Evander Holyfield's last fight. Evander Holyfield

Evander Holyfield managed to become a sports legend during his lifetime. The biography of the famous American professional boxer has many bright and unforgettable fights. Excellent technique, polished strikes, the ability to predict the opponent’s tactics - this makes the athlete’s performance exemplary. The man has impressive external characteristics - height 189 cm, weight 102 kg.

Childhood and youth

Star American boxing born October 19, 1962 in Alabama. The family had many children, and the boy turned out to be the youngest of the children. Therefore, in childhood, the athlete was forgiven for his tricks and pranks. Annie's mother Laura Holyfield raised the children with their grandmother. Being religious, the woman taught the children to go towards their goal and to be disciplined.

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Evander Holyfield in his youth

At the age of 4, the boy and his family moved to Atlanta, Georgia. During these years, Evander was distinguished by a soft, calm character. At the same time, his family felt great energy in him. At the age of 8, the child began playing sports at the local children's club. Holyfield tried himself in several sports areas at once, but the boxing section aroused particular interest in the child. The coach of the young boxers was Carter Morgan.

Morgan was able to discern a future star of the world ring in the fragile boy. The athlete gained experience from a coach in his youth and learned the secrets of mastery. When the young boxer turned 16, Carter passed away. The event was a blow for the guy; he wanted to quit, but decided for himself that quitting would be an insult to the philosophy of his beloved coach, and continued training.

In the same year, the boxer wins the championship of the southeastern region. After 3 years he acts as a representative of the States in Caracas and takes 2nd place. But the young man’s cherished dream at that time was to participate in the Olympics. In 1984, the athlete managed to bring it to life. Then Holyfield received bronze.


The boxer's professional career began in the fall of 1984. Then Holyfield won the fight with Lionel Briams. Over the next years, the athlete won victories at the world championships in the heavyweight category. In 1992, Evander lost to Riddick Bowe, but a year later he regained his championship status in a rematch.

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Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson

The pinnacle of the boxer's career was the fight with Mike Tyson. The fight took place in 1996, although fans of the athletes expected it back in 1991.

The first time the meeting was postponed due to Tyson's injury, the second time the planned fight was also canceled - Mike was in prison at that time on charges of rape. The decisive match took place on November 9.

In the ring, Holyfield won and regained the WBA champion title. Then the winner was offered a rematch. The boxers met again in the summer of 1997 - a huge audience watched the meeting.

The intense struggle reached its peak - beside himself with the realization of defeat, Tyson bit off his opponent’s earlobe and was disqualified. Photos of the significant moment quickly spread around the world.

In the 2000s, the boxer continued his sports career. Among those with whom the man fought were Lou Savarese, Sultan Ibragimov, and others. The athlete’s last professional match took place in 2011. In subsequent years, he entered the ring in exhibition fights. According to experts, Holyfield managed to maintain a signature, recognizable style throughout his career - honed skill and rejection brute force. Out of 57 fights, Evander won 44 victories, of which 29 were knockouts.

Personal life

The athlete's first wife was Paulette Bowen. The couple's marriage lasted from 1985 to 1991. Paulette gave the boxer two sons.

During the same period, his mother insisted that the world ring star meet his father. The men quickly found a common language, and, according to Holyfield, communication continued until the death of his relative.

Evander's second wife is Janice Itson. The marriage, like the first, did not last long - from 1996 to 2000. The third wife of the 40-year-old boxer at that time was 24-year-old Candy Calvana Smith. The couple lived together from 2003 to 2012. In total, Evander has 6 children - 2 sons and 4 daughters.

Evander Holyfield now

In 2019, Holyfield continues to follow events in world boxing. The athlete gives interviews in which he evaluates young boxers.

Former world heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield was considered a small athlete compared to the "giants" of the early 90s. Holyfield at that time needed to gain about 10 kg of mass so that he could successfully compete with opponents in the heavyweight division. He did this without sacrificing speed, flexibility or agility. How did he do it?


Holyfield became a professional boxer in November 1984 and began competing in the light heavyweight division. His strength and physical maturity initially made him stand out among his opponents and made him uncomfortable at light heavyweight. But the powerful, muscular young man had difficulty moving up to the heavyweight division.

Becoming a heavyweight

He fought his first fight in this category in 1988 against James Tillis. After the fight, Evander's trainer commented that the new training regime, under the guidance of Tim Hallmark, had transformed Holyfield into a bona fide heavyweight. An interview on December 6, 1988 outlined the general aspects of Evander's training, after which he gained a foothold in the heavyweight division:
Three times a week, Holyfield conducted 2-hour strength training with free weights. Mandatory use maximum weight in several sets and subsequent increased rest time - this serves to increase explosive power. Before and after morning strength training Holyfield ate foods rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates. The morning workout was followed by a few hours of rest. Lunch also included food rich in carbohydrates and proteins, but also plenty of vegetables. And then boxing training began.

Evander and Powerlifting

Former powerlifting champion Frederick Hatfied was brought into Evander's team during the boxer's preparation for the fight between James Douglas. The goal of the program was to gain 6 kg of mass and approach 100 kg of combat weight. After this, the training program was changed and consisted of the following.

  1. Light to moderate intense sets with reduced rest time.
  2. On the chest: classic bench press, dumbbell bench press, incline dumbbell press.
  3. Shoulders: seated dumbbell press, forward dumbbell raises, lateral dumbbell raises.
  4. On your back: bent over barbell rows, horizontal rods blocks, one-arm dumbbell rows in a bent-over position.
  5. On hands: EZ-bar curls for biceps, dumbbell curls with a hammer grip and barbell curls on a Scott bench, dips, French presses, triceps pull-downs.
  6. Legs: squats, deadlift, lunges with dumbbells, hyperextension, lying leg curls, sitting leg extensions.

Heavyweight Champion

October 25, 1990 Holyfield knocked out Douglas in the second round and became the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. To this day, Evander maintains a weight of about 97 kg, although, perhaps, he does not dream of returning to the sport and again becoming a world champion in this category. Holyfield announced his retirement sports career in October 2012 and has now branched out into the barbecue sauce business.

The legendary heavyweight boxer was born into a family of poor parents in Alabama. He was the youngest in a family of 9 boys. He believes in Jesus and remembers his mother's words all his life: " He who doesn't fight has already lost"Even in his young years, Evander Holyfield found the strength to change everything in his life, and already at the age of 21 he was a millionaire. His first entry into the ring (at the age of 8) made him a winner - the champion of the boxing circle. Since then, 42 years old. Now the 50-year-old boxer is the only one on the planet. 5-time world champion.

Since childhood, every fight of Evander Holyfield ended in his victory. He suffered his first defeat only in 1992 in a battle with Riddick Bow. The boxer first won a professional victory in 1984 in a fight with Lionel Bryans. And after 2 years he won his first title. Next came victories according to the WBC, WBA, IBF versions, which he regularly defended, confirming that he earned them for a reason. Evander Holyfind chooses individual tactics for each opponent. But still, he prefers not to engage in open battle, but to follow an active and restraining struggle.

Evander Holyfield calls the 15-round his toughest fight title fight With Dwight Kawhi, which took place back in 1986. Evander had to stay in the hospital for a week after that victory. And the most inexperienced reader in boxing knows him thanks to Mike Tyson, who, having lost control of himself, managed to bite off Evander’s ear. That fight, which lasted only 3 rounds, took place in 1997 in Las Vegas. However, the boxer forgave Tyson, saying that he learned a lot about boxing from him.

The most valuable thing for Evander, the father of 12 children, is family. He says that you can lose everything in life, but your family will remain forever. Today, the champion has an activity that society needs: together with his wife Janice, he participates in public and charitable activities.

An exclusive article about the specific nutrition and training methods of the great boxer Evander Holyfield during his transition to heavyweight for the fight with Mike Tyson.

When he became the absolute world champion in the first heavyweight division, the question arose about moving to heavyweight. Evander has never been a natural heavyweight. He hired a whole team of specialists who were supposed to turn him into a natural heavyweight. It included: orthopedic doctor - Richard Calvo; ballet specialist - Mary Kenneth; famous " Doctor squat"fitness specialist - Fred Hatfield; fitness instructor and nutritionist - Tim Hellmark; eight-time title winner" Mr. Olympia" - Lee Haney. Holyfield was ahead of his time. He became one of the best representatives " royal"divisions throughout boxing history.

Diet: Evander's height was 189 centimeters, quite appropriate for a heavy weight, but his bones were relatively thin. He was not inclined to type muscle mass. In a duel for the title absolute champion world championship against Carlos De Leon, April 9, 1988, Evander weighed 190 pounds ( 86 kilograms). After three months of grueling work with a team of specialists, he began to weigh 202 pounds ( 91.5 kilograms) (fight against James Tillis, July 16, 1988). In his next fight against Pinklon Thomas, on December 9, 1988, Evander weighed 210 pounds ( 95 kilograms). 9 kilograms of pure muscle mass in six months, without loss of speed and functional qualities of the boxer. This result would not have been possible without special diet. Tim Hellmark was responsible for feeding Evander.

During the preparation period, Holyfield ate breakfast twice. Before mandatory morning jog, and after it. It was a meal high in protein and carbohydrates: an egg omelet ( 7-8 pieces) and oatmeal. After the morning workout, breakfast was repeated. Next, Evander underwent mandatory procedures with doctor Richard Calvo.

Lunch took place before the main part of training. It consisted of beef steak and a huge amount of various vegetables in the form of salad or sliced ​​vegetables. The only thing Holyfield was not limited in was his consumption of vegetables.

After the main part of the training, Holyfield had his fourth move. It consisted of fish or seafood and a traditional salad. Dinner, like breakfast, was divided into two parts. Thus, Evander ate 5 meals a day.

Nutrition is the basis of everything. Holyfield was one of the first boxers to use sports nutrition, which was used in bodybuilding in the late 80s. He drank up to 3 liters of water a day, excluding his favorite coffee from his diet and completely eliminating sweets and various pastries. His perfect shape confirms the correctness of this approach and the coordinated work of his entire team.
Workout: The main task of Evander’s coaching staff was to properly distribute the load. In addition to the main boxing work, for which his coach, Lou Duva, was responsible, the standard weekly plan included: classes with Mary Kenneth, a ballet specialist who was responsible for developing Evander's flexibility; training with Fred Hatfield and Lee Haney, under whose guidance the boxer had to gain muscle mass without losing speed and endurance.

Evander noted that training with Kenneth helped him strengthen his leg ligaments and develop small muscles on the ankles. The results of the training became visible in Holyfield's subsequent performances. It has become more flexible and flexible ( despite gaining muscle mass). These classes took place in the evenings 2-3 times a week. Mary watched the boxer's development throughout the process and was by Holyfield's side all day.

Fred Hatfield had a difficult task ahead of him. In twelve weeks it was necessary to turn a man weighing 86 kilograms into a natural heavyweight. He broke the twelve weeks into three cycles of four weeks. The complex system was a process physical development Evander. A gradual increase in the total load as the body strengthens.

The first cycle included general physical training. There was no sparring during this period. The emphasis was on strengthening the ligaments. Particular attention was paid to working with a medicine ball. Evander threw him into a wall in four positions ( right hand, left hand, from behind the head, and sitting). Jumping from various positions was also used. Including in depth from a high stand. The days alternated: one day - plyometrics, the other - training with iron. On Sunday, Holyfield rested and underwent procedures with his doctor.

The second cycle included sparring and working with free weights. Evander performed exercises under the guidance of the famous " Mr. Olympia" - Lee Haney. Holyfield did classic exercises from modern bodybuilding.

  • For the upper body: lifting dumbbells while standing and sitting; bench press and dumbbell lateral raises; pull-ups wide grip; trapezoidal traction.
  • For legs and the rest of the body: Romanian deadlift, barbell squats (p sitting upalways performed with the support of two people, gradually increasing the load and achieving the correct technique).
Haney ensured that the exercises were performed correctly and that the load was increased correctly.

The third training cycle included exercises as close to combat as possible. All of them, as a rule, were divided into three-minute segments, with a minute break. The emphasis was on cardio. Holyfield used cycling and running. Particular attention was paid to pulse control. It should not exceed 180 beats per minute during periods of maximum stress.

During intensive training, Evander practically did not use abdominal exercises, since, according to Hatfield, they took up too much energy.

A competent combination of the work of several specialists allowed Holyfield, in six months, to transform from a small " cruiser"into a heavyweight who looked more like a bodybuilder. At the same time, he did not lose speed. His endurance and performance amazed American spectators. The power of his blow increased. Evander turned into a perfect fighting machine and became the absolute world champion, defeating James Douglas on October 25, 1990 year.

Evander Holyfield was born on October 19, 1962 in Atmore, Alabama, USA.

American professional boxer who competes in the heavy weight category. Silver medalist 1981 Pan American Games. Bronze medalist Olympic Games 1984 light heavyweight. World champion in 1st heavyweight (WBA version, 1986-1988; IBF version, 1987-1988; WBC version, 1988) and heavyweight (WBC version, 1990-1992; WBA version, 1990-1992, 1993-1994, 1996- 1999 and 2000-2001; IBF version, 1990-1992, 1993-1994 and 1997-1999) weight categories. The only one in history professional boxing four-time champion peace in heavy weight.

He made his debut in November 1984. In 1986, in a 15-round fight, with a disagreement in the judges' scores, he defeated Dwight Mohammed Qawi. In 1987, he defended his title in a fight with Henry Tillman. That same year, Ricky Parkey won the unification match. In August 1987, he defended his titles in a fight with Ossie Ocassio.

In December 1987, he defeated Dwight Mohammed Qawi more convincingly, this time by knockout in the 4th round. In 1988, he completed the unification of titles by defeating Carlos De Leon. Evander Holyfield became the 1st undisputed heavyweight champion.

After this, Evander Holyfield decided to move up to heavyweight. In July 1988, he defeated James Tillis.

General information


1988-12-09 Evander Holyfield - Pinklon Thomas (USA)

  • Venue: Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
  • Result: Holyfield won by technical knockout in the 7th round in a 12-round fight.
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Time: 3:00
  • Judges' score: Rocky Castellani (70-60), Eugene Grant (69-63), Frank Brunetto (70-61) - all in favor of Holyfield at the time of stoppage

In December 1988, Holyfield met with former champion heavyweight champion Pinklon Thomas. Holyfield had big advantage. After the end of the 7th round, the beaten Thomas had a hard time reaching his corner, and his coach immediately decided to stop the fight.

March 1989 Evander Holyfield - Michael Dokes (USA)

  • Result: Holyfield wins in the 10th round.

In March 1989, Holyfield knocked out former champion Michael Dokes in the 10th round.

1989-07-15 Evander Holyfield - Edilson Rodriguez (Brazil)

  • Venue: Caesars Tahoe, Stateline, Nevada.
  • Result: Holyfield won by knockout in the 2nd round in a 12-round fight.
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Time: 1:29
  • Weight: Holyfield 93.89 kg; Rodriguez 100.20 kg

In July 1989, Holyfield entered the ring against Brazilian Edilson Rodriguez. In the middle of the 2nd round, Holyfield threw a right hook to the temple. Rodriguez immediately collapsed to the canvas. The referee counted to 10 and declared a knockout. The Brazilian lay on the canvas for more than a minute.

1989-11-07 Evander Holyfield - Alex Stewart (USA)

  • Venue: Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
  • Result: Holyfield by technical knockout in the 8th round in a 12-round fight.
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Time: 2:51
  • Weight: Stewart 96.60 kg; Holyfield 96.20 kg

In November 1989, a fight between two undefeated boxers took place - Evander Holyfield and Alex Stewart. Holyfield was 1st strong opponent Stewart's career. In the battle, Stewart received a cut to his left eye. In the 8th round there was blood all over the left eye area. A few seconds before the end of the 8th round, the referee paused the fight and asked a doctor to examine Stewart. On the doctor's advice, the fight was stopped.

In 1990 won Seamus McDonough. That same year, a superfight was planned - Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson. However, Tyson lost to James Douglas. In October 1990 Holyfield knocked out Douglas And became the absolute world heavyweight champion.

In 1991 in the 1st defense Holyfield met the legendary George Foreman. In the 2nd defense he knocked out a not very famous Bert Cooper. Cooper was not listed in the ratings, so the WBC refused to sanction this fight as a championship. In 1992, Holyfield defeated another legendary fighter - Larry Holmes.

November 13, 1992 Riddick Bowe - Evander Holyfield

  • Venue:
  • Result: Bowe wins by unanimous decision in a 12-round fight
  • Status:Championship fight for the WBC heavyweight title (3rd defense of Holyfield); championship fight for the WBA heavyweight title (Holyfield’s 4th defense); championship fight for the IBF heavyweight title (Holyfield's 4th defense)
  • Referee: Joe Cortez
  • Judges' score: Chuck Giampa (115-112), Jerry Roth (117-110), Dalby Shirley (117-110) - all in favor of Bowe
  • Weight: Bow 106.60 kg; Holyfield 93.00 kg

In November 1992, a spectacular fight between two undefeated world boxing stars, at the peak of their powers, took place. Evander Holyfield faced the ambitious Riddick Bowe. Holyfield chose the wrong tactics for the fight - he got involved in an open fight with a more powerful opponent. In the 11th round, Holyfield was knocked down. After 12 rounds, the judges unanimously awarded Bowe the victory. The fight was named fight of the year by Ring magazine.

In 1993, Evander Holyfield had his 2nd fight with Alex Stewart and won without difficulty.

Exactly one year after the defeat, Evander Holyfield came out for revenge against Riddica Bow. Bowe had by then been stripped of his WBC title. This time Holyfield got the tactics right. He acted defensively, but this might not have been enough to win. The fight was even. After 12 rounds, the judges declared Holyfield the winner by majority vote. Evander Holyfield became the world heavyweight champion for the 2nd time.

In 1994, Holyfield met with the unbeaten Michael Moorer- former world light heavyweight champion. By a majority decision of the judges, Holyfield lost the fight.

In 1995, he won a stubborn 10-round fight Ray Mercer.

In the same year took place final battle Evander Holyfield trilogy - Riddick Bowe. The fight went according to the scenario of the first fight. In one of the rounds, Holyfield knocked Bowe down, after which he tried to knock him out for 2 minutes. However, it didn’t work out. In the 8th round, Ridic Bowe caught Holyfield, who had sharply gone forward, with a counter blow, as a result of which Holyfield was knocked out before the count of 10. This was Holyfield's 1st defeat by knockout.

May 10, 1996 Evander Holyfield - (USA) Bobby Chaz

  • Venue:
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in the 5th round in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Referee: Ron Lipton
  • Weight: Holyfield 95.71 kg; Chaz 95.70 kg

In 1996, he fought against the little-known former light heavyweight Bobby Chaz. Holyfield dominated the entire fight. A significant part of his strikes were on target. At the beginning of the 3rd round, Holyfield pinned Chaz against the ropes and launched a powerful attack. Chaz had difficulty staying on his feet. The referee intervened and decided to count the standing knockdown. The hall buzzed with displeasure. Between rounds 5 and 6, Chaz complained of pain in his eyes. A doctor examined him. On the doctor's advice, the fight was stopped.

November 9, 1996 Mike Tyson - Evander Holyfield

  • Venue: MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in the 11th round in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for the WBA heavyweight title (Tyson's 1st defense)
  • Referee: Mitch Halpern
  • Judges' score: Dalby Shirley (92-96), Frederico Vollmer (93-100), Jerry Roth (92-96) - all in favor of Holyfield
  • Time: 0:37
  • Weight: Tyson 100.70 kg; Holyfield 97.50 kg

In November 1996, Evander Holyfield entered the ring against the WBA world heavyweight champion. Mike Tyson. At the end of the 6th round, Holyfield landed a counter left hook. Tyson collapsed to the canvas. He rose to the count of 5. Holyfield tried to finish him off, but the boxers got stuck in the clinch. At the end of the 10th round, Holyfield landed a right cross to the jaw. Tyson staggered. Holyfield threw a few more crosses. Tyson tried to enter the clinch, but was unable to. Holyfield hit an oncoming right cross straight to the chin. Tyson was taken back. He leaned on the ropes. Holyfield rained down blows on his opponent. The champion was in a groggy state and did not respond. At this time the gong sounded. Showtime commentators said the gong saved Tyson. At the beginning of the 11th round, Holyfield landed a left jab to the head, then another left jab. After that, he threw a right cross to the head and then a left hook. Then he threw a short left hook to the chin. Then another left hook and a right cross to the chin. After that, he threw a left hook and a right uppercut. All blows hit the target. Tyson didn't answer. Then the challenger threw two hooks - a left and a right. Tyson avoided the blows by moving to the ropes. Holyfield rushed after him and fired a long left cross to the chin. The referee intervened and stopped the fight. Tyson did not challenge the decision.

June 28, 1997 Mike Tyson - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

  • Venue: USA MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Holyfield's victory by disqualification in the 3rd round in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for the WBA heavyweight title (Holyfield's 1st defense)
  • Referee: Mills Lane
  • Judges' score: Jerry Roth (26-29), Chuck Giampa (26-29), Duane Ford (26-29) - all in favor of Holyfield
  • Time: 3:00
  • Weight: Tyson 98.90 kg; Holyfield 98.90 kg

In July 1997, the 2nd fight took place between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson. At the end of the 3rd round, during a clinch, Tyson bit off the posterior-superior part of the opponent’s right ear (Darwin’s tubercle). Holyfield jumped in pain. Referee Mills Lane stopped the fight. The doctor examined the champion and said that he could continue the fight. The referee fined Tyson two points. After the fight resumed, the challenger attempted to bite the champion's left ear. During the break between the 3rd and 4th rounds the fight was stopped. A fight broke out. Security and police stopped the riots in the ring. Tyson was disqualified. In a post-fight interview with Showtime, Mills Lanes said that he stopped the fight because Tyson violated the rules twice: the first time he was fined two points, the second time he was disqualified.

November 8, 1997 Michael Moorer - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

  • Venue: Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in the 8th round in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for the WBA heavyweight title (2nd defense of Holyfield); championship fight for the IBF heavyweight title (Murer's 3rd defense)
  • Referee: Mitch Halpern
  • Judges' score: Jerry Roth (69-78), Glen Hamada (70-78), Stanley Christodolu (69-78) - all in favor of Holyfield at the time of the stoppage
  • Time: 3:00
  • Weight: Murer 101.20 kg; Holyfield 97.10 kg

In November 1997, Holyfield faced Michael Moorer for the second time in a unification bout. Holyfield beat Moorer, knocking him down in the 5th round, then twice in the 7th and twice in the 8th round. After the 8th round, on the advice of doctor Flip Homansky, the fight was stopped.

In September 1998, he defeated the not very famous Wona Bina.

13 March 1999 (UK) Lennox Lewis - Evander Holyfield

  • Venue: Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York State, USA
  • Result: Draw by split decision in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for the WBC heavyweight title (Lewis's 5th defense); championship fight for the WBA heavyweight title (Holyfield's 4th defense); championship fight for the IBF heavyweight title (Holyfield's 2nd defense)
  • Referee: Arthur Mercante Jr.
  • Judges' score: Stanley Christodolu (116-113 Lewis), Eugenia Williams (113-115 Holyfield), Larry O'Connell (115-115)
  • Weight: Lewis 111.10 kg; Holyfield 97.50 kg

In March 1999, a fight for the title of absolute champion took place between Evander Holyfield and Lennox Lewis. Despite Lewis's noticeable advantage, the judges unexpectedly gave it a draw.

November 13, 1999 (UK) Lennox Lewis - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

  • Venue: Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Lewis wins by unanimous decision in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for the WBC heavyweight title (Lewis' 6th defense); championship fight for the WBA heavyweight title (Holyfield's 5th defense); championship fight for the IBF heavyweight title (Holyfield's 3rd defense)
  • Referee: Mitch Halpern
  • Judges' score: Chuck Giampa (116-112), Bill Graham (117-111), Jerry Roth (115-113) - all in favor of Lewis
  • Weight: Lewis 109.80 kg; Holyfield 98.40 kg

A rematch took place that same year. This time the advantage Lewis was smaller, but it was enough for the judges to recognize him as the winner.

After the fight, Lewis was required to face mandatory challenger John Ruiz. He refused, for which he was stripped of his WBA title by court decision.

August 12, 2000 Evander Holyfield - (USA) John Ruiz

  • Venue: Paris Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins by unanimous decision in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for vacant WBA heavyweight title
  • Referee: Richard Steele
  • Judges' score: Dwayne Ford (114-113), Dave Moretti (114-113), Fernando Viso (116-112) - all in favor of Holyfield
  • Weight: Holyfield 100.2 kg; Ruiz 101.6 kg

In August 2000, a fight for the vacant WBA heavyweight title took place between Evander Holyfield and John Ruiz. The battle took place at medium and close range. None of the boxers had an advantage. Following the results of the 12 round, the judges declared Holyfield the winner with a close decision, who became a 4-time world heavyweight champion. In a post-fight interview with Showtime, Ruiz said he believed he was robbed by the referees. Holyfield said that he would give his opponent revenge without any problems.

March 3, 2001 John Ruiz (USA) - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

  • Venue:
  • Result: Ruiz wins by unanimous decision in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for vacant WBA heavyweight title (Holyfield's 1st defense)
  • Referee: Joe Cortez
  • Judges' score: Stanley Christodoulou (116-110), Chuck Giampa (115-111), Patricia Morse German (114-111) - all in favor of Ruiz
  • Weight: Ruiz 103.0 kg; Holyfield 98.4 kg

In March 2001, the 2nd fight took place between Evander Holyfield and John Ruiz. Most of the fight was similar to the 1st fight. At the beginning of the 11th round, Ruiz threw a right hook to his opponent's head. Holyfield collapsed to the canvas. He rose to the count of 6. After the fight resumed, Ruiz rushed to finish him off. Holyfield immediately clamped down and did not let go of his opponent for several seconds. After the referee was able to separate them, Ruiz began to attack again. Holyfield tried to clinch, but it didn’t always work. He almost didn’t respond, while the challenger landed successful series to the head. Throughout the round, Holyfield was on the verge of a knockout. At the end of the fight, the judges unanimously declared John Ruiz the winner.

In December 2001, Holyfield met with John Ruiz for the 3rd time. The battle was a controversial draw.

June 1, 2002 Evander Holyfield - (USA) Hasim Rahman

  • Venue:
  • Result: Holyfield wins by technical split decision in the 8th round in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Qualifying bout for WBA heavyweight title
  • Referee: Tony Orlando
  • Judges' score: John Stewart (69-64 Holyfield), Melvina Leithen (66-67 Rahman), Steve Weisfeld (69-64 Holyfield)
  • Time: 1:41
  • Weight: Holyfield 98.0 kg; Rahman 101.6 kg

In June 2002, Evander Holyfield met with Hasim Rahman. During the battle, there was a clash of heads, as a result of which Rahman developed a hematoma above his left eye. In the middle of the 8th round, the referee suspended the fight and took Rahman to the doctor. The doctor said he could continue the fight as long as he could see. Rahman said that everything was blurry before his eyes. The battle was stopped. Since the hematoma was formed as a result of a collision of heads, the winner was determined based on the judges' score. When the score in favor of Rahman was announced, the hall roared with displeasure. Holyfield won by split decision.

December 14, 2002 (USA) Chris Bird - Evander Holyfield

  • Venue: Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
  • Result: Bird wins by unanimous decision in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for vacant IBF heavyweight title
  • Referee: Randy Neumann
  • Judges' score: John Stewart (116-112), Eugene Grant (117-111), Steve Weisfeld (117-111) - all in favor of Bird
  • Weight: Bird 97.10 kg; Holyfield 99.80 kg

In 2002, Lewis was ordered to meet with Chris Bird. He refused and the IBF title became vacant. Bird and Holyfield were nominated as contenders. Bird ran back from Holyfield and became world champion.

October 4, 2003 (USA) James Toney - Evander Holyfield

  • Venue: Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Tony's victory by technical knockout in the 9th round in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Qualifying fight for the IBF world heavyweight title
  • Referee: Jay Neidi
  • Time: 1:42
  • Weight: Tony 98.40 kg; Holyfield 99.30 kg

In 2003, Evander Holyfield met with James Toney. After a knockdown in the 9th round, Holyfield's seconds stopped the fight.

In 2004, Holyfield unconditionally lost to the famous jebber L arry Donald. After that he left boxing.

However, in 2006 he decided to return. First defeated a little-known Jeremy Bates, then former challenger Fresa Oquendo.

March 17, 2007 Evander Holyfield - (USA) Vinnie Maddalone

  • Venue: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in the 3rd round in a 10-round fight
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Referee: Rubben Carrion
  • Time: 2:48
  • Weight: Holyfield 98.00 kg; Maddalone 106.00 kg

In March 2007, Holyfield met with Vinnie Maddalone. At the end of the 1st round there was a clash of heads, as a result of which Maddalone received a cut on his forehead. The referee paused the fight to allow the doctor to examine the wound. After this the battle continued. In the middle of the 2nd round, the situation repeated itself: again the referee stopped the fight, and again the doctor examined the wound, after which the fight was resumed. At the end of the 3rd round, Holyfield pressed his opponent to the ropes and carried out several series of powerful hooks with both hands. Maddalone was able to get out and tried to escape in the clinch. The referee separated the boxers. Immediately, Maddaluona's trainer signaled to the referee to stop the fight. Maddalone's wound was bleeding heavily at the time.

In June 2007, Holyfield won Lou Savariza.

In October 2007, Holyfield met with an unbeaten man in Russia Sultan Ibragimov. Ibragimov gave the center of the ring to Holyfield and, due to his speed, knocked him on the points. At times, Holyfield managed to land accurate shots. But this was not enough. Holyfield lost for the 9th time in his career.

December 20, 2008 (Russia) Nikolai Valuev - Evander Holyfield

  • Venue: Hallenstadion, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Result: Valuev's victory by majority decision in a 12-round fight
  • Status: Championship fight for the WBA heavyweight title (1st defense of Valuev)
  • Referee: Luis Pabon
  • Judges' score: Pierluigi Poppi (116-112 Valuev), Guillermo Perez Pineda (114-114), Mikael Huck (115-114 Valuev)
  • Weight: Valuev 141.0 kg; Holyfield 97.2 kg

In December 2008, a fight took place between Evander Holyfield and Nikolay Valuev. For most of the fight, the American “danced” around the Russian, occasionally throwing precise and precise hooks. Valuev tried to jab, but it didn’t always help. There were practically no active actions on the part of the boxers. In a close fight, the judges gave the champion the victory by majority decision. The audience booed the decision. Among boxing experts, opinions regarding the winner of the fight were divided: most Russian journalists believed that the Russian won, while Western analysts expressed the opinion that Holyfield was “robbed” by the judges