans of this tackle use various mixed feeds, steamed wheat or pearl barley, breadcrumbs and even ordinary soaked bread.

It would be nice to mix all of the above, then the bait will attract different types fish If you add components of animal origin (food bloodworms, crushed worms) to the mixture, you can count on catching ruffs and perches.

Fishing technique

When the hole is baited, the tackle is lowered into it. It is best to install it at the bottom, especially since there is attractive food there, although sometimes due to lack of oxygen the fish can rise to the middle and upper horizons. A stick slightly longer than the diameter of the hole is tied to the free end of the rope, which, after installation, is laid across the hole in the ice. It is covered with brushwood on top, and then everything is covered with snow so that potential prey is not frightened by the light spot above its head. Some fans of scarf fishing disguise the end of the rope for another reason, especially when they leave several such gear on a pond for a long time. This way, fisheries inspectors or “colleagues” who are greedy for other people’s property will not be able to see and take them away.

With a successful combination of circumstances, such as good weather, high activity of underwater inhabitants, and just basic luck, the scarf can bring a huge catch. On the most successful days, the fisherman needs to find the strength within himself and stop in time, so as not to rack his brains about what to do with so many fish. In addition, excessive greed leads to a decrease in fish stocks, and sometimes to the complete extermination of the fish population. What will be left for children and grandchildren with this approach? Nothing!

️ Fishing with a scarf in winter video

Fishermen use a variety of gear to extract their catch from under the ice.

One of the traditional methods of fishing is using a scarf.

What it is, instructions for making a classic scarf for winter fishing and fishing techniques are described in this material.


Fishing in winter is a rather difficult and dangerous task. Prolonged exposure to severe frost can lead to frostbite on your fingers, toes, and facial skin. In addition, fishing thin ice very dangerous, many extreme fishermen have already drowned.

And to catch short time and to catch fish or quickly provide themselves with live bait, fishermen use scarves. What is this catchy tackle and how to use it correctly?

Description of the fishing principle

The scarf is a triangular mesh fabric. A metal wire is mounted at the bottom of the tackle, which serves as a kind of sinker.

The cell size is selected according to the fish that will be caught. For example, to catch small representatives of ichthyofauna, a net with a mesh size of 18-20 mm is used.

The scarf is tied to a rope or thick fishing line and lowered into the hole. To attract prey to the fishing point, you must first lower the bait mixture. Usually the scarf is placed on the bottom, where all types of fish stay in winter.

The most successful fishing is at the beginning of freeze-up, when the fish are actively moving in search of comfortable parking areas.

During the dead of winter, the use of scarves is unpromising, but with the approach of spring, the catchability of this gear increases again.

Sometimes juvenile fish rise to the upper layers of water. In this case, it is necessary to install the mesh product directly under the hole. on the scarf can be static or dynamic. In the first case, the net is left for a day or overnight, carefully masking the fishing spot.

Some fans prefer to fish in the daytime with regular ones, while simultaneously installing scarves nearby. After 20-30 minutes, the mesh sheets are checked for the presence of prey.

Making a classic headscarf

The scarf can be used to catch fish of different sizes.

Therefore, the parameters of the gear will have some differences.

However, the technology for making a classic scarf looks approximately the same:

Fishing technique with a scarf

Fishing with a scarf from under the ice is not considered a difficult task. Any beginner can master this method within a few trips to the pond. In this case, most of the time will be spent on searching for fish sites, and not on improving the skills of installing a scarf.

The kerchief is considered a very catchable winter fish due to the first ice and the last ice. It allows you to catch the required amount of fish at minimal cost.

But a real angler should not forget about a simple rule: You need to take with you as much fish as you can eat at one time. Then our lakes will never become scarce.

Useful video

Video about an independent method of knitting tackle such as a scarf or TV:

Video about fishing with a scarf:

In terms of variety, winter fishing gear is not inferior to summer fishing gear. An interesting fishing option is fishing with scarves in winter. With this simple method you can catch several fish at the same time. And it’s quite easy to make the tackle yourself at home.

What is it

It is a small triangular network with a metal frame. The average length of one side is 1.5 m. A piece of an old fishing net is suitable as a material. The size of the cells is selected individually.

It all depends on what kind of fish you want to catch. If you need to catch live bait, then a mesh size of up to 20 mm is enough; for full specimens of perch and roach, you should choose a mesh with cells up to 50 mm.

The frame is assembled from metal wire rods, which simultaneously serve as a sinker. Thanks to him, the scarf sinks to the bottom and is fixed vertically.

To prevent the rod from slipping off the mesh, special ears are wrapped at its ends. For reliability, it is recommended to make notches along the frame that will hold the fishing line in one position.

In addition, for proper operation of the tackle, the canvas in the areas of attachment to the wire is not tied tightly, but is allowed to sag a little.

The ends of the fishing line should extend to the top of the scarf and be securely tied together. On the sides of the metal frame you need to leave loops for the cord, due to which the tackle is lowered into the hole.

Where and when is the best time to install

When looking for places to fish in the cold season, it is worth considering the limited food supply and water temperature. During the first ice and as spring approaches, you should look for trophies in the reeds and closer to the shore. This is when they are most active as they search for wintering sites. In the middle of winter, fish in schools go to depths, where they remain until the weather warms up. Excellent shelter is sharp drops of the bottom of the reservoir, holes.

Using this gear in the dead of winter, according to experienced fishermen, is a waste of time. This device is often taken for winter fishing as aid catching fish. Installing them near the holes where they try their luck with a fishing rod.

The tackle does not need constant checking. Therefore, fishermen put it in at night or in the morning, and take it out in the evening.

In search of live bait, you can try to fix the scarf in the water column or closer to the surface directly under the hole. Young animals often rise from the depths in search of food or due to lack of oxygen. But before that, you should put the bait mixture into the hole to increase the chances of catching.

How to make a scarf with your own hands step by step

  • a piece of mesh with a cell diameter from 18 to 50 mm (depending on the size of the catch);
  • metal wire with a diameter of 4 to 5 mm;
  • scissors;
  • chisel (to create notches on the frame);
  • roulette;
  • marker (for marking);
  • thickened fishing line with a diameter of 0.8 mm (an alternative is nylon thread).

To make it easier to work with the mesh, it is better to spread it on a flat surface (floor, table).

This winter gear is made in the following order:

  1. After the canvas has been leveled, markings are made. The recommended shape is an isosceles triangle.
  2. We cut out the workpiece with scissors.
  3. We form a wire frame. Its length depends on the size of the canvas. He will be responsible for quickly immersing the gear in water.
  4. Along the entire rod, we make notches every 20 mm with a chisel. You should get from 4 to 6 pieces. They are needed to fix the canvas to the frame.
  5. We attach the mesh to the rod, tying it into a knot in the places of the notches. But we do this not closely, but with a slight sag.
  6. We thread a thick fishing line through each cell of the sides of the triangle. We knit one end to the frame, and form a loop from the other. It is needed to attach a rope that will lower the scarf into the water.

The photo shows an example of a finished homemade scarf.

Gear assembly time is 10 minutes without any costs.

Many fishermen manage to catch 3–5 and more headscarves. This is due to the fact that the device is not considered a poaching net, and there are no restrictions on its use.

High-quality feeding of the place is an obligatory stage of winter fishing and increases its effectiveness several times.
Oddly enough, practice shows that this small net does not work well without proper complementary feeding.

So it's worth trying:

  • soaked bread;
  • steamed pearl barley, wheat;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • store-bought.

The photo schematically shows the correct distribution of complementary foods when fishing for scarf on a river, reservoir, and other bodies of water with a current.

But you need to understand that the type of complementary foods is selected individually for each body of water. Therefore, it is better to take several species at once when fishing and experiment.

Nuances of fishing techniques

  1. The main task is to correctly identify the areas of the reservoir where the fish spend the winter. To do this, you will have to drill more than a dozen holes in a new place.
  2. When the ice thickness has not yet reached 10 cm, you can make holes with a sharp crowbar (pick). For larger values, an ice drill should be used.
  3. It is better to place the bait in a special feeder, which will deliver it to the desired point.
  4. A rope or cord, with the help of which the scarf is lowered or raised, is tied to a stick, which is placed across the hole.
  5. If you want to leave the tackle in the water overnight, then it is better to disguise the hole so that well-wishers do not get it before you.

When the scarf is used during the day, the presence of the catch should be checked every half hour.

The correct positioning of the tackle is that the base sank to the bottom of the reservoir, and the rest of the canvas is in a tense position.

How much does a ready-made device cost?

You can buy a scarf at any fishing store. The cost depends on the quality of the mesh and size. It fluctuates between 80–200 rubles. But at home, for the same money, you can assemble not one, but at least five products.

To increase fishing efficiency in low temperature conditions, the use of a scarf will become budgetary and effective solution. It can be either the main or auxiliary tackle for catching fish.

Fishing in winter is a rather difficult and dangerous task. Prolonged exposure to severe frost can lead to frostbite on your fingers, toes, and facial skin. In addition, fishing on thin ice is very dangerous; many extreme fishermen have already drowned.

And in order to catch perches and roaches in a short time or quickly provide themselves with live bait, anglers use scarves. What is this catchy tackle and how to use it correctly?

How to make a scarf for fishing

“Televisions and headscarves belong to the so-called screen equipment. They are briefly lowered into the river, then raised and collected fish entangled in the screen net.

“TVs are quadrangular pieces of nets with a sinker and a float, “kerchiefs are triangular. “The headscarf is most convenient when winter fishing, when it is easier to pull it into the ice hole.

It’s not difficult to make a fishing scarf yourself. Buy in store for fishing a piece of mesh fabric of the required size.

The size of the cells should be selected depending on the type of fish you are going to catch. Prepare a reinforcing rod with a diameter of 3-5 mm; for fishing in the river flow, you may need a rod with a diameter of up to 1 cm.

Spread the mesh fabric on a large surface. Mark the outer cells on both sides with electrical tape or rope (take into account allowances of 2-3 cells per fastener).

Calculate the number of cells in length, mark the middle one. Set aside a distance equal to the height of the scarf.

Count the distance by cells, the lower middle cell should be directly below the top one. Take sharp scissors and cut the edges of the scarf at an angle from the top to the edge cells on both sides.

Each subsequent row should be two cells larger than the previous one, one on each side. You should end up with a triangular canvas with equal sides.

Apply deep notches to the ends of the reinforcing rod with a chisel at a distance of 2 cm (5-6 pcs.). Thread a strong nylon thread into all the cells of the lower edge of the mesh fabric.

Strengthen this thread on the side notches of the reinforcement with reliable knots in such a way that a slight sag of 4-6 cm in the network edge is formed. The thread should run parallel to the reinforcement without forming twists.

Divide the length of the lower edge of the net fabric into four equal parts, mark the cells. Attach the nylon thread in these cells to the reinforcing rod accordingly.

Thread a vein (thick fishing line or nylon rope) upward into the cells of one side of the scarf. Next, pass the same vein down the other side.

Secure the vein to the reinforcing rod where the bottom edge is attached on both sides. The vein should pass through each cell of the mesh fabric up and down.

At the top of the scarf it is necessary to leave 8-10 cm of veins to create a fastening loop. By tightening and stretching the mesh fabric on the side veins of the gusset, you should obtain its required height (0.85 of the total height of the mesh fabric).

This provides a little slack on the sides so that the fish become more tangled in the rig. Tighten the top loop of the gusset fastening simple knot.

How to make a scarf for fishing

Headscarves are screen tackles. They are lowered into the water for a short time, then rise, after which the fish entangled in the screen net are collected.

TV - pieces of nets of 4-gonal shape, having sinkers and a float. The scarves have a 3-corner shape.

They are mainly used during winter fishing, when it can be easily pulled into the hole. Making such a fishing net yourself is quite easy.

The principle of fishing with a scarf

The scarf is a triangular mesh fabric. A metal wire is mounted at the bottom of the tackle, which serves as a kind of sinker.

The cell size is selected according to the fish that will be caught. For example, to catch small representatives of ichthyofauna, a net with a mesh size of 18-20 mm is used.

The scarf is tied to a rope or thick fishing line and lowered into the hole. To attract prey to the fishing point, you must first lower the bait mixture. Usually the scarf is placed on the bottom, where all types of fish stay in winter.

The most successful fishing is at the beginning of freeze-up, when the fish are actively moving in search of comfortable parking areas.

During the dead of winter, the use of scarves is unpromising, but with the approach of spring, the catchability of this gear increases again.

Sometimes juvenile fish rise to the upper layers of water. In this case, it is necessary to install the mesh product directly under the hole. Fishing with a scarf can be static or dynamic. In the first case, the net is left for a day or overnight, carefully masking the fishing spot.

Some fans prefer to fish in the daytime with regular fishing rods, while simultaneously installing scarves nearby. After 20-30 minutes, the mesh sheets are checked for the presence of prey.

A scarf is a triangular-shaped tackle consisting of a metal frame on which a mesh-shaped canvas is attached. The metal frame also serves as a sinker, which allows the scarf to sink into the water column.

The size of the fabric cells can be different and depends on the purpose of the gear. If you intend to catch small fish (live bait), then the cell sizes can be within the range of up to 20 mm, and if you are fishing for full-sized fish (ear or roast), then the cell sizes can be within the range of 50 mm or more.

The tackle is attached to a rope and lowered into a hole into which bait was previously poured in order to attract more fish. The scarf sinks to the very bottom, because in winter period it is located at a depth near the bottom. The scarf is effective at the beginning of winter and at its end, but at the height of the cold weather, you can hardly catch anything with a scarf.

Depending on the conditions, the tackle can also be installed in the water column, closer to the surface, when the “trifles” rise in search of food or in search of an extra breath of oxygen. Fishing can be either active or passive, when the gear is installed for the night or for the day.

Many anglers take a scarf with them on regular fishing trips and place it nearby to increase the effectiveness of the fishing itself.

We make a Kerchief, winter version

Making a scarf with your own hands is not very difficult

you can start with a regular, non-folding scarf 180 cm long. It will be catchy and quite easy to make. And transportable.

Making a scarf with your own hands is not very difficult; you can start with a regular, non-folding scarf 180 cm long. It will be catchy and quite easy to make.

And transportable. The scarf consists of a mesh fabric, triangular or trapezoidal in shape, a piece of reinforcement thick depending on the fishing location.

For example, in a crucian pond you can use 3 mm reinforcement or a rigid steel rod, or better yet 5 mm thick reinforcement, so as not to bend it due to inexperience. For currents and small-mesh fishing, you can use reinforcement up to 1 cm thick.

Mesh fabric. Take a mesh fabric 1.8 meters high, let’s assume that you are cutting it from a doll (standard fabric is 60 m long and 1.8 m high) and calculate the number of lower cells for the scarf.

Formula: D/A*0.9 Where D is the length of the reinforcement (mm). For our sample, it is equal to 1800, and the cell (mm) (for example, 45, 60, 33, i.e. the cell of the mesh is the distance of the fishing line between the 2 nearest knots). Usually written on the doll or easily measured with a ruler. 0.9 - landing coefficient.

From the obtained result we take only the whole part, everything after the commas, the fractional part, is discarded. Because this error is taken into account during planting due to the fact that the outermost 4 cm are occupied by fasteners.

This whole part, the number of cells, must be written down on a piece of paper. And write down this amount divided by 4 next to it.

If it is not divided by a whole, let’s say the remainder is 1-3 cells, then distribute it evenly over all quarters when planting. If in some quarter there is 1 cell more, and in another there is 1 less, then the fishing will not be worse, for this a coefficient of 0.9 is taken into account.

Stretch the mesh so that it hangs side by side for several meters. Count the amount of A on the mesh fabric from the bottom corner edge.

Don’t be too lazy to highlight the bottommost cells of your future scarf with some tied wool thread or something else. Otherwise they always distract you or knock you down, then you make a mistake and cut something off at an angle, or you have to recalculate it.

And then you cut it diagonally. From the edge, starting from the second cell from the bottom, cut so that each time the row from the edge is 1 more.

You will get a pyramidal diagonal. So, cut to the top cells and separate the unnecessary corner of the mesh fabric (don’t throw it away, it may be useful for something later).

You should get a pyramidal structure of the edge of the canvas. And the lowest cell is the one you marked; you haven’t reached the other one yet.

Stretch this canvas somehow so that everything is visible.

Making a classic headscarf

The scarf can be used to catch fish of different sizes.

Therefore, the parameters of the gear will have some differences.

The manufacturing technology for such gear is almost the same, despite the fact that it can be used to catch fish of different sizes.

Fishing technique with a scarf

Fishing with a scarf from under the ice is not considered a difficult task. Any beginner can master this method within a few trips to the pond. In this case, most of the time will be spent on searching for fish sites, and not on improving the skills of installing a scarf.

The kerchief is considered a very catchable winter tackle on the first ice and on the last ice. It allows you to catch the required amount of fish at minimal cost.

Fishing scarf

Before answering the question of how to make a scarf for fishing, let's consider several informative points describing this gear and in what area it will be more effective. It is best to use a scarf for winter fishing.

Fishing in winter is memorable for a long time; if you sit at the hole for hours, you can get frostbite on your limbs or fall under the ice. Using a scarf will reduce the waiting time and will help you easily catch live ichthyofauna for dinner.

What is tackle

This is a triangular-shaped screen tackle, the main task of which is to entangle fish in a short time in the water. Thanks to its convenient shape, it is widely used in winter fishing. It consists of a frame made of metal and a mesh mesh attached to it, and the size of the cells depends on the size of the fish that is caught with this gear. The weight of the frame serves as a sinker in the water.

Fishing tackle "kerchief" is widely used in winter fishing because of its convenient triangular shape, which easily fits into the hole. Before you start fishing, the fishing area is well-fed, and only then do you begin to install the gear.

After feeding, the tackle is attached to a rope and immersed in the hole. The success of fishing with a scarf depends on the fishing conditions: the active peak of the bite will be at the beginning and end of winter, in severe frost it will be difficult to catch anything with it.

A scarf is a very useful piece of equipment for every fisherman. Let’s look at what is required for manufacturing, and how to make a scarf for fishing with your own hands will be described in the next section:

  • fishing net- the size of the cells depends on the fisherman, the choice is individual;
  • 5 mm wire - it is necessary to create a frame;
  • nylon thread, thick fishing line.

Use scarves at the very beginning of winter, when the ice has just hardened. Fishing at this time is much more effective, since during this period they are looking for a place to stop, but be careful - fishing on thin ice can be dangerous.


Making a scarf for fishing according to the correct pattern is very simple; using this simple pattern, you can make several scarves and actively use them while fishing.

Find a comfortable room to start working on, a flat surface, after which we begin to answer the question - how to make a scarf for fishing:

  1. The prepared mesh must be placed on the floor or other flat surface, and then the workpiece must be cut off. A mark is made on the frame at intervals of 2 cm for more accurate installation of the mesh.
  2. A fishing line is threaded through the bottom of the workpiece, after which it must be tied in the places where the marks were made.
  3. A nylon thread is attached to the mesh and the wires located on the sides; to create a reinforced layer, it is necessary to thread the thread through each cell of the mesh. Make loops there to install a rope in them, by which they will immerse the scarf in the water.

For a quick dive, pay attention to the sinkers.