Anabolic steroids (continued). The best anabolic steroids

Many athletes choose a cycle using “chemistry”. So, it’s time to find out which steroids are safer and more effective. Rating the best drugs- in this article.

The best steroids for mass gain

You decided to build perfect body with the help of "chemistry" in training? Then you will be interested to know which steroids are the best, most in demand and popular. After all, sometimes it is very difficult to understand the huge range of drugs on offer and choose exactly the one that will give the expected result without harming your health.

Anabolic steroid Deca Durabolin

Deca-durabolin (other names - Nandrolone, Retabolil) is the undoubted leader among anabolic steroids in many respects. This is both high efficiency and relative safety. In addition, do not forget about low androgenic activity and a slight rollback phenomenon. The list would not be complete without adding the absence of aromatization and low toxicity.

This remedy can be used solo or in ensemble with other drugs. Quite often, this anabolic causes erectile dysfunction during use: it’s all about reducing dihydrotestosterone during the course of using the drug according to the mechanism feedback.

This injectable steroid helps to quickly grow muscle mass. The results are simply amazing: in just three months you can gain from thirteen to eighteen kilograms muscle mass. So bodybuilders are happy to take this miracle drug.

This drug is an excellent pain reliever. In addition, it is capable of healing injured joints to some extent. This steroid is almost non-toxic. When you have achieved impressive results in gaining muscle mass, this steroid maintains the achieved results. Side effects include bloating and water retention.

Anabolic steroid Dianabol

Danabol (other names - Methandienone, Nianabol, Methandrostenolone, Naposim) is the most famous and effective steroid among all similar oral drugs. It has not left the top positions in various steroid popularity rankings for about half a century.

With the help of this product it is possible to achieve unprecedented results in muscle mass gain. The same applies to strength indicators. Although there is one “but” - after a course of this remedy there is an impressive rollback. In addition, Danabol retains water, aromatizes and has androgenic side effects. But still, bodybuilders prefer this product to many others because of its high efficiency in muscle mass and strength gains.

You shouldn’t listen too much to criticism, because you need to try this drug yourself, which is really effective. Its toxicity is quite moderate, by the way. When choosing a steroid course with this drug, the optimal combination would be Deca and testosterone.

Anabolic steroid Turinabol

This steroid ranks third among the best drugs for building muscle mass. In terms of parameters, it is very similar to Methandienone, only even purer. The drug does not aromatize and practically does not retain water. And the rollback phenomenon is small. Therefore, the quality of the muscle mass gained is excellent.

True, due to the lack of aromatization and the effect of a water accumulator, weight gain is worse than when taking traditional methane. That is why this drug takes third place, not second.

The effect of the drug is quite long - about sixteen hours. This is an excellent indicator for an oral product.

During the course of the drug, estrogenic side effects, such as gynecomastia, are excluded. In excessive dosages, this drug is toxic to such an important organ as the liver. Therefore, it is best to use combined courses rather than solo ones.

Anabolic steroid Sustanon 250

The component of this steroid is testosterone enanthate. With the help of this drug it is possible to achieve impressive success in increasing muscle strength and mass. Due to the fact that Sustanon is an androgenic anabolic, it has negative properties and has side effects.

Thus, the drug strongly aromatizes, retains water and inhibits the hormonal system. With excessive doses, even chemical “castration” is possible. The pullback phenomenon is quite strong.

The drug is unique in that individual esters in it are absorbed with at different speeds. Therefore, injections of this drug are done less frequently compared to other steroids.

For impressive strength indicators in a steroid cycle, it is best to use Sustanon in combination with other anabolic steroids. Due to the long-lasting effect of the drug, injections can be given once a week.

Anabolic steroid Testosterone enanthate (cypionate)

With the help of this ester you can achieve unprecedented results in gaining muscle mass. Although, due to the fact that it is an androgen, there are also undesirable aspects - side effects and a significant setback after the cycle.

This anabolic steroid is included in almost all courses and complexes in bodybuilding. It is effective not only for gaining muscle mass, but also for working on relief. Impressive results can be achieved in the fight against overweight. But here, in each case, an individual approach and the choice of a specific type of drug are needed. So, enanthate and cypionate are best suited for gaining muscle mass, and propionate would be more appropriate as a fat burner.

Testosterone plays an important role in any steroid cycle - no matter whether it is short or long, combined. Depending on your goal, you just need to use it differently.

Anabolic steroid Anadrol

Anadrol is one of the most powerful steroids when it comes to increasing mass and strength. Few drugs can compare with it in this. Although there are pronounced side effects here - hormonal imbalances, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, liver damage.

But in general, such reactions are possible only in case of overdose, so it is necessary to consult a specialist about the duration of the cycle and dosages. Your trainer will prescribe the training schedule; don’t forget to consult with him too.

With excessive dosages, the drug can lead to myocardial hypertrophy. In addition, after the cycle there is a powerful pullback.

Anabolic steroid Trenbolone

This is the strongest anabolic steroid, which is effective on muscle growth is four times superior to Deca-Durabolin. But, unfortunately, the side effects of Trenbolone are also impressive. This is, for example, increased androgenic activity, resulting in increased aromatization of the steroid.

This drug is the best steroid that increases insulin-like growth factor. As a result, the sensitivity of the receptors increases. The same goes for anabolic activity. The Trenbolone course should not exceed 8–10 weeks, and it is important to rest for at least twenty days.

Be sure to consult a doctor, because this is a steroid with significant side effects. This means that only a specialist will be able to select the correct dosage and prescribe the duration of the cycle. And don’t forget to talk to your trainer about choosing the ideal training regimen while taking this steroid.

Anabolic steroid Equipoise

With an anabolic steroid like Equipoise, you will gain weight quickly. Conventionally, this is an injectable form of methandienone, although the action is radically different from the prototype. The product has little aromatization, and with its help it is possible to quickly build muscle mass.

In addition, this drug perfectly increases appetite and is an excellent stimulator of protein synthesis in muscle tissue. It slightly retains water and allows you to maintain the mass that was gained during the course, even after its completion. The injectable steroid is not toxic to the liver, it improves blood composition.

The best steroids for cutting

  • Anavar. We can say with confidence that this is the safest anabolic steroid. Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a drug with a mild anabolic effect. It has fairly low toxicity. The same applies to the androgenic effect. This product is successfully used as a fat burner in a cycle for drying and relief.

    In addition, it is an excellent filler in a cycle for increasing muscle mass and increasing strength. Anavar is extremely popular among bodybuilders and powerlifters. The low-toxic steroid has virtually no effect on the production of endogenous testosterone.

  • Trenbolone. This is an excellent fat burner. It is used not only in courses for mass, but also for drying. This drug is able to increase the level of insulin-like growth factor, which is why it is used to burn fat.
  • Masteron. An anabolic steroid is taken in order to achieve muscle relief. Here there is a pronounced androgenic effect, and therefore corresponding side reactions. Thanks to the course with Masteron, it is possible to achieve muscle hardness - it's all about the diuretic effect.
  • Winstrol. A steroid such as Winstrol (Stanozol), which is in demand among athletes, is used during cutting. It is toxic to the liver, so you should consult your doctor about dosages during the course. The tablet form is less effective and more toxic. It is better to pay attention to injections of this drug. With Winstrol you can significantly increase your strength. The same applies to venous detailing.

The 10 best anabolic steroids that are presented below are drugs that have proven their effectiveness, which confirms their popularity among bodybuilders.

To begin with, I would like to note that the criteria by which these 10 drugs were selected were, first of all, their prevalence among athletes and their effectiveness in increasing muscle mass. Perhaps someone will want to argue about this or that drug, basing their arguments on side effects or features of the course, but, again, the drugs that are most popular among users and have proven their effectiveness will be considered here; this turns out to be a very conservative review, because perhaps there are Very effective drugs, but they will not be so widespread and the price will be exorbitant, so they will not fall into this top, and therefore this top can be called classic, realistic and perhaps the most objective for most bodybuilders, so here we go.

1. Methandrostenolone (Danabol, Anabol, Nerobol, etc.)

The first place of honor in our top is occupied by perhaps the most popular drug that has proven its effectiveness over several decades of use, known to everyone by its slang name “methane”. In Russia it is produced under the name Methandrostenolone and Nerobol. Global pharmaceutical companies produce this anabolic under various brands, perhaps more than a dozen, the most common ones are listed in the title. This steroid is one of the most effective and affordable drugs on the market.

In Russia, its circulation is limited, just like other anabolic steroids and is sold only on doctor’s orders, which does not prevent many sellers from distributing the drug “under the counter” using the Internet. As for the effectiveness of the drug, it is quite high level For example, after completing a course lasting 1.5 months, taking 20 mg of the drug per day, you can add up to 10 kg of weight. At the same time, you will definitely lose from 2 to 5 kg after the course ends, since the drug promotes the accumulation of water in the muscles, however, the result is not bad. Do not forget about the side effects of this steroid, such as gynecomastia, toxicity of the drug to the liver and others, which are often exaggerated and usually occur when the dosage is exceeded.

2. Testosterones (a group of steroids)

This is one group of very popular and common anabolic steroids among bodybuilders. From the name of the drug it is clear that it is based on one of the esters of the testosterone hormone. Everyone knows about the anabolic effects of the hormone testosterone, this drug also has an anabolic effect and helps increase muscle mass, although its anabolic activity is slightly less than that of Danabol, but the drug does not promote the accumulation of water in the muscles, and also promotes fat burning, therefore There is practically no rollback effect. There are several types of drugs based on Testosterone esters: Testosterone propionate, Testosterone enanthate, Testosterone cypionate and some others. Testosterone propionate is often used for cutting to remove excess fat and make muscles more prominent while slightly increasing their volume. Testosterone enanthate and Testosterone cypionate are more suitable for building lean muscle mass.

Due to the high androgenic activity, when using the drug, the likelihood of side effects such as gynecomastia, acne, baldness and others is higher than with methane, but at the same time, it is not as toxic to the liver. The drug is introduced into the body by injection; usually the course is combined with other steroids; during the course it is necessary to use anti-estrogenic drugs to minimize side effects.

3. Turinabol

This drug is very similar in composition and effects to methandrostenolone. But some differences from methane have made this drug quite popular, and the most important difference is the absence of the effect of fluid retention in the body. According to user reviews, the effect of weight gain is not as fast as that of methane, but the muscle mass is of better quality and with minimal setback. Also, this drug has a lower likelihood of side effects, aromatization is practically absent, i.e. the likelihood of gynecomastia, acne, baldness and other things is very low if the dosage is observed, toxicity to the liver is approximately the same as that of Danabol.

4. Nandrolone (Retabolil, Deca-Durabolin)

Nandrolone is a group of very popular injectable anabolic steroids based on a substance called 19-nortestosterone. This substance is produced in the body during severe and prolonged physical activity and also during pregnancy in women. The popularity of the drug is due to its high anabolic activity and low incidence of side effects. From positive effects Nandrolone can be distinguished by a good and stable increase in muscle mass, but without the accumulation of excess water and practically without a rollback effect, while bones and ligaments are strengthened, joints secrete more lubricant and stop hurting, the level of red blood cells in the blood increases, due to which oxygen metabolism in the body improves, increases immunity. Side effects such as those of methane and similar drugs are practically absent and appear only when the dose is exceeded.

Impressive list of positive effects, isn't it? But there is a fly in the ointment here, this is the progestin activity of the drug - expressed in decreased libido, sluggish erection and similar troubles. In this regard, a course of Nandrolone is usually combined with other anabolic steroids and drugs to suppress progestin activity. Also, the drug acts as quickly as other steroids and the course is longer and, considering the price, more expensive.

5. Anadrol (Oxymetholone, Anadrol)

This is a synthetic steroid based on the substance oxymetholone. Anadrol is produced in tablets and is one of the most potent anabolic steroids. Anadrol is also produced under the trade brands Anadrol, Anasterone, Oxymetholone, Androlik, Dynasten and others. The most important effect of Anadrol is the powerful and rapid growth muscle mass, in one course lasting 1-1.5 months you can increase up to 15 kg of mass, unfortunately there is a rollback effect, up to 30% of the gained mass. Also, Anadrol significantly increases strength indicators and, when combined with other steroids, increases their effectiveness.

Very interesting effects were discovered during a study of this drug by American scientists, it was discovered that the drug can promote an increase in muscle mass even in those who do not exercise at all (!) while the mass of adipose tissue decreased, tests were carried out on elderly men with decreased secretion own testosterone.

Possible side effects of Anadrol: fluid accumulation in the body, gynecomastia, high blood pressure, liver toxicity and others. There is no conversion to estrogens.

6. Sustanon 250

Sustanon is a fairly popular injectable steroid based on a mixture of various testosterone esters. Effects of Sustanon: Increase in muscle mass, an average of 5 kg per month, suppression of catabolism, increased appetite, increased number of red blood cells in the blood, increased libido. Among the side effects, like other testosterones, it causes conversion to estrogens, hence gynecomastia, acne, baldness, edema, suppression of the production of own testosterone, testicular atrophy and others. Also, many note an increase in temperature and a flu-like condition. The latter effect can be explained by a low-quality “dirty” drug and numerous counterfeits that have flooded the market. The original Sustanon 250 is becoming more and more difficult to find on the market today.

7. Trenbolone

Trenbolone is a powerful steroid that was previously used for veterinary purposes to increase the weight of livestock. This drug has a fairly strong anabolic effect on the body and at the same time has a wide range of side effects. There are several types of Trenbolone drugs: Trenbolone acetate (brands Finaplix, Finaplex, Trenbol-100 and others), Trenbolone cyclohexyl methyl carbonate (under the brand Parabolan) and Trenbolone enanthate. All of these drugs are produced in the form of injections. Trenbolone is considered one of the most potent anabolic steroids; a 2-month course of the drug can increase muscle mass by up to 10 kg. At the same time, you will feel an increase in strength, a decrease in cortisol levels, a decrease in body fat and an increase in libido during the course.

But you have to pay for everything, in this case with a wide range of side effects. Since Trenbolone does not aromatize into estrogens, such phenomena as gynecomastia and fluid accumulation in the body do not threaten you, but there is a high probability of such phenomena as decreased libido after the course, sluggish erection and testicular atrophy. Added to this are insomnia, high blood pressure, attacks of aggression, hair loss, acne, and significant suppression of the production of your own testosterone. Toxic effects on the liver have not been proven. According to some information, manufacturers use the veterinary drug Revalor as a basis for the drug Trenbolone, which in turn is used to fatten livestock before slaughter.

8. Boldenone (Equipoise)

Boldenone, also known by the brands Equipoise, Boldesten, Boldabol and others, like Trenbolone, was originally developed for use in veterinary medicine. In terms of anabolic effects, this steroid is similar to Methandrostenolone, but the process of muscle mass growth occurs more slowly. It is used in the form of injections. When taking this drug, you will feel increased strength and a good appetite. The steroid also promotes the production of red blood cells. As for the side effects of Boldenone, compared to other steroids they are minimal; if the dosage is observed, there are practically no possible effects such as gynecomastia and edema, as well as baldness, acne and others. Suppression of the production of your own testosterone is minimal. Often, a course of this steroid is combined with testosterone.

9. Primobolan (Methenolone, Primobol)

Another anabolic steroid that can be purchased both in the form of injections and tablets. This drug has a fairly moderate anabolic effect. It is often used during cutting to preserve muscle mass; the drug is not suitable for gaining muscle mass, since the effect is quite weak compared to other steroids. In turn, the drug has a minimal set of side effects and is considered one of the safest to use, subject to dosage, which makes it popular among some athletes.

10. Winstrol

This anabolic is produced both in tablets and in injection form. This is a synthetic steroid based on a substance called stanozolol, which was originally intended for use in horses, but over time began to be used in humans. It is produced under various names such as Strombafort, Strombaject, Stanover, Stromba, Stanol and others. The drug is very popular among athletes, despite the fact that it does not significantly affect the growth of muscle mass, but significantly increases strength and endurance, gives muscles definition, burns fat, increases appetite, and also, according to studies, significantly increases the effectiveness of other steroids during combining their course with Winstrol. There is no conversion to estrogen, therefore, there are no side effects such as gynecomastia and edema. However, there are other unpleasant effects: joint pain and ligament damage, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels in the blood, possible androgenic phenomena such as acne, hair loss, suppression of the production of own testosterone. Also, the drug is toxic to the liver and there is a possibility of myocardial hypertrophy.

Here are perhaps the top 10 most effective and popular anabolic steroids among athletes. If you are new to bodybuilding, we advise you not to think about using anabolic steroids, but to work for a year or two without them and feel a natural result, and only after carefully weighing the pros and cons should you approach the use of steroids for further progress.

The life of an athlete is continuous training, weights and jogging, diets and competitions. Every day you have to be fit and on top. Even for a seasoned bodybuilder, this can be difficult. But what can we say about the beginners who just came to the training room? They want to achieve excellent results faster, but they lack strength and endurance. It is they who most often begin to collect information about what steroids are and how to use them correctly in order to quickly achieve the desired forms.

Magic pill or something else

There are a huge number of myths in society related to what steroids are. Let's figure it out together. These are substances to accelerate anabolic processes. The first drugs based on them were created for the purpose of treating sick people.

Of course, gradually the world began to learn what steroids are, and it occurred to some of the athletes that the properties of these drugs would help healthy people gain perfect muscle in a short time. But the whole point is that this effect works correctly only with a certain diet, compliance with the work and rest regime, careful calculation of the dosage and the right choice drug, which only experienced doctors can do.

Testosterone and its esters

They really work for gaining muscle mass. They are able to give you the desired figure in the shortest possible time. But there are complications here that need to be taken into account. Free steroids that can penetrate the cell membrane are used as anabolics. Protein synthesis is stimulated by androgenic steroids. They are responsible for the signs of masculinity. This is the reason why female athletes become like men. Such effects in big sport have been observed more than once. Today, doctors have accumulated significant experience in avoiding such mistakes.

Testosterone for men

And now next moment, which allows you to better understand what steroids are. These substances reduce cholesterol levels, destroy the body's fat reserves and, last but not least, cause the growth of muscle tissue. Here's something else you need to consider. Most testosterone, the most famous androgenic steroid, is produced by the male testes. If you inject it regularly and in large quantities, then the body stops synthesizing the hormone on its own. After stopping the steroid, this process may start again, but sometimes this does not happen.

Another problem is common to all androgenic steroids. Under the influence of enzymes they will turn into estrogens. This leads to female-type obesity after discontinuation of the drug. As you can see, there are plenty of nuances. Maybe it’s better to go to the gym without steroids?

The ideal body and how to achieve it

Despite all the shortcomings, it is worth noting that without the use of special drugs and sports nutrition can be quite difficult to get good results. Sometimes years of training pass with little gain. In this case, steroids for gaining muscle mass are ideal helpers. However, it is very important to choose those that will cause minimal harm with maximum benefit. But in order to evaluate the pros and cons, it is important to consult a specialist. For example, the use of testosterone esters varies depending on the purposes:

  • For weight gain, enanthate and cypionate are suitable.
  • For drying and burning fat, it is better to use propionate.
  • To preserve muscle energy - testosterone enanthate.

The best steroids for mass

We've already talked a little about testosterone. It should be the core of any course. However, today it is rare for a bodybuilder to use monotherapy. Most often a combination of several drugs is used + proper nutrition+ sports activities.

  • When considering the best steroids for gaining muscle mass, we should mention Methandrostenolone, also known as Dianabol. In practice, it has proven to be effective despite water retention. The increase in muscle mass and strength is simply colossal, but the rebound after the course is also significant. Many athletes are ready to sacrifice this and even put up with side effects (aromatization, significant fluid retention, liver toxicity), since during the period of increasing body weight it is difficult to find something more effective.
  • “Deca-Durabolin” is not to say that it is the most powerful in terms of weight gain. The growth rates will be less than in the previous case, but this drug is safer. It is non-toxic and, when used correctly, has virtually no side effects. Even if you gain less muscle mass over a certain period, the setback will be minimal.
  • "Turinabol". Essentially, this is the same “Methandrostenolone”, only it does not aromatize and does not retain water so much. That is, weight gain is slower, but its quality is much higher, and there is practically no rollback. However, due to the lack of a water accumulator effect, the effectiveness indicators are lower, so Turinabol is in third place. However, the effect of this oral steroid lasts 16 hours, which is a very high indicator for such drugs.
  • "Equipoise" is an injectable drug that is considered one of the best for gaining weight. Like no other, it increases appetite. The steroid stimulates protein synthesis in muscle tissue, retains little water, which means the gained mass is better preserved after the cycle. It is not toxic to the liver.

In terms of muscle gain, the course of steroids did not justify itself. I, at least, expected a much more impressive result. With a weight of 80 kg at the beginning of the course, I gained 6 kg in two months. It was not absolutely pure muscle mass, part of the increase was fat.

Some of the added volume is water, which is retained by steroids in the muscles. A month and a half after finishing the course, I weighed 82.5 kg. The figure has changed slightly. The gains were noticeable in those parts of the body that are traditionally difficult to improve.

“If you want to be big, like an elephant, and with a wasp waist, take methandrostenolone with potassium glucanate”

To achieve more impressive results, the trainer advised changing medications. It was decided to make up the next course of deca-durabolin in combination with methandrostenolone, probably the most popular anabolic drug. But there was a hitch with the deck. There was no Pakistani drug, they offered me an Indian one. Another trainer from the same gym, a competitive-level jock, vouched for the quality of the product. He said that he himself has been using it for the second year (many bodybuilders at the competitive level use steroids constantly, and not in separate periods, so as not to lose their gained shape in the intervals between courses). When the ampoules were delivered to me, it turned out that this was a veterinary drug - a large inscription on the box reported this. The coach could not understand my confusion about the inscription: “Yes, everyone takes it, and no one has complained yet, nothing better can be found now anyway.”

Even women are imprisoned for this kind of bullshit. This is a real case - my best student restores such a lady after, damn it, “ personal training” in one club. I found the strength to refuse.

As an alternative, I was offered Sustanon-250, an artificial testosterone. The instructions attached to it stated that this was a drug for castrati; they were prescribed it to remain men. These are no longer anabolic steroids, these are androgenic drugs. As far as I understand, sports medicine considers androgens to be much more dangerous than anabolic steroids. Nevertheless, some jocks prefer androgenic substances as the most effective in terms of weight gain. I was intrigued.


It soon became clear that deca with stanozolol was nothing compared to sustanon, used in combination with methandrostenolone. Both in terms of effects on the body and the brain. In just over three weeks, my body weight jumped by 5 kg. Working weights increased by about a quarter. The general tone of the body reached such heights that I perceived rest with the same sharply negative severity as one and a half year old children. In order to somehow cope with the monstrous tension in which I lived those days, I began to drink quite a lot in the evenings.

My character has changed significantly. I became very aggressive. I almost injured a taxi driver who refused to go to the store to change my thousand. Finding myself one weekend with my child at a children's play about the cat Leopold, I thought deeply about the scene where first the mice, and then the cat himself, swallow animal pills. Ozverin seemed like a good metaphor for steroids. That's exactly what they are doing. Not to mention the fact that many drugs are intended for animals.

Describing my lifestyle at that time, I, frankly, am surprised myself how I could have gone so far. Where was my fear with its protective function? That's the thing, I don't remember him being present at all. Apparently, steroids and androgen drugs suppress fear and make you bolder. You are no longer afraid of the long-term negative consequences of using drugs. The only thing that scares you is that the course will end and you will again “descend” to your normal human state.

It was my prostate that brought me to consciousness. One night she shot so loudly that I jumped on the bed.

Was he scared by prostatitis?! Why is the brutal increase not typical for the period of steroid use? blood pressure, an increase in the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and the possibility of having a heart attack or stroke? Is it because a person, in principle, is not accustomed to measuring blood pressure, regularly taking blood tests, eating right and thinking about how he will live after 50?

I swallowed some painkillers, and in the morning I called a doctor I knew. He recommended Voltaren suppositories and contacting a specialized doctor. I didn’t dare visit the doctor then - I was afraid that he would understand the nature of my condition and start to scare me. And at that moment I was very scared even without it. I threw all the drugs into the trash, deciding that they no longer existed for me.

After surfing bodybuilding sites on the Internet, I realized that prostate pain is a very common side effect among steroid users. It was especially often noted by methandrostenolone users. Judging by their posts, pain did not force them to stop taking it. They somehow dealt with this problem. What's the prostate? There are people, and there are many of them, who inject themselves with steroids until their liver fails - they begin to develop jaundice. But the jocks heal the liver - and are back on track.

But this is not my way. I quit steroids and don't recommend them to anyone. This is both harmful and not nearly as effective as many people think. In the gym where I go today, you can see how the same trainers take a course and get hyped up. Then they get off course and are blown away again. Some people switch to insulin or growth hormone.

Insulin is the only drug that is DEADLY! You can consume as many steroids as you like, but you won’t die. And a poorly timed insulin injection means an instant hypoglycemic coma and a beautiful place with a fence somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

But in any case, it is obvious that a person’s ability to effective recruitment muscle mass is in the genes. If this is given to you, you will progress without drugs. If not, steroids will help you achieve a temporary effect at the cost of a huge health risk.

Date: 2014-12-04 Views: 45 837 Grade: 4.9

Important! The “Your Trainer” website does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who decide to take them do so as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

Sometimes you read the descriptions of various pharmaceutical substances by “specialists” from the Internet and it becomes funny. And how do you think that someone who is disappointed in the natural approach to training process the guy will take and apply these masterpieces of thought on himself, and he will no longer feel like laughing. I mean recommendations:
  • Use insulin for those who are not gaining weight.
  • Add 3-4 grams of AAS per week, after two years of chemicalization.
  • Including growth hormone in your, so to speak, courses, etc.
Once, on one of the forums, I was shocked by advice to a newbie from an authoritative forum member: since they say your calves don’t grow, then forget about them and don’t worry. And buy synthol - solve, so to speak, your problem once and for all. At such moments, it really seems that the moralists who oppose pharmacological propaganda on the Internet are indeed right. It’s better for the kid to live in shambles than to get hurt or die, God forbid. In this article I will try to briefly and clearly explain what not to do. And it is not advisable for advanced amateurs who do not compete. Let's start with all of our favorite AAS (androgenic-anabolic steroids). One of the most dangerous and insidious steroids. Moreover, despite the vast experience of use, it is still presented as an excellent tool for the first course in life. Enough for those who sit on it most of the time of the year! These are, first of all, the so-called fit girls who want to look dry and lean all year round. Yes, stanaza has no competitors in terms of achieving peak shape in bodybuilding and fitness. It is enough to follow the traditional diet for these sports and stanozolol will literally squeeze water out of the body, and extremely quickly. Unfortunately, its side effects are just as aggressive. IRREVERSIBLE damage cardiovascular system and the destructive effect on ligaments, joints and tendons is the norm for this drug. And it hits the liver no worse than methane and oxymetholone. Add here the negative impact on the prostate and think, is all this wealth of temporary physical conditioning that pleases your EGO worth it? Halotestin and Halotest are usually the names of drugs based on this active substance. Recently, it has been actively used by athletes from heavy weight categories in preparation for bodybuilding competitions. How is it generally accepted in amateur circles? Since this is common among the monsters of our favorite sport, and it costs a lot of money, it means we have to take it. Perhaps it will play on me too. This steroid is completely useless for gaining meat. Does not initially assume such properties. But it is androgenic to a fault. Baldness, severe acne, hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands, prostate growth and pronounced aggressiveness - that's all about him. It is also extremely toxic to the liver. The absolute leader in this indicator among everything that can be purchased today. And the liver must be protected. Otherwise, the protein and pharmaceuticals that we consume will simply go down the toilet. Cheap and cheerful. This ancient drug is still in demand among powerlifting enthusiasts. Fast increase body weight, strength indicators and strength endurance- this is the secret of the popularity of methyl. True, the collapse of these results occurs literally on the second or third day after stopping the drug. But he spent a pittance and showed off in front of the boys in the gym. Shrugged like God. Being the most unrefined substance among all AAS, indulging in methyl is fraught with a full list of side effects inherent in steroids. That is, it can do everything - complete suppression of the production of sex hormones, androgenic and estrogenic effects and toxicity to the liver. Despite the fact that it is impossible to maintain the results achieved with it even for several weeks after the course. s No doubt, this steroid has outstanding anabolic abilities. At the same time, it not only anesthetizes the joints, but has an anti-inflammatory effect on them. And endurance increases significantly with pumping during training. With all this, nandrolone can upset your sexual arch for a very long time. This is especially true for athletes over 30 years of age. Moreover, erection and spermatogenesis are primarily affected. Perhaps the most important qualities for any man. True, this does not always happen. Sometimes not immediately, but after several courses. And there are those who tolerate this steroid with a bang. Want to check which category you personally fall into? Despite the completely different mechanisms of action, these substances are very similar to each other in two ways. Both quickly and effectively increase body weight and strength, provide quick recovery, pump blood into muscles, give an amazing feeling of self-confidence and their sports results. And at the same time, they are completely unable to stabilize androgen receptors in muscle cells. It is impossible to get real meat on them no matter how much you want. Yes, and the rollback after the course is simply harsh. And there are those who complete courses on them. And then they complain that everything was gone in a couple of weeks. There are also plenty of side effects (typical of steroids). So maybe it’s not worth risking your health for nothing? Now let's look at substances of a different nature used in chemical cooking. Somatotropin is considered a magic drug in amateur circles. Save some money, buy a good one, and turn into a low-fat monster, bulging with muscles. Without diets and special stress during training. In fact, the effects of growth hormone have been greatly exaggerated. Selling it is profitable. It's not cheap. Yes, growth hormone can help both in gaining weight and during the period of development. It has a beneficial effect on bone tissue and the nervous system. But in order to get a noticeable and lasting result, it needs to be taken for a long time, correctly and in large quantities. 4-6 IU per day for two to three months will only relieve joint pain for a while. And high doses, and even when accompanied by AAS and insulin (and this is correct), are fraught with global changes in metabolism. Sometimes life-threatening. Among other things, somatotropin causes everything in the body to grow. Including various neoplasms. And its use is fraught with hypofunction of the thyroid gland and the development of diabetes mellitus. In my opinion, this is definitely not what an amateur needs.


No matter what anyone says about the ability to gain weight on insulin and not gain weight, don’t believe it. This hormone increases primarily the permeability and susceptibility of fat cells, and muscle cells secondarily. Look at the mass monsters in the off-season. None of them can do without this substance. Hypoglycemic coma ALWAYS strikes at the most unexpected moment. And the dose is individual for everyone. There have been severe reactions to just 4 IU. In addition, the nutrition when using this product must be IDEAL. But a simple amateur cannot afford this. Let’s also not forget about active growth visceral fat. Around the heart as well. Further, I think everything is clear. Rumor has it that these things are very effective. It’s just that they are little studied and in high quality form are not available to mere mortals. Application schemes from overseas specialists cost thousands of dollars. Some of our competitive level fans use them. I know for sure that it is local intramuscular. The rest is a mystery. What they sell on regular websites under the guise of peptides is 100% crap. That seems to be it. This corticosteroid went to the masses thanks to Yuri Bombela, whom I greatly respect. But I just can’t agree with him about the dexa. There is a regimen that allows (according to supporters of this regimen) to gain a certain amount of muscle mass. So, we tried it on several people who wanted it in practice. The guys fell for the cheapness and availability of the substance. As a result, two of them gained fat in the abdominal area and developed acne. And the third received such fluid retention that he was forced to stop the experiment. No one has grown any real meat. In Soviet times, guys from basements also did similar things. Positive Feedback I haven’t heard from representatives of those times. If someone is not convinced, I advise you to look at the package insert that comes with the medicine. To the side effects section.


Much has been said about this scandalous substance. So I'll just add the following. The correct use of this oil is the responsibility of medical professionals working with professional bodybuilders. The main word in this sentence is PROFESSIONAL. Those who undertake to cope with it using the “I can do it!” method often look unattractive. And this is not counting the prospects of affecting deep nerves, inflammatory and purulent processes and the death of soft tissues due to hypoxia and insufficient blood supply. Well, I don’t think there’s any need to explain what the consequences of oil getting into a blood vessel are. You can do without all this just fine. A sensible amateur is a person who not only looks good, but also feels good. Believe me, an arm of 50 cm, against the background of abs on the stomach, is quite possible to achieve without ever resorting to the above-mentioned substances. Even at the most advanced amateur level of chemicalization, you can get by with a minimum set of pharmaceuticals, provided you have a brain. There is nothing to say about beginners just getting started with medications. If the owner of the resource gives the go-ahead, I promise to write something similar about