What essential oils are best for catching crucian carp. The best flavors for catching crucian carp with your own hands

The bite of a fish is quite changeable and often depends on various factors, among which it is especially worth noting the smell of the bait and bait, because very often even a small change in it can either improve the bite or kill it. As you already understand, we will talk about what flavorings exist for fishing and how to use them wisely.

You cannot absolutely guarantee that using one or another flavoring you will definitely fill your fish tank with trophies, so you should always take as many different flavors with you as possible and start experimenting. After all, it very often happens that in one body of water a roach will peck, smelling the smell of vanillin, and in another give it coriander, and in a third, caramel, you have to try it. It happens even in the same reservoir, today the fish are caught using one flavor, but in the evening it doesn’t work and you need to select another one.

Use flavorings in cold water(the concept of cold water is quite loose and for some reservoirs it is up to +10˚С, for others up to +15˚С) you need to be very careful, since their presence in the bait can completely kill the bite, so you should add it to a minimum, based on the concept “ It’s better to underfill than overfill,” and the flavorings themselves should have a soft, spicy smell, as well as flavorings with an animalic smell. At the same time, warm water is a period of experimentation; sometimes fish can begin to peck even at the most daring and unusual smells, such as kerosene, although still one of the most universal, working in most conditions will be “fruit” and “sweet” aromas.

Types of flavors

Flavorings, depending on their condition, can be divided into three types:

Dry flavors. Among them, the most popular and versatile are garlic and anise flavors.

Dry flavoring

As for application, dry flavors are added to already moistened bait. The advantage of dry flavors is that they allow you to quickly attract fish from all over the area and at the same time not scare them off with a persistent smell, but unfortunately this effect will not last long.

Liquid flavors added to the water that you will use, they have a more persistent odor and last longer than dry flavors, although their range of action is much shorter. Many liquid flavors for fishing, they are made on the basis of corn syrup, as a result, this flavoring acts on bait not only as attractant (attractant - a synthetic or natural component that causes the creatures around it to want to move towards the smell), but also gives the bait a pleasant taste. When adding this flavoring, it is important to remember that it also slightly glues the bait. When alcohol-based flavors are added to bait, only the smell of the bait changes. Many anglers recommend using these flavors when fishing in cold water, but in hot weather they evaporate quite quickly and their effectiveness decreases. But it makes no sense to use oil-based flavors in cold water, since they become viscous in it.

liquid flavoring

Dry as well as liquid branded flavors are recommended to be used at the rate of 250 g (ml) per 6-8 kg of bait, depending on the competition of fishermen near you. It is important to remember that in cold water their content in bait should be minimal and they should be used only in cases where bait in its pure form does not work.

Aerosol flavorings— serve both for aromatization of ready-made bait balls and for aromatization of large baits (boilies) for carp. Also, with the help of aerosols, predator baits are scented.

Aerosols are mainly represented by the following aromas:

  • Spices and seasonings;
  • Fruit;
  • Dairy, caramel with cream;
  • Meat and fish;

In cold water - this is spring and autumn, it is better to use flavorings for catching aquatic inhabitants

with meat and fish smells, if they don’t work, then you need to try spices and caramel, and when they don’t do any good, then fruit smells. In summer, on the contrary, it is better to start with fruity smells, then try caramel and spices, and finally fish and meat.

However, I would like to note that aerosols should be used when your bite is weak, but you want to strengthen it. If the fish doesn’t bite at all, then it’s better to try changing the bait or tinkering with the bait, adding some interesting ingredient, since otherwise the spray is unlikely to save you.

Deeps and activators

Dips, in short, these are flavors for the nozzle. They often come in the form of a liquid into which the bait is dipped, resulting in a scent that will arouse the fish's interest. When fishing, it is desirable to have as wide a range of dips as possible, not only different tastes, but also their shades, for example, the smell of “vanilla” from one company is slightly different from the vanilla smell of another. As was said earlier, a fish is like a pregnant woman, it is quite difficult to guess what is in her at the moment I want to. On branded dips it is often written Dip or dips, These are ready-made mixtures in which you can simply dip bait and catch. In addition to liquid dips, there are aerosols.

You can also use flavorings for bait as dips, they just have a slightly weaker flavor concentration, and liquids for self-made baits, the concentration of aroma in which is so strong that they need to be diluted, otherwise you will scare away all the fish. Usually they are diluted with various types of oils (hemp, corn, unrefined sunflower) in a ratio of 1 to 10.

In addition to artificial dips, there are also natural ones that are made from what you have in your refrigerator, and they do not have to be liquid. We grind the flavor we have chosen to a powder and sprinkle it on the bait a day before we start fishing. Garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, anise, coriander, cinnamon, fennel are suitable for ground dips; curry can be combined or added separately. The proportions must be selected empirically, but for about a 200 ml jar of nozzle you need 1 teaspoon of garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, anise, coriander, cinnamon, fennel, half a teaspoon of curry.

As for liquid dips, you can use them as fish oil, hemp and garlic oil, vanilla, when mixing it is necessary to maintain the proportions of 1:1, except for fat it is 1:2. It is worth remembering that we dip the bait in liquid dip before casting it, and if after casting there is no bite within 5-10 minutes, then it is necessary to recast, changing the bait to a new one.


An activator is aromatic concentrated powder additives that enhance the smell of various branded baits (duplicate them), and also cause increased appetite, this is necessary, for example, when you mix purchased bait with breadcrumbs or soil, and do not want the smell to weaken. If you add an activator to already moistened bait, the powder will be poorly absorbed into it, and when you throw the ball into the water, you will get a powerful, but rather short-lived effect. By adding an activator to dry bait before it is moistened, you will achieve a longer-lasting effect, albeit with a smaller radius.

Branded flavors for fishing

Today in stores there is a huge selection of flavors presented by various manufacturing companies. Flavors are divided

  • according to tastes: anise, strawberry, chocolate, nuts
  • fish species ide: crucian carp, bream, roach.

The most reputable manufacturer is a French company « Sensas" it has a very wide and high-quality range of products, less known, but also very effective flavors from an English company "Dynamite Baits" And " Richworth" and American "Megastrike". Also recently, a Polish company has actively launched its advertising program "Traper", it is worth noting that its bait and flavorings give good catch and are in demand among fishermen and athletes.

The downside of these manufacturers is their rather high price, so it makes sense to pay attention to their Russian analogues, so a budget replacement for flavors from Sensas is UNICORM "Aromatics" from the Sabaneev company, since they produce flavorings for fishing that completely duplicate the French manufacturer. One of the best manufacturers in terms of price-quality ratio, it is a Russian company « Silver Bream." Decent carp and crucian baits are produced by a Russian company "Greenfishing"

Natural flavors for fishing

Homemade flavoring

  • Seeds(fried and finely ground), unrefined sunflower oil or makha - bream and crucian carp respond well to them
  • Anise (Anise oil and powder)- a kind of universal flavoring agent, all representatives of cyprinids respond well to it; roach fishing is especially successful with its help. Add 1 drop per half kilogram of bait. The bait should not have a strong odor.
  • Garlic it is crushed and added to bait or bait, but you need to be careful not to overdo it. In addition to garlic heads, you can use garlic arrows, which must be chopped and added to the bait. Excellent for catching crucian carp and bream. You can also use garlic oil.
  • Dill and fennel, and dried dill can be used, but fresh, finely chopped dill is more catchy. It is used for catching carp fish and can also attract catfish.
  • Honey and gingerbread It is used for catching any peaceful fish; tench and bream respond very well to it.
  • black currant used to attract crucian carp and bream, its leaves are chopped finely or brewed in boiling water, and when it is infused, the bait is added when moistened.
  • Peach and banana Suitable for fishing for carp in warm water, especially in summer.
  • Mint and lemongrass finely chopped and added to bait, especially if mint grows on the shore of a reservoir.
  • Chocolate good choice for bream and other carp fish.
  • Coriander and basil Excellent flavorings for bream fishing. Ground basil also works well with most flavorings.
  • Caramel and vanilla Another universal flavor for catching carp species.
  • Ground coffee beans and cinnamon bark good flavor for catching bream and large roach. You can also use instant coffee, although its effect is worse.
  • Corn Excellent for catching bream and roach, but primarily carp are caught with it.
  • Maggot interesting for roach, carp, crucian carp, silver bream and other representatives of peaceful fish.
  • Tutti-frutti and strawberries used for fishing in warm water, especially in summer. Carp, bream and crucian carp respond well to them.
  • Fresh pigeon droppings, only not wild pigeons, but pigeons fed by dovecotes with cereals, used for catching roach.
  • Cocoa used for catching most types of white fish.
  • Squid attracts as predatory fish(catfish, burbot) and large carp and grass carp
  • Blood good flavoring for catching bream, add a mayonnaise jar to 3 kg of bait
  • Peanut fried and finely ground , Perfect for luring bream, carp and tench.

When adding flavorings to bait, you need to adhere to the rule “it’s better to underfill than overfill,” and you shouldn’t pour them into all the prepared bait at once, but add them in separate portions, and if one doesn’t work, the next time you supplement, you’ll try to use other flavorings you have for fishing.

I try to be very careful with shock absorbers and add them only to part of the bait, so if you don’t get it right, you can always try something else. Moreover, even on a proven body of water there is no guarantee that an always working shock absorber will give the desired effect

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Good bait- one of the main conditions for success in crucian carp fishing. And one of the most important properties of the correct bait mixture is the aroma, which spreads across the pond and attracts fish from afar to the fishing point.

Sometimes for a good catch the natural smell of the component is enough groundbait, such as cake, steamed or boiled cereals, fried breadcrumbs, and so on. But bait works much more effectively with added flavors.


This flavor easy to purchase in any grocery store, while he quite effective and attracts first of all large crucian carp. Typically, when attracting fish using garlic small change is cut off automatically.

For catching crucian carp can be used How fresh garlic, crushed or finely chopped, and garlic powder. They are added to crumbly multi-component baits. You can also add garlic while cooking. or for catching crucian carp and preparing bread crumb.

Garlic is also suitable for flavoring animal bait, such as a worm, maggot or bloodworm. To give them attractive smell, just place them in a box with crushed or finely chopped garlic before planting. As a result, the bait is not only will get the right aroma, but also will become more active and will wriggle vigorously in the water, additionally attracting crucian carp with your movement.

Valerian and Corvalol

- this is a tincture that is prepared from the roots of a plant valerian officinalis. This herb and the remedy prepared from it have a strong aroma, which attracts not only cats, but also fish.

Valerian tincture is effective flavoring for fishing first large crucian carp. He is also able to bring excellent results and when fishing small fish . But valerian attracts not only crucian carp; it reacts well any underwear. Therefore, when using it, you need to be prepared for bites from the different fish. Valerian can be used as add to bait, so use for flavoring baits.

Corvalol contains essential oils valerian oil medicinal and menthol. It is used in the same way as valerian.


Why crucian carp attracts the smell of petroleum products like kerosene, which is intended to be used as a fuel and solvent, still remains a mystery. However, this the most unusual of all flavors has proven its effectiveness more than once. It can be add to bait or drip on the bait.

Fishing for crucian carp on wd 40, video

Many people use kerosene instead WD-40. This is a mixture of hydrocarbons that was originally intended to protect metals from corrosion. WD is an abbreviation for English. Water Displacement - displacement of water. This composition is also used as a solvent when it is necessary, for example, to unscrew stuck nuts. WD-40 smell spreads underwater better than the smell of kerosene. In addition, this mixture is available in the form of a spray, and it is convenient to apply it to a bait mounted on a hook.


E is a spice obtained from the herbaceous plant of the same name. Its fruits have pleasant smell And sweetish taste. Anise is one of the traditional flavors for catching crucian carp, which has recently became less popular.

However, it can still attract fish and increase catches. You can use it in the form of vegetable or essential oil. Anise flavor will be an excellent choice for fishing small carp And medium-sized crucian carp.

Vegetable or essential anise oil added to multi-component crumbly groundbaits and baits like semolina. You can use this flavoring and to give an attractive scent to the nozzle. For example, it is enough to add a few drops of essential oil in the moth and smear it on the walls, and then put in her bait. In an hour or two it will absorb the aroma, after which you can put it on a hook.


Traditional flavor which is used for fishing to the float and bottom fishing rod when hunting for peaceful fish. One of the best scents to use when fishing in warm water. It is enough to dissolve a bag of vanillin in water, and then give her bait. You can also mix it in when cooking. mash or dough for catching crucian carp. Sweetish smell and taste, which this ingredient will add, will make the bait much more appetizing.

Vanilla attracts not only crucian carp, but also any other white fish. In particular, I really like its scent bream and white bream. Therefore, if the task is purposefully to catch crucian carp in a body of water where there are many other fish, it makes sense to choose another, typically crucian carp flavoring, such as garlic or dill.


Another source of sweet smell and taste, which can be used along with vanilla. Best suited for flavoring bait natural honey. This component not only gives the bait mixture attractive aroma. After adding it, the bait seems to becomes more satisfying for crucian carp. Honey is ideal for use, in warm water. The disadvantage of this flavor is that it has quite a faint odor, significantly inferior in this regard to the same vanilla. Therefore special effect from its use you may not get it, which often happens when fishing.


E is an annual herbaceous plant that has a rich history of use humanity. From it have long been obtained fibers for making clothes, ropes and paper, and seeds eaten and used to obtain oil.

Hemp grains- an excellent ingredient for crucian carp bait. It is an integral component many classic recipes bait mixtures for catching this fish. Hemp grains are necessary fry in a frying pan or steam up before adding it to the bait. Hemp will add to the mixture special aroma, which will be difficult for crucian carp to resist. This flavor works well with poor and sluggish bite, it can stir up passive fish. Can also be added to bait hemp oil.


E a flavor that should be used in the summer, in warm water, including in blooming water. There is an opinion according to which it not only attracts crucian carp with its aroma, but also creates the effect of saturating water with oxygen. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say, but dill may be attractive to crucian carp as on my own, and in combination with other scents, such as vanilla and garlic. Will this flavoring work on crucian carp or not - depends also on the body of water. On some lakes and rivers the fish respond well to it, but on others they do not respond at all.

Fresh finely chopped or dried dill can be added in the bait when preparing it. This flavoring is also used when preparing the nozzle. For example, you can steam the pearl barley, adding to it bunches of dill- this is one of the classic recipes for preparing bait for catching crucian carp, which is used many times has proven its effectiveness.


Attracts crucian carp with its aroma, like other cereals. Can be added to bait steamed or boiled oat grains to make it more attractive to fish. But more often, to flavor the bait mixture and give it the desired properties, they are used. oatmeal- Hercules. Steamed oat grains also make a good bait.

Oatmeal cookies- an excellent flavor for bait that needs to be added to it grated or crumbled. It has stronger smell than oat grains and oat flakes.

Cow horn

About luring crucian carp burnt cow horn Probably every avid fisherman has heard it, but few have tried it in action. Meanwhile, such a bait works great, attracting crucian carp to the fishing spot. It’s easier for villagers to get a cow’s horn, but city dwellers can also get it if they want. Instead of a horn you can use hoof. In the bait you need drill a hole, through which you can link rope or fishing line to pull it out of the water at the end of fishing.

At the beginning of fishing, you need to get off the shore bonfire and put a horn in them. When it becomes very unpleasant for a person the smell of burnt horny tissue, you need to get the bait. After she will cool down, it can be thrown into the water.


This thick balm, which is used as local irritant and is recommended for use for acute respiratory infections, flu, headaches and dizziness, and insect bites.

He has a strong odor, which attract crucian carp. The balm contains menthol and camphor, as well as peppermint, eucalyptus, cinnamon and clove oils.

Can apply to hands before mixing crumbly bait for crucian carp, dough or chatterbox. It can also be applied for any bait, placed on a hook. Another option is to lubricate with balm inner walls of the box and put bloodworms, maggots or worms in it so that they acquire aroma attractive to crucian carp.

"Branded" flavors

Today traditional flavors for bait for crucian carp, such as dill, garlic or honey, are used less and less, because they are becoming more widespread flavorings in bottles, which can be bought in fishing stores. If they were previously used only by athletes, but now they are increasingly used amateurs. Such compositions are produced many companies.

  • Sensas- a French company that has long occupied leading positions on the market for high-quality fishing baits. In addition to them, she also produces related products, and one of the main directions is the production of flavors for fishing. Company products is quite expensive, but it also surpasses almost all competitors in quality.
  • Traper- a Polish company that produces a wide range of baits and flavors. Its products can be classified as to the budget segment. It is very popular due to its excellent ratio of quality and price. If the use of premium products Sensas For amateur fishing is often unjustified, then flavorings from Traper best suited for her.
  • Sabaneev- a Russian company that produces flavors under the brand Unicorm Aromatics. These compositions are identical to the products of other global manufacturers, such as Sensas, but at the same time are noticeably cheaper.

Fishing flavors affordable, easy to use and very effective because have a strong odor. Several bottles with different flavors lasts a long time, and more and more anglers are switching to “branded” formulations.


In addition to modern flavors
, which came from fishing, there is another class of substances that attract crucian carp - attractants. Their main task is activate the bite fish.

Attractants are released in the form of sprays or liquids, which are applied on the nozzle, as well as in crumbly and liquid form for adding to bait.

Attractant sprays

Attractant sprays are sold in small spray bottles. For catching crucian carp can be used:

  • chocolate spray;
  • garlic;
  • vanilla;
  • strawberry;
  • pepper and others.

First of all, it's worth trying chocolate and garlic spray. These tastes attract crucian carp well.

Thanks to the attractant applied to the bait after casting into the water around it a fragrant cloud is formed. In a situation where a crucian carp stands at the fishing point, but does not take the bait, spray activates his bite.

Fish Hungry

Fish Hungry is a bite activator that performs two functions. He attracts fish to the place of fishing and whets her appetite to ensure a good bite. According to the manufacturer, its action is ensured by the constituents synthetic pheromones, which work similarly to the pheromones secreted by the fish themselves. They stimulate search behavior, force the fish to flock together and actively seek food for themselves.

Dry Blooder

This bite activator contains: dried blood and synthetic pheromones. Dried blood is 95% from pure protein, thus it is a valuable nutritional component for fish. Crucian carp instinctively recognizes food, which will allow him to get full faster, and eats it more willingly. The task of pheromones is attract fish to the place of fishing and make her hungry, which will make her rush to the offered bait.

DIY flavors

Easy to use fragrance cook with your own hands. One option is to make it based on sugar syrup. To prepare such a composition, necessary:

  • pour sugar into a bowl and fill it with water at the rate 750 ml water per 1 kg sugar;
  • cook until sugar is completely dissolved, removing the foam with a spoon;
  • add flavoring.

You need to store the finished syrup in a dark cool place. As a flavoring agent can be used:

  • vanillin- 1 sachet per 1 liter of syrup;
  • vanilla sugar- 4 sachets;
  • cocoa- 150 g;
  • chocolate- 150 g;
  • cloves, cinnamon or coriander- 2 teaspoons.

To make flavoring, also can be filled flavor additive alcohol or vodka and insist within 3 weeks. For this will fit:

  • anise;
  • carnation;
  • cinnamon;
  • dill;
  • garlic;
  • vanilla;

How to use flavors

Sweet fruity smells- banana, cherry, strawberry, peach - and flavors such as honey or vanilla, work best for crucian carp in the summer, in warm water. and autumn spices usually bring best results. If used store-bought flavors, in cold water it is also worth trying the so-called fishy smells.

When fishing spring and autumn also needs to be added to bait smaller quantity flavoring Standard for fishing in cold water amounts to from 1/2 to 1/10 from the summer amount of additive.

But these rules don't always work. Crucian carp often happens unpredictable in your passions, therefore in cold water may not work fishy aroma, and when warm - fruity. It’s better to take it with you every time you go to a pond. more different attachments to have the opportunity experiment, choosing the best one. In that case chances of a great catch of this fish will always be maximum.

Useful video

Another interesting option for flavoring for bait and bait for crucian carp.

Crucian carp make up the bulk of the underwater inhabitants of most reservoirs. But not all anglers like fishing for it. Some consider crucian carp to be a trash fish. But many fishermen deliberately hunt for it. Individual individuals often reach impressive sizes. Unlike other types of fish, the picky and active crucian carp delights with its bites in a variety of situations. When hunting for crucian carp, the angler has every chance of staying with the catch. If you use flavorings for fishing, the fish will mistake your bait for a real delicacy.

Flavors for crucian carp

Using aromatic components in groundbait and groundbait, the angler stimulates the fish’s appetite. The use of flavorings is justified specifically when fishing for crucian carp. He has a powerfully developed sense of smell. Crucian carp can smell the fragrance even in stagnant water. long distance. Aromatic substances are added to the bait. They are also used for processing various types bait A properly selected aroma will not leave even weakly active crucian carp indifferent.

Flavors for crucian carp

What are fishing flavors?

Flavorings have various forms of release. Depending on the fishing method, the angler is given the opportunity to choose the most suitable option. All flavors are concentrates with different compositions. In order not to get a repellent effect, they are added a few drops at a time.

Substances are selected in such a way that the smells complement each other. Store-bought bait already has a sufficient amount of aromatic substances. There is no need to use flavorings here. Their use is relevant when using homemade bait.


All flavors used in fishing are called attractants. They are conventionally divided into types:

  • liquids. This includes aromatic substances presented in liquid form, both synthetic and natural;
  • Boosters are used with dry mixtures. They give a specific aroma to the bait, while simultaneously moisturizing it. Using boosters, anglers prepare a mixture of suitable consistency;
  • dips. Immediately before throwing the equipment, the nozzle is immersed in the liquid composition;
  • essential oils and fats - natural flavors. Products of animal and plant origin are added to the bait mass and used in the manufacture of baits;
  • sprays. Flavors are available in small cans. Inside are artificial or natural aromatic substances. Having put the bait on the hook, the angler sprays an attractant on it before casting.

Fishing dips

How to choose the best flavor

Today there is large number various attractants designed to attract crucian carp. It is unlikely that you will be able to choose the most effective one. The preferences of crucian carp are influenced by many factors:

  • weather changes;
  • fishing conditions;
  • air and water temperature;
  • fishing season.

Sometimes crucian carp are attracted to even the most incredible aromas:

  • "Corvalol";
  • "Star" ointment;
  • toothpaste;
  • kerosene.

"Corvalol" also attracts crucian carp

Knowing what smell crucian carp likes, beginners use only this. But the gastronomic preferences of fish often change during the day. When going to a pond, take several different attractants with you. Trial and error will allow you to find the scent that attracts fish on your fishing day.

What smells attract crucian carp

As already noted, crucian carp reacts to different odors. But there are classic fragrances that can delight you with their effectiveness under various circumstances:

  • Vanilla − great option when catching fish of medium and small sizes.
  • Garlic is used in the hope of catching large crucian carp.
  • Anise - just a few drops are enough to attract fish at any time of the year.
  • Honey is mainly used in spring and summer.
  • Dill - many fish do not like its smell, but crucian carp consider it a real delicacy.
  • Hemp - its fried seeds added to bait will make even sluggish crucian carp become active.
  • Cocoa is sometimes used as an additional component in groundbait.
  • Sunflower oil - added in small quantities to any bait and bait.
  • Strawberries - show the greatest effectiveness on hot days.

Anise attracts crucian carp at any time of the year

Aromas of crucian carp bait

The flavors in the bait are selected individually. Here you cannot do without numerous experiments. It is possible that crucian carp will like the aroma of pure bait without the use of additional odors. When conducting experiments, add flavors not to all of the bait, but only to part of it. You will soon understand how well the scent for fishing has been chosen. If there is no bite, offer the crucian carp bait with a different smell.

Experienced fishermen recommend avoiding using only one type of scent. Even if you manage to catch a couple of crucian carp, there is no guarantee that the smell will attract fish all day long. Here it is recommended to use a variety of classic aromas: vanilla, garlic, anise, etc. For many years they have proven their high efficiency.

Catching crucian carp with dill

Catching crucian carp with dill

If you decide to use dill as a flavoring for crucian carp, think about what is better:

  • young and succulent plant;
  • dry stems with inflorescences;
  • exclusively “umbrellas”;
  • seeds.

These components differ in smell. Many people do not pay attention to them, drying the stems and crushing them. Similar flavorings for crucian carp give positive results. But practice shows that it is “umbrellas” that provide maximum efficiency. A person is unable to distinguish their aroma from the odors of other parts of the plant. But the crucian carp feels a significant difference here.

Fresh dill “umbrellas” are chopped and added to a container with plant or animal baits. Ground dried “umbrellas” are added to the bait.

How to make your own flavoring at home

There are many recipes for making your own fishing flavors. Each angler adjusts the amount of components used depending on fishing conditions and personal preferences.

Cinnamon and other spices for making flavoring for crucian carp

Recipe No. 1

Mix anise, cloves, cinnamon and garlic. Pour the crushed ingredients into a glass of vodka and let them brew for a week. The mixture is then bottled into small bottles. Flavors for catching crucian carp are added a few drops to the bait or bait.

Recipe No. 2

Cocoa and honey are added to the mixture of dill, garlic and red pepper. All components are thoroughly kneaded in a mortar. Pour the mixture with alcohol or vodka and let it brew for two weeks. The aroma additive is ready for use.

Aromatic additives for different seasons

In summer, crucian carp are lured by rich aromas. During the cold season, such smells will disappoint with the opposite effect. When choosing flavors for fish, pay special attention to the time of year:

  • Spring. Waking up from hibernation, crucian carp tries to replenish its fat reserves. He prefers the usual winter smells: worm, bloodworm. Vegetable aromas will not yet give the desired result. It is better to avoid artificial concentrates altogether in the spring.
  • Summer. After the spring spawn, the fish actively rushes to anything edible. In mid and late summer, it is attracted by pronounced pungent odors. On hot days, crucian carp prefers sweet and fruity aromas. Use bait and bait of plant origin.
  • Autumn. As the water cools, the taste preferences of crucian carp change. When preparing for winter, he prefers animal smells. It is recommended to use attractants with the smell of fish, blood, and meat. When the water becomes significantly colder, odors do not spread well. Their effectiveness is significantly reduced.
  • Winter. Many fishermen do without flavorings. Small bloodworms are used as bait. If you want to use aromatic additives, use a protein theme - the smells of bloodworms, maggots, shells, worms, meat, blood.

In spring it is better to use the smell of mother wool

Many fishermen often use various flavors, both natural and artificial, to change the smell and aroma of bait or bait. And, it is worth noting that the application and use of various smells gives a good effect.

Today you can buy various attractants in any fishing store, even small ones, and they are very cheap. The main thing, of course, is to know which scents to use to attract specific fish. Today we will talk about smells that crucian carp like and, accordingly, attract.

Garlic. The aroma and smell of garlic attracts crucian carp in many bodies of water, and, as has been repeatedly noted, larger individuals react to garlic. Based on this, when attracting crucian carp with the smell of garlic, the fisherman automatically cuts off the small things. Sometimes factory-made baits and groundbait with the smell of garlic are much more effective than those that are homemade and made at home, and more often right on the pond.

Which are sold in bags of 300-1000 pieces. And sometimes, homemade baits and baits, with the addition of fresh garlic or dry garlic powder from bags, leave no chance for factory baits and baits.

You can use the attractant to directly add it to the bait itself; you can flavor dough, semolina or bread crumbs with it. Bait, worm, bloodworm, maggot can also be treated with garlic spray. It is enough to spray the worm or bloodworm with maggot right before casting the tackle

Vanilla. This delicate smell attracts crucian carp; vanilla often attracts small and medium-sized crucian carp. Remember that vanilla smell is one of the favorite smells of bream and its small brother, the white bream. So don’t be surprised if instead of a crucian carp you start biting a bream.

Then it is better to switch to using bait and bait with a different flavor. You can use a store-bought attractant, although vanilla powder and store-bought vanilla sugar are no worse. You can add vanilla to completely different baits, both store-bought and also to baits - bread, chatterbox, in a jar of worms or a bloodworm with bloodworms or maggots.

Hemp. One of the most favorite smells of crucian carp, which is very effective in case of poor and sluggish bite. Groundbait that has hemp flavoring added is very effective, but it is best to use ready-made hemp grains, which are often on sale. Add hemp grains, roasted and steamed, into the bait and the fishing performance will pleasantly surprise you.

An is. One of the classic scents for luring crucian carp, which today is not used as often as before. Bread and semolina are a good bait for catching small and medium-sized crucian carp.

It's not difficult to prepare, but you can buy it.

Before going fishing, many fishermen wonder how to make good bait for fishing, because the weight of the cage at the end of fishing depends on it. In this article you will learn about what aromas and smells some types of fish like.

For fishing nowadays we use various flavorings for bait. There are a huge number of scents. By type they are divided into dry and liquid. With their help, the desired aroma of the bait as a whole is achieved.
There are also flavors that are intended for attachment, they are called dips. The nozzle, which is treated with dip, once in the water, is distinguished by its spectacular
fragrant and flavorful spot. The huge variety of tastes and aromas can be divided into several types:
1. Herbs and spices.
2. Creamy and caramel.
3. Nut and fruit.
In addition, each type of fish has its own smells. Some of them can attract any fish, others only one, for example bream, roach, etc.
After reading this you probably thought it was pretty hard, but it's actually quite simple. To find out what taste and smell the fish prefer in your pond, follow what you read below.

Bait flavors for bream

Fragrances for roaches

From the caramel-cream group, the smells of milk chocolate, baked milk, and cheese are excellent for attracting roaches. These scents for roaches are universal and can be used at any time of the year. It has never been observed that these aromas had a bad effect on the roach’s bite.
From the fruit group of aromas, the scent of melon is suitable for roaches. Even though she doesn't know it, it works great. In order to effectively catch roaches on warm days, the smell of melon is indispensable. On cold days, the scent of tangerine works great for roaches. The tangerine scent must be handled carefully; if you add too much of it, the bait for catching roach will be spoiled.
From the nut group, the scent of coconut works well for roaches. The smell of coconut attracts roaches only in the warm season.

Groundbait flavors for crucian carp and crucian carp

Crucian carp and carp are fish that can be combined into one group. The thing is that these are closest relatives; they are also found side by side in reservoirs.
So, what aromas do carp and crucian carp like?
From the group of spices, carp and crucian carp prefer vanilla, cinnamon, garlic, pepper (red and black), and anise. You can add aromas to bait in large quantities.
From the caramel-cream group, crucian carp and carp prefer bait with the smell of chocolate, biscuit and other milk aromas. Absolutely all scents from this group are suitable here.
From the fruit group, the smells of melon, strawberry, pineapple, blackberry and plum are very attractive to carp and crucian carp.
From the nut group, the best bait smells are hazelnuts and peanuts. Basically these are two smells that carp and crucian carp like. Of course, there are exceptions; here you need to experiment on a specific body of water.
In addition to the aromas listed above, the smells of hemp and corn also work well, especially for catching roach and carp.
The smell of peas and honey works very well for carp. Peas are also good for baiting bream.
When fishing for carp, seafood aromas (shrimp, crabs, mussels and others) are also very often used. These odors are of course very specific and are used exclusively in cold water. You need to be careful with seafood smells for carp fishing, because if the carp doesn’t like the smell, the fishing spot will need to be changed.
When catching perch with a worm or bloodworm, you can treat the bait with a dip with the smell of garlic; the perch is simply delighted with this smell.

You can treat any baits with dip, as they are designed for all types of baits, from bloodworms to corn. The main thing is that the fish become interested in this smell. You will find out very soon after casting whether the fish liked the aroma or not. If the fish did not like the smell that was applied to the bait, there will be no bites for much longer until the smell of the dip disappears.
Finding flavors these days is not difficult, the only catch is money. If you don’t have a lot of money, then I advise you to refrain from purchasing it altogether; cheap flavors and low-quality dips for baits will have a subtle smell. A good quality dip or flavoring for bait should smell at a distance of 10 meters