Sambo belts and ranks. Sports categories in sambo

Appendix N 5 Appendix N 6 Appendix N 7 Appendix N 8 Appendix N 9 Appendix N 10 Appendix N 11 Appendix N 12 Appendix N 13. Changes made to the table of paragraph 2 “Norms and conditions for their implementation for awarding the sports title Master of Sports of Russia of international class , sports title master of sports of Russia, sports category candidate master of sports, I-III sports categories"

Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated April 4, 2014 N 207
"On amendments to the Unified All-Russian sports classification, approved by order of the Ministry of Sports Russian Federation dated 09/06/2013 N 715"

With changes and additions from:

1.6. Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation in the sport "fire-applied sports" for 2014-2017 (Appendix No. 6).

1.8. Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation in the sport "modern pentathlon" for 2014-2017 (Appendix No. 8).

1.10. Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation by sport" artistic gymnastics" for 2014-2017 (Appendix No. 10).

1.11. Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation in the sport of “Thai boxing” for 2014-2017 (Appendix No. 11).

2. In the table of paragraph 2 “Norms and conditions for their implementation for awarding the sports title Master of Sports of Russia of international class, the sports title Master of Sports of Russia, the sports category Candidate Master of Sports, I - III sports categories” (

Standards from EVSK 2018-2021, relevant for 2018
The sports title MSMK is awarded from the age of 18, MS - from the age of 16, KMS - from the age of 14

I, II, III sports categories, youth sports categories in sambo:

Competition status Gender, age Requirement: number of wins
(including 3 "clean")
Sports categories Youth categories
I II III I(junior) II(junior) III(junior)
Russian Championship Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 10 8 6
Boys, girls (13-14 years old) 10 8 6 10
Other all-Russian sports competitions included in the ECP (unified calendar plan) Men, women 10
Juniors, juniors (19-20 years old) 10 8
Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 10 8 6 10
Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 10 8 6 10
Boys, girls (13-14 years old) 10 8 6 10 10
Championship federal district, zonal qualifying competitions, championships in Moscow, St. Petersburg Men, women 10 8
Federal district championship, zonal qualifying competitions, Moscow and St. Petersburg championships Juniors, juniors (18-19 years old) 10 8
Boys, girls (16-17 years old) 10 8 6
Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 10 8 6 10
Boys, girls (13-14 years old) 10 8 6 10 10
Men, women 10 8
Cup of the Subject of the Russian Federation Men, women 10 8
Juniors, juniors (18-19 years old) 10 8 6
Boys, girls (16-17 years old) 10 8 6 10
Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 10 8 6 10 10
Boys, girls (13-14 years old) 10 8 6 10 10
Boys, girls (11-12 years old) 10 10 2
Men, women 10 8
Juniors, juniors (19-20 years old) 10 8 6
Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 10 8 6 10
Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 10 8 6 10 10
Boys, girls (13-14 years old) 10 8 6 10 10
Boys, girls (11-12 years old) 10 10 2
Municipal Championship Men, women 10 8 6
Municipality Championship Juniors, juniors (19-20 years old) 10 8 6
Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 10 8 6 10 10 2
Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 10 8 6 10 10 2
Boys, girls (13-14 years old) 10 8 6 10 10 2
Boys, girls (11-12 years old) 10 10 2
Other official sports competitions of the municipality Men, women 10 8 6
Juniors, juniors (19-20 years old) 10 8 6
Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 10 8 6 10 10 2
Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 10 8 6 10 10 2
Boys, girls (13-14 years old) 10 8 6 10 10 2
Boys, girls (11-12 years old) 10 10 2

Conditions for compliance with the standards:

1. Each column of requirements indicates the number of victories that must be won over athletes of one’s sports category, the youth sports category corresponding to the closest previous one in relation to the sports category being performed, the youth sports category (to complete the III youth sports category, the specified number of victories must be won over athletes without a sports category ). The number of victories must be accumulated throughout the year. A victory over an athlete of a higher sports category is equivalent to 2 victories. No more than two victories won over the same athlete are counted in different competitions. sports competitions. A victory due to the absence of an opponent is not counted.

2. The number of victories must be collected based on the sum of performances at sports competitions at which the performance of the corresponding sports categories and youth sports categories is provided.


Master of Sports of Russia (MS) and Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) in Sambo:

Competition status Sports
Gender, age Requirement:
take a seat
number of opponents in the form of a program number of matches won (at least)
World Championship Weight category Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 1-3 3
European Championship Weight category Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 1-2 3
Weight category Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 1 3
Russian Championship Men, women 1-6 3
Team competition Men, women 1-3* 3
Russian Cup Weight category, absolute category Men, women 1-5 3
Team competition Men, women 1-2*
Russian Championship Weight category Juniors, juniors (21-23 years old) 1-3 5-6 3
Juniors, juniors (19-20 years old) 1-3 5-6 3
Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 1-5
Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 1-2
Other all-Russian sports competitions included in the EKP Weight category, absolute category Men, women 1-2 3-5 12 3
Weight category Juniors, juniors (19-20 years old) 1 2-6 12 3
Boys, girls (17-18 years old) 1-2
Boys, girls (15-16 years old) 1
Championship of the Federal District, championships of Moscow, St. Petersburg, which took overall team 1-6 place at the nearest past Chechnya (Russian Championship) Weight category, absolute category Men, women 1-3 5-8 12 3
Championship of the Federal District, championships of Moscow, St. Petersburg, which took overall team 7-10th place at the last Chechen Championship Weight category, absolute category Men, women 1-2 3-6 12 3
Championship of the Federal District, championships of Moscow, St. Petersburg, which took 11th team place at the most recent Chechen Championship Weight category, absolute category Men, women 1 2-5 12 3
Championship of the Federal District, Championship of Moscow, and St. Petersburg Weight category Juniors, juniors (18-19 years old) 1-5
Boys, girls (16-17 years old) 1-2
Championship of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (except for Moscow and St. Petersburg) Weight category, absolute category Men, women 1-3
Championship of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (except for Moscow and St. Petersburg) Weight category Juniors, juniors (18-19 years old) 1-2
Boys, girls (16-17 years old) 1
Other official sports competitions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation Weight category, absolute category Men, women 1-2
Weight category Juniors, juniors (19-20 years old) 1

Conditions for compliance with the standards:

* - it is necessary to take part in at least 50% of all meetings held by the team; the athlete must not lose more than 50% of his fights.

1. For other all-Russian sports competitions included in the EKP, which coincide (including with the Russian Championship or the Russian Cup or the Russian Championship): the dates and sports disciplines and the age and gender of the athletes participating in them, for places or norms the corresponding MS is assigned to the CCM.

2. To participate in sports competitions, an athlete must reach the specified age in the calendar year of the sports competition.

Master of Sports of Russia of international class (MSMK) in sambo:

Competition status Gender, age Requirement: take a seat Condition: number of matches won (at least)
World Championship, World Games Men, women 1-3 3
World Cup (sum of stages) Men, women 1-3 3
European Championship Men, women 1-2 3
European Cup (sum of stages) Men, women 1-2 3
World Championship Juniors, juniors (19-20 years old) 1-2 3
Other international sporting events included in the ETUC Men 1-2* 3
Women 1* 3

Conditions for compliance with the standards:

* - the athlete must take in the previous or current year: for men, 1-5 place at the Russian Championship or 1-3 place at the Russian Cup; for women 1-3 place at the Russian Championship or 1-2 place at the Russian Cup.

1. To participate in sports competitions, an athlete must reach the specified age in the calendar year of the sports competition.


MSMK- master of sports of Russia of international class
MS- Master of Sports of Russia
KMS- candidate master of sports
I- first category
II- second category
III- third category
I(junior)- first youth category
II(junior)- second youth category
III(junior)- third youth category
ECP- Unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical education and sports events

Article added: 2017-03-29
(updated 2018-03-01)

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Young people planning to take up Sambo often ask the same question: what kind of belts are there in Sambo? We answer: there are no belts in Sambo, there are ranks. To obtain initial ranks, a wrestler, as a rule, needs to have a certain arsenal of techniques; to receive the titles of candidate master and master of sports, a sambo wrestler must win regional and All-Russian level, as well as master tournaments. To obtain titles over high level the athlete needs to defeat his opponents at international competitions.

Regulatory requirements for categories in sambo wrestling

The master of sports must:

  • take 1-3 places at the Russian Championship or Russian Cup;
  • take 1-3 places at the championship of the European or Asian part of Russia;
  • take 1-2 places at the Russian Championship among juniors or youth games;
  • take 1st place at the championship of the European or Asian parts of Russia among juniors;
  • take 1-2 places at the Russian Championship among students;
  • take 1-3 places at the territorial championships of the Center of Russia, the South of Russia, the Volga region, the Urals, the North-West of Russia, Siberia;
  • take 1-2 places at the territorial championship of the Far East;
  • take 1-2 places at the championships of the RS DSO trade unions, armed forces and military branches that are part of the RS FSO "Dynamo";
  • take 1st place in the championships of RS DSO "Spartak", RO DSO "Lokomotiv";
  • take 1st place in all-Russian tournaments among men or women.

A candidate for master of sports must:

  • take 1-3 places at the Russian Championship among senior youths or at the All-Russian Youth Games;
  • take 1-2 places at the Russian territorial championships among older youths; - take 1st place in the championships of republics, territories, regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg among older youths;
  • take 1-5 places at territorial championships among juniors;
  • take 1-3 places at the championships of the republics, territories and regions of Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg among juniors;
  • take 1-3 places in the championships of the DSO and departments and branches of the military that are part of the RS FSO "Dynamo" among juniors;
  • take 1-2 places at the championship of the Russian Ministry of Education among older boys; win 10 victories (2 of them purely) over 1st category athletes during the year at competitions of at least a city scale or within 2 years - 16 victories over 1st category athletes (including 5 purely);
  • take 1-2 places in competitions at least on a city scale, where at least 12 athletes of the 1st category participated in each weight category.
  • A category I athlete must:

    • Over the course of a year, win 10 victories over II category athletes (3 of them purely) or 5 victories over I category athletes at competitions of any scale.

    A category II athlete must:

    • Win 8 victories (2 of them purely) during the year over III category athletes or 4 victories over II category athletes at competitions of any scale.

    A category III athlete must:

    • Win 6 victories over beginners during the year (2 of them purely) or 3 victories over III category athletes at competitions of any scale.

    An athlete of the 1st youth category must:

    • Win 5 victories over athletes of the 1st youth category (2 of them pure) or 10 victories over athletes of the 2nd youth category (3 of them pure) at competitions of any scale during the year.

    An athlete of the II youth category must:

    • Win 5 victories over different athletes of the 2nd youth category (2 of them pure) or 10 victories over different novice youth (3 of them pure) at competitions of any scale during the year.

    An athlete of the III youth category must:

    • Win 5 victories against beginners or 3 victories over athletes of the III youth category at competitions of any scale during the year.

    Conditions for fulfilling the standards of rank requirements in sambo

    • To be awarded the title “Master of Sports of Russia” in sambo, you must:
      - when taking a place in a classified competition, win at least 3 victories with 12 participants in the weight category (in the weight categories 48, 52, 100 and +100 kg - 8 participants and 2 victories);
      - mandatory participation in zonal, territorial and DSO and departmental and military combat championships of at least 3 masters of sports in the weight category (in weight categories 48, 52, 100, +100 kg
      – at least 2 masters of sports); - participation in championships and championships of juniors, VSOs, departments and branches of the military for at least 12 candidates for master of sports in each weight category; - participation in all-Russian tournaments of at least 12 candidates for master of sports (in weight categories 48, 52, 100, +100 kg
      – at least 10 masters of sports) and representation of 5 different republics, territories, regions in each weight category.
    • When participating in the weight category only KMS at zonal, territorial, DSO and departmental and military combat championships, only 1st place is classified.
    • To assign the title “Master of Sports of Russia” based on the results of participation in championships and championships of the DSO and departments and branches of the military, only one championship or championship is classified during the year, taken into account in the Unified calendar plan all-Russian competitions of a given year and determined by the sports and technical commission of the Russian Sambo Federation.
    • In order to be assigned a category, flyweight and heavyweight wrestlers are allowed to have 2 fewer victories over athletes of their category than other wrestlers weight categories. 5. One victory over athletes of the highest category is assessed as two victories over athletes of their category at competitions of any scale.
    • A victory is counted only if it is won over an athlete who has a sports category in this species struggle.
    • To be assigned a rank, an athlete must win within a year, which is calculated from the date of the first victory that gives the right to be assigned the corresponding rank.
    • Athletes who have youth ranks, when moving to the adult group, are equated to the adult rank one rank lower.


    Nikolay Medvedev, 1st Vice-President of the Sambo Federation of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

    "Of course, absolutely sportsmanship is the title of Honored Master of Sports. This is the highest sports title. To get it, you need to win the World Championship twice. But this is not enough. The Honored Master of Sports is not only achievements, but also merits. Such a person should make efforts to popularize sambo. An athlete with negative personal characteristics will never become an Honored Master of Sports.

    I also remember my youthful experience - back then it was not customary for newcomers to meet with representatives of more high ranks. Now this happens, and I think it’s wrong; at the initial stage there may be injuries.”