Standing dumbbell press: developing the deltoid muscles. Seated dumbbell press Alternating press

In creating a beautiful symmetrical silhouette for girls or creating a “triangle” figure for men important role plays the development of the deltoid muscles, that is, the superficial muscles of the shoulders. There are a lot of exercises for this muscle group. Some of them are isolated, which allow you to pump this particular area, others are basic, which involve almost the entire body. Today we will talk about the second option, namely the standing dumbbell press.

Standing dumbbell press. What muscles work?

As we have already noted, this exercise refers to the basic ones. It allows you to increase muscle mass and give the shoulders the desired rounded shape.

The deltoid muscles consist of three small bundles - the anterior deltoid, middle delta and posterior delta.

In this exercise, the front deltoids are primarily loaded. To a slightly lesser extent, the middle deltas are included in the work. Rear delts practically do not participate.

Muscles that help perform exercises (synergists): middle and lower trapezius, triceps, pectoral muscles, serratus abdominal muscles.

To stabilize the work, the long head of the triceps, biceps, upper part back (top of trapezius).

Depending on the position of the hands, the load can be slightly redistributed between the delta bundles, but not significantly.

Benefits of the Standing Dumbbell Press

The benefits of this exercise should be considered in comparison with other types of exercises that are used to work the deltoid muscles - for example, seated dumbbell press or standing barbell press, as well as some isolated shoulder exercises.

  • The standing dumbbell press, unlike the barbell press, allows both arms to act independently, developing the weaker side and allowing it to catch up in strength and symmetry to the other.
  • The amplitude when working with dumbbells can increase significantly compared to the barbell bench press.
  • The seated dumbbell press somewhat isolates the shoulder girdle, minimizing the work of the stabilizers and related muscles. And this is not bad for the expedient increase in shoulder muscles, but it interferes with the development of strength and improvement of performance in other exercises.
  • The next advantage smoothly follows from the previous one. The standing dumbbell press allows you to increase the overall strength of the athlete (like all basic exercises), as well as improve the results of the bench press.
  • During the standing dumbbell press, the large number muscles and joints, the body learns to act cohesively, the athlete begins to feel and control the muscles of the body better.
  • Get injured when isolated exercise it is easier for deltas, since these bundles are initially quite small and weak. When doing a standing press, the load is distributed evenly, which minimizes the possibility of shoulder injury.

However, it is worth understanding that if you are determined to work with large scales, the dumbbell press will not work, since the total weight of the dumbbells will always be less than what can be pressed with a barbell.

Standing Dumbbell Press Options

There are several variations of this exercise that allow you to slightly shift the emphasis of the load between the deltas and perform different tasks.

Standing dumbbell press with both hands at the same time

Let's first consider the classic version of the exercise, in which the athlete simultaneously raises both arms.

Exercise technique:

  1. We take dumbbells in our hands and stand up straight.
  2. We place our legs approximately shoulder width apart, feet parallel to each other.
  3. Raise your arms with dumbbells so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor and the angle at your elbows is about 90 degrees.
  4. As you exhale, raise your arms with the dumbbells up, but without straightening your elbows completely.
  5. At the top point, try not to hit the dumbbells against each other: they should not converge.
  6. Hold at the top point for a couple of seconds and inhale, return to starting position.

If you are doing an exercise to increase muscle size, then do 6-8 repetitions in 3-4 sets. In this case, it is advisable to take more weight.

If your goal is to increase endurance or lose weight, perform 10-12 repetitions in 4-5 sets, but with less weight.

Dumbbell press up while standing alternately

Based on the fact that deltas are often weak muscles, for beginners, the standing press can present some difficulty. In this case, you can try pressing dumbbells one at a time. However, it is difficult to do this option with a large weight - there is no counterweight. The method of performing an alternating press is almost similar to the previous version.

Exercise technique:

  1. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, raise the dumbbells above shoulder level.
  2. As you exhale, press one dumbbell up, as you exhale, return your arm to its original position, and as you exhale, press the other.

Perform 6-8 repetitions with each arm for 3-4 sets if you are doing the exercise to build muscle. And 10-12 reps for 4-5 sets if you're looking to build endurance or lose weight.

Video: technique for performing dumbbell overhead press while standing alternately

Video of dumbbell overhead press while standing alternately

Standing dumbbell press with one hand

This exercise is also an excellent option for a beginner and allows you to properly master the technique. In addition, this option is suitable for an athlete who wants to achieve symmetry or has been injured shoulder girdle, and can use different weights for each hand. The one-arm standing press can be conveniently performed not only with dumbbells, but also with a kettlebell.

Exercise technique:

  1. The starting position is the same as in the previous versions: we place our feet shoulder-width apart, keep our back straight, tighten our stomach, and tense our abs.
  2. The difference is that we take the projectile in only one hand, the other can be placed on the waist.
  3. Hold the dumbbell at shoulder level, elbow bent at an acute angle.
  4. With an exhalation, we begin to squeeze the dumbbell upward, without straightening the elbow completely.
  5. After 10–12 repetitions with one hand, perform the exercise with the other.

Standing dumbbell press with wrist rotation

All of the above types of dumbbell presses can be performed by turning the hands inward during the movement so that they are parallel to each other. In this way, we increase the emphasis on the anterior deltoid and include more pectoral muscles in the work, just as in the “Arnold press” exercise, which is aimed at simultaneously working the chest and shoulders.

Why is it important to do this exercise and alternate the press with different hand placements? As we have already said, the pectoral muscles help perform this movement, and without well-developed pectoral muscles, a press with a large weight and good amplitude will not be possible. In addition, you can improve your bench press performance.

Exercise technique:

  1. Regardless of what type of press (simultaneous, alternating or one-armed) you choose, we get into the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, shoulder blades pulled together, chest open, gaze directed straight ahead.
  2. We hold our hands with dumbbells at shoulder level or slightly higher. Palms face forward.
  3. As you exhale, we begin to squeeze the dumbbells upward, while simultaneously turning our hands so that they look at each other at the top.
  4. As you inhale, return to the starting position and repeat.

We do the exercise for 6–8 repetitions, 3–4 working approaches to increase muscle volume. Or 8-15 times, 4-5 approaches for drying and improving endurance.

The most common mistakes that beginners make:

  • The exercise may be difficult at first because deltoids, as we have already said, are initially small and rather weak, so many, when performing this exercise, actively engage the body in the work, swinging and giving impulse to squeeze the dumbbell more easily.
  • The mistake is to perform the exercise in jerks or at high speed.
  • Don't try to follow the movement of your hands by turning your head. Look straight in the mirror if you are not sure of the correct execution, but you do not need to turn your head. This can lead to cervical injuries.
  • There cannot be the same instructions for all athletes regarding wrist rotation and range of motion. If someone can do bench presses with a very large amplitude without any problems, and he good results, your joint mobility may not allow you to do this as easily. Look for a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Be sure to warm up your shoulder girdle before performing the exercise, otherwise there is a high risk of injury.
  • If you have any problems with your back, especially your lower back, it is best to try doing the bench press while seated.
  • In order to prevent the body from staggering and swaying, it is necessary to keep your abs and back under control at all times and not relax them.

In conclusion, we note that although the standing dumbbell press can give the shoulders an impressive spherical shape that men so strive for, girls should not avoid this exercise. To build muscle mass and make your shoulders truly stand out, you need to lift heavy weights. If you perform the exercise with dumbbells up to 5 kg for 10-12 repetitions, you can make your shoulders chiseled and attractive.

Weight- a universal tool. With its help you can develop almost everything physical qualities, including accuracy, agility, endurance, strength, speed. The set of exercises that I am going to write about is designed to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest, i.e. muscles that are located above the torso. This complex is very powerful and allows you to increase not only strength, but also muscle volume in a fairly short period of time. I first became acquainted with this complex in Steve Kotter's program. It consists of 8 exercises:

1. Kettlebell press up from a lying position (the exercise is similar to the dumbbell press) x10
2. Bent-over kettlebell row x 5
3. Alternating press standing weights x 5

4. Reverse exit with kettlebell x 5
5. Kettlebell snatch while sitting on a chair x 5
6. Exit with two kettlebells while sitting on a chair x5
7. Swing (swings) with two kettlebells x 5
8. Pullover with kettlebell lying on the floor x 10

Execution of the complex. Before performing, you must warm up thoroughly. The emphasis should be on the shoulder girdle and joints. Swing your arms clockwise and counterclockwise, rotate your arms above your head, pick up a jump rope or rope and, straightening it in front of you, perform figure eights with your arms around your body. After that, take a kettlebell and press it overhead. Walk in this position for 10-20 seconds to stretch your joints, then switch hands. When you feel ready to begin, finish your warm-up. Remember that warming up not only serves to warm up your muscles and joints and prevent injuries, but also to put you in the right psychological frame of mind.

The complex is performed in 3 approaches. Those. You must complete all 8 exercises without resting between them. After this, you can rest for 1-3 minutes and perform all eight exercises again. And so three times.

Weight of weights. The goal of the complex is to develop balanced strength and increase muscle size, so the weight of the weights must be selected accordingly. If you are a beginner, try performing the complex with 16 kg kettlebells. You must choose the weight of the weights yourself so that you are able to perform the required number of repetitions, but not with ease, i.e. The weight of the weights should not be “warm-up”.

1. Kettlebell Press Up from a Lying Position
The exercise is similar to the dumbbell bench press. Lie on the floor, hold a kettlebell in each hand (resting on your forearms) and perform overhead presses. The number of repetitions is 10 times. Watch your breathing, lowering the weights - inhale, squeezing - exhale.

It is necessary to perform 5 repetitions. If you find it too easy to perform an exercise with one kettlebell, hold two kettlebells in one hand. Make sure your back is straight. Be careful that you can pull a muscle when using two kettlebells in this exercise.

After the first two exercises, the muscles feel quite tired, but you need to tense up and perform 5 presses with each arm. Get into the starting position (weights rest on your forearms and chest, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart). Perform a press with one arm, return it to the starting position and immediately perform a press with the other arm. Number of repetitions - 5. When performing a bench press, tightly grip the handles of the weights, try to tense your whole body. Perform the squeeze while exhaling.

If you usually perform this exercise with a weight of 16 kg, try doing 5 reps with a heavier weight. At first it will be difficult for you, the weight will fall, but over time you will adapt. As you perform, press your elbow toward your torso to stabilize your arm. After this, chair exercises begin.

The kettlebell snatch on a chair is performed to turn off the muscles of the legs and lower back from work and isolate the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Sit on a chair (preferably not high), place the weight on the floor. Perform a jerk of the weight and return it to the rep. and repeat the exercise. Kettlebell snatch on a chair is performed 5 times with each hand.
If you can’t do this exercise, replace it with regular standing jerks.

The exercise is performed on a chair for the same reasons as the previous one. Likewise, if you find it difficult, replace it with a regular output with two weights.

The exercise is similar to the single kettlebell swing, but the double kettlebell swing is a more advanced version. If you have difficulty performing this exercise correctly through a full range of motion, grab a heavier weight kettlebell with both hands and swing it.

8. Pullover with kettlebell lying on the floor
Lie on the floor with the weight behind your head. Take a weight reverse grip(i.e. the bottom of the weight should point up, not down). On straight arms, perform Roundabout Circulation from behind the head, which ends in the lower abdomen. If you've ever done a pullover with dumbbells, you'll understand what we're talking about. Complete 10 reps.

After completing all 8 exercises, rest, but do not sit down, it is better to walk around and breathe deeply, so the load on the heart will be less. Over time, try to reduce your rest time. Perform three sets, i.e. three circles of 8 exercises. After this, you can safely rest.

This complex should be performed no more than 3-4 times a week, because... you must have time to recover by next training session. If you want to develop the muscles of your shoulders, arms and chest, as well as increase your strength, then this complex will help you with this. It can be performed in combination with cardio exercise (weight-bearing cardio complexes and running, etc.). Those. on Monday, Thursday, Saturday, perform a kettlebell complex for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, on Tuesday and Sunday - give the body aerobic exercise. It all depends on your individual abilities and well-being.

Video Seated dumbbell presses for girls

Analysis of the exercise

The military bench press with dumbbells is one of the main exercises for the development of the deltoid muscles (specifically, the frontal and medial fascicles). Including vertical presses in the program allows you to form total weight shoulders and give them shape.

In addition to the target muscles, a large number of stabilizer and assistant muscles are included in the work, namely:

Preparation for execution

Training the deltoids requires special attention to the “preparatory” block, since poorly warmed shoulder joints are at high risk of injury. Before doing bench presses, do a deep comprehensive warm-up of the body, devoting 10-15 minutes to aerobics and joint exercises.

After that, move on to the specialized (target) part - perform several light sets of presses with a minimum weight of 15-20 repetitions.

Proper execution


Efficiency Tips

Inclusion in the program

Beginning athletes can use vertical presses with dumbbells as a basic exercise in shoulder training, for the more experienced, it is better to leave the dumbbell load for “dessert”, focusing on movements with a barbell. Recommended volume of exercise: 6-12 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

As for the size of the weight used, there is a rule that is valid for all exercises: for a beginning athlete, the priority should be the correct biomechanics of the exercise, and not the weight “nominal” of the dumbbells - the movement is potentially traumatic for the shoulder, so it is better to “underdo” the load. At first, work out with dumbbells 2-5 kg, choosing a comfortable load “for yourself.”

In order to protect their shoulders, experienced athletes are recommended to work using the “pyramid” method, gradually increasing the weight of the weight from set to set.


Alternating dumbbell presses with wrist rotations reduces stress on the shoulders and is ideal for beginners. strength training.

Muscles involved

The main work is performed by the front part of the deltas (anterior bundle), but the pectoralis major muscles (their upper clavicular part) and triceps also work. The muscles of the trunk are also involved, which keep the body in an upright position.

Who is this exercise for?

In fact, this is normal, but at the bottom point you turn your hands so that your thumbs ( inside palms) they are located towards you. Why is this necessary? Rotating your wrists can reduce the stress on your shoulders. This exercise is well suited for those who are just starting to walk. gym and before that I was not interested in sports.

In general, it should be noted that shoulder joint easy to injure compared to, for example, the hip.

The shoulder joint is very mobile, but this is ensured by the fact that it is weakly fixed: a sudden movement can lead to muscle strain or damage connective tissue. Therefore, you should treat your shoulders with particular care; if you do not have experience in strength training, then at first it is better to do alternating dumbbell presses with wrist turns on your shoulders

Doing the exercise

Usually this exercise is performed while sitting on a bench with the back raised vertically. It is desirable that the back is perpendicular to the floor. You should firmly fix your torso and rest your feet on the floor with your legs spread wide apart.

  • In the starting position, the dumbbells should be held in front of you so that the thumbs (the inner side of the palm) are turned towards the body.
  • Next, you raise one hand and at the same time turn it around so that thumb already looking away from the body.
  • After this, the press is performed alternately: you raise one arm and lower the other at the same time.

At first it may be difficult to catch the rhythm and do the exercise synchronously, but after a few approaches you will perform the exercise noticeably better.

At first, it is better not to chase the weights in order to perform the exercise correctly. Pay special attention to your back and resist the urge to change the vertical position of your body.