Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year Chinese New Year when

Chinese New Year 2014, is considered the Spring Festival in China, it is unofficially called the “Lunar New Year”, because the exact date (date) is calculated based on the lunar phases. In 2014, it comes on January 31st and its symbol will be the Horse, since any Chinese or Oriental is always associated with a certain animal. The first New Year's Day is celebrated by launching fireworks and burning incense; these actions should drive away embittered spirits and attract the spirit of happiness and peace.

According to legend, everyone chinese new year including in 2014, it starts with the fight against the mythical creature Nian, who came to devour food supplies, livestock, and children. One day they noticed that Nian was scared of a toddler dressed in red clothes. That’s why the people of China will decorate their windows and entrance doors with red scrolls and lanterns, because for their reasons the Beast will be horrified by the color red. Also, according to tradition, they began to use loud fireworks, which successfully scare away Nanny.

Chinese New Year 2014 will, as always, be celebrated in various countries. In some states this is a simple working day. We have weekends starting on the first of January, which allow us to rest before the start of a new working year, so that in the future we can show our best in our work, and at the end of the year we can start preparing for the meeting in 2015 again.

Today is Chinese New Year or Spring Festival. It comes along with the new moon, which will take place at 23:38 Kyiv time. By Chinese calendar This new moon sets the tone not only for the coming month, but for the entire year. Therefore, now I will briefly describe the meaning of today’s new moon, and in a couple of days I will publish more detailed recommendations for the coming month.

The new moon map, built on the coordinates of Kyiv, gives clear indications that this year the main changes will concern home, family, homeland, i.e. the place where people tend to seek comfort and protection. For those who do not live in Ukraine, the main focus may be shifted to other areas, but the background remains the same for everyone.

What is this background? In the next month (and year) we may go through significant changes - the events we experience will directly affect the change in our values, moral principles, and rules of behavior. These changes will largely occur against our will; external circumstances will be of great importance even for very strong and influential individuals. So the main advice for this new moon is to cultivate acceptance - to clear your inner space of unnecessary desires, experiences, suffering and allow what happens to happen. We may not understand why we need what is happening to us now, but after some time understanding will come.

This new moon occurs simultaneously with the station of Venus in front of her. This position of the planets helps us consolidate the personal changes that have occurred in us over the past month and a half for a fairly long period of time (at least a year). Now we are coming out of a long period of revaluation of personal relationships, perception of beauty and justice, and are entering the New Year with a qualitatively changed perception of what is happening. The new quality of perception will allow us to act more confidently throughout the year. (More on the passing Venus retrograde period in my post of December 13, 2013).

The coming year is also interesting because it will often evoke in us sentimental feelings and a desire to do good deeds. However, the main motivation for action may not be compassion and the very fact of helping those in need, but how our actions will be appreciated by society. But even if you catch yourself showing off, you probably shouldn’t stop. Thanks to such ostentatious nobility, many useful things can be done in the world.

I wish we all find the strength to accept what we cannot change. I wish us not to be afraid of change. I wish you sincere impulses and their joyful implementation. I wish you simply happiness in living every moment to the fullest. Happy New Year!

In conditions modern city, fast pace of life and large quantity work, we rest less and less and stop to enjoy the smallest joys. That is why we offer you another reason to get together with friends and family - Chinese New Year 2014.

The date of the Chinese New Year 2014 is calculated using the Far Eastern lunisolar calendar, according to which it will begin on January 31, 2014 and will last until February 18 of the next year, 2015.

What symbol of 2014 offers us eastern calendar? New Year 2014 is the year of the horse, the main shades of which are considered blue (blue) or green. It is also worth remembering that these horses, as a symbol of 2014, should be made of natural wood.

Today we will tell you in detail how to organize a fun and unforgettable celebration of the Chinese New Year 2014 so that your friends and family are pleasantly surprised by the holiday.

Invitations and room decor

Since the symbol of the New Year 2014 is a horse , then invitations to the holiday must be made in the appropriate style . Of course, it would be ideal to use cards in blue and green colors, but do not forget that the main colors of the Chinese New Year are festive scarlet and red. Therefore, the color scheme of the holiday is your choice.

If you want to send themed greeting cards to your friends, you can use this card.

You can fold them in the manner of oriental letters and then presenting an invitation or greeting card will become even more original.

Don't forget that New Year in China is a Spring Festival. That is why you can hang beautiful landscapes in your chosen theme on the walls of your home. Not only images of mountains and volcanoes are welcome, but also beautiful landscapes, as well as blooming sakura branches.

Don't forget to decorate your home with animal themes too. In addition to the fact that the horse is a symbol of 2014, it is also a very beautiful and graceful animal.

Place small figurines of these animals in your house. After all, the fact that the horse is the symbol of 2014 will allow you to appease the good spirits who bring good luck, health and love to every home.

Wall painting, even if temporary, will help you recreate the vibrant and original atmosphere of China.

Don’t forget about the decor in blue and green – the main colors of the New Year.

And this is how easy it is to combine blue and green in decor.

You can find even more interesting and varied decor proposals .

What to cook for the table if New Year 2014 is the time of the blue horse?

Since the Chinese symbol of 2014 is a horse, we suggest that you make 50% of the holiday menu from your usual dishes, but devote the remaining 50% to kitchen experiments.

So, the dishes that you will prepare for the holiday table should contain treats with fruit. Universal apples and avocados, pineapples or grapefruits are ideal for this. We must not forget about the presence of greens on all dishes of the festive table.

Can be served as a second hot course various types chicken and pork, veal or fish. It all depends only on your imagination and the variety that you can find.

For snacks, you can give preference to eggs, cheeses and interesting vegetable cuts. We must not forget about desserts - the horse has a big sweet tooth and therefore it is worth spending time making your favorite cakes or pastries :).

Organizing the New Year in Horse style , Don't forget about table setting.

It is advisable to do it in one color scheme - blue or green. By mixing such colors on the table, you may not guess correctly and create bad taste :(.

How to celebrate the New Year?

Since the New Year 2014 is coming very soon and the symbol of the year is the cheerful and good-natured Horse, it is worth remembering that the holiday should also be celebrated cheerfully and at ease. Gather a group of people at home, dance, play interesting games and enjoy every minute spent with your family or loved ones.

Sparklers, fluffy snow, fun and good mood- these are the main opportunities to appease the restive Horse.

Like any women, we prepare for the New Year of the Horse long before it arrives :). That is why it is worth carefully considering the outfit in which you will appease the New Year's symbol of 2014.

You can choose a themed outfit.

You can also choose a more traditional European outfit. Make sure that your clothes contain blue, light blue, malachite or emerald shades.

You can also choose shades of brown and add accessories in the desired colors to your outfit. Don’t forget about gold and silver shades, which will be fashionable and relevant at such a holiday.


Do you remember what animal is the symbol of 2014? Right! Horse. That is why, when choosing gifts for your family, you need to appease the coming year with small symbols. These can be key chains, lighters and any other small items that will always be in your bag or pocket.

For children, more suitable figurines made of leather, felt or fabric are suitable.

A handmade toy would be an excellent gift.

Celebrating Chinese New Year 2014 This is an interesting and vibrant spectacle. In the Celestial Empire, carnivals and various processions are organized on this day. Why don't you arrange something original for yourself and your family?

Hurry up! After all, the New Year of the Horse 2014 is coming soon, and this means that there is not much time to prepare!

Happy holidays!

Europeans have already successfully celebrated the coming of the year of green wooden horse, however, it will officially come into its own only on the night of January 30-31, because it is at this moment, according to the Chinese calendar, that the Snake will give way to its follower. And today we will tell you how to celebrate this event.

When to celebrate the Year of the Horse

If you are going to celebrate the Chinese New Year, then it is worth remembering that it does not come exactly at midnight, but with the onset of the new moon, that is, it coincides with the beginning of the new lunar month and the first lunar day. This time it will happen on January 31 at 1:39 Moscow time.

However, until half past two in the morning there will also be something to do - set the table, collect your thoughts, remember all the good things that the year of the Snake has given you, and sincerely thank its wise patroness. Don’t fuss, do everything slowly - this is the last opportunity to act measuredly, since with the advent of the Year of the Horse you can forget about slowness.

How to prepare for Chinese New Year

Despite the fact that the Horse is a democratic creature, and will not be offended by you if you meet it in beautiful, but already worn clothes, according to Chinese tradition, it is customary to buy a new outfit for every New Year's Eve. Therefore, it is worth updating your wardrobe - even if it is a set of underwear, shoes or a stole.

By the way, new and comfortable shoes are especially relevant for the Year of the Horse - the period ahead is dynamic, you will have to spend a lot of time on your feet, so it is better to prepare for this in advance. This way you will show the patroness of the year that you will accept all the benefits that she gives, even if you have to “run” for this.

Also, do some deep cleaning. Before their New Year, the Chinese always clear out all their closets, throw away unnecessary things, and get rid of everything that in one way or another might remind them of the failures that happened in the previous year. Putting things in order for them is not just a hygienic procedure, but a kind of magical ritual that helps renew the vitality and positive energy of their home.

How to decorate your apartment for Chinese New Year

We have already written that the iconic colors of the Year of the Horse will be green, blue and azure. But when celebrating the Chinese New Year, these shades are relevant only for New Year’s outfits (the dress can be deep blue, electric blue) and for the color of the Horse figurine (it is desirable that it be green). In the house, according to tradition, red decorations should predominate - Chinese lanterns, silk ribbons, flowers, balls and other holiday attributes. True, the Chinese buy red outfits every year, but in this particular case this may not be adhered to - the Horse will come wooden, and Wood, as you know, is not very friendly with Fire (red is the color of the fire element).

In addition, when creating a New Year's entourage, do not forget about oranges and tangerines - these fruits symbolize the sun, wealth, and a harmonious combination of material and spiritual values. Create a tabletop composition: place a handful of rice or oats on a large dish, several bright fruits on top of the grains, decorate it all with coins and twigs of any plant.

How to celebrate Chinese New Year 2014

It is also recommended to purchase postcards with various good wishes and, having made small holes in them and making loops from red ribbons, hang them around the apartment - on windows, chandeliers, floor lamps and sconces, on door handles. This is an old tradition, this is how the Chinese wish happiness for themselves, those around them and good spirits.

If you are going to celebrate the Chinese New Year in the company of relatives and friends, then at the end of the holiday, invite them to choose a card. The wish written in it will definitely come true for the person who receives it.

By the way, don’t forget to add a few lines from yourself to the printed text and stick a golden coin inside the card - this way you will show your loved ones that they are dear to you and attract wealth to them.

How to celebrate Chinese New Year

New Year's table

Prepare treats in advance, as traditionally you cannot pick up a knife on New Year's Day. When meeting a wooden Horse, you should put on the table everything that grows on trees and on the ground in general, that is, the basis of the New Year's table menu should be plant foods - vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, cereals. This way you will ensure a prosperous existence for the whole year ahead.

It is better to abstain from meat - the Chinese never eat it in New Year's Eve, as it is believed to ward off happiness and good luck. Replace meat delicacies with fish (they are no less tasty and nutritious), and everything will turn out just fine for you in the coming year.

New Year's entertainment

In fact, the festive table for the Horse is not the main thing. What’s much more important to her is not what you eat, but how you have fun, so think through your New Year’s Eve program in advance. The more active the games and competitions are, the better. At the same time, do not forget that not only children and youth, but also adults should play.

How to celebrate Chinese New Year 2014

The theme of the night can be a treasure hunt or some kind of virtual journey. In addition, create riddles related to each specific person who will be present at the New Year celebration.

Be sure to include a walk in your entertainment program, and also purchase red wishing lanterns, candles for them and fireworks in advance - it all has a sacred meaning. The horse loves freedom and space, so it’s simply cramped within four walls, so after taking a walk fresh air, you will show respect to the patroness of the year, and lanterns are a long-standing Chinese tradition that has already found its fans in our country.

When releasing such a lantern into the sky and making a wish, turn to the Universe. She will certainly hear you, and all her plans will come true. In addition, it is also incredibly beautiful and romantic - several lights rise up at once, and the people below watch their flight with bated breath.

Usually in China, according to their calendar, the New Year comes later than in the West, including in Russia, where this holiday is celebrated from the thirty-first of December to the first of January. Do you know when they will celebrate Chinese this time? New Year? The date in 2014 of this event is January thirty-first! It is from this day that the long-awaited holiday begins in China. On a magical, fairy-tale night, the Chinese will usher in the new 2014 year of the green wooden Horse. By the way, in this country there is no clear date for the onset of the new year - every year it is calculated in a special way, using lunar calendar. Here the New Year is called more originally - the spring holiday. It is celebrated on an unprecedented scale.

Myths about the celebration

1. A long time ago, at the beginning of each year, the Chinese fought with a mythical animal - his name was Nian. At the beginning of the new year, he came and devoured livestock, as well as food supplies. He could even feast on peasant children. The Chinese decided to protect themselves from the monster - they placed food at the entrance to the house on the eve of the New Year. It seemed to them that the more food they put in, the more favorable the monster would be to them.

This continued year after year - Nian took the food, but still kept people in fear. One day the Chinese saw that the monster was afraid of a child who was dressed in red clothes. And then, instead of food, on the eve of the New Year, the Chinese began to decorate their homes and surrounding areas with red lanterns and fabrics of this color. People dressed in red and set off lots of festive fireworks. Since then, the beast stopped coming to them. To this day, the tradition of decorating everything in red for this holiday has remained - just as before, people wear red clothes and set off fireworks.

2. The ancient Chinese believed that on New Year's Eve, spirits expelled from various places seek refuge. And so that spirits do not settle in the house, people celebrate this holiday noisily and cheerfully, trying to drive away evil from their threshold.


1. In different regions of China, celebration traditions are different, but there are also common, similar motives. So, every family in China, on the eve of the celebration, cleans their house, throws out everything unnecessary and unnecessary - in this way the Chinese drive away misfortune and sadness from life, leaving only happiness and prosperity in the house.

2. It is believed that the period of celebration of this bright event is best time in order to make peace and forget grievances, to wish each other happiness and goodness.

3. Dinner that evening is accompanied by everyone giving each other money of happiness. Adults prepare money in advance in a red envelope for the children. Such a gift brings good luck and prosperity throughout the new year. Previously, exactly one hundred copper coins had to be placed in such an envelope - they were considered a symbol of financial well-being and symbolized the hope of living to be a hundred years old.

4. Cleaning, according to signs, must be done from the threshold to the center of the apartment. Before the holiday evening arrives, you need to have time to hide all cleaning equipment in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

5. In China, it is believed that on this magical night, the divine powers give every family good luck and luck. And if you leave the broom in a visible place after cleaning, then you can sweep away good luck.

6. Back in the thousandth year BC, a tradition arose in China of giving tangerines to the owners of the house - guests come to the holiday with this yummy. “A pair of tangerines” sounds like “gold” in Chinese. It is believed that such a gift will bring happiness to the owners of the house and those who present such a surprise.

7. It is believed that the first word spoken by the person you met first in the new year will become a prediction. A good sign is to see the bird first, because it symbolizes prosperity for the whole next year.

8. For Chinese families, this is a family holiday - in the evening all family members gather at one table, and the celebration does not begin until at least one person is present at the table. If for some reason a Chinese person cannot be with his family on New Year's Day, he is still given a seat and a chair, as well as eating utensils.

9. For tourists, the New Year holiday in China will be to their liking - here the celebration is noisily celebrated on the streets: fireworks explode, colorful and vibrant parades are held, as well as others entertainment activities.


Video "Chinese New Year, when it begins and ends"