Devices for measuring pulse in the form of a watch. Rating of the best chest heart rate monitors

Fedorov Leonid Grigorievich

The pulse meter allows you to detect any external changes in functioning cardiovascular system. This device is necessary for people suffering from heart pathologies to monitor its functioning. During sports, the devices allow you to monitor your heart rate and select the optimal load. If the meter shows deviations from the norm, action must be taken.

Why do you need a wrist device?

With the help of a heart rate monitor, its owner will see the intensity with which the heart muscle contracts. Such meters are simple and compact. They borrowed the principle of operation from an electrocardiography apparatus.

During myocardial contractions, electronic signals are generated, which are perceived by the sensor and transmitted to the receiving device. After the call is processed, its results will appear on the display. Information obtained in this way is saved if necessary.

At first, the heart rate monitor was used by people involved in sports to evaluate how effective their workouts were.

The use of such devices is also practiced in medicine. They are recommended for patients with cardiac pathologies who are in rehabilitation period. In such situations, you need to constantly monitor your heart rate, since as a result of excessive stress, heart function may deteriorate. When the first signs of abnormalities appear, you need to visit your doctor.

The use of heart rate monitors is necessary for:

  1. Obtaining information about the response to physical activity.
  2. Controlling the frequency of contractions of a vital organ at rest and in any other conditions.
  3. Preventing excessive stress on the heart and preventing complications that can arise for this reason.
  4. Track the progress of training or exercise therapy.
  5. Adjustments individual program active loads.

The choice of heart rate monitors is huge; everyone can choose a suitable device for monitoring the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Types of meters

There are a huge number of similar devices. You can find out at what frequency the heart contracts using:

  1. Pedometer. This is a simple device that works thanks to a spring with a weight that swings like a pendulum. Each movement of the leg causes the gears to move one tooth, causing the dial hand to move, allowing the person to see how many steps they have taken. There are also electronic-mechanical tonometers that transmit body vibrations with each step. The operation of the device is based on the transfer of heat to a sensor, which turns it into electrical impulses. The results obtained are recorded on the screen. Thanks to an electronic pedometer, steps are counted using complex mathematical formulas. Some models have a satellite communication function. Such devices allow you to accurately determine the number of steps taken and, if necessary, adjust physical activity. They have additional functions in the form of a heart rate monitor and calorie counting. The use of the device stimulates a person to improve his own health, but some errors may be observed in the measurements. Also, some models cannot perform their functions while in a pocket or bag. If necessary, select a wrist pedometer with a heart rate monitor.
  2. Heart rate monitor. Devices are recommended for determining the optimal training regimen. They are used to measure the heart rate. During myocardial contraction, an electronic signal occurs, which is captured by a sensor. After this, the pulse is processed in the receiving device and displays the results. There is a medical heart rate monitor, as well as for sports activities. Using the device, you can monitor the work of the heart, analyze the effectiveness of training, prevent excessive muscle strain, and create a safe exercise regimen. Wrist heart rate monitor or the device is quite inconvenient to use. To obtain accurate information about your heart rate, you need to measure in a stationary position. If the sensor is located near the heart, it may affect its functioning.
  3. Pulse oximeter. The device is used to measure heart rate and the amount of oxygen in the blood. It is produced in the form of a clothespin, which you need for measurements. The product has more of a medical purpose. Hemoglobin absorbs light waves different lengths. The level of absorption is related to the percentage of oxyhemoglobin in the blood. The information can be seen on the device screen. Thanks to the device, you can check blood for oxygen saturation without taking biomaterial. Data can be obtained even if a person is asleep or unconscious. Such devices are characterized by shock resistance and measurement accuracy. Among the disadvantages: reaction to bright lighting and movement, the need for precise placement of the sensor.
  4. Heart rate monitor/pedometer. This model combines the properties of heart rate monitors and pedometers. It is used to check the number of steps and heart rate. Such devices are universal, and therefore have a higher cost.
  5. Sports tactical watch. Outwardly, they resemble regular ones, but they have built-in sports and navigation functions. The device consists of a heart rate monitor, barometer, and altimeter. During physical activity with its help, vital signs are monitored, and everyday life worn as decoration. Some of them are classified as smart watches.
  6. Heart rate sensor. For such a device to start working, it must be connected to another device. Externally, the design is similar to a sensor. It is designed to measure heart rate. The device is small in size, easy to use and does not require movement restrictions for measurements. But it depends on other devices and is only attached to the chest.

Many people consider a pulse tonometer to be a frivolous device that often makes mistakes and lies. This reputation is completely undeserved. The fact is that this measurement method is not suitable for everyone. Firstly, the patient should not have problems with blood vessels. Secondly, there is a high risk of getting an error due to arrhythmia. Thirdly, many models have age restrictions. In short, mass-produced inexpensive models of pulse tonometers are suitable for people under 45 years of age without pathologies cardiovascular system.

Medical technology is constantly being improved, new algorithms are being developed, and now there are wrist devices that correctly measure blood pressure at any age and even in the presence of arrhythmia. Moreover, there are developments for measuring central aortic pressure with a cuff attached to the radial artery!

Let's understand the terminology.

01 Blood pressure- a value characterizing the force of blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels. The maximum pressure is called systolic, and the minimum is called diastolic.

02 Central aortic systolic pressure(CASP) is the rate at which blood is pushed out of the heart at the level of the aortic bulb. CASP is usually lower than systolic blood pressure. In young healthy people the difference is about 30 mmHg. Art., but with age it decreases.

Two different people with the same blood pressure readings, CASP readings can vary significantly. Studies have shown that increased central aortic pressure is a symptom of a high likelihood of stroke and cardiovascular disease. In addition, some drugs, while lowering blood pressure, increase CASP, which leads to detrimental consequences.

Previously, central aortic pressure was measured using an invasive angiographic method (catheter insertion), a complex and expensive procedure. In 2011, the portable A-PULSE CASPal system was developed to measure CASP in outpatient settings.

Pulse tonometer for measuring central aortic pressure.

This device works as follows: a sensor is attached to the wrist that records the pulse wave. Next, using mathematical modeling, the pressure near the heart is calculated. The device can be worn constantly, like a bracelet or a wristwatch. According to reviews from patients who have tested the pulse tonometer, the measurement is simple and comfortable.

Test results of the new device were published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The device was found to measure central pressure in the aorta with 99% accuracy. The indicators were compared with the invasive method (with the installation of a catheter in the aorta near the heart). A-PULSE CASPal is intended primarily for outpatient and clinical use. To buy a pulse blood pressure monitor, you will have to shell out $750.

Actually, what is this article for? I want to say that with the pace of development of medical science, we will soon see pressure meters on the wrist that will not be hindered by the patient’s age or illness, and the rating will finally increase. In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with popular modern models.

After this you need to measure your pulse. But here there are some nuances: the body of the same person can react differently to various types loads. Therefore, you can conduct several cardio tests, differing in the type of exercise performed, and select the maximum from all heart rate values.

  • warm-up area, low load ( heart rate is 50-60% of maximum) -it is recommended for beginners and those with heart problems to exercise in this zone;
  • zone moderate load (60-70% ) - the optimal heart rate value for cardio training, burning excess calories and fat;
  • aerobic zone of increased load ( 70-80% ) - for developing strength and endurance, recommended for professional athletes;
  • anaerobic zone ( 80-90% ) - the body works to the limit, this is a zone for well-trained athletes.
  • How is a heart rate monitor useful?

  • find out the body's response to stress ( track heart rate, calorie consumption);
  • prevent overload when training intensity is too high ( especially important for beginner athletes who are too actively involved in the process);
  • track the results of classes and monitor progress;
  • control the intensity of training;
  • set up an individual program.

    Types of heart rate monitors

    Where and how much can you buy a heart rate monitor?

    Thus, finger heart rate monitor ID-501-FC ( Taiwan) costs 650 rubles in online stores. Shows only pulse with an accuracy of +-3 units.

    How to choose a smart bracelet with heart rate and blood pressure measurement

    A bracelet for measuring blood pressure and pulse allows you to independently monitor indicators for hypertension and other diseases. The use of such devices eliminates the need to visit a clinic and makes it possible to perform the measurement procedure without leaving home.


    Indicators blood pressure increase under the influence of various factors. To detect the development of hypertension, blood pressure should be measured regularly. It is quite difficult to carry out the procedure correctly, especially for older people. Most often, mechanical tonometers are used for these purposes, which give accurate results. But their disadvantage is that even a specialist will not be able to measure his or her blood pressure without outside help.

    Electronic tonometers are easier to use; to use them, you just need to put on a cuff and press a button. But if you do not follow certain recommendations, the result will be inaccurate.

    Fortunately, new medical devices have appeared that greatly simplify the process of monitoring blood pressure levels. Such devices are bracelets for measuring blood pressure. They have many functions, but are not difficult to use.

    With the help of bracelets you can constantly monitor your blood pressure readings. They are suitable for people of different ages.

    Young people usually use the device during training to monitor how the body reacts to stress. For hypertensive patients, a smart bracelet is an indispensable thing, as they need to measure their blood pressure at least twice a day. The device will allow you to do this yourself and without difficulty.

    Bracelets have the following advantages:

    • easy to store and compact;
    • quickly measure blood pressure and pulse;
    • easy to use;
    • make it possible to measure blood pressure during physical activity;
    • record the date and time;
    • all indicators are saved;
    • always show accurate results.

    The handheld gadget allows you to measure blood pressure even for children.

    Operating principle

    The operating principle of a bracelet that measures blood pressure and pulse is slightly different from conventional tonometers with cuffs.

    The device reads the speed at which the pulse wave propagates, the electrocardiogram and other indicators, and then analyzes the data obtained. As a result of the calculations, exact numbers of pressure and pulse appear on the display. In most models, you first need to set your gender, age, weight and other physiological indicators. This is necessary for more complete information. An accurate result is obtained only if all rules of use are followed:

    1. It is better to take measurements on your left hand. Although in more expensive devices this does not matter.
    2. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in sitting position, placing your hand at heart level.
    3. It is not advisable to measure blood pressure after eating food, as the readings will be inaccurate.
    4. Before measuring, exclude the influence of any pacemakers on the body.

    You can get the result within 30–120 seconds. The devices provide accurate information 80% of the time. Deviations of several units are possible.

    All fitness bracelets that measure blood pressure and heart rate have similar functions. They are based on a device called an accelerometer. It is able to detect any changes in indicators.

    Such devices also have a lot of additional functions. With their help you can:

    • record geographic location. This opportunity is provided by models equipped with a satellite navigation system;
    • measure body temperature, ambient temperature, level of sweating, if the device has a humidity sensor;
    • burn calories;
    • recognize the type of activity.

    A program for tablets and smartphones is installed on the devices. The data read by the device enters the program via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. It processes them and produces the result in the form of a graph or diagram.

    After reviewing the indicators, you can adjust your workload and lifestyle by creating an optimal schedule. This will avoid overwork and maintain excellent health.

    Features may vary between models. Everyone will choose the right one for themselves. Fitness trackers are worthy competition for smart watches, and they are several times cheaper.

    Types of devices

    A sports bracelet will quickly help determine your blood pressure level. With its help, indicators are measured in any position. The device is equipped with a soft strap and is made of hypoallergenic materials.

    Manufacturers offer a large selection of models of different colors, designs and distinctive functions. There are portable devices that do not need to be connected to a smartphone, electrical outlet or tablet. They require a charged battery or batteries to operate. This type of gadget goes with any clothing and will serve as a fashion accessory.

    Even you can figure out how to use the bracelet old man. It is worn constantly or worn periodically, specifically for measuring blood pressure. This will not change the result.

    There are types of bracelets that are capable of recording indicators, thanks to which the patient will provide the doctor with accurate data.

    Some models have a function for recording temperature, breathing rate, cholesterol levels, and a heart rate monitor. Most tonometers operate on the principle of mathematical modeling. There are bracelets that measure blood pressure with a built-in arrhythmia indicator.


    Demand for smart bracelets increases every year. It is precisely because of the demand that more and more companies are interested in producing these devices. You can purchase a fitness bracelet with blood pressure measurement from the following manufacturers:

    1. Adidas is a German company;
    2. Apple is an American corporation;
    3. Alcatel is a French-American manufacturer;
    4. ASUS – Chinese company, engaged in the production of various equipment;
    5. Fossil is an American corporation;
    6. Garmin is a Swiss manufacturer;
    7. HTC is a Taiwanese company;
    8. Huawei is a large Chinese telecommunications corporation;
    9. LG is the largest company in South Korea;
    10. Uwatch is a Chinese organization that produces smart devices;
    11. Meizu is an international corporation;
    12. Microsoft is a major software company;
    13. Qumo is a joint project of several Korean organizations;
    14. Xiomi is a Chinese manufacturer;
    15. Samsung is a South Korean company.

    But models from lesser-known manufacturers are not inferior in quality to those listed above.

    TOP 10 models

    There are a number of models that have many advantages over others. They support Android 4.4, iOS 8 and above platforms.

    The TOP 10 includes:

    1. Makibes B15P is responsible for blood pressure control. Synchronization with a smartphone allows you to expand the range of functions. The device also takes care of your sleep quality and records your movements.
    2. H09. Using the device, the level of physical activity, heart rate, and sleep quality are monitored.
    3. Fitness bracelet Samsung Simband. This is a new product on the smart bracelet market, equipped with a heart rate monitor and allowing you to monitor blood pressure readings. It contains many sensors that receive information about the state of the body. The device provides cardiogram results, measures heartbeat, blood pressure, temperature and the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. It is used during sports, as well as at rest.
    4. Xiaomi Mi Band 2. The device has an affordable price and a set of useful functions. The cost ranges around $45. The display shows information about the current time, heart rate, number of steps and calories burned, and blood pressure. The device contains an accurate sensor for counting physiological indicators. The device is waterproof.
    5. Samsung Gear Fit 2.provides detailed information about the distance traveled, heart rate, blood pressure and displays notifications about calls and messages. The device runs on a battery. The charge in normal mode lasts for several days. The cost of the device is more than ten thousand rubles.
    6. Jambone UP3. A gadget with a nice design, the main function of which is control physical condition person. Equipped with biometric sensors that measure blood pressure, pulse, body and environmental temperature, showing extended information about the quality of sleep. The device is protected from moisture and can withstand pressure of 10 atmospheres.
    7. Huawei Talk band B2. The model combines the ability to monitor health status and a headset for calls. The device has a standard set of smart bracelet functions and has an elegant design. It is worn on the hand or in the ear.
    8. SmartBand Talk SWR30. This is a fitness tracker with voice control function. It has a built-in speaker and microphone with which you can answer calls. The screen displays accurate information about the level of physical activity and the state of the body during the day.
    9. Garmin Vivosmart HR. Provides the opportunity to constantly monitor the readings of the cardiovascular system. The device counts calories and even the number of steps climbed. The program, taking into account past data, gives recommendations on creating a daily and sleep schedule.
    10. Fitbit Charge HR. Equipped with a heart rate monitor and heart rate and pressure sensors. It helps control calorie expenditure and improve sleep quality and physical activity levels.

    It is difficult to choose a fitness bracelet with blood pressure measurement, since the range is quite wide.

    It is better to purchase bracelets in online stores. On specialized websites you can learn in detail about the properties, features of the device and reviews about it. It also wouldn't hurt to consult with a specialist. Blood pressure bracelets are even sold in pharmacies. When purchasing a device, you should pay attention to the following points:

    • does the device have a pedometer, blood pressure, pulse sensor, microphone and other important components;
    • construction and design. It is necessary that the device is comfortable to wear on the hand, it does not fall off and fits tightly to the wrist;
    • multimedia capabilities;
    • charging. The connector must be protected from moisture and dust;
    • synchronization with other devices. This makes the device more convenient. If notifications are sent to the bracelet, then using a mobile phone during training will become easier;
    • The device must have a GPS navigator. It is used to calculate the number of steps and distance a person has walked during the day;
    • style. There are universal, sporty, classic or elegant bracelets;
    • accuracy of the information provided. Therefore, before you buy a device, you need to check it.

    It is advisable to give preference to products from trusted companies. They have already passed the tests.

    It is difficult to find reviews on the Internet about unknown companies, while there is a lot of information about trackers from Samsung and others.

    This will allow you to carefully weigh your decision and choose the most suitable model.


    Most consumers were satisfied with the purchase. The main disadvantage is the high price of popular gadgets. But, if financial capabilities do not allow you to purchase a fashionable novelty, you should pay attention to budget models equipped with a set of basic functions. They provide just as accurate information about heart rate, blood pressure and physical activity as more expensive options.

    With the help of such bracelets, a person has the opportunity to monitor his health and improve his heart rate and blood pressure. The device will tell you how to create an optimal work and rest schedule, allow you to notice deviations in time and consult a doctor.

    Is it worth buying a bracelet for measuring blood pressure and pulse?

    An increase in blood pressure can be due to a variety of reasons, including a person’s age, the characteristics of his lifestyle and the specifics of work, the psychological atmosphere in the family and at work, and the level of physical activity. And these are only external factors, and to list all the pathologies that increase the risk of developing hypertension internal organs, genetic disorders, complications of existing chronic diseases can take a very long time.

    To detect the disease, it is necessary to regularly measure blood pressure, which is a rather complicated procedure for older people, and even more so for lonely people. In medical institutions, a mechanical tonometer is used for these purposes, which has its pros and cons. The advantages of the device, of course, include its accuracy: when the procedure is carried out correctly, the results obtained are as close as possible to the true ones.

    But even an experienced person is unlikely to be able to independently measure his or her blood pressure with a mechanical tonometer, and for most patients its use requires special training. The use of an electronic tonometer greatly simplifies the task, when you just need to put a cuff on your arm and press a button. But at the same time, it is also impossible to obtain accurate results if you do not adhere to certain rules.

    However, scientific and technological progress is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and every year new medical devices and devices appear on the market, with the help of which quite complex procedures can be performed by anyone, and they do not bring the usual painful sensations. These devices include watches that measure blood pressure and pulse.

    Modern electronic devices for monitoring vital signs

    Today, the world's leading companies are developing and improving portable devices that allow an untrained person in any situation to determine the values ​​of such vital signs. important indicators, such as blood pressure level, heart rate, oxygen concentration in the blood and many others. The use of such devices relieves the patient from the need for constant visits to the clinic, giving him the opportunity to perform some procedures himself without leaving home. The devices are very easy to use, perform many functions and are offered at a very affordable price.

    Some smart bracelets will not only give you the ability to monitor your blood pressure levels. With the help of these electronic gadgets, you can find out your breathing and pulse rates, determine your body temperature and cholesterol levels in your blood.

    The pressure measurement bracelet satisfies the needs of people of different ages. Among young people who devote a lot of time physical training, the device is popular as a means of constantly monitoring blood pressure and the body’s response to stress. For experienced hypertensive patients, a smart bracelet is indispensable, since it is necessary to measure blood pressure twice a day, and the ability to do it yourself and without any problems, you see, is very attractive.

    Blood pressure bracelets: what are they?

    Externally, this device is no different from a regular watch and looks great on the hand. It is attached to the wrist using a soft strap made of proven non-toxic and hypoallergenic material. There are various models of the device, differing not only technical characteristics, but also in design and color, so you can choose a bracelet that matches your favorite clothes.

    Some smartwatches do not need to be connected to a smartphone or mains power; they run on batteries or rechargeable batteries that charge overnight. Even a person who is far from electronics and other equipment can learn how to use the device; it can be worn on the arm constantly or put on only when necessary to measure blood pressure.

    As you know, conventional automatic and semi-automatic electronic blood pressure monitors can give quite distorted results, while a bracelet that measures blood pressure and pulse is much more accurate. Information about blood pressure readings obtained throughout the day is automatically transferred to a special application on a smartphone and can be sent to a doctor to assess daily fluctuations in the parameter.

    To measure blood pressure, it is not necessary to sit still in a state of complete rest, so you can use the devices in gym or while jogging. The developers have taken care to ensure that hand movements, sweaty skin or dust do not interfere with obtaining accurate results. And the light weight, small size and tight strap ensure that the bracelet will not even be felt.

    A smart bracelet will help a person remember to measure blood pressure or take the right medication. Being synchronized with a computer or smartphone, it will transfer the obtained indicators to it, compile a report and be able to send it to the doctor, and will give a signal when the values ​​approach critical.

    How to choose a smart bracelet

    The first thing to consider when choosing a bracelet is warranty period and the country where the device was manufactured. A quality gadget must have a warranty of at least five years, and the best devices are made in Switzerland, Germany and Japan. It is not recommended to purchase Chinese smart bracelets: although they are cheaper, they rarely meet the technical requirements.

    In principle, the price of a device depends on the power of its battery and the number of applications, but all of them are synchronized with mobile phones based on Android or IOS, show the date, time, and have Bluetooth. You do not need to check the readings on the bracelet all the time, since it is equipped with an alert system that will itself notify you about abnormal blood pressure readings.

    The display of the bracelet is not damaged from exposure to sunlight and water, and is protected from shock, so the device will not fail even if it is dropped. The device can be controlled using a sensor or buttons. The memory is designed for an average of two hundred measurements, from which a report is compiled in the application. Some smart bracelets are equipped with such a powerful battery that they can work without recharging for about a week.

    The most popular fitness trackers

    For those who care about their health and physical fitness, losing extra pounds or simply keeping your body in proper tone, a fitness tracker is an indispensable assistant. The display of this device shows the number of calories burned, steps taken, heart rate, the device shows activity and quality of sleep. We decided to introduce you to the most popular and “smart” fitness trackers.

    The Herzband Elegance is a smartwatch with many options, including a blood pressure monitor. They measure blood pressure, pulse, count calories, determine the distance traveled and the number of steps taken. Monitor activity and sleep. Synchronized via Bluetooth with Android 4.4+ and iOS 8.0+.

    WMe2 is the latest device of a new generation. Determines pulse, pressure, calories, breathing rate, activity, shows distance, number of steps and other parameters. Excellent as a fitness tracker, significantly increasing the effectiveness of training.

    CK11 - shows the frequency of myocardial contractions, has a built-in heart rate sensor and pedometer, and carries out dynamic and static pressure measurements.

    V07 - determines heart rate, blood pressure (and if an arrhythmia occurs or pressure readings deviate from the norm, the device begins to vibrate), indicates the number of steps taken, distance traveled, number of calories burned and other parameters.

    Withings Pulse 02 (or Pulse OX) - shows the distance traveled by walking or running, the number of steps taken and calories burned. Determines heart rate, pulse, oxygen content in the blood. Analyzes the duration and phases of sleep.

    Heart rate monitors: features, types, advantages and benefits. How to choose a heart rate monitor + full price list!

    A heart rate monitor is a measuring device that measures your heart rate. It is also called a heart rate monitor. A heart rate monitor is used to monitor heart function, analyze loads, determine heart rate zones and go beyond these zones. Sold on the sports paraphernalia market large number various models for heart rate monitoring. Let's figure out what a heart rate monitor is for and how to choose it?

    Heart rate monitor: what is it for and what are the advantages

    If you need information about how your heart works during exercise, then a device like a heart rate monitor is a must-have. During training, the heart rate monitor helps maintain the desired heart rate, measures the number of calories burned and monitors heart function and workload. Most often, a heart rate monitor is used during interval and cardio training, but also during power loads it won't be superfluous at all. In addition, the heart rate monitor can be used during daytime activities to monitor heart function.

    Who might need a heart rate monitor?

    • For those who do cardio training to lose weight or develop endurance.
    • For those who do high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
    • For those who have heart problems and need to control their heart rate.
    • For those who want to control the number of calories burned during training.
    • And also for those who want to regularly improve their results without harm to their health.

    Heart Rate Zones

    Why is it even necessary to measure your heart rate during exercise? Depending on your pulse or heart rate (abbreviated HR), your body will use different sources of energy. Based on this, there are several load zones that determine the effectiveness of your workout:

    The indicated percentage is taken from the maximum heart rate value. To calculate it, we use the formula: Maximum heart rate = 220 – age.

    Accordingly, in order for the body to use fatty acids as a source, it is enough to keep the pulse in the zone of 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. For example, if your age is 30 years old, then the following calculations will be used to calculate the possible range of your heart rate:

    With this heart rate (beats per minute), you can exercise for a long time, maintaining a continuous pace. In this case, the exercise will be aerobic, that is, using oxygen. Such cardio workouts help burn fat and train the heart.

    If you are doing high-intensity interval training (for example, training according to the Tabata protocol), then at the peak moments your heart rate should be in the anaerobic zone, i.e. 80-90% of maximum heart rate:

    The heart rate monitor helps you monitor your heart rate and keep it in the zone that meets your requirements. If your heart rate monitor model allows it, you can set the heart rate zones you are interested in, and you will be notified when your heart rate leaves the specified zone.

    Benefits of a heart rate monitor:

    • A heart rate monitor protects your heart from overload during exercise because you monitor your heart rate.
    • You will exercise in the heart rate zone you need - for fat burning or endurance, depending on your goals, and therefore train more effectively.
    • With a heart rate monitor it is easy to track your progress, analyze the level of load and its perception by the body.
    • You will know exactly how many calories you burned during your workout.
    • You can use the heart rate monitor during your normal daily activities to evaluate your body's performance or monitor your stress.
    • The heart rate monitor is indispensable while running or brisk walking outdoors when there are no other sources to determine the load level.

    Many cardio machines already have a built-in heart rate monitor. But firstly, such heart rate monitors show inaccurate data, which is better not to rely on. Secondly, to record data you need to hold the handles while running or walking, which is not always convenient. Therefore, if you want to receive the most accurate data on heart rate and calories, it is better to purchase a heart rate monitor.

    You can also use manual heart rate monitoring. To do this, you need to stop and count the beats, recording the resulting values. However, additional manipulations during training are not always convenient, and the obtained values ​​will have a strong error. In addition, constant stopping lowers your heart rate, which disrupts the rhythm of the activity. This is why a heart rate monitor is indispensable: it will record data instantly throughout the entire workout.

    Main functions of the heart rate monitor:

    • Heart rate (HR) monitoring
    • Setting your heart rate zone
    • Notification of heart rate zone changes by sound or vibration
    • Calculation of average and maximum heart rate
    • Calorie counter
    • Time and date display
    • Stopwatch, timer

    Some heart rate monitors have additional functions: GPS navigation, alarm clock, pedometer, training history, automatic calculation of training zones, fitness test, heart rate calculation for a single lap (useful for runners), synchronization with applications and a computer. The more functions a device is equipped with, the more expensive it is.

    Types of heart rate monitor

    Heart rate monitors can be divided into 2 large groups: chest (using chest sensor) and carpals. A heart rate monitor with a chest strap is more popular among exercisers, but thanks to new technologies, models have appeared that allow you to accurately measure your pulse without a chest strap.

    Chest heart rate monitors (with chest strap)

    A chest heart rate monitor is a sensor with electrodes that is worn under the chest and transmits data to a receiver watch or mobile application. There are two types of models chest heart rate monitors, which differ in configuration:

    1. Heart rate monitor without watch receiver. In this case, the data is transferred to the smartphone via Bluetooth Smart technology. The sensor is synchronized with special applications on the smartphone, where all the necessary information about heart rate and calories burned is automatically stored. This is convenient for training analysis, since the application stores the entire data history. Most often, heart rate monitors are synchronized with applications on Android and iOS operating systems.

    2. Heart rate monitor with watch receiver. In this case, the sensor sends data to the receiver watch, where it is processed and you can see it on the screen. Such models are more expensive, but also more convenient. You do not need to additionally use a smartphone; all information will be displayed on the watch. For example, it is more convenient to use such heart rate monitors outdoors.

    If you purchase a heart rate monitor with a watch, then also pay attention to the type of data transmission. There are two types of data transfer from the chest strap to the watch:

    • Analog (uncoded) type of data transmission. May be subject to radio interference. It is considered less accurate, but if there is an error, it is very small. The analog heart rate monitor can sync with cardio equipment, picking up heart rate data from your belt. But if someone in your immediate vicinity (within a meter) is using a heart rate monitor with the same type of data transmission, for example in a group training session, then interference may occur.
    • Digital (encoded) type of data transmission. A more expensive and accurate type of data transmission, not subject to interference. However, a digital heart rate monitor cannot be synchronized with exercise equipment.

    Both analog and digital heart rate monitors are quite accurate, so the type of data transmission does not play a key role when choosing a heart rate monitor. There is no point in overpaying additionally for digital data transmission.

    Wrist heart rate monitors

    The convenience of wrist heart rate monitors is that you don't have to wear a chest strap with the sensor. To measure the data, you only need a watch that is worn on your wrist. However, this version of heart rate monitors also has a number of features and disadvantages, so despite the apparent convenience, wrist heart rate monitors are still less popular.

    There are two types of wrist heart rate monitors, which differ in the principle of heart rate monitoring:

    1) The pulse is measured by contact between the fingers and the sensor on the front side of the device.

    For example, model Sanitas SPM10 or Beurer PM18 (cost in rubles). You simply place the heart rate monitor on your wrist, touch it, and the device gives you your heart rate readings. The disadvantage of such monitoring is that you will not measure your pulse for a certain period of time, but on demand, only after contact of your fingers and electrodes on the body. This heart rate monitor is more suitable for tourism, mountaineering, or for those who, due to health restrictions, are forced to periodically monitor their heart rate zone.

    2) Pulse is measured by tracking blood vessels.

    The principle of operation of such heart rate monitors is as follows: you put the bracelet on your hand, the LEDs shine through the skin, the optical sensor measures the narrowing of blood vessels and the sensor displays the obtained values ​​on the watch screen. With this type of monitoring, Mio heart rate monitors were released (price from 4,500 rubles), which quickly gained popularity. But the disadvantages of such devices are also obvious. For data accuracy, the belt must be tightly tightened on the wrist, which is not always convenient during training. Additionally, heavy sweating or rainy weather may interfere with the sensor's performance.

    Of course, a watch is a more common piece of equipment than a chest strap. Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable wearing a belt under your chest, we recommend purchasing a second version of a wrist heart rate monitor. But discomfort and inconvenience are perhaps the only argument in favor of a wrist heart rate monitor. Most trainees still opt for a heart rate monitor with a chest strap because of the convenience and accuracy of the data.

    So, prices for a heart rate monitor are determined by the following parameters:

    • Manufacturing company
    • Heart rate monitor type: chest or wrist
    • Contents: is there a watch receiver, replaceable straps, cases, etc.
    • Data transmission type: analog or digital
    • Moisture protection
    • Belt, its width, quality, ease of fastening
    • Quality of the watch receiver case
    • Availability of additional functions

    Heart rate monitors: how to choose? Full price list!

    We offer you a selection of heart rate monitor models with brief description, prices and pictures. Based on this review, you can choose the right heart rate monitor for yourself. Prices are indicated according to Yandex Market data as of September 2017 and may differ from the cost of the heart rate monitor in your store.

    Sigma heart rate monitors

    Popular models of heart rate monitors are developed by the Taiwanese manufacturer Sigma. His devices successfully combine price and quality. They mainly offer heart rate monitor models with a chest strap and a watch:

    • Sigma PC 3.11: the most primitive model with a basic heart rate counting function. There is no calorie counting. Price: 2300 rubles.
    • Sigma PC 10.11: optimal model with all the necessary basic functions, including calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated. Price: 3000 rubles.
    • Sigma PC 15.11: This model is suitable for running enthusiasts, as it adds functions such as lap counter, average and maximum heart rate per lap, number of calories burned per lap, lap time. Price: 3800 rubles.
    • Sigma PC 22.13: This heart rate monitor uses digital data transmission, so the price is a little more expensive. The model is offered in several body colors. Standard functions: calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, zone indicator, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated. Price: 4500 rubles.
    • Sigma PC 26.14: similar model to the previous one, but with the addition of new features. For example, this device has a lap counter, an automated function for calculating the target zone, memory for 7 training sessions, totals per week. Price: 5700 rubles.

    Polar heart rate monitors

    Polar is one of the most famous brands in the heart rate monitor market. Polar produces high-quality devices, but their prices are much higher. You can purchase a chest strap with a sensor that will transmit data to your smartphone, or a set of strap and watch receiver for easier data tracking.

    Chest straps with sensor:

    • Polar H1: GymLink communication interface, Android and iOS support, moisture protection. Price: 3,700 rubles.
    • Polar H7: GymLink and Blutooth Smart communication interfaces, Android and iOS support, moisture protection. Price: 4,500 rubles.
    • Polar H10: a new generation of heart rate sensors, replacing the H7, new for 2017. Price: 6,000 rubles.

    Chest heart rate monitor with watch included:

    • Polar FT1: a simple and lightweight device with basic set functions. It is possible to set the lower and upper limits of the heart rate, but there is no calorie counter. Price: 3,700 rubles.
    • Polar FT4: this model includes a calorie counter function, as well as a number of auxiliary, but very convenient and useful functions, such as: alarm clock, second time zone, low battery indicator, locking buttons from accidental pressing. Price: 6,300 rubles.
    • Polar A300: in addition to standard functions, this device also has many additional features: pedometer, sleep monitoring, reminder function, goal setting, accelerometer. It is also possible to connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth. Price: 8,700 rubles.
    • Polar M400: Another very feature-rich gadget, with GPS navigation and backlight. Added notification function for incoming calls, received messages and notifications from GPS social networking applications. Price: 10,000 rubles.

    Beurer heart rate monitors

    This brand offers models of heart rate monitors with a chest strap and models in which you need to touch the sensor of the device to measure data. For training, we recommend choosing heart rate monitors with a chest strap; it is more convenient and practical.

    • Beurer PM25: simple and convenient model, has all the important functions, for example, built-in calendar, clock, alarm clock, stopwatch, calorie counter, alert when leaving the training zone. Price: 3,700 rubles.
    • Beurer PM26: This model costs a little more and adds a waterproof feature. Price: 3,800 rubles.
    • Beurer PM45: the set of functions is similar to the PM25 models, but adds interchangeable straps, a bike mount, and a storage case. Price: 7,000 rubles.

    Wrist Touch Heart Rate Monitor:

    • Beurer PM15: the device monitors heart rates, alerts you when you leave the training zone, but does not count calories. Price: 3200 rubles.
    • Beurer PM18: This model includes additional functions, such as setting up training zones, training diary, pedometer functions, calculating speed and distance, calorie counter, alarm clock, moisture protection. Price: 4200 rubles.

    Mio heart rate monitors

    The new generation Mio devices do not require a chest sensor or finger contact to operate. The heart rate monitor can simply be worn on your arm. Its secret is an optical sensor that “observes” the pulse directly through the skin. Measurements are as accurate as possible without the need for a sternum strap. Prices for Mio heart rate monitors start at 4,500 rubles.

    Suunto heart rate monitors

    Another well-known company in the sports equipment market that produces a series sports watches with the ability to measure pulse. Suunto offers chest straps and chest straps included with your watch:

    • Suunto Comfort Belt: a chest strap that fits all T-series sports watches and computers that can be used as a heart rate monitor. Price: 5,000 rub.
    • Suunto Smart Belt: Chest strap with Bluetooth Smart technology. Compatible with Suunto's Movescount app. Price: 6,000 rub.
    • Suunto M2: a chest strap with a watch that has all the basic functions, including heart rate monitoring, calorie counting, automatic selection of the desired heart rate zone. Price: 8,500 rub.
    • Suunto M5: This heart rate monitor comes with additional features to help you determine the best training routine based on your individual performance, as well as get reliable speed and distance information during your running workouts. Price: 11,000 rub.

    Sanitas heart rate monitors

    Sanitas does not have many models, but they are notable for their low prices, so we also mention them.

    • Sanitas SPM22 and SPM25: heart rate monitor with chest strap that includes all the basic functions and is perfect for regular use. Price 3500 rubles.
    • Sanitas SPM10: You don't need a chest strap to measure your heart rate with this model. You simply place the device on your wrist and touch the sensor on the front of the device with your finger. This device is suitable for people who do not want to wear a chest belt or, for example, for tourism. Price 3000 rubles.

    Other models:

    1. Nexx HRM-02. Budget option a chest strap with a sensor, which is suitable for those who are not ready to seriously spend money on fitness gadgets. The device has built-in Bluetooth Smart and is compatible with almost all mobile applications, supporting the function of transmitting data from a wireless heart rate monitor. Counts heart rate and calories burned. Price: 1500 rubles.

    2. Torneo H102. Chest strap with watch receiver. Equipped with all the basic functions: heart rate calculation, calorie counter, setting heart rate zones, measuring time in the target zone, stopwatch, calendar and alarm clock, water resistance. Price: 2000 rubles.

    3. Ozaki O!Fitness Fatburn. Another option for a chest heart rate monitor that transmits information via Bluetooth to a smartphone. In addition to heart rate, such characteristics as steps taken and calories burned are recorded. Price: 2800 rubles.

    4. Runtastic heart rate monitors: this brand offers quite expensive models. For example, a chest strap with a sensor costs 6,000-7,000 rubles (models RUNDC2 and Smart Combo). Models smart watch from Runtastic cost from 7,000 rubles. As a rule, for this money, buyers choose Polar heart rate monitors.

    The optimal heart rate monitor in terms of price and quality is Sigma and Beurer. If you want the most reliable and accurate device, then give preference to Polar, Suunto, Runtastic. If you don't want to use chest straps, then opt for heart rate monitors from Mio. For those who want to purchase the simplest and most inexpensive option for a heart rate monitor, you should pay attention to the models offered on the Aliexpress website.

    Review of heart rate monitors on Aliexpress: a selection of the most popular models

    We offer you a selection of heart rate monitors that can be purchased on Aliexpress at an affordable price. All heart rate monitors have similar functions and are in approximately the same price range, so we suggest you focus on customer reviews, the average product rating and the total number of orders for this product.

    Chest strap without watch

    If you purchase a chest strap without a watch, your heart rate data will be sent to an app on your smartphone. The chest straps are compatible with all Bluetooth Smart (4.0) and ANT enabled devices.

    Magene MHR10 is also available from another seller (fewer orders for this product, but the seller has a high rating: 96.8% positive feedback) .

    1100 rubles

  • Chest strap with clock

    If you purchase a chest strap with a watch, heart rate data will be sent to the watch and displayed on the display. Even heart rate monitors with watches are sold on Aliexpress at very affordable prices.

    1800 rubles

  • The seller is marked with the “Reliable Brand” badge
  • If you purchased a heart rate monitor on Aliexpress and were satisfied with the quality, please leave a link to a specific seller in the comments. This will help our readers better navigate their choice.

    Reading time: 21 minutes

    A heart rate monitor is a measuring device that measures your heart rate. It is also called a heart rate monitor.

    Heart rate monitor is used to monitor heart function, analyze loads, determine heart rate zones and go beyond these zones. A large number of different models for heart rate monitoring are sold on the sports paraphernalia market. Let's figure out what a heart rate monitor is for, what its advantages and benefits are, how to choose one, and also consider the most popular models of heart rate monitors on the market.

    Heart rate monitor: what is it for and what are the advantages

    If you need information about how your heart works during exercise, then a device like a heart rate monitor is a must-have. During training, the heart rate monitor helps maintain the desired heart rate, measures the number of calories burned and monitors heart function and workload. Most often, a heart rate monitor is used during interval and cardio training, but it will also come in handy during strength training. In addition, the heart rate monitor can be used during daytime activities to monitor heart function.

    Who might need a heart rate monitor?

    • For those who do cardio training to lose weight or develop endurance.
    • For those who do high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
    • For those who have heart problems and need to control their heart rate.
    • For those who want to control the number of calories burned during training.
    • And also for those who want to regularly improve their results without harm to their health.

    Why is it even necessary to measure your heart rate during exercise? Depending on your pulse or heart rate (abbreviated HR), your body will use different sources of energy. Based on this, there are several load zones that determine the effectiveness of your workout:

    The indicated percentage is taken from the maximum heart rate value. To calculate it, we use the formula: Maximum heart rate = 220 – age.

    Accordingly, in order for the body to use fatty acids as a source, it is enough to keep the pulse in the zone of 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. For example, if your age is 30 years old, then the following calculations will be used to calculate the possible range of your heart rate:

    • Lower threshold = (220-30)*0.6=114
    • Upper threshold = (220-30)*0.7=133

    With such a pulse (114-133 beats per minute) you can practice for a long time, maintaining a continuous pace. In this case, the exercise will be aerobic, that is, using oxygen. Such cardio workouts help burn fat and train the heart.

    If you are doing high-intensity interval training (for example, training according to the Tabata protocol), then at the peak moments your heart rate should be in the anaerobic zone, i.e. 80-90% of maximum heart rate:

    • Lower threshold = (220-30)*0.8=152
    • Upper threshold = (220-30)*0.9=171

    The heart rate monitor helps you monitor your heart rate and keep it in the zone that meets your requirements. If your heart rate monitor model allows it, you can set the heart rate zones you are interested in, and you will be notified when your heart rate leaves the specified zone.

    Benefits of a heart rate monitor:

    • A heart rate monitor protects your heart from overload during exercise because you monitor your heart rate.
    • You will exercise in the heart rate zone you need - for fat burning or endurance, depending on your goals, and therefore train more effectively.
    • With a heart rate monitor it is easy to track your progress, analyze the level of load and its perception by the body.
    • You will know exactly how many calories you burned during your workout.
    • You can use the heart rate monitor during your normal daily activities to evaluate your body's performance or monitor your stress.
    • The heart rate monitor is indispensable when running or walking fast on the street, when there are no other sources for determining the load level.

    Many cardio machines already have a built-in heart rate monitor. But firstly, such heart rate monitors show inaccurate data, which is better not to rely on. Secondly, to record data you need to hold the handles while running or walking, which is not always convenient. Therefore, if you want to receive the most accurate data on heart rate and calories, it is better to purchase a heart rate monitor.

    You can also use manual heart rate monitoring. To do this, you need to stop and count the beats, recording the resulting values. However, additional manipulations during training are not always convenient, and the obtained values ​​will have a strong error. In addition, constant stopping lowers your heart rate, which disrupts the rhythm of the activity. This is why a heart rate monitor is indispensable: it will record data instantly throughout the entire workout.

    Main functions of the heart rate monitor:

    • Heart rate (HR) monitoring
    • Setting your heart rate zone
    • Notification of heart rate zone changes by sound or vibration
    • Calculation of average and maximum heart rate
    • Calorie counter
    • Time and date display
    • Stopwatch, timer

    Some heart rate monitors have additional functions: GPS navigation, alarm clock, pedometer, training history, automatic calculation of training zones, fitness test, heart rate calculation for a single lap (useful for runners), synchronization with applications and computer. The more functions a device is equipped with, the more expensive it is.

    Types of heart rate monitors

    Heart rate monitors can be divided into 2 large groups: breastplates(using a chest strap) and carpals. Heart rate monitor with chest strap used O more popular among practitioners, but thanks to new technologies, models have appeared that allow you to accurately measure your pulse without a chest sensor.

    A chest heart rate monitor is a sensor with electrodes that is worn under the chest and transmits data to a receiver watch or mobile application. There are two types of chest heart rate monitor models, which differ in configuration:

    • Heart rate monitor without watch receiver. In this case, the data is transferred to the smartphone via Bluetooth Smart technology. The sensor is synchronized with special applications on the smartphone, where all the necessary information about heart rate and calories burned is automatically stored. This is convenient for training analysis, since the application stores the entire data history. Most often, heart rate monitors are synchronized with applications on Android and iOS operating systems.
    • Heart rate monitor with watch receiver. In this case, the sensor sends data to the receiver watch, where it is processed and you can see it on the screen. Such models are more expensive, but also more convenient. You do not need to additionally use a smartphone; all information will be displayed on the watch. For example, it is more convenient to use such heart rate monitors outdoors.

    If you purchase a heart rate monitor with a watch, then also pay attention to the type of data transmission. There are two types of data transfer from the chest strap to the watch:

    • Analog (uncoded) type of data transmission. May be subject to radio interference. It is considered less accurate, but if there is an error, it is very small. The analog heart rate monitor can sync with cardio equipment, picking up heart rate data from your belt. But if someone in your immediate vicinity (within a meter) is using a heart rate monitor with the same type of data transmission, for example in a group training session, then interference may occur.
    • Digital (encoded) type of data transmission. A more expensive and accurate type of data transmission, not subject to interference. However, a digital heart rate monitor cannot be synchronized with exercise equipment.

    Both analog and digital heart rate monitors are quite accurate, so The type of data transfer does not play a key role when choosing a heart rate monitor. There is no point in overpaying additionally for digital data transmission.

    Wrist heart rate monitors

    The convenience of wrist heart rate monitors is that you don't have to wear a chest strap with the sensor. To measure the data, you only need a watch that is worn on your wrist. However, this version of heart rate monitors also has a number of features and disadvantages, so despite the apparent convenience, wrist heart rate monitors are still less popular.

    There are two types of wrist heart rate monitors, which differ in the principle of heart rate monitoring:

    • Pulse is measured upon contact of fingers and sensor on the front side of the device. You simply place the heart rate monitor on your wrist, touch it, and the device gives you your heart rate readings. The disadvantage of such monitoring is that you will not measure your pulse for a certain period of time, but on demand, only after contact of your fingers and electrodes on the body. This heart rate monitor is more suitable for tourism, mountaineering, or for those who, due to health restrictions, are forced to periodically monitor their heart rate zone.
    • Pulse is measured via tracking behind blood vessels. The principle of operation of such heart rate monitors is as follows: you put the bracelet on your hand, the LEDs shine through the skin, the optical sensor measures the narrowing of blood vessels and the sensor displays the obtained values ​​on the watch screen. But the disadvantages of such devices are also obvious. For data accuracy, the belt must be tightly tightened on the wrist, which is not always convenient during training. Additionally, heavy sweating or rainy weather may interfere with the sensor's performance.

    Of course, a watch is a more common piece of equipment than a chest strap. Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable wearing a belt under your chest, we recommend purchasing a second version of a wrist heart rate monitor. But discomfort and inconvenience are perhaps the only argument in favor of a wrist heart rate monitor. Most trainees still opt for a heart rate monitor with a chest strap because of the convenience and accuracy of the data.

    Prices for a heart rate monitor are determined by the following parameters:

    • Manufacturing company
    • Heart rate monitor type: chest or wrist
    • Contents: is there a watch receiver, replaceable straps, cases, etc.
    • Data transmission type: analog or digital
    • Moisture protection
    • Belt, its width, quality, ease of fastening
    • Quality of the watch receiver case
    • Availability of additional functions

    Heart rate monitors: a selection of the best models

    We offer you a selection of heart rate monitor models with a brief description, prices and pictures. Based on this review, you can choose the right heart rate monitor for yourself. Prices are indicated according to Yandex Market data as of September 2017 and may differ from the cost of the heart rate monitor in your store.

    Sigma heart rate monitors

    Popular models of Sigma heart rate monitors are developed by a Taiwanese manufacturer. Among heart rate monitors, Sigma is considered one of the market leaders; their models are almost ideal in terms of price and quality ratio. They mainly offer heart rate monitor models with a chest strap and a watch:

    • Sigma PC 3.11: the most primitive model with a basic heart rate counting function. There is no calorie counting.
    • Sigma PC 10.11: the optimal model with all the necessary basic functions, including calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated.
    • Sigma PC 15.11: This model is suitable for running enthusiasts, as it adds functions such as lap counter, average and maximum heart rate per lap, number of calories burned per lap, lap time.
    • Sigma PC 22.13: This heart rate monitor uses digital data transmission, so the price is a little more expensive. The model is offered in several body colors. Standard functions: calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, zone indicator, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated.
    • Sigma PC 26.14: model similar to the previous one, but with the addition of new functions. For example, this device has a lap counter, an automated function for calculating the target zone, memory for 7 training sessions, totals per week.

    Polar heart rate monitors

    Polar is one of the most famous brands in the heart rate monitor market. Polar produces high-quality devices, but their prices are much higher. You can purchase a chest strap with a sensor that will transmit data to your smartphone, or a set of strap and watch receiver for easier data tracking.

    Chest straps with sensor:

    • Polar H1: GymLink communication interface, Android and iOS support, moisture protection.
    • Polar H7: GymLink and Blutooth Smart communication interfaces, Android and iOS support, moisture protection.
    • Polar H10: a new generation of heart rate sensors, replacing the H7, one of the popular heart rate monitor models.

    Chest heart rate monitor with watch included:

    • Polar A300: in addition to the standard functions, this device also has many additional features: pedometer, sleep monitoring, reminder function, goal setting, accelerometer. It is also possible to connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth.
    • Polar FT60: this model includes a calorie counter function, as well as a number of auxiliary, but very convenient and useful functions, such as: alarm clock, second time zone, low battery indicator, locking buttons from accidental pressing.
    • Polar M430: Another very multifunctional gadget, waterproof, with GPS navigation and backlight. Added notification function for incoming calls, received messages and notifications from GPS social networking applications.

    Beurer heart rate monitors

    This brand offers models of heart rate monitors with a chest strap and models in which you need to touch the sensor of the device to measure data. For training, we recommend choosing heart rate monitors with a chest strap; it is more convenient and practical.

    • Beurer PM25: a simple and convenient model, there are all the important functions, for example, a built-in calendar, clock, alarm clock, stopwatch, calorie counter, alert when leaving the training zone.
    • Beurer PM45: The set of functions is similar to the PM25 models, but adds interchangeable straps, a bike mount, and a storage case.
    • Beurer PM15: This is a wrist-based heart rate monitor with a touch sensor, the device monitors heart rates, alerts you when you go beyond the training zone, but does not count calories. Price: 3200 rubles.

    Suunto heart rate monitors

    Another well-known company in the sports equipment market, which produces a series of sports watches with the ability to measure heart rate. Suunto offers chest straps and chest straps included with your watch:

    • Suunto Comfort Belt: Chest strap suitable for all T-series sports watches and computers that can be used as a heart rate monitor.
    • Suunto Smart Belt: Chest strap with Bluetooth Smart technology. Compatible with Suunto's Movescount app.
    • Suunto M2: a chest strap with a watch that has all the basic functions, including heart rate control, calorie counting, automatic selection of the desired heart rate zone.
    • Suunto M5: This heart rate monitor comes with additional features to help you determine the optimal training regimen based on your individual performance, as well as get reliable information about your speed and distance during your running workouts.

    Sanitas heart rate monitors

    Sanitas does not have many models, but they are notable for their low prices, so we also mention them.

    • Sanitas SPM22 and SPM25: Heart rate monitor with chest strap that includes all the basic functions and is perfect for regular use.
    • Sanitas SPM10: You don't need a chest strap to measure your heart rate with this model. You simply place the device on your wrist and touch the sensor on the front of the device with your finger. This device is suitable for people who do not want to wear a chest belt or, for example, for tourism.

    Other models

    • Nexx HRM-02. A budget option for a chest strap with a sensor, which is suitable for those who are not ready to seriously spend money on fitness gadgets. The device has built-in Bluetooth Smart and is compatible with almost all mobile applications that support the function of transmitting data from a wireless heart rate monitor. Counts heart rate and calories burned.
    • Torneo H103. Chest strap with watch receiver. Equipped with all the basic functions: heart rate calculation, calorie counter, setting heart rate zones, measuring time in the target zone, stopwatch, calendar and alarm clock, water resistance.
    • Wahoo TICKR. Another option for a chest heart rate monitor that transmits information via Bluetooth to a smartphone. In addition to heart rate, such characteristics as steps taken and calories burned are recorded.

    Which heart rate monitor to choose:

    • If you want to buy a heart rate monitor with an optimal price-quality ratio, then buy the Sigma or Beurer models.
    • If you want to purchase the most reliable and accurate device, then buy Polar or Suunto models.
    • If you want to purchase the simplest and most inexpensive option for a heart rate monitor, you should pay attention to the models offered on the Aliexpress website (review below).

    Heart rate monitors: a selection of the best models on Aliexpress

    We offer you a selection of heart rate monitors that can be purchased on Aliexpress at an affordable price. All heart rate monitors have similar functions and are in approximately the same price range, so we suggest you focus on customer reviews, the average product rating and the total number of orders for this product.

    Chest strap without watch

    If you purchase a chest strap without a watch, your heart rate data will be sent to an app on your smartphone. The chest straps are compatible with all Bluetooth Smart (4.0) and ANT enabled devices. The presented sensors are quite accurate in measuring heart rate.

    We suggest you pay attention to the following chest sensors:

    At first glance, wrist heart rate monitors seem to many to be the best option for a portable heart rate monitor - they are compact and easy to use.

    At the same time, such a device, as the manufacturers promise, will allow you to accurately measure your pulse. And this, in turn, will help control the functioning of the heart, maintain and strengthen its health.

    Let's look at the design of this type of heart rate monitor, its advantages and disadvantages, and the basic rules for selection.

    The heart rate monitor allows you to monitor your heart rate. This is necessary in order to to keep the pulse within a certain range of values- for example, from 130 to 160 beats per minute. These devices can also be used for purely diagnostic purposes - if you need to monitor your heart rate throughout the day.

    Heart rate monitors use:

    • athletes;
    • people who want to lose weight;
    • people with heart disease.

    Athletes keep their heart rate within a certain range of values, to work as efficiently as possible: if it is below a certain minimum, this means that the load is not great enough and it needs to be increased so that the body receives good workout. If the heart rate exceeds the maximum, the athlete is working too intensely.

    Everyone who plays one sport or another to lose extra pounds, during classes they must also adhere to certain heart rate values ​​(the range of values ​​for each student is calculated individually according to special formula, age and weight are taken into account).

    If the heart rate is too low, the body does not receive enough stress to burn significant amounts of fat; if it rises too high, the body switches from fat to other sources of energy.

    Also a medical heart rate monitor on the wrist - essential item for people with heart disease who, on the recommendation of a doctor, engage in light workouts, one or another physical activity.

    If you control your heart rate, not allowing it to exceed a certain limit, exercise will only bring health benefits, will allow you to stop the progression of the disease or even improve the condition of the heart muscle.


    Any heart rate monitor consists of a sensor that determines the pulse and a receiver on the screen of which the result is displayed measurements.

    For a standard chest heart rate monitor, the sensor is attached to the chest on a soft elastic tape, and the receiver in the form of a watch is located on the hand. In a hand-held heart rate monitor, the sensor and receiver are combined in one watch-shaped case located on the wrist; it is much more convenient to exercise without a chest strap and sensor.

    There are two main types of wrist heart rate monitors:

    • classic: in order to measure the pulse, you need to touch the electrodes of the device attached to your arm with your other hand;
    • heart rate monitors with electro-optical sensor: after the device is put on your hand, it reads your pulse constantly; you do not need to touch it with your second hand.

    Heart rate monitors of the first type are already outdated and practically not used. To date widespread received so-called fitness bracelets, or sports bracelets.

    Such a device, equipped with an electro-optical sensor, not only determines heart rate - it also monitors the condition of its owner throughout the day, determining his overall activity level, the number of steps taken and calories burned, and much more.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The main advantages of fitness bracelets are their compact and easy to wear. The small and lightweight device is almost not felt on the hand; there is no restrictive movement of the chest sensor, which needs to be put on, wetting its contacts with water or lubricating it with gel. There are also no finger or earlobe sensors, which are required for devices that determine heart rate by blood pulsation.

    But such bracelets also have serious disadvantages:

    • Their functionality is lower than that of classic models with a chest sensor.
    • They detect heart rate inaccurately - even by the most modern models far from heart rate monitors with chest sensors.
    • In addition, the range of sports bracelets is still small - although the future most likely lies with them, today, due to the above-mentioned disadvantages, such heart rate monitors are not very common.

    How to choose a device for yourself

    In order not to make a mistake with your purchase, when choosing pay attention to three main points:

    • functionality: modern devices can not only read the pulse, they also have many additional functions (more about them in the next section);
    • Ability to synchronize with external devices: synchronization, for example, with a smartphone will significantly expand your capabilities;
    • Waterproof: there are hand-held heart rate monitors that can be used for swimming, since they are protected from water, and also exclusively “land” ones - you cannot swim with them, they are cheaper and more suitable for running;

    Also, when purchasing, it is worth checking whether batteries are included in the kit; if not, purchase them immediately.

    And, of course, in order to do right choice, you can turn to device reviews and expert advice, as well as reviews from athletes and other buyers who have already evaluated certain models in action.

    Additional features

    All modern heart rate monitors have many additional functions in addition to measuring heart rate and displaying this information on the screen. The most important of them is the ability to manually set the desired pulse corridor. If you exit it, the device will notify you with a sound signal.

    Besides, Standard additional features include:

    • watch;
    • stopwatch and timer;
    • pedometer, running speed detection, counting the number of laps and distance traveled
    • calculator for body mass index, calories burned and fat burned;
    • determination of average heart rate during training and maximum heart rate;
    • maintaining statistics, storing training data in memory so that they can be analyzed in the future.

    Find out which device is best for running from the video:

    Popular wrist models

    Mio Alpha 2

    The second version of the Alpha sports bracelet retains the capabilities that were in the first model and acquired additional functions.

    This device continuously monitors heart rate , gives a sound signal when you go beyond the established pulse corridor and synchronizes with your smartphone.

    It is worth noting that due to the wide silicone bracelet, the device looks quite bulky, this is especially noticeable on a woman’s hand.

    Fitbit Charge HR

    This sports bracelet carries out round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of its owner.

    In addition to the heart rate monitor function here There is a pedometer, an estimate of the distance traveled, and determination of the activity level during the day, calorie counting, “silent” alarm clock (Charge HR wakes up the owner with a call) and much more.

    Mio Fuse

    According to the manufacturer, this sports bracelet detects heart rate with particularly high accuracy thanks to an optical sensor and a simplified heart rate monitoring algorithm.

    Has the full functionality of modern wrist heart rate monitors- pedometer, calculating calories burned, synchronization with a smartphone, and so on. There are two modes of operation - everyday and training.

    How to use the heart rate monitor

    Let's look at using a fitness bracelet using the Mio Alpha 2 as an example:

    • You need to install a special Mio Go application on a smartphone with Android or iOS OS and synchronize the phone with the bracelet;
    • then you need to configure the device, set pulse zones, date and time, enter your data (height, weight, etc.);
    • The heart rate monitor is launched by long pressing the button on the right;
    • When you go beyond the established pulse corridor, the device emits a sound signal.

    Frequently asked questions about sports bracelets

    A modern wrist heart rate monitor is a multifunctional device that can be very useful.

    Its main drawback is perhaps low measurement accuracy compared to chest heart rate monitors, however, it is higher than that of . However, fitness bracelets are well suited for amateur sports, as well as for tracking your heart rate and general activity level throughout the day.