How to cook fish food. Do-it-yourself universal fish bait (recipes)

Bait plays a big and sometimes decisive role in fishing. In general, this is a whole science, feeding correctly and competently.

The success of the entire fishing sometimes depends on this, and therefore every experienced fisherman probably has his own “signature” for carp and other fish, which can work wonders, and sometimes these recipes are so complex that you just wonder how it’s possible to do all this it was thought of.

Of course, not all recipes work the same in different places and conditions, and to determine which one is best for you, you will need to try it yourself in practice. And now from the fishermen!

Recipe 1: 1 cup millet, 1 cup pearl barley, 2 cups water. Cook the porridge in a saucepan with a lid. After this, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it, you can also add a few drops of anise oil, close the lid and wrap it in a blanket overnight (the porridge is prepared in the evening). Yours will be ready by morning.

Recipe 2: Boil 1 glass of pearl barley over low heat in two glasses of water. Readiness is determined by taking several grains and crushing them with your fingers; there should be no dry, uncooked mass inside. After the cereal is cooked, you need to rinse it with water, dry it a little, and then sprinkle with breadcrumbs and mix everything well.

Recipe 3 : In the evening, pour 1 glass of pearl barley into a thermos and fill it with boiling water. In the morning the cereal will be ready. All you have to do is shake it out of the thermos, rinse it under water and dry it a little, sprinkle it with breadcrumbs and mix. You can add oily flavors (anise, vegetable oil, hemp oil, etc.). Several recipes for summer bait for carp are presented to your attention in this -

Recipe 4 : ground oatmeal cookies 2 cups, oatmeal 1 cup, corn flour 1 cup, wheat breadcrumbs 2 cups, coarse corn flour 2 cups, ground sunflower seeds 1 cup, sesame seeds half a cup, cocoa powder 1 cup, ground fennel a quarter cup, salt a third of a glass. Mix all this thoroughly and you will get dry, groundbait.

Recipe 5 : biscuit cookies 2 cups, corn flour 2 cups, wheat breadcrumbs 3 cups, coarse corn grits 2 cups, ground roasted peanuts 1 cup, ground sunflower seeds 1 cup, oatmeal ground half a glass, sugar half a glass. Mix everything well and your dry bait mixture is ready.

Recipe 6 : ground biscuits 4 cups, wheat breadcrumbs 4 cups, medium-ground oatmeal 2 cups, finely ground corn grits half a cup, bran 3 cups, salt a quarter cup. This is the basic composition of the bait mixture with a light aroma of crackers and cookies. If desired, you can add flavorings, both natural and chemical. For fishing on the river, you can add fillers (millet, chaff, corn, prodel, wheat, etc.).

Recipe 7 : breadcrumbs 5 cups, roasted ground hemp seeds 1 cup, wheat bran 1 cup, oat bran half a cup, oat flakes half a cup, corn flour half a cup, undercooked millet porridge 1 cup, powdered milk a quarter cup, ready-made barley 1 cup, half a cup soy flour, canned sweet corn 1 can. Mix everything and the mixture is ready. Add flavorings to canned corn juice.

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The success of fishing depends on bait, because its main task is to attract fish. In this regard, every fisherman should know the basic principles of preparing bait and have a good understanding of the components and their influence on the entire composition of the mixture. And also know how to cook it correctly.

Of course, for this preparatory work sometimes it takes a lot of time because you need to buy the necessary components, measure, grind, mix all the ingredients. Often the cost of homemade bait is equal to the cost of purchased bait.

But fishermen often prefer to go through this process themselves. This is due to the fact that most often the fishing conditions vary, and it is necessary to use a universal bait composition, and this negatively affects their work. Then you have to take the necessary components with you and spend time preparing the required composition.

At home, it is not possible to make bait that can compete with the average store-bought formulations.

Store-bought bait versus homemade bait

For fishing in an unexplored body of water, preference should be given to store-bought formulations, since formula developers and bait manufacturers take into account the advice recommended by experts. In this case, the result is well balanced.

The purchased mixture is perfectly moisturized, and this makes it possible to make bait that has an optimal consistency. When such a mixture enters a body of water, it creates a good spot in all planes of the water. The store-bought mixture does not take away the fisherman’s time for preparatory activities and saves his time.

But no matter how universal the bait is, it still does not take into account the conditions of a particular reservoir and the preferences of the fish in it, especially if these are small ponds or lakes located near villages.

Main components of bait

There are a lot of them, but when choosing a mixture, you need to take into account the feed ratio. He talks about how soon the fish will become saturated, based on the composition of the bait.

This indicator could be:

  • short
  • average
  • high

The most common bait compositions are filled with:

  • ground crackers, suitable for almost every feeding. They have good absorption of water and flavoring substances and are considered the main component of baits with an average feed ratio. Complementary foods can contain up to 60% of this component
  • ground liver, having, wonderfully luring white fish species, with a specific gravity of up to 40%. Water absorption is quite high, binds the entire composition well, attracts and feeds fish, with a high feed ratio
  • corn flour, which gives a viscous consistency and improves color and taste, suitable for almost all fish, works as a binding component in the mixture, has a low feed ratio with a specific gravity of about 15%
  • ground corn with a low feed ratio. Included in the bait mixture is 30%
  • sunflower cake for flavoring, improving taste and color, attracting white fish. Buoyancy properties are good. It has an average feed ratio and is included in bait in amounts up to 30%
  • roasted sunflower, which flavors the mixture, makes the mixture more viscous and tasty, supplementing it by 20%
  • hemp seeds – roasted whole and roasted ground. Whole ones serve to ensure high floatability of the particles; ground ones add flavor. In the composition of the bait mixture they reach up to 10% and have an average feed value.

In addition, the compositions of many baits can be supplemented with:

  • ground roasted peanuts
  • ground soybean
  • oatmeal
  • fishmeal
  • powdered milk
  • sunflower seed husks
  • sugar
  • salt
  • granulated bird and fish food (compound feed)
  • various cereals
  • bloodworm
  • maggot

What should you consider when making bait?

An important condition for a properly prepared bait mixture is the presence of a good smell and the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • oatmeal, dry clay, and egg powder are used as cementing ingredients
  • The friability of bait is imparted by adding maggots, worms and other baits of animal origin
  • dry ingredients added to complementary foods form turbidity: milk, daphnia, small sawdust
  • Cake and fried sunflower seeds flavor the composition and lure the inhabitants of reservoirs.

DIY bait for high water fish

This bait composition should:

  • hold tightly in a lump when clenched into a fist and be easily thrown 5-7 m.
  • while touching the surface of the water surface, slowly lie down on the bottom

DIY bait for deep-sea fish:

  • hold tightly in a ball, when clenched in a fist, and throw it at a distance of 10-20 meters
  • if fishing occurs on rivers with current, the scattering of bait is carried out exclusively when touching the bottom.

Bait for large, cautious fish in the current

Large fish that react cautiously to bait will devour the bait if it sinks to the bottom surface, forming a continuous cloud without turbidity. This mixture should be fed generously, but at certain intervals.

Bait for roach or perch, or small silver bream and white bream in mid-water or above the bottom

In this case, bait mixtures should have the ability to create a scattered cloudy spot in the middle layers of water. This effect can be achieved by tossing small lumps of complementary food before the next recast.

Bait for catching bleak in surface layers and in shallow water

For this fish you need:

  • make the top dressing very liquid, giving a persistent cloudy cloud consisting of milk powder, small crackers, oatmeal and egg powder
  • large bleak is found in deep water, almost at the bottom, and it is advisable to feed it with weighted bottom bait

All of the above bait mixtures are suitable for fishing from the shore. When fishing from a boat, you need to place the bait in a net with small cells. The bait should be of a dense consistency to avoid rapid washing out.

Groundbait recipes

Through practice, fishermen have developed basic options for baits that they prepare themselves. Among them there are simple and quite complex recipes that require a lot of time to create. In addition, they may contain quite exotic components.

Basic universal bait for DIY fishing

You can make this bait mixture yourself using simple ingredients. It is suitable for currents and for fishing in still waters. It includes components supplemented with various additives, natural or industrial flavors.

The main composition includes:

  • coarsely ground crackers, consisting of 70% loaf and 30% black rye bread
  • rolled oats flakes ground into powder in the ratio: 2 parts rolled oats to 10 parts crackers when fishing in the current and 1:10 if the water is stagnant.
  • cornmeal, rice or pasta
  • a small amount of coarse semolina

The base is ready. You can pamper your fish with ground biscuit or tea biscuits by adding it to this mixture. All this needs to be ground in a blender.

To use this mixture on larger specimens of fish, it is better when the bait particles are larger so that they attract and retain these fish in the feeding area.

If it seems that the grinding was strong, then directly during fishing you can add bloodworms, a little rolled oats, steamed pearl barley, corn or a worm for large individuals. The increase is added based on what kind of fish is caught in a particular body of water and what it prefers.

All components can be connected approximately. Next, the mixture needs to be flavored, since it still has the smell of ordinary bread.

Flavoring agents for universal basic bait are:

  • ground coriander
  • sunflower seeds
  • cocoa
  • vanillin
  • cinnamon
  • sugar

This mixture is combined with other baits; it is used to attract not particularly fastidious fish.

For bleak

She is lured to a bait mixture consisting of:

  • breadcrumbs - 3 tsp.
  • dry daphnia -1 tsp.
  • oatmeal -2 tsp.
  • milk powder – 0.2 tsp.
  • ground sunflower cake – 1 tsp.
  • sunflower oil – 0.2 tsp.
  • dry blood – 0.2 tsp.
  • small maggots -2 tsp.
  • small bloodworms -2 hours.

For roaches

They take certain weight parts, which include:

  • powdered milk – 1
  • dry ground clay – 1
  • breadcrumbs – 1
  • ground biscuit – 3
  • bran – 1
  • a pinch of cumin
  • small bloodworms – 0.5
  • small maggot -0.5

For bream

The weight fractions of one of the mixture options for bream are:

  • bran -2
  • ground sunflower cake - 3
  • dry ground clay -1
  • ground corn sticks -1
  • ground dried mayfly – 0.5
  • coffee drink “Ear” – 0.5
  • small bloodworms – 5
  • small maggot -5

For ide

You need to prepare a mixture consisting of:

  • pea flour -5
  • ground crackers - 2
  • roasted sunflower seeds – 3
  • wheat bran – 2
  • filamentous algae -2
  • ground dry clay – 1
  • formic acid – 1-3 drops
  • thyme 3 pinches
  • peppermint oil – 2-3 drops
  • small bloodworms – 5
  • small maggots – 3

For carp and carp

  • steamed salted rye – 5
  • undercooked potatoes – 3
  • old cheese - 2
  • roasted ground flax seeds – 3
  • grated garlic - 1 tbsp. l.
  • crayfish meat
  • small bloodworms – 2

For crucian carp

  • roasted sunflower seeds – 5
  • millet porridge – 3
  • dried linden color – 0.5
  • roasted ground flax seeds – 1
  • chopped worms – 3
  • two drops lavender oil and two drops of peppermint oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. hemp oils

For perch

  • crayfish meat – 3
  • ground dry clay – 4
  • raw blood -1
  • mormysha -5
  • finely crushed eggshells - 1
  • finely chopped tinsel -0.5
  • chopped worm with the addition of camphor oil and goose fat -5

Making bait for fish with your own hands on a pond

The ingredients are ground and mixed. It won’t hurt to grab some dry ground clay for fishing. When fishing in strong currents, it is mixed into the bait composition. The bait is soaked in water from the pond.

Flavorings for bait

Flavorings (sugar, vanilla, cocoa) are prepared in a separate container and then added to the dry mixture, mixing thoroughly. Then water from the river is added, everything is thoroughly mixed, and balls are formed.

Bait attachment

Nozzles are of plant and animal origin. Their use depends on the taste preferences of the fish.

The main animal baits used are:

  • worms
  • frogs
  • leeches
  • shells
  • crayfish meat
  • fry
  • live bait
  • bloodworm
  • maggot
  • chafer
  • grasshopper
  • mole crickets, etc.

The main ones that stand out from plants are:

  • semolina
  • potatoes
  • wheat
  • barley corn, etc.

They lure fish, and there are many recipes for their preparation.

The main thing in successful fishing is not the amount of bait and bait, but its rational and correct production and use.

Proper bait is the key to success fishing. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has a lot of subtleties and nuances that need to be taken into account. Knowledge basic principles preparing and using bait will help you prepare for any fishing.

It is important to understand that any bait has several basic components:

  • The basis of the bait.
  • Food supply.
  • Various additives and flavorings.

The first include: breadcrumbs, bran, cake or oatmeal, etc.

Feed base- that living component that fish feed on in their natural environment (mosquito larvae, flies, worms, caddis flies, etc.). Depending on the food supply of the reservoir, we choose which living component will be more abundant.

Supplements– all kinds of oils and spices that give the bait shades of certain flavors (fruit, tart, etc.).

The qualitative composition, as well as the proportional ratio of the various elements of bait, is determined by:

  • Type of reservoir.
  • Type of fish.

In some cases, the bait should be more crumbly, in others – more viscous.

To prepare bait of the desired consistency, it is important to keep in mind several rules:

  • To obtain a crumbly structure, we will add more worms, bloodworms, and other live food components. River sand is allowed. They naturally loosen the mixture.
  • To obtain turbidity, we use sawdust, milk powder, and dried daphnia. Dry blood can be added.
  • Clay, oatmeal, or regular semolina, egg powder - increase the viscosity of the mixture. Bait can be cemented with any product containing enough gluten or its viscous analogues. The specific additive depends on the fish and the season (since the food preferences of fish change with each season).

Store-bought bait versus homemade bait

Both purchased and homemade bait have their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of store-bought bait:

  • In its production, the professional knowledge of scientists and fishing practitioners is used. The result is a balanced composition that is suitable for fishing in different conditions.
  • The consistency can be easily adjusted by simply adding the right amount of water: from loose to viscous, which simplifies the preparation process.
  • Using store-bought bait saves time.

But despite all the attractiveness of the purchased product, it has significant disadvantages:

  • High price. Prices for both domestic and foreign products are significant.
  • A store-bought product is only suitable for one type of fish or another. This means that a general purpose fisherman will have to purchase a whole arsenal of different baits.
  • The possibility of stumbling upon a low-quality product.
  • Store-bought products are not able to take into account all conditions, such as weather, season, and abundance of food supply.

Store-bought baits are more versatile and therefore suitable for fishing in average conditions.

Homemade bait:

  • It has a low cost, and therefore, at the same price as a purchased product, more mixture can be produced.
  • Takes into account the characteristics of reservoirs and environmental conditions, due to the knowledge of the fisherman himself.
  • Due to its low cost, it makes it possible to change the composition and achieve maximum effectiveness.

Perhaps the only and main disadvantage of such bait is that without knowledge of the characteristics of the reservoir and the local food supply, the homemade mixture will not attract fish. This means that the disadvantage of homemade bait is strict specialization and lack of versatility.

Thus, it is best to use homemade bait in familiar bodies of water, where it will perform best. If you are fishing in an unfamiliar place, it is better to buy a more universal ready-made bait.

Main components of bait

Any bait should include the following components:

  • Animal component(depending on the food supply of the reservoir where fishing is carried out).
  • Filler or “skeleton” of bait. It serves to quantitatively fill the mixture. Various cereals, egg powder, hemp seeds, or sunflower seeds, bran, or dry clay, steamed cake are used as fillers.
  • Baking powder– if the required crumbly consistency cannot be achieved by simply changing the proportions of the products included in the mixture, you can add raising agents. Regular baking soda or lemon juice will do.

    If desired, you can use store-bought baking powder. Baking powder is also used in denser baits. In this case, its mass fraction should not exceed 1 percent, otherwise the mixture will disintegrate too quickly. If the mass fraction is maintained, when it gets into the water, the mixture will slowly “unstick”, forming a bait trail.

  • Flavors. The choice of flavoring is determined by the time of year and the type of fish. This also includes flavor enhancers.
  • Components for luring fish– the fish prefers bait that is as similar as possible to its natural food. Therefore, you should use components that have high nutritional value and a natural loose structure (peanuts, milk powder, dried blood).
  • Thickeners– in order for the mixture to obtain a cohesive structure, products rich in gluten are used (for example, semolina).

What should you consider when making bait?

When making bait, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Season (time of year).
  • Weather conditions.
  • Type of reservoir.
  • Type of fish.
  • Food supply (abundant or scarce, which is included in its composition).

You need to follow general advice:

  • Only products that are familiar to a particular fish should be included. Strangers will scare her away.
  • The bait is given an attractive aroma.
  • When catching large fish, you need to achieve a dense consistency. Loose, crumbly consistency suitable for small fish.
  • The components of the bait are thoroughly mixed.

DIY bait for high water fish

As the name suggests, high-water fish do not dive deep to the bottom. This means that the consistency of the bait should not be too dense, otherwise the lump will be swept into the depths. Without attracting water.

For high-water fish, bait should have the following qualities: crumbly (dusty) structure and low density.

A classic recipe is making a mixture of breadcrumbs and egg or milk powder.

Ground crackers are mixed with egg (milk powder) in a 2:1 combination (2 parts crackers, 1 part powder).

Cocoa or crushed cake will not hurt (in the ratio of 1 tbsp per 1 kg of mixture). When the lump of mixture gets into the water, it will quickly disintegrate and create a bait trail at a shallow depth.

DIY bait for deep sea fish

When catching deep-sea fish, it is important to make a high-density mixture so that the food ball breaks apart only when it comes into contact with the bottom.

Sample recipe:

  • Grind the living component (bloodworm - maggot, 5:3).
  • Add 1 part dry clay and 1 part corn grits.
  • Add chopped sunflower cake (3 parts).
  • Stir ½ part cocoa or coffee drink into the mixture.

The mixture is thoroughly kneaded and moistened with water (no need to steam).

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
Other secrets successful fishing you can get it for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Bait for large, cautious fish in the current

To bait large, cautious fish in the current, it is necessary to give the food coma greater density. You should not use products that create a lot of turbidity when they get into the water; this will scare away large fish, but will attract small fish and high water.

When disintegrating, such bait should not leave an abundant trail of bait. It is important that it disperses carefully at the bottom.

Sample recipe:

  • Mix the following ingredients: steamed wheat, sunflower seeds, corn flour, cottage cheese or curdled milk, egg yolk, beans, shell meat. Proportion: 5:3:2:3:3:2:3.
  • The beans must first be boiled in castor oil. For flavorings: 1 tbsp. hemp oil and 2 drops of lavender.

Bait for roach or perch, or small silver bream and white bream in mid-water or above the bottom

Such bait should create a large cloud of turbidity when it gets into the water. It is important to form not large food lumps, but small ones, for better disintegration.

Example recipe:

  • Mix steamed peas, flaxseed powder, bran, egg or milk powder, grated beets, chopped worms and maggots in a combination: 3:2:3:1:1:4:3.

Bait for catching bleak in surface layers and in shallow water

You need bait that is very light. It can be crumbly or liquid in consistency and should produce a lot of cloudiness. In this case, the mixture will quickly and completely disintegrate and give a stable bait trail over a large radius.

Sample recipe:

  • Mix bread crumbs with egg powder or milk powder (3:1)
  • Add 2 parts of rolled oats.
  • Mix in 2 parts sawdust and 2 parts small maggots (large maggots can be crushed).
  • Mix in ½ part crushed hemp seed and 1/5 flaxseed oil.

DIY basic universal bait

Although the composition of the bait must be adjusted for each condition, there are several recipes for universal baits. They are suitable for all occasions, but do not have the effectiveness that specialized bait can offer.

Here is one of the classic recipes:

  • The most important component of universal bait is crackers. The easiest way to make crackers is from stale bread. White bread is better for universal bait.
  • The second most important component is bran. They are used as a leavening agent. The ideal option is a mixture of coarse and finely ground bran. The proportion varies from 3:1 to 1:1, it all depends on what degree of density is needed. If the bait should be more sticky, you need more crackers; if it is more crumbly, there should be less crackers.
  • Cake. It is allowed to add up to 20% mass fraction.
  • Hemp seeds or sunflower seeds. In crushed form.

This is a recipe for self-sufficient feeding. If desired, you can add a live component (1-3 parts, depending on the type of fish).

Another win-win option is porridge. The cereal is boiled in water. Combination 1:2 (per kilogram of cereal - 2 liters of water). After the water has boiled away, wrap the pan with a thick cloth and leave the cereal to simmer under the closed lid.

Groundbait recipe for ide:

  • Mix steamed wheat with sunflower cake (5:4).
  • Add 3 parts oatmeal flour and 2 parts breadcrumbs.
  • Add 1 part dry blood, 1 part dry clay and 1 tbsp. chopped peppermint.
  • Add 2 drops of formic acid to the mixture.
  • Finally, add a living component: bloodworms and maggots (4 and 3 parts, respectively)

Bait recipe for carp and carp:

  • Mix steamed, lightly salted rye with mashed potatoes (5 and 3 parts). Potatoes should be undercooked.
  • Add 1 tbsp. grated garlic and 2 parts dry shredded cheese.
  • Add 3 parts of grated flaxseed.
  • The live component is crayfish or shellfish meat (3 parts) and maggot (2 parts).

Bait recipe for perch:

  • Mix crushed eggshells (1 part) with dry clay (4 parts)
  • Add 3 parts of crayfish meat and pour in 1 part of blood.
  • Add 5 parts of crustaceans (mormysh) and 5 parts of chopped worms to the mixture.

We first soak the worms in a mixture of camphor oil and goose fat.

Bait recipe for roach:

  • steamed breadcrumbs
  • boiled peas, wheat or rye
  • maggot;
  • clay;
  • flavoring

Making bait for fish with your own hands on a pond

The bait can be prepared in advance, but in most cases special rules must be followed:

  1. Steamed cereal should retain maximum freshness, so it is not advisable to open the pan until the very moment of feeding and fishing.
  2. Bloodworms, maggots and chopped worms lose their freshness very quickly after cooking, so they should be consumed within 2-3 hours after preparation.
  3. Scented fillers should not be added in advance because... their aroma quickly dissipates.

Therefore, it is most reasonable to prepare bait for fish either a maximum of forty minutes before the start of complementary feeding, or directly on the pond:

  • A large bowl or bucket is suitable for mixing dry ingredients.
  • Liquid components (except water) are mixed separately.
  • After the liquid component is ready, add it to the dry one. Mix thoroughly.
  • After kneading, add water (preferably from the reservoir where fishing will take place).
  • After this, the mixture is left for 15-20 minutes to harden.
  • It is better to underfill than overfill. Dry bait is easy to dilute and bring to the desired consistency, but too liquid bait cannot be corrected.
  • After hardening, we make balls. You can check the suitability of the bait by throwing it into the water. Then we watch how the molded ball behaves.

Flavorings for bait

Although different fish prefer different flavors, there are a few general observations:

  • In spring, fish love sweet smells with fruity undertones. Vanilla and regular sugar can be used.
  • In autumn, spices and natural fruit aromas come into play.
  • In winter, fish prefer natural fishy aromas. Avoid using too strong artificial flavors. If possible, they should be abandoned altogether.
  • In summer, fish, on the contrary, love strong aromas; spices like cloves and coriander mixed with the natural odors of the live component of complementary foods are best suited.

You can make flavors yourself, or buy ready-made ones. Today's market is rich in flavors general purpose with synthetic scents of spices and fruits.

If desired, you can also purchase specialized flavors for specific types of fish. The question is financial capabilities and the desire to spend time preparing complementary foods.

Bait attachment

When attaching bait (if fishing is done from the shore), 2 factors are important:

  • The size of the food coma
  • Casting distance.


  1. For catching perch a dense, medium-sized lump should be formed. Casting range – 5-7 meters.
  2. For catching deep sea fish: We form a dense lump slightly larger than average. Casting range – 10-20 meters.
  3. When catching large, cautious fish, or in the current: you need to form medium-sized lumps, not too heavy. When casting, be careful to create as little splash as possible. Try to let the food ball gently sink to the bottom. Casting range is not limited.
  4. When fishing for perch, white bream, silver bream in mid-water or above the bottom: We form small lumps and forcefully throw them into the water so that the bait quickly disintegrates and raises the turbidity.
  5. For catching bleak: We form small food balls and throw them at a distance of 3-7 meters.

If fish are caught from a boat, the bait is placed in a feeder (the walls of which are made of a fine mesh, otherwise the bait will be washed out very quickly). The bait itself should have a dense structure for the same reason.

Thus, bait is one of the main conditions for effective fishing. Before preparing it, it is necessary to study the nature of the reservoir and its food supply, and also know exactly what kind of fish to hunt. The quantitative and qualitative composition depends on this.

Bait should not be made “in reserve”. It is better to prepare it right before fishing. If the body of water is unfamiliar or there is no desire to mess around in the kitchen, and then on the shore - good option the bait will be ready.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When last time Have you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But the stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, not always homemade bait works well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine catching white fish without using bait. The bait is used when fishing with a feeder, a float and winter fishing. Properly formulated bait for fish is the key to successful fishing.

Why is it important to choose the right

The composition of the bait, as well as the feeding technique, are an important condition that determines the effectiveness of fishing. Different types of fish have different food preferences, therefore, for each type of fish the composition of the bait is different. Moreover, depending on external conditions, such as the hydrology of the reservoir and weather conditions, the bait must have certain physical characteristics and nutritional properties. We must not forget that the fishing method also puts forward corresponding requirements for the composition of the bait and its consistency.


All baits are divided into dry mixtures and porridges. Groundbait also varies in the number of ingredients: from simple two-component to complex, such as branded Sensas or homemade Salapin porridge. There are ready-made baits, which can be purchased at fishing stores, and homemade baits. Finally, baits differ in their purpose: it should be understood that using feeder baits when fishing with a float is possible, but not advisable, just as you should not do the opposite.

Differences between store-bought and homemade

In baits that can be purchased at a fishing store, everything the proportions of the ingredients are clearly expressed, although experienced anglers can do this at home. All store-bought baits are dry mixtures, while porridge-based bait can only be made independently. Branded baits are designed for long-term storage, and dry mixtures prepared at home are recommended to be used within two weeks.

Another advantage of store-bought bait is that It takes a minimum of time to prepare bait mixture in a pond. Although it is believed that making homemade bait saves the fisherman money, this is not always the case. Complex recipes for slaughter bait prepared at home require the use of certain components that are quite expensive.

Some expensive branded baits are intended for sports fishermen, although they often do not use them in their pure form, but are diluted with cheaper components. The peculiarity of top mixtures lies in their speed– the time required to attract fish to bait is minimal here.

Composition of any fish bait



The main components are nutritional part groundbait. For dry mixes, these are breadcrumbs made from wheat or rye bread. The basis of porridges for groundbait are various cereals, the most commonly used are the following:

  • pearl barley;
  • millet cereal;
  • peas;
  • semolina;
  • corn grits;
  • barley groats;


The connecting components serve to give the bait the necessary viscosity. Such adhesive components are the following:

  • milk powder;
  • semolina;
  • crushed baking sugar;
  • flour;
  • "Hercules" cereal.


  • bran. Once in the water and beginning to decompose, the bran releases air bubbles, which loosen the mixture and serve additional factor attracting fish;
  • cake;
  • undercooked pearl barley, millet, peas;
  • various living creatures: bloodworms, maggots, worms;
  • priming.


Neutral components do not change the physical properties of the bait, but increase its calorie content. Among them are the following:

  • corn flour;
  • sunflower and flax cakes.

To give more specific gravity

When fishing in the current or at great depths, the bait should be quite heavy. To make it heavier use:

  • land;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • fine gravel.

Dye components

To give the bait the desired color(darkening or lightening) use cocoa powder, earth and milk powder.


Porridge-based bait is simply mixed, achieving a uniform consistency. Bait based on dry mixtures is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour the bait into a container of the required size.
  2. Mix the bait mixture thoroughly with a mixer based on a cordless screwdriver.
  3. Add a small amount of water from the reservoir in which you intend to fish and mix the mixture again.
  4. Allow the mixture to stand for about half an hour so that its particles absorb water and swell.
  5. Begin adding water in small portions, constantly stirring the mixture and achieving the desired consistency.
  6. If possible, leave the bait overnight.
  7. Immediately before fishing, flavorings are added to the bait, if necessary, and animal components.

Bait for fishing with a float should easily mold into balls and not fall apart when cast and hit the water. The bait for the feeder should be looser.

Expert opinion

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Zoologist, hydrobiologist. I am interested in fishing at a professional level.

Attention! To determine how ready the bait is for float fishing, a lump of the mixture is thrown into the water near the shore. The ball should reach the bottom and only then begin to crumble.

Selection in store

When a fisherman comes to the store to buy bait, he usually sets himself the following tasks:

  1. Choose bait for the type of fish you intend to catch, or a universal bait if several species of non-predatory fish live in the reservoir.
  2. Choose bait depending on the fishing conditions, i.e. for fishing in flowing or standing water.
  3. Choose bait for the right time of year or, in other words, for warm or cold water.

The best stores

The best to date include the following:

  • Sensas. World-famous bait from France, which is used by both amateurs and professionals. Bait mixtures are produced for all types of fish and all fishing conditions;
  • Unikorm Sabaneev. Domestic bait with a good price/quality ratio for fishing in different conditions;
  • Dunaev. The bait was developed by the repeated champion of Russia A. Dunaev, who is familiar first-hand with the habits of the fish that live in our reservoirs.

Dependence of composition on time of year


In winter, bait should be low in calories and the fish should be fed in small portions. It is better to exclude flavorings from the bait or use them very carefully.


As the water warms up, the nutritional value of catchable spring bait is increased and more fragrant flavors are used. The water temperature is +10, when spawning occurs in most fish, which activates metabolic processes, allows you to use the same bait mixtures as in the summer, but in smaller quantities.


In warm weather, an angler can experiment with the composition of summer bait without fear negative consequences, because in summer the fish are active.


In autumn, white fish are active, as they have to accumulate fat reserves before wintering. The bait should be high in calories, but caution should be exercised when it comes to flavorings.

Criteria for determining the need for use

Groundbait should not be used:

  • during sea fishing when searching for fish;
  • with high fish activity;
  • when the place has already been baited by other fishermen.

It is advisable to use bait:

  • when you need to attract fish to the bait;
  • when you need to collect fish from a large area;
  • with low fish activity.

Composition for different types of fish


To catch roach, bait should include:

  • breadcrumbs;
  • crushed hemp seeds;
  • ground fried sunflower seeds (makuhu, cake);
  • wheat bran;
  • according to the situation: boiled barley grains, a little millet, powdered milk, canned corn;
  • feed bloodworms and small maggots.


  • breadcrumbs;
  • boiled peas;
  • boiled millet;
  • crushed cookies or fruit gingerbread;
  • flavorings as needed;
  • chopped worm or food bloodworm.


  • breadcrumbs;
  • canned corn;
  • semolina;
  • corn flour;
  • boiled millet;
  • ground hemp seeds;
  • maggot.

crucian carp

  • breadcrumbs;
  • crushed cookies;
  • ground sunflower seeds;
  • ground Hercules;
  • feed bloodworm.

Horse fish

For riding fish, which in our reservoirs is bleak, it is necessary to form nutrient mixture cloud in the upper layers of water. The easiest way to create such a cloudiness is by feeding it with a mixture of breadcrumbs and egg powder, or milk powder.

Other white fish

Among other non-predatory fish in domestic reservoirs, tench, ide and chub respond positively to feeding. Bait for tench is prepared in the same way as for crucian carp, adding low-fat cottage cheese to it. When catching ide, use universal bait containing large feed particles. The chub feeding on the surface is fed with pieces of white bread, which is also placed on a hook.

How to make a universal

For float fishing

A dry mixture for float fishing for most fish that live in our reservoirs is prepared with your own hands as follows:

  1. Breadcrumbs are used as the main component of bait.
  2. Add 10% crushed roasted hemp seeds.
  3. Add 10% ground roasted sunflower seeds.
  4. Add some crushed cookies.
  5. Add a little bran.

In a pond, when diluted with water, boiled millet, binding or loosening components, livestock and everything that is needed to give the mixture the necessary physical properties (dyes, weighting mixtures), as well as flavorings are added.

Universal bait based on porridge is cooked as follows:

  1. They cook pearl barley.
  2. When it is almost ready, add millet.
  3. Breadcrumbs and ground sunflower seeds are added to the finished porridge.
  4. Other components are added if necessary.

For feeder fishing

The feeder mixture is prepared in the same way, but it is important to keep in mind that the bait for the feeder should:

  • vanillin;
  • anise oil;
  • dill oil;
  • garlic extract;
  • decoction of cloves, etc.
  • Since the beginning of this century, synthetic additives identical to natural pheromones - biologically active substances that regulate the behavior of living organisms - have become widespread. Using them as an additive to bait has the following effects on fish:

    • attracts attention;
    • stimulates the feeling of hunger;
    • awakens the pack reflex.

    In certain situations, bait with pheromones can cause a frantic bite where conventional bait is powerless.

    Rules for feeding fish

    When fishing with a float, first, as a rule, a starting bin is made, sending several balls of bait to the fishing point. Then they are fed periodically in small portions. Sometimes starter feeding is not done, but regular feeding is carried out at certain intervals.

    When fishing with a feeder, they initially create a spot of bait on the area of ​​the bottom of the reservoir where they are going to fish, throwing the feeder several times and shaking out the food from it. After this, they throw in a full feeder, but with a mounted rig with bait.

    Useful video

    Fish bait is an element of fishing that should not be neglected under any circumstances. Properly prepared bait will provide the angler with a good catch and give him incomparable fishing pleasure.

    Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

    Zoologist, hydrobiologist. Graduated from Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences. I am interested in fishing at a professional level.

    Bait for fishing is always necessary. If you fish without using fish bait, then know that you are losing most of the fish that you could catch. Store-bought bait is good, but expensive. But if you learn how to make bait for fishing with your own hands, you can easily make it at home. Such bait will cost you less, and its volume will be larger. After all, it so often happens that purchased bait runs out in the midst of fishing, much to the disappointment of the fisherman. In this article we will look at the principle of preparing fishing bait and best recipes that never let you down.

    Composition of any homemade bait for fishing

    High-quality bait for fishing, made by yourself, should not just be a mixture of all kinds of ingredients, but have a certain structure, namely:

    • The basis, which can make up the bulk of the bait;
    • Feed elements - which will hold the fish at the fishing site for a long time;
    • Additives are aromatic substances that will attract fish from all over the reservoir to your fishing spot.

    In small bets, where the density of fish is high, you can ignore this rule, because there it will be enough to throw boiled pearl barley, corn, millet or bread into the water and the fish will concentrate at your fishing spot, but when the reservoir is large and you need to attract and retain fish, always Make sure that your bait contains a base, food and additives. More details about each of these components below.

    Groundbait basis. The basis of the bait is often made from the cheapest components in order to obtain good volume bait is as cheap as possible and at the same time this component will also serve to attract fish. The basis of homemade bait can also be edible, that is, it simultaneously performs two tasks - attract fish and keep it at the fishing spot. The role of the base can be performed by:

    • compound feed;
    • cake;
    • halva;
    • pearl barley;
    • peas;
    • bran;
    • cake;
    • crackers;
    • oatmeal;
    • millet, etc.

    Feed elements. Feed elements are designed to hold the fish at the fishing point. If a fish approaches an attractive smell, but does not find anything edible, it will go to look for food in places that contain it. Therefore, the bait must give the fish what it came for - food. Then the fish will hang around in the baited area for a long time and all you have to do is offer it the bait that the fish cannot refuse.

    The role of feed elements in bait can be performed by any fishing bait, both plant and animal:

    • dung worm;
    • crawl out;
    • maggot;
    • bloodworm;
    • corn;
    • peas;
    • dough;
    • pearl barley;
    • Hercules;
    • millet, etc.

    Supplements. Fragrant additives are very effective important role. They attract fish from the most distant parts of the reservoir. When the fish comes closer, it already begins to smell the base of the bait and food components and approaches the baited place with a fuller appetite. Such additives to bait can include:

    • sunflower oil;
    • anise oil;
    • hemp oil;
    • garlic juice;
    • fried sunflower seeds;
    • condensed milk;
    • yogurt;
    • honey, etc.

    Bait recipes for fishing

    When you have already figured out what ingredients can be used for bait and what role each of them will play, it’s time to familiarize yourself with bait recipes that work great when fishing. There is nothing complicated in preparing them, the costs are minimal, and the volume of bait will be exactly what you want. So let's get started.

    Bait for fishing recipe No. 1 + video

    Each bait, made more or less correctly, has the right to exist. But there are bait recipes that have advantages over others. For example, ease of preparation, low cost, ease of use, effectiveness. This recipe, which you are about to learn, contains all these advantages. This bait is perfect for putting into feeders or feeding the fishing point.

    The bait consists of only 2 ingredients:

    • millet;
    • fried ground flour.

    Millet can be bought at any grocery store, and ground fried flour can be bought at the market. Very cheap and effective. And the most important thing is that you can make a lot of such bait by spending the same amount as a package of purchased bait costs, which will be weaker both in efficiency and in volume. In addition, not every purchased bait is of high quality and sometimes it happens that it is completely unsuitable for filling feeder feeders, although it was bought specifically for this purpose.

    Cooking method. Place a pan of water on the fire. We wait until it boils and pour in the millet. Millet must be poured in 2 times less than the water poured. Two cans of water - one millet. The millet is cooked until the water has completely boiled away. Then turn off the heat and add flour to the still hot millet, stirring thoroughly. Add flour by eye; you need to achieve a very viscous consistency so that the bait looks like plasticine.

    It is advisable to make bait the day before fishing. That is, if you go fishing in the morning, then prepare your bait in the evening. By morning, its consistency may change and it will be necessary to add water or flour to it to achieve exactly the consistency that is needed. Although this can be done without any problems directly while fishing.

    Millet can also be sugared. This sweetness will help attract fish from afar. You can watch more details about preparing this bait in this video:

    Bait for fishing recipe No. 2 + video

    This recipe will be more complicated and consists of more ingredients. Just like the first recipe, it is universal and suitable for feeding any fish. A very good, effective bait recipe that will not only attract fish from distant points in the reservoir, but will also keep it in the baited area for a long time.

    For preparation we will need the following ingredients:

    • millet - 300 gr;
    • rice - 300 gr;
    • breadcrumbs - by eye, to achieve the desired viscosity;
    • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
    • vanillin - 1.5 packs;
    • sugar - 150 grams;
    • salt - 1 teaspoon;
    • powdered milk - 1-3 tablespoons;
    • raw chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

    Preparation. You can prepare this bait for fish either in a saucepan on the stove or in a double boiler. Prepare this way: pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, immediately add powdered milk, vanillin, cinnamon, sugar, salt and mix everything thoroughly. Now you can pour millet and rice into our “broth”. Stir and cook for about 40 minutes, or until the water boils away. While the bait is cooking, you can beat the chicken eggs, and add them to the porridge about 15 minutes before it is ready and mix well.

    The porridge is ready and you can add breadcrumbs. Rusks, as already written, are needed to give the porridge the desired consistency. The porridge itself should turn out dry and crumbly, but at the same time mold well into lumps and get clogged into the spring (feeder). More details in the following video:

    Well, what I want to tell you in conclusion. Now you know great recipes for making fish bait with your own hands. One recipe is very simple, the other is a little more complicated. Try both. For the laziest and most economical, the first option is quite suitable, and for those who like to do such things, it will be more interesting to prepare the second option for bait. Both of these baits are proven options and always bring good results. Now you only need fishing luck and fishing skills. Happy fishing!