Exercises with fins. Swimming with fins

Chapter II Basics of swimming techniques with fins

2.1. Properties of water

Before moving on to considering the basics of swimming techniques, it is necessary to become familiar with some of the properties of the water in which a person performs movements.

Like any physical body, water has weight. The specific gravity of water is approximately 840 times the specific gravity of air. Water particles have great mobility and significant mass, so water has great inertia. Therefore, in order to develop greater traction force, which propels the swimmer’s body forward, it is necessary to perform stroke movements with acceleration.

Water exerts significant pressure on the surface of the swimmer’s body, and, consequently, resistance to the body moving in it. The amount of pressure depends on the depth of immersion.

Human movement in water is based on the property of the liquid to provide resistance to a moving body. This resistance occurs on the rowing surfaces of the arms, legs and the whole body in the form of the reaction of water on these surfaces. Thus, a swimmer in the water can lean on it with his arms, legs, and whole body and cause the action of reactive forces. A lifting force also acts on a body placed in water.

An equally important property of water is its ability to form waves. This property is based on the presence of gravity, viscosity and mobility of the aquatic environment. The size of the waves that arise when a swimmer moves along the surface of the water depends on his technical preparedness.

2.2. Swimming with fins

Swimming technique with fins short time development underwater sports has come a difficult way. Currently, depending on sports qualification Submarine athletes use three main types of fins: factory fins, elongated fins and reinforced with all kinds of materials that do not have residual deformation, monofins - elongated fins reinforced and combined into one with an elastic material, usually fiberglass. [15]

During the period of the formation of underwater sports, when only rubber fins were used, one method was used - “front crawl” in full coordination; later, bifins were used and people swam without using their hands. The creation of the monofin contributed to the emergence of a specific structure of movement, reminiscent of the dolphin swimming technique, but without the help of hands. In the system of movements of this method, two phases can be distinguished - auxiliary and main. The main phase is characterized by significant accentuated muscle effort, where the greatest traction force is developed and the highest speed is recorded.

Hand placement. The hands lie one on top of the other and are at a depth of no more than 10 cm. They should be straight, and the shoulders should squeeze the head above the ears and fix it so that the gaze is directed forward - down.

Breath. When breathing through a tube, the position of the head does not change. The rhythm of breathing, the duration of inhalation and exhalation are regulated arbitrarily. When using a snorkel, the athlete provides himself with maximum streamlining when moving. However, the cavity of the breathing tube is a harmful space and creates additional breathing resistance, which increases as the breathing intensity increases. Inhalation and exhalation through the breathing tube should be carried out smoothly and rhythmically, so as not to create disturbing currents in its cavity. Sometimes, to remove drops of water from the cavity of the tube, you have to exhale sharply, which disrupts the breathing rhythm. Therefore, the shape of the tube (42 cm) is selected such that its upper edge is always above the surface of the front wave.

Rice. Filmogram of swimming techniques with fins. 1 – 6 – auxiliary phase, 7 – 14 – main phase. [ 17 ]

2.3. Long dive

Position of the torso, arms and head. The swimmer’s body lies in the water at a depth of 80–100 cm in a position close to horizontal. A decrease in diving depth leads to wave formation on the surface of the water and, as a result, a loss of speed. Increasing the diving depth lengthens the distance due to diving at the start and surfacing at the finish. In addition, when passing a distance directly at the bottom of the pool, the reflected wave and the increase in frictional resistance reduce the speed. The diver's arms are extended forward, extended as far as possible. elbow joints, hands folded one on top of the other. The head is tightly squeezed between the shoulders, the face is turned down.

Leg movements. Just like swimming with fins.

Finish technique. When approaching the finishing board or pool wall, the diver makes a powerful stroke with one hand from the hip and touches the wall with the other hand. At the same time, the swimmer should not reduce the intensity of his legs, raise or move his head away from his outstretched arm. The moment the stroke is completed must coincide with the moment it touches the wall. To fulfill this requirement, the diver must begin his stroke 1.5 - 2 m before the wall of the pool.

The diving technique consists of several independent components - execution special exercises before and after the start, diving technique, changing the depth of immersion and direction of movement and methods of movement under water.

Special exercises before and after the start ensure and facilitate long-term breath holding. Before immersing yourself in water, you need to hyperventilate your lungs for about 1 minute - take several deep breaths and full, calm exhalations. This promotes the release of carbon dioxide from the body and thereby limits its excessive accumulation in the blood during muscle work underwater while holding your breath. Immediately before the start, the diver takes a not too deep breath.

Moving underwater, the swimmer, after some time of holding his breath, begins to feel the urge to take a breath. In order to alleviate this condition, you should perform two or three swallowing movements with your mouth closed and immediately after that, exhale slightly. These actions reduce intrapulmonary pressure and remove excess carbon dioxide from the body.

Changing the depth of immersion and direction of movement. The simplest methods for changing the depth of immersion are: moving the head (down and up), bending at the waist, changing the position of the hands.

To ensure orientation under water, you should be very careful while diving. It is also recommended that before immersing in water, mark clearly visible landmarks - bright lines on the bottom, etc. [8]

Rice. Filmogram of long diving technique. [ 17 ]

2.4. scuba diving

Technique scuba diving in a monofin is due to specific features associated with the use of scuba gear and the conditions of movement of the athlete.

An important condition when moving a diver with scuba gear is the strictly horizontal and streamlined position of the cylinder and all links. Balloon, arms, head and torso to the middle chest form a rigid system. The stroke wave is directed from the middle of the chest and, increasing in amplitude, moves towards the trailing edge of the monofin. The cylinder in the hands of a diver should not make oscillatory movements. The mistake many athletes make is to bend too much lumbar region, which causes additional drag and creates a negative angle of attack.

Why use fins when swimming? Fins allow you to improve your footwork by lengthening your foot. Thanks to the mechanics of the resulting movement, the strike becomes more effective, the angle between the body and the foot increases, as does the speed of movement. Additionally, water has a beneficial effect when swimming with fins and on joints, improving their flexibility due to the additional pressure. However, if you swim incorrectly, all magical effects will be negated (in the worst case, you can harm yourself). How to swim with fins correctly?

Fin stroke technique

Observing athletes of the highest qualification category, one can notice that, despite individual characteristics (depending on physique, muscle mass, height, etc.), swimming technique has common features for all.

First of all, this:

  • Two-phase movement of the fins - first the fin goes down, then up, pushing the water
  • Movement is smooth, without sudden jerks
  • The movement is performed with an almost straight leg, starting from the hip
  • Movements are economical, each stroke does not differ in amplitude from the previous one

All of the above is true when using a monofin.

Physical preparation for swimming with fins

The specificity of this type of swimming lies in the fuller use of the thigh muscles. When moving the fins, the gluteal muscle and calf muscles. But not only that: in addition, as with virtually any type of swimming, swimmers actively use the core muscles (the muscles, including those responsible for stabilizing the position of the body) and the abdominal muscles.

Correct fin swimming technique should be actively supplemented with strengthening exercises: first of all, these are planks (including side ones), abdominal exercises, squats and leg presses. Particular attention should be paid to the development of special endurance, which is developed in the pool - at the time of setting up the technique, the swimmer should not experience severe fatigue.

Exercises for swimming with fins

  • Swimming with fins on your back allows you to coordinate the correct movements of your legs. If it is present, the fins should not come out of the water, the legs should be almost straight.
  • Swimming with fins on your side also allows you to see and correct defects in leg movement and evaluate the symmetry of the work.
  • Swimming with fins for distance and time - control exercise aimed at assessing effectiveness, it is necessary to control the time each time. By reducing the control time, the technique will be more effective.
  • Swimming on a board allows you to stretch more effectively in the water, paying more attention to your footwork.

When performing any of the exercises, it is necessary to take into account that for swimming with fins, a separate path (dedicated space) is usually used, so as not to disturb other participants. If possible, exercise control should be carried out through video recording with the movement laid out in stages.

It is better to start improving the swimming technique with fins when the technique of swimming without fins is already available. In some cases, it is also recommended to perform snorkel exercises to emphasize footwork.

The underwater world is beautiful. And those who saw it return here again and again. Then on vacation you can afford to scuba dive and finally see everything.

How to swim with fins correctly?

Swimming is one of the skills that is already taught from childhood. And all because man has always been interested in the underwater world. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to go underwater and see all the beauty of the underwater kingdom, all the fish and other inhabitants that live there. The emotions and sensations here are completely different, and the riot of colors will simply never let you forget this beauty.

But to swim underwater and see this beauty, you need equipment. Naturally, you do not have to have with you the entire suit, a ten-liter air tank, and so on. But there should be a minimum.

And it includes glasses to enjoy what's happening - otherwise, with your eyes closed, you're unlikely to see anything. This is also an air tank that will definitely be enough for you to stay under water. Remember to keep track of time to avoid troubles and stress. And these are fins that will help you move in the water. Of course, a bathing suit should also be present - if necessary, it can be replaced special clothes scuba diver. And if you want to lift your spirits when swimming, it will add rhythm to the process.

Many people do not know how to swim with fins. These huge bast shoes that are put on your feet often cause discomfort and confusion about what needs to be done. But, in fact, figuring this out is not so difficult. So, how to swim with fins correctly? Read, learn and enjoy traveling through the underwater world!

Swimming with fins: some nuances

First of all, you need to choose the right fins. They should be comfortable and not fall off. Make sure that they do not rub or press. Otherwise, all this may slightly spoil your stay under water.

In addition, it is important to choose the type of fins that will make you most comfortable.

Secondly, learn to swim with fins in advance, before you go to explore the beauty. Time and air in the tank will be limited, so you should not learn on the fly. It's much better to try it earlier. Then you will already feel calm and from the very beginning you will only be able to enjoy the process, since your legs will move automatically.

Thirdly, do not forget that your leg is larger with fins. Therefore, navigate in space so as not to touch anything underwater. One move and you can destroy the “house” of some seahorse.

Types of fins

There are several options for fins. Everyone chooses for himself those that will be most convenient for him. There are fins with an open heel and with a closed heel. A more acceptable option for scuba diving are those with an open heel.

The length of the fins can be long or short. The latter are often called female. They are good for training in the pool, they provide excellent maneuverability. But long narrow fins give much more speed. There is also such a thing as monoplasts - these are fins connected together. Good for training in the pool. Depending on the material, there are plastic fins and those with rubber additions.

Swimming technique with fins

It is worth starting training in advance, before the immersion process. Then your legs will have time to get used to proper functioning, because swimming with fins is significantly different from usual. There are some nuances here that even professional swimmers are not always aware of.

The most important difference is the movement of the leg from the hip. Unlike the usual movement from the knee with the standard crawl style. Here you start the movement at the top of the thigh, and then the wave gradually reaches the calf and foot. At the end point the leg is fully extended. In this case, the knee bends literally a little, for the range of motion. Bend it too much is wrong and only hinders the process.

It's like making a whip with a whip, but instead of it your weapon is a leg.

Problems with the calves can often occur. Many people who even regularly exercise often experience cramps in this part of their leg. Such cramps appear from unusual movements and stress. And that's quite normal. Over time, the legs will adjust, and this phenomenon will disappear on its own.

Also keep in mind that after the first attempt, your legs will hurt the next day. Muscle fibers, due to unusual training, they will be somewhat susceptible to soreness, but just warm up and everything will pass.

Swimmers are always as happy as children when the coach allows them to swim with fins during the main task. Don't relax. Here are five tips to always keep in mind when using this amazing piece of equipment.

The indescribable joy and anticipation that awakens inside the moment you put on your fins is probably familiar to everyone who has practiced sport swimming– of course, because this is real nitrous oxide, adding jet speed to every kick! As you know, any swimmer in the world, regardless of his level of training and status, be it a beginner or Olympic champion, I like to swim very, very fast during training. Here are five tips to always remember when wearing fins:

1. They are best worn in water.

In general, swimmers are not among the most highly coordinated athletes, and this is especially noticeable when some weirdo tries to walk along the side of the entire pool while wearing fins. In addition to the fact that it is almost impossible to walk in such boots, the soles of the fins are usually devoid of absolutely any relief and therefore very slippery (especially on tiles generously sprinkled with chlorine water). It is best to calmly get to the side on foot, sit down on it, immerse your feet in the water and put on your favorite equipment.

2. Length matters.

As soon as the trainer gives the command to turn into a pinniped, the first instinctive desire that arises in your head is to quickly grab some meatier and longer fins from your inventory. Everyone wants to get their hands on a whale's tail. However, long fins have a serious disadvantage: the larger and longer the fin, the slower the kicking rhythm will be. Yes, at first glance it may seem that this is not a problem at all, but, for example, for sprinters, training in such fins will be absolutely unnecessary and useless. You'll get the most benefit from using fins if you feel the speed while wearing them, but can still maintain the same tempo of kicking in the water as without them. All I wanted to say is, choose fins that are made specifically for swimming.

3. To sock or not to sock? That's the question.

The most high-tech way to avoid rubbing your feet with rubber-woven products like fins, tested many times by the best "scientists" of advanced pools, is, of course, to put on a pair of old socks before jumping into your fins (personally, I use old gaiters cut off with scissors). There is definitely something in what I say common sense. Just think what a pair of rough, brutal, rubber fins can do to your delicate fingers even in a short period of use. Watery calluses are not cool (and they hurt)! (By the way, the best way out of the situation, in addition to socks, would be to buy a pair of fancy fins made of silicone, not rubber).

4. Use them at the right time.

Whether you believe me or not, the fact that you really like swimming with fins, or that you have cool new fins, or some other fact, does not mean that you use them at the right time. For example, during most competitions, fins are strictly prohibited from being used during warm-up. By the way, I'm saying the point. When one swimmer is rushing along the lane like a torpedo, and the rest are chugging on diesel, it becomes a little nervous. Not to mention the ocean-scale waves and bulbs that you send in all directions of the pool.

5. Swim even more with fins.

Developing exceptional kicking power and strength requires an enormous amount of time and energy with the board. Developing really good freestyle kicks or dolphin kicks takes effort and work. Therefore, those swimmers whose kicking is not as great as they would like and who are hesitant about whether or not to use fins should remember that they need to use fins as often as possible, if not all the time. Fins help you train your kicking and become faster, and are not at all to blame for the fact that you do not like swimming with a board.

The article was prepared and translated by the site using materials from the resource: SwimSwam.com / OLIVIER LEROY

You can buy high-quality fins for training in the pool and for swimming at sea in Moscow, St. Petersburg and delivery throughout the Russian Federation

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There is not a person on the planet who does not love the feeling of pleasant fatigue. It's like feeling like your whole body is toned, you're ready to collapse from the exertion. But after standing in the shower for 5 minutes, you realize that you have even more strength. Swimming on summer vacation gives such an effect. How about keeping your body in great shape not only in summer, but also all year round

Does it help you lose weight?

Experts have different opinions on this issue, but one thing is confirmed in practice: intense exercise while swimming burns calories from the very first workout. The only caveat is that after such an activity you become wildly hungry, and you can consume more than you “burned”. So that your efforts are not in vain, you need to:

  1. Carefully plan each lesson, use the method of “interval” training. Eliminate monotonous loads, alternate very strong with moderate ones. Metabolic processes in your body will accelerate, which will lead to the desired result.
  2. Attend swimming lessons at least 3 times a week. Each one lasts about 45 minutes.
  3. Be sure to warm up your muscles while on land before every swimming workout!
  4. Stick to correct breathing during the swim. Before swimming, you can consult with experienced trainer on this issue.
  5. Lead a healthy, active lifestyle outside the pool.
  6. Eat only healthy products by adjusting your diet.
  7. Sign up for a water aerobics course if you’re bored of just swimming or don’t want to force yourself to exercise at an intense pace. At water aerobics for women you will not be allowed to relax in the water!

Basic styles

Swimming methods differ in their movements, speed and energy expenditure. They do not have the same start and turning techniques when correct execution. But the main difference is the difficulty of execution, which is directly related to the speed of mastering the technique. The first is the front or back crawl, the next is the butterfly, and the breaststroke is considered one of the most difficult types of swimming.


From French, “breaststroke” means raising your arms. In this style of swimming, simultaneous and symmetrical strokes are performed from the chest with the arms, and the legs make a push, bending at the knees. It looks as if you are pushing the water apart with your hands, and your legs are repeating the movements of the frog's legs in the water. Breaststroke is considered the slowest form of swimming, and requires less energy than other strokes. You can use it as a rest between more active swimming styles.


From English “crawl” means to crawl. A swimmer, performing a front crawl, alternately makes strokes with his arms along the body (left, right), and at this time his legs continuously, alternately lower and rise. According to the rules of crawl swimming, the face must be in the water, and you need to inhale by turning your head to the side. In more detail, this style of swimming looks like your arms take turns scooping the water under you, and your legs move like “scissors.”

The crawl can also be performed on the back. The arms and legs repeat the same movements as when swimming on the front (the only difference is that the swing is made with a straight arm, not a bent one). The advantage of back crawl is the ability to calmly inhale and exhale without plunging your face into the water afterward. This is the only type of swimming where the swimmer starts while in the water. In terms of speed, the “inverted crawl” takes 3rd place.

Butterfly – from English “butterfly”. A more appropriate name for this species is dolphin. The movements are performed in a position lying on the chest, the arms make simultaneous and symmetrical strokes, the legs make wave-like movements according to the same principle. Due to the fact that the stroke has a wide span, the body rises above the water (surfaces), then comes the pelvis, then the legs.

When swimming butterfly, energy costs will be the highest compared to other styles. Use a two-beat cycle, which includes: one stroke of the arms, two strokes of the legs, inhalation and exhalation. In order for your body to become ripped, it will take a lot of effort to achieve a positive result. During the training process, you will be able to strengthen the muscles of your back, neck, arms and legs.

A set of exercises in the pool

By highlighting the more problematic areas of your body with fat deposits, you can easily determine useful exercises from the presented complex. You should perform about 5 approaches 15-100 times. It is necessary that you feel tension in those muscles and places that these exercises are aimed at. Swimming for weight loss will give desired results with strong willpower, self-organization and discipline.

If you have problem areas - hips and pelvis, then do:

  • Swings. While in water up to your neck, stretch your arms out in front of you. Raise your straight leg one at a time, trying to reach your toes. You can experiment by lifting your straight legs to the sides or back in the same way. The recommended number of executions is 10 times.
  • Walking in water. Tighten all your muscles, put your hands in front of you. Walk forward, raising your knees high, try to speed up. You can complicate the exercise a little by spreading and bringing your arms together at the same time. starting position.
  • Exercise – legs to the sides! Starting position – arms spread to the sides, legs together (sixth position). Spread your legs to the sides and at this time bring your hands down, palm to palm. Return to the starting position. Choose the range of movements yourself, taking into account your physical fitness.

It’s possible to pump up your abs in water! Here effective exercise:

  • You lie on your back with your arms at your sides, palms down. As you exhale, pull your knees towards your chest. Inhale - return to the starting position. You can pull your legs up one at a time.

If you slouch and want your posture to improve, then the Ballerina exercise is just for you:

  • Stand in the water up to your neck, pull in your stomach, straighten your back. Bend your knee, clasping it with your hand from below (while keeping your back straight). Try to bend back and forth. Change your knee.

The intensity of such exercises should increase with each workout. If you suddenly get tired of the monotonous load, then spend 1 lesson in the pool water games! It'll be more fun, and you'll continue to lose weight and build muscle. Remember to alternate exercises and games with intense swimming. This approach will help you reach your goal faster.

The benefits of active exercise in water with fins and a board

If you think that swimming with fins is not the best effective way swimming for weight loss, then you probably just haven’t tried it yet. Fins help you improve your swimming technique:

  • Helps you concentrate on a specific task.
  • They improve body position on the water, and you achieve a stronger effect in losing weight.

You can complicate the above-described exercises “Ballerina”, “Exercise – legs to the sides” by performing them at a deep bottom. The combination of fins and board brings even greater benefits. They can be used by both beginners and professionals to perform complex tasks on specific muscle groups (for example, to increase leg power).

What is more effective for losing weight: swimming or running?

You are on the path of self-improvement. You are faced with a difficult choice, which sport is best to use for weight loss? What will be more cost-effective and give effective results? It’s worth considering not only the cost of a monthly subscription, but also the necessary equipment for your chosen sport. The comparative characteristics below will help you make an informed decision and draw the right conclusions.

Pros of running:

  1. Strengthening cardiovascular, respiratory, immune system.
  2. Mainly the lower body (legs) and abs are involved.
  3. If you decide to stop, then you enter a “rest” phase.
  4. In half an hour, moderate running without stopping burns 300-350 kcal.

Disadvantages of running:

  1. Possible sprains.
  2. If you have problems with knee joints or spine, then this kind of load may be contraindicated for you, and you will not be able to use running to lose weight in your legs.
  3. Varicose veins veins is also a contraindication for running.

Pros of swimming:

  1. Strengthening the same systems as when running, as well as stabilizing nervous processes.
  2. Swimming uses all the muscles of the body.
  3. Even when you stop, your muscles do not stop working, because... you are in the phase of “resistance” to water.
  4. In half an hour of intense swimming you burn 350-500 kcal.
  5. In addition to comprehensive muscle strengthening, while swimming, water has a massage effect on your skin, so visible cellulite is smoothed out.
  6. Swimming is recommended for varicose veins for prevention purposes.

Disadvantages of swimming:

  1. A pool membership costs more than running at a gym, treadmill or stadium.
  2. Contraindications – individual intolerance to bleach, skin diseases.


If you cannot consult with a specialist every session about swimming in the pool for weight loss, watch below a short video about aquatic fitness training to strengthen the muscles of the arms, abs, legs and back. By remembering these movements, you can independently make your figure chic and desirable!